The Cat in Mystic Falls

By Timothy Brown

Published on Aug 11, 2012


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Vampire Diaries characters. This is a work of fiction. All rights go to them except for the characters that I make. If your younger than 18 years of age, please leave this isn't for your eyes. To the rest please enjoy.

*Note – Before I begin, let it be known that I've never watched an episode of the Vampire Diaries, but after seeing the books in stores and reading a little about the show, I was inspired. So if things are a little off or wrong, bare with me, I want to make this story interesting.

Chapter 2 -Damon Likes

That was the first of many nights that I saw the Salvatore brothers. In truth I liked Stefan, he was like the brother I never had, while Damon and me were on thin ice. I was still working at the library and after my shift was over I would go to the cafe. This became my routine, and I liked it, but deep down I was alone, but kept that hidden from everyone.

Three weeks after the incident between Damon and myself, I was on my way to the cafe. I went inside and found the waitress, about to order my usual. She smiled when she saw me,

"Oh your friend ordered and paid for you already, he's over there."

She pointed around the bread and pie cabinet and as my eyes followed, sure enough there was Damon, sitting alone. I shook my head as I walked up and sat down in front of him. He smiled as I got settled.

"And what do I owe this dubious pleasure."

"I'm not good with these swort of things, but it's my form of a.."

He was struggling with the word so I decided to spare him the pain.

"You're not sorry, so lets just cut the crap. What do you want?"

"No honest, read my mind if you don't believe me."

So I did. His mind was filled with arguments between Stefan and himself, he was upset because he couldn't figure me out, but he was attracted to me, and he didn't understand why. Damon didn't consider himself gay, but he was having dirty thoughts involving the two of us. He saw himself biting me in a tub of rose peddles. I saw Stefan yelling that he shouldn't have provoked me, that he should have known better. Stefan's voiced echoed, man Damon what is wrong with you, he's new to town and obviously powerful and instead of trying to befriend him, you attack him instead. All the bickering made him secretly remorseful. I closed his mind and thought over what I saw. Everything I understood, but me being bitten by him was something I didn't expect to see.

"Wow, you have a very vivid imagination."

"You were not meant to see that."

"I saw enough."

My tone seeped with sarcasm, but I took a deep breath and couldn't believe what I was about to say. "Damon, I didn't help matters, I read your mind and saw what you've done in your past and judged you based on that. I know you can be inconsiderate, narcissistic, and at times egotistical, but when everyone isn't looking there is something really beautiful and strong behind all the bravado. Strength that isn't involved with brawn but compassion for others, even though you would never admit to that. I've seen it."

He just sat there looking at his cup of coffee. The moments were quiet, apart from a random car driving by. I was looking out the window when he spoke,

"You can never tell anyone what you saw."

"Which part, me with the roses...?"

Judging by his expression, this embarrassed him a little.

"Well that, but the other part more so. I don't want people thinking I'm..."

"So you would rather have people see you as at least bisexual, over having a heart."

With this I shrugged my shoulders, displaying my lack of understanding and caring.

"Your secret is safe with me."

After we finished our drinks, he offered to walk me home. The night was relaxing, full of life, I wanted to release the beast inside and run. Deep down I think that was one of the reasons why I was feeling alone. Back in Africa I could go running every night, but since moving here I've been couped up in one form. Damon walked me to my front porch, I said good night and we turned and went our separate ways. I went to my room and shut the door, feeling the pent up tension building inside. The idea was there before I finished stripping off my clothes. The night was dark and most everyone would be asleep. I opened my window and jumped out of it, while transforming into my other self. I could feel the ground hit under my four paws and with my senses at their highest I just wanted to run, and run I did. I could feel the air hit my whiskers, there was nothing like it. I ran past the library and cemetery, I was in such ecstasy that I didn't see the car until it was too late.

Man that hurt, I felt my side hit the ground and I could hear the driver getting out of the car. Wouldn't you know, like fate was playing a grim joke. I saw Damon round the front of the car. His expression was full of confusion. As I felt my body turn back into its human form he fell to his knees,

"Oh my gawd, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you."

"Aww man that doesn't feel good."

"Here let me help you up."

