The Christmas Wish

By Dennis Neil

Published on Dec 31, 1999



The Christmas Wish By Malak

Sorry this is late getting out, but better late then never. At least it is out before New Years.


This story is fictional and not meant to imply anything about any of these people. If you are under the age of 18, offended by homosexual material, or it is illegal to view in your area, you should be leaving now. Or read it and just don't get caught. Otherwise, enjoy the story.

Dec 23

Justin Timberlake quietly slept in his hotel room. Him and the other guys of Nsync just finished their last tour date for the month. Of course Justin was happy because Christmas was a few days away, but like the last few years he felt a part of him was missing something on Christmas. He wanted love. Something you couldn't find in a store or a Mall. As he was sleeping all the repeated in his head was, "To be in love. On Christmas.Because everybody needs somebody on Christmas." Justin quickly rose out of bed. He sat at the edge of his bed and just sighed. He looked over to his right at the sleeping body of JC, who was quietly a sleep in his own bed across the room. Justin rose out of bed and went into the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror. He knew he was good looking. And apparently so did a lot of girls. But the was far from his mind. He didn't care for girls that much. He has known he was attracted to guys for quite some time. The only person that knows that he is gay is his mother. He had to tell her. He needed someone to talk to. This was last week. And she made him promise that before the tour was over he would tell the other guys in NSync.

He washed his face and went back to sit on his bed. He looked over at the clock and it read 2:30. He was not too happy about that. He put on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt and grabbed the blanket from the bed and went out on the balcony. He just sat on one of the chairs looking out into the sky. "What are you doing out here?" Justin looked behind him and saw JC standing there. "Just thinking." "At 2:30 in the morning. Come on Just, tell me what's wrong." "Nothing, I'm just thinking." "Justin." JC takes a seat next to him, he places his arm around Justin's shoulder. "I've known you longer than any of the other guys. And I know when something is bothering you, so we can sit here all nite and into the morning, but I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." "Well, I know how stubborn you can get, so I'll just say it as easy as I can." He got up out of his chair and dropped his blanket. "I..I want to be in love." Justin said looking at JC blankly. "Well I'm sure if you meet the right girl." Justin stopped him in his sentence. "That's just it JC, I don't want a girl. I want a guy. JC, I'm gay." He said with tears in his eyes. JC just looked at him with no expression.

Justin expected him to start yelling but instead he felt JC wrap his arms around Justin and hug him. "It's ok Justin." "You mean you don't hate me?" "Hate you?" JC said pushing him away. "I could never hate you. Justin you are like my best friend. Fuck that, you are more like my brother. We are closer than the other guys. What you want to eat in your bed is your business." He said with a smirk on his face. Justin laughed at his comment. "Thanks JC, this means a lot to me. I just hope the other guys take it as well as you do." "Believe me J, they will. I promise. Now why don't we got back to bed and sleep for a few more hours and then in the morning you can tell them." "Ok." They went back into the room. Justin got into his bed. "JC..Josh?" "Yeah Justin?" "Can you just sleep next to me until I fall a sleep so I know your their. You don't have too but it would make me feel better" "Sure I understand." JC made his way to Justin's bed and laid on top of the covers. For some reason he pulled Justin into an embrace so Justin had his head on JC's chest. JC started to slowly stroke Justin's hair. In about 5 minutes Justin was out like a light and so was JC.

JC's Dream_

JC was walking outside in what seemed like a playground. He sat on a swing and just stared out into the sky. Someone took the swing next to him. "Hi, I was wondering when you get here." "I would've gotten here sooner but.." "Don't worry about all that matters is that you are here now." 'He leaned over and kissed this person. "I love you JC." "I love you to Justin"

End Dream

JC's eyes quickly opened. His mind was racing in a billion places 'Am I gay? Could I be in love with Justin?' He thought to himself He quickly dismissed it as some sort of weird ass mind trick that his brain was playing on him. He looked down at Justin who had somehow wrapped his arms fully around JC's waist. JC just smiled to himself and went back to sleep.

