The Crew

Published on Jun 12, 2014


The Crew 9 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

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I was afraid that the trip to Rio would be like the party after the pirate event. A good portion of the soldiers had enjoyed my ass as we sailed off the coast of Africa. I enjoyed it too, but I didn't want that to be known generally. O'Brien's soldiers were handsome men.

That was not a problem. Captain Thomas obviously impressed Sir Wilson and they got along well. Major O'Brien found me attractive and had no desire to share, and Nigel Freeman was excited by the workers in the boiler room.

Nigel was not a leader of men, but I recognized him as the sort of man who made things run smoothly behind the scenes. He made sure things were ready when the Ambassador needed them and insured that the ambassador was well prepared for his duties. He was fastidious and it was difficult to see him in the shower room with the crew.

I took him to the showers on the third night of voyage to Rio. As he walked into the shower occupied by five, muscular and dirty stokers, I saw a look on his face. It was as if he had seen a glimpse of heaven.

Nigel was tall, thin, hairless and pale. His pale pink tits were the only color. He had a long, thin organ; he was soon semi-erect I could see a lavender cock head peeking out of his foreskin. He showered next to our Jamaican Nigel. He was fully erect by the time he was under the water.

The men liked that. I was afraid he would give the wrong impression and become more deeply involved with the men than he wanted to be. While he seemed to be timid and weak, his sexual needs were great and he was willing to take any and all of the stokers. Indeed had he been on a battleship, he would have been willing to take any and all.

I came to know him well during the long voyage. He was normally careful, fastidious and completely under control. The Bear Point was a small, isolated community cut off from the world and the stokers were a small and isolated part of that community. This voyage was a last chance to indulge his tastes before years of diplomatic correctness.

Nigel gave the stokers the full use of his body. He loved anal penetration and oral pleasures. He had the sexual stamina of the Whore of Babylon. He was willing and able to satisfy all. I admit that after serving the stokers, he returned to my cabin and I enjoyed him, as did Jack. Nigel was unexpectedly tight and exceedingly responsive. He seemed to have some extra rectal muscles that he used to massage my organ as I screwed him.

I thought this was an illusion, but Jack said he felt the same thing. The tightness was unexpected too since he had taken all of the stokers and had served a few several times. Jack was impressed at his stamina and it took a lot to impressive him.

O'Brien became a regular visitor. I got along well with him, as did Newland. I felt protective of Newland, but that was largely unnecessary. He was a capable man and the men he worked with soon respected him. I was also concerned men might use him as a novelty.

I asked him if that was a problem.

"Odd Duck, would you think less of me if I said it was more of an opportunity than a problem?" he said. "You are a tall, big and well-hung man. Is that a problem?"

I smiled and said no.

"Does it bother you that some men might seek you out because of your physical attributes, rather than your clever mind and skills as an officer?" he asked. "I had some difficult times when I was young, but I got though that and turned the problem into an asset. I have noticed that you have a high tolerance for sex. I grant it doesn't approach Jack's need for sexual connections, but it is noticeable. Men may seek me out for novelty, but if feels like plain old sexual pleasure for me."

"That is the way it feels to me also," I said. The remainder of the trip was uneventful, but sexually satisfying. O'Brien and Nigel kept us entertained. Nigel liked the stokers and had incredible stamina. There was no need to be gentle with Nigel. O'Brien liked me well enough, but he found Newland to be very exciting. I do not think the Irishman was a bottom, but he seems to have a hankering for Newland's sperm.

We delivered our passengers to Rio, loaded a cargo and set off for Columbia for a load of coffee. We then headed for Portugal and then on to Amsterdam. We were treated as heroes in Amsterdam. Not only had we saved the Wilhelmina, but our Captain had been diplomatic about the role of the Dutch Captain and it spared local sensitivities. Captain Thomas and I gave a talk to the Dutch Ship Owners' Association about my Uncle's approach to fire protection at sea. That was well received. I also discussed some of the modifications that I made to the equipment that produced great fuel efficiency. That was very well received.

