The Charmer

By Hut Panda

Published on Jun 3, 2011


Hey Guys Well I'm trying to upload this story hope you like it. I own the characters I created and all other things and movie /book characters are property of JK Rowling and Warner Bros. Feel free to email me to and please tell me what you think should be better and what you like and ideas and bla bla bla

Love you!

The Charmer

Tyler Pennington wandered through the train station in London.He was left there minutes ago by a taxi cab.Ty-as his friends call him- is a charmer. Charmers are wizards with unique gifts.They got the ability to control one of the four elements and still do magic with their wands.The charmers also change every environment they were into,some for good and some...not good.Also charmers are born with special beauty gifts,they attract every person around them.

Ty walked to the one of the employees.

"Excuse me Sir, Hogwart's Express?" The employee was astonished with the charmer's look and stuttered a little.

"Mmm...That way" he said pointing to a really big train.Ty smiled at him in a thankful way and the employee blushed.

He walked toward the train with just a bag hanging across his body and a suitcase.His wand was in his front left pocket and his honey eyes were focused on the amazing train.

He hop into the train and looked for a compartment.All of the students-both male and female-stare astonished at Ty.Some with lust,others with admiration, and others were just drooling over him.He didn't notice this kind of attention from his fellow students as he made his way to an empty compartment.When he found one,he set his things and sat at the red couch.He sighed deeply.

"Hey,I'm Megan and I am of the student council at Hogwarts,I came to give you a warm welcoming!" Megan was a beautiful girl.She had blue eyes that match her black hair and she looked really nice.Ty smile.

Ty's POV

"Hi Megan,I'm Tyler Pennington ,but you can call me Ty" I shook Megan's hand.She looked nice.

"Welcome to Hogwarts Ty! It's an awesome place,I assure you that you will love it!" she sat and look at me.

"Mind some company?" I shook my head and she smile as she set her things.

"So where do you come from?" her eyes were really beautiful and really match both her skin tone and black hair.

"From the US" she smile at me.I noticed more students were filling the train and some of them stopped at our compartment to just stare.I assumed they know Megan ,so thats way they stopped. "Really? that explains your accent.Wow ,we don't have many students from there , maybe just 4 or 5 including you" As she finished some guys enter our compartment.Both looked like jocks who workout a lot! They were quite hot,but just one of them really catch my eye.They seemed like they didn't notice me at first,But then gasped as they saw me.

" So The rumors are true,they were talking in the station about an angel entering the train" one of them winked at me and then sat next to Megan,they hugged and he rested his arm on her shoulders.

I blushed fiercely.The other one just stare at me blankly.He had brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes.He was really built and handsome.He was like 6'1" and a real hunk.He smile shyly at me and I blushed again.

"Tom if you take him a picture it lasts more" The other one joked and Megan laugh too.Tom just chuckle and smirk at his friend.Gosh! that smile was wonderful and made me wanna melt.

"Hi My name is Tom Gourcuff" He said shoting a wonderful smile.I blushed-again- and took his hand.

"I am Ty Pennington,Nice to meet you" His hand felt warm and he hold mine for a couple of seconds longer.

"Tom stop that,you are making Ty uncomfortable!" Megan said to Tom.He glare playfully at her and sat in the same seat as me.

The four of us like an hour.I Discovered that the other guy's name was Danny and he is Megan's Boyfriend.I guessed that since they moment they greet eachother.Well Tom and Danny both were going to their 7th year,and Megan and I to our 6th one.

"Candies!" a woman knocked at our compartment glass door.She smiled warmly." Kids,Do you want any candies?" she smile again and I stand up to take a look.

"How much are the chocolate hearts?" I asked politely.

"To your accent ,you should be american,so give me 2 dollars and we are good" she smiled again.Wow, would she be that happy all the time?

"I only have 1" I looked several times in my pocket and didn't found a damn dollar!

"Its okay,I will pay" Tom offered politely.He payed in Euros and they lady hand him the chocolates and left.

"Thanks Tom, I'll pay you,I promise" He shooked his head and smile at me.

"No worries,it was courtesy" I smile and he chuckle.Tom was really a gentleman.But he must be one of those players.He looks like one.

"Dude,we gotta go to the Quidditch Meeting,remember as captains we gotta attend!" Tom picked up a little backpack and head out with Danny ,but before he shot me one of his killing smiles.

