The Capture of Supermans Protege

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 25, 2023


The first three weeks of the stay at Vulpus' summer place went by pretty much the way the first days did. Vulpus would design games that would put the four young heroes in some kind of sexual jeopardy, with penalties for the loser, and the winner winding up in his bed. He tried to make sure that he gave each of them equal attention, but it was clear to him, and to the others: Bolt was his favorite.

One afternoon, when he had let the boys go off to explore the town, he thought about it: Livio was beautiful, but he always had the feeling that he wasn't quite enjoying himself. Blue Feather was a fine fuck, but he was so delicate. There was one time when Vulpus had gotten a little rough, and Feather was bruised for a week. And Lucifer, well: Lucifer was probably the one who was most skilled in bed, but .. there was no way around it: wearing sunglasses while he was fucking the hero, was a distraction to Vulpus.

Bolt...he always felt like a night with Bolt was a new night of conquest: finding "just which spot" was going to make the young man beg for cock. His laugh: that laugh that began rough and like a street kid, and ended high pitched and sweet, a sign that he was about to give up. Bolt was also the best cocksucker of the four. The extra hair on Vulpus' body didn't seem to bother him. The drugs that the cook put into the boys' food kept their hair from sprouting: something they noticed, but didn't think about . It was yet another of the odd customs that the Fox Tribe had: among men who preferred other men, roles were determined by who was hairier. The hairier one was the top. It wasn't a subject for discussion. In other words, the hairier one didn't decide who topped and who bottomed: he topped, period. So, if a Fox man was hairy, and passive, he had to find another, hairier man to get satisfied.

While the boys were on their adventure, Vulpus was going to check with the home asteroid, find out how Dashan was doing, check with the council, and he also decided: he was going to contact Luthor for a particular reason. However much he enjoyed Bolt's company in bed, Vulpus had noticed something early one: one night, Bolt began talking in his sleep. He was clearly having an erotic dream, and he wanted no part of Vulpus. He wanted Superman. He was moaning "that's right superman, TAKE ME. USE THAT COCK . TAKE YOUR BOY. FUCK HIM. FUCK ME GOOD." The first time it happened, Vulpus brushed it off. It was happening regularly now, so he felt he had to do something. The news from the home world was all good: Dashan's pregnancy was going well. They had not determined the gender yet, but the samples that the medical technicians took confirmed that part of the genome was from Superman. And there was another report from another family. The Fox People were very private, so there wasn't much yet, but the rumors said there was another preganancy and the genome showed Superman's DNA as well. Vulpus laughed at the reports. "Probably some kind of publicity schemer. Can we perhaps 'encourage' her medical advisor to be more forthcoming?" His assistant shrugged. "It is possible. We've approached the advisor, but she seems very determined to uphold the rules." Vulpus thought for a minute. Then he spoke to his assistant. There was no one around, but he dropped his voice. "Floren, I assume that the stockyards are filled with Lacodians and nothing else." "That is correct, Lord Vulpus." "Please take down this information." He gave Floren information about a friend of his, who lived on the other side of the asteroid. "Geron is coming to the end of his time. He never had any love for Lacodians after his partner died fighting them, so he insisted on nothing but Merlans. Perhaps he has one, or two, that this woman may prefer to - 'augment' her diet with for some information." Floren smiled. "They say you are clever Lord Vulpus. I doubt they know HOW clever." "Let me know what the answer is. If Dashan finds out that another child carries Superman's genes, she'll try to destroy it." He changed channels and reached Luthor. "VULPUS! I see from the background you are at the Tuscan estate." Luthor smiled. "I wish you were a wine drinker, Vulpus, there is a producer, not far from you, who makes EXCELLENT wine." Vulpus smiled. "I wonder if I might gift my harem with some of it." "I shall see, Vulpus. But tell me, what brings your call, not that a call from you isn't always welcome. "Well, I was wondering if you and superman would care to be my guest for a few days. I also want to propose something to you." He began to explain his thoughts to Luthor, who smiled. "WHAT A SUPERB ENTERTAINMENT. I am intrigued by how it will work out. I am so intrigued that, however sore superbitch is, I believe he may need another good fucking. " Luthor looked to another screen "In four days, Vulpus? Would that do?" "Four days it is. I look forward to your visit Luthor." "As do I old friend. As do I" "Luthor, one other question. Very simple." Vulpus explained the problem with Lucifer and his uncontrolled luminescence during sex. Did Luthor have any suggestions? He saw Luthor consider it for a minute. Then he smiled. "Some time ago, if I recall, superman bested Helios in a contest. Helios DID try his own luminescence on the man of steel, and superman had a remedy. " He paused. "I believe it is time for a very, VERY thorough tickling of my bitch. Would you prefer that I did it in front of you?" Vulpus smiled. "Perhaps... perhaps we can conclude the plan by making them watch each other being tickled?" "You are as evil as I am Vulpus. It shall be done."


