The Cruise Ship

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 8, 2013


Author's Note: This story is a sequel to The Cruise Ship, which can be found on this web site.

"Ben and Dan fell into each other's arms and kissed passionately, leaving Ken and Brad (their sons) with their jaws hanging open. When finally they separated, Dan said, "Boys, this is the guy I told you about; the one who is moving to Dallas so we can all be a family together.

Ken and Brad both gave out a weird squeal, and all four joined in a group hug. It was the best Thanksgiving any of them had ever had.

Part II

Brad and Ken packed up their dorm room at the end of the fall semester of their junior year, and moved into Ken's father's house. They occupied Ken's room and the guest bathroom in Dan's home. It took Ben six months to sell his house in San Diego, and another six weeks passed before the closing. He wasn't able to move to Dallas until nearly two months after the boys moved in with Dan.

During the six weeks before the closing, Ben sold off most of his furniture and belongings. He packed only his personal stuff. His son, Brad, wanted to come home for his personal items, but Ben said he would pack for him, and he needn't incur the expense.

It was a tough few months for Dan. Even with their bedroom doors tightly shut, Dan could hear the boys making love. Not only were they loud, but they used foul language. Dan supposed that it was done to enhance the sex they were enjoying. Poor Dan could only telephone Ben, and they would whack off together. Even Ben could hear the boys' loud love making as he talked on the telephone with Dan.

"I can't wait for you to get here and we can give those two boys a taste of their own medicine," Dan lamented often.

"I hope the four of us living together will work out," Ben mused.

Phone sex was fine but it was just one step above solo jacking off. Dan was getting hornier by the day. He thought of calling one of his old fuck buddies, but he didn't want to start off his renewed relationship with Ben by cheating on him. He could only wonder if Ben felt the same way. He preferred not to speculate on it.

It was bound to happen. One Friday, about a month before Ben came to live in Dallas, Dan decided that he wanted to surprise the boys with a home cooked dinner of all their favorite foods. He left work early. He didn't expect them home until about 6 PM. He completely forgot that they were attending the summer session, and they had no classes on Friday. The two boys had gotten up early that morning, and left the house, leaving Dan to believe that they had gone to school. Instead they went to the gym to work out.

When they got home, they immediately hit the shower together. They had avoided showering at the gym for the sole purpose of playing together in the shower at home. After they dried themselves, they took their action to the bedroom. They played with each other for nearly two hours before they fell asleep, completely exhausted. They woke up about an hour before Dan came home loaded with groceries.

They needed to shower again, in order to cleanse themselves of the dried semen, which had encrusted their bodies from their earlier love making. Again they played in the shower, dried themselves and resumed making love in their bed. At least youth was not being wasted on the young.

When Dan came through the garage door which led directly into the kitchen, he heard the boys using the gutter language they so enjoyed spewing out when they were making love. He immediately felt a stirring in his crotch. He put down the groceries on the kitchen counter and started upstairs to shut their door. He knew that wouldn't help much, but he hoped it would mute some of the sound.

When he got to the boys' bedroom, the door was wide open, and Ken was fucking Brad doggie style.

"Fuck me harder you wuss," Brad was yelling.

"Yeah, sure! I'll fuck your pussy harder, bitch-cunt," Ken yelled back.

Instead of closing the door and leaving the boys to their shenanigans, Dan stood transfixed. His cock was straining in his underwear, desperately trying to get out. Insanely, he dropped his pants and boxers, which fell to his ankles, and he started to stroke himself. Ken and Brad were oblivious to the scene in their doorway. Dan was not thinking sanely. He was becoming more and more aroused. He ripped off his shirt, shoes and socks, and stepped out of his pants and boxers. Fully naked, he resumed his stroking.

All of a sudden Ken pulled out of Brad's man-hole. It appeared that the boys were about to change position. Dan stepped back in the hall, out of their sight. He kicked his clothes out of sight also. Brad turned on his back and raised his legs to his chest. Ken entered him missionary style, and let his body fall on his lover's. Now they started to kiss as Ken resumed fucking Brad. Their lips were wide open and their tongues were tickling each other seductively. Instead of cursing, Dan could now hear only soft murmurs and purring. He stepped back into the doorway.

