The Crew

Published on May 14, 2014


The Crew 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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We returned to Accra, picked up our cargo and set sail for Cape Town. We would make a delivery there and then return to the United States by way of Brazil. This was the longest voyage I had experienced. We had no passengers for Cape Town, so Jack, Newland and I had cabins. That felt like a vacation to me.

I came to know Newland better. He was intelligent and pleasant company. It took a week for me to forget he was a dwarf and think of him as just a member of the crew. When a man is as unusual as he was, I tended to assume he was unusual in other ways.

I was afraid the crew would not accept him, but he was intelligent, a hard worker and useful. He never shirked his duty. On the tight confines of a ship, his small size was an advantage more often than a disadvantage. The boiler room men recognized this and liked him.

Jack did some investigation and discovered that Newland's sexual apparatus was in working order and indeed in tip-top shape. Jack was always curious and aggressive. He also found out that Newland thought I was handsome and he liked me. That seemed odd, since I was the tallest man on the ship and he was the shortest. Jack said that Newland had a problem with forbidden fruit.

With the nudity in the Boiler Room, his eye level was at crotch level. He was always looking at my genitals and liked the view. He enjoyed our little play interlude but he wanted more. "He wants to get in your ass," Jack explained. "I told him you were pretty open. Newland said some guys are uneasy about Dwarf semen in the ass."

"He shoots a big load," I said.

"He makes a mess, it was drooling from my ass for an hour or two afterwards," Jack said.

I was due to take a watch and I went to the bridge. I was sunny and hot, but there was a breeze. I saw a puff of smoke in the distance. As we came closer to it, we saw it was more than a puff. It could have been a large warship. I called Captain Thomas. He was puzzled.

Twenty minutes later, we realized it was a steamer on fire. It was blowing it horn, indicating distress. I went to the boiler room. The Captain ordered full speed and a slight change of course. Jack and Newland had things under control and I returned to the bridge.

It was a Dutch steamer, the Wilhelmina, bound for Cape Town and then the Dutch East Indies. There was a large fire at the stern of the ship. In 1865, the S. S. Sultana disaster had much impressed my Uncle as a young boy. He lost a favorite Uncle in the fire. The Bear Point had the usual pumps needed for the normal operations of a ship, but my Uncle provided additional pumps so that the ship could function as a fireboat. This caused some merriment from other ship owners, who thought it was a waste of money.

The captain slowed the Bear Point and turned it parallel to the Wilhelmina so we could turn our hoses on the fire. Passengers were on the bow of the ship. There were several lifeboats, but they seemed to be dangling over the side. I took boat over with our head steward, Horace Millsap.

The officers on the ship were Dutch and were not evident at bow. The passengers were terrified. The stewards were East Asian, untrained and equally frightened. I did not speak Dutch but several passengers spoke English and I took control. It helped that I am tall and look like an officer. The Wilhelmina's officers were fighting the fire at the stern. Our head Steward was not an impressive man, but he was well trained and he was very authoritative with the East Indians. He had worked in a large hotel and he knew how to deal with the staff. With proper leadership, they performed well. We launched the lifeboats and began sending the passengers to the Bear Point.

Our hoses had an immediate effect on the fire. The Dutch ship did not seem to be that well prepared for a fire. While my Uncle was a frugal man, he did not skimp on our pumps. In fifteen minutes, the fire was under control. The Wilhelmina had a steel hull, but much of the superstructure was wood. The interior was elaborately appointed with wood paneled rooms and carpets. These were a problem.

The lifeboats continued to ferry passengers to the Bear Point as we gained control of the situation. Captain Thomas remained on the Bear Point; his primary obligation was to our ship. When the situation stabilized, he went to the Dutch ship. The Dutch captain had been seriously injured and inexperienced junior officers were in control.

We were on the main shipping line off the coast of Africa. In the late afternoon, the Empress of India, a British ship appeared. It joined in the rescue. Our accommodations are limited and the passengers on the deck suffered from the sun. We arranged to transfer them to the British ship. Four hours later a Portuguese ship bound for Angola appeared and joined in the rescue.

The Empress had a retired Captain on board as a passenger. He went to the Wilhelmina to advise the junior officers. Mechanically the Dutch ship was undamaged. I rigged up their pumps to eject the water that we used to extinguish the fire.

The next morning we redistributed most the passengers between the British and Portuguese ships. We resumed our voyage in the afternoon. There was no loss of life and only a few major injuries.

A few passengers stayed with us. Our accommodations were far inferior to those on the other ships, but they felt safer on the Bear Point. These included an American businessman, Louis Smithdeal and his family, and two Dutch mining engineers. There were twenty others and our accommodations were crowded.

Mr. Smithdeal was a man of considerable wealth, and was most interested in the ship. He had been in the American Navy and was helpful on the bridge. Mrs. Smithdeal was even more helpful. Some of the passengers were disturbed by their narrow escape. She was cheerful and helped in the galley and dining room, as did two of her children.

