The Creation of a Male Slave

Published on Dec 2, 2005



The Creation of a Male Slave By Patrick McCormick

I married my high school sweetheart in 1969. She was a cheerleader, named Kay, and I was on the football team, my name is Tom. We were the perfect mid-western vanilla couple, young, innocent and in love. I was still in college when we were married but graduated the following year. I took a job with a major advertising agency and began working my way up the corporate ladder. Kay graduated nursing school the following year and went to work for a nearby hospital. For a while we were like a pair of rabbits, screwing each other whenever our hectic, and often conflicting, schedules allowed. We were both a little over sexed, but in the beginning, just enjoyed the usual fucking and sucking that most of middle classed America engaged in. We worked hard, spent little and in two years, bought our first house. It was a modest three-bedroom ranch, and we both loved it.

I guess it was in our third year of marriage when the boredom began to take its toll. We began to argue more and sex became an occasional thing. It was Kay that first complained "You never eat me any more, Tom" she spat the words out without any warning. I just looked at her, I guess I had a sort of What the fuck look on my face. "That's right lover boy, all you do any more is stick it in, pump it a couple of times and get your nuts off's a bunch of bull shit". Kay moved to the end of our bed and sat down. She was only wearing a robe and she pulled it open revealing her nude body. Spreading her legs she screamed "Get your ass over here and lick this...Right now!"

I remember thinking "Cool" as I knelt in front of her crotch. As I began to move my head into position, She grabbed me by the hair on the sides of my head and pulled my face into her very moist, hot cunt. She groaned a little as my tongue made contact with her clit. I licked it slowly wanting to give her pleasure. Up and down each side, under her clit right on her urethra, I bit her now swollen clit with my teeth and began sucking the whole apparatus aggressively. Her hands were very forcefully pulling my face against her. I reached the point where I was being smothered, having to struggle to breathe. She was masturbating with my face. Finally, she had an earth-shattering climax. I was really into pleasing her and was caught a little off guard as a little pee squirted into my still sucking mouth. God what a thrill that was. I was on fire as I swallowed her liquid expression of lust.

She lay back onto the bed and put her right foot against my slimy face pushing me to the floor, hard. "How'd you like that, asshole?" she said matter-of-factly. I just lay on the floor trying to catch my breath. Once I regained my composure a little I noticed my raging hard-on; iron hard. I got up off the floor and knelt between her legs getting into position to fuck, but she kicked me off the bed again. "Fuck you" she shouted. "You want to fuck, you are going to have to work for it. Starting right now you will have to earn it".

"Come on Kay", I begged, "I'm horny as hell. I gave you what you wanted, how about me?" I got up on my knees and crawled to the edge of the bed. Kay rolled over onto her stomach and scooted back to the edge of the bed. She got onto her knees and raised her ass into the air.

"Now eat my asshole, and do it real good". She wiggled her ass back and forth and then reached behind her with both hands, spreading her cheeks for me. I had never done her anus orally, but I was really hot. I moved up behind her and began to do as she wished. It had an unfamiliar taste, but I could tell that she had washed it recently. "Stick your tongue into the hole dick head" She demanded. I hesitated. She moved back pushing her ass into my face. "Do it now, or I won't let you fuck me for a month". I began to work my tongue into her puckered hole. It was a hard thing to do, but after a few tries, I got the tip into her butt hole. I just needed to loosen it up, but once the splincter relaxed it became easier and I was able to get a couple inches of tongue up her ass. I was actually able to fuck her butt hole with my tongue. After ten minutes or so, my tongue got really numb, it was all I could do to continue pushing into her. Fortunately she had another climax. She fell forward, rolling over spreading her legs immediately. "Now fuck me". I had a tremendous spontaneous orgasm almost as soon as I entered her pussy. My whole body shook when I climaxed and I collapsed onto her chest. She pushed me off and onto my back, then got up, leaving the room.

