The Curse of Troy Fletcher

By Stu Hadley

Published on Jan 3, 2020


The Curse of Troy Fletcher Chapter 1

Troy Fletcher was a jock fuck boy, interested only in his own selfish pleasures. All that changed when he started donating at his local sperm bank and churning out surrogate sons. But in a twisted turn of fate, an important friendship turns sour and a spurned woman curses him. She takes full revenge on his (supposed) sexual deviancies, leaving Troy and ten of his adult sons cursed forever...

Just roll with it ;-)

Overall themes include fucking and sucking (all chapters!), sperm donation (chapter 2), domination and humiliation (all, but particularly chapters 3 and 8), piercings (3 and 5), big dicks (all, 6), heavy cum production (4 and 7), lactation (5), leather (8), fisting (8 and 9) and loss of control.

This chapter's themes includes sucking, fucking and domination. Average reading time 25 minutes.

If you enjoy reading this - or any story in the Nifty archive - please make a donation to keep this invaluable resource going. Any and every contribution helps. Thanks!

Troy was worried. He'd had to deal with the consequences of the curse for a long time but now it was going to get truly personal.

He was 47 and the perfect vision of a hot and butch muscle bear. Tall, tanned and with stubble and chest hair running to silver... And yet something was not quite right. He was a man whose confidence seemed to be draining away with every breath.

That was the curse showing itself.

It had all started back in 1990 when Troy was 17... It was the one of the first training sessions of the season and coach was pushing the team hard. Exhausting as it was, Troy had held back though: one of his new team mates was going to be his after-practice fuck bitch, willing or not.

After all, the word cocksure could have been coined for Troy. He had first started growing pubic hair at eleven and had a nice full bush by the age of his thirteenth birthday. Soon he couldn't help but see that his cock was growing at the same rate as his fur - at fourteen he noticed it was lengthening nicely just as his first curly chest hairs were densely sprouting. By age fifteen his dick was taking on a girthy stance all of its own, whilst his legs became coated with long, curly brown hairs. By sixteen his balls were swelling in size and output, copiously churning in their sack, swinging lower by the day.

By seventeen he was easily touching six foot and was well-muscled with broad shoulders and deep pits. His face was strong and handsome, half covered in a dense shadow of stubble from early in the day. His eyes were startlingly green and his hair a mop of wavy light brown curls, still dirty from the summer sun.

What would we have seen if we looked into those `still-a-schoolboy-not-quite-a-man' eyes though? The soul of a weapons-grade fuck brute, that's what. Troy was ruled by his base instincts. A desire to compete, to conquer and to win against other males. Not just on the field, but in the bedroom, changing room, classroom, back alley, bowling alley and bar. Anywhere he could fuck and fuck hard. However, for him it wasn't enough to say that every hole was a goal. Sure, he could force himself on pretty much any guy he wanted, but he enjoyed far more using his big dick, giant load and his inexhaustible guile to corrupt and fuck his prey up. That was his true target.

Yet right now and to his despair he was being unintentionally cock-blocked. The coach had held him back as his team mates and potential fuck conquests left the field. Some bullshit about Troy being distracted and that he would need to get his shit together if he wanted to make team captain this year.

Of course, the truth was that Troy had been distracted, painfully distracted. He hadn't unloaded all day, not even a quickie before school or a forced suck job from one of the younger students at break. And then to be on the pitch and surrounded by all that fresh meat? It was fucking unbearable! All practice he'd felt his pre-syrup uncomfortably ballooning the condom he always wore to stop any errant dick leakage staining his shorts.

After what seemed like an eternity Troy was finally free to start the long jog back to the school buildings. It was a Friday afternoon and, even though he knew the changing rooms would be clearing out fast, he couldn't help but stop his dick chubbing up at the memory of past conquests. God, did he need to unload somewhere tight and juicy... if he was lucky - and he usually was - they'd be an unsuspecting freshman waiting to be corrupted into a hot cum dump.

He opened the changing room doors and immediately smelt the rich funk of steam, sweat and teenage hormones. Troy's heart sunk as he felt how empty the building was; had everyone cleared out already? No! There was definitely one guy left... young Billy Thomas. Hot damn! He'd seen Billy's perfect bubble butt storming up and down the field, looking so fuckable it was almost unreal. And now here he was, sitting on the benches, still clothed and sweaty from the field, scrolling his phone.

