The Corporate Cumdump

By Boo Jum

Published on Jan 23, 2021




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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The next morning, when I arrived at work, Sami was standing with a few other black men near the entrance of the building, smoking cigarettes. He greeted me with a smile, as he always did, but this time it seemed to me that his smile was tinged with something else. An expression of contempt, maybe. As I walked into the lobby I heard Sami say something in a foreign language, and he and his friends laughed raucously. I blushed bright red.

I wondered what Sami had thought about finding me tied up and helpless in Daniel's office. He and his co-worker had probably enjoyed the opportunity to humiliate someone from the management level. Had they told the other maintenance workers about it? I imagined that they had all had a good laugh at my expense.

I had never noticed the maintenance crew before, but now it seemed to me that everywhere I went there was a black man in a maintenance overall. It might have been my imagination, but it seemed to me that they were looking at me with amusement and contempt. I couldn't stop thinking that the other maintenance workers would also enjoy the chance to humiliate one of the "boss men". Just the thought of it made my cheeks burn with the shame of having been used like that, by men in such a menial position.

I was quite surprised to find that every time I thought back to that night I felt my cock getting hard. It seemed weird to me that despite the humiliation I had endured, I had actually enjoyed being tied up, and helpless to resist, while men had used my arse so callously. Or maybe my arousal was because of the humiliation.

At night, during my jerk off sessions, I fantasized about the situation , dwelling on the humiliation, as all the maintenance crew lined up to fuck me one after another. It made my orgasms feel more intense.

Just to be on the safe side, though, I tried to avoid Sami and the other maintenance men.

A couple of days later, around noon, my office phone rang, pulling me out of a titillating reverie. I answered cautiously.

"Simon. Hi. Rachel from HR," the woman on the phone said. "Do you have a minute? I'd like to discuss something with you."

My initial thought was that someone had seen me getting fucked in Daniel's office, or seen us in the toilet as I served him. With my heart pounding I went to Rachel's office. She was on the phone, but waved to me to come in and sit down.

We exchanged a few pleasantries, and then she got down to business.

"A position in senior management has recently opened up," she said, "and as you know, the company has always preferred to promote internally rather than hire someone from outside."

"Er... ok..." I say, not really sure where this is going."

"Your name came up in this context," Rachel continued. "It hasn't escaped our notice how much the productivity of your team has increased since you took over."

I beamed with pride when she said this.

"It would be a big step up for you, and you would be working very closely with the CEO," she continued. "And reporting directly to him. Are you interested?"

"Yes," I almost shouted. And then force myself to calm down a bit. "Yes, I am interested."

I barely listened while she set up an interview for me with the CEO, and promised to send her an updated copy of my resume.

As I rode to the top floor in the elevator, to my interview with the CEO, I reviewed in my mind what I knew about him. Elias Stavrous was a well known entrepreneur. An immigrant who had started with nothing, he had taken a small company and built it into a respectable conglomerate comprising several smaller companies, in diverse fields.

I had been expecting a large luxurious office, so when I was ushered in to Elias Stavrous' office I was impressed, but not surprised by the size and the rich furniture, thick carpets and almost panoramic views of the city. But what I hadn't been prepared for was Elias Stavrous himself. The pictures I had seen showed a handsome man with fair skin, light brown hair and blue eyes. But the man who stood up from behind the desk and held his hand out to me had a powerful physique. Tall, well built, with the rugged masculine beauty that would have better suited an actor, he exuded a type of physical control that made me feel weak kneed as I stood gaping at him.

"Pleased to meet you, Simon," he said, as we shook hands. His voice was low and melodious. "I've heard very good things about your work."

His hands were rough and strong, his handshake was firm but not overbearing, as he smiled, revealing a set of white even teeth.

"P-p-pleased to meet you, sir," I stuttered. I was finding it difficult to breathe. My collar suddenly seemed a size too small.

He gestured to the side, where a young guy, only a few years older than I, sat.

