The Chosen One of Langolen

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 3, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I lugged my wet wash over to the dryers all along one wall. Jesus, I hate washing clothes! Not that I want to wear dirty clothes, I just hate having my Sunday afternoon taken up at a small, dirty, smelly laundromat. Why can't they put air conditioning in these places? It's bad enough having all these hot washers spewing steam and the dryers pouring hot air out, in the winter, but in summer, they are something close to hell on Earth.

Well, another half-hour and this would be over with. If I was lucky enough to get a dryer that would actually dry my clothes. I'd stuff them all in my duffel bag, get the hell out of there, and hang them up neatly when I got home! I stuffed my clothes in the dryer, put my clothes in, dropped in seventy-five cents and pressed go. The clothes began a slow, lazy turn and I turned away. Some people stared at their clothes like it was a television set. Me, I had better things to do...maybe.

I looked at the Coke machine against one wall, licked my lips. If I'd had another dollar in my wallet, I could have bought one of them. As it was. The only water to drink was at a sink they had for people to bleach clothes in or something. I went over, bent my head down and slurped from the faucet. Nobody looked weird at me, I was the latest of a long line of people who'd done that. Nobody else in this place had money to spare on Cokes either.

Done with that, I looked around for a place to sit. I'd want to keep one eye on my dryer if not watch it ardently. Sometimes the clothes dryer would get unbalanced, that would cause it to...

To do exactly what it had done. Stop dead in its tracks. Shit! I went over and reached in to my clothes. Still soaking wet, barely warm air over them. A steady hum from the dryer. Shit! A balky dryer! I didn't have any more quarters either! Shit, I'd have to call that number next to the phone (payphone! And me without a single quarter to use it), and ask them to refund my money. They probably would do so, who wouldn't cut a check for seventy-five cents on a business like this. I'd have to take my wet, soggy clothes home, hang them about the place and hope something was dry enough by morning to let me wear it to work! Shit, shit, shit!

I dumped my clothes out into the wire rolling basket. Just a few more at the back of the dryer and I could load them into my duffel bag, walk that weighty mass the five blocks to my apartment and then....

My hand was at the back of the dryer. I had hold of my blue jeans when I felt it. My own hand grabbed by another hand!

"What the fuck?" I shrieked. And tried to extricate my hand. I couldn't! I felt another hand join the first one and pull on it, hard! I went into the dryer up to my shoulder.

"Help! Somebody, help!" I called out, looked around.

I was alone in the laundromat at this moment. Everyone had gone outside to the parking lot, where a cool wind was blowing. Sitting on their cars, laughing and talking, a radio playing. They couldn't hear me!

I pulled back and tried to look inside the dryer, see who had hold of me. I could just see hands, coming out of the back of the dryer. The otherwise normal back of the dryer, a metal plate with a bolt in the center. I reached in with my other hand and with my head, arms and shoulders inside the dryer, I was pulled on hard, again.

And went into the dryer, slid across my wet jeans at the bottom of the dryer, and on through the back of the machine. And into...magic!

A meadow an impossibly beautiful shade of green, with trees that had broad leaves that drooped down from the top like a woman's dress, below that were vine-like things that held bundles of what looked like fruit in the lowest part of the loop. Beyond them a short distance was what looked like a village, with the houses seeming to have grown in place and been hollowed out afterwards to make places to live, like large loaves of bread stuck one-end-down into the ground. Around those houses were moving people, living their lives, except for some who had stopped in mid-activity to point at me.

"Eh tayanatakana matayu?" came a voice behind me.

I turned to see...this must have been the man who had grabbed and pulled me through the back of the dryer. "Uh....hello?" I said to him.

He was taller than me, maybe six foot two, with deep brown skin (I couldn't tell if it was a dark tan or his normal color, the villagers were all shades from pale as me out to deep African-dark brown), he wore a sleeveless tan-colored vest joined across the chest by a small golden chain that spanned the four inches or so the vest didn't reach. Above that was a necklace of twine-like material, at the bottom was a pair of wooden globular beads and between them, tip inserted into another wooden bead smaller than the two on either side, was a single, smallish purple feather. A belt of links of silver about the waist appeared to hold up (somehow, I didn't see how, maybe it was just decoration) a pair of darker brown leggings, the belt definitely held up a light-tan loincloth between them. I realized the leggings must not be joined to each other, were two separate cylinders that had been tied around the waist at the top or to that belt. His feet were shod in something thick and bulky, I couldn't tell because he was standing in tallish-grass that came up midway to his knee.

