The Celibacy Tango

By Thess1952

Published on Oct 29, 2020


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This is a work of fiction and part of a series of stories. Your comments are welcomed and can be e-mailed to


"You fucking bastard," Kate spat at me, "and thought you were lesbian, or is it whore!"

As we stepped into Clare's front door. By mutual consent we decided on a neutral venue and at this stage Clare's was it. Kate went with Clare and Judith and I followed in our own cars, much safer. Clare had a beautiful home, high up on a hill facing the coast. On a quiet day you could actually hear the breakers on the beach. Rooms with large windows making it light and inviting with soft comfortable furniture all over. One of which was occupied by herself and Kate, a couch that you lean into and allow to envelop you.

"Maybe both." Judith chipped in, in response to the opening accusation.

"Well, I didn't fuck, so I can only be a bastard." Me still unrepentant.

"God help me, I'll cut of your...your..." Kate.

"...balls." Me

"Yes. And feed them to the dogs."

"I haven't got dogs." Clare.

"Any fucking dog! Or flush them down the toilet."

"Talking of which, balls I mean" Judith stepped in and closer to me "I never attended to yours. You must be bursting at the seams, celibacy and all. Let me..."

That's how far she got before Kate exploded off the couch, tripped on her high stilettos and flopped back with her face in Clare's lap. All except Kate started laughing, I mean this was a ridiculous situation and Judith and I should be cringing but were not.

Then Clare declared: "Kate, this is your own doing."


"Shut up!" Never heard Clare so forceful. "And you two sit," we didn't argue with her. "I'll get us some more wine."

Silence until Clare returned and we were sipping wine. "Very good vintage, Clare" I complimented.

"You are going to be vintage soon," Kate spat.

"What did you expect with your celibacy bravado?" Clare enquired.


"Technically you can't classify it as sex."

"Fuck technical, he's my husband."

"Then treat him as such!" I loved that because Kate was speechless again. "I don't know, maybe we've all been lusting after each other and this just tipped the scales," Clare continued.

I downed my wine, got up and refilled my glass and the others because they gulped theirs too. "Can I get another, this one's empty?" Clare nodded and when I returned declared:

"I am a lesbian, yes and so is Judith and although we've never touched each other I admit lusting for it. You are sexy too, Kate so...and I often wondered what a cock would feel like again. I only had one cock bearing lover, way, way back and he was pathetic." looking at me and smiling.

There were various nods, smiles and of course dagger stares from the others but silence prevailed. Until Judith broke it looking mischievously at me:

"Well, you weren't pathetic. I mean, that was almost as good as a woman."

I couldn't help smiling at that high praise, I think, then Kate tried to hurl herself from the couch but Clare restrained her.

"And I need to know this." hissed Kate. "Why don't you give me a blow by blow account, or should I say finger by finger account."

"Oh OK," Judith starts sweetly, "he used his..."

"Fuck off! You seriously think I want to know?"

"Yes, because you must have forgotten how good he is. It's been quite a while."

"I haven't forgotten anything, unlike you who doesn't know a man's fingers from his cock, because you..."

"Then prove it, Kate"

"I don't have to prove anything to you."

"Not to me, to him."

"Oh yes, please," I started pleading.

"Shut up!" From all three of them! So I did. You can argue with one woman, but three, rather count your losses.

"Maybe I should leave then."

"No, you shouldn't," Clare, "you started this, you stay. And I meant what I said about lusting. Kate, have you ever lusted for one of us?"

"No." Emphatic.


"Yes, of course"

"I must admit..."

"Shut up." Again all three of them.

Clare looked at Kate and smiled: "I'd love to prove you wrong, Kate."

"Go ahead, prove all you like."

"I'll need everyone's co-operation because we are going to play a little game that just might diffuse some of the animosity."

"Clare, you know I hate games."

"Not this one, Kate. Come on, we need my bedroom."

It's a big bedroom with a big king size bed decorated in various shades of blue. Clare switches on a few lamps that casts a subdued, soft light, goes to a drawer and produces a rope of sorts.

"Hold out your hands, Kate."


"Proof, remember."

Before Kate realises what happens her hands are tied.