The next time JC woke up was to the phone ringing. He slowly slipped out of bed. He was happy that Justin had dislodged himself from him so he didn't have to wake him up. "Hello?" "Hello this is your 8:00 wake up call." "Thank you." He said as he hung up the phone. He yawned and went over to Justin and shook the sleeping boy. "Justin wake up." Justin just mumbled. "Justin wake up." Again he mumbled. Justin left JC no choice. JC started to tickle Justin in all his ticklish spots. "OK, OK JC I"M UP." He said laughing. "Good now go take your shower I will order us and the guys some breakfast and call them in here." "Ok sounds good with me. And JC?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for last nite. I appreciate it a lot." "It's no problem really." Justin made his way into the bathroom and took his shower. While he did that JC called room service and ordered breakfast for him and the other guys. He then called each of the guy's room and told them to come to his and Justin's room for breakfast. He silently thought about his dream. 'Could I be in love with Justin?' He kept saying that same line over and over in his own mind. He was brought back to reality when Justin laid his hand on his shoulder. "Hey space shot?" "Sorry Justin, I was just daydreaming." "Yeah, that's what I figured. So are the guys on the way yet?" "Yep. They will be here in a few minutes. And uh, Justin?" "Yes JC, I'm going to tell them." "Good, if you need me at all.." "JC, we both know that I have to do this on my own." "Do what on your own?" Joey said coming into the room. "Nothing." Joey just shrugged and sat on the floor. Soon Lance and Chris came into the room. "Guys, I have something really important to tell you." Justin said to the guys. "I'll say, if you are speaking in the morning then it must be important. What's up curly?" Lance said looking puzzled.

"Well, I guess there is only one to say this. Guys, I'm..I'm" Justin looked at them and awaited the yelling and screaming to start. "So when's breakfast coming?" Chris said breaking the silence. "You mean it doesn't bother you that I'm gay?" "Nope why should it? So what it you like guys, you're still the same Justin we all know and love." Joey said answering for him Chris and Lance. "Hmm, do I hear pig pile on Justin?" Chris said jumping to his feet and rushing Justin. Soon all the guys were on top of Justin. They were all laughing when someone knocked on the door. "Phew, saved by the bellboy." Justin said still laughing

Soon the guys were on their way home. JC and Justin were in the back of their limo. JC was fast asleep. Justin was reading a magazine he picked up at the airport. He closed the book and just stared at JC's sleeping body. 'He looks so cute sleeping like that.' Justin soon was shocked by what he just said. 'Wait a minute, do I like JC?' Justin looked at JC again. 'I guess I do. Though, I will never tell him.'

Soon the limo driver pulled into the driveway of the Justin's house. Justin woke JC up and they entered the house. "Ma, I'm home." Justin hollered He got no answer. He went into the kitchen and found a not on the fridge. He picked it up and read it.

"Justin and JC, I have a few things to do with Innosense before I come home. I won't be home until tomorrow morning. So you two better be good boys or you will get coal for Christmas. Just joking. I'll see you both tomorrow." Justin turned towards JC and smiled. "Uh oh, I don't like that look on your face Just, what are you planning." "Nothing, just think we can call the guys and have a little party." Justin said with a devilish grin. "Oh you don't, the last time we did that Chris broke about five plates and my tv in my room. Not to mention he set fire to one of my Hard Rock menus." "Oh yeah. We what do you want to do? And don't you dare say sleep." Justin said giggling. "Well, seeing that it's already 6:30, I think we should order some pizza and watch a few movies." "Good idea for the movies, but pizza? How about Chinese?" "Sounds good to me. You order the food and get the movies, I'm going to take a shower." JC said as he headed up the stairs.

About 15-20 minutes later JC was just about to step downstairs when Justin called to him from the spare room. "JC, I'm in here." JC enters the room to find Justin in his normal nightclothes, just sweatpants. JC had on his sweats and a tshirt. Justin was on the couch in the room. JC sat down next to Justin. "So what movies did you decide on?" "Well, I thought we start with something new then watch something old? Fist it we will watch You Got Mail then Sleepless in Seattle." JC looks at Justin with a raised eyebrow. "Ok somebody has a fetish for Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks." He said chuckling. "Oh bite me alright. I wanted something relaxing to watch. So eat your rice and shut up." JC couldn't help it but laugh. By the time they got in the middle of the second movie JC was fast asleep. Justin reached down to pick up his fortune cookie. He opened it and read what it said, "Stop searching, happiness is sitting right next to you." Justin looked over at JC and smiled. He shut the movie off and took a blanket and wrapped himself and JC in it. He placed his head on JC's shoulder and fell asleep.