Beyond his clothing, something right out of a fantasy novel or something, was him. The black hair was midway to his shoulders, kept out of his face by a thin headband of some kind the same color as his pants/leggings. His muscles were large, strong, more than able to swing a heavy sword or a thick wooden staff.

"Mayatanama brekomatisa?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "I don't understand."

"Ahh!" he said and approached me. I backed away and he smiled a smile that said he wasn't going to hurt me. I hoped that was what it was, because I stopped and he lifted up a flower with blue petals, maybe an inch in diameter. He made to put it in my hair and I backed away again. But he came forward with me and stuck the flower's stem behind one of my ears, the petals tickled my earlobe. "There you go." he said to me in perfectly understandable English. To my bemusement, his lips didn't match what he'd said, like watching a badly dubbed-over movie. He put another blue flower behind one of his own ears. Somehow, on him, it missed looking effeminate, same as the feather-necklace he wore.

"I can understand you?" I said.

"You can now." he said. "The Speach-Flower lets you understand any spoken language."

"Okay." I said slowly. I think, given how I'd been simply doing my laundry a few minutes before, I was handling things pretty damned well! "So where am I and why am I here?"

"This..." the man gestured about, "is Langolen."


"The land of my people." He said. "I am Demesen."

"Charley." I said in my own turn.



"T'sharley?" he tried again.

"Uh...close enough." I gave up. "Okay, so I'm in Langolen. Why am I here?"

"I pulled you through the portal."

"Yeah, I know." I said rather irritably. After all, I had been doing laundry when I'd been so rudely interrupted. "So why am I here?"

"Because we need you." he said. "You are the Chosen One."

Last time I'd heard that phrase, it was in a movie with Eddie Murphy. "Chosen for what?" I said suspiciously.

"To be the one through which the magic of Langolen is channeled." he said like that explained it all. "The last Chosen One has passed away and it has been three days. This village is the nexus of magic, and without the Chosen One to guard the gates of the magic realms, the evil forces will soon be upon us. The Forces of Evil will have felt the Chosen One's passing." And I saw this big, strong, brave man shiver in what was undoubtedly fear. "If you do not help people will be lost and through them, all of Langolen."

"But...I don't even know what to do!" If you think I was feeling out of my element, you don't know the half of it. "I was washing my clothes, I get yanked through a dryer, and now you're telling me that I'm supposed to fight off the forces of Evil by using magic? I mean...come on already!"

"Eeee!" came a scream from the village. And then others, all at once.

Things were dropping out of the sky! I don't mean birds, I don't mean bats, I don't mean pterodactyls. I mean THINGS! "Demons" isn't a strong enough word for them. They were plunging down on the village, people running for their lives.

My companion grabbed up a spear and ran to help his people. That left me standing all alone, on the edge of the village, which was being attacked by big-flying-nasties! No two were alike, one was serpentine, another was globular, all they had in common was that they were things you see (vaguely) in your dreams, you know, the ones where you're running like hell and it's after you?

Suddenly, as I looked up at them, I felt it. Like water running through my body, building, bubbling, wanting to break free.

One of them saw me, began to fly towards me, looking like nothing but teeth, claws and wings.

I put my hands up before me, not in protection, but out straight in front of me. And I screamed, but it wasn't a scream of fear. It was coming from that source within, and it was like rage, or more like righteous fury.

And my hands were firing out like bazookas! I mean huge blasts of orangish-reddish...power shot out of my palms and they fried that flying-ugly right where he was. All that was left was a bunch of blackish goo that splattered all over the place.

What I felt then was a sense of triumph! "All right!" I said. And looked at the beasts attacking the village only now....all I saw targets like in a computer wargame.

And it was like picking them off. I blasted one thing that was taking a woman away in its claws, the thing sprayed into blobs and the woman fell. I turned my palm sideways and a bluish cushion of power caught her and lowered her safely to the ground.

It was like...instinct here. As natural as sneezing, you don't have to think about what you're doing, you just do it. I was picking off the bad guys while rescuing the good guys like I'd been doing it all my life.

The last one was on the ground, my friend (if that's the right word for the guy who had yanked me into this weird place!) Demesen was fending off the thing while a group of children cowered behind him against one of the walls, warded by his massive, muscled form that swung in majestic fury against the beast.

