The Curse of Troy Fletcher

By Stu Hadley

Published on Jan 8, 2020


The Curse of Troy Fletcher Chapter 2

This chapter includes slightly more plot than some of my other stories, however, it's essential to move the story along. Rest assured that - apart from a pivotal scene in the middle - the majority of this chapter is sex though :)

Includes fucking, masturbation, porn, sperm donation, sucking, fuck buddies, twisted toys and domination... Average reading time: 35 minutes.

If you enjoy reading this - or any story in the Nifty archive - please make a donation to keep this invaluable resource going. Any and every contribution helps. Thanks!

Ever since puberty kicked in Troy had worn a condom 24/7 to stop any errant dick juice staining his jocks, trousers or bed sheets. Now 18, his balls pushed out even more spare jizz than ever before. Maddeningly for Troy he was bone-skint, and that meant if he didn't want to rewash and reuse the same rubber over and over again he was a frequent visitor to his local sexual health clinic for fresh supplies.

Finding out he could get Magnums and Trojans for free was a lifesaver for Troy. All he had to do was answer some bullshit questions (assessing the `sexual health of the neighbourhood') and he could walk away with a carton load. Certainly enough to keep him in good supply for a week.

This time the nurse taking the survey was a guy he hadn't seen before: a black dude in his early twenties. He was wearing the usual scrubs (the clinic was attached to a local hospital) and something about the way the loose fabric hung from the nurse's body was getting Troy all riled up. You had to have some serious curves and muscle to make scrubs look good, and this handsome guy had them in spades. Troy could feel himself stretch the confines of his jeans as the nurse started to ask him all the standard questions. It didn't help that Troy had run out of cum-catchers before he arrived at the surgery - the wad of tissues he'd shoved in his jock wasn't anyway near enough to stem the flow of his precum and he could feel it seeping through the layers of fabric. Hell, not just seeping, he could smell it himself! It mingled in the air, joining the musk of the two horny men.

The questions weren't helping. Normally they were asked with a clinical precision, but today they were asked with an intensity that seemed positively lascivious. The regular questions of how often do you participate in the act of sexual penetration?' and are you the active or passive participant?' suddenly became loaded and leading. `How many sexual partners have you had in the last year... the last month... the last week?' Hell, Troy was getting so hot under the collar he would have gone into how many partners he'd had in the last 24 hours, let alone the last week. The heat, the pseudo-sterile environment with sex education posters on the walls: it was a clinic that believed in using porn to sell sex education, and a clinic that believed in open and transparent honesty over hiding the facts.

"You've said you're the active participant..." stated the black nurse, who now had a sheen of sweat and sexual desire coating his body " you prefer fucking or fellatio? If you had a choice, where and how would you deposit your semen?"

Troy was sure the nurse was asking these questions deliberately. He couldn't remember any of them from the last time he'd been here and surely there was no way they were part of the regular sexual health survey. Of course they weren't, but the nurse wouldn't have it any other way. Why else work this deadbeat survey monkey shift? The nurse was 24, classically attractive and with a model's musculature and an insatiable ass that needed daily reaming out to be kept happy. Seeing a hot, swinging jock walk into the clinic was just what he needed. Finding out he was a top-- sorry, active participant, even better!

Finally, the last of question was answered and Troy could get what he came for. He stood up, a fat damp patch of pre-jizz staining his jeans as he reached out for the tray of proffered condoms. There were a selection of different brands and sizes, and Troy reached for the Magnum XLs.

"Are you sure white boy? Those are only for the biggest of dicks" the nurse suggestively tauntingly with a raised eyebrow. Something told him that Troy wouldn't be able to resist proving his virility.

"Oh, you better believe it" said Troy, grasping his long bulge through his jeans and showing just how much he was packing. "Reckon this is big enough?"

"Only one way to find out" swiftly replied the nurse, not needing any encouragement. This was exactly what he had been hoping for. He put the tray down and in seconds had turned round to pull his scrubs down and present his bubble butt.

The sight that Troy saw was delectable - the nurse had been going commando (he always did, why waste a single second in getting ready to be fucked?) - and the perfect, black, hairless arse begged to be fucked by his mighty white dick.

Troy bent down, separating the meaty cheeks with his hands and burying his face in the hot and sweaty trench. The taste was all man and the sensations sent shivers down the bodies of both men. Troy probed his tongue deep, already feeling just how smooth and velvety the fuck was going to be.

There was no more need for talk or warm-up, they were two animals with their needs perfectly aligned. Troy stood up and in seconds his dick was free - already trailing a thick rope of precum - and his jeans shucked to his thighs. The nurse, knowing exactly what he wanted - that fat cock spearing his muscular arse - was already ripping the wrapper off a condom to roll it down Troy's cock. This was a sexual health clinic after all!

Seconds later the nurse was bending over a nearby gurney, arse presented to Troy and ready to be taken from behind. The nurse hadn't offered any lube, so Troy assumed the guy was ready. Equally the nurse had assumed Troy was going to lube himself up. This may have felt like a significant oversight, but Troy had already decided the nurse was definitely going to have to be punished for not taking it bare. And besides, there was no way this older guy was virgin, so he could take it rough, right?

Troy didn't hesitate in finding out. He'd opened the guy up with his tongue, now it was time to find out just how much dick the nurse could take. The answer was a lot. Troy impaled the nurse in one powerful thrust, the only pushback being some serious grunts as Troy bottomed out and powered his way back in.

It turned into a grudge fuck. Both determined to show each other their abilities - the nurse to be able to take a mean white cock without protesting, the jock to be able to fuck so hard that the nurse would pushback and complain. For once, both men were an even match, impressing each other with their natural stamina. Body slams, grunts, sweat rising, the nurse jacking off his own sizeable dick as Troy fucked. Both of them getting close and their balls rising upwards...

Troy pulled out and ripped the rubber off, furiously taking his hard cock in his own hand. The nurse took his cue and spun round, both of their thick dicks now aimed at each each other and primed to shoot. Troy got there first, his healthy and copious load shooting out of his piss slit, the ropes of cum blasting across the nurse's scrubs.

