The Crystal Christmas Tree

By John Josept

Published on Dec 21, 2006




The following story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further.

This is a work of fiction meant for private enjoyment and in a fictitious world as this is, HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases do not exist, and so safer sex is not needed. Unfortunately, in the real world these diseases do exist, so please do yourself a favor and everyone you come in contact with, practice safer sex, use a condom.

I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me.

Legal Stuff:

The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author.

The Crystal Christmas Tree by John Josept

I sat down on the sofa and my little dog Rosie jumped on my lap. She whined as she looked at my face and saw tears flowing down. She always knew when I felt low. She licked a tear from my cheek then curled up on my lap as if to tell me she was there for me.

Christmas Eve was usually a magical time for me. Ever since I was a kid, this time of year meant fun and happiness. But this year there was no fun, no happiness, and definitely no magic.

I went over it a million times in my head, what had happened that Christmas Eve morning just a year ago. Chris, my partner, and I were lying in bed with my head on his chest. That was my favorite thing to do, lay my head on his muscular chest and rub his abs. God it felt good.

He held me tight, but there seemed a coldness to his touch that Christmas Eve morning. He kissed me on the lips and our mouths opened so our tongues could play inside. He lay on top of me with his tongue still in my mouth. He didn't say a word. There was no 'I love you's' and no words of passion. He just slicked his dick with some lube, pushed my legs over my head, and inserted his massive tool inside me. I was in love with him and didn't see the look of indifference on his face. I loved to feel him inside me and I got lost in the sensation.

"God, Chris, fuck my baby, I love you," I said. Nothing came from his mouth except a groan or two as he approached his orgasm.

He moved faster and faster inside my ass. My dick was rock hard and I began to beat off as he pounded me. The harder he pounded, the more I liked it and the more I liked it, the more I moved my hips to meet his downward push. Chris usually was not very aggressive, but that morning he was. I was in seventh heaven thinking he changed and was the aggressive stud I always dreamed of.

"Fuck," he whispered, then he came inside me. He breathed heavy a couple time, then pulled out, sat at the edge of the bed for a second, and stood up. I lay there still beating my dick, wanting to cum, but was distracted by him getting out of bed so abruptly. He usually helped me reach my climax.

"What gives," I said as he began to dress up.

"Nothing," he said and went into the closet and got out his suitcase and began to pack his clothes.

"Chris, why you packing?" I said not even thinking anything was wrong.

"I'm in love with someone else and I'm leaving you," he said as matter of fact.

"Huh?" I started to laugh thinking he was joking.

"This isn't a joke," he said coldly and closed his suitcase. "I will get the rest of my stuff later." He grabbed his luggage and without saying another word, he left the house. I sat there in disbelief half expecting him to come back in and say it was all a joke.

Later, I found out it was some go-go boy who danced at one of the West Hollywood clubs that he was his new love. After two years together, he just packed up and left.

But that was a year ago and I know it's crazy, but I still am not over him. If he walked in the door right now and asked for forgiveness I would gladly take him back. But that wasn't likely to happen so, Christmas Eve, my favorite time of year, just seemed like another depressing, miserable day to me. I didn't put up a Christmas Tree or any decorations of any kind even though I loved to decorate for Christmas, but this year I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted Christmas to end. I began to cry again. I took off my clothes and, even though it was only 3 in the afternoon, I went to bed and allowed my tears to lull me into deep sleep.

A loud noise from outside the house woke me from my self-pity nap. I don't know how long I was asleep, but it was dark outside. I looked at the clock and it still said 3PM. Then I heard that loud noise again, like thunder and a strong wind swirling around the house. I sat up wondering what was going on.

I got out of bed and walked naked into the living room. "I think there's a storm coming," I said to Rosie who was sound asleep on her pillow. I thought that was odd because every little noise coming from outside, Rosie would bark her head off.

I pushed back the drapes and I peeked out the living room window, and saw nothing but darkness; no streetlights, no lights in the houses across the street, no moonlight, not even starlight and there were no cars on the normally busy street in front of my house. Then I saw a big flash and I backed away from the window right before the thunder and that wind blowing noise started again; then nothing but deep silence.

Suddenly, the eerie silence was broken by a loud, ear piercing banging at the door and I jumped out of my skin.

"Who's there?" I yelled. Rosie made no move. She just picked up her head, tilted it, and looked at me. She then curled up again and went back to a sound sleep on her pillow.

I slowly approached the door when the loud knock occurred again. I jumped back, and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. The noise happened again, but this time I bravely approached the door. I opened it slowly and cautiously, afraid, but curious as to what was causing this phenomenon. What I did see stunned me.

Snow ... snow everywhere! This is odd because this is Southern California it doesn't snow here at the beach, but there it was in front of me. I stood with my mouth opened as I looked at what had to be a six-inch deep, white carpet of snow glowing in the darkness. Funny thing, the houses across the street were gone and were replaced by a forest of snow-covered trees.