Troy let the door slam and caught the boy's eyes as he looked up in surprise. Welcome to the brotherhood bitch. He casually strolled over to the wooden benches where Billy was sitting. Troy's locker was nearby... well, in the same building at least.

Was this moment fate or destiny? Who knows what the truth was?

Maybe it was Billy's unfortunate fate that he was the newest and most junior member of the team? Coach had assigned him the job of stowing the team's gear and making sure it was ready for the next practice. It had been a slow and arduous job and he'd only just got to the changing room moments before Troy. However, that still gave him just enough time to get ready for his hot date with Cindy Bellows, a big-chested cheerleader his age who seemed won over by his innocent looks and big team potential. Before Troy had walked in Billy had caught a moment to look back at Cindy's messages, excitingly geeing himself up for the evening.

Or, maybe Troy walking in to find Billy was destiny? It was certainly true that Billy's teenage hormones were all over the place and couldn't be trusted. Why else would the sight of Troy at the changing rooms make Billy blush? Immediately his mind had been thrown back to earlier in the week when the team had been showering together. Despite the amazing display of jock flesh, it was Troy that had captivated Billy. He couldn't help it, each momentary peek making his dick uncontrollably firm up. Surely that was wrong?

Billy thought he had hidden his stolen glances well but Troy was almost paranormally gifted at knowing when he was being checkout out. In fact, Troy knew that look well. He saw the look of a guy needing dick so bad that he didn't know it yet. Of a small-town boy who was was physically mature but naive and inexperienced for his age. Of someone who would be only too happy to have their cherry taken by a hung jock. Or at least, that was what Troy told himself...

Oh my god thought Billy as Troy sauntered over. There was Big Dick Energy on full-display. Deep breathes, deep breathes...

"Hey, how's it going, man? Good practice, eh? Great to be on the field again, right?" Troy asked in his deep baritone voice. "I love this time of year when the team starts to come together, don't you?" He deliberately overwhelmed Billy with questions, instinctively knowing that the shy and younger guy would be both pleased and scared to be noticed. "I love this time of year when the team starts to come together, eh?"

"Erm, yeah, I guess" said Billy haltingly, stuffing his phone into his bag.

"Of course, you weren't here last season. What's your name again?"

"It's Billy" said the teenager, fiddling with his kit bag. In return, Troy smiled with true star power and held out his hand.

"Hi Billy, I'm Troy." The two shook, Troy holding on to the proffered hand for just a millisecond too long whilst his eyes bored into the boy's soul. Or at least that's the way it felt to Billy. Of course, if he'd truly been paying attention then he would have seen Troy's fucktube twitch as they grasped hands.

"Good to have you with us Billy, I'm sure you'll be a big asset around here. That was a hard practice though, right? And can you believe coach kept me back after practice to ream my ass out? Not literally of course..." Troy chuckled.

Billy smiled but didn't join in. It was too close to the bone. He felt intimidated by such casual jokes about fucking - deep down it was something he didn't dare think about. He was straight, right?

None of this mattered to Troy. The certainty of Billy's inevitable conquest gave him all the ease and confidence he needed to casually manoeuvre his muscular frame just inches from Billy's sitting body and nonchalantly start to take his kit off. He lifted his t-shirt up with the maximum stretch possible to expose his taut stomach, treasure trail and damp pits. He then carelessly flung his top aside and hooked his thumbs into his waistband to pull his shorts down in one. He was left virtually naked, standing just in his bulging jock and sneakers.

Billy gawped and didn't know where to look.

Troy was confident, easy going and popular with the entire team, everything that the new boy desperately wanted to be. Plus, he was absolutely stacked. Billy suddenly realised just how intently he was staring at the heavy package right in front of his face. He quickly shook his head and moved to take his t-shirt off too, desperate to blend in and cover his obvious blushes. He struggled to remove his shirt, but in doing so revealed a tight body that was just beginning to fill out. Billy was a year or so younger than Troy, but way shorter and slighter than Troy had been at that age. His skin was smooth and clear, his hair flaxen and a small, scrappy patch of fur huddled between his tight pecs. Perfect fuck material thought Troy. Billy shoved his top in his kit bag and rummaged around, pretending he wasn't watching. That was the cue for Troy to force Billy to pay attention.

"Of course, if you want stay in the coach's good books you'll follow my advice. Right, chief?" said Troy, knowing a little bit of over-familiarity and friendship always went a long way, and that Billy's small town manners were far too strongly ingrained for him not to look directly at someone when answering a question.