Troy was at an orgasmic high but could sense the still-jacking nurse was furious at having his uniform so publicly defiled. The nurses's scrubs looked like an explosion in a pearl factory and he wanted payback - two could play that game. Troy wasn't having any of it though, he cunningly pressed the still hard tip of his dick firmly against the end of the black stud's. Shit! It was all the extra stimulation the nurse needed for his own mighty load to pump out and be redirected back over his scrubs rather than Troy's hoodie...

The black nurse lay drenched in cum and sweat. How the fuck was he going to leave the room looking like a sperm popsicle? Troy couldn't give a fuck, pulling up his jeans and getting ready to go.

"Thanks fucker" he leered, grabbing an extra handful of condoms as he left. Struggling to rearrange his junk in his jock and smoothing over the front of his jeans he headed to the exit. Throwing a smirk to the poofs waiting to be seen, it was by sheer chance that he noticed the advert on his way out. `Donate your sperm now, cash reward for every load deposited.' Troy was instantly hooked, tearing the leaflet off the wall as he left. Easy money, just what he needed!

Within days Troy had arranged an appointment at the sperm bank, getting through the paperwork as quick as he could.

Right now he was sat in front of a doctor in his early-forties, Dr Harris, who was wearing a standard white coat and accoutrements, but with a sparkle in his blue eyes and silver in his stubble. The doctor could sense the eagerness of the young buck in front of him to make his first donation and abscond with the cash. That was all fine by the doctor, though he did explain that Troy's load would be checked to see if it was fertile.

"I think you'll find there's no problem with my baby-makers, doctor" said Troy with a confident leer.

Oh, the cockiness of youth admired the doctor. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a small plastic container with a sealed lid. "If you'd just like to deposit your sperm in this cup, young man" said the doctor.

Troy looked at it in disbelief. "What am I meant to do with that?!"

"Come on boy, surely I don't have to tell you how the concept of a sperm bank works. Enter the booth behind me, use the porn on the table to help stimulate you and and then deposit your semen into the cup" he said sternly.

"No doctor, what the fuck am I going to do with that cup. It's way too small!" replied Troy.

The doctor had seen this kind of braggadocio before. Raising his eyeballs to the ceiling, he wordlessly gave Troy another cup and opened the door to the booth. Troy sauntered past, ready to do his bit. He immediately grasped the jazz mags on the booth's counter and held them out dismissively to the doctor. "And what the fuck am I meant to do with this shit? It's gross. Haven't you got any real porn? Man on man?"

The doctor felt a stirring in his pants. He should've known but he didn't want to presume. An athletic young jock, trousers so tight the world could see his bulge fighting to get free... the smell of teenage sweat and expectation in the air.

The doctor reached into his bottom drawer. He grabbed a few glossy copies of Honcho - a wank mag for the more `macho' male - and then slipped in-between the pages of the hirsute and musclebound studs a smaller, well thumbed and truly hardcore magazine. That ought to do the trick...

Dr Harris handed over the magazines to the expectant jock, who was already feeling his meat through his sweat shorts. The doctor couldn't help but see the brazen display. Maybe this one would be able to brim a cup after all, those balls did look heavy with surplus spunk... In moments the booth door was closed to give Troy some privacy, and the doctor an opportunity to manoeuvre round to his secret spy hole.

Troy shrugged off his sweats and started flicking through the glossy pages. It didn't take much for him to start getting hard, and the porn quickly made his dick painfully rigid. He hadn't masturbated in three days (which had been agony) and had discreetly removed his boy batter collector in the toilets outside. However, just as he was about to get up to his full stroke the smaller magazine fell out between the pages of Honcho. Intrigued, he started to flick through the dog-eared and well-worn magazine.

Even after looking at one page Troy was sure that it - TOY of Sweden - had found its way into the pile by mistake. Honcho was fucking tame by comparison! This wasn't a wank mag, this was an hardcore education in sex.

Meanwhile, Dr Harris was gleefully watching the young stud though his discrete peephole. Troy's body was even hotter than the doctor had imagined, and he couldn't keep his hands off his own reasonably sized cock whilst Troy massaged his own thick pole from root to tip. Troy's foreskin kept pulling back to reveal his uncut helmet, often spurting out a little drop of pre on to the floor. It was the hottest thing the doctor had seen in a long time. And now that Troy had found the `extra' material...

The doctor couldn't say why he loved giving young jocks hardcore jazz magazines quite so much. It didn't matter whether they were straight or gay, Dr Harris liked to open young men's eyes to the real possibilities of the world (this was the early 90s and long before the internet and freely available porn). He knew that whatever sex the jocks had experienced so far, none of it would have come close to the level of debauchery in the Scandinavian wank mags he furtively provided. He loved that donors would come away from the clinic with their horizons opened... and if they went on to do even 1/10th of the fucked up shit they saw in his porn then that was a sex life he had helped corrupt. And that was so fucking hot to him.

He could see Troy stare intently at the dirty pages in front of him. It was working! Troy was studying pictures of hairy jock twins being poleaxed by big dicks just like his. Troy - almost - lost interest in stroking his own dick as he looked at the images intently. Thick uncircumcised cocks with giant metal piercings at the end. PAs, weren't they called? Should he do that to his cock? And then some really extreme shit he'd never seen before. Like a muscular stud fisting (was that what it was called?) a younger guy. He had no idea a hole could stretch that much! It almost looked like a pussy, lips and all! Man was that hot!

In no time at all Troy was cumming, carefully unloading into one cup and then starting another. He half filled the second so decided to continue and jerk off again to brim them both.

For a small town jock - even one with a high sexual appetite - this was fucked up shit. His imagination was springing off into new directions. Men covered in tattoos, the ink accentuating their bodies and somehow making the fucking look even more raw and brutal. There were intense cum shots, seemingly from gang bangs that looked never ending. Holes being double penetrated and masculine men in leather using and abusing their prey. It was all too much and Troy scrabbled not to spill overflowing cum from the second cup onto the floor.