Out of nowhere, a flash of light streaked downward from the sky above and turned into a solid beam. Then to my amazement, a figure descended down the bright-lighted column. The figure stopped just about 10 feet from the ground. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. It was an angel with his broad, white wings spread out behind his naked torso. He wore a white loincloth held up by a golden rope that lay low around his waist, more like on his hips. He looked down as his bare feet touched the snow. A aura lit up his body while he began to walk toward me.

As he got closer, I was able to make a better assessment of his looks. Yes, he was an angel with an unbelievably handsome face, golden hair, and blue eyes. His body was completely hairless. His shoulders were broad, his chest cut and his abs were deeply defined. He was a vision with wings.

"Hello Ben," the angel said to me.

"Umm, hi," I said quite apprehensively, "Is this a dream or is this really happening."

"That is something you will have to determine, Ben. I'm here to bring Christmas magic back to you. Come," he said and held out his hand.

I took a few steps out the door, "But I'm naked, I should get some clothes."

"Why? Are you cold?"

It was then I realized I was standing in the snow and my bare feet were not cold. In fact my whole body felt warm and comfortable.

"No, I'm not," I said with a startled voice.

"Then no clothes will be needed. I will go naked as well." He waved his hand in front of his loincloth and little flecks of gold trailed behind it and the loincloth disappeared leaving only the golden rope riding low on his hips.

"Wow," I said out loud as I stared at his beautiful uncut dick that lay soft on his full ballsack, which was surrounded by a ring of blond pubic hair. I looked at the full package from head to toe. He was the ideal man physically perfect in everyway, but then he was an angel and that is how they are supposed to look.

"Do you like what you see Ben?" he said as we began to walk through the snow.

"Oh yeah, you're fantastic," I gushed.

"You are beautiful as well, Ben," he said as he ran the back of his fingers over my chest and abs.

My dick started to get hard, "Oh sorry," I said as my manhood stretched to his full 8 inches.

"No need to be sorry in front of me, Ben," the angel said as his shaft began to grow. "See you do this to me as well."

"Angels get hard-on's?" I laughed.

He just smiled.

"What do I call you? I don't even know your name," I said while still staring and amazed at his very large erection. It was as big, perhaps bigger than mine.

"I am the Archangel Anael, I am the Angel of Love, Passion and Romance. My mortal name is David. I have been watching you for many years and I know most everything about you. When your case of a broken heart was brought to me, I decided to follow up personally."

"You where? Why? Am I that pitiful," I said with a frown.

"No, Ben not at all, but you have been so sad this past year. It's not like you to feel sorry for yourself. This is Christmas, your favorite time of year. My favorite time as well."

"You love Christmas like I do?" I said with excitement, "do you celebrate Christmas in heaven?"

"Of course we do. It is His birthday you know," Anael said as his eyes looked toward the heavens.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that too. I hadn't been very enthused about the holiday this year. I used to like it, though. Now it just brings back bad memories."

We stopped and he took me in his arms, "I am here to change that, Ben. I am here to bring magic back into your Christmas and love back into your heart, and passion into your loins."

With that he kissed me hard until our lips burned and our tongues quenched the fire. His wings spread out to his sides. We released our lips and breathed hard. He pulled me tighter into his arms and kissed my neck, wetting it with his tongue. He continued to lick my body as he got down on his knees in the snow and swallowed my rigid cock. His mouth wrapped tightly around my manhood as he began to move his head in and out.

"Oh Anael, my god," I gasped. I never felt oral sex like this before. His warm mouth seemed to mold itself around my dick as it slid smoothly in and out.

I grabbed hold of his golden hair and gently guided my dick in and out of his soft and warm mouth. I heard him grunt a few times as he sucked without letting up. My dick had never been this hard or this sensitive before. I could feel his lips ride over every vein on my rigid member. I was fast approaching my orgasm, but I didn't want it to happen just yet.

Anael's wings began to flap back and forth. I felt him grip my ass cheeks.

"Oh Anael I'm close," I whispered. He continued his in and out motion and his wings began to move faster and his grip on my dick and my ass cheeks grew tighter. Then I noticed that we were moving ... upward. Higher and higher we glided as Anael continued to suck me to the edge of my climax. Faster and faster I moved my hips in and out of his face as we hovered over the landscape below. I looked down, but somehow I wasn't afraid, I felt secure with Anael, my angel.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum," I yelled out as my first volley shot like and arrow down his throat. He swallowed effortlessly as I cummed over and over again. As my orgasm subsided we slowly descended back down to the snow.