"Oh, yeah okay, thanks... if it's not too much trouble, I'd like that" he replied. It was at this exact moment that Troy, standing right in front of Billy, pulled down his jock and let his resplendent dick and balls out into the open air.

Troy's brazenness struck Billy dead. Of course, why shouldn't someone be naked in a changing room, that was the point of point of getting changed, right? But this was different. Billy was sitting on the benches whilst Troy casually stood just inches away. Billy couldn't escape the view looking upwards: wall-to-wall cock and balls. He was dumb stuck.

"Wait...what...?" shook Billy in disbelief.

Troy pretended to be confused and cupped one hand under his junk as if to say `oh, this oversized fuckslab and cum-packed balls, they're nothing'. And then he did a classic double take... "Oh, sorry man, you mean this!" gesturing to the condom rolled on his shaft. "Yeah, I've been wearing one of these fuckers for a couple of years now. Nothing big, it's just that I leak a serious amount of pre and I don't want it staining my jock and shorts. I'm sure you have the same problem, right?"

Billy, of course, did not. And nor could Billy imagine ever having a dick that was so big that even flaccid an obviously oversized condom would be such a tight fit. Nor that the tip would be hanging an inch or so below the helmet, full of potent milky fluid. Billy tried to be as non-plussed as possible, but it didn't take a genius to see that he was fascinated. And horrified. And turned on.

Ignoring that Billy hadn't answered, Troy carried on talking. "Of course, the other useful thing about wearing a rubber is that I can drink the run-off."

Billy's face was a picture of appalled shock. "Fuck off man, that's gross!" shaking his head from side to side in true disbelief.

"Wait-- you don't drink your own cum? All the top athletes and models swear by it! Best source of protein and nutrients there is. Hell, I even heard that Carl Lewis and Michael Jordan do it religiously! Coach got on the bandwagon a while back and strictly enforces it, under the radar of course. He says that if you're not drinking a load a day then you'll never make the try outs. Hell, I've been doing it for the last 2 years and look at me. It's given me an edge. Made me stronger for sure."

The lean, muscular and hairy jock put his hands on his hips and unassumingly pushed his junk slightly forward to reinforce the point. Troy's hefty yet still flaccid cock jiggled slightly, the rubber sack of dick syrup hanging from the end swaying like a pendulum.

Billy looked on in confusion. Part of him was repulsed. He'd had a few blow jobs in his time but none to completion - in fact none of his girlfriends so far had ever wanted to even taste his load, let alone swallow it. Yet here was this total stud saying that drinking your own cum was all the rage and the key to peak performance. But surely that would make him gay? Really?

"Come on Billy, what's the matter? You do want to be on the team, right? A guy like you is wasted carrying water bottles and sports gear, surely?"

"Yeah... it's just I'm not sure about swallowing my cum" replied Billy.

"Well, if you're not prepared to do what it takes..." said Troy huffily, almost turning away.

"Oh no, I am, I am... it's just..." struggled Billy, not wanting to sound uncommitted but grasping at a way out. This was way too much for him.

"I tell you what chief, I'll make it easy. You can have mine, I've got plenty to go around after all."

"Oh no--" said Billy, quickly cut off by Troy. "Don't be silly, it's the least I can do. I would hate for you to be left out." Of course, Troy was talking utter bollocks, he didn't drink his own cum and nor did anyone else on the team. Nor did any supermodels or Olympic athletes come to that, but it was just the kind of plausible bullshit that a naive 90s lad could be made to believe.

This was the kind of moment that Troy lusted after. These were the moments that he wanked himself to sleep over, that made his hard dick bust a gut. He had to control it though. The game would be up if Billy saw Troy's cock firming up in antcipation. He'd heard from some of his straight friends that chicks often didn't like to suck dick. That even the thought of being gagged by a hard cock made them flat out refuse. He'd even heard variations from some of his jock buds: that a boy could take it but no more than a throat was willing to take.

Fuck that, thought Troy! He could manipulate, humiliate and transfix any pussy to swallow his cock and cum any way he wanted. He just needed the chance! Normally he would have removed the cum catcher off his dick before he entered the changing rooms - no need for everyone to know that his balls were an overactive spunk factory - but today instinct had told him that he should leave it on.

His instincts had been right.

Not leaving a moment for Billy to back down, Troy started unrolling the extra large rubber down the length of his cock, making sure none of the precious fluids escaped. The tip had got considerably bigger as they'd been talking - he'd been heavily leaking more fresh spooge from the moment he'd seen Billy. Troy was extra careful with the last inch or so, squeezing his veiny shaft hard to force out any juice that was still travelling the length of his long dick. He was determined to give Billy every drop.

