The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Apr 22, 2018



Josh's hands shook as the car pulled up to Hunter's house. Even though he had been there several times before, he still found himself feeling nervous. His day had not gone as he had expected at all. He was afraid that Hunter's failure to respond to his text meant he had regretted having sex with him, and would soon be shutting him out completely. It was the last thing he wanted, but after everything that he had gone through with Brian in the past, it felt like a real possibility. Vince and Mark seemed totally casual, though, as they exited the vehicle.

"Come on, dude. Move your ass," Vince said, as Josh remained buckled into his seat. "Dude. What the fuck? Let's go!"

Reluctantly, Josh undid his seatbelt and opened the passenger door. Vince gave him a questioning look, but both boys soon followed Mark up to the front door. Mark didn't even bother knocking as he barged into the house. Clearly he was very comfortable being at his buddy's home, acting as if it were his own.

"Bro, where you at?" Mark yelled. Vince and Josh entered the house behind him, with Josh quietly closing the door behind himself. The familiar smell of cigarette smoke was upon him immediately.

A door to the right of the front hall closed as Hunter entered the room. "Sup," he said. He was rubbing his head with a towel. He was wearing a tight black muscle tee with black gym shorts with red vertical stripes on the sides. His arms glistened with sweat; it was clear he had just finished a workout in his garage.

"Shit, what happened, dude?" Mark asked. It was then that Josh noticed it: a huge bruise right below Hunter's left eye. It looked like he had been hit pretty hard. He also had bandages on his hand, covering his knuckles as if he had been in a fight.

"Nothing. Same old shit. What are you guys up to?" Hunter said. It was far too casual, as if it happened all the time.

Suddenly Vince punched the wall closest to him as hard as he could. "Fuck that shit, dude. Your dad is a piece of shit. I'll fucking kill his bitch ass."

"Dude, fucking calm down," Hunter said. "It's not that big of a deal. I'm fine." Josh couldn't help but feel sad, realizing what had happened. Sure, his parents ignored him, but they never physically hurt him or his little brother.

"Not that big of a deal? Fuck that, man. Your dad's a fucking coward," Vince snarled. He was clearly pissed. He pulled his hand from the wall and rubbed it gently. There was a faint mark on the wallpaper where his fist had made contact.

"Vince, let's go do some gaming," Mark said.

"But –"

"Bro. Let's go," Mark ordered. Vince muttered under his breath and walked off toward the living room, clearly steaming. "Dude, you sure you're okay?" Mark asked Hunter in a hushed tone. "

"Yeah, like I said, I'm fine," Hunter assured him. "Nothing I can't take. Anyway, I'm gonna get changed. We'll be out in a few." `We' as in him and Josh? The younger boy swallowed hard.

"Okay, then," Mark responded. He shot a look at Josh quickly and then followed Vince into the living room. Josh stood awkwardly for a second. He was about to follow the other two before Hunter grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie, forbidding him from moving.

Josh looked up and saw that familiar smirk he'd gotten so accustomed to, beneath that bruised eye. Up until that point, that smile had made him feel uneasy, but it now had the opposite effect. He felt somewhat reassured. Still, the butterflies had returned to their temporary home within the pit of his stomach. His heart raced, his nervousness shifting to excitement. The realization that he wanted whatever Hunter had in store for him made his dick hard. "Come watch me get undressed, Joshy," Hunter said, beaming.

Hunter practically yanked Josh down the hallway to his bedroom. He closed the door behind them and threw the lightweight boy halfway across the room, causing him to stumble backward onto the bed. "So what's up? Did I totally wreck you?" Hunter asked. He started rummaging through the top drawer of his dresser.

"Wreck me?" Josh asked timidly. He sat upward, his feet sitting on the bed frame above the floor.

"Your ass, dummy," Hunter replied. "I probably could have been gentler with you, but I figured you could take it since you're a dude and all..."

"Oh. That." Josh said, his face turning red. It was way embarrassing to talk about in such detail. Not to mention the fact that Josh had sort've been "wrecked" in more ways than one.

