The Case of Nigel Chapman

By bjjl

Published on Jul 6, 2011



The Cast of Nigel Chapman.

Present Day.........

The three solicitors were gathered in the large study going over the documents and terms of the will belonging to Sir Edward Chapman.

"I see three names here in the will. Elizabeth Browning, Sandra Higgins and Nigel Chapman." Remarked one solicitor. "I only know of Elizabeth and Sandra. Who is Nigel?"

Another solicitor spoke up. "That was Sir Edwards son. Elizabeth and Sandra were his daughters."

"Why has he not been mentioned before? Has he been contacted?"

Another solicitor stood up. "Nigel was a vicar. He was 31 years old when he went to Egypt on behalf of the church of England. He was never heard from again."

The first solicitor removed his glasses and sat them on the desk.

"How long ago was that?"

"About three years ago."

"Well, its a loose end. We cannot execute the will until all parties named are present. Or we have some proof Nigel is no longer living."

"We have hired a detective." Another solicitor spoke up. "He has gone to Egypt to try and trace the where abouts of Nigel."

The first solicitor closed his brief case. "Then we have no further business until the detective returns with Nigel." He stood and picked up his briefcase. "Good day, gentlemen."

Peter Bradley had been a private detective for nine years after retiring from the police force. There was not much to go on this case. A young vicar disappears after going to Egypt. No letters no communications at all. Basically no place to start. Peter checked in with the local Catholic church to see what he could learn from any Priests.

Peter did learn that Nigel had gone to Syria and or Iraq. Nobody remembered much from three years ago. Peter began in Syria, taking a plane to Damascus where he learned Nigel was in a convoy headed into Iraq when it was attacked by the military. Things seemed to end at that point for Peter.

Three years earlier.........

Nigel boarded the bus that was bound for Mosul. It was hot, dusty and very noisy in the bus. By late afternoon, Nigel was running a bit low on water. One of the passengers said there would be a rest stop soon. Suddenly the bus was surrounded by military trucks and jeeps. Everyone was forced off the bus and herded into the military trucks.

They were taken to a nearby military encampment. As they were pulled off the trucks, the soldiers seemed to sorting the men in separate directions.

One soldier spotted Nigel. "Hey! This one here is a Christian. Got a collar on!"

"Bring'em to this tent." Another soldier shouted. Nigel was shoved into the tent with a dozen other men.

All the prisoners were ordered to strip and toss their clothes in one pile on the floor. They were ordered to stand legs apart and hands behind their heads. Several soldiers then went around cuffing their hands behind their backs. Once they had been cuffed they were forced to their knees. Nigel stood out with his white skin.

"Where you from?" The guard asked.

"England," Nigel replied. "I'm a vicar."

The soldiers laughed. "That means you must have a tight ass!"

All the soldiers laughed again. One of the officers walked in.

"Take him to my tent."

Nigel was yanked to his feet and shoved over to the nearby tent.

One of the officers struck Nigel hard across the ass with a leather belt.

"Get on your knees, pig!"

"So you are a vicar?"

"Yes, yes. That's right."

The officer slapped Nigel hard across the face.

"A PIG only has two words to speak!" He grabbed Nigel by the hair and yanked his head back. "Those two words are YES SIR! Now try again."

"Yes, sir!" Nigel repeated.

"You ever had a bucket of water hung from your balls?"

"No, sir!"

"Fuck up one more time and you will!"

The officer sat down in front of Nigel. "Is it true you don't have sex?"

Nigel swallowed, "yes, sir."

"You ever had a hard cock shoved up your ass?"

"No, sir."

"Ever had a hard cock in your mouth?"

"No, sir."

The officer laughed as he was joined by three more officers.

"I think we got a virgin vicar."

All the officers laughed. "I think we should introduce you to some Muslim cock!"

"He's a vicar. He should have a collar!"

Another officer spoke up. "We don't have a collar but I got a big leather belt.

I'll put a hole in it and we'll put it around his neck."

"Yeah!. We'll use the remainder like a leash"

Nigel was bent over and strapped down to a small table. For the next few hours he was ravaged by the officers at both ends. The mouth and the anus. For the final insult and humiliation, Nigel was forced to his knees and made to masturbate in front of the officers.

However, Nigel was not the only man to suffer such a humiliating disgrace. Several other men were singled out for sexual pleasure among the soldiers. Some of the men were flogged before being raped. It was Nigel's first experience in the world of war. Over the next three days, Nigel was not raped again, but he was forced to sucking off the officers when they liked.

On the forth day two trucks pulled up at the encampment. They were not military. The men were civilian and they talked a long time with the officers. When they were finished, Nigel and seven other men were forced into the civilian trucks. After what seemed like hours, the trucks stopped and the men were taken into a barn. There was a room with shower head hanging from the ceiling. The men were forced to stand in a group as other men sprayed them with soap. Then the shower heads sprayed them off.