"Here we go chief, all for you" Troy said, holding the bulbous container in his finger tips.

Billy looked up at the jock standing above him naked except for his trainers and socks. Troy's taut body was sweaty and his hair matted, his face full of deep, serious intent. His dick, now free of its rubber prison, was projecting confidently out from his body, and could no longer be controlled. The erect shaft tugged his foreskin back and unsheathing a bulbous and flared helmet. The cock lips were already glistening again with fresh pre, as Troy's egg-sized balls slowly churned in their low-hanging sack, forcing fluid out to make space for more. The air was tangy with the smell of jock sweat and precum...

All Billy's attention was focused on the slack spunk sack in Troy's hands though. One part of Billy told himself that this was all wrong, but his racing heart and the fact that his own dick had got uncomfortably hard in the presence of Troy said he needed to do this. Hesitatingly, he reached upwards out for the condom. However, Troy wasn't having any of it.

"No man, I'll feed it to you! After all, it is your first time and I'm doing you the favour. Get down on your knees" said Troy, sternly gesturing to the floor in front of him. Billy, almost in a trance by this point, moved from the bench and lowered himself down. He couldn't believe just how close he was to Troy's hard cock and just how heavy the bag of spunk looked - way more than Billy could ever shoot.

"That's it, chief. I know this is going to be good for you. Just put your head back and open your mouth. I'll pour it right in." He held the johnny in one hand and used his other to `help' Billy by supporting the back of his neck. Really it was just to make sure he couldn't break away.

Troy looked deep into Billy's eyes and held his gaze. "You sure you want this, chief? It's your choice of course... but this is how I got big and strong. Swallowing cum. You want that, right boy?"

"I do" said Billy, almost believing he had the courage to say it out loud. He felt like he didn't have a choice. It was the beginning of the year after all and he did need to make friends.

"Okay, here we go..."

Troy made a great play of carefully bringing the sponge laden sheath to Billy's open mouth and then -- accidentally of course! -- slipped, managing to drop the bulging condom straight onto Billy's nose. Bullseye! The giant load of precum immediately drenched the teenager's face, covering his nose and cheeks with the sweet syrup.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry" Troy rushed to say. Billy had snapped his mouth shut in shock when the the sticky rubber and already tepid liquid landed on his face. Troy was quick to try and help, picking the condom out of the gunk and casually throwing it away. The fact that it humiliatingly landed on Billy's naked shoulder like a wet clam was neither here not there. Troy used both of his hands to try and wipe the cum away but in reality all Troy was doing was rubbing the load deep into Billy's skin, glazing him like a donut. Billy instinctively grabbed the shirt from his bag and kept on trying to lift it up to rub the gunk away, but Troy kept on pushing him down, saying no, don't worry, I've got this, fingering some - but not all - of the errant cum into the boy's mouth.

Troy took a moment to pause, one finger still in Billy's mouth, teasing the boy's tongue. "Man, I'm so sorry! I feel really bad, not only are you covered in my jizz, but you didn't get any of the benefits. How the fuck are you going to get on the team now?" Troy said intensely. "Christ, if coach hears about this he's going to be pissed!"

Billy's nostrils were thick with the intoxicating smell of spunk. Already the fluid had started to dry on his face, leaving it taut and crusty. Troy's fingers - seemingly without realising it - were still gently prying Billy's mouth. It was only later - years later - that Billy would realise the fingers were a substitute dick, perfectly tangy with the taste of jock pre.

Billy was transfixed. He had never even thought to take a dick in his mouth before but now he suddenly wanted more. So much more. It was like a switch had been flicked inside of him and somehow it felt as natural as breathing. You could have cut the pheromones with a knife, they were that thick.

Billy tried to start talking, prompting Troy to languidly remove his fingers and apologise. They didn't drift that far away from Billy's head though, moistly caressing Billy's chin with a touch that felt electric to the needy and horny teenager.

"Well, if coach is going to be pissed..." said Billy, not quite believing his nerve, "we could always go for another load?"

"What do you mean, boy?" said Troy gruffly, smiling on the inside. By christ, he would give this boy a cock addiction he wouldn't believe!

Billy's heart was racing, his mouth suddenly bone dry and his throat tight. He couldn't quite believe he was doing this but he had a raging hard-on. Nothing could have stopped him. "I could always... you know... suck your dick?" he said, wilting on the inside. What had he just said?