He took a moment to calm down, deciding whether to slip the hardcore porn into his jacket pocket. Who would know? And yet Troy suddenly felt it was all a bit too extreme. He wasn't one for sexual guilt but he suddenly felt sheepish at how hard he had cum at the filth, like the universe was watching him...

Troy hunkered his jeans up his legs and left the booth, leaving the magazine behind. By now Dr Harris was calmly back at his desk, his erection calmly covered by his white coat. A silent and unspoken acknowledgement went between them... both of them knew that Troy had been epically turned on by the `mysterious' mag.

Troy placed his two cups on the desk and nodded at the doctor. "That looks perfect young man, come back soon..." said Dr Harris as Troy left.

And it was perfect. Both cups were genuinely brimmed with cum. With his spare spunk capacity this was always going to be easy money for Troy, and with his loads being so fertile and copious he soon became a firm favourite of the bank's doctors. Not least Dr Harris, who got one cup for the clinic, and one to do with as he pleased.

As Troy got older, staying in the same town to go to College, he continued earning money from his balls. Donating was a regular income stream for him and not to be sniffed at. Strangely, giving all that sperm away hardened his views on fatherhood. He'd come from a broken home and had no desire to inflict that on any child of his - he didn't want the responsibility or the guilt. But becoming a long distance breeder? That was fine! In fact he took a perverse pleasure in his dominant jock line continuing, just without him at the helm.

Things continued this way for quite some time. However, at the age of 21 life for Troy the fuck brute got seriously disrupted.

Had he been corrupted as the doctor intended by now? All those seemingly illicit wanking sessions to a trickle of hardcore porn provided by Dr Harris? Maybe not as explicitly as the doctor would have liked, but Troy had certainly become ever more determined in his sex life. Meaner around the edges. Harder. Firmer. He still had to wear a cum-catcher but for nowhere near as much fluid as when he was 17, which was a bit of a relief. However, he did get a permanent reputation as a punishing hole-stretcher and was not willing to take no for an answer. Any ass that Troy wanted, he took. And any hole he took would never be the same again.

His life became a litany of classic pump and dumps, mixed in with some crazy sexual manipulation and challenges. Like that time he introduced the principle's son to the feeling of a real man's cock penetrating a tight hole, or that time he gave the school's prized quarterback a new purpose in life by giving him the experience of a thick load splashing hot and scalding into his open mouth. Or, of course, there was the infamous time he forced the concept of grade-inflation onto an unwilling tutor through the medium of blackmail and a copped feel of a hefty bulge.

Right now Troy was just finishing off pumping a big load into one of the college's janitors. A big, muscular dude who ruled the corridors with an iron glove but secretly was all bottom. There was nothing the guy liked better than to be aggressively fucked by a young horn dog like Troy: they only cared about themselves, which was exactly the kind of one-sided action the bottom needed. The feel of a jock body pounding into his arse, using and abusing his hole for selfish pleasure. He kept himself in good shape exactly for that reason, to tempt and tease, maybe teach them a thing or to about how to fuck. However, the janitor didn't need to teach Troy anything, his was a power fuck through and through.

Troy furtively stuck his head out of the janitor's store cupboard. Whilst he had no shame fucking Mr Jenkins, virtually the whole campus knew that behind this door was where the janitor kept his fuck den. If he wanted to keep his reputation - one fuck and you were done - then he didn't any of his class mates knowing he was making repeat visits.

He looked around and couldn't see anyone he recognised or cared about so he walked out, casually pulling his frat jacket back into place.

"You won't find what you're chasing, you know."

The words came as a complete surprise. Not only the words but where they came from. He turned back in bemusement to find out who had spoken.

"I said, you won't find what you're chasing" said the women again. Troy found himself strangely beguiled and slightly lost at the sight of the older student talking to him. She was unconventionally beautiful (even to Troy), wilful, strong-headed, vaguely Celtic and in her mid-twenties. She wore floaty clothes and had a sensual, erotic, casual grace.

"What the who now?" declaimed Troy. He hesitated, not because he was attracted to the girl or because his natural jock confidence had diminished (who the fuck cares what some hippy thinks?!) but because he suddenly felt a calmness he hadn't experienced before. Maybe it was an above average post-fuck haze feeling? Or maybe it was her presence? Either way he didn't feel on edge, nor did he feel the burning energy he always had after sex as his mind swiftly moved on to the look out for his next shag...

"You need to make the most of what you're got, take your time, savour it" said the women.

And somehow, that odd introduction was the beginning of a friendship that was going to change Troy's life.

Older than Troy and from a home with her own problems, the two of them made an immediate connection. Maggie was totally the match for Troy's jock personality and could wring him round her finger easily. Despite the differences in sex - he was resolutely gay and she definitely straight - they became very close. Maybe it was her calming and slightly motherly aura that Troy needed? Either way, the longer he spent with Maggie the less of a fuck boy and more of an adult he became. Less interested in raw conquests but more in mutual pleasure and harmony. In exchange, Maggie drew breathe from Troy's impulsive and fireball spirit to keep her buoyant whilst taming her wilder instincts. He was youthful, energetic, handsome, twinkly, funny and masculine - everything she needed away from her tough and all-female home life.

Maggie's influence on Troy was so good that he started changing the way he thought about life, wanting to make a real go of things. He started using his intelligence and guile to learn and study. It came as quite a shock to him that he could be more than just a fuck brute. He even started managing to put some money away as a little nest-egg.

A couple of years after first meeting, Troy begun to start talking about leaving the college town and setting up a new life in a bigger and more dynamic city (something that would have been inconceivable even a year ago). Maggie was distraught. Troy had become her bedrock and she couldn't imagine life without him. However, she couldn't foresee ever leaving her family roots and decided to take drastic action: proposing marriage.

For a beat, Troy was tempted. But then he turned her down flat. Maybe a little bit too abruptly in retrospect. Troy had seen his family self-destruct because of his father's philandering. After all, what kind of life could Maggie possibly expect? Married to a sexed-up jock who still wanted to fuck as much ass as he could? Troy may have become a slightly better man over the last few years but he still liked ramming his big tool into tight ass. He was always going to want that and he certainly didn't have any paternal instincts to raise children, let alone ones conceived in a turkey baster.

