The Caddy

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Jul 3, 2020



The Caddy

Day 1

"And on the first tee please welcome David Hampshire", said the starter.

David nodded to the applause of the 20 of so watchers, stepped up to the ball with a three wood and bashed it 280 metres down the first fairway, smack in the middle.

David was playing the English national golf championships at the West Cornwall links near St Ives in Cornwall. It was a beautiful flowing course on the edge of the water down at the very south west tip on England.

David was the highest ranked golfer in England and also ranked 10th in the world. He would not usually play in this national championships but it was a special favour to his sponsor "EliteWear" who was displaying the range of golfing goods at the event.

David waited for his playing partner to hit off the tee and then strode off the down the fairway followed by his caddy Jim. Jim had been his caddy for the last five years cine Dave went pro at the age of 20. David was now 25 and Jim was 60. Jim had already discussed with Dave about him finding a new caddy since the effort was becoming a little too great. David had pushed it to the back of his mind.

David was playing at the top of his game. At 25 he was strong, flexible, trained and fit. He was also very good looking and attracted many young and not so young girls and also a few boys and men. Dave dated some of the girls and even slept with them but he was known as the most eligible bachelor since he had no fixed girlfriend even though many had made it very plain that they would be willing. The only problem was that Dave did not particularly enjoy the company of girls. They did not turn him on and sleeping with them was a bit of a bore and he only did it so as so show that he was not weird.

Dave got to the fifth hole and was 1 under par. A good enough start he thought. He was of course expected to win this event easily and his major thought actually was just not making a total fuck of it either on the course of socially in front of his sponsor. He was well aware that the media where watching and he wanted not to give them any chance to complain at his behaviour.

On the sixth hole to drove out with a 3 iron to the middle or a rather narrow fairway. He looked up and noticed a boy for the second time who was in a golf stance position fairly close to him and seemed to be in the same stance as himself and was probably trying to copy his style. Dave hit the 5 iron to the middle of the green. Not bad he thought. Applause came from the 20 supporters and also from the boy. Normally he would be playing in front of thousands of people so 20 was like having a day off and playing a practice round.

The round progressed. At the turn Dave was 2 under par and after 15 was 4 under par. All was going well. Dave noticed that the same boy was following his round and was constantly copying and practicing his grip and stance and swing. Dave smiled at these sometimes exaggerated actions.

Dave finished the 18 holes at 6 under par which was by far good enough to be at the top of the leaderboard. The next and final round was the next day.

Dave signed and handed in his card and made his way to the locker for a shower. On his way the boy blocked his path and asked for an autograph. This was a common occurance and Dave thought nothing of it. He thanked the boy and moved on wanting to get a drink and some food inside him. He did not look forward to the two hours or so entertaining he had to do at his sponsors booth. He expected the attention of many young and older girls. It was normally the fathers who presented their daughters in the hope some spark between them and they could get a golf star as a son in law! So far he had resisted all such efforts.

The evening passed quietly. He had shaken hands with over 100 people and was polite to 5 young ladies who simply googled him and made suggestive comments about his tight trousers. It was quite obvious that they wanted more from him but today he was not interested.

He left the club around 8pm and went back to his hotel in St Ives which he had picked since it was not one of the official event hotels and he thought he could get a bit of privacy.

He had just got into bed when the phone rang. It was Jim his caddy. Jim apologised and said he would not be able to caddy the next day since he had pulled a muscle in his shoulder and could not possible lift a bag of clubs for 4 hours.

Dave sighed. This would be the first event Jim had missed for 5 years. Jim said he should go to the club pro-shop in the morning and see if they could fix him up with a caddy.

Dave wished JIm a speedy recovery and put the phone down trying to get a good night's sleep.

The Pro Shop

Dave woke early. He was scheduled to tee of at a leisurely 10am and wanted to be at the club by 8am to starting warming up and also to try and get a new caddy.

He strolled in the Pro-shop. He did not know the Local Pro but the pro knew him of course.

"Good morning" said Alan the professional , "how can we help you?"

