The Corporate Cumdump

By Boo Jum

Published on Feb 7, 2021




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

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I had mixed feelings when Elias's secretary called me to schedule an appointment for the second stage in the recruitment process. I enjoyed sucking cocks, and Elias was a very sexy man. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to be his personal cocksucker. I was afraid of the reactions I would get from my coworkers. And what if my family and friends ever found out? The shame would be unbearable.

I wished that there was someone who I could talk to. But the only person who knew about my secret was Daniel. And he just laughed when I told him of my concerns.

"Don't overthink it," he told me, "you know as well as I do that being a cumdump is your primary reason for existence. You might as well accept it. And if you're offered a job where you can fulfill your main purpose in life then you'd be wise to take it. I've never met a cocksucker hungrier than you. Just let go of your inhibitions, and you'll do very well."

"I'm not like that!" I protested. But even to myself I sounded unconvinced.

I had to admit that the last few months with Daniel had opened my eyes, and made me understand that, actually, I was like that. I had come to relish the humiliation and degradation of being used and abused by dominant men.

"Yes, but won't it become common knowledge in the company?" I asked. "You know how fast gossip spreads, especially about new appointees."

"And what if it does?" Daniel sounded so unconcerned, I was taken aback.

"I don't want people thinking that way about me," I said feebly.

"More guys will know, and you'll have more cocks to suck. Is that something that bothers you?" Daniel laughed. "Or is it something that turns you on?"

I had to admit to myself that I actually found it very titillating. My career had taken a turn that I had not imagined, and it was kind of scary. But when I thought about it I realized that deep inside, the thought of being used as a sex toy by a sexy, dominant man like Elias Stavrous was something that had become hugely appealing to me. Just thinking about it made my cock get hard, and I had to adjust it through my trousers. I decided to embrace my subservient nature, and accept this new position.

I arrived at work the next day, feeling quite self conscious. I knew, from past experience, that word of promotions and new job appointments spread quickly through the company. I wondered if everyone knew what my new position included. It seemed to me, as I entered the lobby, that people were looking at me more than they usually did. For some reason this turned me on, and I felt my cock stiffening.

As I rode up to the fifteenth floor in the elevator, I couldn't help checking the men out, and I wondered if I would end up sucking their cocks as well.

I strode up to the receptionist.

"Good morning," I said. My name is Simon Brown-"

"Oh," she smiled, " you're Mr Stavrous's new cum sucking assistant."

"I'm sorry, what?" I responded sharply.

"The new comms section assistant," she repeated.

"Oh," I laughed nervously, " I thought that you said...errr ...something else..." my voice trailed off, as I saw a couple of guys looking over at me.

"Ah, Simon," said a voice.

I turned, and saw Elias striding down the corridor towards me.

"Bright and early, I see. I like that. "

He shook my hand.

"Come in to my office, and we'll get started."

As I entered Elias's office,I was surprised to see two men in white coats, one with a stethoscope around his neck, sitting on the couch. They both stood up. One was around fifty, with greying hair and a beard. The younger one was clean shaven, with a blonde crew cut.

"I- Er..." I stammered, gesturing to the two men.

"Oh, that's Doctor Sachs, my personal physician," Elias said. "I'd like you to have a full physical examination, before we proceed. It won't take long."

"It won't take long," said Doctor Sachs, almost at the same time as Elias, "just a quick questionnaire, and a physical examination."

"Please disrobe," said the young assistant. His voice was very deep.

I felt a bit self conscious as I stripped down to my underwear, and stood there holding my clothes.

"Take it all off," said Doctor Sachs, as his assistant took my clothes, folded them, and put them on a chair.

I removed my vest, and hesitated a moment, my hands on the waistband of my boxers.

"Those as well," Doctor Sachs prompted me.

I took my boxer shorts off, and tried to act casual, as I covered my cock and balls with my hands. I glanced over at Elias, who was sitting behind his desk, watching with interest.

Doctor Sachs wrapped a blood pressure cuff around my arm.

"Name? Age? Marital status?" Doctor Sachs asked, as he inflated the cuff. I gave him my replies, which his assistant typed into a laptop.

Doctor Sachs called out my blood pressure and hear rate, then listened to my lungs with the stethoscope. He called out various results, which the assistant duly typed into the laptop. He then cupped my scrotum in his hand.

"Cough," he commanded. I turned my head aside, and coughed into my hand.

Doctor Sachs then examined my testicles very closely, fingering each one, and rolling it between his fingers. He then proceeded to measure my body closely, calling out numbers and body parts, which his assistant typed assiduously onto the laptop. They treated me like an animal they were evaluating, making me move my hands and legs, and bend or stand in various positions, which seemed designed to expose my arse and genitals. I tried to focus my gaze on the wall, and not make eye contact, but my cock was getting stiff as Doctor Sachs touched me all over, asking me questions about my medical and dental history, my bowel movements and sexual history.