When he went to lift me up, I felt weightless in his arms. He placed me inside his car. As I tried to get into a somewhat comfortable position, I saw the hood was dented pretty bad and the windshield was cracked. Damon struggled to get the car to turn on, but it finally started. The drive was a blur, I was trying to focus on healing. When we pulled into the driveway from what I could see it was beautiful, but at the moment my body was working quickly to heal itself. Damon carried me in and at the top of his lungs he yelled,

"Stefan, get in here."

"What...oh shit you hit him, Damon I thought we talked about this."

"Shut up, it was an accident, he was in an animal form, and I didn't see him until it was too late."

Damon carried me over to the couch and set me down. I could feel few bones start to pop into place but they were struggling, due to my lack of feeding on meat. Stefan sped off and returned in a instant with a bowl of warm water and a rag. He handed them to Damon who proceeded to clean up the blood.

"Antony is there something you need?"

I winced a little,

"Yeah, do you have any raw meat?"

He disappeared again and returned with a piece of steak on a plate. As he handed it to me, I caught the scent of the blood and it sent me over the edge. I could feel my eyes make their change, and as I tore into the beef, the blood began to run down my neck. Stefan sat across from me on the coffee table, watching me eat. After Damon finished cleaning he stood up and vanished. When he returned he sat next to Stefan who was watching me finish the steak.

"Are you still hungry?"

"No, here's the hard part."

The bones popped back together, sending wave of pain through me. I yelled out, but my human shout began to melt together with a lion-like roar. The pain soon vanished after a few seconds. When I looked over at the brothers they were staring at me like I was an alien. I figured I'd show off a little, give them something to stare at. I tunred back into my cat form, feeling a little sore, but that soon went away. I stalked around them, and finally walked up to Damon, looking into his eyes. I roared a little, making him slightly jerk. Stefan smiled, while I turned back into my human form.

"Sorry about that, I could resist having a little fun."

I grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around myself, feeling a little exposed. I tapped the seat next to me and looked at Damon. He got up and sat down. Stefan was the first to speak.

"So you're a were-cat of some sort. I've never seen that breed before."

Damon spoke next.

"He's a were-liger. I didn't know there was such a creature in existence."

"As far as I know, I'm the only one."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you truly are beautiful." Stefan said.

"Thank you. Well boy's I better get going, I've taken up enough of your time."

Damon spoke out next, "No you don't have to leave, Stefan here was going to see his girlfriend anyway, but I've got nothing to do. We could keep each other company."

I cocked my eyebrow, and smirked.

"Okay if your sure it won't be a problem."

"Not at all." Stefan said.

So we shared some small talk before Stefan said he should be going. I waved goodbye and thanked him for his generosity. When Damon and I were finally alone, he asked if I would like a tour of the house. I nodded, even though I knew what he was up to. He showed me the kitchen and dining room, Stefan's bedroom and the study, the few extra bedrooms and finally we ended with Damon's room.

"Here we are, this is my room."

"Imagine that, we ending on your bedroom."

This time it was he who cocked his eyebrow and smiled his slick smile as he opened the door and let me in. I was stunned when I saw the large bed sitting in the middle of the floor. It was a true sight. I stood facing his large window, watching the wind move the leaves. The moments were soothing, the night was still alive. I saw in the reflection of the glass, he was behind me.

"We're both creatures of the night."

I smirked, remembering this line in some of those vampire movies I saw. But the way he said it, referring to the both of us as creatures, and not human, made me feel closer to him.

"Yes and how I would love to be free, at times I feel so trapped inside this form."

"If it's any consolation, I like this form and the other one as well, they're both attractive."

"Mr. Salvatore, are you hitting on me?" He was was rubbing my shoulders as we spoke, the feel of his cold hands on my back made me unnerve and relax. He leaned his lips to my ear, I could feel the little stubble of his chin on my neck.

He whispered, with lustful undertones, "Yes, I am."

"Good, because I would hate to make a fool out of myself."

"I doubt that's possible, it's not in your nature."

"It isn't in yours either."

All this seductive dialogue was beginning to bring something else out of me, something that any normal man couldn't handle, thankfully Damon was anything but a normal man. What he said next took me by surprise.

"How about this weekend I take you to a quiet spot where we can run together."