"Well actually" said Dave, "I am in a bit of a pickle. My caddy has gone down with an injury and can't attend me today. I am hoping you can fix me up with a caddy at short notice" >From the back of the shop a voice said "I can"

Dave looked around to see a young boy. Dave suddenly realized it was the same boy who had followed him yesterday. Now at closer range Dave could see he was a real looker. About 16, blond hair, blue shorts and golf shoes and a white shirt. All in perfect condition. The shorts looked as though they were made specifically for him and were tight in all the right places. He was lovely. Jailbait".

Dave found himself give the boy the elevator look, up and down. Dave also realized that the boy saw this.

The boy said again "I will Sir"

"Have you done caddying before?" said Dave.

"Well no sir but I play golf and i know I can do a good job for you".

Dave looked round at the local pro and said "do you know this boy?".

Alan smiled and said "of course. This is Peter our local star. He is 18 with a handicap of 2 and is actually on the England youth team training. A real prospect even if I say so myself. I can recommend him.

With that Dave said "well that seems to be just fine I am teeing off at 10 lets go and get my clubs out of the locker and we can go to the training ground."

The boy held his ground and said "is there are recompense for my work, sir?"

Dave had forgotten all about payment but he said "yes of course, its 100 pounds per day and 10% of my winnings.

The boy said that that was only half the normal daily rate and there was not any prize money. Dave responded that he was on half wages since he had no training as a Caddy.

The boy accepted this and agreed walking up to Dave and shaking his hand.

"A cocky kid" thought Dave. But what a looker !! Such sleek but strong hairless tanned legs.

Dave had to tell himself to keep his mind on his golf and not on the boys bubble butt.

Dave led the way and Peter followed him to the locker room.

Day 2

They reached the training ground and Peter did not need to be told how to behave. He was an experienced golfer and he had seen many times how professional caddies carried out their duties.

Peter had a quick look through the golf back so he could discover the balls, the gloves, tees, forks and towels.

Dave spend 30 minutes hitting a range of balls starting with a wedge and then a 9 and then an 8 and so on. Peter almost read Dave's mind at to when he wanted a new club.

Dave turned round and saw Peter was trying his shoelace. He did this by simply bending over he has so flexible! Peter's arse was pointed right at him and his shorts where at maximum stretch. Dave bit his tongue and told himself to get his mind back on the golf. Peter turned round just at the same time and noticed Dave's attention.

At 10 minutes to 10am they arrived on the tee. Dave was paired with a young guy who was number two on the leaderboard after Dave at level par. Dave had a lead of 6 shots so the national title seemed to be well within reach.

Dave hit his three wood out a gentle 250 yards to the middle of the fairway. Dave walked off and Peter followed 2 steps after.

The round went well. Peter knew his course and Dave saved at least three shots from good advice of which line to take and the fall of the greens. Dave came in at 10 under par which was 8 shots better than anybody else.

He accepted the cup with humility and made a suitable humble speech saying how wonderful it was to be there.

Peter followed Dave into the locker room. Dave was more relaxed and said to Peter "shall we go into the bar and get something to eat and settle up?"

"Sure I would love to" said Peter.

They walked into the bar and looked at the menu. Stangly enough you could only get a Curry dish or a range of vegetarian foods. Dave sighed. he was not a fan of these "vege" kitchens. He did not like curry and he need a good lump of meat.

"I know a good place to eat in St Ives" said Peter.

"Sound good to me" said Dave. "Lets go" . And with that Dave gave his apologise to the club manager and waved goodbye to the three girls who were attempting to spend the evening with him and probably the night as well.

The meal

They got into Dave's cars and Peter directed them the 5 miles to St Ives and found a good place to park.

They walked the 100 yards to the Italian restaurant. Peter seemed to be recognised and they were shown to a corner table. There were only 6 other customers in the smallish room.

"Very Cosy" said Dave.

"Yes, this is Cornwall" said Peter. "Not a lot happens down here"

They both ordered a large steak and to follow an Italian Ice Cream and a Coffee.

Dave handed over the 100 pounds and also a tip of 50 for doing his job well.

During the meal being the older super star Dave took the lead in the conversation. Dave asked about Peter and what he was doing.

