The Cornelious Bed

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 21, 2019



The Cornelious Bed John Bromfield >

Now space travel had leaped ahead in resent times but it sometimes seem its has to take a step back. This happened with the first spaceships fitted with the new Warp drive engines. Astronauts returned barely alive with brain damage. One of the top scientists came up with a idea that the body was cocooned in something that adsorb the shockwave and maybe make the astronaut sleep with a knockout pill.

Cornelious searched all the planets in his area and even beyond and found what he was looking for. There was a planet that had been abandoned years ago leaving only ruined cities. On the edge of large walled areas were a few plant like creatures. He collected them all and returned to his laboratory. Given the right chemicals he managed to make one grow into a bed shape. He tested it with a manikin and yes it sank and putting an electrical charge on the manikin it rosed up again. When used with a real person had the same result.

There was a problem in that there was only a limited supply. He had taken all samples of the creature. There was no knowledge on how it reproduced. It was a breakthrough but these beds were only going to be just a stop-gap until a better solution was found but for his work he was given a planet. Was that a blessing or a curse? Well sometimes it is wise to keep a mad scientist at arms length.

My mission is not to go boldly where no man has gone boldly before. I am to drop off probes that monitor movements of spaceships and radio traffic. A bit like painting the white lines down the freeway. There could also be a place where a space is owned by someone else and they will make it known in no uncertain manner. But we will know they are there and contact will be made. All probes are tested before loading in the jump to hyper-space things may have moved. And yes it was not necessary for a man to be on this spacecraft but it's a testing out of life support systems. Does that worry me? Not really if things go bad they go bad. So that this ship saves on weight and size I am on a liquid diet and that is recycled. The urine is tested for sugars and minerals. If lacking something the computer will increase that dose. I do eat something but it is minimal.

Its time to test out this theoretical bed I press a button and a panel sides down. I touch the surface of the mattress and has a feel of soft leather. To get a close bond I must be naked and pull a retractable wire attached to a wrist band. I put that in place. There is a glass of water and a pill. I swallow and lay on the bed. "Computer set to jump to Hyper Light Speed in 15 minutes" I start a feeling of sinking "Computer confirms request you have 14 minutes and 10 seconds to cancel command" Oh very clever the pill has taken effect and drifting off to nothing.

I awake and my body wants to stay on this bed its so comfortable. "Computer what is my status?" and computer replies "Jump to Hyper Light Speed was successful all spaceship functions are tested and operating normal. Probes 36 and 42 have minor faults and you are requested to repair when convenient" Oh thankyou computer "Don't mention it. Have a nice day" a computer that has humour built in. I will make a note in the log about this.

I take a shower as I smell like freshly mown grass, odd but not unpleasant. The heat wakens me more. Right that's it time for my urine check. I piss into tube and wait. "Urine sample is not normal. Will adjust your intake to balance the problem" I ask "What is the problem?" and the computer says "You have higher than normal amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Iron" I ask again "Computer is that harmful" it replies "At these levels No" I am one of those people that does not like change. "Computer keep food intake the same as 24 hours ago. If levels start to change to a dangerous level then let me know" "Computer sets food intake to normal"

Well we better go and look at these probes. I open the air lock and walk down the walkway to the probe storage area. Each with a large number painted on them. Handy I thought. I get to 36 open a panel press the manual override. Reset to pre-launch settings. Run installation data check. Check all systems are running correctly. Set to run automatically on launch. That was easy 42 was different the main processor and memory unit had blown. Once replace I ask the ships computer to reprogram probe 42 unit programs. A few seconds later install complete. I run test program and all is well.