The young men had enjoyed the visit to the city. It was warm enough, and the city was permissive enough, that they wore shorts, and opened shirts. While the city did have its share of tourists, seeing four, extremely toned, extremely handsome guys travelling together was new to the city and the group got its share of looks, whistles, and invitations. Blue Feather had suggested that they might dissuade these by putting a hand on each other's asses. Livio laughed. "All that will do will bring about another group doing exactly what the first group did. The men of this town are not shy about showing their affection for each other." They were not unattractive either. Each of the four thought, and kept to himself, that he hadn't seen a single woman who drew his eye. The men, on the other hand.. And while they all had their thoughts, Bolt's kept on turning back: to Vulpus. And to superman. While he was training, and superman was his mentor, they had not done anything even remotely sexual. That was absolutely taboo. Still, after a training session as they cleaned up and changed, Bolt had to turn from superman more than once: seeing superman's torso had excited him and.. the time superman changed out of his jock and... Bolt had jerked off three times that night thinking about it. Now that he had seen superman broken, bound, and caged... it was a different kind of stimulation, but it was stimulation nonetheless. Then there was Vulpus. He had been brought to Vulpus as a slave, and he was still a slave but... he never wanted to resist when Vulpus wanted him, but the resistance just pushed him to a place during the sex that he didn't think was possible. And now that there were in an atmosphere that allowed Vulpus to ejaculate and for his pincers to deploy: there was no question: he was jealous every time Vulpus took someone other than himself to his bed. "It's time we started heading back boys. " Livio told them. "it's cooling down," he said as he buttoned his shirt, and I saw the cook has guinea hen tonight." "Never had that," Bolt said, and Livio smiled. He would have replaced Bolt in Vulpus' affections in a second, and Bolt knew it. "It's a smaller bird. A bit gamey, but sweet. Sort of like you." Bolt blushed as he heard the other two laugh. He'd get his revenge that night.

Livio was right about the guinea hen. The four of them enjoyed it. Vulpus didn't join them for dinner as expected (he was enjoying a brace of the hens, live), but planned to join them after the meal to discuss the visit. As they were relaxing, he came in. "Sit, no need to get up. Accept for you Livio. And get the shirt off." "Yes Lord Vulpus." Livio smiled. Clearly, Vulpus had chosen him that night. "Over here, on the floor, near my feet." "Yes. Yes sir." Vulpus began gently running his foot over Livo's chest. The light giggles began almost immediately. "I hope you enjoyed your visit to town today." He traced a figure on Livio's torso and in so doing, found a hot spot. Livio burst out laughing, and Vulpus smiled, pushing his toe down further. "Lift your arms, sexy Italian. Let's see what I can do to your pits." "OH shit. I'm in trouble." Livio smiled, but he lifted his arms. As Vulpus rubbed his toe over it, Livio lost it. His laughs were deep and loud. "HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA. STAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. PER FAVORE SIGNORE. NON PIU NON PIU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Vulpus did. He wanted to save something for that night. He had thought he would play with Livio in the room, and take Bolt to bed, but he thought that, for his plan to work as well as it might, he should keep some distance from Bolt.

"I want to give you some news. We are having visitors . In four days, Luthor will be coming to join us for a short stay." He saw Bolt's eyes go wide, because he didn't say anything about.. "Of course, he's bringing his slave with him." He smiled. "If he didn't, I'd have to offer him his pick of you four, and I don't want to do that, so... And there will be entertainment. I will let you know more as Lex and I plan it. And now...." He moved his foot from Livio's body. "To the bedroom with you. I will be in shortly. You need not strip. I will take care of that. " He turned to Lucifer, Feather and Bolt. "I'll pull out the lots. High number gets to choose position." When Vulpus took one of them to bed, he required the others to have a threesome: who played what role depended on the drawing of the lots. Feather had the high number that night. "I choose to Top Lucifer. And Lucifer will top Bolt." Bolt smiled internally: it would not be the same as Livio fucking him, and not even close to Vulpus, but cock in his ass was cock in his ass. "Very well, it's determined. I bid you gents good night. "

