The Christmas Orgy

By Phillip Cook

Published on Dec 24, 2012



I jumped at the chance to spend Christmas with Gerard and Mick at their house in Los Angeles. Gerard used to date my sister and I always had a crush on him. When he came out I thought their might be some hope for me but he moved to California and found someone almost right away. I was so jealous, but remained friends with him, though I haven't seen him in a few years, since I was 15. Back then I was just a skinny kid with braces and a bad haircut. Now at 18, my braces are gone and I got a better hair style, I'm still skinny but I might have filled out some.

Gerard and I mostly kept in touch on Facebook. I haven't updated my profile picture in a while and still have one up when I was 15. So he may still be expecting that awkward shy kid.

My sister had forgiven him for breaking up with her. Gerard always said he never cheated on her. But she never liked that I kept in touch with him. She always thought it was weird I wanted to stay friends with her gay ex-boyfriend. I haven't come out myself yet. Maybe it's because I'm still a virgin and feel I should have a boyfriend before I rock my family's world with some news they could take badly. I keep thinking to myself that I'm young and still have time to tell them who I really am. Not that they don't suspect. After all, I never brought home a girlfriend. Of course, they could chalk that towards my shyness.

So on Christmas Eve I found myself on the doorstep of Gerard and Mick in sunny LA. Nervous because I hadn't seen Gerard in a long time, I shakily rang his door bell. After a few minutes I was beginning to think no one was home. Even though I saw Gerard's red Ford Taurus in the drive. I decided to sit on the porch and wait.

I heard the door slowly open, I turned my head and saw a very handsome man, about 25 years old, poke his head out. He had dark short hair, which was wet as if he had just gotten out of the shower. I couldn't see what he was wearing but I could tell he was shirtless. I recognized him immediately from his photos on Gerard's Facebook page as Mick, Gerard's boyfriend.

"Hi there, Phillip?" He asked, sounding unsure, yet hopeful.

"Yes sir," I said while standing up and wondering why I called him sir. He wasn't that much older than I was.

"Please, call me Mick. And come on in."

He held the door open and it was then I could see he had a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I'm sorry I'm not dressed, but I just stepped out of the shower," he said needlessly. "Do you have any luggage?"

"Yes, they're in the rental."

He chuckled.

"Gerard wanted to pick you up at the airport so when you called to let us know your parents gave you the money for a car rental, he was like, 'he's not old enough to drive,' I had to remind him your 18 and probably been driving for a couple of years now. I think he still thinks of you as a little kid. Maybe because you haven't changed your profile pic in ages." I must have looked surprised that he saw my picture on Facebook since we were not friends, because he went on to explain.

"Well, whenever Gerard would go to your page and leave you a message or write on your time line about this or that, I would often be there with him and I would see your pic. I thought you were pretty cute."

I felt myself blushing.

"I was a scrawny kid with braces."

"True. But a cute scrawny kid with braces." He was looking me up and down. "I can see you have grown up since the picture was taken. Gerard is going to get the surprise of his life. Well, go get your luggage, and I'll go get dressed."

He started down the hall to his bedroom, when I called out: "Where's Gerard?"

"Doing a few errands. He'll be back in about an hour. Oh," he turned around and came back towards me, "you wouldn't mind sleeping on the sofa would you?"

"Sure," I shrugged.

"It's just that, well, I'm not sure if Gerard told you, but we are expecting two other couples, and since we only have two guest bedrooms, and they are couples and they need their privacy, so hope that's alright."

"Sure, it's fine. I can sleep anywhere."

"Good. I'll be back in a jiff." As he was leaving he removed his towel and I caught a glimpse of his dick. It was pretty average, maybe no more than 6 inches, but it looked beautiful and he had a nice black bush above it and when he turn and walked away the two tanned globes of his ass swayed as he walked down the hall. My dick stiffened instantly. Gerard was a lucky man, I thought. Mick was a lucky man to, because Gerard was just as gorgeous except instead of dark hair he was a blond.

And to think, there will be two other couples here. I didn't ask, but I assumed they were all gay. And probably just as gorgeous,, since Mick and Gerard were both models, and aspiring actors, I could only imagine the type of company they kept. Or maybe it was just hopeful thinking. To be surrounded by sexy men. Although they would be all couple up, and I would be the 7th wheel.

I wondered if I would ever find a guy of my own.

After fetching my luggage from the rental and wanting to get freshened up before Gerard came home, I went into the bathroom to take a shower while Mick started dinner. When I turned off the water and toweled myself off, I heard voices coming from the living room. I hoped it was Gerard, I so wanted to see him. Out of all my sister's boyfriends he was my favorite. Maybe it was because he was gay and being a gay kid myself I could sense it. Or maybe it was because he was always nice to me. Taking me to movies or out for ice cream.