However, the conversation was way more brutal that Troy intended. Even though Maggie knew she had been taking a risk in asking a gay man to marry her, she wasn't expecting such a hurtful rejection. She took it incredibly badly. And so she should. She thought she was going to be in for a lifetime with an equal who complimented her in many, many ways. To her sex and desire were things that could be overcome... To be so cruelly spurned was a terrible defeat. She felt stupid, foolish and ran off.

Troy was devastated. He had known Maggie for years and, sure, she had been a powerful and calming influence on his life, but never to the point of wanting to settle down with her. Yes, she was the only women he'd ever become true friends with - better than his mother or aunts for sure - but for all his jock bluster he was resolutely gay with no desire for family life.

His life may have been no longer been led by his dick, but his dick was still a powerful part of his psyche. Yes, he was still horny most of the time and yes, he still had to wear a condom every day to collect his run-off but he was a calmed and more centred man in every definition of the word.

Right now was different though. Right now he was riled up and needed to get rid of his surplus energy, to forget the momentous conversation he'd just had. He wanted to use and abuse a hole. But not just any hole. In previous years - before Maggie - he would have just gone out and chanced it to luck. Knowing that he could make the best out of any situation - taking down a young jock and forcing himself upon them - taking pleasure in wrecking their naive cherry holes.

Right now that was the last thing he wanted though. He wanted someone who understood him, who took the same pleasure from sex as him, where limits had been established and yet both partners knew which doors could be pushed. Fuck! Even thinking about it and his desires made him realise just how much Maggie had changed his life. Fuck that! He needed to forget that shit.

He leafed through his little black book. It had steadily grown with names as he realised he could get more pleasure from a second, third or timeless visit. Christ, you could really do some damage when you had a connection with someone... and with guys who really wanted that shit! And he knew he wanted it now.

He browsed through the phone numbers before zeroing in on Alex. He had probably played with Alex more times than any other guy in his life. No matter how twisted the shit, Alex always wanted more, and always added his own ideas to make it hotter. He was a careful and considerate lover too - there was balance there - something that had helped make Troy a better person (and a better fuck!).

He dialled Alex's number and waited as the phone rang a couple of times. Troy prayed to God that Alex was at home and would pick up. He needed attention now. It was late on a Friday afternoon and he might be unlucky, Alex was a popular guy.

He picked up! "Alex... it's Troy. I'm going to be honest... I need to fuck and I need to fuck bad. Right now. Are you there for me?" pleaded Troy, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.

"Sure Troy, I did have plans but I think I can change them. Are you okay, you sound a bit flustered?" replied Alex.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a bit of bad news... your hungry hole would be the perfect remedy though. If we can meet that would be amazing... Gonna' warn you though, it's not going to be gentle. Think you can take it?" asked Troy, getting into character.

"Fuck man! You know I can take it. Nothing makes me hotter than when you're eager. Look... give me an hour or so to rearrange my plans, get ready and then I'll be waiting."

"Perfect" said Troy, agreeing a time to arrive at Al's house.

Alex put the phone down and considered his good fortune. He didn't like changing plans but sometimes duty called. Troy was a fantastic fuck and Al always found it difficult to say no.

He called his friends to let them down gently and then started to douche and get ready. He debated what to wear. What would excite Troy the most? In the end he settled on the simplicity of a butt framing jock, high tops and a sleazy crop top that perfectly showed off his defined body. He may not have been the most muscular but he knew his natural confidence always drove Troy wild. The treasure trail and tuft of pubes sticking out of the jock wouldn't go amiss either.

The final touches were pre-lubing himself (it never hurt to be prepared, right?) and putting in a glass to chill and leaving out a bottle of Jack. He had never been fucked by Troy without the jock having a double shot of whiskey first - on the rocks with fresh ice. It was part of their routine and, to be honest, it was one of the touches that Alex liked about Troy.

All the while, Troy was getting ready too, considering just what Alex liked and was turned on by. What could Troy do to make sure it was the epic fuck he needed? What could he do to make sure the pair of them achieved even more than their usual desires, that pushed their limits and scratched their itches in completely new places...

Troy settled on two things. Sweat and bulge. Oh, and a stop at the town's new sex shop. It was aimed at the straights, but maybe he could pick up something that would be useful...

Troy was already pretty funky, but the conversation with Maggie had stimulated his body in all the wrong ways. He stunk. Alex was into men, but the sweat from hard work, not from adrenaline fuelled anxiety. He decided to have a shower and a good scrub - without soap - to get rid off the worst, leaving him invigorated and ready for action.

He then pulled on his tightest and most threadbare jock - one he'd owned for so long that wearing it was on the verge of going commando - and then running shorts, tank top and trainers. He bundled a pair of well-worn ankle boots, a cut-off shirt, thick leather belt and some chinos into a rucksack, and then headed out into the night for a hard run to the sex shop. He would push himself, building up a good head of fresh sweat. He knew that he could then use the sex shop's fitting rooms to get changed, potentially choosing a new toy to torment - sorry play - with Alex on the way.

The summer air was humid and sweat was coursing down his body and funking up his jock and balls nicely by the time he walked into the sex shop. Older guys looked at him furtively and one younger man scoped him out. In his past life he would have checked, pursued and shafted him, but tonight was all about Alex.

He took a slow look around the dingy store. There was a wall of dildos, but he wanted to keep Alex's hole for himself. He had never seen dildos as competition - his dick was too big for that - but if there was any wrecking to be done he wanted to do it himself. A perma-hard dick, with the full force of a man behind it.

He kept on looking around, and then, the perfect choice! It was rubber cock sleeve in a giant size. He'd seen such stuff in a few sex shop catalogues that seemed to go round his jock buds every so often, but he'd never seen one so long or so freakish. He could only imagine that it had been made as a novelty item for hen nights or stag-dos. Something that was never intended to be used - they weren't that many dicks with the girth, let alone the snatches that could take it - but for his purposes it was perfect. It would cover the entire length of his shaft and give both Alex and him a night they wouldn't forget.