After thoroughly poking and prodding me all over, Doctor Sachs said "Ok, now let's do the stress test." He pointed to a treadmill in one corner of the office. I walked over to my clothes, and picked up my boxers.

"You won't need those," Doctor Sachs said, nodding towards the treadmill, "it's just for a few minutes."

I got onto the treadmill. The assistant came over and plugged various cables into a small machine. He then attached the cables to my nipples, via little crocodile clips. I gasped from the pain, and then had to begin walking, as the assistant started the treadmill moving. Every few minutes he pressed a button, and the treadmill sped up, until I was running quite fast. The clips on my nipples hurt quite a bit, especially as my running motion made the attached wires jump and pull on the clips. All three men watched me, Doctor Sachs writing something on a clipboard. I could almost feel their amusement as my semi erect cock flopped and bobbed around as I ran.

After running fast for about ten minutes, I was gasping not only from the exertion but also from the pain in my nipples. At a sign from Doctor Sachs the assistant pressed a button, and the treadmill slowed down and stopped. I got off, chest heaving, and put my hand up to remove the clips.

"Leave those alone," Doctor Sachs commanded, " I want to record your recovery rate as well.

I stood, as my breathing returned to normal.

"Bend over!" Doctor Sachs commanded me, pointing to the desk.

I bent over the desk. Glancing back, I saw Doctor Sachs take some duct tape. He stuck it to my left arse cheek, then pulled it halfway around my body and stuck the tape to my body. This pulled my arse cheek to the side. He repeated this with the other cheek. I remained bent over the desk, my arse cheeks spread open by the duct tape, my sphincter exposed. Doctor Sachs then called his assistant over, and instructed him to remove the buttplug from my arse. The assistant pulled on latex gloves, and removed the plug from my arse, while I remained bent over. Then he measured and recorded the dimensions of the buttplug, as Doctor Sachs examined my arse closely.

"Signs of recent and historic anal penetration," he called out, and I blushed as the assistant typed that into the laptop. Doctor Sachs inserted a thermometer into my arse. His assistant typed in my body temperature, and then Doctor Sachs did a very prolonged and thorough prostate examination. It seemed to go on way too long, and it felt as if he was using a couple of fingers. I could see the assistant, from the corner of my eye, as he watched avidly.

After a few minutes Doctor Sachs removed his finger, and slapped my arse, making me jump.

"I've got to hand it to you, Elias," he said, "that is an eminently fuckable arsehole."

I straightened up, but Doctor Sachs pushed me down, making me remain bent over.

"How many cocks have you sucked up till now?" Doctor Sachs asked.

I hesitated. I didn't want to answer these kind of questions. They were humiliating.

Doctor Sachs pulled the cables that were connected to the clamps on my nipples. I gasped in pain.

"Painful, isn't it?" he asked conversationally. I nodded.

"Well the sooner you answer my questions the sooner they will come off. How many cocks have you sucked?"

"I- I don't know, maybe ten?" I stammered.

He quirked an eyebrow at me. "Ten?"

"Ok, maybe fifteen or twenty," I answered.

"Write down fifty," Doctor Sachs instructed his assistant.

I blushed, realising that he saw me for the slut I truly am.

"How big was the largest?"

"I think around twenty centimetres."

"How deep did you take it? Could you get it into your throat?"


"For how long?"

"Around ten minutes."

"What's the highest number of cocks you've sucked in one day?"


"How many could you suck in a single day?"

"I don't know, I'd need a break after each one-"

"Guess. Twenty? Thirty?"

"Nowhere near that. Maybe ten"

"Write down fifteen", Doctor Sachs instructed his assistant.

"How many do you think that you could suck one after another with no rest in between?"

"Five?" I hazarded a guess.

"How many loads of semen have you swallowed in a day?"

"Five. No, six."

"How many times have you been anally penetrated?"

Again, I hesitated.

Doctor Sachs pulled the cables again.

"Is the question too difficult for your little brain?" he asked. "How many times have you been fucked?"

"I- how many times or how many guys? I think about ten guys, but multiple times," I gasped.

"Have you ingested a man's urine?"


"Has a guy ever made you drink his piss?" Doctor Sachs sounded amused.

The questions went on and on, covering every sexual act I had ever done or thought about. It seemed to go on forever, as I stood there, bent over, naked and exposed, my nipples throbbing with pain.

Finally Doctor Sachs nodded to the assistant, who stepped over and removed the clips from my nipples. The pain of removing them was as bad as the pain of having them attached, and I gasped and groaned.

"Well that's that," said Doctor Sachs, "I'll get my report typed up, and send it to you, Elias."

"The usual fee?" Elias asked.