I rushed to get dressed and combed my hair. I put of deodorant and cologne. I didn't know if I looked good. I still saw myself as that geeky awkward kid I was back when Gerard was dating my sister. But I thought it was the best I could do. So ready or not, I turned the knob on the bathroom door, ready to make my grand entrance.

The living room was crowded and I couldn't see a place where I could sit down comfortably. Six handsome heads turned to look at me as I entered. I felt like I was on display. When Gerard saw me he grinned and leapt to his feet and rushed at me and gripped me in a bear hug, practically lifting me off the floor.

"Phillip, it's so good to see you! It's been a while man!" He said while still hugging me. I could smell his cologne, it was intoxicating. He held me at arms length and looked me over. "My, Phillip, you're all grown up, You really should update your pic."

"I've been meaning to." The truth was that I was camera shy, and I never liked the way I looked.

"Well, we can take plenty of pics while you're here and then you can choose one to put up."

"Sure," I said.

"Hey everyone," he said to the gathered crowd, "this is Phillip, my ex's little brother, you already met my beautiful boyfriend Mick, this is Alex and Ethan," he said pointing to a handsome blond man who looked to be in his early 20's and an equally handsome man sitting beside him on the sofa, with brown hair and a sexy goatee. "And over here is Ben," he said motioning towards a man in his mid 20's with long brown hair that went almost to his shoulders. He was handsome in a rugged sort of way and he and a broad friendly smile. "And lastly," he he said pointing to the chair opposite of Ben, "this is Ben's boyfriend, Tommy." Tommy was quite handsome with dark hair and a winning smile. It looked as if I was staring into the pages of a magazine looking at all the hot male models.

I shyly said hi to all of them and made my way to a seat sitting next to Alex on the sofa. They all chatted for quite some time while Mick kept checking on dinner. I was right, they all were models. Gerard's friends lived in New York and are here for Christmas and will stay through New Year's. They mentioned they all want to move out here and may do so sometime early next year. Gerard and Mick offered them to stay at their house for as long as they need a place to stay.

"Same goes for you too, mister," Gerard suddenly said to me, and I looked up at him in total surprise. "You're 18 now, maybe you might like to come and move here."

"Yeah, that would be cool, I just turned 18 in September, and even though I'm technically an adult, I'm still a senior in high school. So any plans I would make about moving out of my parents house would probably have to wait until summer at least."

"Well," Gerard started, "Maybe we can work something out. Maybe you can finish school here."

"I don't think my folks would go for that."

"It won't hurt to ask. They may surprise you."

It was an interesting and a very unexpected offer. I wondered why he would want a shy kid like me living with him and his boyfriend. And the house would be awfully crowded if Alex, Ethan, Tommy, and Ben took him up on his offer to stay here with him and Mick.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mick announce that dinner was served.

The evening was fun yet uneventful. We had a nice dinner of roast beef and roasted potatoes. There were lots of presents under the brightly decorated tree and I haven't even thought of them getting me anything but Gerard handed me one and said he wanted me to open it before going to be. I ripped it open and was amazed to see Scooby Doo pajamas. He really did think of me as a little kid, and yet I was happy to have something to wear. I usually sleep in my underwear and so I didn't bring anything thinking I would have my own room. Now that I would be sleeping out in the open in the living room, I needed something to cover my scrawny ass. I had filled out some from when I was younger, but I was still skinny.

"Thanks." I almost kissed him to show him my appreciation, but held back not knowing how he would react. Or how my dick would react to even an innocent peck on the cheek. And Mick might not like the gesture if he thought I wanted more than a kiss from his boyfriend.

"Well, you better get to bed kiddo. Santa will be here in a few hours."

I looked side ways at Gerard.

"I'm not a little kid, Gerard. I'm aware that Santa Claus is a myth."

They all laughed at me and Gerard winked. There was something about that gesture that made my stomach fill up with fluttering butterflies.

"He may be more real than you think, kiddo. I have a feeling that Santa is going to bring exactly what you want on Christmas morning."

I woke up suddenly with a start and thought I heard a noise. It sounded like it came from the kitchen. Someone getting a midnight snack, I thought. Suddenly there was a figure of a man in the entry way to the living room. I sat up on the couch and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't exactly see his face, it was too dark, but I could see he was wearing a Santa hat and appeared to be completely naked. The naked man approached me and sat on the floor beside the sofa. I could now see it was Mick.

"Did I wake you?"

"No," I lied.

"I was just getting a snack. I get hungry know."