"Clare what the hell are you doing?"

Clare says nothing, leads her to a spot near the end of the bed, gets on the bed and loops the rope through a ring in the roof. Then she ties the rope, leaving Kate with her hands in the air, unable to move anywhere. Now Kate is protesting at the top of her lungs. From another drawer Clare gets one of those airline sleep masks and cover Kate's eyes.

"Kate, if you do not shut up, I'll put a sock in your mouth. Just enjoy the ride." Then she gestures to Judith to join her. When I start moving towards her, highly intrigued, she nods a "no" and indicates a chair, so I sit down. She then pulls down the zipper on Kate's sleeveless dress with Judith smiling broadly next to her, realising what she is up to. It also has an effect on Kate's mouth:

"Fuck you Clare, you can't do this. I agreed to a game not a forced strip show or whatever." She starts thrashing against the rope, falls awkwardly and regains her footing.

During this tirade Clare strips her panties, revealing sexy thighs and a flash of shaved pussy, and bundles it into Kate's mouth.

"Now shut up, stand still and see if you like it. We won't hurt you, that is a promise and I can also promise you, your husband is not complaining. In fact he is enjoying this." Which I did immensely. "Maybe," she continues, "it's one of his fantasies, subduing you which I imagine is highly impossible."

Kate makes protesting sounds through the panty in her mouth but Clare is oblivious. She runs a finger lightly over the bare skin of Kate's exposed back as far down as the zipper allows. This calms Kate down so she runs her finger back up in a zig zag pattern and I could swear hearing a gasp from my wife. Then she starts pulling Kate's dress down, over her hips where it falls and puddles on the floor.

With her very sexy underwear exposed I can only admire her stunning body. Lovely legs, full hips and tits to match. While Clare unclips her strapless bra (I suppose she anticipated this windfall when she tied her up) Judith slips the panties down and removes it and the dress at Kate's feet. For a moment they stand back to admire Kate's naked body, slightly drooping, large, full tits with small bumps on her brown, larger than normal areolas and dark brown erect nipples. Her smoothly shaven pussy lips just showing between her thighs.

Clare positions herself in front of Kate and starts running a finger from her naval up past her cleavage to her neck. She nods at Judith to do the same at the back and catching on quickly she runs her finger across Kate's buttocks which she clenches tight showing us a few dimples. While Judith is busy Clare removes the panty from Kate's mouth who gasps as Judith's' finger runs up her one side. Before she can utter a word Clare's other hand traces Kate's neck stopping at her ear lobe which she caresses softly.

"Any idea who is touching you," Clare asks.

Judith runs some fingers up her thigh stopping short of rubbing her pussy and she can only startle a yelp as Clare lightly brushes one nipple making it stiffen even more giving her no chance to speak as the blind sensations startle her. Working in tandem now, the two friends torture every part of Kate's body except her pussy region. Not a word is spoken or a sound made, just Kate's increasing gasps, moans and intake of breaths.

From somewhere Clare conjures some grey, stiff feathers that they use as substitutes for their fingers. This has an even greater effect, the sounds intensifying as the absence of human contact hightens the sensations. For the first time Clare runs the feather along Kate's pussy lips while Judith follows it all the way down to her anus, Kate wriggles and almost shouts struggling against the ropes.

"You know who's doing that to you..." Clare asks while Judith runs the feather around her nipples "...Judith and there is one male in this room enjoying himself tremendously," looking at me who just smiles and nods. At a sign from Clare both stop the feather assault.

"He's dead and you two are going to suffer..." Kate starts.

"Only sexually, I hope." Judith retorts.

A light touch of a feather, a small gasp.

"We can always stop." Clare inquires.

Kate smiles, thinks for a while: "Don't."

"Oh, you have been lusting?" Judith asks and runs the feather up her spine.

Gasps. "A bit, now a lot."

"My tongue is aching for you," Clare says as she lightly brushes a nipple with it.

Kate jumps: "Show me."

What! My Kate. I drool in anticipation.

"Not before this pussy is dripping."