Peter said that he had just finished GCSE's and was now considering going to university or going full time golf. Peter said he did not have a lot of time for clubs or late night parties. He did not get any joy from being up at 2am drunk and dancing with some girl in a nightclub. He did not have a girlfriend and was not really bothered about getting one.

Dave tried to put the realities of being a pro golfer. Unless he was outstanding then it was very difficult. At the age of 18 he ought reall to be playing many junior international elite events if he was going to make a go it. That seems to disappoint Peter but in the back of his mind he had to agree.

A quietness fell over the table and they finished their coffee. Suddenly Dave's face began to tighten and his body went stiff. He stretched his legs out straight and said "cramp, cramp, cramp"

Dave was plagued by cramp. It had been a hot day and he realised that he had not got enough water and electrolyte inside him. The cramp was down his right thigh which being a very strong muscle pulling in every way it was causing him alot of pain.

Peter saw the pain and jumped up from the chair. He went in front of Dave and moved between his legs and started massaging his leg. Peter massaged hard to try and get the muscle to relax. He worked from the knee right up the crutch and then down again. Once or twice brushed against Dave's cock. After 2 or 3 minutes the pain began to subside. Dave was dripping with sweat from the event and Peter passed him a large glass of water and said "get that down you".

Dave thanked Peter for his efforts.

Dave sat for five minutes and then said "I think i had better get back to the hotel. I don't think I can drive though. Have you got a driving license?"

Peter said "yes of course I can drive you. I will make sure you get back safely"

Dave half limped to the car and was supported by Peter's arm.

They got to the hotel and reached Dave's room.

Peter said "Look I am a qualified level 2 masseur and you need a good massage to get the cramp out of your body. I can come in and help if you like?"

Dave looked around. Nobody was watching but he said "it may not be very appropriate for a young lad like yourself to be in my room".

Peter said "I won't tell anybody if you dont"

With that Dave invited him in making sure nobody saw them enter together.

Peter said "well get your clothes off then, you can leave you underwear on. I will move them if I find anything in cramp in your middle area"

Dave did as he was told and lay face down on the bed.

Dave dreaded to think what would happen if somebody walked in on them. He could see the press now.

"World golfing star found naked with local blond boy in hotel room"

Peter was strong and found all the right spots pointing out the problems as he found them not just in the legs but in the back, neck and arms. Peter was good at this despite his age.

Peter asked Dave to turn over

Dave was now at ease. The feeling was relaxing and he worried less about anybody coming in since the door was locked and bolted.

Dave started to get a hard cock. He tried to make it go down by thinking of a cold shower but it was not to be.

Dave sat up, trying to cover his groin with his hands "and I think that's enough" he said.

Peter could see he embarrassment. He said "Don't worry about that its quite natural when getting a massage. It happens all the time."

Dave looked at Peter and said "it's just not very appropriate, though with you in my room"

Peter looked back at Dave and said to him "Look, I saw the way you looked at me this morning in the Pro-shop and I have felt you look at my backside all day. I know you like me and I can tell you I like you. There is nothing wrong with having a little bit of pleasure after a good day.

"I am not gay" said Dave.

"Well you may not want to admit it" said Peter, "but I think you are and your hard cock says you are. I won't tell anybody . I promise."

With that the penny dropped in Dave's mind and he dropped his head and shoulders bursting out in tears. All the years in the closet where now pouring out through his tears. Peter put his hand onto Dave's knee and moved his head to kiss Dave on the cheek.

They stayed like that for 60 seconds whilst Dave finished crying.

Dave turned his head to Peter and their lips met.

Dave said "I have never done this before"

Pete replied "neither have I. I am in the closet as much as you are. Lets enjoy the moment"

And with that Dave took the boy into his arms and years of denial and pain where released as he held the boy and started to remove his shirt and shorts.

They were both naked in no time at all.

Dave kissed the boy for many minutes and then moved to his breast and stomach and then down to give his cock some attention. He took the boys cock in his mouth and it disappeared totally into the rear of this throat in one gulp.

The boy gasped in pleasure as his cock was engulfed by a warm mouth.

Within a few seconds Peter warned that he would cum soon.

Dave did not want that yet. It was too soon.