Anael dropped my cock from his mouth, stood up, and kissed me. I ran my tongue inside his mouth and tasted the remnants of my sperm. We held each other tight. I rested my head on his shoulders and watched the wind blow through his wings. I ran my hands up his back and wrapped them around the bones that protruded from his back that supported his wings and marveled at their strange beauty. This was unbelievable. I just got the blowjob of my life and it was from an angel... with wings.

He pulled me from his shoulder, took his hand, and touched my chin, gently bringing our lips together. We kissed again, but his time softly and with love.

"Did you enjoy that, my Ben?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, Anael, very much," I replied and held him tighter.

"Come I want to show you something."

We walked a short distance through the forest to a clearing and came upon a large Noble Fir in the shape of the perfect "Christmas Tree". It stood alone in the snow with its top about 20 feet from the ground.

"Wow, what a beautiful tree," I said.

"Yes it is, but with a little magic, it could be magnificent." With that said, he waved his hand toward the tree and gold flecks few in the air and propelled toward the top of the tree. The golden flecks began to swirl around the top and spread out as they quickly fell to the snow below. I gasped as the tree was transformed with hundreds of brilliant white light and thousands of crystal ornaments adorning its branches and lighting up the sky. Some of the crystals were rotating sending a kaleidoscope of rainbows reflecting onto the snow and dancing on our bodies.

"Oh Anael, I never saw anything so beautiful," I gushed as his arm tightened around my waist.

"I am glad you like it Ben. I made this special for you."

"Thank you Anael," he leaned into me and we kissed.

"Now stare into the Crystal Tree, Ben, and tell me what you see."

"How do I do that, I mean what do I do," I said still full of wonder at the magnificent Crystal Christmas Tree in front of me.

"Just stare at one of the rotating crystals," he answered.

"Ok," I said as my eyes focused on one star shaped gem that rotated sending multihued colors across my eyes. I stared harder and harder and soon found myself floating toward the crystal star with Anael holding my hand. I covered my face with my arm, thinking we would crash into the tree, but instead the branches spread open and our bodies entered the tree into some kind of void.

"What is this? Where are we going?" I asked Anael.

"We are traveling back in time. We have many wonderful places to go and many memories to re-live."

We began to move faster in the void as lights from the Crystal laden tree whizzed passed us and the wind blowing noise whirled around our naked bodies.

Suddenly, we stopped and all was dark and still.

"Anael?" I said afraid he had left me alone.

"I am here, Ben," he said as he grabbed my hand again and held it tight.

I heard a noise and I found myself standing in a very familiar place. A place I hadn't been since I was a kid.

"Do you recognize this room, Ben?"

"Oh yes, I sure do. It's the living room I grew up in."

No sooner did I say this when in walked my mother and father looking so young again. My dad was busily working hard to assemble the toys he bought for my brother Tom and I. A smile came over my face as I watched my dad.

"I never saw him doing this. My brother and I were always in our bedroom listening for any sign of Santa Claus. We always tried to sneak a peek, but could never see anything," I told Anael.

"Yes, your father always tried to make the holiday magical for you and Tom. It is through him that you got your Christmas spirit. Come, lets move on to another magical Christmas," Anael said as he took my hand.

"Wait, I want to see this, please," I said. Anael saw my eyes had welled up and put his arm around me.

I stared at my father who was about to ring the cowbell that he told us was Santa's way of letting us we could come out of our bedroom to see the toys he left for us.

My brother and I would run in the living room in hopes of catching a glimpse of Santa before he flew up the chimney, but when we got to the living room, we would only see my father looking up the fireplace, waving and saying "Good bye Santa Claus".

The toys that filled the living room distracted us, and our disappointment at missing Santa Claus once again, quickly faded.

My heart leaped for joy as I saw my dad, again, so young and vibrant. Dad was no longer on this earth, having passed away a little over a year ago after a long illness.

"Is my dad in heaven?" I asked Anael.

"Yes, and he is still bringing joy to all the children up there who have no families. I imagine right now he is waving goodbye to Santa Claus at the grand fireplace as all the children come running into the Main Hall."

"Yeah, I could see him doing that."

"Come, there is another Christmas Eve that was just as magical. It was your majestic awakening." I knew what he was talking about as we traveled in time again when I was 13 and my brother was 15.

The trip through the void was a short one and I found myself in another familiar room. Anael and I hovered over my brother and I, where we lay together in my bed laughing and joking and talking about far away places we would travel someday. It was late at night and we no longer had the magic of Santa Claus in our minds. Christmas would come early on Christmas day now, but my brother and I still were excited as the morning approached.

Back then, we shared a bedroom and our twin beds were separated by a single night table. It wasn't unusual that either one of us would climb into bed together. We usually were naked at that naive time, something that bothered my mother so we would make sure we would at least put on our jockey shorts before we fell asleep. But that night we were naked and not so innocently laughing and wrestling with each other.

