The Corporate Cumdump

By Boo Jum

Published on Mar 15, 2021




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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It was the cum leaking from my arse that woke me up. I lay in bed, warm liquid oozing out of my arsehole, and felt my cock get hard as I thought about what it meant. The anonymous man from last night had deposited four loads of hot semen into my arse, and I played with my cock, feeling hot and slutty, as I thought how much cum he had shot into me.

After a few minutes of fantasies and stroking my cock I was close to orgasm. But I dared not come without permission from my Master, so I reluctantly left my cock alone, and went to shower and prepare for my day.

It was the weekend, but I knew that my Masters would expect me to be available. And I wasn't wrong. I had just finished my shower when I got a message from Nick.

"Hey cocksucker, I'm on the beach. Come join me."

I put on my swimsuit, followed Nick's directions, and found him, sitting on a beach chair, on a quiet stretch of the beach. He had an umbrella for shade, and a large ice-filled cooler containing beer.

"Take your clothes off and sit next to me," Nick commanded.

I took my shirt off, leaving my swimsuit only. There was no other chair, so I spread a towel on the sand and sat next to him. Nick glanced down at me.

"Everything," he said.

I glanced around. There were quite a few groups of people within view, but none were really near us.

"I- Er- this is a public beach. I don't want to get into trouble," I said.

Nick grabbed a fistful of my hair, and pulled my head back until I was looking into his eyes.

"Everything," he commanded.

I obediently pulled my swimsuit off, and sat on the towel at Nick's feet.

A few minutes later a couple of guys came up to us. I suddenly felt very self conscious and exposed, and I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to hide my nudity.

"Hey, Nick," one of them said.

"Hey fellas," Nick said, "come join us."

The three men sat and chatted, and I realized that these men were Nick's buddies. Both were around his age. One was a smooth, tanned, chubby blonde in red shorts. The other was an extremely well built guy with dark skin and a black speedo. All three men seemed to take pleasure in flaunting their fit, tanned physiques. I felt as if I was in the gym locker room, surrounded by buff young hunks, trying to peek at them without being caught peeking. I felt a stirring in my groin.

"Hey, Simon," Nick nudged me with his foot. "Get us a drink."

I crawled over to the cooler and brought him a beer, which I opened before handing it to him. Nick took it.

"And my buddies?" he asked. "You don't offer them a beer too?"

"Sorry Sir," I gulped. "Would either of you guys like a beer?" I said.

Both said yes, so I had no choice but to crawl over to the cooler and bring back two more beers. Both took the beer without a word, but the blonde did a double take when he saw I was naked. I sat down next to Nick again.

"Who's this?" the blonde asked Nick.

"Oh, that's just my dog," Nick said.

I blushed, and the three men laughed.

"Isn't that right?" Nick nudged me with his foot.

"Woof woof," I said unenthusiastically.

"Let's play a game of fetch,"Nick suggested. "Here, boy!"

I crawled over to Nicks feet. Nick reached down, and, with no warning, pulled the buttplug out of my arse. I gasped with pain, but Nick ignored me. He threw the plug as far as he could.

"Fetch!" he commanded.

I began to get up, but Nick slapped my arse hard.

"Dogs have four legs," he growled.

I scampered on my hands and knees down the beach to where Nick had thrown the buttplug. For a moment I considered picking it up with my hand, but I realized that Nick wouldn't approve of that. I bent my head, and picked the plug up in my mouth. I could taste my arse on it, as I scampered back to Nick, feeling cock getting stiff. He took the plug and patted me on the head.

"Good doggie," he said, and shoved the plug back into my arse.

"Hey, that looks like fun," the blonde guy said. "Let me try."

Before I could react he pulled the plug out of my arse, and threw it down the beach.

"Fetch," he said.

I scrambled over to it on my hands and knees, and brought it back in my mouth. The blonde guy shoved it back up my arse, making me gasp and wince. The three men ignored that. Nick pulled the plug out and threw it again. This time he threw it in the direction of the nearest group of people. I had no choice but to run over to them on my hands and knees, and pick up the buttplug in my mouth. They all laughed when they saw me, and I felt myself blushing.