At first all he could see were Brad's legs dangling off the bed and on to the floor. Then he could see his son's ass bobbing in and out. Dan had not seen so young and bubbly a butt in years. His mouth watered, he became frenzied, and he completely lost his mind. Without any lubrication, he came up behind Ken and thrust his rock hard cock into his son's hole. The pain Ken felt could only be described as a burning poker being shoved up his ass. The fire subsided rapidly and he began to feel the pleasure of Dan's cock massaging his prostate. Now he began to enjoy it, and he continued thrusting in Brad's equally willing hole.

The problem was that Ken had no idea who was fucking him, and he didn't much care in his lustful state of being. As his senses returned to him, he finally realized that if it wasn't an intruder, it had to be his father. He was filled with a thousand odd feelings, but the most prominent one was a feeling of utter joy.

Ken and Brad had already cum several times this day. It was only natural for Dan to cum quickly and be the first. When Ken felt his father's juices filling his gut, he came again also. All the while Brad was stroking his cock, and he came shortly after Ken. The three men collapsed in a heap.

After awhile they began to untangle. Ken and Brad stood staring at Dan. As their cocks dwindled in size, their smiles got broader and broader. Dan was in shock. He had no idea how he had allowed himself to fuck his own son. His shame overwhelmed him. He fell back on the bed and began to sob bitterly. His chest was heaving and he was having difficulty breathing. His sons gathered him up in their arms and tried to comfort him.

When he could catch his breath, Dan begged for forgiveness. "I'm so sorry," he sobbed. "I don't know what came over me. Can you boys ever forgive me?"

"For what?" Ken laughed. Brad and I have been thinking of ways to seduce you for weeks now. We decided to wait until our other dad got here. You beat us to the punch. That's all."

Dan began to stutter. "Y-you wan-wanted this to hap-happen?"

"Of course," Ken said. "It's only logical. We all love each other. There will never be any one else in our lives aside from the four of us. We'll be living together, walking around naked, and maybe using the bathroom at the same time. If we all have sex together, we will remove any sexual tension that might be in the air. Besides, Dad, I have wanted to make love to you since I was a teeny bopper, and Brad says he had he same feeling about Ben."

"Kenny, I have never thought about having sex with you. I confess that I used to wonder how big your cock had grown when you matured, but that was all."

Ken took Dan's hand and put it on his own very limp tool. "There you go. Now you know. I'm sorry it's soft right now." Dan fondled his son's cock and sighed.

"Look guys," Dan said. "I don't want Ben to know about this. I have no idea how he'll take it. Please let me discuss it with him, in my own way, in my own time, when he gets here."

Brad started to laugh. "I've got a confession to make to both of you," Brad said. "I know for a fact my father will take it well. On the night before Tim and I were set to drive to Dallas, Dad tried one more time to talk me out of leaving California." He looked at Ken and added, "Thank God, he didn't.

"He got really angry at one point and told me that Tim had come around the house about six months earlier. I wasn't home and Tim seduced my father. Dad told me that they had sex regularly after that until we left for college. He tried to convince me that I was a fool if I followed the deceiving slut half way across the country. We all know now that Dad was right, but you can't argue with someone who is smitten."

"But what's that got to do with anything?" Ken asked. "We know that Tim was healthy then, and all your dad did was to come out of the closet."

"Let me go on, please," Brad said. "I was really pissed at him. Somehow I wasn't angry at Tim. I can't imagine why not. Dad and I were alone in the house and Tim was going to pick me up at 6 AM the following morning. I excused myself and told my dad that I needed to get some sleep. I left him looking forlorn. We both went to our bedrooms. I knew for a fact that we both slept nude. I lay there in bed, so disturbed by what I had learned about my father and my lover, that I couldn't sleep. I guess my dad couldn't sleep either. After about an hour had passed, he came into my room. Our doors were never closed. We even heard each other jerking off regularly.

"He sat down on the bed next to me and took my hand. He told me that he didn't want me to go because he loved me. I told him I knew that, and he said that I didn't understand. He loved me differently. He said he loved me LIKE THAT! I finally got the picture. The poor man was crying like a baby. I wrapped my arms around him and somehow our lips met and we began to make love. We made love every which way for over two hours, and we finally fell asleep.

"My suitcases were already in Tim's car. When I got up, I dressed and crept to the bathroom. I was out the door, and Tim and I were on our way, before my dad woke up. Now I have a chance to tell him what a fool I was, and to make amends by loving him LIKE THAT."