"This is my son, Nicholas," he said. "He's my right hand man. You'll be reporting to me, but he is to be kept in the loop at all times."

"Call me Nick," said the younger Stavrous. He had olive skin, wavy black hair, and deep brown eyes. He looked like a younger version of his father, with darker colours.

"Let's get down to it, shall we," said Elias.

The interview lasted an hour and a half. They both quizzed me, firing questions at me and barely giving me time to answer. The questions covered every aspect of my current job, the department and my team. I was quite impressed by their knowledge of the smallest things in the company.

Finally Elias leaned back in his leather chair.

"Well done, Simon," he said. "I'm quite impressed. You've done some good work. Now, before we go on to the next phase, do you have any questions?"

"Actually, I'd like to hear a bit more about the job. What does it entail, and what will my responsibilities be?" I asked.

"Your office responsibilities will be light," he replied. "You'll be liaising and coordinating between departments. Your main duty will be to service me, and anyone I tell you to."

"I- servicing? What do you mean?" I asked, with a sinking feeling in my chest.

"You see, I've always felt that I can make decisions more easily when I am relaxed. And nothing is more relaxing than a good blow job, isn't that so." he continued calmly.

"Up until now I've had an assistant whose main purpose was to take care of that," Elias explained. "But he recently left the company, and I'm looking for a replacement."

"We've heard glowing reviews of your cocksucking ability," said Nick, "but I think that we should both try you out before making our final decision."

"Wh- Er-" I stammered in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what-"

"Don't play coy," said Nick, impatiently. " Daniel is a very close friend of mine. In fact, he's the one who suggested that we consider you for the position."

"So tell me," said Elias, "do you want the position or not? There is no shortage of people who would jump at an opportunity like this."

"Opportunity?" I asked, somewhat incredulously.

"Naturally, the job has compensations and perks," said Elias. "We'll discuss your salary, benefits and perks once we've completed the screening process, and we're willing to proceed."

I was totally taken aback. Their proposition was preposterous. Outrageous. Who in their right mind would agree to something like this? But as I opened my mouth to say this a little voice in my head seemed to say: me, I'll agree to be your cocksucker. And I couldn't dismiss the fact that I found Elias Stavrous to be incredibly sexy. He was exactly the type of man that I found physically appealing. Against my will, I felt my cock begin to get hard, and I squirmed slightly.

"Where will we do it?" I asked.

"Right here, right now," said Nick. He leaned back in his seat, and opened his fly.

I felt very self conscious as I stood up to cross the couple of meters to where he was sitting, but i'd barely taken a step when Elias tutted.

"Ah ah ah," he said, "cocksuckers don't stay dressed while they're working."

I stood up and undressed, putting my clothes in a heap on a chair nearby. I tried to cover my cock with my hand.

"Put your hands behind your head and stand up straight," Elias commanded.

I obeyed.

"Turn around slowly," he said. "Don't stop until I tell you to."

I turned on the spot, my cock now semi erect. Elias checked my body out, running his hands over my stomach and chest, feeling my muscles. He ran his hands over my arse, squeezing my arse cheeks, as if testing how ripe a tomato is. I almost expected him to check my teeth. I felt simultaneously humiliated and aroused. Elias cupped my balls in his hand, almost as if he were weighing them. My cock twitched, and he smiled.

"Bend over," he instructed me, squeezing my balls as if to emphasise his command.

I bent at the waist, and felt Elias behind me, gripping the base of the plug in my arse. He pulled gently on the plug, and it slowly came out of my arse, with a wet sounding squelch. Then he pushed it back into my arse, only to pull it out again. This time he held it at the point where the widest part of the plug was just emerging from the entrance to my sphincter, then he began pulling it out and pushing it in fast and hard. It hurt, and I couldn't prevent a moan of pain escaping my throat, as my body shot forward to escape this brutal assault on my arse. Elias pulled the plug out and slapped my arse quite hard.

"Get on with it," he said, and pressed a button on a console by his desk as I crossed the space to keel in front of Nick.