As I look I can see her pussy lips are already shining and of course I am throbbing, painfully so. The feather assault starts again this time adding the fingers of their free hands, with a spectacular result, moans, groans and gasps rising in volume. Then Clare turns away and leaves Judith to continue. She steps towards me and starts undressing. First a top then a skirt followed by her bra and panties which she tosses towards me. I stare at her body and she loves it, flaunting it. As I mentioned before she is the more athletic one, quite tall with long ballerina legs widening to 34 hips a 26 waist and medium bust with almost girlish tits proudly displaying small, dark nipples. Gently she strokes her shaved pussy opening the tight, moist lips but then she turns her very tight butt away from me, feather in hand and I can only groan. Suddenly I understand what the concept of wall flower means and it's no big comfort.

Judith stares lustily at Kate while she undresses next, dress and bra flying ignoring me completely. I look at the pussy that started all this. Puffy, white, raised lips folding into her vagina, glistening with her spilt juices. Her dark red hair contrasts sharply with the milky white, smooth skin. Something akin to D-cup breasts tapers to pink, smooth areolas and a lighter shade of pink nipples. She's the plumpest of the three but not overweight by any chance, just deliciously rounded along her curves.

After another minute or two of the feather treatment, Clare unties Kate's hands and leads her to the bed. With one on either side of her Clare bends down and kisses her lightly while Judith strokes the soft skin around her naval. Clare kisses deeper and Kate responds their tongues dancing across each other's lips, then penetrating into a passionate collision of mouths. By now Judith has taken one of Kate's nipples in her mouth sucking softly on it, then moves her head higher exchanging roles with Clare. Not realising her hands are free, Kate just lies prostrate enjoying the ministrations, then realises she has free hands and draws Judith's head towards her with one hand while the other entwines in her thick, red hair. Now Clare's tongue is darting all over Kate's skin avoiding her pussy and Kate's body responds, raising her legs and arching her body and presenting her pussy to Clare, to no avail at this stage.

Judith stops the kissing and whispers: "If you want to see us remove the blindfold, we're not doing it for you."

That's when Clare runs a finger along Kate's wet slit causing a wild jerk. "Fucking hell," Kate exclaims while a finger again traces her slick slit. She jerks off the blindfold, looks at Judith:

"I should be slapping you," then pulls her face to her own and wildly starts kissing again. Judith runs the palm of a hand across Kate's nipples continuing the kiss in unison with Clare kissing her thighs and lightly stroking her pussy lips. Kate has to break the kiss as her moans intensifies and her hips jerks from side to side trying to guide Clare's fingers towards her slit. Judith moves down brushing Kate's nipples with her tongue, then her tummy, opens Kate's legs and moves in between them. She pulls up Kates's knees kissing all the way down to her pussy while Clare, now straddled across Kate's tits, takes hold of her bum cheeks and starts kissing the top of her pussy. Judith's tongue opens her pussy lips and the tip slips in. Clare finds her clit and fold her lips around it while also scratching the side of her bum with her nails. Then Judith penetrates with her tongue wrapping her hands around Kate's thighs trying to control the wildly thrashing hips. After a while Clare wraps her lips around the stiff clit and let her lips run freely over it, slowly increasing the pace. Judith replaces her tongue with two fingers and slips them all the way in, massaging Kate's vagina with Clare still controlling her clit.

Kate was in a stupor not knowing where to turn, little "fuck, oh fuck me, you can't etc." interspersed with moans and guttural exclamations her only response. With Judith's fingers inside her pussy her tongue slips down and starts caressing Kate's anus, circling it and making it contract then relax. Now Kate's body is really jerking all over the place, moaning and gasping, unable to speak grinding her pelvis in Clare's clit filled mouth, then Judith's anus probing tongue. This lasts for only a few seconds before Kate's movements slows and she holds her breath her body relaxed, then slowly it tenses again with the jerking resuming, and then her orgasm takes hold. Head thrown back, her body twitching and soft moans escaping they let her enjoy the moment, watching as the twitching increases and a loud gasp makes her sit up, then relax again and flops back on the bed riding the waves of orgasm ripping through her. When calm eventually returns both softly kisses her and wraps her in their arms lying beside her listening to her breathing slowly returning to normal levels.

When they fell asleep I covered them, got in my car and drove home, a fantasy fulfilled.

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