In a couple of minutes she was back. I was still in the same position. She had a drink in each hand, a couple of shots of cognac. She gave me one, "Drink this Tom, we are not quite finished'. She gave me a couple of seconds and climbed up on my chest, sliding up so her still oozing cunt was hovering over my face. "From now on, you will lick my pussy clean whenever you finish fucking, starting immediately!" She lowered her crotch onto my head, grinding my ejaculate and her juice into my face. "Get to work stud!" she was laughing, but I obeyed. I strange wave-like feeling came over me while I submitted to her kinky demand, I was thrilled beyond belief. "You're really enjoying this, Pig, aren't you?" All I could do was nod my head as I licked her. She patted my head as I ate her, "From now on Tom, everything is going to change". She stayed on top of my face for about twenty minutes, getting off a couple more times. Finally she got up and went into the shower. I fell into a deep restful sleep.

When I woke up I could smell something cooking. Kay was standing at the foot of the bed. "Get up and shower Tom, you're a mess" She turned and bounced out of the room. I could tell she was happy. I shook my head remembering what had happened. I was happy too. I got up and took a quick shower, dressed and headed for the kitchen. The smell of fried chicken was wonderful, I was ravenous, I had not felt this good in years. She was dressed in cut off jeans and a tee shirt; I was wearing sweat pants and a tee shirt. Kay was pouring some wine. "Sit down big man" she laughed, "I'll bet your still hungry". She looked me in the eye with a knowing smile on her face "Pussy isn't very filling, even when it's full of cum." I hung my head in embarrassment.

We ate without speaking much. Occasionally Kay would look at me nodding her head and smiling. When we had finished, I started to get up, Kay raised her arm and stopped me from walking past, "From now on you are going to do our dishes, Tom" I looked at her "That's right, From now on I cook, you clean." She gave me a hard look, "Get it into your head, you are the clean up girl, In here and in the bedroom." She threw a towel at me "Get going, I don't want to wait all day, I have another surprise for you". I began to clean up the table and prepare the water for the dishes. She sat in her chair watching me; "I have been frustrated for a long time, Tom. You have not been taking care of me properly. I have been sexually frustrated for way too long. After a lot of thought and conversations with some of our friends, I realized how much I have been missing out. I made up my mind to change the way things work around here." She got out of her chair and walked up behind me. "I don't want you to say a word Tom. Just listen." She reached around in front of me and began to pinch my nipples. I felt a noticeable shudder ripple through me. She began to roll my nipples between her thumb and forefingers, gradually increasing the pressure. I groaned as she applied more pressure. My nipples hurt, but it felt wonderful. I always had sensitive nipples; she had pinched them before, but never like this. "The pain turns you on, doesn't it?" I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak. She put her right hand over my mouth, "I told you not to speak, Tom. Do not talk until I tell you to. Just shake your head yes or no, I have a lot to say tonight." I shook my head, yes. "I have been talking to Carol and Dan about you, and I, us, and our sex life, or lack of it." Kay began pinching my nipples again, as I continued to wash dishes. (Carole was a psyche Nurse and Dan was a shrink.) "I told them about some of your quirky habits, Like how you enjoy your nipples being pinched, and how you sit to pee". I jumped from embarrassment, Kay laughed in my ear, "That's right, I know a bunch of your dirty secrets." She stuck her tongue into my ear as she began to twist my tits really hard. "I know that you have been jacking off every day, even while I have been starving for sex." She unbuttoned my pants, letting them fall to the floor. "You won't be needing these in the house any more". She rubbed my stomach aggressively. "I'm not going to let you deprive me of this thing any more"; she grabbed my cock and pulled on it, really hard. "I installed a computer detective program, you know, like parents use to find out what there kids are doing on the Internet". I really tensed up, hearing that. "That's right, I know about your fetish fantasies, BDSM, Femdoms, Strap-on's, Shemales. Why didn't you ever tell me what was going on in that warped little brain, Tommy? Were you afraid that I would think you were disgusting? Were you afraid that I would not understand? Were you afraid that I would tell on you, rat you out to your boss or secretary? You never thought about my needs, What if I wanted to experiment with some kink? What if I wanted to assume the Dominant role in our marriage Tom?" I was speechless, but I relaxed and leaned back against her. "From now on, you are going to exist to please me sexually."

I remember thinking to myself "At Last". Tears welled up into my eyes as I gave in to her; I turned and sank to my knees, put my arms around her waist and hugged her really hard. She patted my head and rubbed the back of my neck. I bent to the floor and kissed her feet, I wanted to show her how much I loved her. God I did love her. "I've been blind for so long, I'm sorry Kay". She backed up and slapped my face, hard.