Now to get changed. He went to the fitting rooms, grabbing a rather nasty top to pretend to try on. He had bought all the clothes he needed with him though. For years he'd known his young fuckbud was into tight bulges and big meat. It was one of the things that had drawn the two together and tonight Troy was going to make the most of his natural assets for Alex.

He pulled his shorts and jock down, pleased at the fresh musk he had built up. (He hadn't put his usual cock-sock on, knowing that Alex would appreciate the extra crust.) Already his meat was chubbing up at the thought of the night ahead. He give it a helping hand, pumping it up and pulling back his juicy foreskin to reveal his giant helmet in all its glory. Fully erect, he carefully wrapped a leather cock ring around his hard meat at the tightest position he could possibly bear. So tight that every vein on his dick went into sharp relief.

Positioning his long and heavy meat to one side, he then pulled his funky jock back up. There was no way that he could pack both his lemon sized balls and erect dick in the threadbare jock, and inches of his shaft expectantly poked out across his thigh. That was all part of his plan though.

Next, he got his thin chinos out of the rucksack and struggled to pull the tight fabric up his thighs. It was an incredible fit, but that was the point. He had to repack his junk several times but finally he managed to button the fly and then thread his thick leather belt around his waist.

Fuck! It was all so tight that it was almost stopping his blood flow. He looked in the mirror and swore the fabric was so thin you could see every detail of his meat. The thick phallus arching across his thigh, the helmet in stark relief. It was obscene... Even with his usual cocksure confidence he normally wouldn't go out like this but tonight he was madly horny and wanted to drive Alex wild.

He left the sweaty and damp tank on, draping his sleeveless plaid shirt on top and leaving it open. Ankle boots next, left unlaced. He looked hot as fuck and knew it. He left the fitting room - leaving the nasty and cheap top behind - and went out to pay for the obscene rubber cock sleeve.

Alex's apartment was a short walk, but the tightness of his bulge made him feel super self-conscious and he was glad when he finally walked up the steps to the brownstone apartment. He took a moment to compose himself, pushing out a spurt of cock leak as he did. He knew the damp patch would massively turn Alex on. And a turned-on Alex meant that literally anything was possible.

Troy rung the doorbell and in seconds it was answered. Alex was amazed at how hot his fuckbud looked - his bulge magnificent and stunningly explicit. Meanwhile, Alex looked a picture in his slutty sneakers and crop top, but the look on Alex's face was what really made Troy stir. The look he saw returned was one of sheer desire. It was going to be a good night...

"Well, put your tongue back in your mouth and invite me in, stud!" laughed Troy.

Alex lurched and in seconds both of them were inside. Neither one could resist, passionately exchanging kisses as if they were love struck teenagers and hadn't seen each other in years. In truth, they were simply as horny for each other as two men could be. As they kissed, Troy's strong hands made his way up Alex's hairy chest and under the crop top to squeeze the boy's pert nipples, knowing it was always the quickest way to turn Al into a cock hungry slut.

It worked.

The pain and delight made Al stand on tiptoes, kissing the slightly older man hard in return. The couple slowly made their way into the living room, Alex reaching down to eagerly feel the weight and heft of Troy's tightly packed iron bar of a dick, not quite believing his luck in such an explicit outfit. It was a hundred and one fantasies come true. Alex couldn't resist, getting down on his knees to nuzzle his face in the precum seeping through the taut fabric, however, he was not allowed to release Troy's cock. That would all come later...

Eventually, JD and fresh ice in hand, they were able to talk. Alex asked how things were and Troy explained that a close friend had him made an offer they weren't expecting to have turned down. They talked as friends, but before long attention turned to the real matter in hand.

"I know what you need Troy, my mouth and my arse. You need your cock worshipped and your fucklust serviced..." leered Alex.

This was exactly why Troy loved Al so much. He always seemed to know exactly what both of them needed and wanted. Troy looked deep into his fuck buddy's eyes and said "I need a manpussy to fuck and a deep hole to unload in... Do you want to be my cunt for the night?"

Troy didn't get a verbal answer. Al powerfully kissed Troy, the whiskey sweet in their mouths. Troy withdrew, working his mouth down Alex's stubble and then to his tender neck. Troy gently bit and seductively kissed the delicate cleft between Al's head and shoulders, driving Alex wild and his neck upwards in pleasure. Troy took full advantage and firmly pushed his lips into the boy's willing neck, both of them shivering with pleasure.

It felt like it went on for a lifetime, but of course it wasn't. There was a pause as the two briefly withdrew. Troy looked deep into Alex's eyes. It was all the signal he needed. Al sunk down onto his keens, ready to lovingly unpack Troy's aching prick from the over-tight chinos.

Alex looked up, pausing a moment to take it all in, a sight he knew he was never going to forget. The outline of the thick veiny shaft crowned by its amazing helmet, all in tight relief under the thin fabric... He released the belt buckle and the button fly. Immediately a strong wave of funk hit his face and he was in pig heaven. Normally he would take this slowly, but this night he couldn't hold back. He dove a hand into Troy's crotch to unfurl the giant cock.

He could feel the dampness and the heat, and then the monster that was Troy's dick. He manhandled it out of the sweaty jock, letting the heavy cock bounce outwards as if it had been caged for years... As usual, the tip was glistening with juice. Alex guzzled the end, sucking every drop of the amazing pre-syrup and savouring the flavour.

Alex paused, withdrew and looked up at Troy for permission. It was his party trick: the ability to impale his throat deep on unfeasibly girthy and long dicks in one without gagging.

"Yes boy."

Fuck! Troy almost cried in relief. Nobody had a throat quite like Alex's! He swore his meat got even harder as the boy inhaled his cock in one and then used the back of his throat to massage Troy's helmet, whilst simultaneously using his tongue to work the underside of the shaft, all whilst Alex's face and stubble were buried deep into Troy's sweaty groin. This was pure fucking cock lust and Troy loved it.

And he knew what would make it even better. Just at the moment when he could tell Alex needed to come back up for air he gripped his hands on the back of Alex's head, holding him in place, hard and firm.