The three men played with me this way for about an hour. We attracted quite a bit of attention from other people on the beach, who laughed to see me naked on all fours running with a buttplug in my mouth.

Finally the three men got tired of the game. I was tired, and lay on my towel, panting and grateful for the rest.

"Do you need a drink, Simon?" Nick asked.

I suddenly realised that my mouth was dry. I looked up. Nick was standing a couple of meters away.

"Yes, please, Sir," I replied.

"Get over here," Nick commanded. He walked down the beach, and went behind an outcropping of rocks.

I crawled after him. Nick pulled his shorts down, exposing his mass of pubic hair, and his flaccid cock nestled among the hair.

"Open wide," Nick said.

"Please," I begged, "other people can see us."

Nick leaned forward and slapped my face hard.

"Open your fucking mouth when you are fucking told to," he said angrily.

I realized that I had no choice. I opened my mouth, hoping that nobody would notice us.

"Don't close it until I tell you to,"Nick commanded. "Just chug down what I give you."

The first splash of piss hit my face, and I flinched. Nick redirected the flow to my mouth. I sat on my haunches, as a stream of piss went into my throat. I couldn't take it. Against my will I coughed, spraying urine everywhere.

"You fucking little shit!" Nick swore, jumping back out of range. "Can't you do anything right?"

"Sorry Sir," I apologised, as Nick pissed into my mouth. I tried to swallow it as fast as I could, but every time I closed my mouth some piss spilt on the sand.

When Nick had finished peeing he tucked his cock away.

"Follow me," he said, and walked away.

I followed him down the beach, naked. I felt very embarrassed, and tried to project an aura of confidence, as if I was naked on purpose. But my body didn't cooperate. My cock was hard and erect, and it bobbed and swayed as I walked behind Nick. Quite a few people laughed when the saw me, and I heard a few comments of disgust.

Finally we arrived at a long, low building on the edge of the beach. Across the road I could see a car park, and a couple of buildings. As we came nearer I saw a sign for the men's toilet. Nick went inside, and I hesitated a bit before following. I had a nasty suspicion of what was about to happen, and I was a bit afraid.

The toilet was gloomy and smelt strongly of urine, with an undertone of some cleaning agent. There was a row of cubicles on one side, and two urinals on the other. There were puddles on the floor around the urinals.

"Sit!" Nick commanded, pointing to the urinals.

I hesitated, and then sat in the puddle of piss, between the two urinals. My head fit neatly between the two urinals, with a couple of centimetres on either side. Nick took a couple of plastic zip ties from his pocket, and used them to tie my hands to the drain pipes under each urinal. I sat, arms spread, head trapped between the two urinals. I was naked and exposed.

"You're going to get a lesson in how a human urinal should behave," Nick said.

"Please," I begged, " please, I can't. Please don't make me do this." But it was no use. Nick exited the room, leaving me trapped.

A few minutes passed. A fat, elderly man with a long grey beard came in. He was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and had a cap on his head. He stopped, and looked me over, with an amused expression. I lowered my head, trying to avoid his gaze. My erect cock was twitching.

The man stood in front of me.

"Head up, he said," and I obeyed. His fly was open, and his flaccid cock was peeking out, just a foreskin-covered glans.

"Open your mouth," he said.

I clamped my lips shut, and the man shrugged, then began peeing. His yellow stream of urine hit me in my face, and he moved his cock, making sure he wet every part of me. I tried to turn my head away, but the urinals on either side of me prevented this. It burned when he pissed into my eyes, and I opened my mouth to gasp. The stream of piss immediately redirected to my mouth. His piss tasted salty and bitter. I took as much as I could into my mouth, then swallowed, coughing as some piss went into my windpipe.

When the man had finished peeing he tucked his cock away, then squatted down next to me. I hung my head, but the man grabbed a fistful of my hair, and pulled my head up to look me in the eye.

"Boy, anyone can see that you were born to be a piss pig," he said. "Don't fight it, embrace it. You'll enjoy yourself much more. Just relax your throat, and let gravity give you a hand."

He straightened up and left.