"You know a place?"

"Yes, I go there sometimes to clear my head."

"I'd like that a lot."

"Okay, it's a date then."

I rolled my eyes as I turned to face him.

"A date hmm..."


We moved from the window to the bed. After he laid down, I followed right next to him. He looked over at me before he leaned and kissed me. I'm glad he made the first move, I've shown that I'm no push over, so I'll let him do what he does best. He took the lead, tearing the blanket from me. As he looked over my body this was the one moment I felt nervous.

"I love all your curvaceous glory."

He lifted up and tore off his shirt, exposing his white chest to me. I smiled my best, I want you to fuck me smile. He reached to unbuckle his pants and in a haze they were gone and he was stark naked next to me. It wasn't long before I could feel his dick rising to the occasion. He was on top of me nuzzling his face into neck. I could hear his moaning, but that was soon met with a purr from myself. Damon began to laugh,

"What's so funny?"

"I make you purr."

" make me do a lot of things."

His hands followed all my curves, while mine were wrapped around his back, feeling all the muscles contort and expand as he was grinding into me. I dug my fingers into his flesh, not hard, but slightly broke the skin. He voice sounded like a snake as he took a breath and spoke.

"hssss, yeah that's what I like."

It was like we were on a mound of silk, the coolness of his body clashed with the heat radiating off mine. Damon reached down and grasped my cock in his hand and began massaging it. The high of rapture was intensified when he bit down into my flesh, punckturing my skin. He began to drink, and when he went to lift his head, I push his mouth back down, causing him to bite me again. My voice was ragged,

"Oooooh don't stop Damon, please don't stop."

I was pleading, as if my life depended on him not to release me from his deathly bite. After a few more moments of pure unadulterated passion he released his hold, letting me sink into the covers. When I opened my eyes, I saw this man, straddling me, with a blood covered mouth, and a smile that would've frightened any child. I leaned up, in doing so, he scooted back, letting his ass gently fall between my knees. There were two lines of my blood that had dripped down past his navel. I stretched my tongue out, and proceeded to clean him. When I finished I leaned back,

"Now the real fun part can begin Damon."

I closed my eyes, and focused on his mind.

*(Damon can you hear me)


(I've opened my mind to you, were now connected)

I opened my legs, Damon needed no other encouragement placed the head of his dick at my waiting hole.

(Give it to me)

And he did, the pain was excruciating, yet pleasurable as well. He pumped in and out like a piston. He placed his hands on either side of me, rocking his cock back and forth. His grunting only turned me on even more. We went like this for the first half hour, before he finally lifted up and grabbed hold of my member, jacking me off. The moments started to slow down and I could hear him in my head.

(I love your ass, it's so tight.)

(And your dick is perfect for it, you keep hitting a spot inside me, that...that)

I couldn't even carry on a thought conversation, he was hitting my pleasure spot, poking at it at first, then it became a full on assault. He was getting close, as was I.

(...cum inside me Damon)

Right as I finished there were a few last minute grunts, then a monstrous roar that came from his lungs. This was followed by jets of cum, pushing inside me, filling me up. At that moment I didn't get a chance to enjoy it, because my ejaculation came in full force.

"Oooooh here it comes."

The first rope hit behind me, then on my chin, down my chest, and finally on his hand. When he released me, I watched as he brought his hand to my mouth. I began sucking on his fingers. After they were cleaned he pulled them out and he scooped up some more of my cum and placed it in his mouth. He leaned down and we shared a cum filled kiss. We staying in the same position for a few moments.

When we moved, I could feel his cum start to leak out of me. I stood up, straitened my hair and stretched. He on the other hand, was watching me, laying on his side. I grabbed the blanket I originally had wrapped around me and proceeded to re-wrap it around my waist.

"Damon you mind if I take a shower?"

"Yes I do mind you taking a shower..."

I looked at him with a hint of displeasure, until he finished his thought.

"Without me joining you."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, watching him get up and take my hand. He led me to the bathroom, naked as a jay bird. He went to turn the water on and turned to walk past me, as he did I couldn't help from lightly smacking his ass.

"Ooo, nice kitty."

He disappeared for a moment, before returning with a pair of towels.

Next: Chapter 3

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