The blinds on the windows closed, making the room darker. I knelt in front of Nick, who was now sitting with his trousers and underpants down around his ankles, and his hairy, muscular, powerful thighs spread apart. In the low lighting, the huge untrimmed bush of his pubic hair made his crotch into a dark, mysterious region. His flaccid cock was quite small. All I could see was the glans, nestled among the bush of his pubic hair. I felt a bit disappointed as I looked at it. For some reason I had imagined him having a large cock. This would be easy. I took Nick's cock into my mouth and began sucking it. As I worked on it I felt it getting bigger. And bigger. And bigger. Nick gripped my head, encouraging me to take his cock deeper as my head bobbed down and up.

After a few minutes I pulled my head up, drawing in a breath. This was my first look at his lovely cock. It was long and quite thick, with a well defined glans. It was darker than the rest of his skin, and it glistened with my saliva. His scrotum was tight underneath his cock, nice and big and full of his juicy, cum filled testicles. I barely had a chance to draw breath when Nick put his hand on the nape of my neck, and pulled my head down onto his cock. I opened my mouth, and engulfed Nick's cock, taking it as deep as I could. I was quite surprised to find that I was enjoying myself. Seeing his flaccid cock had been disappointing in a way, because it was barely visible. But, fully erect, his cock was very impressive. Clearly, Nick was a grower. I wondered if he resembled his father in this too, and the thought made me feel very turned on. Without realising it, I began sucking his cock harder and deeper.

"Look at him," Nick laughed, "the little faggot can't get enough."

With difficulty, I managed to turn my head and look up at Nick. He looked down at me, grinned and nodded his head in appreciation. I felt his hand on the nape of my neck, guiding his cock into my mouth as I sucked it as deeply as I could.

While I worked on Nick's cock I felt Elias finger my arsehole. I tried to pull my head up to ask him to slow down and be a bit more gentle, but Nick held my head down.

"Are you ready?" Elias asked.

I couldn't understand if he was talking to me or to Nick. I tried to answer, but what came out was an unintelligible gurgle.

Something cold and wet dripped down the cleft of my arse. Something hard and warm rubbed against my sphincter. I barely had a chance to register that Elias was about to fuck me when he thrust his cock into my arse, hard. My mouth opened and I drew in breath to scream, but Nick took advantage of my wide open mouth, and pulled my head down onto his crotch. His cock went into my throat, cutting off my scream. I tried to pull away, but Elias pulled my hips against his with his powerful hands. I tried to free my head to scream, to resist. But the two of them held me, fucking both my holes mercilessly, as I groaned and struggled and cried.

After what seemed like eternity, the two men released me and both cocks slipped out of my holes. I fell sideways onto the carpet, almost sobbing with relief.

"Are you ready to continue?" asked Elias.

He ignored my protest and my cries, and overpowered me almost effortlessly. He threw me down on the couch, and held me down on my back as I struggled to get free. Nick lifted up my legs, exposing my arsehole, and thrust his cock into my arse, all the way to the hilt, in one hard thrust. It hurt, and I gasped in pain. But at the same time I felt that it wasn't as bad as being fucked by Elias. Nick began fucking me hard, grunting with every thrust, his hips pounding against my arse. The force of his body slamming against mine pushed me forward, my head hanging over the edge of the sofa.

Elias stood over me. I looked up at him. His erect cock looked huge. I'd never seen a cock that big in real life, only in porn movies. It seemed to fill the room. I couldn't believe that he had managed to fit it into my arsehole. He bent his knees, running the tip of his cock over my lips and around my mouth.

"Please," I begged, but he ignored me. He slapped his cock across my face, quite hard. I opened my mouth, and he slid his cock in. With one hand he forced my jaws apart, his cock going deeper into my throat. I felt it hit the back of my throat, and he pushed harder. My throat opened, and his cock slipped in. He began thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth. I gagged and coughed, and Elias pulled his cock back enough for me to get my breath back.