Alex struggled for breath, trying to withdraw. It made him even harder to accept his fate though, grabbing onto Troy's giant thighs to steady himself, and actually forcing himself even deeper on the pole in his mouth. He really did want it. It was eye-watering and epic throat action, precum flowing from both of their hard cocks. Troy knew that Alex lived for these extreme moments. The boy finally slapped the back of Troy's thigh hard, the signal to break... but Troy held it for just that second longer...

The release was powerful. But Troy knew that Alex would be back on his dick as soon as he could. Nothing would stop him, ever. It was a combination of trust and cock lust that Troy had never felt with random shags - the fact that he didn't need to force himself and that Alex genuinely wanted it made it all the hotter.

The cycle repeated itself a few times, each time the pressure on Troy's fuckslab getting more and more intense. And then everything changed. Alex carefully lead the semi-naked jock over to an armchair, pushing Troy down and then spreading the jock's legs.

The chair had firm and wide arm rests, something that Alex had worked out a while back could easily balance his weight and were at the perfect height. Troy, not quite knowing what was going on, but happy to go with it, let himself be led. In seconds, Troy was planted in the chair with his 9" cock standing thick, proud and upright.

Hold on stud, said Alex, jumping onto the arm rests. Moments later, Alex was squatting, his fleshy hole just inches above Troy's cock. A look of understanding and joyful acceptance was shared between them... No lube other than Troy's precum and Alex's saliva had touched the big pussysplitter so far. No condom either, just each other (both played safe with randoms, but Troy and Alex were anything but that).

Alex lined up his hole on the thick meat and lowered himself down in one.

The feeling was exquisite for both of them. The warm velvety walls of Alex's eager pussy getting the stretch it so richly needed, the hard veiny shaft of Troy's dripping cock getting the distracting workout it so desperately desired.

Fuck, the man could accept cock like no other thought Troy! He took great pride in knowing that it was his fuckslab that drove this desire though, that he had given Al this hunger. But of course, Alex had given himself the power and ability to make full use of it. The time in the gym to create the most fuckable arse for miles around, and the legs to be able to ride a dick to full-blown completion.

Al started to bounce and long dick the cock, milking it for all it was worth. It was way too much for Troy. Tenderly, and then brutally, he snogged Al full-on. Alex continued to ride... firmer and faster... rippling his strong cunt muscles around the thick shaft. Troy's breathe rose, panting in heat, before flooding Alex's pussy with cum, one of the biggest and longest orgasms he'd had in months.

As Troy's body stopped shuddering, Alex lifted himself up, clenching as he withdrew. Inevitably, the size of the load and the slackness of his loose pussy (he'd been reamed out by Troy's big dick over several years now) meant that some of it would escape. In seconds he was off the chair and on his knees, his mouth spit-cleaning Troy's dick and groin, hoovering up any slime that slipped through or tried to escape. Alex's tongue explored the flavour-rich jock too - sweat, ball musk, cum and his own juices. It was all there...

Troy used one hand to raise Alex's chin up so he could look into the boy's eyes. "Good appetiser fuck boy, what's the main course?" he grinned, both men knowing they were just getting started.

"Oh, I thought you'd like to make me your bitch and fuck me hard. You know, like you usually do" replied Alex.

"Oh, you did, did you?" said Troy, rising out of the seat to shuck off his boots, jock, jeans and shirt. No matter how often they met, Alex was in awe as the masculine man stripped off to his base layer of muscle and hair. Blazed in sweat, the two men looked at each other expectantly. They both knew they were lucky to find each other. Alex with an ass that could take an arsenal of dick and relished in it, Troy who was seriously hung and needed to fuck hard.

Troy looked at his fuck buddy. "I thought you might. But it would be boring if we just did the same thing over and over, right? I need you to show me just how much you want my dick."

Al immediately replied in disbelief. "Jesus, was taking your cock ass to mouth not enough?!"

"No. I want you to really prove it to me..." leered Troy, his dick swelling again as he spoke.

Alex was momentarily confused. "How? You know I want it stud."

"Simple, fuck yourself on my cock whilst I'm wearing this..." said Troy, reaching into his rucksack for his purchase earlier in the day. He quickly tore it free from its packing and then used his own spit to lube the firm rubber sheath, stretching and then manhandling it over the entire length of his cock.

"You have got to be motherfucking kidding me!" exclaimed Alex.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" said Troy, his dick standing painfully erect, made all the harder by the constraining effect of the tight rubber, but even more so by what he knew the toy would do to Alex's arse.

The long tube - that fitted a full 8" from under Troy's giant helmet to the thick root of his dick - was densely covered in dull but firm rubber spikes. Each one was about 2mm wide and 8mm long. They were hard and unyielding, far enough apart that Alex would feel every single one, yet close enough that there would never be a moment of escape. Even after all the times Troy had reamed Alex out, the boy was still a tight fuck. He was going to feel every single one of those prongs, and both of them fucking knew it.

"Can I at least lube myself up?" Alex asked.

"Jesus, you were the one who wanted to ride my dick earlier without lube. If spit was okay then, then that'll do now."

Al immediately thanked god he had taken the time to lube himself earlier and that at least he was now carrying a heavy load of Troy's cum, otherwise this fuck would be almost impossible. However, despite the roughness ahead, he really wanted it. He wanted the feel of it, and Troy wanted to give it...

Troy got down and laid on the living room rug, his sheathed dick standing proud and expectant. Shaking his head in disbelief, Alex started to squat, his already tender hole lining up with the devious dick shaft. Looking at each other, Troy spat a bolus of spit onto his hand and massaged it onto the toy. He was surprised at just how hard the rubber spines actually were. Man, was this going to be too much for Al? Fuck it! Alex was going to feel every single fucking one!