Dan breathed a sigh of relief. "Please," he said, "let's not say anything anyway. Let's wait for Ben to get here. Until Ben did arrive, Dan slept with his boys about once a week. He was wise enough to give them plenty of alone time in between his visits.

When Ben arrived at the airport, Brad, Ken and Dan were there to greet him. He hugged each one in a manly fashion, but when they got home, he kissed Dan passionately, followed by sensual kisses on the lips to both boys. Dan could see from those kisses that there was to be no holding Ben and Brad back from resuming their intimacy. But not tonight!! Tonight was going to belong to the two fathers.

"Revenge!" Dan whispered to Ben. He left both his bathroom and bedroom doors wide open. He even opened up his sons' doors. Ben and Dan started out showering together and making the loudest noises they could, and using the vilest language they had ever heard. The only thing they did as silently as possible was to giggle at what they were doing. When Dan came, he howled so loud, even Ben got frightened. He just about lost his erection, but Dan nursed Ben's cock back to health. Then he came with an eerie unworldly yell.

The boys were laughing their sides off. They were fully aware that their fathers were putting on a show designed to embarrass them.

"We'll get them tomorrow," Ken said as they all fell asleep for the night.

For nearly a year the fathers and their sons led an idyllic life. They rarely went out. There was no need. They had each other. Although they took turns cooking delicious meals, Ben did it most often, because he worked from home. After dinner the boys would hit the books and the older men would read the newspaper and watch the evening news.

The nights were spent in lustful debauchery. They never made plans. Sometimes they made love in the fathers' huge bed and sometimes in the sons' smaller one. They made love in every possible combination of twos, threes, and fours. Each time they did, their love for each other grew more powerful.

Paradise like this cannot last forever, and finally they had to face the fact that it had to end. Ken was a pre-law student and Brad was a pre-med student. They both applied to all the local schools and also to some that were unfortunately more distant. Both of them were accepted to schools in Dallas, but Ken was also accepted to Harvard Law in Boston and Brad was accepted to Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

Both fathers urged their sons to accept the more prestigious schools in Boston and New York. They pointed out that they would only be four hours apart by car, and that shuttle flights between the two cities flew constantly. At first the boys would not hear about being separated. The four men discussed the pros and cons endlessly. In the end they concluded that a four year partial separation in the context of a whole lifetime was something that they could tolerate, and they went their separate ways to the two great cities.

Ben and Dan found themselves alone at last. They really didn't mind at all. They were beginning to slow down, and they were finding it more and more difficult to keep up with their sons.

Brad and Ken managed to get together at least one weekend a month, either in New York or Boston. They agreed to keep it down to one weekend a month to prevent their grades from suffering. They found out that sex was sweeter when it was so rationed, and absence did indeed make the heart grow fonder. They called each other several times a week. For Christmas and Easter, and short summer periods, they visited Dallas, and tired their fathers out.

Ken graduated law school a year earlier than Brad completed med school. The whole family was in Boston to cheer him on. He graduated near the top of his class and had many job offers, but he accepted an offer with a very prestigious law firm in Dallas. They had several offices besides the Dallas office, including one in Boston and one in New York.

The night of the graduation, they had dinner together in Faneuil Hall, and returned to Ken's rented apartment where they all made love throughout the night. The next morning they went their separate ways. The fathers had flown to Boston, but they and Ken were returning to Dallas in Ken's car. He had a hitch attached to carry the belongings he had accumulated these last few years. Brad returned to New York in his car.

Brad and Ken knew that they would see little of each other during the next year, and they sobbed bitterly when they parted. "I hope this is all worth it," Brad intoned. Then he added "and while you three are fucking your brains out, think of me whacking off in my lonely apartment."

That prompted Ken to say, "Brad honey, I'd understand if..." He never finished the sentence. He regretted what he almost said, because it haunted both of them until they could be together again.

Early in his senior year Brad did a rotation in obstetrics at Mount Sinai Medical Center. He jokingly thought to himself that he would get to see a lot of pussy at last. How right he was. He not only got an eyeful, he got a nose full. He concluded that he was happy to be gay.

He became very friendly with a young nurse on the service. She had no clue that this handsome, athletic man was gay. One day as they were getting ready to leave the hospital, Erica asked him if he would like to join her in a night cap. He hesitated only a second and then he said yes. He thought they would go to a local bar, but she said that she lived nearby, and invited him home. He was very uncomfortable, but he couldn't say no after having accepted her earlier invitation.