Dave pulled off Peters cock. Peter looked into his eyes and said "fuck me lover boy. Fuck the tight little bubble butt you have been staring at all day"

Dave did not have to asked twice. His cock was well lubed with precum. He lifted the boys legs over his shoulders and placed his cock at the entrance to Pete's hole. With that he gently pushed forward. Pete had never been fucked and he was tight. Dave had never fucked a boy before!

"Wow this is much better than fucking a girl" said Dave.

"I would not know" said Peter.

Dave fucked for 20 minutes. He was sweating and breathing hard. Both boys were about to come.

They both subdued their screams and came at the same time. Peter came all over his own stomach with his legs in the air and Dave came still inside Peter's anus.

Both boys stayed still for 1 minute and then collapsed on their backs.

The silence was audible.


"What now" said Peter

Dave was bushed. He had just fucked an 18 year old who looked like a 16 year old in his hotel room. The reality of the situation was now clear. Was this boy about to blackmail him?

Dave said "Will your mother be waiting for you?".

"Its cool" said Peter. "I got my own little flat 6 months back since I did not get along with my stepfather. I can stay the night if you like?"

With that Dave turned towards the boy and said "You can stay the night if you like, but no snoring".

Peter turned to face away from Dave and pushed his butt back into towards Dave flaccid cock in a spoon position.

They slept for 7 hours almost without moving.

The days ahead

They woke about 8am the next morning. Peter got down under the bedclothes and gave Dave a blow job and swallowed the lot.

They jumped into the shower.

"Am I going to see you again or is that it?" said Peter.

"Yes sure" said Dave without really understanding how this was going to be possible.

Peter continued, "Maybe I can be your caddy and that way I can be around you without people getting suspicious that we are sleeping together."

Peter admitted "I am not going to pursue a golfing career. Yes I am good but not that good. I could never be as good as you. I am actually thinking of going to Oxford to read classics. Not a very useful degree I know but I like reading about the ancient greeks. They used to muck around with house boys you know."

Dave thought carefully. "Well I travel around the world. If you are going to university then you cannot follow me. I do however play quite a bit in England and a lot in Europe. You could choose a list of events to join me as my caddy when your studies allow. We must be carefull. I simply cannot have this gets out"

Peter looked up at him "Dave, I spotted you are gay, even though you would not admit it yourself, and so will others. At some stage some of those girls you refuse to sleep with are going to start wondering. Unless you really change your spots then it's going to get out at some stage"

Dave looked sad. "Yes I know but right now I do not know of one single gay golfer. You are my only contact"

"Well let's take it one step at a time and ring me at any time if you want to talk".

The boys exchanged phone numbers and emails and agreed to fix a schedule.

They were saying their goodbyes. Peter patted Dave backside and said "And next time I want to see what you can offer me there".

Dave thought about the prospect of getting fucked. He patted Peter's backside back and said with a smile "Get out of here you little rascal . Be seeing you soon"

And with that Peter left the room.

The Prologue

Dave and Peter kept in touch during the following days. They got to know each other better and they developed a trust and understanding with each other. They were not boyfriends but more like fuck buddies when the time cam with sufficient discretion..

Dave's golf continued to improve and his world ranking improved to 4th place. He was earning really good money.

Peter became a very good friend and his "European Caddy". In fact he enjoyed have different caddies occasionally and was careful to agree to women caddies now and again. Jim appeared now and again to give his old friend some advice.

Jim and Peter met for the first time.

"How do you two get on?" said Jim.

"Really good said Peter".

"You have to look after him you know" said Jim.

"What do you mean?" said Peter.

"I think you know what I mean. Make sure he keeps his sponsor happy and keep him in line with the girls and boys".

Jim dropped the million dollar question "Are you sleeping with Dave?"

"Er sorry" said Jim.

"Look , I know he is gay and you are obviously attracted to him. Are you sleeping with him?"

"Yes", admitted Peter. Dave's closest friend had spotted it a long time back.

"Then don't let him down" said Jim. "Make sure you keep it quiet for his sake. Even though this is 2020 then the world is not ready for the first gay golfer.

Peter nodded. "I will do my very best"

The two men had an understanding.

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