"Ben?" Tom said as we stopped to take a breather.

"Yeah," I replied lying across my brother's arm. I always felt secure in his arms. I adored him and still do.

"Do you ever think about sex?" He gave a nervous laugh not sure how I would react to that question.

"Oh hell yeah," I said. I was always the outspoken one in the family and my vocabulary of curse words was quite extensive, even at 13 years old. This outspokenness got me into a lot of trouble throughout my life, even to this day.

"All the time. I'm always getting a woody. Sometimes I get embarrassed, especially at school," I continued.

"You mean when you are looking at the girls?"

"Well, not really. Most of the time its when I look at the guys after gym class when we shower, especially the guys in junior high," I said, not really knowing what the implications were back then.

"You mean you get a hard-on when you think of guys?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Do you get hard when you think of me?" he said as he reached under the covers and grabbed onto my rigid young pole. "Yeah, I guess you do," he laughed. "You got a big one there little brother, let me see it." He threw the covers from my body and stared.

"Damn that's a beauty bro. Later we'll measure it," he added and continued to laugh quietly.

Not to be outdone, I reached under the covers and found his dick to be just as hard as mine.

"Do you beat off much?" He asked.

"Fuck yeah," I laughed, "The white stuff started to come out, now. It scared my at first, but I like it now...a lot." We laughed again.

"Did you ever let anyone touch it, like you are now with me?"

"No, I would be too scared."

"You're not scared with me are you?"

"No, you're my brother and my best friend. Did you let anyone touch you?

"Yeah, Frankie Mitchell."

"Frankie Mitchell, damn I like him. He's one of the guys that get me hard. What did you guys do?" I asked never letting go of Tommy's hard dick and he held mine firmly in his hand, as well.

"Well, first we kissed..."

"Fuck! You kissed him?" I interrupted.

"Yeah, it was great. Want me to show you?"

"Hell yeah," I said with as much enthusiasm as my young body to muster.

Tom leaned up on his elbow, brought his lips to mine, and gently kissed me.

"Hmm, that's nice," I said and licked my lips. By this time my young dick was pulsing and ready to go further.

Tom leaned into me and kissed me, again, but this time he forced my mouth open with his tongue, and pushed it inside my mouth. I pulled away, at first.

"What's that?"

"It's called French Kissing," he said.

"Oh," I replied having vaguely heard that term on the playground. He moved in on me again and this time I opened my mouth willingly.

Then something happened inside me, something I never felt before. Tommy must have felt the same thing because we held each other tighter and we felt our bodies shake and his hands began to move all over my body, as mine moved over his. We breathed harder and faster. He started to move down toward my hard dick and I felt his mouth slide over it.

"Oh fuck, man," I whispered. I wanted to yell, but I didn't want to wake mom and dad.

Tommy moved his mouth as far as he could on my dick and kept moving up and down. I felt my heart race; I never felt anything so good in my life. He continued to do this for several minutes, then he abruptly stopped and brought his mouth to mine again and kissed me hard with is tongue inside. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled me over on top of him.

"Now it's your turn to suck me, little brother," he said with a smile.

"Me? I don't know how." My heart raced faster.

"It's easy, just put it in your mouth and do what I just did to you," Tommy said. I figured what the hell, it's Christmas Eve, and this would be my gift to my brother. So I moved down to his dick and noticed there was some clear stuff oozing out of the tip.

"What's that?"

"Oh, I ooze precum," he said

"Precum? Never heard of it."

I put my tongue to the tip of his dick and licked some of this precum stuff from it. "Not bad," I said then I put my mouth over the tip like he did to me, then started to slide down.

"Ouch," he said, "watch your teeth."

"Sorry," I said then put it back in my mouth and slid down too fast and started to gag.

"Not so fast, Ben, just take what you can and don't gag. Don't want you to throw up all over my dick," he laughed.

I did it again, but this time I just took what I could and moved up and down on it. The feeling of his dick in my mouth was fantastic. I loved how it felt and how it tasted. I ran my hands over his chest as I continued my sucking motion. Then he pulled his dick from my mouth.

"I'll show you one more thing," he said and moved his body to where his head was facing my dick and his dick was facing my head.

"Go ahead, put it in your mouth again," he urged. I didn't need coaxing and devoured it to the point where I could swallow, but this time I felt his mouth on my dick at the same time. This was even more fantastic than before.

We both moved faster and faster. This new sensation was unbelievable. Having his dick in my mouth and mine in his at the same time brought my young body and uncontrollable libido to the edge and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Without warning to Tommy, I began to cum in his mouth. He didn't pull away, he just swallowed my "white stuff" as I cummed over and over. Then I felt his tool begin to swell in my mouth and the most delicious warm cream sprayed inside. There was so much I had a hard time swallowing and some leaked out, but overall I did great. We swallowed until we both stopped cumming. I dropped his dick from my mouth and wrapped my arms around his legs, he did the same to me, and we lay there with big smiles on our faces.