"What do you mean Billy? I'm not a fag you know!" said Troy indignantly, dramatically releasing the boy's head from his hands.

"No, no--" stammered Billy.

"I mean, it's okay for a guy to be sucked off, but if you're the guy doing the sucking then that's makes you gay. Are you gay, Billy?"

There was a pregnant pause as Billy struggled to answer. This was all moving too quick! He barely started to stammer out of course-- before Troy cut him off from the all important last word: not.

"Well, why didn't you say so? Because all the gay boys love Troy's big dick!"

Without pausing for a beat the jock totally owned the moment. He leaned his crotch in and wiped the giant helmet of his cock- glistening with fresh precum - across Billy's wet and cum stained lips. Billy didn't know what hit had him.

"That's it chief, savour the taste." Troy knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that the lips are one of the most nerve rich parts of the body and that he was rubbing a gorgeous and flavour laden pole right across them. Moistening and preparing them for what was to come. Billy trying to gabble out that he wasn't gay just meant that his lips got even more deep coated with pre.

"Now, open your mouth, boy..." said Troy. Billy resisted for the briefest of moments as if he was sensing there would be no going back from this moment. Troy felt the hesitation and immediately returned one of his strong hands to the back of Billy's neck, gripping it in a pincer. "Don't tense up on me now, boy. I know you want this..."

The pressure on Billy's neck was intense and he opened his mouth in shock. Troy immediately slid his bulbous helmet into the expectant hole. "Can you feel the weight and warmth? The heft? Feels good, right? Nod if you like it, boy. That's it, do you want more? I bet you do." He was looking so firmly and expectantly there was no way that Billy could say no, even if he wanted to.

Troy started feeding more of his thick and tangy meat down the boy's throat. All the while he egged Billy on, saying he needed to get used to it, that he was going to be taking a lot more dick from now on. Slowly the fuckpole forcibly sunk all the way down Billy's gullet, prompting Troy to cry out: "You've got it all chief! You were made for this, you're making my cock feel great boy!"

Billy suddenly gagged, though we'll never know whether that was in reaction to hearing Troy say that everyone would know he was a cocksucker from now on or from a thick dick touching his tonsils for the first time. Troy held his cock steady though, telling the boy he needed to get used to it and that if he felt his teeth he would be permanently sorry.

"I believe in you boy, I know you can do this" said Troy, seamlessly switching between fuck master and gentle (but incessant) tutor. Slowly, Billy adjusted, getting used to the warmth, taste, smell and texture of the fuckslab in his mouth... the wiry pubes and sweaty ball funk pressing down on his nose and chin.

Troy knew that it was time to step up the pace. He started to long dick his cock in and out of Billy's throat. A tight mouth or ass was what Troy lived for, and Billy's mouth felt so fucking good that his cock was alive with pleasure. He was leaking epic amounts of dickspooge, coating Billy's mouth and turning it into the perfect face-fuckchute.

"You're a natural at this chief, I don't know why you've waited so long... Are you sure you're a virgin, as your throat feels like a pro right now! You're taking it like a man... that's it, keep on massaging my meat with your throat. You're the best fucking cocksucker that's ever tasted my dick, suck me boy, make me feel good!"

Of course, these were things that tops all over the world have been saying for centuries to make fags feel that sucking dick was the right thing to do. To be honest Troy was saying whatever was necessary to keep his dick fucking Billy's mouth. But to Billy it felt like the highest praise: you're a natural and you can take this... and much, much more of this.

Of course, Billy wasn't a natural. There were tears in his eyes and if it weren't for both of Troy's hands holding the back of his head, holding him steady, then Billy would have withdrawn a long time ago. But that wasn't a possibility. Troy picked up a gear and started thrusting his hips whilst moving Billy's head in perfect sync. Now, this, THIS, was natural to Troy. Brutal, full frontal face fucking. All his smooth words had been in the cause of his animalistic dick lust. Fuck Billy's latent desires, it was his dick that was king.

Inevitably, Billy started to choke, gag and scream onto Troy's cock as the abuse on his mouth kept on going. "You puke and I'll make you lick it up, bitch" shouted Troy. His breath was coming faster, almost panting. Meanwhile, Billy couldn't help but notice that no matter how painfully stretched his mouth was, his own cock was achingly tenting his shorts. In fact, he couldn't remember his dick ever being harder.