"I told you not to speak" She grabbed me by the hair and dragged be into the living room. She pointed to the couch, "Lay over the arm of the couch, and shut up!" She walked out of the room while I lay over the arm of the couch with my ass in the air. She came back in a minute with a riding crop in her hand. She was swishing it back and forth. "Now I am going to teach you who is really in charge around here." The pain of the first blow was shocking. I jumped a foot. "Don't move or we will be doing this all night". I tensed up, waiting for the next blow. She did not hit me, rather stroked my ass with the leather tip of the crop. "Simple disobedience will get you ten strokes with this crop as hard as I can swing it. I want you to count backwards from ten. Make sure I can hear you count, or I will start over." Whack, it was all I could do to remain still, I forgot to count. "Well Tom, we will have to start again" Whack, the pain was intense. I counted all of them.

My ass was on fire when it ended. "I remember all of my fantasies about being whipped. I never imagined the pain. Christ, it was intense." She asked me if I wanted more, or if I would obey her. "Ill obey" I did not have to think about it. The words popped out before I had a chance to think about it.

"From now on, when we are alone, You will call me Mistress. You will only speak if I ask you a direct question and you will not hesitate to comply with my instructions. If you disobey, you will be whipped. Nod your head if you understand." I nodded my head. "Good boy, Tom". She turned and began to walk out of the room "Follow me". I obeyed her silently. She walked into the bathroom, "Get on your hands and knees in the tub" I did so immediately. "Put your head on your hands and do not look at me" I did as I was asked. I could here her opening a cabinet, and then I heard water running. A moment later, I felt her finger on my asshole; lubricant. Then she was fumbling around behind and above me. Without hesitation, she shoved a nozzle into my anus. She was giving me an enema. "I'm going to give you two bags of water. Don't you dare let it go till I tell you its ok." In a couple of seconds, I was squirming and squeezing my ass. In a couple of minutes, I heard a sucking sound as the bag emptied. She removed the nozzle and filled the bag up again. Back came the nozzle. I was in agony when it emptied out. She informed me that I would have to hold the water for ten minutes. Time seemed to crawl as I fought to keep from letting it all go. Finally she said, "Get your ass on the toilet and sit there until you are empty." I jumped up and got onto the commode as fast a possible. Streams of water and crap came out of me. The flow stopped and started, off and on for a couple of minutes. Finally it stopped; I was empty at last. "Back into the tub, we need to do this again a few times." She gave me half a dozen enemas over the next hour. Finally the water came out clean. "Take a shower and shave Tom." She smacked me on the ass with her hand "Quickly" she added as she left the bathroom.