She poured herself a glass of red wine, and at his request she made him a scotch and soda. They sat together on the sofa and made small talk. Erica was very demure, but after Brad's third scotch and her second rather large glass of wine, both of them had a good buzz on. Brad hardly ever drank, and his buzz was bordering on plain and simple drunkenness.

Suddenly Erica was all over Brad. She was trying desperately to undo his belt, and he, poor soul, had no clue as to what was going on. In his state of non-awareness he even helped her undo his belt. She had his cock out in no time and began to caress it. It felt good to the drunken med student, and he even exposed more of himself. When she began to suck his cock, he sighed. He missed Ken so damn much.

Erica pulled Brad down on top of her. She grabbed his cock and guided it into her Venus Canal. She started pushing up and Brad started pumping wildly. He was fucking Ken again at last. When he came, he screamed his feral screech, and passed out on top of Erica.

When he awoke, he was alone on the sofa. He was vaguely aware of what had happened, but he didn't want to think about it. He was half undressed. He quickly put himself together and glanced at his watch. It was almost 2 AM. He wondered where Erica was. He peeked into her bedroom and although he could not see her, he could hear her breathing. He left the apartment as quietly and as quickly as he could.

He didn't even try to get a cab at that hour. He lived less than a mile away and he ran all the way home. He crawled into bed and cried himself to sleep. "Ken, what have I done?" he sobbed. Before he fell asleep he heard Ken saying to him, "I'd understand if..." It didn't make him feel any better. The fact that he fucked a woman, and not a man, didn't make him feel any better either.

In the morning, as he washed away his drunkenness with a cold shower, he vowed never to tell Ken. He was glad that his obstetrics rotation would end in two days and it would be easy to avoid Erica. Two weeks later, she found him in the CCU. She looked distraught.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm pregnant and you're the father."

"What makes you think it's mine?"

"You're the only one I have been with. Meet me at my apartment later. We have to talk."

Something didn't sound right to Brad. It was too damned soon for so positive a diagnosis. He agreed to meet Erica after work.

Part II

"Have you seen a doctor?" Brad asked.



"Dr. Sparks in obstetrics. He confirmed my pregnancy. He also determined that I was anemic, and he is going to do an amniocentesis to make sure everything is alright."

"You're not going to have an abortion?" Brad asked hopefully.

"Not on your life. You'll have to own up to your responsibility." That having been said, she cozied up to Brad, undid a button on his shirt and put her palm on his chest. This time he was cold sober. He jumped up and ran from the apartment, leaving her with her mouth open.

Brad was certain that it was too soon for all these medical conclusions and certainly too soon for an amnio. When he could think straight again, he made an appointment to see Dr. Sparks. They had met during Brad's rotation in obstetrics. Brad's gaydar wasn't very good, but he suspected that Dr. Sparks was a kindred soul. When Brad entered the doctor's office, he shook his hand. "Good morning, Dr. Sparks," Brad said.

"Please call me Vincent. Vince would be even nicer." Vince smiled at Brad in such a way that he knew for sure he was gay. "What brings a guy to an obstetrician's office?" Vince asked with a wink.

"Erica Somers, one of the nurses on your service."

"Yes, Erica, she's my patient so I can't talk about her medical condition."

"I'm aware," Brad said giving Vince an equally seductive smile. "I know that she's pregnant and that she's claiming that I'm the father. Since I only had sex with her once, just two weeks ago, I find that hard to believe."

Brad could clearly see the disappointment on Vince's face so he added quickly, "Vince, she's the first and the only woman I have ever had sex with. She had to get me drunker than any sailor ever got in order for me to do it. I know I fucked her, but I can barely remember it. I swear I thought I was fucking my friend Ken." Vince was visibly relieved, especially when Brad said friend' and not partner' or some other euphemism of commitment.

"I think I can help you prove that you aren't the father of this child without revealing any of Erica's medical history. I can direct you to facts you can easily find out yourself without any help from me. Meet me for a drink this evening and we'll plot a course of action." Vince took Brad's hand. It was far from a handshake. He just held it in his own. Brad agreed to meet him at a local gay bar at six that evening.