"Yeah, that...and the other thing," Hunter said. He pulled some boxers and some socks from the top drawer and moved onto the next one. "You didn't tell Vince, did you?"

"'Other' thing?" Josh asked curiously. "Oh, you mean, I didn't tell anyone."

"Okay," Hunter said. He hadn't looked up from the dresser until now, and suddenly he was shooting Josh a deadly serious look. "What happens between us, stays between us, unless I say otherwise. Got it?"

"Yeah," Josh said quietly. "Got it."

"I mean, not like you have friends to tell, but still..." Hunter said. The words had cut through Josh, who stared grimly at the floor, and the older boy could tell. He hadn't meant it to come out the way it did, and he felt bad. He pulled a shirt from the drawer and set it with his other clothes. He then turned to Josh and smiled. "Hey, come here for a minute."

Josh looked up and met Hunter's eyes. He stood and walked toward him, the older boy's height intimidating him a little. Hunter closed the gap, and Josh could feel the body heat being generated mere inches away from him.

"You like my muscles, right?" Hunter asked, flexing his right arm. "I mean, you seem like you like them and all..." Was he nervous?

"Y-yeah," Josh said.

"You didn't have to answer. I already knew," Hunter laughed. "What else do you like, Josh?"

"Uh, I don't know," Josh said. He was staring intently at the older boy's body. Hunter laughed before reaching down and pulling the muscle tee over his head, slowly revealing his tight stomach and broad chest. He threw the shirt to the ground and stared Josh in the eyes. Josh found it difficult to look at Hunter's bruised face. It didn't make him any less attractive, but it was upsetting just the same.

"Do you want to touch me?" Hunter asked, seemingly regaining his confidence in the blink of an eye.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do," Josh slurred, his heart in his throat.

"What if I don't let you?"

"O-okay," Josh said.

"Y'know, kid, you need to work on your confidence a little," Hunter said, jabbing Josh in the arm. "I want to know what else makes little Joshy tick. How about my smell? I worked out pretty hard today." Hunter lifted his arms, exposing his sweaty, hairy pits. Josh had already been able to smell the deodorant-tinged BO coming from Hunter, but now it was stronger, intoxicating even.

"Um, aren't the other guys waiting for us?" Josh asked, trying to change the subject, despite knowing the answer. In truth, he wanted to shove his face into Hunter's arm and get drunk off his scent like he had done the week prior, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. He knew it was what Hunter wanted from him, though.

Hunter put his arms down, looking a little dejected. "Seriously, dude?" he asked, rolling his eyes. "Haven't we been through this before? Maybe I jumped the gun last night." He started to turn away from Josh, but the younger boy reached out and grabbed his arm. Hunter eyed him curiously. "Yeah?" he asked.

"I, uh...I like how you smell," Josh said quietly.

"Go on," Hunter replied.

Josh took a deep breath. "I like the way you smell...after a workout, I mean..."

Hunter's smile returned. "You're such a kid, afraid to say what you want," he teased. He leaned in closely so his breath was on Josh's neck again. "I bet you want me to fuck you again. Don't worry, Joshy. I want to do it, too."

Josh felt breathless hearing Hunter's words. His dick throbbed in his jeans. He couldn't help himself as he reached out and grabbed at Hunter's cock through his shorts. The older boy pushed his hand away. "Sorry, Josh. You don't deserve to touch me there yet." Josh looked up at him, disappointment clearly shown on his face. Hunter then pointed to a spot on the sleeve of his hoodie. Josh looked down and saw some light stains – evidence of his time with Vince in the bathroom. Even worse, there was a big spot on the front of his jeans where he had wiped Vince's load off in the car. It was obvious in the lighting of Hunter's bedroom that it was jizz.

"I fucked you for the first time last night and you've already moved on to other guys. Such a little slut," Hunter jabbed.

"I'd want me to do it," Josh whispered. He knew from Vince's warning earlier in the day that this was probably coming. He had failed to follow Hunter's rules, so of course there would be repercussions.

"I might have. Vince is my buddy. I'm not mad at him. But still, I told you not to touch anyone without my permission and you did it anyway, just like a little whore," Hunter explained.