When I got out of the shower, I shaved. Kay stuck her head in the door and said, "I have something for you to wear on the bed. When I was dry, I went into the bedroom. On the bed was a pair of black panties and a frilly black nightgown. My cock sprang back to life as I put them on. I was even more surprised when she came into the bedroom. She had on knee high black boots, black leather shorts and a leather bra. She was holding a leather flogger, something with a dozen thongs and a long wooden handle. But what caught my eye was the ten inch black strap-on dildo around her waist. "Tonight is going to be our second honeymoon, Tom. Only this time, I am going to be on top." She pointed to the floor in front of her. "I know my cock is made of rubber, but I want you to suck it for me. Just pretend it's a real one." I knelt down as she instructed and began to suck the huge rubber dick. I heard the flogger swish through the air an instant before it landed on my back. She beat my entire body for what seamed like an hour. The blows, swung with force, fell like rain. The nightgown was not much protection and in a few minutes was getting numb. I noticed myself feeling a little dizzy. I was getting wobbly and my muscles were getting weak. "The high you are feeling is from endorphins caused by the prolonged pain." She began to hit me harder and more frequently. It did not hurt as much. Finally she stopped, "Get on your hands and knees on the bed". She pulled my panties down when I was in position and put a dab of something cold on my asshole, pushing some in with her finger. Without waiting, she moved up behind me and shoved the rubber cock into my ass. She shoved it all the way in. A bolt of white pain seared through my ass and thighs, I fell forward in an attempt to get away, but she followed me ending up lying on my back with her strap-on buried to the hilt in my ass. She stayed still for a few minutes as the pain subsided. "I've popped your cherry slut, now I am going to make you my woman, my lover, and my whore. I'm sure you will enjoy the change of roles." She began to fuck me, slowly at first. I reached down to grab my cock. "Don't touch it babe. Daddy wants to make you cum." Then she began to fuck me at a hard and steady pace. My man-pussy slowly relaxed and the pleasure steadily increased. I could not believe how good it was starting to feel. The dildo stroked in and out right over my prostate and soon I was caught up in the most delicious spasms I had ever experienced. I came, hard. Kay never slowed her strokes; she just kept on fucking me. In a few more minutes the spasms began again and I came once more. I had three climaxes before she finally tired. When she pulled out, she told me to roll over. She took off the strap-on and wiped it into the puddle of cum on the bed. "Open your mouth slut" She said. When I did, she slid the greasy dildo into my mouth. "Clean it dick face". While I was sucking, she got up and got some paper towels and wiped my ass with them. She sprayed me with some perfume and told me to put my panties back on. "You have to look good for out guests". I jerked, turning to look at her. "That's right slut "I am going to show some of our friends what you have learned today. At that moment, the doorbell rang. Kay jumped up and pulled the dildo out of my mouth. "Let's go into the living room and greet our guests. "Hurry up, damn you, or do you want another whipping?" I got up and followed her into the living room. She ran ahead and opened the door. It was Carol and Dan.

Carol and Dan were all smiles as they looked at me. Dan spoke first, "I see you have all ready consummated the bargin Kay.

"She looks so ashamed Kay," added Carol. "Humiliation is so good for a submissive. They love it".

"You guys were right all along," said Kay, beaming with pride." "Every inch of him is a masochist. It went just as you said it would. Kay looked at me "Come over here and turn around, slut" When I turned; Kay pulled my panties down. "Look at his ass hole Carol. See how loose it is." Kay spread my cheeks so they could get a better look. "Bend over so we can get at your hole better". She turned to Carol "Go ahead, put your finger inside it".

Carol stuck a finger into my ass hole. "God", she said. "It is loose. I'd bet I can get my hand in here".

"Go ahead Carol," said Dan, as he looked closer. "I'd love to watch you fist him".

Carol began to push several fingers into my ass. "Let me get some KY" said Kay. She was only gone a couple of seconds, but Carol all ready had four fingers into my hole. With the addition of the additional lubricant, her hand slid right up the chute. Kay kissed Carol, "I want to eat you right now," said Kay, dropping to her knees and loosening Carols pants. She was tonguing Carol madly while Carol began to slide her hand in and out of my ass; fucking me with it. "Give her some real cock to suck Dan" I heard my wife make an offer that sickened me.

Dan moved around to my face. I was bent over at the perfect height. I watched as he unzipped his pants, reached inside of his briefs and pulled out a semi soft cock. He slid the foreskin back and forth a few times as he moved closer. Soon he was rubbing the tip of his cock against my lips. "Suck it, now!" I heard him demand, as he stood above me. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth feeling the warmth of his cock enter my mouth. I felt the satiny skin of his shaft move freely with the pressure of my tongue. His dick was salty and faintly smelled of piss. I started to suck him, rubbing my tongue around the tip of his dick while I did so. , I was horrified, but it was turning me on. Dan was getting hard for me. I wanted to please him. I wanted it to happen. Carole suddenly pulled her hand out of my ass.

"I want to watch Dan fuck this slut Kay. Stop what you're doing for a bit". Dan pulled his cock out of my mouth and moved around to my rear and without and break in motion, plunged his now rock hard cock into my ass. I squirmed as he slid his dick in and out of my ass. I loved it. I loved it. I LOVED IT!

I still don't believe how good it felt to be fucked like that; taken forcefully by another man. I had entered sensual heaven. I would do whatever they wanted. Submission, I had dreamed of this. I surrendered completely to desire. Their desire, my desire, what did it matter. I was a whore, their whore, a slut, my mouth would be their cunt, and my ass hole would be the same. That night I fell into the pit of lust. I experienced sex as a submissive. My wife became my Mistress and my world tipped upside down.