"I guess this mean we're both gay," Tom said to me.

"What does that mean," I asked.

"We like boys and not girls."

"I don't know about other guys but, I love you big bro," I said.

"I love you too, little bro."

Anael and my dicks were hard reliving my first sexual experience with my brother.

"That was a fun Christmas Eve," I said to Anael. "The next day he taught me how to fuck. I been a bottom ever since," Anael laughed then kissed me.

"I do have to say, you do have quite the vocabulary," Anael said with a smile.

"Sorry, I will have to watch my language," I said. I guess, being with an angel and all, I had better cut down on the swear words, but he's so fucking cute. Oops! It's going to be more difficult than I think.

"Those were magical times, Ben. You and your brother have been very close ever since. He is very worried about you."

"Yeah, I know," I said, "I love my brother. He and his partner have been very good to me over the years. I haven't been very good to them over this past year. I haven't been good to anyone."

"Come, we have more magic to see," he said then grabbed my hand as the Crystal Christmas Tree passed us through time again, stopping at several more Christmas Eve's to show the fun and happiness that was all part of my Christmas' past. Everything from family gatherings to falling in love seemed to have happened on Christmas Eve for me. Even Chris and I first kissed on Christmas Eve over 3 years ago.

Chris had been on my mine every second of everyday over the past year, but funny thing, I hadn't thought about Chris since Anael started me on this journey. Somehow Chris didn't seem that important anymore. I stared at Anael and a wave of love covered me, but he's an angel. I wondered if angels could fall in love. But this could all be a dream and Anael is just a figment of my imagination.

Anael and I were standing in the void of time and space inside the Crystal Tree when he saw the far away look in my eyes. He took me in his arms.

"Ben, I have been assigned to you for some years now," he began.

"You have?" I said very surprised.

"How come I never saw you until now?"

"Because you didn't need me until now. Ben, over these years, I have watched your many acts of kindness and self-sacrifice for your friends and family. It had touched me deeply. Your love for Chris was a beautiful thing at first, but I am afraid he did not share that love the same way you had. I want to take you to one more stop, but this stop will not be as magical."

"Where you taking me?"

"Come," my angel said to me. This was the first time I was frightened. I wasn't sure why, but I felt something unpleasant was going to happen as I held his hand.

I was right.

I found myself in the present, standing in the middle of Chris's and his go-go boyfriend's bedroom. Chris had just pulled his dick out of his Twink boy's ass and rolled on his back next to him. For a quick moment my heart stopped as I looked at Chris' hot naked body. Then, the Twink laid his head on Chris's chest, like I used to do.

"Happy Anniversary," Twinky said to Chris, "it's been a year since you got away from that asshole Ben and moved in here."

"Yeah, I hear the fuckhead is still pining away for me," Chris laughed that nasty laugh of his when he says something to hurt someone. God I hated that laugh and right now I hated Chris.

"I couldn't wait to get out of there," he continued, "he was such a fucking easy mark. I could talk him into anything. All I had to tell him I loved him then fuck his ass. He made me sick. I don't know how I lasted two years with that guy. I don't know if I ever love him. He was a good fuck, though and I needed a place to stay while I went through school. He had this annoying habit of..."

"I heard enough, Anael. Please take me out of here," I wanted to cry but somehow it didn't seem to matter anymore.

He held me in his strong, warm, comforting arms and with a blink of an eye we were standing out in front of the Crystal Christmas Tree. He held me in his arms and I rested my head on his shoulder. His magnificent white wings were spread out and flapping in the wind.

"I'm sorry I had to show you that Ben, but I didn't want you to continue to be depressed over someone who didn't deserve you. He rubbed my back with his hands. It felt good and warm and comfortable.

"I didn't know he felt that way about me all this time. He never loved me? I'm such a fool."

"No, Ben, you were in love and that's a good thing, but sometimes love is not shared like we would like it to, no matter how much we try."

"I wish you were in my life sooner. It feels so good with you holding me. I could see myself falling in love with you," I said doubting angels could fall in love. "Maybe I am already in love with you, Anael. Can angels fall in love?" I asked felling I knew the answer.

"If we let ourselves. I've deliberately avoided any circumstances where I could fall in love. I was too busy showing others the way of love. Then you came along and there was no way I could resist you. Over all this time I was watching over you, I found I have fallen in love with you and to have you in my arms, now, is pure joy," he said with all sincerity.

"You're in love with me, Anael?"

I looked into his eyes and answered my question by bring his lips close to mine, and we kissed with more passion than before. Our tongue meshed into one as we knelt down in the soft, warm blanket of snow. He gently pushed me down on my back and lay on top of me, with is wings spread out. We kissed long and hard, then he rested his head on my chest.