"I'm sorry, Hunter," Josh said, his eyes darting to the floor.

"I'll forgive you this time," Hunter said, "but I'm not letting you blow me with some other dude's fuckin' jizz on your clothes. Take them off."

"I didn't bring any other clothes," Josh whined.

"So? You're in my house. Who gives a fuck?" Hunter exclaimed. Josh pulled his hoodie over his head and threw it to the floor. He kicked his sneakers off of his feet and then undid his jeans, pushing them to the ground. He pulled them off of his feet and tossed them onto the bed. "The shirt, too."

"Why?" Josh said, looking down at himself. "I didn't get anything on it."

Hunter reached over and snatched Josh by the collar. He then yanked the shirt up over his head and roughly forced him out of it. He tossed it to the floor next to Josh's shoes and then kicked the pile to the side.

Josh tried to cover himself with his hands, but Hunter pushed his arms down. "What's up with you? I've already seen you naked," the older boy commented.

"I feel weird," Josh said. He really didn't know how to articulate his feelings. He felt ashamed of what he'd done with Vince. He felt like he couldn't do anything right – in fact, he always felt that way lately, and it frustrated him. He felt embarrassed to be undressed in front of the older, much more muscular male. Hell, he didn't even really know if Hunter was attracted to him or not, really. It was sinking in that he really didn't know a lot of things anymore.

"You're just confused," Hunter stated. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, analyzing the boy in front of him. "A lot has happened recently and it's overwhelming. I get it. Your dick still seems to have some sense, though," he said, lightly slapping the bulge in Josh's boxers.

"I just thought...I don't know. I thought you were going to hate me today," Josh revealed. "I was a little scared."

"You thought I'd hate you? Why?" Hunter asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Because of last night...I thought you regretted it...when you didn't text me back."

"Dude, I swear to God, you're such a girl," Hunter said, laughing heartily. "Get on your knees." Josh looked him in the eye and then did as he was told, getting down on both knees in front of Hunter. "Let's do I prove to you I don't hate you?" Hunter asked, flashing a wide smile. "What do you think, Josh? Any ideas?"

"I'll, uh, suck your dick," Josh said.

"Naw. That would technically be a reward, and you're still in trouble with me. I have a better idea," Hunter said. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in his head. He started tugging at his dick through his shorts. Josh couldn't help but stare as a bulge quickly grew within them. The outline of Hunter's cock had already been fairly obvious, but it grew substantially larger. The younger boy's mouth watered a little.

"Rub yourself," Hunter ordered. "Play with your little dick in your boxers." The comment about his "little" dick was a bit mean, but Josh did his best to ignore it. He started rubbing himself in his boxers. He was already hard as steel, so it wouldn't take too much effort to cum at that moment. "Sniff my boxers," Hunter said, sliding his shorts down his thick, muscular legs. Josh wasted no time leaning in and inhaling the older boy's scent. It was a masculine, dirty, sweaty smell, overpowering his senses.

"You like that?" Hunter asked, his voice hushed. Josh nodded slowly, his eyes sealed shut as he took in Hunter's scent. "Fuck, how could I hate someone who gets off on how my body smells. You're kinda fucked up, Joshy...I'm starting to like it though..."

Josh could feel the outline of Hunter's giant erection through his black boxer briefs. He started licking along its length, but Hunter backed off a little. "No way, champ," he said with a laugh. He licked his fingers and then put his hand down the front of his underwear, stroking his big, hard dick. Josh's lips parted slightly, his breathing becoming rapid as he felt himself being hypnotized by the sight. He couldn't deny his attraction to Hunter's body. His own pulsating cock was proof enough.

"Don't cum until I tell you to," Hunter breathed. He began stroking his cock harder and faster, careful not to slip it out of his boxer briefs. Josh stroked himself slowly, studying the older boy carefully. He could see the sweat still dripping off of Hunter's face, his upper teeth biting down on his bottom lip. Hunter was also breathing hard, clearly enjoying the torment he was bestowing on Josh.

"Hunter..." The word escaped Josh's lips and he felt his heart flutter as a result.

