The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 11, 2023


"You'll need to wear this my sweet boy. Just for a day." Vulpus had pulled out a cage for Bolt's penis. "HUH? Why? I don't understand." Vulpus smiled. "Of course you do. You are going to be milked. That is not a new concept to you is it?" Bolt's mind began to race. He knew . "No Lord Vulpus. It is not new." "The consequences of not producing, when hooked to the milker, are severe. " He lowered his voice. "Dashan longs for your flesh as you know. A captive male who does not produce seed, is only... meat." "SHIT. That'll scare me into not shooting!" Vulpus laughed. "You will shoot. I know various means of bringing you to your edge. Now... while I would love to exert my right as owner, and lock you myself, I will give you the option of doing it on your own. It will only be for a day." Trembling, Bolt unzipped his costume. His cock, flaccid since he had spent himself the night before, hung there. "Please do what you will with your property, Lord." Vulpus smiled. His tongue ran around the perimeter of Bolt's ear. "I am certain you will produce more than any of the machines have ever calibrated my beautiful blond boy. It will be over very soon. Perhaps you should talk to your fellows. They have all undergone it."

"OH YEAH. It's not too bad. They do strap you down - just like Vulpus does - but then they put these visors on you. You see a film of something that gets you hot, and there's some tool that tickles the back of your cock. The longer you can hold out, the bigger the load. " "Then .. what do they do?" Bolt was afraid of the answer." Blue Feather continued. "The semen is then offered to the highest bidder. Every time there is a milking - it only happens once every week - the females gather. Sometimes, we have to be protected because, well, the smell reminds them of oceans, and... they get a little crazy. " "Dashan?" Bolt asked. Blue shook his head. "She's usually not there. Especially not when superman is brought for a milking - that's only once a month . She already has a bid in for his semen. Her 'exclusive use' . Would that it did any good. That bitch is so dry you could get a bigger drink in the desert." "So, she's...." "Yeah. The word that gets tossed around if you don't think you'll get caught, is barren. The only one who doesn't believe it is Dashan. Meanwhile, the other gals, they probably COULD handle his sperm, but they just can't get it." "I don't understand." Blue continued. "Whether it's the truth or not, I don't know. They say that superman's semen is so powerful that it destroys any ovum it contacts which isn't also super. That's part of the reason why she's so... hungry. She feels that by consuming more flesh, her eggs will be stronger. She is INSISTENT that she's going to carry superman's baby. Or babies. "GOD . THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK. SICK AND WEIRD." Blue looked at him. "You seem to enjoy Vulpus' company." "Uh, and you haven't been pissed that he picks me every night?" Blue was silent. "That'll change. Wait and see. He's fickle. "

Blue, Lucifer, Red, and Bolt were all caged that night. When their morning food was brought, it was especially plentiful, and richer than usual. "Those to be milked shall eat a hearty meal" Livio joked.

Locadians came for the four of them about an hour after they had eaten their meal. Bolt had learned, from the others, that the Locadians were a very prolific race that the Fox Tribe had conquered hundreds of years ago. They had lived as servants to the Fox Tribe since then. The group that led them to what Livio joked was the "milking stall," but was actually a shining metallic laboratory, seemed somewhat different. "Eunuchs" Blue Feather whispered to Bolt. "They were selected so as not to present any issues with the collection. Every Locadian you meet today lacks a piece of equpiment." Bolt almost laughed. With the Fox Tribe unable to ejaculate, and then castrated Locadians: were the only cocks in the lab going to be the ones milked? As they were being led in, Bolt saw a glimpse: the shining bald head, leading superman on a green leash. superman's head was bowed, and he was wearing nothing but a short light green loin cloth type of garment. Bolt's cock sprung to attention.