"Ben, I want to make love to you. I want to be inside you, if that is ok," he asked.

"I would love that Anael, that is if it's not breaking any kind of Angel rules.

"I assure you, it is not," he said with a smile. "In spite of what you hear on earth from your so called religious leaders, He approves of love as long as it's real and Ben, I know what I feel is real. He encourages love in all its forms, even among angels."

"Then make love to me, my angel," I said.

I opened up my legs to him. I felt his erection push at my groin and I thrust my hard-on up into him. He looked at me and smiled, I felt him push at my legs as they spread wide open. He balance himself with his hands over me. His muscular arms bulged from the strain as I lifted my legs high. Then I felt his hard manhood push at my rosebud. I opened up and he slowly slid into me. It was magic. I could feel his magnificent cock open me up more than anyone had ever done before. The feeling was tremendous, he was huge but there was no pain. It was like he belonged inside me like this, we meld as one.

He knelt in front of me. His hard cock still firmly planted inside my rosebud as his enormous ballsack rested in my butt crack. I looked at him as the crystals from the Christmas Tree floated over his muscular body. He began to move his dick in and out of my hole. He moved slowly at first, then he leaned over me and my ass moved higher up as he began to pound that big dick of his deep inside me. Harder and harder he fucked my ass, faster and faster he moved inside me. This is what I wanted; this is how it should feel; this magnificent creature on top of me, aggressively attacking my manhole.

"Oh fuck me, Anael, my wonderful angel," I yelled out, forgetting my recent vow to watch my "language," and my voice echoed around us and through the forest. He assaulted my hole harder and harder. His wings flapped stirring up the snow around us. The light from the Crystal Christmas Tree reflected off the snow and illuminated our bodies.

"I love you, Ben," Anael yelled as I felt his hot spunk enter my body, filling my hole to overflowing. My orgasm was right after that and covered my chest and stomach as he continued to fill me with his sperm.

His wings slowed down and I felt his body lay on top of mine and our lips once again meshed together.

I wrapped my arms around him and said, "I love you too, Anael."

I closed my eyes then heard a loud tone. Over and over it sounded in my ear. Then I heard Rosie my dog barking loudly. I opened my eyes and I was lying in my bed, in my bedroom, in my house. The tone turned out to be my telephone.

"Was it all a dream?" I said to Rosie as she jumped on the bed and licked my face as the phone continued to ring. I grabbed for it, my mind still in a fog.


"Hey, there you are."

"Hi Tommy."

"You're still not down because of that asshole ex of yours are you?"

"Hmmm, no not really. I was sleeping and I had the strangest dream."

"Really, well you can tell me all about it when you come over tomorrow for Christmas dinner, right? Ted's cooking up a storm. The whole family will be there, aunts, uncles, cousins, even mom. If you're not there it wont be Christmas, please come."

"Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world. What time tomorrow," I asked.

"Dinner's at 5:00" Tommy said, "but come around noon, so we can talk. I miss our talks."

"Me too. And Tommy?"

"Yeah, Ben?"

"I love you bro, thanks for sticking it out with me."

"Hey, I love you, too always will. You were my first lover, remember?"

"Yeah, I could never forget that."

"Good, now come early, I want to hear all about this dream of yours, ok?"

"Yeah, that dream, it felt so real."

"We'll go off in some private corner and you could tell me all about it."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Bye bro, glad to have you back among the living."

"Thanks, Tommy, bye."

"Bye sexy," he said as we hung up.

I smiled as I looked at the clock. It was only 4:30 and just getting dark outside. I sat up on the side of the bed and looked at my chest. It was covered in sperm. Did I have a wet dream or what?

Then there was a knock at the door. I grabbed my pajama bottoms that lay at the foot of the bed and put them on. That is when I felt a wetness in my rectum. My hand instinctively went back there and it came back with sperm on my finger tips.

"It wasn't a dream! A wet dream could explain cum on my chest, but not in my ass. It was real!" I said all excited as the knock came at the door again and Rosie began to bark excitedly. I grabbed an old shirt and wiped the cum from my chest and butt, then put on my pajama bottoms.

"Quiet girl," I said to her and she calmed down, as we got closer to the door.

I opened it and my mouth dropped once again.

"Anael?" I said with a great big smile on my face.

"Merry Christmas, Ben," he said and he handed me a stuffed Teddy Bear with it's arms wrapped around a bottle of Champagne, "but I'm David right now, see no wings," Anael said as he made a gesture to turn and show me he didn't have wings.

The smile stayed on my face. Even though I wasn't sure how the David/Anael connection worked.

"Come in David," I said, not sure how to react, until he took me in his arms and kissed my on the lips hard and with passion.

"God, I am so in love with you, Ben. After last night, well that was unbelievable wasn't it?"