I used my newfound power to grab the thing and lift it bodily up into the air, away from the children, and tossed it upwards, followed that with a blast that blew it to smithereeens. "Yahoo!" I crowed out. "Game over!"

I was shortly surrounded by a group of very happy people, as you can imagine. Actual casualties seem to have been minimal, a couple of people had gotten killed and several injured, but my swift action had kept the worst of it at bay. I was ushered to a house that was decked out in what I recognized as maximum comfort for this rather rustic people, and before long, I was the guest of honor at a pretty fair banquet. My friend (well, what else can I call him?) stood by and translated my words for the people who wanted to speak to me, I understood them but they couldn't understand me. Except for my "friend" Demesen.

I took the last well-wisher finally and was able to actually sit and eat in peace. I did for a while (my guess it was now about seven o'clock at night now, so I was hungry enough), but when I had finished my eating, I said to Demesen. "So, tell me Demesen, when can I go home?'

"Go?" Demesen seemed surprised. "But you can't go! If you go, the Forces of Evil will sense it and resume their attacks upon us."

"But...isn't there any other way?" I said.

"You are the Chosen One."

"Can't you chose someone else?"

"We did not choose." Demesen pointed out. "The Forces of Good have chosen you. They brought you to us here, on the border between the lands of the Forces of Good and Evil. So long as this village holds firm, all the lands of Langolen are safe. And the Chosen One is the one who holds the village safe."

" I can't go home?" I asked.

"We will make you a new home here." Demesen said to me. He seemed genuinely concerned. "Tell me what you are missing and we will build it for you here."

What was I missing? I thought it over. A family that never had much care if I lived or died (sad but true!) A college career in its third year and going nowhere fast. A budget that was strained to its edge. What was I missing by being here?

"Well...." I said. "I guess if I'm stuck here, I might as well make the best of it."

I think Demesen picked up the underlying reason for my acquiesence. "Here you will have a place of highest honor. Whatever we have that we can give you for your happiness, it will be our privilege to give to you."

"I guess." I looked around at all the people. "I guess right now, I'd just like to be left alone."

The bed was soft enough, once you forget that it was on some other planet/dimension/plane of existence. How the hell did I get into this? I was just doing my freaking laundry and....boom! I'm here, shooting flames out of my hands and saving an entire world from evil whatchamacallits!

All of a sudden, I didn't want to be alone at all! I wanted someone to talk to, and I really only had one choice!

I felt the magic power welling up within me again, this time in a calm certainty. I reached out my hand in that same instinctive understanding and the magic streamed out of me again. I didn't see what it was doing until it happened.

Demesen came floating into the room. I had caught him up from his bed, and he was now clad only in the loincloth and necklace. He was also still asleep. My magic had picked him up without even waking him. It brought him over and laid him down into the bed with me, the covers lifting away to slide him right in next to me.

Geez, I thought this magic was supposed to be the Forces of Good! What kind of Force of Good brings a hot stud and slips him into your bed for you? I just wanted to talk with him. What was I supposed to do, wake him up?

He turned his head and I saw the blue flower was still behind his ear. I hastily reached over to the side of the bed and stuffed my own behind mine. I turned back to see him raising up onto one elbow. "Sorry." I said. "Didn't mean to wake you up."

"Is there something you require?" Demesen asked me.

"Uh...I just wanted to talk to someone." I said. "I'm feeling kind of lonely right now."

"I would not like to have the Chosen One feel lonely." Demesen said. "I shall stay with you for as long as you'd like."

"I appreciate that." I said. "I mean, this has been a very big change for me, bigger than I'd ever even thought about."

"And you are feeling lonely." Demesen agreed. "Lonely and afraid."

"Yeah." I said. That kind of summed it all up.

"Then let me help you feel less lonely and less afraid."

And Demesen smiled and his large hand reached up and stroked across my shoulder and arm. I didn't have to ask how he planned to make me feel less lonely. I was only wearing my boxers to sleep in (I only had one set of clothes, remember, everything else had left behind in a laundromat when I'd been yanked away from my own world) and when Demesen's hand had finished its trip down my upper arm, it ended up on the bed just above my crotch. From there, it had a very brief trip down to where it could sidle into the opening of my boxers and fish out my cock. I gasped at how overt his approach was, then reminded myself that I had been the one who had caused him to wake up in my bed. And since he was obviously more than willing to be here.