I sat there, feeling his piss dry on my skin, and considered what he had said. I felt totally helpless and humiliated but I realized that I was beginning to crave that feeling. I wanted to be debased and degraded. But I was also afraid of getting caught. What if someone complained? Would the police come? Arrest me?

While I was considering this, I heard footsteps at the entrance to the toilet. A tall man, wearing jeans and boots came in. He seemed pleased to see me there.

"Please, sir, could you help me?" I said. "I'm tied up here and I can't get free. Could you please help me get free?"

The tall man ignored me. He opened the buttons of his jeans, and I could see that he was not wearing any underwear.

"Mouth open," he instructed.

I closed my mouth and hung my head, but the man stepped forward and put his boot on my testicles. I gasped with pain, and the man said again "Mouth open. Or you'll get worse."

I surrendered to the inevitable, and opened my mouth.

As the tall man pissed into my mouth I tried to swallow, and ended up coughing. He very considerately stopped pissing until I had recovered.

"Relax your throat," he said. "Don't try to swallow."

Easy for you to say, I thought, but I tried, and found that it was easier than I had thought. The man's piss ran down my throat into my stomach, and I only missed a few drops.

When the tall man had emptied his bladder he tucked his cock away in his jeans, and ignored my attempt to ask him for help. He washed his hands at the sink, and left.

I sat in the puddle of piss, waiting. After a few minutes, another guy came in. He was fat and wore jeans and a white button down shirt. He wore aviator sunglasses, and as he stepped up to me I could see my distorted reflection in his sunglasses. As he unbuckled his jeans I made another attempt to get help.

"Please, sir, won't you help me?" I begged "I can't do this anymore."

"Not a chance!" exclaimed the man. "We haven't had a decent piss pig in here for ages. Besides, you can't hide the fact that you're enjoying it."

As he said this he pushed his boot into my groin, squashing my erect cock against my lower belly.

I felt myself blushing, but I realized that he was telling the truth. I was actually enjoying the humiliation. I was a human urinal. As the man began peeing on my face I opened my mouth, and forgot my shame, giving myself up to the pleasure of being used by a dominant man. I looked up into his eyes, and saw my face reflected in his sunglasses, distorted by the lenses. My mouth was an open hole, and a thin stream of liquid connected his cock to my mouth. The sight of the stream of liquid directed at my mouth was very exciting.

News must have spread about the human urinal. Several more men followed in rapid succession. From the fragments of conversations that I heard, these men were from a nearby bikers bar.

Each man unzipped and pissed into my mouth as casually as if I was nothing but a convenient urinal to be used. The thought made me feel even more turned on. I was enjoying the sight of all the different cocks, as the men peed into my mouth. I found that I loved this view of a man, standing above me, his cock pointed at my face. Some guys were showers, who shook their cocks vigorously when they had finished peeing. One of the guys was uncut, and the piss sprayed from his foreskin in a widely dispersed stream, hitting my face as well as going into my mouth.

A few of the men took the opportunity to shove their cocks into my mouth to get a blow job after they had relieved themselves. I swallowed a few loads of semen as well as urine.

After a while the traffic dwindled, and I had time to rest between each bout. Finally, two men came into the toilets, deep in conversation about the relative merits of different motor bikes. They stood in front of me, shoulder to shoulder, and without a pause or a hitch in their conversation, one aimed his stream of piss into my mouth, as the other aimed at my face, forcing me to close my eyes. I sat there, waiting for them to finish so that I could wipe my eyes.

Suddenly I heard an exclamation.

"What the fuck?"

I managed to open my eyes, and saw the two pissers leaving. A guy was standing in the doorway, looking at me with an expression of disgust.

"Fucking faggot," he growled.

He stepped up to the urinal on my left, and I heard the sound of his zip. I instinctively turned my head towards him.

"Don't fucking look at me, you fucking faggot," the man said.

"Sorry sir," I turned my head facing forward and closed my eyes.

I listened to the sound of the man's piss hitting the bowl of the urinal, and imagined that it was my mouth. I was acutely aware of my throbbing erection. I hoped that this man would ignore me. After a minute the sound of peeing dwindled, and I heard the man's zip closing.

"Hey, faggot," he said.