Nigel had no idea he had been taken into Turkey. The men were all put into one cell with large steel bars. There was one man that appeared to be in charge. He carried a whip and a pistol. He walked up to the cell.

"Listen, you PIGS! You will be here for a day or so. I better not catch anyone masturbating! You hear me? I'll tear the meat off your back!"

He walked around to the other side of the cell.

"That goes for sex too! I better not catch any one of you pigs humping anyone! That goes for sucking COCKS! The punishment for that is castration! Keep you hand and your cocks to yourselves!"

The husky man put the whip over his shoulder and walked out of the room. There were guard outside the cell all night.

One by one the men were taken from the cell. Nigel was led down a hallway to another room. The guard jabbed him with the rifle butt.

"When you go in kneel down in front of Nergis. Keep you head down and don't look at him."

It was like a large living room of some sort. Fancy tapestries, rugs, sofas and chairs. In one of the chairs sat a bearded man with a white turban on his head.

"You are the Englishman. The Christian?" He asked

"Yes, sir." Nigel replied.

"How old are you?"

"Thirty one, sir."

"A good sexual age. Stand up so I can look at you. Turn around slowly."

Nigel slowly turned his around. Humiliation swept over him as he could feel Nergis eyes scanning every inch of his naked body.

Nergis spoke softly. "I have a friend that would be interested in you. You may kneel again."

Nigel dropped to his knees.

"His name is Bozkurt. Do you know what that means?"

"No, sir."

"Grey Wolf. He is very fond of white Englishmen. Especially one that is Christian."

Nigel spoke up. "Please, sir! I'm a vicar!"

Nergis smiled. "I know. Thats what makes you desirable."

Nergis snapped his fingers immediately two guards entered. "Take him to training."

For the next two day, Nigel was subject to the most humiliating and degrading tasks he never could imagine. His body was shaved of all hair, completely. He was forced to crawl on the ground and lick the feet of his guards. His ass was whipped, his nipples were whipped and his genitals were whipped. His response to commands was immediate. His nipples were pierced and silver bars inserted through them. There was some talk about piercing his penis, but they put a silver cock ring around it instead.

He was forced to lick the gland of guards penis until ejaculation. His task was to catch the sperm and lick the penis clean from top to bottom. More humiliating, Nigel was forced to kiss the ass cheeks of the guards and then use his tongue to clean the sphincter. He was given a drug to drink that stimulated the male sex hormones and caused him to have very frequent erections. Usually about eight to ten.

Once his erection was so hard that he twitched his cock several times and he ejaculated. His ass was whipped and he was forced to clean his own sperm with his tongue. He was told ejaculation was only allowed if it was requested by a Master. At the end of the two days, Nigel was a broken, subdued and humble man. On the third day, he was led to the auction house.

The stage was about ten foot long. The auctioneer was a big heavy set man with a black turban and a thick black beard.

"Get up here!" He shouted to Nigel.

Nigel walked up the steps and stopped on the stage. His penis was standing fully erect.

"We have here a white Englishman. A vicar no less. As you can he has a nice stiff cock!"

The crowd laughed and mumbled amongst themselves.

"Walk back and forth across the stage."

Nigel did as instructed, walking as normally as he could.

"Face the crowd!" Nigel turned.

"Present yourself!"

Nigel clasped his hands behind his head, knelt on the floor with his knees spread wide apart. His penis standing straight out and his testicles dangling underneath.

"Turn around and bend over!"

Nigel turned, placing his head on the floor of the stage.

"Present your cock hole!

Nigel grabbed his ass cheeks and held them wide apart for everyone to see. The crowd mumbled and a few comments were made about his nice pink sphincter.

"Turn around and show them your other cock hole!"

Nigel turned, placed his hands on his knees and opened his mouth wide as he could.

"His nipples have been pierced. You can attach whatever you like. His cock and balls are not pierced. Your choice there." The auctioneer slammed his gavel down. "You all have your markers. We start the bidding in pounds!"

"600" One man held up his marker. "700" "1000" The auctioneer acknowledged the bids with the nod of his head. "1200" "1500"

"2000. If he shakes his hips and makes his cock bounce!"

"you heard the man! Bounce you cock!"

Nigel rocked his hips quickly back and forth. His penis jumped up and down, the head tapped against his stomach as it bounced.

"2500" Another man shouted. "4000!" Was heard from the back. The crowd went silent, the auctioneer slammed his gavel twice. "SOLD! 4000 pounds!"

Nigel was taken off stage and placed in a wire cage on the floor.

"Go on! Get in there. Your new Master will be along to get you."