"Um...I guess so."

"I like the pajamas," he said softly and started to rub my pajama leg. "I helped Gerard pick them out. He wanted to get Sponge Bob, but I thought Scooby would be at least a little better."


Mick moved his hand to my crotch.

"After all, I know you're a big boy now."

He started to feel my dick through my pajamas. My dick responded by getting thicker.

"Oh gosh, you have a nice sized dick."

He slipped his hand inside my pajamas and found my dick. His touch sent electric shock waves through my body. No one had ever touched my dick before.

"Nice and fat," he said, wrapping his fingers around my dick and began a slow jerk. My whole body was now shaking. I couldn't believe what was happening. A part of me thought it might be a dream. I knew it wasn't. None of my dreams were this vivid. I thought about Gerard. His boyfriend was jerking me off. I couldn't do that to him no matter how good it felt. I had to put a stop to it.

"I don't think...," I started to say, but he put his lips on mine and kissed me passionately. I tried to keep my mouth closed, tried to give him a signal that this wasn't okay for us to do, but it felt so good that I got caught up in the moment and allowed his tongue inside my mouth where it mingled with my own.

"You are so beautiful, Phillip."

"No I'm not," I protested. My senses were coming back to me. I knew I had to tell him to go back to Gerard, where he was probably waiting for him.

The lights suddenly came on. Gerard was standing at the entrance with a Santa hat on and nothing else. I could tell his dick was at full mast.

"What the hell is going on?" He didn't really seem angry, just amused.

"I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you babe, he just looked so delectable lying there."

Wait. What? What was going on?

"It's okay. I can understand the temptation." Gerard came into the living room and straddled my waist on the sofa, his dick pointed right at me. "Go ahead, touch it. I know you always wanted to."

I timidly brought my hand to his massive hard dick. It felt like steel, yet soft and tender at the same time.

"Mmmm, that feels good," Gerard moaned.

"well, babe. How do you want to do this?" Mick asked.

"You take that end," he said, pointing at my face, "and let him get a first taste of cock. And I'll get a taste of what's inside these jammies I gave him."

Before I knew what was happening. Mick had his cock in my mouth while Gerard slid my pajamas and underwear down and grabbed hold of my cock, licked his lips, and pointed it at his mouth and dove down on it. The pleasure was immense. The wet velvety feel of his mouth was out of this world. His lips tightly wrapped around my dick. The suction he was giving me as he bobbed his head up and down gave me tingly sensations throughout my whole body. I wanted to scream, but Mick's dick was in my mouth. He only had the head in. I know he wanted to push more in, but I think he didn't want to push me too much.

"Hey guys, don't you think it would be more romantic to have the Christmas trees lights on," Alex said, standing at the entrance. Along with Ethan, Ben, and Tommy. All of them were wearing Santa hats, and all of them were naked. I suddenly realized I was the only one without a Santa hat.

"Come on in guys. Alex, want to help me suck some dick."

"Sure. Ethan, turn all the Christmas lights on and turn off the main one. Then join us for some dick."

"Sure thing lover," he said, kissing Alex on the lips before doing what he was told.

Gerard made room for Alex.

"How are you doing big guy?" Alex said to me, then licked the head of my dick and swallowed all of it down his throat. He moved back up to the head then went back down with his lips touching my pubes. I was totally in heaven.

Mick had decided to push in a couple of inches of his dick. He was doing all the work. Going in and out of my mouth so I didn't have to do much sucking.

By this time, Ethan had made his way over beside Alex. Alex Held my dick and offed it to his lover. Ethan dove down on it and sucked fast and furious. I kept thinking that if they kept up this pace I would be cumming soon. Gerard wanted his turn again and gently pushed Ethan away. Gerard was lying on top of me with his ass towards my face. His dick and balls were hanging down on my chest. I reached out to once again touch his dick. I jerked him off some and he moaned around my dick.

I could see out of the corner of my eye that Ben and Tommy were jacking off while watching us.

I felt like I was about to cum when Gerard suddenly stopped his sucking.

"Don't want you to cum yet, kiddo. We still have lots more in store for you."

Gerard unbuttoned my pajama top and started to lick and nibble on my nipples. They were very sensitive and gave me an erotic charge when I felt his soft full lips wrapped around my dime sized nips. As Gerard was sucking my nipples, Alex and Ethan removed my pajama bottoms and underwear which were wrapped around my ankles. Gerard sat up and Mick pulled his cock from my mouth. While Gerard removed my pajama top, Mick started kissing me. Once Gerard discarded my top he joined in and I had two hot guys kissing me at the same time.