They took Bolt first, because it was the first time. The Locadian who was administering the collection actually seemed to be a woman. (Red told him later that no, Mixtello was the most senior of the eunuchs, and extremely adept at what he did. Vulpus insisted that he be the "gatherer" for Bolt.) Bolt saw the kindly smile on Mixtello's face. "Bolt it is, am I right?" "You're correct Sir." Mixtello laughed. "They have trained you well, but Bolt, you would do well NEVER to use a term like Sir for a Locadian. Mixtello, Mixti, slave, all serve. For now, if you would please prepare yourself. You will need to lie on that platform. We will need to unzip your jersey. Would you prefer to do it yourself.?" "I would thank you." It was nothing against Mixtello, but at this point, the only ones Bolt wanted undressing him were Vulpus and Livio.. and maybe superman." "If you would insert your hands in the stirrups." Bolt was used to this and did so. "Perfect. In the days of old, it was always a struggle with the donors. I'm glad it is not such with you. Now, I'm going to put these on your eyes. You are going to feel a pinch when I remove the cage, and then the cap on your penis. Nothing will hurt.

Bolt felt the visor fitting onto his eyes. He could hear, but he couldn't see. The darkness was total. Then he heard a voice. "It doesn't matter where I see your body, it's always a turn on Michael." "Lord Vulpus? Are you there?" Bolt heard a husky laugh. "I told you I'd be here for the first one didn't I?" He felt the gloved hand he had gotten accustomed to move down his torso. "I am thinking of calling all of my boys by their real names. There is no need to use your superhero names anymore is there? " His hand had moved down to where Bolt's cock was standing rigid. "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng" Bolt reacted to the warmth, and the slight pressure. "It is your decision Lord Vulpus. I will respond to whatever you say. " Vulpus laughed again. "So compliant. It is interesting. Lex told me that you would probably be the most difficult of the four to train. In fact, you have been the easiest." He ran his hand through Bolt's hair, which was beginning to grow longer than the "Marine cut" Bolt favored, then he bent down and kissed Bolt's forehead. "The procedure is going to begin I'm right here sitting next to the platform. If you call out, I'll answer to let you know I'm here Michael. Relax now. It will all be over very very soon." Then there was silence, until he heard the Locadian turn on a switch. He felt a low, but persistent vibration at the base of his ass, and another one through the cap on his penis. It wasn't unpleasant. He felt his balls swelling. Even though he had the visor on, Bolt closed his eyes. When he did, he saw superman getting fucked by Luthor. To his surprise, it didn't disgust him: it was arousing him. He wasn't restrained other than at his wrists, and Bolt began to buck at the hips. He was getting close. The gentle stimulation, the occasional touch he felt from Vulpus, and the visions he was seeing. He felt his ass rising and falling on the platform, faster and faster. "It's like a spanking" he thought to himself, and then.... his cry was soundless, but Vulpus saw that his mouth was opened, and the signs of relief were passing over his face. The Locadian turned to Vulpus and smiled. "It's a good load, Lord Vulpus. Probably at least enough for four applications. Vulpus smiled. "I knew he could do it. " "Should I leave him to you to release?" "If that doesn't violate procedure, I would appreciate it." Mixtello left the room, and Vulpus took the visor off, then the apparatus at Bolt's penis. "How are you feeling my sweet?" He kissed Bolt's lips. "God, it was ... WEIRD Sir. WEIRD. I thought I saw superman being taken by Luthor." Vulpus smiled. "Would you like to see that? It can be arranged." Bolt didn't answer. He didn't know. "I didn't take the stirrups off yet, my prince, because..." He began to circle Bolt's nipples with his fingers. "It is very difficult for me to know that you are being released by someone or something other than me. " Bolt was still recovering from the milking: it was: thorough. He thought his balls had shrunk to the size of peas. "How often does this happen, Lord Vulpus?" "Probably once a week. Now that you've had your first, it will be better. " He undid the stirrups. "Do you believe you can stand?" "I think so Lord." "Let us not take chances. " Vulpus picked him up and cradled him in his arms. "You'll need to get dressed Michael. Or Bolt. Please consider what I asked you. I am thinking the four of you would be more comfortable with your given names, and the clothes you knew before you became junior heroes. Lex has brought what we would need. "

He carried Michael to an empty room. There was a side room for getting dressed. When he came back out, there was a tray of food - mostly snacks and lightly sweetened cakes, and a large pitcher of a drink with a name he couldn't pronounce, but which reminded him of the pina coladas he used to favor. "Please help yourself" a Locadian at the side whom he hadn't seen, said. "They will help you to recuperate from the procedure."