The bottom slowly lowered himself down with trepidation. He felt the reassuring shape of Troy's helmet on the corrugated and fleshy gates of his pussy and then something new - a firm ridge announcing the start of the thick rubber sheath. Not wanting to show anything other than desire in front of Troy, he continued to slowly sink. Holy hellfire! Even though he'd been ready for the rubber probes he was amazed at just how fucking brutal they felt. The soft walls of his pussy channel were being ripped alive with feeling. He slowed down, it was simply too intense and he could feel every single row of prongs assaulting his arse. He let his feelings show and grimaced in twisted pain.

Whilst he was loving the tortured expressions on Alex's face, none of this was happening quickly enough for Troy. "Ride it fucker!" he howled. This had no real response so he did what any hot bloodied male would do in the situation: he grabbed Alex on the shoulders and roughly pulled the boy down the full length of his shaft, fast.

"Fuuuuucccckkkkkk!" screamed Alex in return. The feelings in his arse were insane. It was exquisite agony. The toy had made his hole come alive, like he'd never felt before. He was connected to his pussy in ways that he'd never experienced.

"Now... ride it, bitch" commanded Troy.

Alex slowly climbed himself back up, gutting the pain and the sensations. He could feel every row of the hard rubber - fuck, they were even worse on the way out of his cunt! The surprise slowed him down, again, not good enough for the jock. Troy cruelly reached up to squeeze Alex's nips hard. He wanted a power ride, and he was going to get it any way he could...

Troy squeezed and twisted without mercy. The pain spurred Alex on, forcing him to ride the evil pole as if the rubber prongs weren't even there. That meant that soon the only noticeable difference from a regular fuck was the look of total delirium on Alex's face.

Slam, slam, slam! Even through the sheath Troy could could feel the tight walls of Alex's pussy gripping his cock. Alex was lost in pure fuck-lust, riding Troy like a bucking bronco. It was all amazing but eventually Troy's desire to take control got the better of him and he pushed Alex off his dick and onto the floor, missionary style, so he could fuck the boy properly. To really own Alex - to feel the impact of his wicked shaft not just in the boy's pussy but in his eyes and soul too.

Troy grabbed Al's ankles, suddenly realising that the boy's legs were no more than giant pussy lips. The thought made his dick lurch with pleasure. (Thank god Al had an experienced hole and he'd started to make his own pussy juices, an amateur simply wouldn't be able to take the punishment.) Troy plunged his sheathed cock in, causing Al to squeal like a pig.

It was an epic fuck as Troy became more and more determined that neither would forget this moment. Eventually Troy shot deep, bellowing with sweet relief. It was a relief for Alex too as the rubber prongs were finally and fully removed from his tender hole.

Bathed in warmth, they lay next to each other and spooned, before Troy removed the restrictive sheath and let his dick breathe for the first time in ages.

"Wow, I hope that went a small way to helping you forget stud" said Alex, basking in the glow of having a well-used hole.

"I think it did... but there's one other thing would truly help me forget though."

Fuck, thought Alex. He hated it when this happened.

He was yet to cum, something that normally didn't worry him as he was very much about giving Troy pleasure. In fact, not cumming was usually an advantage as it meant he stayed incredibly horny and his arse would take pleasure in almost anything - as they had both just witnessed. But now, goddamn it, Troy wanted to change the equation.

"Really?" asked Alex softly.

"I'm sure, stud. You know how much I like it, and I love that you secretly want it to" Troy replied unequivocally.

The two stood up. Alex pulled down his jock, his crack juicy with cum and sweat, which Troy wiped away repeatedly with a rough hand towel. In fact, the fabric went pretty deep into Alex's loose hole, drying him out on the inside too.

Al knew what he had to do next: he started wanking his own, good sized cock. Meanwhile Troy started to manipulate the boy's nipples and heavy balls, using every move he knew to get the bitch going.

"Show it to me, bitch. Show me just how much you want another load in your sweet, sweet pussy..." declared Troy. He had Alex by the balls, literally.

In moments Al shot his load - thick and goopy after churning in his sack throughout so much action. It was the most careful cum shot you could ever imagine though, as this spunk juice was the only lube Al would get for the last fuck of the night. In fact, if anything it was something of a ruined orgasm, so careful did Al have to be at landing his cum straight onto Troy's thickening dick.

Immediately the air was thick with the scent of spunk and regret. What had Alex just done? He knew that with his balls drained and no longer horny that Troy's thick dick was a monster to take. If anything, freed from the rubber sheath, it had grown even bigger and more eager to fuck. Eager to fuck a hole that was tender from the previous pronged attack, and one that would feel every inch of cock so fucking sweetly.

"I knew it" said Troy, rubbing Alex's cum over his fat helmet. "You're always such a slut for a good, hard fuck. Get down on the floor, doggy style." From the tone of Troy's voice Alex knew there was going to be no mercy... But of course that was the joy of sex with a fuck bud: you could push and fuck things up as much as you wanted.

And things were very much going to be fucked up.

Troy may have cum twice this evening but now he was more turned on than he'd been all night... Knowing that the evening had already been such a punishing fuck for Al that it would probably put him out of service for a couple of days? Seriously hot. But knowing he was about to fuck the boy with lube from the boy's own freshly drained balls? Outrageous.

He got down on his knees and got ready to plunge his fat dick from behind into the waiting cunt. He used one hand to grasp the base of his cock, squeezing the shaft so it was hard as steel and able to plough through any resistance. With his other hand he roughly grabbed the back of the boy's crop top, turning it into the perfect fuck-handle. In this position Al's arse became two perfect globes, a sweet and wrecked hole sitting proudly between them, waiting--

With a savage thrust, Troy rammed his monster schlong into Alex in one. The boy yowled with shock and pain, taking no pleasure at all after blowing his load only seconds before. Troy was determined though, in fact the boy's whimpers and the obscene cunt sounds - of ass flesh and dick being forced together - pushed Troy on further. He knew that if he fucked really hard then Al's hole would start involuntarily clenching and spasming, not knowing whether it was trying to desperately expel the foreign invader or embrace it closer.

For an eternity Troy was lost in the moment, Alex becoming nothing more than just one big meat sock to fuck. The sounds were primeval... grunts from Troy as he slammed his fuckslab in. Loud slaps as their bodies made hard groin to ass contact. Squelches as Troy's copious pre-cum lubed up the hole. Exquisite mewls from Alex as he felt Troy's dick going deeper every time. It was some of the hottest sex they'd ever experienced.