"Yeah, you like saying my name," Hunter groaned. "You wanna see my dick? Here." He pushed it out through the slit in his boxers and began stroking it harder. He then squatted down over Josh, using his free hand to grip Josh's shoulder, his thick, powerful legs spreading outward. His cock was just inches from Josh's mouth, causing the boy to lick his lips in anticipation. "Sorry, Charlie," the older boy teased.

"Please...Hunter..." Josh croaked.

"Fuck. Beg me some more," Hunter moaned. He was stroking himself even faster. Josh could smell the salty sweat radiating from his humid crotch.

"Please let me suck your dick!" Josh exclaimed in a whispered tone. "Please just let me-"

"Shit, shit, shit!" Hunter yelled. He let go of Josh's shoulder and knelt down on one of his knees. He then grabbed the waistband of Josh's boxers and aimed his dick downward, moaning loudly as he sprayed his load all over Josh's exposed crotch. This sparked a chain reaction as his cum covered Josh's wildly jerking hand, instantly lubricating his dick. Josh moaned loudly as he reached his own orgasm, Hunter's statement of "don't cum til I tell you to" echoing through his head. There was no way in Hell he'd be able to stop himself, though.

Both boys breathed hard, staring intently at each other. Josh was a little nervous about disobeying Hunter once again. Hunter seemed to be distracted momentarily by the damage he'd done to the boy; Josh's flat stomach, soft pubes, and semi-hard cock were all soaked with Hunter's white, sticky cum. There was also a huge wet spot on the front of Josh's boxers from his own load. "Guess I'm gonna have to punish you again later," Hunter said. He winked at Josh, sending a chill down the boy's spine. He sure had a knack for making Josh feel equal parts horny and scared.

Hunter grunted as he stood up, pushing his dick back into his boxer briefs. He reached his hand down for Josh, smiling as the boy took his hand. Hunter pulled him to his feet, letting him brace himself as his wobbly legs got used to standing again.

"Umm, now what?" Josh asked.

"Washer and dryer are in the garage," Hunter said, pulling up his gym shorts.

"Huh?" Josh asked, eyes wide. "You want me to wash my clothes?"

"Dude, if you're walking around covered in anyone's spunk like a whore, it's gonna be my spunk," Hunter said. He grabbed Josh's hand and brought it to his tight stomach, letting the boy feel his abs. "Remember who owns you," he said lowly.

"Fuck. Okay, I'll do it," Josh said hurriedly. "But I don't really want the other guys to see me..."

"Oh, they're going to see you, Morris," Hunter said. "And you might as well get used to it, because those guys are like my brothers and anything I own is basically theirs, too. Got it?"

Josh nodded. Yeah, he got it. It was something he had been picking up on for a while. Vince and Mark respected Hunter a lot, and that's why they never gave him much shit for fucking around with a dude. It was actually pretty impressive how much influence Hunter had over them, and over everyone around him, really. The mark beneath his eye was the only evidence Josh had ever seen of Hunter being weak in any way. No, that wasn't right, Josh thought. Hunter's dad was the weak one.

"I mean, if you weren't into all of this shit, you'd just leave, right?" Hunter said, turning away. There was a tinge of something resembling sadness in his voice, but Josh wasn't sure he understood it. No, he didn't want to leave. He'd give Vince and Mark a million blowjobs if it meant spending time with Hunter. In fact, he had been realizing lately that he liked doing stuff with them, too.

"Like I said, washer and dryer are in the garage, just leave your boxers on. Go join the boys when you're done," Hunter said. Josh gathered his clothes from the floor and then turned to walk out of the room, just before Hunter called out to him, "wash these for me, too, will ya?" He shoved his boxer briefs down his thick legs and kicked them over to Josh, who couldn't peel his eyes from the older boy's sweaty body. He seemed to look good no matter what, but seeing him naked was almost overwhelming.

Josh grabbed the damp briefs and walked out into the hallway. It felt very strange walking around Hunter's house in just his boxers. He was careful not to linger in front of the opening to the living room for very long. When he passed by, it seemed that Vince and Mark were really into whatever game they were playing. Continuing down the hall, he opened the garage door and stepped out into the chilly room. It smelled like car parts and oil.