I woke up in the morning in bed with Dan and Carol. My wife was sleeping with her head in Carol's crotch. I stumbled into the john and took a shower. It was 6:00 in the morning. I had to be at work in two hours. My ass hole was raw. I had bruises and welts all over my arms and legs. I turned around and looked at my ass in the mirror, it was black and blue. Carole walked in while I was examining my ass. "Got some nice trophies, slut" she sat on the commode. "Come over here pussy boy". Carol was pointing to the floor in front of her spread legs. "I have to piss and I want you to have it" The day before, I would have told her to fuck herself. I simply nodded my head, yes, as I slid to the floor in front of her and bent my head to place my mouth on her cunt. I was trembling; again. "Open wide bitch, here it comes." The stream started slowly, but quickly increased in volume. It was all I could do to drink her pee without it spilling out of my mouth. Then the flow slowed, I felt her squeeze out a couple of spurts and it was over. It did not taste all that bad, salty, somewhat bitter. I could feel an erection growing

"Don't you have to go to work, ass hole?" said Kay, now behind me. Last year I could not get you interested in sex, now your drinking my best friends piss. "Come here then, I have some more for you". Kay spoke as I drank; "You know, Tom, I don't care what you do, or what happens to you when we are involved in a scene like this. Just remember, you are my submissive, my slave. I give the orders. I am wearing the pants in this family from now on. You submit to who and what I decide is all right for you. You do not make that decision yourself. I can cheat on you; you cannot cheat on me. You are a cuckold, a wimp, and my pussy boy. And don't you ever forget it!" I said nothing, just kept on drinking the piss she was giving me.

I barely made it to work on time. I spent the whole day thinking about the events of the morning and the day before, reliving each sexual act and assault. Kay had informed me that I was to become her submissive sex slave, a position I had long dreamed of. Unfortunately, I had never thought of her in the Dominant role. What an ass I was. I was still lost in thought when I left work. Kay was working nights so I stopped at our favorite hang out. It was just a local bar, small but close to home. I was drinking a beer, playing one of the electronic games, when Dan came in. He did not see me at first, but ordered a drink for himself, and turned to check out the other customers. He waved when he saw me, and came over to talk. "Hi Tom, how's life treating you". He winked as he spoke. "I had a lot of fun last night" he said, at the same time he raised his hand and pinched one of my nipples, hard. "I think you did too. Quite a coming out party, don't you think?" I backed off, hoping no one saw. "Don't be nervous Tommy". He dropped his hand, rubbing his cock a little. "You know, I really wanted you to finish the sucking me off. I think you were getting into it as well". He reached up and began to work on my nipple again.

"Not in here" I pleaded. "I had fun with you guys privately, but I have a business reputation. You're a prominent Doctor for Christ's sake. We can't afford to be doing this shit in public." I turned and walked over to another machine, out of sight of the bar and its customers. Dan followed me, placing a hand on my ass and rubbing it a little.

"We have a couple of hours before our wives get home. I want you to finish the blow job for me, Tom." I walked away, holding my finger to my lips. I wanted him to just be quiet. I was afraid someone would hear us and catch on. He came after me again, catching me in a corner between a wall and a machine. "I won't take no for an answer, Slut". He was so loud; so forceful, so DOMINANT! I was embarrassed and afraid of discovery by the others. I was terrified. He had me. Fuck it I thought.

