The Call

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Feb 10, 2001


Disclaimer: Reasonable disclaimers apply.

Author's note: it's nice to find responses to stories. Whenever you think a fic is good, write to the author. It keeps the storyline going. It also inspires the writer. hint, hint Thankee all the people who took the time to send me an email. You guys are what writers going. (now, where have I heard that before? Brian? Howie? It was somebody.)

"The Call" Chapter 2: "Listen baby, I'm sorry..."

"Baby, please." AJ McLean begged into the phone.

"Alex, if I told you once, I told you a million times, NO!" Nick Carter screamed into the cell as he hung up. A new wave of tears started to pour out of his eyes. It was about the hundredth time he cried that day. "As much as I want to believe you, I can't." he whispered to the phone.

He had been staying with Brian the past few days and AJ kept telling Nick that Paul was nothing but a one-night stand. But the hotel was where he was. He had been sitting at a nearly empty racetrack. Little did fans know, Nick Carter had a fascination for motorcycles. He watched as a lone racer zoomed around the track as a familiar figure waited on the sidelines. Was it?

"AARON!" Nick gasped. He hadn't seen his brother in a long time. The motorcyclist stopped their hog long enough for Aaron to hand him a towel.

"Thanks, AC."

"No problem, Haruka."

Nick stared at his brother's interaction. "I didn't know Aaron was gay too." Nick mouthed to himself.

"Hey." Someone's voice brought Nick out of his reverie. He looked up to a pair of grayish eyes under a mess of dirty blonde hair. "Here." They handed him a Puffs Lotion tissue packet.

"Thanks." He took out a tissue and blew his nose.

"So you're Aaron's legendary brother, huh?" they asked. Nick couldn't really tell if the racer/Aaron's friend was a girl or a boy since their hair was cut short and they had a slightly deep voice yet they had a soft air around them. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. I don't feel very comfortable talking about my problems in front of a complete stranger." Nick huffed.

"I'm not a total stranger. I'm--"

"My girlfriend. Nick, meet Haruka Ten'oh." Aaron smiled.

She stuck her hand out. "A pleasure, I'm sure."

"Right back at ya." Nick replied blandly.

"Guess what? She's gonna be joining us on tour." Aaron threw his arm around the equally tall young lady.

"Great." Another pairing, he added silently.

"Better get back to racing. Gotta practice so I can kick this guy's ass." Haruka laughed as she ran off.

"See ya later, Nick."

Nick's head bumped into the seat in front of him. "Like I need to tell a perfect stranger my private life. No thank you, already got the press doing that."

Ring. Ring.

Nick growled as he threw the phone to the other end of the stadium. He stalked back to the hotel to find almost 50 messages from AJ. Slowly, each part of Nick wanted to return to AJ's arms. Those loving arms from long ago. He looked at the picture. "AJ..." he whispered before kissing the picture. He fell into an uneasy slumber with tears streaming down his face.

Brian walked into the room after a long day of thinking. He saw Nick's still form on the bed. "Oh, Nickolas..." he sighed as he gathered his best friend in his arms. He kissed Nick's head before leaning against the headboard. "You deserve better than AJ. If only...But you wouldn't want your best friend going after you too, do ya?" he whispered as he fell asleep.

Nick had been awake. He had heard all of what Brian had said. He had no idea that his Frick felt that way. Could it be?

AJ strode into the room. "YOU KNOW WHAT, NICK?! YOU WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME ANYWAYS!" AJ's angry and sharp voice cut through Nick's heart like a knife. "YOU NEVER AMOUNTED TO ANYTHING TO ME!"

Nick kept his tears inside.


He shut his eyes. He didn't need to see AJ wind his fist. What excuse should he use this time? He fell down? "That would be enough, Alex." a calm voice said from above Nick. He opened his eyes to see Brian hold a tight grip on AJ's wrist and AJ wince at the older man's grip. Nick could see the rapid blue fire in Brian's eyes. "I would like it if you would leave right now." Brian whispered evenly.

AJ glared at him before stomping out. "B-Brian?" his voice asked softly. Brian turned to Nick. He looked 12 instead of 21. "A-am I really that worthless?" he asked timidly.

Brian gathered Nick up in his arms. "Nick, Frack, Buddy, you're not worthless at all. In fact, you're the most important person to me."

"What did you say?" he asked in a whisper.

Brian realized what had just slipped out. His face turned red. "Uh..." He turned away. "I'll leave." He quickly left.

Nick sat there. Thinking.

~Flashback~ "No, Brian isn't gay. He isn't even bi, Nick." AJ sighed.

"But maybe, just maybe--"

"No! End of discussion!"

With that, Nick's hopes and dreams were shot down. He opened his notepad. "'Nickolas, I cannot love you. I am disgusted by who you are.' spat Thomas.

"'But Thomas, I love you. I love you with all my heart.'

"'No, you cannot love me, the book says it's wrong. So wrong.' And with that, Thomas left the room, leaving Nickolas out of his life forever. Unable to take any more pain, Nickolas made a mad dash for the balcony and jumped off to his death."

~Now~ "I knew I shouldn't have done that." Brian sighed in the hallway. "Why am I such an idiot? An idiot to fall for my own best friend?" He felt tears sting his eyes as he quietly sobbed in the air conditioned hallway.

So sorry for the delay. I had to write it and I had a small case of writer's block but I'm better now. Please, please, PLEASE, email me. nick pout purty please?

Next: Chapter 3

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