"Gonna cum!" Troy shouted. Billy instinctively tried to pull back and off the cock, even though he said he'd wanted Troy's load. He got his mouth about halfway back before the first throbbing spurt of semen shot into his mouth. The thick cum clogged Billy's throat and nasal passages, choking him. "Take it faggot! Swallow my fucking spunk!"

It was a giant load (maybe Troy suffered from hyperspermia as well as his over active hormones constantly leaking precum?) and it was way too much for the formerly virgin cocksucker. Hell, it would be a lot for even the most experienced fags. Some of it went down into Troy's stomach, some swirled around his tongue, but most rebounded off his throat and overflowed his mouth. Was it salty, sweet or bleachy? Billy wasn't sure.

Troy was most incessant that Billy gulped every drop though - feeding him the cum that landed on his chest - and making sure that Billy polished the end of his knob to lick up every fat drop. All the while Troy pointed out just how hard Billy was, painfully tenting the front of his shorts.

"I knew you could do it chief, I'm proud of you. Hell, with those skills I bet you'll make the team!" said Troy, smiling down at Billy. It was almost as if the violence of the last few minutes hadn't happened. Troy had fucked Billy's mouth as if he wasn't there, as if he was just a hole to be used. Billy felt he could have been anyone or anything. He was torn between feeling revulsion, excitement and guilt at what had just happened...

And yet the base truth was that he never been turned on so much nor felt his cock so rock hard. A strand of saliva still connected his mouth to the tip of Troy's meat, Troy's pulsating and hard meat. Billy wasn't to know that when it came to sex Troy had the ferocity of a much older and experienced top, the stamina of a professional athlete and the reload rate of the most sex-crazed of teenagers. The few suck jobs Billy had had with girls were nothing on this.

Troy looked down. Billy's eyes were red and his face was glazed in cum. The boy seemed satisfied but Troy could recognise when someone was still achingly horny. He could feel it... this was the moment. "Of course Billy, now I've done a favour for you, maybe you could do a favour for me?"

"What do you mean?" asked Billy, hesitatingly.

"Why, let me fuck you of course!"

Billy was shocked and appalled.

"No way Troy! I mean.... just no. There's no way I could take your cock, you're way too big for me... I don't want to be fucked! And someone might walk in, we're fucking lucky not to have been caught already..." stammered the teenager, struggling to string together every excuse he could think of. Because of course Billy was right. Troy was too big for a tight, virginal hole like his. And anyone could walk into the musky, hormone filled and sweaty changing rooms at any moment.

And yet that was the way that Troy liked it and he sure wasn't going to let a genuine cherry get away!

"Don't worry boy, it will fit. My meat is designed for stretching out tight holes just like yours" said Troy. Already his dick was twitching at the thought of impaling Billy's untouched arse.

"But I'm not gay Troy!" decried Billy.

"Bitch, purleese! You've just taken my cock like a pro, don't be giving me any of that I'm not gay' bullshit. Once a cocksucker, always a cocksucker and I've never seen anyone so hungry for my meat. Besides, I've taken one of your cherries and there's no way I'm not taking your fuck cherry too. Not if you want to be on the team, that is. Coach likes team' players, not self-centred assholes!

It's only fair, Billy. I've just `given' you one of my loads after all. You asked for it, remember? It seems like I'm the one doing all the work here. Jeez, you younger guys can be so fucking ungrateful, you try to do something for a guy and then..." Troy let his words drift off into a painful silence.

Feeling his moment, he struck hard. "I tell you what chief, I'll make it easy for you, I've even got some lube to help open you up" said Troy with a big smile, as if he was doing Billy a giant courtesy. He was always prepared and bent down to the floor to retrieve his shorts and find the hidden inside pocket. In seconds a small sachet of lubricant was in his hands. He handed it to Billy - still on his knees - and told him to get his dick nice and slick.

Time stood still as the enormity of the moment struck Billy. He wasn't gay but... was he? Surely his dick couldn't tell a lie, and right now? Ouch.

Troy stared Billy down and willed him into applying the slimy lube. "Go on bitch. If you don't grease me up then I'm going in dry, and I bet you don't want that?"

Billy gulped. There was no way his arse could cope with that. He squeezed a fat line of the clear fluid along the length of Troy's fat shaft. It was a long line, nearly 9" in length. Troy then encouraged Billy to smear it over the full circumference of his dick. It was the first time that Billy had felt a dick that big with his hands and he couldn't help but compare it to his own - both wanting the heft and yet being intimidated at the same time.