"So you were there and there's no difference between you and Anael?"

"I am Anael, Ben, with that one difference. I don't have wings," he laughed.

"This is so confusing," I said as I led him into the living room.

"Yeah, I know, but as time goes on, you will understand. That is if you want to."

"Of course, I do, Anael."

"Good," he said and kissed me. He then let me go.

"Let's open this bottle wine. I'll put on my shirt first."

"No, don't, I like to look at your body; I will take mine off, too," he said as the began to unbutton his shirt then took it off his shoulders. There was no doubt in my mind now, there was no difference between him and Anael. The body was the same, the same golden hair and blue eyes, the same muscular chest and abs.

"I'm the same person, Ben," David said seeing the look in my eyes.

"Yeah, I can see that," I said as I put arms around him and kissed him. A shiver went through my body as I felt this chest and stomach touch mine.

I took a deep breath, "I'll get the champagne flutes from the dining room for the wine." I kissed him one more time then turned to the get glasses thinking he would follow me. When I turned back David wasn't with me.

"Hey, David, where'd you go?" I said as I walked into the living room with the flutes and gasped at what I saw.

"It's a gift from Anael and me," David said as I walked up to him and put my arms around him. There, in front of the window stood a Crystal Christmas Tree, smaller than the one in the forest, but it sparkled just as brilliantly. The rainbows from the crystals glided across the walls and the ceiling as well as our naked torsos.

"Then you really are one in the same," I said and kissed him.

"Oh yeah," he smiled.

"Does the tree have the same magical powers to take us back in time?" I joked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Cool," I said very surprised.

"Come on let's drink the wine," David said, then popped the cork on the bottle of champagne and filled our glasses.

"Here's to us and angels," David said as we clinked our glasses and sipped our wine. We stared into each other's eyes, then we sat on the couch next to each other.

"Oh Ben, I want to make love to you, right here and right now, right on this couch," he said to me as we put our glasses down on the coffee table. He gently coaxed me to lie on my back. When I did, he lay on top of me and kissed my lips. Then he began to kiss his way down my body.

He got to my naval and pulled my pajama bottoms off. My rigid dick snapped out and pointed right at him.

"You have a beautiful body, my Ben," he said to me as he knelt in front of me and began to take off his pants. I tried sit up to help, but he stopped me.

"No, I want to look at your body as I get undressed."

I rubbed his hard dick through his jeans, then lay back down and watched him unbuckle his belt. He stood up, unbuttoned his fly, and pulled his jeans to his ankles. He wasn't wearing underpants. I thought how sexy that was. He took off his shoes, kicked off his jeans, and stood naked in front of me facing the Crystal Christmas Tree. The reflecting light of the rotating crystals danced along his body like mini-rainbows and sparkled around the room. His dick was as big and as magnificent as Anael's. Oh yeah, he is Anael.

He got closer then lay back down on top of me, we kissed again, but this time with lust and desire running through our bodies.

I felt his hard dick rub against mine as he moved up and down while we kissed. He let go of my lips and started to lick down my body, beginning at my neck, and down around my nipples. His tongue followed the valley in the center of my chest that ran through the center of my six-pack. He stopped at my navel and plunged his tongue down it. I jumped with excitement.

He moved down to my pubic hair, took a deep breath, then moved down to my dick. He ran his tongue around the tip, and licked all the way down my shaft. He kissed my balls then looked up at me and smiled as he took my cock between his lips and slowly swallowed it and deep throated me until his nose was buried in my pubes again. He started to gag, but that didn't stop him. It was as if gagging was part of the ritual. It was then that his mouth mold around my dick just as Anael did. Oh yeah, he is Anael.

"Oh fuck, David," I gasped, not caring about my vocabulary this time because this is how I felt. He slowly moved his mouth up my shaft and ran his tongue in my pee slit. He moved down my hard prick again, wetting it with his saliva. I looked down at him as his continued his up and down motion. I ran my fingers through his golden hair. It was as soft as Anael's. He stopped and sat up.

"You taste good," he said trying to catch his breath. He wiped some of his salvia that was dripping down his chin.

"Bring your dick up to me," I said to him. My heart was beating faster in anticipation of sucking this man or this angel that I was falling in love with. His blond hair and his perfect body was all part of it.

He moved his dick to my lips. My tongue reached out for it and he place the tip in the center then slid it into my mouth. My lips clamped around it and he began to move in and out.

"That feels so good, my Ben," he said as he fucked my face faster and faster. I moaned with delight as I ran my hands up his perfect body and played with his nipples and ran them down his six-pack abs, then around to his firm hard butt cheeks. I looked up at his face. He had a look of a man who was holding back his orgasm. His body gleamed with sweat and seemed to glow from the lights on the Crystal Christmas Tree.

