The Camp Leader's Tent

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Feb 19, 2005


All rights reserved by the Author. You must be of age to read. This is a work of fiction.

Characters; Brad 30 Blonde 6 foot 6.5 uncut

Kick 31 Black haired 5'11 7.5 cut

Kevin 30 Blonde 6 foot 7.0 Semi Cut

Brad was The man in our office who got everyone together for birthdays holidays and made sure none was ever forgotten. He was one of those guys you just couldn't help but like. When I was hired as an investigator for the insurance company it was Brad who had shown me around and introduced me to the whole staff. he knew all 140 of them by name and most of their back grounds. He was a handsome man this was attested to by the stares the women would give him as he passed them. I heard many say he was like a Twin brother to Colon Farrell The actor. I found that his job was a vice President of Administration and I was impressed as the man was a real down to earth friendly sort for so high a position. When he left me to my desk that first day he asked if I would like to join him and another coworker for drinks and talks after work? Of course I agreed and Brad surprised me by saying that he would make sure I had plenty of time to be home by 6 PM to pick up my son. Brad knew I was a single Dad, My Son Kevin also being just 11 years old then. Brad said it would be himself and a guy everybody called by His nick name of kick. kick as well as Brad were also single dad's and the office only had the three of us so Brad thought it was a good idea to meet once in a while to share and maybe help each other?

Brad, Kick and I did become the close friends I had hoped after that first meeting. We pooled in and hired a sitter for all three of our kids as they were all boys and around the same age. I even bought a house just three doors from Kick and Brad who lived next door to each other. The whole thing worked out perfect for Us three single Dad's. We would share chores and car pool the kids and having the one sitter for the three sure saved a pretty buck and the kids were getting along really well. life was looking good. The job was wonderful and I like the money and the chance to move up. Every weekend we would have a cook out at one of Our homes with the kids and maybe some other friends.

One Saturday after a cook out while the kids were busy in the pool We three sat and Kick bought up the idea of a camping trip for the kids and us. his Dad was a big camper and had plenty of tents and lights and all that stuff. The kids heard us and well that was that the camping trip was on. Kicks Dad owned a 10 acre plot of land on a fresh spring which would be our site for four days. We had one large Tent for the kids and one for the three of us guys. these were stand up in tents which I was glad of being a city boy at heart. There was no less then five coolers for Our beers soda and food. Kick was the expert on camping. In fact he looked the part when not in his business suit. With His sandy blonde hair and tight perfect V shaped body in his blue jeans and boots and short sleeved plaid shirt. he had been a kicker in high school foot ball thus the nick name. He just had the rugged outdoors look to him very sexy to the girls I thought?

We were at the camp site that first day the tents all set up the food on. kick showed us and the boys the "Piss Tree" a tree picked to do the deed against. The port a potty was set up in a bushy area. The tents were just feet from the spring which was about four feet deep in spots. The steaks and burgers smelt so good in the clean open air I was so happy to be sharing this adventure with my Son and my best friends. We told tales around the camp fire that first night. The kids stayed up until 11 PM and We put them all in their tent. we guys stayed up talking a while with a few cold beers. The boys had sleep over most weekends at one or the other of Our homes so that was not big deal them sharing the close quarters of the tent and sleeping bags.

About 12:30 AM Brad got up from his chair to look in on the boys. He was peeking through a side window flap in the tent. He came back and in a whisper said to us other two "Guys looks like Our kids are getting along even better then We ever thought." He went on to say we should not go flying off the handle but talk about the situation first. Kick and I agreed. My heart was in my throat as I stepped up with kick to peek in the tent flap. My worse fears came true. I saw along with Kick Our three Sons in what I later found out was called a daisy chain. The boys each had their briefs down and each was sucking anthers cock in a circle. My first reaction was to go in and bust it up but I remembered what Brad had said and along with Kick walked back towards Brad. I held out my two arms as if to say what can we do? Brad motioned for us three to walk in the woods to talk out of ear shot.

Once far enough away Brad said "Look guys I know this looks bad but We have to keep a level head. This is not unnatural for young boys growing up to experiment around like this and I am not sure We should really say anything about it now or on this trip just maybe let it slide and We can all chip in to get a really good Doctor's opinion how best to handle this?

I was impressed at how level headed Brad could be in a situation like this. Hell I was I thought the most liberal of the group and I was upset. I looked then at the outdoors man among us kick expecting him to be blowing a gasket. I put my hand on his bare forearm and said "Kick you all right with that idea buddy?

To my surprise Kick smiled and said 'Hell Yes this is nothing to be really up set with hell boys will be boys right?