Over the course of the next hour, Livio joined him. Then Blue, then Lucifer. Mike blushed when Blue asked. "SO. How's it like to lose your virginity AGAIN, stud." Mike didn't know how to answer. "Get used to it. By now, all of our semen has been packaged and is being offered to the Vulpine chicks. Our photos are over each selection. They'll be gone in less than an hour. "This is an embarrassing question" Mike asked "But... I don't think I've ever...." the other three started giggling. "Two things Mike. First, you felt the vibrations right? " "Uh, yeah, of course I did." "They are calibrated to your body. The next time you get on the platform, they will start at the point which showed stimulated you the most. And then there's the food...." "The food?" He looked at the sweets. "Not these, dope. Dinner last night. They always add an enhancer the night before a milking. Helps to get the biggest bang for their buck."

Blue looked him over. "Nice outfit. I guess Vulpus decided we'd give up the superhero gig." "Can't say I'm unhappy," Livio added. "I only have one, and it's getting boring." Mike had put on a white button down shirt and jeans, one of his typical outfits. The shirt was untucked and close fitting. The thought "I hope Vulpus likes it," had gone through his head.

The thought of Vulpus seemed to draw him. He was at the door. "How are my jewels doing?" he smiled. "I think it was a good idea to have you eliminate the costumes." He smiled more broadly. "Of course, should we play some kind of game or have some kind of party, I'll expect you to wear them. Anyway..." he paused. "Luthor has invited all of you to watch him milk superman. There is room in the viewing auditorium." Mike thought back to the brief vision he had, and of the time Luthor had captured him, and fucked him and superman. He could feel his balls beginning to churn again. "I would like to go, Lord Vulpus," Mike answered, and there was agreement. ALL of them had been taken by Luthor, but only Bolt had seen superman after he had been captured and broken. "You must all attend" Vulpus announced. "I will be watching to see if there are new techniques of... entertaining your partner," he smiled "when you have him under your control."

Vulpus sat in the middle of his four boys, two on each side of him. He put a hand on each of Mike's and Lucifer's thights. He whispered to Lucifer "I will be summoning you to my chambers tonight. Perhaps what we see will color our evening together." "Yes Lord Vulpus" Lucifer dared not put his hand on top of Vulpus' . He knew that with Bolt/Mike being added to the harem, there was a new dynamic. He just did not know what it was... yet. There was silence, as Lex walked in, shirtless, wearing very dark flowing trousers. He had a leash in his hand and walking behind him, head down, gagged, was superman. "GOD he's still so handsome" Mike whispered to himself, and Vulpus heard it, and smiled at him. "Handsome yes, in a different way than you, but I still prefer you, my diamond." Mike could see defiance in superman's eyes, but he also saw: he had been broken completely: the kryptonite nipple rings, the collar, the humiliation of being brought before a crowd that would see him taken and milked by his Master. Lex led superman around the perimeter of the auditorium so that everyone could see his catch: the man whom every female Fox Triber wished to father her child - before he brought him to a special, reinforced platform in the middle of the room. "ON IT BITCH" His dark voice called out. At least ten Fox tribe men heard the sound, and reacted. They would gladly have taken superman's place. Not Vulpus. He heard the voice and mentally noted to practice the tone and volume: he would use it on his boys: especially Mike: sweet, adorable Mike. "yes sir" came superman's answer. Luthor unchained his wrists, so that he could get in position. Then new restraints were placed on each wrist, and a chain ran through each of the nipple clamps and met a fastener above the platform. superman winced when Lex did this. It was a way to make sure he stayed as still as possible. His ankles were next. Lex placed restraints, and then attached those to more restraints coming from the back of the platform. Now, superman's ass was exposed. Luthor made sure that his physicians treated it after each session so that, as he put it , "it's as good as new, even though it's been used well" . A long cylinder covered superman's cock and two tubes ran from it. After all of this was done, the purpose of the chains through the rings became clear. Lex flipped a switch and a low level electric charge ran through superman's nipple rings, and then his nipples. He began to moan, and his penis began to fill the tube. "Who's your MASTER" Lex almost spat out. "You are SIR" "WHO CAPTURED YOU? CONQUERED YOU? BROKE YOU?" Mike thought he heard the sound of weeping in superman's voice as he gulped. "You did Sir. All of it." "AND TO WHOM TO YOU BELONG?" "You Sir." "THAT IS CORRECT. AND I WILL TAKE WHAT IS MINE." As always, there was a gasp as Lex' huge member came out of his pants. He approached superman's exposed ass and began to fill him . At each thrust, the audience heard another gasp from superman. Lex increased the charge on the chain through the rings, and superman's moans grew louder. "I must have one of those," Vulpus thought. "I do not wish to pierce my boys, but..." He would talk to the engineers shortly, or perhaps Lex was willing to trade for one. "Hmmmm. Whom will he want? Will I agree?" Lex began to pump faster, and faster. More than moans came from superman. He began BEGGING for Lex's cock. Mike felt wildly aroused, and wildly shocked. HIS HERO! His hero was taking it up the ass the way he did. But he seemed to be enjoying it more. Lex smiled when he squeezed superman's balls, and everyone could see the stream of white liquid exiting superman's penis, to the collecting apparatus. It just continued to flow. "Yes, he's known for the quantity, AND the quality of his production" Vulpus announced to his boys. "Worry not, none of you are expected to produce anything NEAR that quantity." "SHARE IT! SHARE IT! SHARE IT!!!!!" There were cries from the females in the audience, because everyone knew that it would ALL be going to Dashan. And then it was over. Until the next day. When Lex visited, he took superman every day for 4-5 days. For the rest of the time he was with the Fox Tribe, he would conduct business, with Vulpus, and other high level officials. Not that night, but the next night, there would be a social at Vulpus and Dashan's home. The boys would be working as the servers (but we will come to that).