Once Troy's cock was liberally slicked, Billy instinctively realised that the next move was on him. Carried away in the moment as if it were inevitable, he finally stood up and removed his shorts, leaving just his jock behind. His dick tented the fabric, the front of which was slimy with his own splurge of precum.

Troy quickly spun the boy around - he wasn't interested in the teenager's dick - he wanted that boy butt! With one hand he made a great show of copping a feel of the teenager's sweet ass, squeezing the cheeks firmly. With his other hand he secretly swiped off a good portion of the lube that Billy had so diligently applied. Fuck that! Troy only used enough lube to make it just comfortable enough for himself. Pain was the signal to his bitch the conquest was beginning, a cunt full of cum was the signal his conquest was complete.

"Jesus, where have you been hiding that ass, you little slut? You have the perfect bubble butt, made to be fucked! I'm going to enjoy taking your cherry, bitch!"

Not giving Billy a chance to process the compliment and insult laden threat, Troy spun Billy back round and pushed him onto the changing room benches. A towel or two and Billy's bag as headrest would have to suffice, that was the only comfort he was prepared to give the bottom-bitch. In moments, Billy was lying on his back, his legs high in the air.

"See! I knew you wanted it! Now, take it like a fucking man, bitch!" said Troy, moving in towards his prey. His cock was seriously juicing up in preparation. Any doubts Billy might have had were being steam rolled by Troy's intensity and sheer determination to fuck.

"Wait, wait!" cried Billy "what about protection?"

"Too late for that chief, unless you want to clean the dick-sheath that's still sticking to your shoulder... Yeah, I thought not. Besides you don't need to worry, I can't catch anything from a virgin butt like yours" said Troy forcibly. "Now get ready, you're going to enjoy this a lot, I promise. Well, maybe not at first, but..."

Troy was an expert at this. He may have been young, but genetics had gifted him with a big cock and a powerful desire to use it. His sexual journey had started many years earlier, and he was no stranger to opening a guy up. He knew that `just' the right amount of lube on a hard dick combined with enough pressure and the right amount of fuck-lust could conqueror just about anything. And get through the tightest barrier. And so what if it was painful or the bottom complained? In Troy's mind, Billy was fucking lucky. His cherry was being taken by a dick that was only 9" long. Sure it may have been insatiable, but it wasn't like some of those nigger cocks. They were really big. True, he may have had some girth on those punks, but really he was doing Billy a favour.

Troy pushed the tip of his big prick forward so the head touched Billy's puckered and resisting hole. He felt Billy tense up. This wouldn't do at all! He used one hand to steady himself, placing it firmly on Billy's hips. The other he held free for when he needed it.

"I want you to push back Billy, like you're taking a big dump" he ordered. Billy was a good boy and Troy immediately sensed just enough relaxation to get the tip of his dick in. Troy knew that all he needed to do now was push... push... firmly and resolutely. Never giving up until his fat shaft was firmly embedded in Billy's tight hole and his balls had bottomed out.

The shock of his ass being opened up by Troy's hard dick - even if it was just the tip - caused Billy to cry out. "Please man, take it easy!"

Anger and cruelty suddenly welled up in Troy. Take it easy?! Troy knew exactly how to gently harvest a cherry, but he also knew how to power fuck. He suddenly got fed up of Billy being such a pussy. He mindset changed, from being gentle tutor to wanting to spear the little cunt, causing the maximum damage possible. I'll give you easy boy, I'll show you just how easy it is to own your ass, bitch!

He suddenly pushed forward with all his body weight. There wasn't a hole alive that could withstand an iron hard dick with 170lbs of jock muscle behind it. It was a fucking tight fit, a real stretch, but Troy was determined. He'd never been prevented from fucking a guy because of a tight snatch and he certainly wasn't going to be stopped now.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" wailed Billy. Troy had heard it all before. Why are boys so unoriginal when they get fucked for the first time? By rights they should be thanking Troy right now, thanking him for the privilege of being opened up by such a hung jock stud.

Finally he reached base camp. His dick was alive, he was alive, this is what he lived for... the walls of his bitch's ass were now warm and snug and his cock felt like a velvet glove was wrapped around it, milking it and taunting it to cum.