JC slowly lifted his eyes, he yawed and looked to his right. Justin was sleeping on his shoulder. He slowly got up trying not to wake up Justin. He was able to get away without waking his up. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Lynn was sitting at the table drinking her coffee. She looked up at JC and smiled. "I made some extra coffee." He looked at her and smiled. He made himself a cup and sat across from her. He sipped his coffee and smiled at Lynn. "Spill it." "Huh?" JC said a little confused. "Tell me what's bothering you." She said firmly. "What makes you think anything is bothering me?" "Call it a motherly instinct. Now quit stalling and tell me what's up." "Well, I'm in love." Lynn looked at JC with a raised eyebrow. "So, and the point would be exactly what?" 'Well, it's with another guy." "Oh, and does this other guy fell the same way?" "Well, I'm not sure." "Well, are you going to tell him?" "Oh no. Defiantly not." "Why not? I mean come one JC, you always were never this bad with people." "Well that's because it's Justin." JC said taking another sip of his coffee, not taking his eyes away from Lynn's. "Oh. Well, I know for sure that he must like you. I mean when I came in this morning he was sleeping on your shoulder." "That doesn't mean much Lynn, well to me anways." "Well, I know Justin and when he usually likes somebody he moves slow. so if I were you, I would just come out and ask him cause being scared is ever the answer." "Yeah I understand that, maybe I should talk to Justin." "Talk to me about what?" Justin said coming down the stairs. JC looked at Lynn with a shocked look on his face. "Uh, JC was just wondering if you guys had anything to do today." Lynn said answering for the terror stricken JC. "Oh that, yeah we do. I just got off the phone with Johnny and JC and I have to go the IMax Studios for a Yahoo Chat." "Oh cool. What time." "Well in about 15-20 minutes." "Whoa then I better get ready." JC said making a mad dash up the stairs. Justin shook his head laughing. He went over to the counter and poured himself some cereal.

About 25 minutes later Justin and JC both sat in front of a computer. "Ok this what we will do, each question will appear on your screen and either or both of you can answer it." Lisa the Yahoo Chat person said. Justin and Jc both shook their heads.

<yahoo_chat_lisa>Ok guys JC, and Justin from Nsync are hear. So send in your questions now.

<jc's_chick>I was wondering how you will celebrate the New Year?

<nsync_jc>Well we will be in Hawaii putting on a show for everyone.

Justin I hear a rumor that you played a part in a tv movie?

<nsync_justin>Yes it is true. I was in a movie for The Wonderful World Of Walt Disney called Cover Girls. I play a guy named Jason whose supermodel girlfriend trades placeses with a look-alike regular girl so she can experience life from the catwalk.

I was wondering if there is any hate between you and the BSB?

<nsync_jc>I wouldn't call it hate, but I think it is childish but more like afraid of a little friendly competion.

JC, did it upset you not appear in the video or single for Blaque's song Bring It All To Me?

<nsync_jc>Not really, in a way it did, but Blaque understood why I couldn't appear in the video. But I'm in the song on the album so it's all good.

<giggles_99>Is there any holiday romance in your lives.?

<nsync_justin>None here.

<nsync_jc>None here either, but I got my eyes on someone, I would like to spend the holidays with.

The chat went on for about a half and hour. After the chat JC and Justin went to the local mall to do some shopping. Seeing that it was the day before Christmas they knew they were sure to get asked for autographs, but suprisingly nobody has come up to them yet. They found themselves in the food court, sitting and relaxing. "Hey JC, you that saying you are what you eat?" "Yeah why?" "Well if thats the case I'll be that guy in the morning." Justin said pointing to some guy in front of them. "Ill Just. Your such a perv at times."

By the time they got home it was about 2:30. Lynn was in the kitchen cooking. "Hi mom we are back." "Oh hi hunny. You just missed Lance, Chris and Joey. They dropped off gifts for you guys. They told me to tell you they won't be able to come by tomorrow, because the are flying out to visit their families." Justin and JC both shook their heads. "So what you making." Justin said looking over his mom's shoulder. "Chicken Alfredo." Justin and JC both ate supper and made their way up the their rooms. They got changed and went to the spare room. JC was horsing around with the computer while Justin was flipping through the channels on the tv.

"Hey JC, can I ask you a question?" Justin said shutting off the tv. "You just did." JC answered back laughing. Justin threw a pillow at him. "That's not what I wanted to ask dumbass." "Hehehe, sure ask away." "In the chat we did, who is this person you have eyes for." JC's eys widend. He was lost for words. "Uh, nobody you know." "Oh." Justin said. "Well I'm going to bed." JC shut off the computer and went into his room. "Something's not right with him." Justin said aloud. "Not right with who?" Lynn said coming into the room. "JC." "Why would you say that." "Because during the chat today, somebody asked if we had any holiday romances and JC said he had his eyes on somebody. And I just asked him who it was, and he told me nobody I knew and went to bed." "Well you know JC." "Yeah I know that's just the thing. I don't know. I'm tired, so I'm heading to bed." "Ok I'll see you in the morning."