That night, Mike sat with Livio and Blue (his name was so unpronounceable in his own language that they continued to call him Blue). They were talking about what they had seen that day. Livio and Blue had seen it already, so they told Mike about how every single time, the females hoped that Dashan would share the seed from superman, but never got a single drop. "But by now, studman," Blue spoke to Mike. "God knows how many of the ladies have applied your semen, in the hope of bearing a child." "So.. I could..."' "Yes, you could. Not for a while. Their gestation period is... what is it, Livio?" "Two months. Sometimes 10 weeks. Don't hold your breath. It happens very infrequently. "They milk us every week?" "Every week. Just as they do every prisoner of war. Unlike the prisoners of war...." there was a pause. "We are not turned over to the females for.... nourishment, since we are Vulpus' property. " "So, if we did not belong to Vulpus..." Mike asked. "We would not be talking now. So stay in his favor. Others haven't."

At that moment, one who WAS in Vulpus favor, Lucifer, was naked on Vulpus' bed, bound. Lucifer's light production happened when his emotions ran higher, so Vulpus had a pair of light blockers on his face, as he began to run his fingers over Lucifer's balls. "It has been some time my sweet. I have missed these beautiful trinkets." Vulpus remembered that Lucifer had very sensitive balls. He began to squirm almost immediately, and his penis began to grow. "What a shame that it has been emptied already. Such a shame." "I am sorry Lord Vulpus. The harvesting was extremely thorough today." "Yes. I saw your donation. So much! AH, would that the Fox genes were not dominant, and we could have many of you. On the other hand, having the one of you... " Lucifer began to produce a warm light as Vulpus lifted his legs. The penis that had known only Mike penetrated Lucifer, but as he closed his eyes, Vulpus thought only of Bolt.. of Mike.. of the young man who's beauty had impacted him like no other had in his life. His cock grew hard and he pushed, as if he were to cum. He did not. "You will remain with me tonight, Lucifer. I will pleasure myself with the intricacies of your body." "As you will, Lord Vulpus. I am yours."

And as Vulpus was taking Lucifer, two other things were happening, totally out of Vulpus' control, which would have unforeseen consequences. There had been a new technician at the collection facility, and when he had prepared the vials of semen, he had inadvertently taken one of Mike's and switched it with one of superman's. Now, Dashan was preparing to receive that vial of Mike's sperm. It, like all others, would go to waste. On the other hand, in a villa about 10 kilometers from Dashan and Vulpus, a young woman injected what she thought was Mike's semen. She felt it immediately. She left her bedroom and spoke to her consort. "Rictus: I believe I am with child."

Next: Chapter 6

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