We had a full hold and all passenger cabins were filled when we sailed for New York. The demand for cabins was such, that we raised the fare. I noticed that a good proportion of our passengers shared similar sexual tastes with the crew. Apparently, the word was out that it was a happy ship. It may sound odd, but I suspect there is a secret communication system among men who have unorthodox tastes.

There were several men of the Oscar Wilde mode, but most were masculine and had a taste for manly men. Of course, you had to be prosperous to sail on the ship, but here were several wealthy passengers who enjoyed the company of working men. I was a bit surprised to find that I was in that category.

In Europe and England, a gentleman did not work. A gentleman was a man of leisure who lived off his inherited income. He did not associate with the lower orders. I had a scientific education and directed the machinery of the ship. Since I was a workingman, they could hardly conceive of the low status of the stokers. The isolated life on a ship gave them an opportunity to indulge their tastes with men of lower status.

I suppose this should have offended me, but it did not. As a man of scientific interests and with mechanical skills, I was in the forefront of modern society. Mr. Alexander Graham Bell and Mr. Edison were creating the modern world. They were not noblemen.

I did find it offensive when gentlemen had disdain for the laborers who made the ship possible and were essential to its operations. Without the stoker's the ship would not move. It seemed odd to me that persons of leisure ignore the people who made that life possible. I must confess that I am a New Englander, and we traditionally find leisure to be suspect.

On this voyage, we had a German Count and his valet, four students from Cambridge and several Dutch industrialists who were going to meet with Mr. Edison. Count Reinhardt von Hildebrandt was a military man of the ferocious sort. The students going to the United States for study, but it was not clear what they were studying. I had the impression they had done something wrong at school and were taking a year off.

Mr. Jan Van der Goote and Rolf DeRueter were working for Dutch company that was electrifying European counties. The French, Germans and British were fighting for European business, and some counties wanted to stay out of the fray. The Dutch were a good alternative.

The Count was a domineering man and he wanted to run the ship. He tried to order some of the crew around, Our Captain had a firm grip on his Command and put the Count in his proper place without effort. Much to my surprise the Count accepted that. From then on, he was proper in all his relations with the Captain.

The students were physically impressive, but immature, loud and rambunctious. The Captain solved that problem in short order. I got along well with the Dutch men. They spoke English well but were eager to learn more technical terms. I helped them with that.

The voyage to New York was uneventful and quiet. I had had a chance to spend more time with the passengers. I am better at understanding machines than men. I also realized that many of the preconceptions about men who enjoy sex with other men were wrong and overly simplified.

Many assume that men who are attracted to men are all effeminate, but that is not necessarily the case. They assume that masculine men do not share the taste for man sex. The Count was aggressively masculine in every way. Once the Captain established his dominant role, the Count was his slave. While the Captain was open minded as to sexual roles, kept the Count in his place at all times. Captain Thomas knew that if he gave into the Count at any point there would be trouble.

I found out that the Count's Valet, Max-Ernst was also domineering. That shocked me, but the Captain assured me that it was true.

The students were more of the hearty, rugby playing type than followers of Oscar Wilde. That being said, they seemed to have a taste for the bottom. I came to know one of two of them well. The Honorable Edwin Lassiter-Bute and Mr. Douglass Hoarfrost were handsome, immature men. They were product of the English public schools where indeed they played Rugby and Cricket. They were good at it and apparently, their skills at those sports was the sole reason they were at University.

Edwin made a pass at Newland that soon degenerated into an attempted rape. Newland and was holding his own when I came upon the incident. I adjusted to balance of power dramatically. While I was deeply shocked, Newland was not. His years in the Navy had given him ways to deal with the situation. He also had a fitting punishment. He soon had Edwin on his hands and knees with a dwarf's full sized cock in his ass.

I was shocked again to note that Edwin was enjoying it greatly. "You foolish piece of shit, you are my cock slave!" Newland whispered. "You will serve anyone I want any time I want. You are now the ship cum dump."