"Get on all fours here on the sofa," Gerard said to me. I obeyed. My ass was towards Alex and Ethan. They immediately started rubbing my ass. I felt my dick being pulled back from under me and one of them started sucking on the head. I looked back and saw it was Alex. He offered a taste to Ethan and he began sucking. "Okay guys, why don't you two come up front and let Phillip practice on his sucking skills," Gerard said to Alex and Ethan, who more than willingly rushed towards the other side of the sofa. "You two come back here and work on his ass," He told Ben and Tommy and they were more than willing to comply.

Soon I was sucking Alex's dick while Ben and Tommy had a tongue up my ass, licking away and probing my anus. I'm not sure how good of a cock sucker I was, but I caught on pretty quick and made sure to watch my teeth and sucked as much of Alex's cock as I could. It was pretty big. Bigger than Mick's had been. I would say at least 8 inches if not a little more. And the tongues on my ass felt good. Especially when they entered my anus.

Gerard and Mick weren't idol while all this was going on. They started kissing each other while reaching under me and took turns jacking my cock, which was dripping like mad with precum. Oh, how I wanted to cum. But they would stop jacking short of me cumming. It was like they knew instinctively when I was on the verge of cumming.

Alex pulled out of my mouth and Ethan put his juicy cock inside my watering mouth. Ethan was even bigger than Alex. I jumped slightly when I felt a finger go in my ass hole. In fact, I felt two fingers from two different hands. I was sure that both Ben and Tommy were probing my ass hole with a finger each. And they kept up the tongue bath at the same time. Once in a while a felt someone sucking my balls. I think they were taking it in turns, but couldn't be sure since I had a big dick in my mouth, I couldn't look back,

Soon Ben and Tommy had each put in another finger. So now I had four fingers stretching my hole out and two tongues washing my backside While I was sucking Ethan's ginormous cock and being jacked off by both Mick and Gerard I was on sexual overload. I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take.

"Okay, everyone. I think his fine ass needs to be fucked,: Gerard said.

"Huh?" I said, in a sexual daze.

Gerard led me to the fire place where a warm fire crackled an glowed and 7 stockings hung on the mantel. I could tell they seemed fuller than earlier. Someone had been stuffing them with goodies while I was sound asleep on the sofa.

Gerard instructed me to lie down on my back and spread my legs. I did as I was told. They all looked down at me with stiff dicks, each jerking his own cock. They had hunger in their eyes and I knew they all wanted me, which exited me, and my cock swelled and throbbed at the thought. I had always thought I was a geeky scrawny kid that no body would ever want. And here were 6 of the hottest guys I ever laid my eyes on, wanting me. Wanting to have sex with me. And the man I had secretly loved for years was leading the parade of sex crazed models. And now they were all going to fuck me.

"Okay Mick, you're up first. You have the smallest dick so that will get him ready for the rest of us."

"Hey!" Mick protested.

"Sorry hon, but you know it's true."

"I know. But it still hurts."

"You know how to use that thing better than anyone I know and I have never complained about size."

Mick got between my legs and aimed his cock at my hole. Alex and Ethan lifted my legs over Mick's shoulder. I could feel Mick's dickhead poke into my hole.

"God! You're so tight," Mick said as he pushed more of his dick in.

"How are you doing, Phillip?" Gerard asked while he caressed my forehead.

"It hurts some, but it's not too bad."

"Good. Fuck him, Mick."

Mick did just that. He pushed in and then pulled out and then went back in again. Slowly at first and then he went faster and faster until he was really fucking me.

As I was being fucked for the first time, Tommy and Ben began licking my dick. Their tongues went up and down from base to head and back again. When they would meet at the head their tongues would mingle a bit and then start their downward journey once again. Gerard and Alex were each sucking a nipple and Ethan was kissing me with passion. I was in heaven.

Tommy went down on my dick and started sucking while Ben played with my balls. Then they switch with Ben sucking my dick and Tommy played with my balls. After a while Gerard and Alex switch places with Tommy and Ben. Gerard sucked my cock and then Alex took his turn sucking. Ethan released my lips and moved down to take a turn sucking my cock while Gerard moved up to kiss me.

"Oh God! I'm Cumming," Mick announce and I could feel his seed splash into my insides. It Felt incredible.

They each took a turn fucking me. Alex wanted me doggy style so I was on all fours as he pounded my ass. When he finally came he screamed and filled my ass with his load. Then it was Ethan's turn. He put his dick in my hole and pulled me up to where I was standing on my knees, my dick pointing straight out. Ethan started jacking me but Mick swooped in and swallowed my cock to the root. He sucked me for a while and then all the other guys took turns sucking me, I felt like I was about to explode. Every time I started to pant really hard, they would back off. It was like torture. I so wanted to cum, and soon.

