The Cowgirls

By Moonbrand

Published on Jan 27, 2023


The Cowgirls by Moonbrand

This story is copyright the author. It is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of sexual activity between women. If this type of activity is likely to offend you, please do not read any further. The author welcomes comments on her story to

Chapter One – The Girls Are Back In Town

Sheriff Samuel Docherty shifted his body to the left and peered up the street. "Girls is back", he said.

His deputy Elijah, sprawled in a rocking chair with his feet up on the rail of the stoop, used one finger to lift the brim of his hat clear of his eyes.

"Reckons they is", he drawled, and let the hat slip back down. The Sheriff shrugged his shoulders for no particular reason and stepped back inside the office.

`The Girls' were coming off the range onto the main street at a walking pace. Seven horses strung out in a lazy v formation. At the head was Sally Merchant, leader, matriarch, and surrogate mother to the all girl pack. As always the 34 year old had on a brown Derby; tan leather waistcoat, gun-belt, chaps and thigh length boots. And that was it!. Her waistcoat flapped open revealing suntanned and slightly weathered breasts whilst the chaps protected only her inner thighs. Her naked arse was sticking to the saddle and only her lush, wiry bush protected her pussy from constant rubbing as they rode.

Behind her, the girls were all similarly dressed. Mary Cotton was at Sally's left shoulder. A curvy 26 year old black woman who stood out from the others for obvious reason. A former slave, she now took no nonsense from anyone. Beside her was Peggy Cale, at 38 the oldest of the seven, whose flame red hair was thinning now and tied back in a ponytail under her wide brimmed hat. Behind these two rode Jane French, a boy-ish waif of a girl who kept her dark hair cut short like a man. She had no breasts to speak of, and even at 24 could pass for a boy if she ever wanted to.

A little further back were the sisters, Betsy and Barbara Summers. Just two years apart in age but clearly unmistakeable as siblings, Bets and Babs could usually be told apart only by the fact that Babs – the youngest at 25 - cut her straw blonde hair in a bob whilst Betsy wore hers long, down passed her shoulders.

Finally, at the back was the 17 year old Mexican, Carita. Dark, slender and sultry; always upright in the saddle and usually somewhat detached from the others, she was however, on this occasion not alone. Riding behind her on the saddle, naked but for a short leather skirt, and holding her arms tightly around Carita's waist, was a young Native American squaw.

As the posse rode passed the General Store, Babs peeled away from the group, shortly followed by her sister. Standing on the veranda was a young white girl in a prim dress and wearing an apron dusted with a selection of the products sold in the store. There was a huge grin on her face and she was standing on tip-toe as Babs drew near on her horse. The cowgirl pulled up alongside and leaning over put an arm round the shop girl's waist and with apparent ease, lifted the girl off the ground until their faces were level. Babs kissed Dorothy Martin full on the mouth before lowering her back to the floor, climbing off her horse and tying it to the rail. She then hugged her girlfriend and kissed her with all the passion of lovers who had been apart for eight weeks.

Betsy pulled her horse up next to her sister's, dismounted and tied it up. She entered the store where she saw Mrs Alice Martin – Dorothy's mother and the store owner – looking frustratedly out of the shop at her daughter and the cowgirl carrying on in public.

"Looks like they're pleased to see each other", said Betsy to Mrs Martin with more than a little mischief in her voice.

She then pulled out a list from her waistcoat pocket and passed it to the shopkeeper.

"We'll need these before we head out again. No rush though, we'll be in town for a few days"

Mrs Martin took the list, glanced at it and put it down on the counter. She then reached across, put her hand behind Betsy's head and pulled it sharply towards her own. The couple were soon kissing passionately and once again the sisters were reunited with their mother and daughter lovers.

Meanwhile, the rest of the riders had reached the Saloon. They dismounted and tied up their horses before trailing into the saloon. It was not yet noon but there were still a dozen men in the bar. They all looked around as the barely clad women trooped in but this was not a new experience for them. The girls had been coming into town every few weeks for three years now and the men knew better than to stare at them. They also knew that however good the girls looked, as men they stood no chance of ever getting to know them. In fact they had seen the women folk of the town turned to sin when the girls were around. It had bothered them at first, some more than others but when the priest walked in on his wife in bed with Peggy Cale, the demonising sermons had stopped and folk pretty much let the girls get on with it. It was, after all, only for a few days every couple of months, and their women-folk tended to be happier and well-behaved the rest of the time so best not to make a fuss. And so it was as the girls came in. Some folks just busied themselves with their beer or their cards whilst others acknowledged the women with a brief nod before minding their own business.

That would have been that, except Jed Foster was at the bar. A loudmouth and a redneck, he could tolerate the girls as such but seeing Carita walk in leading a half-naked injun by the hand was too much for him.

"She ain't welcum here", he spat.

Carita, knowing full well what he meant stared at him with venom in her eyes and her hand moved toward her gun but before anything could happen another voice boomed from the top of the stairs.

"I decide who is welcome in my saloon Jed Foster and I say the girls and their friends are always welcome here"

The speaker was an older woman dressed in a blousy frock. Ma Delaney owned the saloon and hotel and ruled it with an iron hand. Jed Foster knew this, and slunk into his seat signalling for another whiskey. Carita and her girlfriend went and sat at a table by the piano.

Mary, Peggy and Jane went and stood at the bar and ordered beers to wash the trail dust from their throats but Sally headed for the stairs. She walked up them and once at the top through her arms around Ma Delaney's waist.

"Reckon I'll get cleaned up before I have a drink" she said. "Think I can have me one of your hot baths Ma?"

"I already got the girls heating the water Sal" answered Ma. "And they're filling the big bath so I reckon I can climb right in there with you and scrub your back"

Ma took Sally's hand and led her off to the bathroom at the end of the landing.

Next: Chapter 2

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