Edwin seems to become more excited at that prospect. Newland shot off and Edwin went back to his cabin. I was sure he would report the incident to the captain. He did not. Newland was not surprised. The whole situation was outside my experience. Late that day I encountered Mr. Hoarfrost on deck. It was breezy and cool, and we were alone.

"Your dwarf gave Edwin and real workout," he said in a matter of fact voice.

Me. Newland is a valued member of the crew," I replied. "He is not a weak man, as your friend discovered. I was unhappy about the affair."

"So Edwin discovered," Douglass said. "We are ball players. It not that unusual for the loser to be fucked. I guess that caused a misunderstanding."

"I don't think there was a ball game in progress and I don't think Mr. Newland knew the rules," I said.

"Well Edwin thought he knew the rules really well," Douglass said. We talked and I came to understand that it was all a game to them. Fucking the losers was an expected part of the game. Having watched Edwin taking Newland's cock, I realized it was not a punishment for him. From the way Douglass spoke, I suspected he had no objection to losing either.

"Is misunderstanding the rules why you are here and not at University?" I asked. From the expression on his face, I knew that was the case.

"It may be part of it," he conceded.

"This is a good ship, and many are open minded about sexual matters," I said. "If you want sexual release, ask for it. No one here is going to be shocked that you like sex, and no one cares if you want it in the ass, or want to shoot your cream into their ass. There is no need to take it. Using force is not acceptable." We talked a little longer and then I went to my cabin.

That night after dinner, I was heading back to the boiler room when Douglass came to me. "This may sound strange, but I understand what you were saying. I've never asked for sex before," he said. "I've always either taken it or waited to lose a game."

"You lose a game to get fucked?" I asked.

"Well, that is essentially what I do. There are lots of little games and contests that you can lose," he explained. "Somehow men seen to know you want it. Edwin told me about the dwarf. That excited him greatly. Do you think the dwarf would work me over?"

"The dwarf is Assistant Engineer Newland," I said. "It would be good if you knew his name. It is up to him with whom he fucks." Douglass looked disappointed. "He is usually accommodating and affable when he is with accommodating men," I added. "I assume Edwin told you that there is nothing small about his organ and nothing diminutive about his sexual desires."

I was on duty from six to midnight and saw Newland returning to the cabin with Douglass. Jack was the next officer on duty. Jack never got in the way of anyone's sexual pleasure. At midnight, Jack relieved me of duty and I went to the cabin.

Douglass was on a birth on his back. He was naked and his legs were now tied to the upper birth. His ass was wide open and was juicy looking.

"I see you and Mr. Hoarfrost are getting along well," I said.

"We certainly have hit it off," Newland said. "Jack has just added some of his special lubricant to our friend's ass. Would you like to try it out?"

"If our guest would like it, I would be glad to sample it," I said.

"Oh please do!" Douglass cried. I began to strip.

"Our friend here says he can't get enough of it," Newland explained. "He told me that the entire Rugby team did him once. It was good, but it was over too fast. We can take our time."

Douglass handsome, muscular and appreciative. That was a good combination. He enjoyed being fucked and made sure we knew it.

My experiences with the Dutch businessmen, Jan and Rolf, were very different. They were business partners and had considerable technical understanding. Had they been English, German or French they might well have been industrial spies. Holland was a small, but advanced nation. They wanted to make alliances with American companies to distribute their technology in Europe. They would be meeting with Mr. Edison and Mr. Westinghouse as well as with a man name Tesla, whom I did not know. Conversations with them were fascinating and stimulating.

Rolf was a solid and beefy man with close-cropped hair and a walrus like mustache. Jan was smaller and seemed almost delicate. Rolf was outgoing and tended to dominate the conversation. Jan was quiet, but when he did comment, he tended to move the conversation in a new and unexpected direction. I soon realize he was exceptionally intelligent and perceptive.

I tend to assume that gifted or intelligent men are not particularly sensual. This is a left over from my somewhat puritan upbringing. I assumed the intellectual world was superior to the sensual world. I am intelligent and have an active sex life, but I assumed this was unique to me.