"Oh God! I'm cumming!" Ethan screamed.

He filled my hole with spurt after spurt of cum.

Ben was next in line and he laid me flat on my stomach and started to fuck me hard. In this position no one had access to my sore dick. It gave it a rest from all the tortuous stimulation everyone was giving it. Without my dick to play with everyone jacked their own cocks, even the ones who had already cum, while they watched Ben fuck me good.

"Oh God, you're ass is amazing," Ben enthused.

After Ben came with a loud climax, Tommy steeped up to the plate. He wanted to fuck me while I was on my side. This allowed Mick to come back to suck my dick. He was in a 69 position so I took his soft dick in my mouth and it instantly became hard again. My ass was getting sore with all this pounding I was getting from the guys, but I was enjoying it. Soon, Tommy also came and he squealed out expletives and kept saying my name over and over and kept telling me how good it was and how he loved my ass.

"Okay, my turn," Gerard said. He laid beside the fireplace with his dick pointing up to the ceiling. By far, he had the biggest dick in the group. He motioned me over. "I want you to ride me. Come and sit on my dick." I obeyed as I straddled his prone body and reached behind me to pull my ass cheeks apart and slowly sat on his dick. I felt the head go in easily, and after being fucked by all the other guys, the rest of his cock went in just as easily.

When he was all the way in, I lifted up until just the head was in and went back down. I went up and down and repeated until I was riding him fast and hard. He was moaning and saying 'yes' and 'oh God." He reached up and started to jack me as I rode him. Every one else just watched us fuck. He still wouldn't let me come. When he stopped jacking me when he sensed I was about to cum I started to jack myself because I wanted to cum so bad. But he push my hand away and told me he didn't want me to cum yet. I whimpered but did as he said.

Gerard began to buck and he pounded into my ass. I stopped riding him and just let him fuck my ass. His dick went in and out of my ass so quickly. He was withing and moaning and panting.

"Oh Phillip! I'm gonna fucking cum in your fucking ass. Here it cums kiddo."

His orgasm was massive and filled my ass. I could feel much of it drip out of it. Once he finished cumming I sat back and his dick slipped out of my well used hole. I was breathing hard.

"Wow," I said, "that was amazing."

"You were amazing, Phillip," Gerard said and then got up and bent down to give me a kiss. "I love you." That took me by surprise. "And I want you to live with me and Mick. Finish school here. Go to college next year."

I was confused.

"What are you saying?"

"He's saying he wants you to join our family," Mick answered for him.

"Huh?" I was perplexed.

"Well, you know that Mick and I are a couple?" I nodded my head yes. "You see, sometimes couples will add a third lover to their family, so you see, you, Mick and I will all be lovers, and of course we can occasionally have sex with these guys. But we will primarily be a family of 3 lovers."

"Um...that sounds so great, but I'm not sure if my folks will let me move here. At least until next year."

"You're 18," Gerard stated firmly, "and besides, I already talked with your folks about it. And they think it's a good idea."

"Really?" I was unbelieving.


"We had this thing planned out for months. Since your 18th birthday," Mick explained. "You're sister always suspected you were gay and she knew of your crush on Gerard, so she told us about it and we arranged this letting get together. And Gerard really wanted you to join us. I think he loved you for a very long time but was always afraid to show it. This was his opportunity."

This night was full of surprises.

"Well, um...I think it's about time you came, kiddo"

I looked down at my dripping wet dick, it was throbbing and I needed to cum, I felt I would explode. Before I knew what was happening, Gerard dove down on my cock and started to suck the head and jack the base really fast.

"Oh my God!" I shouted. I was panting and squirming. I was about to cum in Gerard's mouth. "I'm gonna cum!" He continued to suck the head and jack the base. "Oh my....I'm cumming!" The cum blasted from my dick and into Gerard's mouth. He was swallowing all my load as spurt after spurt hit the back of his throat. I was screaming and squirming. It was an overwhelming feeling of pleasure which over took my whole body and I shook violently as my orgasm continued.

After I had emptied my balls I fell back on the floor and tried to catch my breath. That was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. Gerard laid on top of me. I could feel his soft dick on my softening dick. He kissed me and Mick joined in.

"Well, how about it?" Gerard asked. "You want to come and live with us?"

"And be our lover?" Mick finished.

"Where would I sleep?" I asked them, remembering they had invited the other two couple to stay here too, for a while at least.

They looked at each other, then back at me.

"With us of course," they said in unison.

"Right in the middle," Gerard said.

Where I belonged, I thought.

The End

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