"Ty!" I went back from my little mind trip.She laughed.

"What?" I asked confused at her laughter.She just kept laughing and it got annoying.

"Sorry but you spaced out when Tom smiled at you and I called your name a thousand times,you should had seen your face, priceless!" she laugh a couple of more minutes and I ended up laughing too becuase of my goofy action.

" Well Where I was? Oh yeah right ,mmm I need to warn you about some things" she had a serious tone," Well this year Hogwarts accepted other magical creatures to study in the school ,vampires and werewolves to be exact,they are dangerous Ty,so I think you shouldn't involve with them" I nodded, " and obviously about the forbidden forest,its forbidden as you might guess and about the black lake" she frowned a little a the mention of this places.

The rest of the trip was fun,Megan and I talk and talk all the way. Danny and Tom got back from their meeting and we were all enrolled in a talk.

"I can't believe this!" Danny was really mad as he met us again.

"What's wrong baby?" Megan kissed her boyfriend to calm him down while Tom was also angry.

"That mangy dog thinks he is better than me!" Megan and I looked confused.He was talking about a dog,with scabies? What the heck?!

"Baby What are you talking about?" Megan was as confused as me.He sighed while Megan hug him to comfort him.

"One of the werewolves was picked as captain for the Ravenclaw house,and he said I didn't play quidditch good enough to comment about the arrangements for the matches!" Danny was really angry and he didn't calm down.Tom wasn't any better,he was annoyed.

"And he says he will win their first match,which is against us!" Tom said.They were both shaken up by this wolf's comment.

"Guys he is new here and you have been here for ages,and well I never heard of a wolf riding a broom so I Think you got advantage of that one,if you were chosen captains is for a reason, so you shouldn't be mad" they looked at me surprise. Like if they didn't believe those words came from me.

"Wow Tom,you got a smart one" Danny Joked to which I blushed.

"Welcome Students To A new year at Hogwarts!" An old lady said.She had a black bird in her shoulder and look strict." Please follow me to the Great Hall" All the students walked in a crowd to the "Great Hall". Megan just kept chatting about what quidditch is about and that I should really got to the first game.I agreed since I wanted to get acknowledge with other students too.

We all sat in big Tables that easily held 200 students each or more! I sat next to Megan since I haven't been assigned to a house.

"Everyone quiet!" A loud,deep voice echoed through the Great Hall.All of the noise was quiet and everyone put attention to the old principal.He smile warmly at everyone." Welcome to a new year here at Hogwarts, We have new guests so please be kind to everyone,werewolves are here also to protect the school ,so please if you notice something strange ,go to them ,they will help you" Danny muttered some insults to the werewolves loud enough for us to hear.

"Also I want to name a really special guest we have this year,he is a charmer,Charmers are powerful wizards who control one element ,in this case water.They make their presence really notice because of their aura,please welcome Tyler Pennington!" All looks were on me,the room was quiet as I stand up and walked to the Sorting Hat. The sorting hat was staring at me.I sat in the brown chair and the old lady we met first put it in me.

"Mmmm Interesting,quite interesting" The hat was scary,quite scary," We have a charmer here,we have one problem Professor Dumbledore" everyone was confused.

"What is it Sorting Hat?" Dumbledore asked confused about what the sorting hat referred to.Everyone was looking at me.I felt really nervous.

"This charmer has The courage and he is brave enough to be in Gryffindor, smart enough to be in Ravenclaw, honest enough to be in Hufflepuff ,but not too evil to be in Slytherin I'm sure" Some laugh at the Slytherins who were pissed by the description of the Sorting Hat to their house.

"Well The decision is yours Sorting Hat" Dumbledore sighed, " Please feel free to choose guiding you from your experience" The sorting hat stay silent for a few seconds.I was getting impatient.

"Gryffindor!" The Gryffindor table cheered and Megan smile widely at me.I thank the Sorting hat and he looked surprise.Maybe no one ever thank him.I walked to sit next to Megan.

As I was eating I felt a person looking at me.I turn around and saw a muscle, tall, black hair guy with gorgeous yellow eyes staring at me.When I meet his gaze, he smirked at me and I blushed.He made a bowed and turn around. This is going to be an interesting year.

Next: Chapter 2

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