I reached and found his own prick had pushed his loincloth aside. I felt it, hard and throbbing and I gripped it and Demesen sighed. "Yes, Chosen One, take my manhood and let it please you in all things."

That sounded to me like a formal reply. "Demesen?"

His hand began to work my prick and I was quick to join him. "Yes, Chosen One?"

"Call me Charley."


"Whatever." I plowed on. "Are you kind of like the one assigned to be in bed with me?"

"In a manner of speaking." Demesen said.

"What do you mean?"

"I am to be your companion, your helper and your servant in all things. I was chosen as the last act of the last Chosen One before she died."


"All Chosen Ones until you have been female." Demesen said. "It surprised me to be selected, since my desires do not run to females. But when you were the one I pulled from the portal as is ordained, I knew the reason for my selection." He scooted closer and kissed my cheek. "I am to be with you in all ways you desire, for the rest of your life. Am I pleasing to you, Chosen One? You may select another to be with you if I am not. Any would be honored to serve you."

With a body like he had and what felt like a nine-inch pole of hard schlong to please me, I was sure of my answer. "I think you'll do just fine."

And Demesen moved even closer and now our bodies were pressed against each other, Demesen replaced my hand with his own, holding both our dongs together, he pleasured them as one. The feel of that steel shaft against mine was enough to drive me mad.

"Oh, God!" I groaned and threw my head back. Demesen moved quickly to kiss the neck I exposed to him, to kiss my body, touch my arms, my chest, my ribs, my breasts, my body was his to explore and he moved his hands upon me and his lips followed on the trail they blazed.

As his head began to approach my midsection and I realized that this studly man was about to suck on my cock, I moaned and thrust my hips upwards, fucking at the hand which still held me in thrall even when his own dong had slid away to nestle itself along the hairs on my leg.

God, that prick of his, I wanted it up here with me.

And the magic moved within me again and my hands barely needed to gesture. The coverings which had remained wrapped around us slid away to the edge of the bed against the wall, and Demesen's body was lifted up into the air. Another would have panicked at being floated around, but Demesen seemed to accept it as a part of my power, for he merely clung tightly to my pud, kept his head nearby and when he was above me, his prong pointing down at my face, he reached and his mouth caught my cockhead tightly like two railroad cars coupling, clicking onto each other in a single, smooth, embracing join. Click-click-clack, and we were now docked to each other and my magic lowered Demesen back onto the bed, he caught himself on his knees and his arms, and now his cock was buried in my throat.

All I had to do was suck on him and it was there. Demesen must have washed himself when he had left the banquet, readying himself for the summons he must have expected would come. When it had not been by word, he had fallen asleep (he'd had a day as busy as mine, I realized) and then awakened where he knew he would be, in bed with me, and it was just a matter of waiting for me to reach for him, and to reach for me when I didn't do so at once.

He had known I wanted him before we had even met. And he had wanted me without knowing me. How "meant to be" can you get?

With that certainty guiding me, I relished the feel of his sturdy manhood, I lavished my tongue and mouth upon him, and Demesen returned this with all the ardor you would pay when you were the one selected to serve the one chosen to guard your entire people. This was his duty, this was his purpose in life, this was his destiny, to be with me. And this all lent a talent to his own ministrations upon my body that I was hard-pressed to match.

Oh, God, this man was mine, all of mine, he and I were meant to be together in all ways, for the rest of my life. I had wondered at my aimless, seemingly meaningless existence, the way you do when you are in college and all life is a puzzle to you, but you are finding answers and not sure you like what you are finding. I had resigned myself to a mundane existence, a life barely lived as I struggled to build a home, a family, a purpose. Instead, my purpose had reached out and pulled me through a dryer into this world, where I was meant to be.

I felt Demesen's prong lift away from mine and I assumed he wanted to shift things in some wise, but when I opened my eyes and looked, I saw that my magic had again caught him and was levering him around. He was being lifted to face me, raised up from horizontal to vertical, and being lowered...oh, man! I looked into Demesen's face and saw an almost beatific ecstasy on his face as his slim buttocks cleaved themselves to permit my dong to slip between them, his anus puckered, then dilated to let me enter, it was my magic greasing the way for him, not letting Demesen feel in this moment anything but pleasure, I entered him and his body closed about my rod like a cloak surrounds the traveler, with warmth and love.