Approaching the washing machine, Josh looked around for some laundry detergent; he found some stashed on a shelf next to the dryer. He opened the washer and noticed some clothes on top – some women's garments, and a shirt that looked like it had small droplets of blood on it. Josh figured it must have been from Hunter's fight with his dad.

Josh threw all of his clothes inside, except for the boxer briefs. He looked at them momentarily before bringing them to his nose and inhaling deeply. Fuck, they smelled good, fresh off Hunter's body. The boy then quickly threw them in the washer and slammed the door shut. `What the fuck is wrong with me,' he asked himself. He dumped some detergent into the machine and made sure it was running before heading back inside.

"You start the wash?" Hunter said, heading up the hallway toward him. He stopped directly in front of the entrance to the living room; he was still totally naked with a towel hanging from his arm.

"Yeah," Josh replied.

"Cool. I'm gonna take a shower. Go join the guys and I'll be out in a few," Hunter said, heading into the bathroom.

Josh hesitated, still a little nervous about hanging out with the other guys in his underwear. His crotch felt totally damp and sticky thanks to the loads that had been blown inside his boxers. He knew it would be totally obvious what had gone on in Hunter's bedroom. After a minute, he managed to get himself together and head out into the living room. Almost instantly the sound of laughter could be heard from none other than Vince.

"Damn man. What happened to your clothes?" Vince bellowed, laughing hysterically. He was sitting at the end of the couch opposite Mark, who was against the far wall. Josh quickly took a seat on the recliner next to where Vince sat on the couch. "Shit, dude. Hunter must really have you trained." He pointed at the huge damp stains in Josh's underwear and motioned for Mark to take a look as well. Josh cringed; Hunter had to have known this would happen.

"How's he doing?" Mark said, just loud enough to be heard over the video game they were playing. He was clearly referring to Hunter and his black eye while totally ignoring Josh's state of undress.

"Uhh, alright I guess," Josh said. "I didn't really ask him..." It occurred to Josh that maybe he was being selfish by not trying to talk to Hunter about the obvious abuse from his dad. After all, Hunter had been so open with him the night before about the subject. He still had a hard time opening up to the older boy, though.

"Well, just keep him distracted," Mark said, side-eying him. "And where the fuck are your pants?"

"The washer," Josh said, eliciting a puzzled nod from the older Italian.

Vince laughed even harder, and suddenly his on-screen character was blown to smithereens. "Shit!" He said. "This fucking kid distracted me."

"Nah, you just suck, man," Mark said with a smile.

"I think it's Morris who sucks," Vince responded.

"Shut up," Josh said. He pulled his legs up onto the chair and covered them with his arms. Even though he wasn't that much younger than the other boys, he couldn't help but feel like a little kid around them. Vince just grinned at him excitedly.

Josh watched the two boys play their game for quite a while, rubbing the dry spots of cum along his lower belly absentmindedly. The game was Super Smash Bros Melee for the Nintendo GameCube. He'd seen the newer versions but never played them before. He was pretty sure Brian had shown it to him at some point.

Eventually Hunter came out wearing a black wife beater and some gray athletic shorts. His hair was still damp from the shower. He walked over to the recliner where Josh was sitting and pulled him up to his feet. With a sly grin, he examined the boy's boxers. "Just makin' sure Vince didn't mess you up again," he said. Only Josh and Hunter's drying cum stains could be seen. Hunter then took Josh's spot on the chair and gently kicked the boy away. "Go sit on the couch." Josh was more than a little disappointed by that instruction.

"Dude. You know I woulda asked your permission this time," Vince said as Josh sat down between him and Mark. While the scruffy loudmouth to his right eyed his body up and down, the muscled up Italian to his left grabbed two more controllers and handed one to both Josh and Hunter.

"I don't know how to play," Josh said meekly.

"It's easy. You'll pick it up in no time," Hunter said. "I'm about to kick some serious ass."

The boys went through the process of selecting their characters. Josh picked a dude with a cape and a sword that he thought looked sorta cool. Of course, Vince made a comment about Josh wanting to fuck the character.