After this I want some sleep. There are two beds onboard one special the other ordinary. All that is needed is a push of the button. I go for the special one I put on the wrist band and tell the computer to set sleep for 2 hours. Naked I lie on the bed and sink into the soft bliss around me and drift of to sleep. When I wake I feel a little different I go to the bathroom for a piss "Sample is not normal but within safe parameters" thankyou computer any chance of a drink? I leave the bathroom and outside is a drink ready. I smell of grass but I am getting to like that smell. And the room is warm so no need to put any clothes on. Work is complete for the day so I thought I'll go back to bed. I sat on the edge on the mattress and felt it move. Oh yes I like that ripples were going up and down my ass. I wiggle my ass and sink lower. My cock is hard this feels mmm. I push down and something has opened my rosebud. Whatever it is its waiting. Then I thrust down and it is inside me thrust again more again more mmmmm Whatever you are this feels good. I left my legs over and they sink and then my body. The creature is inside me any movement brings me joy oh yes if this keeps up I am going a cum Yes yes sweet creature give me your desires yes ahhhh ahhhhhh fuck yes

I wake but the mattress is like a liquid as I move it moves. I manage to stand but behind me is the figure of a man. His cock is still in my ass I reach around and pull his ass cheeks closer to me and I feel him go deeper yes yes . He smiles at me and I move him to a chair. He sits but in doing so I have all his cock inside and feel completely fill with his love.

"Will you save us? that man imprisoned us and we are so few left now will you help us? Our race will die without you? There were tears in his eyes "Oh creature of sweet pleasure how can I help?" he smiled again "We have no females left if you are willing to be our female we promise to always deliver you with the joy you seek" "And how do become your female?" I asked "Everytime you sleep with me I give you a part of me. My probe inside you I can deliver our children but I must ask you for permission" life with this creature will never be as boring as working on this ship. "Pump your babies into me give the children that will save your race" Then his rut started pump pump pump once he had finish we both went to the bed and I drift off to sleep. On waking another was fucking my ass. He could say little "Oh sweet female of ours receive my joy" and I felt a warmth flow into me. I fall asleep again and wake to see a third entering my sore tunnel of joy and felt his baby makers being pumped into me. He gasped ""Never leave us sweet female we love you" I knew my life was never going to be the same.

"Computer where did Professor Cornelious obtain his creatures for the production of the bed?" "Searching data. Planet Porlak" "Computer how far is Porlak from this spaceship" the computer replies "If ship course is altered then it can be reached in 12 hrs" "Computer set new course to Porlak" and I was waiting for the computer's reply and was ready for it. "Why are we going to Porlak" "Computer I am going to set up a probe on the planet and our probes are not design for landings. I will land this ship there and proceed after" "Computer understood" I laid back and sank into the mattress and hands moved over my body while I hugged them (My Men) computer sparked into life "Approaching planet now waiting for instructions" right "Computer survey for possible landing sites and near ruined cities" I waited "4 suitable sites available" Then one that has plentiful water?" I asked "Computer has located one site that fit those parameters" "Then we will land there" I said "Computer set for landing please strap yourself in for landing proceedure" there was a bump and the cabin lurched to one side. I needed a piss but if I did it would alert the computer something was wrong. "Computer please open airlock with outer hull I must check out the ground first" "Airlock open for surveying"

As I got up 3 men followed me down the walkway past the probes to the airlock. The air was breathable and the men knew where they were going. Here is your new home. A wall 10-foot tall and in the sun warmed and stored its heat for cold nights. The ground was turned and fresh they picked me up and laid me on the soft ground. I was their Queen and no one was going to take her away. And my 3 lovers were as good as they promised. After my babies were born they looked after them and from them grew a nation. The three also kept their side of the bargain and fucked me and made sweet music. They never forgot how I had given my life to save their race.

Notes: Computer waited 48 hrs and built-in program kicks in. Search for astronaut's last location not found. Takeoff and do a search pattern over the planet. Scanned no human was found on the planet. Proceed to original course and set probe delivery to automatic.

If I had given a sample of urine the computer it would have discovered I was not fully human anymore

Scientists found a solution to the problem of Hyper Light Speed shock with out the use of creatures

And no one remember Cornelious and he liked being by himself (He's got a whole planet)

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