Captain Thomas was shocked to find her in the galley, but Mrs. Smithdeal said, "If you can save our lives, I can at least peel a potato!" She also organized entertainments. Cards did not require that we speak the same language. She was a wealthy woman, and no one dare complain about the cabins, since she, her husband and three children shared a single cabin. They had two girls and a boy.

The older girl was 15 and had a beautiful voice. We had several musical entertainments; she was the star. She had a gift for languages and sang several songs in Dutch. Our passengers loved that.

Her son, William, was 21 and had just graduated from Amherst. He came to the boiler room and discovered our lax dress code. That did not bother him at all. He was short and uneasy about his size. He was quite muscular, but only five-feet-three. He found Newland interesting since the crew and officers on the ship fully accepted him.

Jack and Newland ran the boiler room as I worked on the Wilhelmina. All was well there. When I returned to the Bear Point, I was perhaps the dirtiest officer to sail on the Atlantic. Soot and grime covered me from head to toe. I went to the crews' showers and they helped me clean up. I then took a nap. The nap lasted for 12 hours. I had been up for more than 24 hours, although in the excitement I had not realized it.

I was sharing a cabin with Jack and Newland. When I awoke, I was semi-erect. Newland was at his normal eye to cock level.

"Can I help you with that?" he asked.

"Be my guest," I replied. My cock vanished in his throat. He was an experienced man and my cock enjoyed the attention. I managed to take his cock and I greatly enjoyed his genital juices. He was very excited. I was on the bed and opened my ass for him. He knew what I wanted and took advantage of the open hole.

Newland had an exciting orgasm. It seemed as if he pumped half of his body weight into my ass. I could feel him squirt and I felt his steamy man seed spreading through my rectum. When he finished he rolled on his back. I mounted him. It was a complete success. He liked it deep as did I. Even though he had just shot off he was enthusiastic and responsive.

William Smithdeal seemed to like the boiler room. I explained the workings of the machinery and he understood. He understood the physics of the boiler. I didn't notice that he had become a close friend of Newland.

Later in our voyage, I was on watch and Jack was in charge of the boiler room. I returned to the cabin to find William and Newland intimately connected. William was startled. They were both adults and I had no problem.

"William is new to man games," Newland said. "I was giving him lessons. Would you like to join us?" That was a silly idea. It was late and I was tired. As soon as a realized how tired I was, the prospect of sex excited me. I stripped and William liked what he saw.

I sucked William and discovered just how much he liked man sex. He was drooling precum. He also sampled my organ. He may have been new to such activities but he had natural skills. We talked a little.

"I was the academic one at school. The other students tended to ignore me until the night before a test or when there was a deadline for a paper," William said. "My social life is quiet. I didn't know anything could be so good as what we just did."

"Hawkeye likes to be fucked," Newland said. "Do you want to give him a try?" I did not like Newland volunteering me for that service, but lust is a harsh mistress. William had an average cock, but it hit the right spots in my ass. William was in heaven. Newland was on duty next, and he left. I feel asleep.

A little later, I woke up and found Jack in William's rear. I must have looked shocked.

"I asked if he wanted some old sailor's seed in his ass, and he said yes," Jack explained. He gave a hard thrust a pulled out. I was suddenly hard as a rock.

"I wouldn't mind some younger sailor's seed too," William said as he looked at my cock. William was tight, but Jack had lubricated the way. I did not last long. William could feel my ejaculations and moaned in pleasure with each squirt. He was still needy and Jack returned to his ass and did an encore. William went back to the main deck. He was sleeping on a deck chair there to reduce the crowding in the cabin.

His father, Louis was much taken by the ship and he asked the Captain if his son could observe the activity on the bridge. I think the Captain and Mr. Smithdeal had hit it off and William spent the next day on the bridge.

William had told his father about the boiler room and the mechanical operation of the ship. He had mentioned the informal dress code and that had not bothered his father. He had served on a ship in the tropics and understood. Louis came to visit.

Mr. Newland was on duty, I was in the cabin. He called me to greet the visitor. I was wearing only my under clothes. Louis shook my hand.

"I had forgotten how hot it is down here," he said. "I never had to serve in the boiler room, but I remember how beastly hot it was. As an officer, I was never allowed out of my uniform. It was hell. Do you mind if I get more comfortable?" I, of course, said that I had no problem.

"Captain Thomas strikes me as a superior sort of man," Louis said. He is the type of man that might well be to too intelligent and principled to serve in the Navy. He is the sort of man that the Roll-top Desk Captains in Washington would not promote."

"My Uncle is a superior judge of character," I said. Louis had finished removing his clothes; he was not wearing any undergarments. He looked much like his son, but 30% larger in every way. He was a fine looking man.

"Are you more comfortable now?" I asked.

He smiled and stroked his cock. "Captain Thomas told me I would like it down here," he said. "He said I would be welcomed."

"Well visitors are welcome," I replied. "A change in scenery is good too." I added. Louis was still stroking his cock. "What can I do for you?"

"I enjoyed the Navy and I had some close friends there," Louis said. "We found ways to entertain ourselves. My wife is a wonderful woman, but she gets pregnant easily. She almost died with the last child. We cannot risk another. It has been years since I enjoyed men's company."