When he was fully penetrated by me, Demesen let out a long sighing, shuddering sound. "You have taken me, oh, Chosen One." he breathed huskily. "Now I shall please you entirely and let our bodies become one."

And with the vigor that only a large, muscled, well-honed machine like his body could muster, Demesen began to ride on my cock. His hips were able to lift and guide his movements perfectly, he was moaning in rapturous joy as his ass milked and stroked my manhood, wringing my passion from me. I only had to lie there and let his body slide upon me let my delight rise up and sigh like the boiling pot's contents lift up the lid of the pot to sizzle upon the stove in a sudden loud burst of noise and excitement, I felt my own pot bubbling up and could only rattle like the lid in my warning. At the very last, as my orgasm blossomed within my brain, I managed a single, strangled sounding moan, and that was all the warning Demesen received before I hit my peak and my climax exploded upwards into him, I gurgled and hunched and my pud squirted hot seed up into his bowels, and Demesen moaned himself, a sharing of our joy, and as my own orgasm dazzled my brain, I waited for the answering splats of Demesen's spunk upon my body.

But it didn't come. Instead, as I subsided, Demesen sank down and began to relax his rigid state, and I realized that my loyal servant was about to sublimate his own joy for mine, not force me to continue to please him. If I chose, I could simply kiss him once and roll over and fal asleep.

This time, I called upon the magic deliberately, told it what I wanted. As Demesen sank onto the bed, I was the one lifted up and the magic pulled Demesen's legs together as I straddled him and now I had my own buttocks spread wide to let Demesen's prong nestle between them.

"You need not do this, Chosen One!" gasped out Demesen as I felt his glans knocking at my sphincter's entrance. "It is not required that you....ah, ah, ahh!" for my body had enveloped him.

"If you are mine, Demesen, then I am also yours." I said to him. "How can we be one if either of us are subordinate to the other." I think it was the magic that spoke those words instead of me, but they came from my lips and meant them just the same.

Demesen moaned and as I lay my body down on top of his, he rolled us both over roughly and I ended up on my back once again, this time with Demesen's majestic dong imbedded in me, and Demesen lifted my legs up with his arms, until my knees were locked into his elbows and he could ride above me, his body resting on my buttocks, his cock deep within me, and he began to hump at me with a physical fury that all of his muscles had promised to me at our first meeting. This was a strong man and I was serving him now, he would take me and take me well!

And with his shaft ramming into me, I felt my desire welling up within me once again. I had enjoyed the climax of my penis, now the orgasm of my prostate was building up a different approach to the same nerves, but the magic restored me and let me give myself as a rested and refreshed man can give himself to another, I didn't have to pretend one iota of my own reaction and my own joy at being fucked by my Demesen, he was bringing me delight and he was winning its rewards in the passion in my eyes and the ecstasy of my voice as I grunted eagerly, urging him on, more, more, more, faster, faster, faster....

"Ah, ah, ah, Chosen One, I, I, I reach my delight." Demesen choked out. "May this one serve you, ah, gah, by giving you, uh, ugh, his seed of life?"

"Give it all to me, right now, and hurry!" I moaned. "Oh, AGH, AH, AAHH, GUH, UH, HNNNNK-GUHHHH!"

"Ah, ah, GUH-KUHHHNNNNN!" Demesen joined me in my second climax with his own first and as I sprayed my load upon his body, he pumped a heavy package of his own deep into my intestines. I felt the hot wad bubbling in there, like it was transforming itself into something inside me. Was it the magic healing my body of the small rips it had incurred at Demesen's athletic handling of me? Or was it a part of the magic itself, the joining of our bodies by some admixture of elements? I couldn't tell. And didn't much care. It was there, that was all that mattered.

Demesen rested his body on top of mine, holding most of the weight off of me, but letting me feel some of his massiveness upon my own form. He kissed my neck and shoulder ardently, over and over again. I had to push him away to get him to release me.

He rolled onto his back, his strong chest heaving. "And now we are one." he said. "And you, our Chosen One, shall guide your people of Langolen now and ever in your wisdom and your grace, watching over and protecting us for the length of your days."

"Whoa!" was all I said to that. An entire lifetime here. All I'd set out to do was wash my clothes in preparation for another week of classes. Instead, I had found myself a portal into a new world, a new life, and a new beginning.

"I shall strive to make myself worthy." was what I came out with at last. And whether that was the magic in me talking or my own soul accepting its fate, it felt exactly like the right thing to say.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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