Unbelievably, Troy's fuck pace got faster, his strokes even more punishing and intense. Just at the point that Alex thought he couldn't take a second more, Troy erupted with cum, breeding the boy for the last time that night.

The pleasure shook Troy's entire body, but not so much that an aftershock of the day's conversation didn't flash across his eyes. Fuck that he thought... whatever Maggie said means nothing. Here he was with his fuck stud, making him totally king dick.

He threw one last rope of scalding jism into Alex's clenching butt, before leaning forward onto Al's back. His body made contact and instinctively the two collapsed onto the floor sideways in one smooth motion, Troy's dick still deeply implanted.

They were in perfect harmony, sexy and sweaty and sated. Their body heat keeping them company, and Troy checking in to make sure that Alex was okay...

Days after the argument and days after seeing Alex, Troy slowly came to realise just how different a man he had become over the last few years of knowing Maggie. He had become a better lover for sure. More rounded - perhaps more brutal - but now he recognised the needs of the men he played with and how much more enjoyable that could be. He also realised how much he'd grown as a person, realising he had a purpose in life that wasn't just sex.

He left his old town to go to a big city and make a name for himself. By the age of 25 he was starting to become a lucky and savvy internet investor who hit it big in the first dot com boom. If that was his major, his minor was as a hung and sensual top that any bottom was lucky to play with. Whilst confident and his own man, at times he just felt lucky that Maggie was out of his life.

Or at least so he thought. In fact, over the years later, Maggie kept close tabs on Troy, even asking his old college friends how he was doing (all casually on the sly of course). It was during one of these conversations that she found out about the sperm donations.

Maggie couldn't believe it! It was 1998 and four years ago Troy had said he never wanted kids and yet here he was fathering a line of bastards around the country! Ignoring that Troy was gay and that at the time he had needed the money, the memory of her marriage proposal suddenly burned as bright as ever in her heart. It was as if no time had passed at all. Now she knew the `truth' she took his rejection even more personally. She couldn't help but take her revenge in the only way her clan knew possible...

She turned up at Troy's city doorstep, unannounced. She confronted him, indignant with rage and hurt. She was determined that Troy would pay for the pain he had caused her. And pay for his sexual deviancy too - how dare she turn away her beautiful body and only be interested in men! Even though Troy had mentioned sex only in passing over the long years of their acquaintance suddenly her head was full of the most extreme thoughts, channelling the universe straight into her mind. It was as she could see everything: the donations, the porn he had wanked to, his sexual exploits and fuck buddies... In her rage she only wanted to see the worse.

She stood on the threshold of his apartment and barely let him say a word. Within moments she was turning the air blue with curses. Literally. For these were no ordinary swear words, these were the swear words of a woman who came from a long line of powerful witches.

Her curses immediately made Troy sterile. She took away what he had denied her - children.

But Maggie's curses fell on deaf ears. Of course Troy always thought Maggie had a beguiling and other-worldly charm - something he had become more aware of the more he knew her - but curses? Come on! He was startled when she had turned up and had initially been pleased to see her, but in seconds she seemed to turned in a queen of hate. Life was too short for that! He could barely get a word in edgeways and after trying to be patient he slammed the door in her face, not really hearing a word she'd said.

He was therefore deeply surprised the next time he went to his sperm bank to find out one of the nurses stopping him as he was on his way out. All this time he had kept donating, even though he'd been good for money for a long while now and living in a different city. It was both a force of habit and a way of giving back to the community. The doctors were amazed though - Troy had been one of their most healthy and virile donors but his most recent deposit was bone cold sterile.

The news hit him like a battering ram. Maggie had spoken the truth. The doctors were all stunned, and were even more surprised when Troy refused any assistance in getting to the bottom of the problem. After all, men don't just suddenly become infertile at the age of 25. Not without some other serious contributing factors...

Troy knew it was pointless though. The truth of Maggie's curse hit him like a 200lb linebacker. He was destroyed and suddenly all his feelings about fatherhood changed. Now he could no longer have a child, it was all he could think about. He began to obsess about it and in a few short days he called the sperm bank. His doctor assumed it was because he wanted to be checked out, but Troy's request was far blunter than that. He asked whether they still had any of his healthy sperm `on file' so to speak. Surely after donating so much over the last 8 years there was enough left for him to father a child himself?

After Troy's long and potent history with the clinic - and his friendship with the doctors at each bank - it was the very least they could do. Soon Troy's last remaining fertile load was hooked up with a surrogate mother. Nine months later Troy was the proud father of Joel, a bouncing baby son that made his heart bloom with pride. The pride of his life no less.

Over time, Troy became ever more successful too. Not only did he become a great father to little Joel, he became a great and hard working businessman. Sure he still shagged around (nothing that would interrupt with Joel's upbringing, but a single and perennially horny man had his fuck needs) but his work ethic delivered in spades. By his late thirties he was considering retiring to the country with the proceeds of his dot com wealth - a smallholding in the hills, but of course with a large town nearby with plenty of bottoms in close attendance willing to be fucked... but mainly a quiet, healthy outdoors life for Joel, now a strapping teenager.

But, whilst being dedicated may have given Troy the perspective he needed to make something of his life, shooting blanks was only one part of Maggie's curse. She was determined to truly punish Troy for being gay and for spurning her. How dare he have kids without her?! Even if it was just through donating sperm and not actually being a father himself she hadn't been able to let it go. She thought that Troy was a sexual deviant, so that's what Troy's children would be. Complete and utter sexual perverts, in the worse way possible for Troy...

Of course, Troy knew nothing of this. He contentedly bought up his loving son Joel to be a happy, well adjusted man. Troy couldn't help but notice his son appeared to be gay but that didn't matter to him. The pride of fatherhood was all that mattered and the memory of Maggie soon faded into the past.

Next: Troy discovers the true depth of the curse and meets the first of his fuck-entwined sons: Owen.

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Next: Chapter 3

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