"It has been way too long since I put you in your place Livio." Vulpus came up to Livio and held his wrists behind him. His mouth grazed one of Livio's nipples, and the young man moaned. "OH LORD VULPUS. YES. YES. " The narrow, sharp teeth that Vulpus had grazed Livio and he moaned louder. "I am honored to be chosen Lord. Honored." "Get on your belly. We are going to start with something I do not think we have done." Vulpus hogtied Livio and his feet were exposed. Vulpus had tickled Livio's feet before, but not the way he began now. He ran his hairy chin back and forth over Livio's broad soles. The bristling of the hair was a very different sensation, and Livio began to laugh, louder than when Vulpus had played with his pits. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKSSSSSSSSSS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" The sounds were mesmerizing Vulpus and he had to fight to break out of that state. He put his furry hand over Livio's mouth and whispered in his ear. "Do you belong to me, flame?" "mmmmmph." Livio shook his head yes. "Am I the man who takes your ass." "Mmmmmmmmmmmph." Livio shook his head more vigorously. Vulpus had his mouth over his ear, but his hands were running back and forth over Livio's ribs. "Do you WANT to get fucked, sweet red flame? Sweet red flame. Sweet like the grape named for you." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Livio did. The foreplay in front of the other heroes, the day in town, it all came together with his Master pressing down on him. He felt his tights being removed. At first, flame didn't like the furry finger that would probe his butt, but now... he arched back like a cat in heat to get more of it. He felt the wad of spit, and then... that long, long tongue that he loved so much, started penetrating him. "OH YES LORD VULPUS YES. OOOOOOOOOOOOH. I BELONG TO YOU. I BELONG TO THE MAN WHO TOOK ME, WHO TAKES. ME. FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME PLEASE." His wish was about to be granted.

"Help me tied him up, I want him the way he's prettiest." Lucifer spoke to Feather and Bolt started to back up. "OH NO. OH NO. You can fuck me but... NO, you are NOT tying me up." Two against one. He had no chance. Backed into a corner, if he tried to block Feather, Lucifer came in. Blocking Lucifer meant Feather came in. And they knew: Bolt was the ticklish one of all of them. They went for his ribs. He was done. Totally helpless. "You gonna let me tie you, Bolt?" Lucifer asked as he dug in fingers. "YES YES. JUST STOP STOP PLEASE......." "No trouble from you. Get em behind your back." "Yes. Yes I will." Bolt turned around, with his wrists exposed. He felt the bondage on his wrists. "Now, let's see that ass that Vulpus considers his property." Lucifer pulled down Bolt's tights. "My my my. None the worse for wear and tear. " "How about yours, bright boy?" Feather looked at Lucifer. "Get em down. Time to make a sandwich. Lucifer smiled. He could use a good fucking. Had Vulpus not been busily engaged in probing Livio, he would have seen the delicious sandwich the other three made. A very contented Bolt was trying to push up to get more of Lucifer's cock, which was curved, and long, while Feather's very thin, very pointed, and very stiff cock RAMMED up Lucifer's ass, impaling him .

Livio's tongue hung out of his mouth, because he was so overcome by the power of the thrusts he was getting from Vulpus. The pincers deployed, and he screamed. "HOLY GOD OF MERCY," and Vulpus laughed. "Maybe I'll just leave them there for a while, my sweet young man." "I will die Lord Vulpus. I will die gladly, but I will die. It is too much." "Ha ha. You all say that. And you all take it.." The pincers allowed Vulpus to ratchet his way up Livio's hole and at each move, Livio moaned. "Sir. Sir. I am going to explode. It's not my place to do so before you." "Vulpus bent down and licked Livio's ear. "It will be fine tonight, tesoro. " Except Livio concentrated as hard as he could, and was able to hold off until his Master filled him with the jizz he couldn't get on the asteroid. Only then did he yield to his needs. Vulpus rolled Livio over, smiling. "You are so sweet, my precious. I am pleased that you honored my position." He kissed Livio. Livio answered weakly. "My life is to serve you Lord Vulpus. Would that you could take me again." Vulpus smiled. He could. And he knew he could. He also knew that the pincers might cause damage if he repeated so soon after the first one. "Perhaps later tonight, my love. For now, rest.


"OH GOD YES SIR LUTHOR, YES. HIGHER. HIGHER." Luthor had the kryptonite vibrator in superman's ass - the larger one. He was cuffed into Lex's sling, with his feet also looped into restraints. He knew what that meant: tickling was on the way, after Lex had jerked himself after playing with superman's ass. Lex had put the clamps on superman's nipples before he started with the vibrator. He was blindfolded as well, so he felt, but did not see, the lashes of Lex's jizz streak over his body. It was only when he was done, and the twin smaller vibrators were playing over superman's feet, that Lex told him about the visit to Vulpus' summer residence.


Next: Chapter 9

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