I opened my eyes, and saw him leaning over me. With no warning, he spat into my face, then turned and left.

I sat with the man's spit on my face. As it dribbled down I licked it away. It tasted of cigarettes. This was the third type of bodily fluid I was tasting today, I realized. The thought made me even more aroused. But I was also afraid of being caught. This guy might call the police. Or worse, come back with a group of friends to beat me up.

After a while Nick's two friends came into the toilets, and stood in front of me.

"Please," I asked, "could you help me get free?"

"What do you say," the blonde guy asked his friend, "should we free him?"

"No, Nick said not to," the dark skinned guy replied.

"Maybe if we said we untied him so we could fuck him," the blonde guy suggested.

The dark skinned guy thought about this.

"Yeah, that might work," he said. He turned to me.

"We're both going to fuck you," he told me. "If you do a good job we'll let you go."

The thought of getting free galvanised me.

"Yes sir, please fuck me." I gushed. "I need to be fucked hard."

The two men cut the zip ties, and I struggled to my feet. I barely managed to get upright when the blonde guy reached out and grabbed my genitals. His fingers circled my cock and balls, and he pulled them down. I gasped in pain, and followed his hand downward.

As I sank to my knees the blonde guy pulled his shorts down. Up close I could see that his body wasn't smooth. He was covered in very light blonde hair. His cock was average length, but very thick. He grabbed my head and pushed his cock against my lips. I parted my lips, and he plunged his cock into my mouth, fucking me hard.

As I gagged and choked on his cock I felt the dark skinned guy press his cock against my arse. He pulled the plug out of my arse, and I felt his cock replacing it in my sphincter. It felt huge. Much larger than the blonde guy's cock. I tried to draw breath, but the thick cock in my throat prevented me.

They fucked me hard until I was running out of oxygen, and I began struggling to breathe. Then the blonde guy pulled his cock out, and I drew in a breath, panting. My eyes were streaming with tears from being choked by his cock. The dark skinned man didn't stop fucking my arse. I had a brief minute to get my breath, and then the blonde guy grabbed my head and pulled it down to his cock. I opened my lips, and his cock went in. It hit the back of my throat, and the guy pushed harder. I felt his thick cock distending my throat and cutting off my oxygen again. He began fucking my throat in short quick moves of his pelvis, mashing my face against his belly.

They kept this up as I struggled, barely giving me time to breathe. Then the dark guy began fucking me harder, and with a grunt he pulled my hips against his, and shot his orgasm into my arse.

As soon as he had shot his load he withdrew his cock from my arse, and the blonde guy released my head. Too weak and breathless to resist I felt them turn me around, and then the blonde guy's cock invaded my arsehole, as he fucked me hard. The dark skinned guy's cock was still erect, and he moved forward, pushing it into my mouth. My jaw gaped wide as I felt the full girth of his cock hitting my throat. I was now choking on a much longer, thicker cock, that tasted of arse.

After a while the blonde guy began gasping and breathing hard, and then with a strangled cry he climaxed, shooting another load into my battered arsehole.

To my dismay, as the blonde guy removed his cock from my arse, the dark skinned guy pulled me around until I was lying face down on the floor. He mounted me and began shoving his huge cock into my arse, pushing my face down into the puddle of piss on the filthy toilet floor. He fucked me hard and fast, until he shot a second load of cum into my arsehole.

After both men had shot their loads into my arse they left me lying on the floor in the filthy toilet. I rested for a few minutes, then got up.

As I left the toilet and began walking down the beach I saw the first man who had peed into my mouth, sitting next to the road, on a large motorbike.

"Hey piss pig," he yelled.

I saw a couple of people's heads turn towards me. I ignored the man, and continued walking.

"Be sure to come visit us again," the man yelled, as I walked away.

As I passed among the people sitting on the beach I heard exclamations of disgust. At first I thought that I had become so accustomed to the smell of urine that I didn't realize how bad I smelt. But as I walked I felt a sensation of wetness running down my inner thigh. It took me a moment to realize that this was the semen that Nick's friends had shot up my arse.

My day was ending the same way it had begun. I had become a real cumdump, I realized.

Next: Chapter 13

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