Brad was convinced that he needed Vincent to help prove that he wasn't the father, and that Erica was trying to extort him. He made up his mind that if he had to sleep with Vince, he would. Ken would certainly understand that it would not be an act of love....if he told Ken. His life had suddenly turned topsy-turvy, all over a couple of cocktails. He vowed never to touch liquor again.

After dinner, Brad suggested that they go to the bar. (He was going to order a coke.) Vince suggested it would be cozier if they had a drink in his apartment which wasn't far away. There it was. Brad sighed and agreed. He knew he was going to get laid tonight and now he had a new fear. If he was sober, could he get it up for anybody else besides Ken or his fathers? He prayed that he could.

In his apartment, Vince asked Brad to name his poison.

"Coke for me."

"Come on. You don't have to worry about getting me pregnant. Have a fun drink."

"I'll have what you're having then."

Brad planned on having very little of the drink, just tiny sips, some of which he would return to the glass. He wanted Vince to get a little high. He hoped to loosen his tongue and learn more about Erica's pregnancy.

He was still nursing his first drink, and Vince was pouring his third. He began to think his plan was working. Vince was beginning to slur his words. They were sitting together on the sofa and Brad put his arms around Vince and whispered in his ear, "Is it possible to do a paternity test using the amniotic fluid when you do Erica's amnio?" It was a simple question requiring a professional answer.

Vince didn't answer right away, but when he did he began to giggle. "Relax lover boy. The baby can't possibly be yours. Erica is in the middle of her third month."

Brad began to laugh also. "How in the world did she hope to get away with this charade?" he wondered out loud.

"I guess she's desperate and hoped you wouldn't ask too many questions." Suddenly Vince got hysterical with laughter. "You are the third dude who has come to me wondering the same thing. That girl is either at wits end or psychotic, and foolishly, she won't have an abortion."

"Did you reassure the others?" Brad asked.

"I couldn't do that. The timing was right for either one to be the father. I told them they would have to wait until I could determine paternity with a DNA test. They are both straight, but you are the first gay one, so I got you home to reassure you, and I'm not sorry." He reached up, pulled Brad's head down and began to kiss him. Once again Brad found himself weakening. Once again he heard Ken start to give him permission. He rationalized that he owed Vince something. He began to respond to Vince's kisses.

They showered together, and Brad grew lustful when he saw Vince's cock. It had to be nine hard inches and very fat. In the shower he dropped to his knees and engulfed the luscious rod. He could hardly get it in his mouth and was grateful for Ken's lesser specimen. Vince stopped Brad before he could cum, and he went down on Brad, who stopped him short of climax also.

After warming themselves up orally, they went to bed. Brad found out that Vince was a total top. He was glad to oblige him. He sorely missed Ken's loving cock probing his prostate. In the morning, Brad did not feel guilty at all, but now he wondered if he should tell Ken everything on the off chance he would find out anyway. Reason prevailed, at least for now, and he determined to keep his secret. It was a good thing he did because he ended up sleeping with Vince many more times before graduation.

In fact Vince attended Brad's graduation. Brad introduced him to Ken and his fathers, and made an announcement that surprised even Vince. He indicated that Vince was something of a mentor to him, and for that reason he had decided to specialize in obstetrics. Ken, Ben and Dan were delighted, but each thought it was a strange choice for a gay man to make.

"Have dinner with us tonight before we return to Texas?" Ben asked Vince.

"No thank you. It's a family night. I think you should all celebrate together." He then embraced Brad, hugging him hard, wished him luck, and he left. They never stayed in touch, and they never saw each other again.

Ken looked at the departing doctor, and there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he and Brad had made love to each other. Strangely, he didn't mind. From now on Brad was all his. Their fathers were part of the equation as well. He was enveloped in a serene sense of contentment.

As Vince left, Brad thought about all the people that had come and gone in and out of his life. Then he looked at his family. He put an arm around Ken's waist and said out loud, "Thank god I have you guys. I can count on you all for permanency in my life."

Before leaving for Dallas the next morning, the four men celebrated their love in the hotel they were staying at. Brad had shipped all his stuff home and they were flying out of LaGuardia early the next morning.

After completing his residency, Brad joined an obstetrics practice in Dallas. He and Ken could well afford to occupy a small mansion of their own, but they continued to live in Dan's house with Dan and Ben. The four of them wanted it that way, and if any outsider thought that the arrangement might be a little strange, nobody ever said anything. If someone had made an adverse comment, the fathers and the sons would not have given a damn.

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