The Club

By Woodrow Harrison

Published on Sep 9, 2009


How Walter and I were going to recruit new talent for the club was beyond me. Where do guys that like this sort of thing hang out? Obviously they would want privacy. Where in a public place can one find privacy? It dawned on me that public restrooms and the forest preserves would suit the purpose ideally so on Wednesday I drove to school and after school Walter and I drove to a nearby forest preserve. Guys were parked backed up to the curbs, many of them making eye contact as we cruised by. There were guys of all ages some very old some closer to our age. We decided to park near one of the younger ones who was reading the newspaper. As we backed into the space a prowl car came by.

The ranger seemed to pay us no mind and cruised by our prey with not so much as a glance at him. Walter and I sat there chatting until the cop went by on the way out of the lot. Then I leaned over and started bobbing my head up and down as if I were giving Walter a blow job. To tell the truth I wished I actually was. Walter whispered to me that the guy was staring at the car. I raised up so my forehead was visible for a second then resumed my bobbing motion. Walter said the guy was getting out of his car and I sat upright immediately as if I'd been caught in the act. The fellow sauntered over to us.

"Nice day" he said moving to the side window and taking a peek.

"Lovely day to be outdoors." replied Walter.

"Yes", said the man, "I'm thinking of taking a stroll in the woods. There are some nice trails in there."

"That does sound pleasant" said Walter ignoring the implied invitation. " My friend here was saying the same thing a few minutes ago."

"You'd be welcome to join me" , he replied, "I'm fairly familiar with a few of them so there's little chance of getting lost."

Walter looked at me and said: "I'm game. How about you Woody?"

I responded by stepping out of the car. Walter got out too and I locked the doors.

The man who appeared to be in his late 20's or early 30's held out his hand. "Name's Henry."

"I'm Woody and he's Walter. Pleased to meet you."

"Follow me", said Henry heading for an opening in the brush.

Walter and I followed and for some distance we walked in silence. We came to a large tree and Henry said he needed to take a leak. We said we felt the need as well. The three of us stood there behind that tree with our cocks hanging out. I figured the fish was as good as in the net when he made no effort to put it away after relieving himself but just stood there staring at ours. He put out a tentative hand toward Walter and the latter stepped forward and gently took hold of Henry's growing member. I stepped into the action and the 3 of us groped each other. Suddenly Walter bent over and took me into his mouth. He sucked on me for a few seconds then stood up and motioned for Henry to have a taste.

Henry immediately stooped and replaced Walter sucking me. Walter stood beside me and Henry began alternating between us. He was a talented cocksucker and had me squirming on the verge of dropping my load. I said I was about to cum and Henry concentrated on me, taking the full load. Without so much as swallowing he turned his attention to Walter, slobbering my sperm all over his cock. A few seconds of intense sucking brought a low moan from Walter as he unloaded his balls into Henry's insistent mouth.

Now Walter and I knelt in front of Henry and alternated sucking him. This was something of a challenge, as Henry had a thick sausage and my jaws were aching by time he shot. I took the load and it filled my mouth to the point that it went up my nostrils and leaked out the corners of my mouth. I choked and gagged as the spunk drooled out of my nose and I spat the precious liquid on the ground much to the consternation of Walter who had expected to end the session by swapping the load we had worked to get.

We stuffed our shrinking cocks into our pants, zipped up and walked out of the woods taking a seat at a picnic table.

"That was a blast", said Henry, "do you guys come here often?"

"First time for me" I replied looking questioningly at Walter.

"Same here" replied the latter, "makes you wonder what you've been missing".

"It's not the safest thing to do, but you do meet some interesting people."

Walter and I explained to Henry about the club and our job as recruiters. Henry voiced some enthusiam at the prospect of joining and felt that he could add some talent to the pool through some of his acquaintences.

"Say guys, would you be up for an encore? I've got some hot porn and a large bed. My apartment is close by. Want to come over and have some more fun?"

I looked at my watch. It was only 4:00 PM and Walter and I could squeeze in an extra half hour or so, so we acquiesed.

We followed Henry to his apartment complex and parked in the visitors' space. We entered the place through the garage and climbed the stairs to the living area. We stepped into a large living room. The place was immaculate. Henry was neat and well organized. My mom was constantly after me to pick up my room and here he was living alone and the antithesis of my slovenliness. He led us down the hallway to his bedroom and there was the biggest bed I'd ever seen. There was ample room for the three of us, in fact a fourth wouldn't be crowded. A movie screen stood in font of the wall opposite the bedstead and a 16mm projector stood on a table beside the bed.

We all stripped quickly, neatly stacking our clothes on a table. We got into the bed with Walter in the middle. Henry turned on the projector and we were treated to the sight of two young men, totally naked and locked in an embrace. One of the boys was quite hairy while his partner was smooth. Breaking the kiss both turned toward the camera revealing two hard-ons of considerable size. The hairy one dropped to his knees and began sucking his buddy who began fondling the boy's hair. After a few minutes of sucking, the one on his knees spun his partner around and began licking his asshole!

I'd never dreamed of anything like that. Obviously there was much more that I had to learn about the gay lifestyle and the possibilities of gay sex. The intensity of the film was having its effect on my two bed partners. They lay there fondling each other's cock, each growing hard from the attention. I was equally excited, but try as I might I could not get it up.

Henry and Walter got into a 69 position and began sucking each other. Taking a cue from the film, I got behind Henry and spread his ass cheeks. There was no odor and he appeared to be clean. I stuck out my tongue and licked around the rim of his pucker. This got him bucking and slamming into Walter's face. I kept it up until he tensed signaling an oncoming climax. I could imagine the load that thick cock was spurting into my friend recalling how copious it had been when I took it.

I switched positions and got behind Walter. His reaction to my tonguing was the same as Henry's had been. Only a few moments passed and he was yelling in his ecstasy. The exhausted pair rolled over onto their backs and we resumed watching the movie. I gasped as the hairier fellow knelt down behind his companion and slowly inched his penis into the boy's asshole! It looked painful to me. I always hated rectal thermometers and here was someone shoving a thick 6 inches of flesh in there!

"Gee," I remarked "that looks like it would really hurt."

"O it's not so bad when you relax. Feels great when you hit the prostate."

"You mean you've actually done it" I asked, incredulous.

"Both ways, many times."

"Do you have a preference?"

"I guess I like taking it better than giving. Maybe you guys would like to try it next time."

" I'd try it right now if I could only get it up" I said ruefully. "I don't know where you guys get your energy."

"Hey it happens," said Henry, "don't beat yourself up over it."

It was quarter to 5. We dressed hurriedly and got his phone number from Henry, promising to call when we were going to get together next. I drove Walter home and got to my house just a Mom and Dad were getting home from work.


Woodrow Harrison

Next: Chapter 4

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