Brad nodded and said "Shit truth be known and just between us guys here I've done my share of experimenting when I was a kid. Hell if my Dad would have burst in on me while I was messing around like that i would still be seeing a shrink today"

I was still holding onto Kick's arm when he said 'Hell Brad make that two of us. Back in my day I had a buddy and We sure did a whole lot of experimenting as you say"

Both their eyes came to me and I knew it was now my moment of truth. I put my other hand up while still holding onto Kick's arm and said "Look guys I am not a flaming queer or anything like that but yea, yea to be honest i did mess around with a buddy of mine growing up on sleep overs and the guy is now a pilot in the Air Force so I guess You have a point there Brad We should more or less just chalk it up to growing up?

Kick said 'well I say lets head back now and I think we can all use another round of beers? On the walk back I couldn't help of course to think back to my buddy. hell We sure did do our share of experimenting hell we not only got into sucking each other but actually got into fucking each other a few times a week after school and on sleep overs. I knew I couldn't ever let Brad and Kick know that. Kick was right in front of me on the walk back. His blonde hair looked so perfect and his thin waist and strong back and then my eyes came down to that hot bubble ass of his as he walked and I thought of how I loved fucking my buddies butt. a head was Brad so handsome and he just admitted he had had sex with another man boy what ever that handsome stud of a guy.

Back at the camp site We got our cold beers and each took a peek in the boys tent. They were asleep each in his own sleeping bag now. We sat in our chairs with Our beers. The silence was so strong You could cut it with a knife. The Kick broke our thoughts with saying "You know the more I think about it the more I think it is kind of good for them in a way?

I laughed saying "Kick Good? Good that our Sons are sucking each others cocks?

Kick looked from me to Brad and said "Well hell Kevin we all have admitted that we all did the same thing growing up and look at us three. We are known all over as good dad's good workers and good men so no harm was ever done. Right?

Brad chugged his beer getting another he said "I hate to be the one to bring this up guys, But at the office we had better make dam sure nobody finds out. I mean us three are known to be really close living so near sharing the up bring of our kids and all three of us are good looking men but We never are seen with a women. People I am sure already talk about us."

I nodded he was right I said "Hell guys we are already getting the blame but not having the fun"

They both laughed and I even laughed at my own joke. Kick said "Brad I liked when You put in the good looking men part hell both of you are a lot better looking then the guy I did it with"

Brad laughed and shook Kick's hand saying "Well thank You good buddy and may I say you both are better looking then the creep I first let fuck me"

I laughed and was slapping me my knee at that one then I said "Dam Brad you just let the cat out of the bag now we all know you got fucked man"

Brad's face got real serious and he said "Well fuck I bet you both did too so who cares if we all did. Suck fuck what the hell?

Kick was laughing and said "Brad if it will make you feel any better I got fucked too and I fucked the guy back and I like it and if that makes me some kind of bisexual then I am glad I had the experience. Hell guys lets be open about this now and honest with each other OK?

I said "OK Kick and I think You are right man. We have all admitted to having had male on male sex growing up and that it has not effected us in life and that helps us know our boys will be just fine for going through the same thing"

Kick looked at me and said. " So now Kevin the big question. Have You ever gone al the way have a guy fuck you and You fuck a guy like us two or not?

I sat back enjoying having the two men's undivided attention like this and with a grin I said "Let me put it this way Kick on the walk back here I couldn't keep my eyes off that nice bubble butt of yours and thinking how hot it would be to be able to feel it bare in my hands. So yes I've been both fucked by a guy and fucked a guy my buddy and I did each other for more then three years. Not to leave You out Brad you are the best looking man I have ever seen and I have had many a thought about You in bed"

Brad flashed me that handsome smile of his and leaned back in his chair and said "Guys I think we have kind of crossed a line here. I liked what you said before Kevin that we are getting kind of all the blame but none of the fun. So here goes, I wouldn't mind if You guys would agree to zip our three sleeping bags together tonight and maybe get in them naked?

Kick looked at me that handsome blonde rough outdoorsmen and said "I am in how about You Kevin? You in buddy?

I couldn't believe it I stood up in my excitement and I said "Hell Yes guys count me in but you think we'll need some kind of lube before the night is over?

Kick stood up now inches from me and said "I've got a whole unopened tube of KY in the car, That should get us through the night.

I suppose the years of pent up feeling for a man and the years of no sex at all and the thought of what was going to happen. I stepped over and took Kick into my arms. he felt so wonderful in my arms so strong and smelled so good a man at last again in my arms. Brad came over and We had a three way hug. I kissed Brad's cheek and let a hand touch both of their ass cheeks.

Next chapter is in the tent Kevin Kelly, NJ and Philadelphia and Montreal.

Next: Chapter 2

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