"Actually, I'd agree to waive payment if you let us have a go at his tight little arse," said Doctor Sachs.

Elias considered this.

"Ok, then. I have a meeting to attend. I'll be back in an hour." He got up and left.

The two men closed in on me.

"Get to it then," said Doctor Sachs, and pushed me down.

I knelt, as Doctor Sachs opened his trousers. His cock was flaccid and quite big. He was a shower, apparently. I took his flaccid cock into my mouth, applying suction as I moved my head down. His cock stiffened slowly as I worked on it. It was long and thick, with a well defined glans. I could feel the glans in my throat, as he grabbed my head and forced his cock deeper. His pubic hair was shaved, but at the base of his cock the stubble had grown a bit. I could feel it scratching my lips as they went all the way down the length of his cock to the base. He had low hanging balls, which I caressed as I sucked his cock.

From the corner of my eye I saw the assistant taking his trousers off, and sitting down on the sofa.

Doctor Sachs released my head.

"Suck his cock," he commanded.

I crawled over to the assistant, and knelt between his legs. His cock was uncut, and about as long as Doctor Sachs`s cock, but the glans was narrower, the same girth as the shaft. It was more streamlined with the shaft. But at the base it was thicker than Doctor Sachs's cock. I had to really stretch my jaw to accommodate it. I massaged the sides of his crotch and his massive scrotum as I sucked his cock.

I felt Doctor Sachs's hand on my arse as he positioned his cock at the entrance to my sphincter. Before I could react I felt him shoving his cock into my arse. I reared up, struggling to escape from the battering ram that was invading my arse, but Doctor Sachs and his assistant held me in place, as his cock reamed out my arse and ravaged my hole. Eventually I gave up and submitted to his arse pounding fuck, moaning with the pain, as the assistant forced his cock between my lips. Doctor Sachs leaned forward, and grabbed my head, forcing it down onto his assistant's cock. I choked and spluttered, as the cock blocked my throat.

After enduring a merciless arse pounding for a while, Doctor Sachs pulled his cock out of my arse quite roughly. They flipped me over, and lay me on my back on the sofa. Doctor Sachs grabbed my head and pushed his scrotum onto my mouth.

"Lick my balls," he commanded.

I obeyed, licking and sucking on his huge testicles. His assistant grabbed my legs and lifted them. Doctor Sachs grabbed them, and pulled them towards him, exposing my arsehole. I felt something probing at my sphincter, and then the assistant's cock was invading my anus, stretching me to the limit as he pushed his huge thick cock into my arse. I felt his balls slapping against my arse as he began fucking me.

I felt, more than saw, as the assistant leaned forward and began sucking Doctor Sachs's cock. Doctor Sachs moved forward, enabling the assistant to go down deeper on his cock. His arsehole was now on top of my face.

"I can't feel your tongue," Doctor Sachs growled, "lick my arse. Get your tongue in there."

I stuck my tongue out and probed at his sphincter. It tasted musky but not unpleasant.

"Deeper!" Doctor Sachs said, grinding his arse on my face. I didn't know if he meant me or his assistant. I licked and probed at his arsehole, pushing my tongue into it.

The two men fucked me hard like that for a few minutes, and then I felt the assistant speed up his thrusting, and begging to cum.

"Not in his arse," Doctor Sachs commanded.

I wondered why. But at the same time I felt the assistant take his cock out of my arse. Doctor Sachs stood up as the assistant moved forward and shoved his cock into my mouth. I lay on my back, mouth wide open, as the assistant fucked my mouth. I could taste my arse on his cock. Within seconds the assistant let out a shout and I felt his cock throbbing as he released a huge load of cum into my throat. His load was so big that I choked, feeling it spill out the corners of my mouth.

Without giving me a chance to rest Doctor Sachs rolled me over onto my stomach. He mounted me, pushing my legs apart with his knees. Then he flopped down onto me, using the momentum to shove his cock all the way into my arse. I reared up, trying to pull myself forward, but Doctor Sachs held me like a wrestler, as he fucked my arse hard and fast.

After a few minutes Doctor Sachs pulled his cock out of my arse. I felt my arsehole twinge with relief, but he turned me over, and stood over me. His cock pressed against my lips, and I felt them part almost automatically, and his cock slid in. He fucked my mouth, moaning and gasping, as he shot his load into my throat.

The two men stood up, and began dressing. Neither of them paid any attention to me, as they gathered up their equipment. I lay on the sofa, drained and exhausted. Just as they were headed through the door, Doctor Sachs said something to his assistant, who turned back, took the buttplug from where they had left it, and inserted it into my arse.

"Here's your contract."

I opened my eyes. I was lying on the couch in Elias's office. Elias stood over me, holding a sheaf of paper. "Read it, take your time, and then we'll sign it." He thrust the pages at me.

