The Charmer

By Hut Panda

Published on Jun 5, 2011


Ty's POV

I walked through the halls of the old castle.Students glanced at me.I was wondering if I had something in my face or they were not really looking at me.

"Sorry!"I said as I bumped into what felt like a wall! I looked up to see the guy who stared at me yesterday.He was wearing a quidditch uniform from the Ravenclaw house.He smiled as he noticed me.

"Don't worry,it was me the one who wasn't looking" he helped me pick up my books that fell to the ground.

"Thanks"I said politely as he handed me the books.He smile again and my knees were really weak.

"So are you going to the quidditch field?" he asked me.

"Yes, Gryffindor tryouts, and Megan asked me to go"He was in thought for a moment and then smile.

"I'm heading that way,mind if I walk with you?" Of course not! but I was conscious and replied simply.

"Please"he smiled and we head to the field.

"Ty! You are here!" Megan said,"and with..."she frowned when she saw the guy.Her eyes showed feared but the guy just smile.

"I'm Aiden,nice to meet you"she was shocked and I just didn't knew what to do.

"err...Aiden so what position you play?" I asked breaking the awkward moment.

"Chaser" his yellow eyes sparkled.Despite being a really cold day,Aiden spread warmth.It was nice in this season of the year.

"That's cool"he was about to say something when one of the Ravenclaw Ôs team called Aiden.

"Well Ty,gotta go,but I'll see you in a few minutes" he winked and left.

"He is the werewolf"Megan whispered frightened.

"Is he?" I asked scared.She nodded her head and then we head to the bleachers in silence.

"He seems nice,but I don't trust them" she said breaking the awkward situation.

"Well.he seems really nice" her eyes were focused on Danny.

"Please,not a fight" Ravenclaw team and Gryffindor team were on the field.Danny,Tom, and Aiden were discussing.Megan and I jump off the bleachers to stop what could turn into a fight.

"Guys stop!"Megan hold Danny's arm.He seemed furios ,just as Tom and Aiden.

"This Fleabag things he can get away with his comments and fuck no!"Tom said to.He was in so much anger. I spread a peaceful aura,a thing charmers can do.They all calm down a little.

"Let's decide this with a match,the one who gets to 20 first or find the snitch gets to stay"Aiden said now more calm.Everyone agreeded.Megan and I went back to the bleachers to wait for the match to start.

Tom's POV

"Hey you!" We were all in our brooms and ready to begin the match.When the dog called me.

"What?" I asked rudely.He just ignore it.

"Let's make this more interesting,if I win I get a date with the beauty that's in the bleachers without you bothering us" he winked at Ty.I was about to ripped his head off.My fists clenched and he smiled and wave at Ty.

"And if I win?" I asked curiously.

"I back off from him" he replied,"I know you like him" he laughed at me," but don't worry about that,cause I won't lose"he smirked at me and I smirked too.

"We'll see"I said confident.He was going to lose and I will enjoy it.

"Deal!"He shook my hand and someone blew a whistle.

The match began and brooms where all over the place.I was looking for the quaffle when I heard a sound.

"Ravenclaw scores!"a voice said.I didn't notice the little guy in the microphone.

I turned to see Aiden celebrating with his teammates.

Ty's POV

The match was really close but at the end Ravenclaw won.Tom and Danny were angry and upset.Megan hugged him and Tom just sat by me.

"Don't worry,I think you were great up there!" he smile happily at me.

"Thanks and the we will win the real match baby don't worry" I was taken back about the "baby".

"What?" I asked him. "Nothing"he said quickly and just turned to talk with Danny about improvements in their strategies.

I could see all the Ravenclaws congratulating their new captain and Aiden just smirked at his team's nice comments.He winked at me and mouth "Wait for me" I nodde and he smile.

After a while Aiden came to me and smile.

"Ty, what are you doing tommorrow night?" I thought for a moment and shook my head," great,wanna go out with me" He pleaded.I laughed and said yes.He hug me and twirl me around.I smile and laugh.

"So, Mr. Pennington would do you be my walk to the castle?" He ask and took my hand.I nodded.

"Of course" I said in a playful voice.We laughed and walked to the castle.

His soul is in real danger, his spirit is below the ground, he most be with the ones he loves, and save the entire world.

"What's that?" I asked Aiden.He frowned.

"Mermaids" he said almost in a whisper.We were walking in the shore of the black lake.A lot of heads showed in the surface.Some blonde,some brown,some black.The singing continue.

He has come to the place where it all started, and he will fight to save his life, the brave's will last forever, the charmer is the message

"What are they talking about?" I asked Aiden.He pushed me behind him and cover me with his broad shoulders.

"What do you want?" Aiden asked the mermaids rudely.

"Him"one of them said.

"You won't have him"Aiden back off a little with me behind.

"We need his gift to cure one of us!" one mermaid was angry andwas approaching the shore.

"And we should believe you?" Aiden laughed sarcastically.The mermaid glare.

You are the one who touch the skys, the true can be seen in your eyes, please cure the wounds of the evil, and we'll sing for the eternity

The mermaids were pleading with her eyes.

"I Will" I said going out from my hiding place.Aiden was mad.

"No,they are mermaids,no trust!"He shouted at me.I just gave him a smile.

"It will be alright" I approach the shore and two mermaids were swimming towards me.One of them was bleeding.I took out my wand.

"Ferula!" the mermaid's tail was wrapped in bandages and the bleeding stopped.The mermaid stopped sobbing.She was a little mermaid.She jumped back into the water happily and dive.

"Thank you Charmer" the mermaid said.

"Call me Ty" she smiled.

"Ok,then call me Emerald"I smiled and all the mermaids were diving into the water.

"Meet us tommorrow morning,we will tell you the story"she dive into the water.

"You are wonderful" Aiden hugged me and we left to the castle.

I was looking forward to the meeting with the mermaids,a lot to be talked.

Hey guys hope you like the story,and email me to for suggestions and ideas.Thanks and please email me to know what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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