"All right, but lets get out of here" I caved in, what a wimp I thought. Dan smiled and finished his drink; He took hold of my arm as he turned to leave attempting to pull me along with him. I pulled my arm free, but followed. We walked outside and he motioned for me to get into his car, a large Lincoln. I got into the passenger's side and he started the car, but did not put it in gear. He unzipped his pants instead, then pulled out his stiffening cock. "I want you to play with it a little while I drive." He put the car in gear and drove out of the parking lot. I dropped my hand to his cock and held it. It was so warm; I began to stroke it tentatively. I squeezed it a little. "I really enjoy having another man suck my dick, Tom. I'm glad we got you out of your shell. I knew you were a masochist from what your wife told us about you. You will enjoy the change of roles. Sucking my dick was easy for you the first time. You're going to see a lot more of this cock from now on. In a little while you are going to be the best of friends". He drove into a "Wall Mart" parking lot and parked by the edge of the cars. Moving his seat back, he said "Suck it, I'm hot". He reached over and pinched my nipple again, really hard. 'Hurry up, I need it." I felt a chill move through me. I was trembling. "Don't worry boy, Carol and Kay will never find out". He reached out and put a hand behind my head, pulling my face down onto his, now fully erect, boner. I began to nurse like a baby. I was really getting into it and just when I started hoping that it would last forever, he began to cum. Spurt after spurt, warm and slimy. I gagged at first then I gobbled it all like the pig he knew I was. "From now on you are going to suck my dick every day." I started to pull away but he held my head down. "Do it again, I can get another nut." I gave him another blowjob right there at the "Wall Mart". After that we met every day somewhere, before work or after. It was crazy but I loved it. I blew him in a stairwell. I sucked him off in a park. He even came into my office once and I sucked him there. We were like newly weds. But, he never fucked me when we were alone, just made me suck his cock. Oh, we fucked every now and then, but only at parties where the girls were present.

Kay and I began to go to other parties. She joined a BDSM club and we got into the swing of the lifestyle. She enjoyed my humiliation and sought out singles and couples to whore me out to. I did everything for her, with her and with all of her new friends. Things were going along pretty smooth, too smooth. It was inevitable, but Dan and I got caught.

He thought his wife was at work and we went to his place for an afternoon blowjob. I was sucking him off in his living room when his wife appeared. It seems she had came home sick about an hour before and was sleeping in the bedroom. Dan was so hot, as usual, that he never looked around his house, just pushed me to my knees and started fucking my face. I was just getting into it when I heard her.

"Oh my god! How long has this been going on?" She walked right up to Dan and slapped him, and then she slapped me. "I don't give a damn what we do at a party, but this is just cheating, plain and simple. I'm not going to stand for it!" She paced a little, like an angry cat; "Kay is going to kill you Tommy. You are a slut, a pig fucking slut."

"Now wait a minute Carol. I forced him to blow me." Dan tried to intercede. "I promise not to do it again, its just sex. You know I love you, and only you". Carol agreed, finally, not to go to Kay right away, saying she would think about it for a while. I left, and for a little while, everything was ok. I thought it had blown over.

A few weeks later I came home on a Friday and Kay was home. It was odd, she should have been at work, but she informed me to get ready for a party. That meant a thorough cleaning inside and out. When I came out of the shower, she had a sweat suit and some black panties laid out for me. I dressed and went to the living room. She was in sweats as well. "Lets go", She said bluntly. I followed her to the garage, "Get into the trunk" she barked. I climbed into the car trunk as ordered something I was used to doing when she did not want the neighbors on the other end to get suspicious. We traveled a short while and drove into another garage; I heard the door close and then the trunk opened. "Follow me", Kay said. I followed her into a large house. I had not been there before. It was palatial. Seated in the living room were two women, one an obvious slave, a male that I did not know and Dan and Carol. Kay instructed me to sit. The woman, a stern looking woman was introduced as Mistress Laurel, the other man as Master Derek and the slave as Lucy. Mistress Laurel ordered her slave to get drinks. Lucy left and returned with what appeared to be a tray of Rum and Cokes. I was offered one. It was very strong. I must have made a face.

"What's wrong slut, don't you like the taste?" Kay barked. She slapped me in the face hard. "Ok, pig, I'll get you something that you enjoy a lot more" Kay pointed to Dan, "Come over here and give it to him dick head, I want to watch". I knew I was in deep shit. Dan came over and sheepishly pulled out his cock. "Suck it" Kay screamed "Suck it, damn you" I did so, but Dan could not get hard. "Mother fucker" spat Kay. "Get out of those cloths". I stripped quickly and stood naked in front of the small audience.