I sat up, disoriented, and looked the contract over.

This is an agreement between

Elias Stavrous

Nicholas Theodore Stavrous

hereinafter referred to as the Masters, and

Simon Brown

hereinafter referred to as the cocksucker.

Both the Masters and the cocksucker acknowledge to have read, understood and agreed on this document.

Both parties state explicitly to enter this agreement of their own free will. The cocksucker agrees to abide by all the requirements stated herein. The contract cannot be broken, except under the conditions stated...

I skipped over all the legalities, and went straight to the requirements.

These conditions are applicable 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, every week of the year.

The Masters have the right to use the cocksucker in any way that they see fit, together and separately.

The Masters have the right to order the cocksucker to serve any other person at their discretion. In this case the cocksucker will treat the person as one of it's Masters, and will abide by all the rules when serving them.

The cocksucker will never refuse to serve the Masters, and will submit willingly, even when they are rough.

The cocksucker will not expect any reciprocation from the Masters.

The cocksucker will learn to take the Masters's cocks as deep as it can. The cocksucker acknowledges the Masters's rights to fuck either of it's holes any way they see fit.

The cocksucker acknowledges that the Masters are its Superiors in every way. It will always be pleasant, accommodating and respectful to the Masters at all times.

The cocksucker will always thank the Masters when they have finished using it.

The cocksucker will not criticise the Masters, or refuse to obey any of their orders.

The cocksucker will not initiate conversation with the Masters, and will speak only when asked a question, or given permission by either or both of the Masters.

The cocksucker will always refer to the Masters as "Master" or "Sir", unless instructed otherwise.

The Masters will refer to the cocksucker however they see fit, including, but not limited to, names like "cunt", "bitch", "cocksucker", "whore" etc. The Masters stipulate that this is not done to be mean, they are merely pointing out the reality of what the cocksucker is.

The cocksucker will be available 24/7/365, and will be prepared to have either of it's holes used at any time.

The cocksucker will put it's mouth anywhere that the Masters tell it to,and will kiss and lick anything that they instruct it to.

The cocksucker will take or swallow anything that the Masters instruct it to. It will function as a willing cum hole, urinal and spittoon.

The cocksucker will always clean the Masters's cock, balls, anal and genital area with its tongue after each session.

The Masters will only urinate in the cocksucker's mouth. The cocksucker will fully drink and accept all of the Masters's golden nectar at any time or place it is offered. The cocksucker will always clean the Masters's cocks once the Masters are finished urinating.

The cocksucker will eat any cum released by the Masters, no matter where they cum. Even if it is in another person's arse or vagina, the cocksucker is to lick it and suck it out, and swallow every drop.

The cocksucker will always clean the genital or vaginal area of anyone that the Masters instruct it to.

The cocksucker will adhere to strict levels of personal hygiene. It will keep it's holes clean and disease free.

The cocksucker will provide a clean, comfortable place to serve the Masters.

The cocksucker will refrain from doing anything that will detract from the Masters's pleasure in the experience.

The cocksucker will not touch itself or pleasure itself in any way while it is serving the Masters. The cocksucker acknowledges that it exists solely as a convenient outlet for the Masters.

The cocksucker will refrain from any sexual activity, alone or with another person, unless given explicit permission by either or both of the Masters.

The cocksucker will ignore all distractions, including phone calls, messages, and it's own discomfort.

The cocksucker will devote 100% of it's attention to the Masters while serving them.

The cocksucker will not make any requests from the Masters.

The cocksucker will obey the Masters at all times, and will wholeheartedly seek the Masters's comfort, pleasure and well-being above all other considerations.

The cocksucker agrees to change it's actions, habits and speech in accordance with the Masters's wishes.

The cocksucker agrees that the Masters will have the right to modify it's clothing, attitude, knowledge and skills according to their desire.

The cocksucker agrees to forfeit any and all privacy from the Masters, and will willingly provide them with the keys to it's house and car, along with access to it's bank account and assets.

Failure to comply with any of these requirements will result in a punishment. The Masters have the right to decide on a punishment for each infraction.

The cocksucker agrees to accept any punishment the Masters decide to inflict, whether earned or not.

This contract may be terminated at any time by the Masters, but never by the cocksucker, except under special conditions explained in this contract...

I glanced up at Elias.

"I- it's a bit harsh, don't you think?" I asked.

Elias came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up into his blue eyes. He smiled, and hugged me, pulling my face against his chest.

"Don't be afraid," he said, "I'll take care of you."

I relaxed into his embrace.

"You're the ultimate sub," he said. "You won't refuse to do anything. You're mine now. I own you. Sign the damn contract, put yourself in my hands. You'll be ok, I guarantee."

I felt too drained to resist. I signed the contract, and became the personal cumdump of Elias Stavrous.

Next: Chapter 10

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