He held out though, taking pleasure in knowing that this boy's hole would never be so tight again. It was painful for Billy, but - fuck it! - Troy knew that once he started fucking - slow at first and then faster with more punishing strokes - Billy's hole would warm up and would become more receptive. Whatever pain Billy was in now would soon be replaced by a feeling of wonder that he'd managed to live this long without a big dick constantly pounding his ass.

As the punishing girth of Troy's thick dick kept up its hard work, Billy's eyes went from wonder to amazement and excitement. From doubt and acceptance to full on cock-lust.

It was all the cue Troy needed to go into full-on power fuck mode. Billy was finally so wrapped up in the sensations in his hole that he had no thought for his own dick. There was no way he could even touch it, he just needed to hold on for dear life and accept his new status as a fuck-hole. Troy was never one to help out. Fuck that, the sensations of his dick ploughing should be more than enough for a bottom, if they don't shoot, fuck em, that's there own fault.

Relentlessly Troy long-dicked the freshly minted pussy, putting all his energy into ensuring that Billy would never forget his first fuck, the moment his cherry was taken. Each stroke was more savage and deeper than the last, before Troy finally released and filled the boy's hole with cum. He pulled out and dismounted with a squelch, their bodies a rank mess of fuck.

"There, I said you'd enjoy it, didn't I?" Troy told Billy.

"My god, I didn't know sex was going to be like that" replied Billy, exhausted from the fucking, his hole quivering and struggling to hold the lube, cum and ass juices in.

"That's a great hole kid, you can really take a fuck. I just knew you were going to be an asset to the team. Lots of the guys like me need a tight end to unload in. I'm just glad I got there first. Not so tight anymore, eh?!"

Troy didn't give Billy a chance to answer back, reaching out a hand to pull the teenager upright and off the bench. It was now dusk outside, and it seemed like hours since practice had ended.

"I see you didn't cum though" sad Troy, nodding down at Billy's hard dick still tenting his jock. "You should probably save that for when you get home, maybe swallow your own load, give yourself a boost?"

"What, wait?!" thought Billy, the mention of home suddenly reminding him of his date with Cindy. Fuck! He needed to get ready, all thoughts of what he'd just done put to one side. "I need to have a shower..." gesturing to his mashed up arse and sweaty body. There was no way he could let Cindy see him like this!

"No, can do kid. Coach switches the showers off at 7pm, and there's no water after that. Says he doesn't want people fooling around and staying late. Don't worry though kid, nobody's going to know you've been fucked... and you can hardly see the cum on your face."

Billy's hands immediately went to his cheeks. Fuck! In all the action he'd forgotten about that. "Jesus, I can't go out like this!" he said, feeling the thick crust that covered his face.

"Oh don't be such a big girl's blouse. Your face looks perfectly normal to me, and even if anyone stares no-one will be able to tell it's cum, certainly not unless they know what it is... You'll be fine!"

Billy found his shorts and haltingly pulled them up over his sore arse. As he changed he couldn't but help feel deeply unsure of himself, a contrast with Troy who just stood there. Even as Billy pulled his t-shirt on he could see a final fat and potent dollop of cum dripping from Troy's now flaccid dick, as if it was still heavy with promise.

He shook himself down and made to leave, grabbing his bag. His mind was so conflicted. He was meant to be meeting Cindy, he was meant to be straight but... he couldn't help himself. He turned back to haltingly say how much he'd enjoyed it, and just - maybe - they could do it again?

"Sure, why not" replied Troy casually.

Billy raced to write his telephone number down on a scrap of paper, and handed it over. He then awkwardly rushed out of the changing room, already embarrassed that he could feel Troy's cum leaking out of his painfully bruised hole and running down his shorts.

Troy scrunched the number in his hand, throwing the paper ball aside. Fuck it Any fag that wanted Troy could chase him, not the other way round. Billy was a bitch-fag to be discarded, nothing more. He grabbed his towel and sauntered off to the showers. He couldn't believe that Billy had actually fallen for that one. Of course, coach didn't ever switch the water off. Troy just wanted the boy to leave looking like a cum dump. If he was lucky then another jock would see the cum for what it was - a slutty `anything goes' advertisement - and seize the opportunity. Maybe then Billy wouldn't be so god damn tight the next time they fucked!

Troy showered and got ready to leave. His dick was already hungry again, so he went to put another condom on. Damn, the box in his locker was empty! Time to go back to the free clinic for some more. He stuffed some tissues in his jock to cover and went out to find his next prey.

Next: Troy starts donating his spunk and then meets Maggie, the witch who curses him and his future adult sons.

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Next: Chapter 2

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