______JC's Dream

"You wanted to talk to me Justin." 'Yes, JC I want you to meet my boyfriend." "Your boyfriend, you can't have a boyfriend cause I love you." "Well sorry Josh but you're a little slow." "You can 't have a boyfriend, I love you, I love you."

End Dream

JC woke up sweating like a pig. 'I don't care what happens. I'm going to let just know I love him and want to be with him' JC said to himself. He wrote something on a piece of paper and put it in a box. He then wrapped the box up with wrapping paper. He made his way downstairs and placed the 'present' under the tree. He went back up to his room and fell back asleep.


Soon Christmas morning arrived. JC, Justin and Lynn were downstairs opening their presents. "Hey thanks for the jersey JC." "Welcome." They opened all of their presents. "Hey, I'll be right back, I want to get some coffee." JC said. He made his way into the kitchen. Lynn was picking up the wrapping paper that was all over the tree when she spotted another present. "Hmm, I guess this is for you Justin. It's from JC." She handed the gift to Justin. It felt Very light to Justin. He opened it and found a box and then opened that also. He found a not inside and read to himself.

'"I wish, I may,

I wish, I might,

Be that certain someone,

You wish for every nite. You are that person that I have my eyes on Justin. I want to be with you on Christmas day. Love JC.'

Justin had tears in his eyes. Lynn looked at her son and he passed the not her. She smiled and then JC walked into the room. "Anybody else want coffee while I'm making it?" Justin got up and went over to him and kissed him on his lips. At first JC was shocked but he kissed Justin back. He wrapped his arms around Justin. JC could feel Justin's tongue in his mouth. They soon stopped when a bright flash of light appeared. They both looked at Lynn. She had a camera in her hands and a smile on her face. "Hey I wanted to catch the first kiss." Justin looked at JC and smiled and kissed him again.

The end, but for Justin and JC, it's only the beginning!

I hope you all enjoy this story, I had lots of fun doing it. Just so you know, the little note JC wrote Justin, it was taken from a song called If You Knew What I Knew by The Backstreet Boys.

A friend of mine said I should make a series out of this but with my other one, Justin's Real World, but that one will be ending soon. But I'm also working on two others. So I guess only time will tell. I would really appreciate it if you, yes you, could email and tell me what you think about this story. I would really appreciate it. So please email me at Thanks a bunch.

Also those of you that do read Justin's Real World, I'm hoping to have the next parts out some time in the middle of January and the story should wrap up sometime in April or May. But look for my other stories Changing Colors and *N The New World comeing soon to a monitor near you. Also just for grins you can check out my web page at, it has some cool Nsync stuff. So take care and Happy Holidays.

Ok time for a roll call.

Phoenix-My good buddy. Thanks for everything. You are one of my best friends. Our friendship has really grown these past couple of months. Though with me less on the net, we still find time to talk to each other.

Allen-My big bro, What can I say I love you lots. Though I do wish we could talk more, but thats the way things go. Though I still all our chat transcripts, but it's not as good as being there. (God, doesn't that sound kinky?)

Jesse-Well, though we don't talk as much, I still consider you a great friend. I know if I need help with anything I can always ask you and I know you will help.

Gene-God, I haven't talked to your ass in a long time. What's up wit' dat. (LOL)

Donnie-Sometimes I wonder how things could've been if I stuck around, but again that the way things go. I hope that you are happy with what you are doing in life. And your ass had better put out another part to Afflecktion or else. (LOL)

Jon-The Drama Queen(LOL) You've helped me out a lot. I'm so greatful that I have spoken to you. I know I can count on you for anything.

Jason-We helped each other out a lot. From trading pictures to ideas, I'm happy to say your my friend.

John-Wow! We got this far as friends and even farther as a team. I'm very glad to so I know you.

Arthur-I'm so glad I have friends like you, I know if I need help or anything in general I can ask you. And you will help me out. Thanks and lets hope you and John go another 21 years together.

Russ-I know you are not reading this, but if you are I want you to know that know matter what happend between us. I will always care and love you. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you or what you are doing. Granted things didn't work out between us, but I guess it was for the better good, so I hope you are doing well and taking care of your self.

"You take this finger and try to break it, and you'll be very successful. But you take this fist - all five of these fingers together - and you won't. I guarantee that"-Justin Timberlake

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