"Oh, Ben, I'm going to cum," he said in desperation. You could tell he didn't want to just yet, but knew he couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Here it comes," he said, "Oh my lord!" and at the same time I felt his hot spunk shoot to the back of my throat. "Oh, oh, oh!" he yelled as I swallowed, then another blast, then another. As fast as I could swallow another load was right after that.

"Ahhhh," he said with each blast, until it eventually stopped and he pulled his dick out of my mouth. He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"You taste wonderful," I said to him while licking some of his spunk from my lips.

He kissed me again, then slid down further and gulped down my cock and suddenly let it go.

"I want you inside me, on that rug," he said pointing to the thick pile throw rug under the coffee table. "I'll move the table, you get the lube," he ordered. With that, he waved his hand and the golden flecks swirled around the coffee table, lifted it up with out spilling the champagne flute on top, and moved it off the rug.

I watched the show he put on for my benefit and smiled then I went to the bedroom and got a bottle of Astroglide. I walked back into the living room with my dick hard as ever.

He was kneeling on the rug with a smile on his face and his soft dick lay on his ballsack. I went up to him, leaned down, and kissed his lips. I stood back up and brought my dick to his mouth. He opened and swallowed it, molding his mouth around my shaft, then slowly moved in and out. He did this a few times then dropped my dick from his mouth.

"Lay down on your back. I want to straddle you," he said.

I lay down like he said and he lay on top of me. We kissed, licking our lips, and tongues, and chins, and noses, and eyes. We let our passion guide us.

He sat up and straddled my legs. "That's one magnificent erection you have there, my Ben. I can't wait to feel it inside me." He covered my dick with the lube and jacked it a couple time. "You sure are hard. I think you're ready."

"I know I am," I gasped. My body shook from anticipation. He then got himself into position, lining up my dick with his rosebud.

Ready Ben," David softly said to me.

"Oh yeah," I replied just as he opened up this sphincter and my dick moved slowly into his chute.

"Oh lord," David said as he continued to slide down my shaft. He stopped to take a rest.

"I'm not used to being a bottom," he admitted.

"Good, cause I'm not used to being a top," I smiled.

"Oh Ben, you feel so good inside me," he yelled out as his ass completely swallowed up my dick.

He began to move up and down, then leaned down and kissed my lips. My dick never left his rosebud. He pushed back up rubbing my chest, tweaking my nipples, then running his hands over my six pack.

His up and down motion increased and his tight ass nearly brought me to the brink.

"Stop, I don't want to cum yet," I gasped, "This feels too good to end."

"Glad you like it my Ben, cause that dick of yours feels fantastic," he said with a big grin. You could tell by his expression he meant what he said. I looked at his cock that just dropped a huge load down my throat just a few minutes ago, and it was hard as a rock again.

"Damn you just cummed and your dick is hard again."

"Yeah, it's you, my Ben, that does this to me," he said still a bit out of breath, but he started to move up and down again. I felt it wouldn't be long before I couldn't hold out anymore.

He moved up and down harder now, I was close to the point of no return and I began to thrust my hips up to his ass. Faster, he moved the harder I plunged inside his butt.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum," I yelled as I felt my jizz fill up his ass around my cock.

"Ahhhhh," David yelled out as he shot another load, but this time all over my chest and stomach.

"Oh god," we both shouted at the same time while we unloaded our sperm, me inside his ass and him all over my chest and stomach.

Finally, our orgasms stopped. He knelt there with my dick still inside him trying to catch his breath. His eyes never left mine. I took my finger and slid them through the cum on my body then licked my fingers clean. He must have liked seeing that, and bent over and lick some of the cum and held it on this tongue, then reached up and kissed my lips, depositing his cum into my mouth. His dick slid from my ass. He lay on top of me, neither one of us said a word for a while.

"Ben, could I stay the night? I would love to hold you until morning."

I smiled and held him tighter, "David you could stay as long as you like."

"Good," he said then gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you, my Ben."

"I love you too,...Umm, David. I still feel funny calling you David."

"Then call me Anael, if that makes you feel better."

"Yeah, I think I would like that. I love you Anael." We kissed again.

"Hey," I said staring at my angel, "why don't you come to Christmas Dinner with me tomorrow at Tommy's."

"Yeah, I would like that a lot. Do you think it would be a problem, though, I am an uninvited guest?"

"Nope, my brother will be very glad to meet you." I couldn't wait to tell Tommy all about my angel.

"Then I'll go with you."

"I thought this was going to be the worst Christmas Eve ever, but instead I have this beautiful Crystal Christmas Tree and of course, I have you in my life and, I've gotten very personal with my guardian angel," I smiled, "This turned out to be the most magical Christmas Eve, ever."

"Merry Christmas, my Ben."

"Merry Christmas, my Anael."

The End and Merry Christmas one and all.

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