"Get the toys" Mistress Laurel instructed her slave girl. Lucy left quickly and came back with a large box, she left again and brought in an arm full of assorted whips and canes. "Before we beat him, lets give him some cock, Said Mistress Laurel somewhat matter-of-factly. She clapped her hands and three large black men entered the room. "Maybe they can get hard for you, Pig." The three men did not waste a second. Pushing Tom to his knees, the largest had a cock in between Tom's lips in a heartbeat. The three men gave him the oral workout of his life. When they finished, Tom could barely move his jaw and his face was covered in cum. "Get your ass over this stool" Mistress Laurel pointed to the footstool. Once he was kneeling over the stool, Mistress commanded Lucy to bind me. The beating began at once. I was whipped intensely with canes and each of the whips. My ass was bleeding and I was in a trance-like state of delirium. Then all of the men in the room butt fucked me repeatedly. Mistress Laurel Left the room then came back wearing a strap-on dildo of eighteen inches in length and three inches thick. She proceeded to give me the fuck of my life. Even full of endorphins from the whipping, the pain was incredibly intense. But soon, I was loosened up enough to enjoy that monster dildo and had an orgasm like no other. When she dropped to the floor exhausted, I thought my ordeal was over. I was wrong. "Get the dogs", she ordered Lucy.

Lucy came in with three of the largest dogs I had ever seen; a Giant Schnauzer, a Mastiff and a Great Dane. The Schnauzer was to be first. It had experience at this and was eager. As it walked by, I noticed its huge red cock starting to hang out of its sheath. The horny dog mounted my bleeding and bound body at once. I groaned when I felt his dewclaws ripping the skin on my hips. I could feel his enormous dog cock stabbing around my ass hole as he attempted to get it inside. Finally it hit its mark and plunged in. In a few minutes of frantic fucking I felt something else. It was his knot, swelling inside my ass. Every time he pulled back he pulled it against my battered hole. It was too large for him to pull out, but I could feel it. Soon he was pumping his seed into my rear end; a lot of it. He jerked a couple of times trying to pull out. I knew about dogs and their knots and I thought we were knotted then, but I was wrong. The beast was strong enough to pull out and there was enough cum lubricant to make it easier for him. The pain came over me like a flash of burning white light. I passed out. When I came to, The Great Dane was all ready fucking me. I was too weak to move but still the dog hammered away, dumping his load as well. When he pulled out I felt some pain, but not much. The Mastiff was next. The animal had a cock the size of a baseball bat. I could feel all of the liquid sloshing back and forth inside, as he pumped frantically away at my guts. The monster exploded cum into me. This dog was so large that he did tie with me for a while. He dismounted and stood ass to ass with me for about five minutes, pumping his load into me as well. I was quickly released from the bench and led over to where Dan was now laying on the floor.

"Put your ass hole over his mouth" hissed Carol. She pointed her finger into her husband's face, "And if you want to stay married to me, you will suck out every drop". I was dead tired and was so sore that I could barely move. Still I felt sorry for Dan. I knew he was nearly straight, without a hint of masochism, and definitely not that kinky. He was in hell. Still he did as he was told. I guess he had too much to lose. When he had finished his sucking the fluid out of my ass, Carol told him to get into the car and they left quickly. I was carried to the bathroom and cleaned up. Somewhere after that I passed out. Later I was brought into a room with Kay and Master Derek. Kay presented me with some papers. "This is a No Fault Divorce Agreement. It gives me everything we own. I want you to sign it now. If you ever cheat on me again, I will date it and file it in court. Do you understand, fuck head!" I nodded my head and signed the document. " Master Derek spoke up "I guess a toast is in order" I was handed a drink. We all bumped glasses together and lifted our drinks to our lips. "To a new beginning" said Kay. "And a new life". Added Derek. I felt dizzy and remember Kay taking the glass from my hand as I passed out.

When I next came to, I found myself chained in what appeared to be a large barn-like structure. It smelled like a zoo. I heard my wife speaking "I hope you did not really think I was going to forgive you, ass hole." She pointed to rows of large caged dogs, ponies and a variety of other animals. "You are now Master Derek's slave. He paid me handsomely for you. You are his property now and you will do, as he demands. You have been flown out of the country to his private island. He raises animals for sex shows and sells them all over the world. You are going to spend the rest of your miserable life on this island fucking and sucking his stock." I can still hear her cold laughter as she walked out of my life. I had been tricked.

I heard Master Derek begin to speak and turned to look at him. He was pulling out his dick. "Suck this while we get the donkeys ready".

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