Nigel did not know it at the time, but Bozkurt was the man that bought him. No one dared bid higher against the Grey Wolf.

Nigel was taken to the villa of Bozurt's in Turkey. It was a fantastic home. Six bedrooms, five bathrooms a large octagon living room that led to a huge patio and two swimming pools. The kitchen was much larger than Nigel's flat back in England. Nigel was one of four male slaves the Grey Wolf owned. Three of them were white the third was dark skinned as he was a Greek. One of the slaves was from Germany. The other two were from Denmark.

The slaves had no names, just a small number tattooed on their right buttocks. The Greek was "5" The German was "6" The two from Denmark "8" and "9" Nigel was tattooed with a "7"

"This is how you will be called. The Master does not tolerate the use of names for his slaves. Never be heard using a name."

Nigel was put to work as part of the serving staff and worked in the kitchen. His job was serving food Master Bozkurt and anyone else there might be as his guest. He was always to serve in the nude. A clean shaved body everyday. The only thing Nigel was allowed to wear was his cock ring that had the initial "GW7" stamped into it. Two nipple rings also with the initials "GW7"

The two cooks were both women and showed very little tolerance toward Nigel.

"You do as you're told and you keep you mouth shut!" The woman said harshly. "We'll get along just fine then."

It took almost a year before Nigel learned to control and use his body the way Master Bozkurt liked. It also took several trips to the punishment rooms. One where he was hung upside down with his legs pulled open.

Master Bozkurt had a favorite cane that he used to whip the crack of Nigel's ass and sphincter. Master Bozkurt liked to do it three times a day. Nigel knew Master Bozkurt meant business about his rules. One of the men from Denmark was caught masturbating in the bathroom. Master Bozkurt had him removed and sent to a Turkish prison. He was replaced with a young Italian man who got the number "8"

Present Day..........

Peter arrived in Turkey early Tuesday morning. He was to have a meeting with a man that traveled back and forth between Syria, Iraq and Turkey. His name was Mehtab.

"Yes, I remember hearing about an Englishman. A vicar I think."

Peter smiled, "yes, that would be him."

"As you know, the slave trade is still alive and well. The military as well as civilians will take money for anything."

"But do you know where he actually wound up?"

"A man called Nergis sold him off to a Turkish man. Bozkurt."

"How do I get in touch with this Mr. Bozkurt?"

Mehtab wrote a number down on a piece of paper. "It would be safer to call this man. Explain what your business is with Bozkurt. If he agrees you will have the meeting. If he does not. You should go back to England and forget about it."

Peter put the paper in his coat pocket, paid the man and went back to his hotel. He called the number and was told to wait by the phone. Several hours later the phone rang and the voice on the other end said a car would be sent for him. It was a black Mercedes limousine. The doors were locked by the driver and Peter was taken to the home of Bozkurt.

Peter was led into the large octagon living room where Bozkurt was seated. Two naked men were kneeling on each side of him next to his chair. Peter noticed they both had erections.

"Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Bozkurt."

"Forget the mister. Call me Bozkurt."

Peter nodded. "I'm a private investigator for the Chapman family. I'm here to discover the where abouts of Nigel Chapman. I had it on good information that you could provide some light on the subject."

Bozkurt snapped his fingers, in walked a naked man with perfect posture. He paraded up to Bozkurt and knelt down at his feet. "I believe this is the man you seek."

Peter stared at Nigel. He did look somewhat like the photographs he had. However, the photos were of a man with a full head of hear and a mustache.

"Are you Nigel Chapman?"

Nigel glanced over to Bozkurt.

Bozkurt nodded to him. "You may speak to this man. You may answer him."

"Yes, sir. I am Nigel Chapman."

"I'm a detective hired by your late fathers estate. The will names you and both your sisters. The solicitors require that all parties be present at the reading."

Nigel shook his head. "I don't want to go back. You can tell them that."

Peter looked astounded. "You don't want to go back? You want to run around here naked? Why ever for, man?"

"Because I do. I want to stay with Master Bozkurt."

Peter shook his head and pulled a letter from his coat pocket. "I have an affidavit that you must sign to relinquish your part of the estate. Saying that it can be divided between your sisters." He was instructed to hand it to Bozkurt.

"I'm sure the detective would have no problem getting enough money to purchase you from me. I won't stop you from going if you want."

Peter nodded. "I'm sure we can attain an amount that would satisfy you."

Nigel spoke up. "I'll sign the paper and you can leave."

Bozkurt asked for a pen and handed the paper to Nigel.

It was signed and given to Peter. "There you have it," Bozkurt said. "The car will take you back to the hotel."

Peter walked toward the door , turning once to look back at Nigel. Bozkurt was standing naked from the waist down. Nigel had his mouth wrapped around the huge cock, bobbing his head up and down...........END

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