"I wouldn't want to shock you," I said.

"I may have given the impression that our entertainments were casual," Louis said. "They were very intense and sexual. Sometimes I played the male role, other times the female role. I enjoyed each. At first I pretended this was just a substitute for female companionship, but I gave up that pretense."

I dropped my under shorts and Louis was on his knees worshiping my cock a second later. He swallowed my cock and suck until I was fully erect. He then rolled back on the birth and opened his ass to me. I rather unceremoniously worked my cock into his ass. He was tighter and perhaps more enthusiastic than his son.

Jack replaced Newland in the boiler room and the dwarf joined us. Newland needed to shower and he asked if Louis would like to join him. The three of us went to shower. Louis liked the stokers and made friends easily. He had no problem with stoker cock or stoker sperm. Both he and the crew were happy.

We returned to the cabin and I sucked him as Newland fucked him. Louis had a beautiful orgasm and he did a nice reenactment of Noah's flood as he drained his balls. He had to return to his cabin to get ready for dinner. As he left he asked if Newland would mind if he as his semen. "I've never taken Dwarf sperm," he said. I told him that would not be a problem. He left.

"That was exciting," Newland said. I have never been with the father of a playmate before. I wonder if he knows."

"The sure seem to have the same tastes," I replied.

"What was it like eating the seed knowing it made William?" he asked.

"I'm not really sure," I replied. "I would love to do it again." I did not get the chance.

When we reached Cape Town and disembarked our passengers, the city treated us as heroes. Telegraphic reports of the incident had reached them. "Fiery Rescue at Sea" was the typical headline. English language newspapers portrayed it as a triumph of British grit and seamanship. The Dutch passengers gave glowing reports of our actions to the Afrikaans language newspapers.

Captain Thomas was interviewed and was attractively modest. He emphasized the international nature of the rescue. He also pointed out that the Dutch Captain's injuries were serious and due to his personal bravery. He took the high road and that played well in the British and International press. He was also careful to emphasize my Uncle's foresight and our shipping lines' commitment to safety.

We picked up additional cargo in Cape Town and set sail for Rio. This part of the trip was completely without incident. That was a blessing for the crew. We had full complement of passengers. The most notable of these was Sir Wilson Ellsworth, the new ambassador to Argentina. We were a humble ship for an ambassador, but the current ambassador died unexpectedly and Ellsworth was available.

Britain had extensive trade with Argentina and the Foreign office wanted the embassy fully staffed. Six army men and an officer assigned to the embassy guard accompanied him. We were taking them to Rio and they would take a train to Buenos Ares.

We did not have space for the soldiers in the cabins, but we had an extra room that had been planned for use of steerage passengers. We had never used it for that purpose, but it was available. We had been using it for storage but we cleaned it out for the men.

The six men were all attractive. Their purpose was to be suitably impressive. I was surprised when I found out that their commander, Major O'Brien was a close friend of McPherson. I wondered if that was accidental.

I found out that the previous British ambassador died in a compromising situation with the wife of the Argentinian foreign secretary. Ellsworth's tastes did not lie in that direction. The soldiers very much suited his tastes and men were to keep him away from Argentinian men. Sir Wilson was a gifted diplomat.

Sir Wilson immediately bonded with Captain Thomas. Thomas was an imposing man with military bearing. The soldiers knew about the rather casual atmosphere on the Bear Point from McPherson. Their cabin was small, but comparatively well ventilated and it had its own toilet and shower. The head of the group, Major O'Brien, was a bull of a man. Of course, this small group of soldiers did not require an officer with the rank of Major. His high rank was needed for prestige reasons.

I spent a lot of time with them. Major O'Brien was a bluff hearty type, the classic British soldier type. He knew a great deal about ships, machinery and equipment. He knew all about our recent sea rescue, but he also knew about our pirate encounter. That was strictly secret. I assumed he was a spy. "McPherson told me you were a good officer and a man of considerable intellectual accomplishment," O'Brien said. "He also said you were a good sport and knew how to make friends quickly."

He visited the Boiler Room with Nigel Freeman, the ambassador's private secretary, and neither man complained about the heat or the nudity one bit. Freeman seemed to have most interested in our Jamaican, also named Nigel.

That night after dinner, O'Brien took me to the side. He complimented me on the boiler room and my crew.

"Most of the boiler room crews I have visited have men who are near death, used and abused," he said.

"Healthy happy men are better men," I said. "My Uncle told me to beware of the weakest link. He was referring to the machinery, but I think it applies to the crew too. He is a careful and frugal man, but feeding men well cost but a pittance and the rewards are great."

"Let be frank, Sir Wilson has a weakness for common men. He might enjoy meeting your crew in an intimate situation," he said.

"My men are not available for that use," I said.

"You misunderstand," O'Brien replied. "Sir Wilson would be available for their use."

"I understand," I said. "The men are not sophisticated. They are direct and forceful. They can't hold back."

"Can we go to a more private place?" he asked. We went to my cabin next to the boiler room. Jack was on duty. Newland was asleep. We talked more.

Next: Chapter 9

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