Jan and Rolf were business partners, traveled together and, much to my surprise, were lovers. I never guessed. I do not know how Rolf discovered my sexual interests. I assume that if you were interested in that sort of thing it would not have been difficult.

I got along with the two men from the minute we met. They invited me to eat with them at their table and it was enjoyable and stimulating. After two days at sea Rolf, came to me on the deck.

"Andrew you are a most enjoyable companion. Jan and I have enjoyed your conversation greatly," he said. "Most sea voyages are tedious in the extreme." I said I enjoyed their company too.

"Jan and I are business partners, but we are connected on an intimate level too. I think that you, as a sailor, are aware of how intimate men can become on a ship," he said. I knew that well but did not react. "Jan and I were hoping you might join us some time in our cabin and share in our intimate play. I can assure you, it is very enjoyable."

"We are close partners, but sometimes a third man can be exciting," he continued. "Let me assure you that the objective is mutual pleasure. We are not shy men and a most open to the possibilities. We were hoping you shared these tastes."

"We understand that you are a most accommodating man," he continued. "Let me assure you that Jan and I are accommodating too. Our objective is not to use you, but to pool our resources."

I told his my schedule was fixed and that I was in the boiler room until midnight. He suggested I visit their cabin after midnight. "We are light sleepers," he added.

I was not sure about joining them. When the clock struck midnight, however, I was on the way to their cabin. I did not want to be rude and not show up. I didn't want them to be waiting and have me not appear.

Their cabin was on the top deck near the Captain's quarters. It was for my Uncle or other big wigs. It had an office lounge and a bedroom with its own bath. I gently knocked on the door and Rolf answered. He was wearing a robe.

I entered and Jan appeared.

"It is late, if you are tired, do not feel the need to stay," Rolf said. "We are gentlemen of leisure until we land in New York. You do not need to please us."

"I am fine," I said.

"Would you like a drink? This stateroom has everything," Jan said. "Even good Dutch beer! You can get comfortable too. We are wearing nothing under our robes!" I had a beer.

"We have been close friends for twenty years," Rolf said. "There are not many things we have not explored sexually. That is why we like to meet new playmates once and a while. It is like adding a new ingredient to a stew. We are most willing to please you." At that point, his robe fell open. Rolf was fully aware that his impressive genital display might influence my thinking. It did.

Rolf and Jan were cheerful, energetic and sexually skilled men. They were not shy or restrained, but they weren't aggressive at al either. Rolf was a top and Jan is bottom. Rolf's interest in group play was to give Jan a chance to top. Jan small and thin, but had a thin, snake like organ,

Rolf was tall, heavier and his organ was massive, thick and stubby. I was sucking Rolf's member when Jan eased his in from the rear. I had an odd sensation that Jan was very polite. It was slow and careful, and I almost felt he was apologetic about fucking me. It felt good, and was better when he realized I was enjoying it. He picked up his pace. His ejaculations were forceful and tickled my rectum. While it was good, it seemed to make me want to take Rolf's massive member next. Jan was the appetizer and I was sucking the main course.

When Jan pulled out, I moved and presented my ass to Rolf.

"You want it too?" he asked. He sounded surprised. "It is very thick."

"Yes I do," I replied. It is hard for a top to reject a willing ass. He positioned his cock at my hole and gently pushed. It slipped in effortlessly. Both Rolf and Jan moaned as the cock vanished into my ass.

I later found out that Rolf had never shared as ass with Jan and he had never used his lover's sperm as a lubricant before. It was a total success. While Rolf's cock was stubby, it was long enough to keep his oversized knob in constant contact with my prostate. The thick organ applied constant pressure to my prostate. It was incredibly intense for Rolf and me. The physical feelings were intensified for Rolf by contact with Jan's cock juices. Rolf shot with great vigor too. We were three happy men.

We all showered and they went at it again. I was on my back sucking Rolf as he sucked my organ. He was still drooling some left over sperm from the first orgasm with some fresh precum.

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