"Loser gives the winner a blow job," Vince laughed.

"Shut the fuck up," Hunter replied, rolling his eyes.

The first match started and right away it seemed like the whole group was ganging up on Josh. He felt like he could barely move in the game before he was being attached from one direction or another. "Poor Joshy," Hunter commented at one point. They played for several matches, with Hunter and Mark trading victories while Josh and Vince fell to the wayside.

"This game isn't fucking fair," Vince whined.

"You need to stop playing like a dickhead," Hunter jabbed. "Tell you what. Next match is winner takes all. Whoever wins gets whatever he wants from whoever he wants in this room. That motivate you to get good, Vinny?"

"Shit, I'm down," Vince said, rubbing his crotch. It was pretty clear what the two were referring to, and Josh couldn't determine if he felt like a prize being fought for, or a piece of meat being eyed by starving wolves.

The final match started and once again the whole group seemed to go for Josh first. It was only a matter of minutes before he was out of the match. Almost as soon as his character was dead, Hunter was trying to get his attention. "Distract them," Hunter mouthed to him. He then made a lewd hand motion, which gave Josh all the information he needed.

"Fuck, I'm gonna win, boys," Vince exclaimed. He then jumped as Josh reluctantly snaked his hand onto his lap, grabbing his bulge while his other hand found Mark's huge member. Josh was alarmed to find that both boys were already totally erect – were they getting hard over the thought of doing something with him? The idea made Josh shudder.

"That's cheating, isn't it?" Mark asked as Josh rubbed his crotch. Based on his tone, he didn't seem too upset by the move, which was surprising considering his prior reluctance to engage in such acts with the younger boy.

"Totally fucking cheating," Vince echoed. Neither guy moved to stop the boy, though, who worked his hands into each of their pants. In fact, Vince stopped operating the controller just long enough to unbuckle his jeans so the boy could have easier access to his dick. Luckily Mark tended to let his jeans sag a little without the use of a belt, so Josh found his cock fairly easily.

"Atta boy," Hunter said lowly. Josh started stroking their dicks the best he could, doing his best to distract them and give Hunter an advantage in the game. Vince's dick felt damp and sticky to the touch, likely because he'd already gotten off twice that day. Mark's huge member just felt huge and burning hot at first; it was actually difficult for Josh to get his hand around it completely.

Vince, who had actually been doing pretty good in the match, was clearly starting to have difficulty focusing. His attention kept diverting between the screen and the movement in his jeans. "Fuck," he muttered. He eventually just let the controller slide to the side of his waist as he watched Josh work his dick harder and faster beneath the denim. It didn't take that long before he was shooting a load of cum all over Josh's hand.

"He's pretty good, huh?" Hunter muttered, overhearing the grunting and moaning that was coming from the sofa.

"Shit, yeah," Vince sighed. His on-screen persona had long since been destroyed and it was just down to Hunter and Mark. Josh started to remove his hand from Vince's jeans, but the older boy grabbed his wrist and held it tight. "Don't let go, man. It feels nice," he whispered. Josh looked at him briefly and nodded, leaving his sticky hand on Vince's dick. The older boy then moved his hand downward, causing him to grab ahold of his nuts instead. He seemed comforted by keeping the boy's hand there.

Josh did his best to focus his energy on Mark's boner next. Mark was gritting his teeth, doing his best to ignore him and defeat his opponent. They were both down to one life in the game, and the match was close. Josh found it difficult to get a good grip on Mark's dick since it was so big, and he was too scared to unbutton his pants completely and free it. Thankfully his hand was starting to get nice and slick due to Mark's pre-cum, allowing him to get some momentum going with the lubrication.

"Work him harder, kid," Hunter ordered. Vince's eyes were glued to the action going on at the end of the couch, a dazed look upon his face.

"I'm trying," Josh responded. Mark was clearly enjoying the attention based on the look on his face, but again there was something preventing him from getting off with Josh – was it the fact that his friends were around, or was he simply not attracted to him? Regardless, he hadn't stopped the boy this time, so it was hard to tell what he was really thinking.