"Take a deep breath," he commanded, and thrust his cock back into my throat.

I tried to shake my head, to bend my neck and get free, but unsuccessfully.

"Don't fight it," Elias said, "just calm down. Open your throat and breathe," he pulled his cock back enough to allow me to suck in a breath, then resumed thrusting his cock into my throat. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I found that this made it easier to accommodate his huge cock without gagging. I tried to time my breathing to his thrusting, and found, to my surprise, that it was much better.

"Ohhhhh yesssss," Elias breathed, as he fucked my mouth. "Like that. I love that. Keep it up." He put his hand on my neck, and I felt my Adam's apple moving as his cock entered my throat pushing it aside.

I lay there, feeling both my holes getting fucked. I could hear Nick's grunting speed up as he fucked my arse. Then he let out a yell, and thrust his cock hard into my arse. I felt his cock pulsing and throbbing as he shot his load into my arse. He pulled his cock out and sat, panting, as he watched Elias fucking my throat deeper and harder.

I was gagging and it was difficult to breathe when, with no warning, Elias yelled out loud and thrust his cock all the way in as he shot a huge load straight into my throat. His balls were pressed against my nose, making it almost impossible to draw breath. He remained in that position for a while and then pulled his cock out slowly. It left a trail of thick ropy saliva as it trailed across my face and forehead, and he wiped it off on my hair.

I sat up, panting, and looked at them.

"That was not bad," Elias said.

"See? I told you, Daniel always finds the talented cocksuckers," Nick said.

He crossed to a small fridge in the corner, and took out two bottles of mineral water. He gave one to his father, and opened the other. They both drank, ignoring me as they discussed my abilities as a cocksucker. I didn't know what to do, so I sat on the sofa, playing with my cock.

After a few minutes Elias stood up.

"Up for another round?" he asked as he walked over to stand in front of me.

His semi erect cock was just opposite my face, and I stared at it in awe. Nick got up and stood next to his father. His cock was already fully erect.

"I- I don't think I can. That was really really hard-" I started to say. But Elias cut me off.

"It won't always be like that," he said. "We just needed an idea of your abilities. Come. Suck our cocks, then we'll get down to business."

He gripped the base of his huge cock, and rubbed the tip over my face. Almost against my will, my lips opened, and Elias pulled me forward onto my knees as his cock slipped between my lips.

I sucked his cock for a while, then Elias grabbed my head, and pulled his cock out of my mouth. He pushed my head towards Nick, who grabbed it and guided his cock into my open mouth. On my knees in front of the two men, they used my mouth as a masturbation aid. Each one pulled back when he felt he was close to orgasm, transferring my head between them as if I were an object and not a person.

It seemed to go on and on as I knelt submissively on the carpet, fondling my erect cock. Eventually Nick pushed my head back and, with a gasp, shot a huge spurt of cum over my face. This was followed by several other spurts in rapid succession. I shut my eyes, to prevent the semen from getting into them. As Nick's breathing slowed, I turned to suck Elias's cock, but he grabbed a handful of my hair, holding my head in position as he, too, shot a very impressive load onto my face.

"Ok, you can go now," Elias said. "We'll draw up a contract and let you know when it's ready to be signed."

"Can I wash up?" I asked, motioning to the door of an en suite bathroom.

"Clean up on your own floor," he replied, dismissively.

This turned me on even further. I dressed quickly, and exited the office. My arse chafed with every step I took, as a reminder of the arse reaming I had just undergone by Elias and Nick. Every twinge of my arsehole reminded me of the experience, and as I relived it in my head I felt very horny.

As I stood waiting for the elevator I noticed that I was getting a few curious and incredulous looks from people. There was a mirror hanging next to the elevator, and I looked at my reflection. Drops of semen decorated my cheeks, my forehead and around my mouth. My hair was a mess of dried saliva and globs of semen. My trousers tented out at the crotch to cover my erection. I looked like a submissive cocksucker. This is what I have become, I thought.

Next: Chapter 9

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