Josh suddenly heard Hunter slam the controller down on the arm of the recliner, and realized that he had lost. Mark gave a celebratory laugh and immediately grabbed Josh's wrist, yanking it from his jeans. He looked at it for a moment, examining the shiny slickness that his pre-cum had caused.

"Can't get me today, Joshy boy," Mark said with a grin, letting go of Josh's wrist. Josh couldn't help but feel a little warm inside, despite being unable to help Hunter win the match.

"Damn, man. So what's your prize gonna be?" Vince asked hazily.

"I'll collect my prize later," Mark said, setting the controller down. "Guess we should probably get goin'. My folks are gonna bitch if I'm not back before dark."

"Fuck, guess you're right," Vince said. "I'll take the kid home, too."

"Uh, I never dried my clothes," Josh said. "Plus I kinda need my hand back..."

"Fine, fine," Vince whined, letting Josh remove his hand. His cum had dried for the most part, but the boy held his wrist regardless, careful not to get any on himself. He was pretty sure he didn't want to piss Hunter off again. Pretty sure, indeed.

Mark stood and adjusted himself, his boner having subsided. He yawned loudly, stretching his enormous arms and revealing his bulky, muscular stomach. Josh couldn't help but peak at the hair traveling down into Mark's jeans.

"So are you hanging a while, Josh? We probably don't have time to stick around and wait for your clothes," Mark said. He then leaned down next to Josh's ear and whispered, "Might wanna keep him company awhile." Josh nodded and flashed the older boy a rare smile.

"Guess we're heading out. Damn it, I was hoping for Round 4, Morris," Vince said, grinning at the boy.

"Next time, fella," Hunter laughed. "I don't think Joshy has anything better to do anyway, do you, kid?"

"Not really," Josh said. The other guys laughed, making Josh feel a little dumb.

"We'll catch you at school, dudes," Mark said. He yanked Vince off of the couch and practically shoved him out of the room. "Let's go, you fuckin' lazy meatball," he teased.

"Stop bullying me, I'm tired," Vince whined out the door as they left through the front door, leaving Josh and Hunter alone.

Josh was still holding his wrist, letting the cum dry. "Better not get that on my couch," Hunter said. Josh thought for a moment. He considered heading to the kitchen or the bathroom to wash his hands, but he figured Hunter wouldn't like that. Instead, he started slowly licking the drying dick juice off of himself. Hunter smirked, watching the boy work. "Good boy," he said quietly. Once Josh had cleaned his hands off, he wiped his saliva off on his boxers, thankfully hearing no complaints from the older boy.

Hunter rubbed his belly beneath his shirt, thinking for a moment. "I need a cigarette," he said. "Come outside with me." Behind the recliner was another glass door leading to the backyard. Hunter grabbed his pack of smokes and his lighter from the coffee table in front of him and headed out the door, Josh following behind.

The older boy lit up, laughing to himself as he realized Josh was still in his boxers. "You cold, Joshy?" he asked as a gust of wind struck them both. Hell, even Hunter was minding the cool air.

The boy covered his arms, starting to shiver from both the temperature and his own nerves. "A little," he said flatly, trying to sound cool. He could feel the saturated semen in his boxers rubbing against his dick thanks to the cold wind, and the way it scratched his skin made him feel uncomfortable.

"I'll try to be quick," Hunter said, blowing a puff of smoke at him. "You sure you don't want to try?" he asked, offering his cigarette to the boy.

Josh shook his head. "No thanks," he said.

"Fine," Hunter responded, looking out at the backyard. The sun was setting, but it was hard to see behind the thick, grey clouds.

"You should take me for a run in the morning," Hunter said after a moment of silence.

"Tomorrow? Like at school?" Josh asked.

"We can do it here, in my neighborhood," Hunter replied, looking at him. "Wanna spend the night, Joshy Boi?"

Just some fun in this chapter -- I wanted to get back to the action at Hunter's house, and then flesh out some of the dynamics of the GROUP in the process. This was going to be a lot longer but I split it into two.

Next time: Hunter gives Josh the floor, in more ways than one. Will Josh finally get some answers?

Email me at and let me know what you think of this one!

Next: Chapter 10

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