The Cycle of Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 14, 2009



The Cycle of Love Part One Boy Meets Boy (1950)

It was hard to say who was more frightened. They were both one day past their eighteenth birthdays. Joe was from Manhattan and Kurt was from Peoria. They had arrived at the train station in Chicago on separate trains and were instructed to look for a chief petty officer, who would take them on an escorted bus to Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Neither had any idea how many other guys would be joining them.

Joe spotted Chief Martin first. He was standing in the main terminal holding a placard reading "Great Lakes." He approached him, but didn't know exactly what to say. The Chief spoke first. "Name?" he asked.

"Joe Carlone," he answered. The chief searched a paper fastened to a clipboard, and made a check mark.

"Join those other recruits over there," he said, as his head nodded toward a group of equally scared boys huddled together about ten feet from where he now stood. Joe added himself to the group, and nodded at no one in particular as he blended in. Nobody in the pack was talking.

About five minutes later Kurt joined the group. He was scared to death, but he was also a pretty friendly country boy. Joe was standing closest to him. Kurt thrust his hand at Joe and said, "Hi, I'm Kurt Carlson. Pleased to meet you."

Actually Joe was relieved that someone had broken the ice. He returned Kurt's handshake, and almost immediately everyone was shaking hands and making introductions. Within an hour, there were fifty of them. The Chief approached and asked for attention.

"There are two buses waiting outside the terminal. I want you to assemble curbside. When I call your name, I want you to enter the bus you are assigned to and start filling it from the rear. Move it!"

They all rushed outside. All any of them had with them was a small toiletry kit which they had been instructed to fill with a toothbrush, toothpaste, a razor and shaving cream.

"We'll start with bus one," Chief Martin instructed the youths. "Abrams, Arthur, Atkins, Bates, Beck, Brooks, Carlone, Carlson......." He continued until each bus was full. Joe and Kurt ended up sharing a seat on the way to the naval base. Because everything was assigned alphabetically, they shared an upper and a lower bunk as well in the fifty man barracks which was to be their home for ninety days, and the home of Company C.

Joe hardly spoke on the way to the base. He kept looking out the window at the rural scenery, which he saw precious little of in New York. Kurt just kept yakking away, about life on the farm, his parents, his sisters, his high school chums. Finally he said to Joe, "Tell me about you."

"What's to tell? I barely made it through high school. My dad OD'd last year. I'm the youngest in my family. My two brothers were long gone when my dad died, God knows where, and my mom couldn't feed the two of us, so I joined up."

"Wow, I'm sorry," Kurt said.

"Why? It's no skin off your teeth. Besides, now I'll get my three squares and I won't have to steal. I wasn't cut out for that street gang stuff." Joe brushed off Kurt's sympathy.

The weeks flew by quickly. Their days were filled with marching drills (with and without rifles), calisthenics (with and without rifles), body building, swimming classes, rifle practice, fire fighting, boxing, and whatever else was going to make them into able bodied seamen. Joe and Kurt became friends to the whole company, but their own friendship was the closest. They shared a bed, so to speak, and they sat next to each other in every class. They even marched side by side, thanks to their names.

As their boot camp days progressed, Joe turned at least ten pounds of fat into ten pounds of muscle. Kurt gained another twelve pounds, all of it muscle. They kept telling each other how great they both looked.

Half way through the training, they were given a six hour pass. It was part of the training, and was designed to teach the recruits how to get back to base within the allotted time.

The two boys donned their dress blues, added spit to their already shiny black shoes, and admired how great they looked in Uncle Sam's uniforms. As soon as they left the base, they cocked their sailor hats at a precarious angle. It was far from regulation, but they both looked quite dapper and handsome.

Time was short so they took the train from the base to the nearest city, Waukegan, IL. They strolled along the street nearest the train station and found a small restaurant. They each had a cheeseburger and a milkshake for lunch. The cheeseburger was disappointing. It was greasy and fatty, but the milkshake was like nectar to the two sailors. When they finished lunch, they started to stroll back to the train station. They had plenty of time, but they decided to take the first train back to the base anyway.

When they reached the station, there was nobody else on the platform. They sat down on a bench to await the train. As they sat down their hands accidently touched as they placed them on the seat. Joe's first impulse was to pull away, but he decided not to. Why draw attention to a little accident? Kurt didn't seem very anxious to change the situation either.

They sat silently until Joe said, "I gotta take a leak. I'll be right back." As he stood up, Kurt did the same.

"I need to go too," Kurt said, and they went to find the men's room. Now both boys had seen each other naked in the showers, and more than once they had peed and even shit next to each other, but somehow doing it here in a public place outside the base, was a little awkward for both of them.

As they were peeing side by side, Joe started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Kurt asked.

"I haven't whacked off since I left home. I'm afraid of getting caught, and I am so horny," Joe explained.

"Me too," Kurt agreed. "Why don't you go into a stall and do it. I'll keep watch, and then you can do that for me"

"Why not?" Joe answered. He finished peeing, and never tucking his cock back in, he headed for the stall. Kurt could not help but notice that his buddy was rock hard. As soon as Joe closed the stall door, Kurt looked around. The bathroom had a lock on the door and he walked over and engaged the lock. What the hell. Then he yelled to Joe, "Don't be nervous, friend, I locked the door."

Kurt was picturing what was happening behind the door and he took his cock out and started stroking it. He had never been with a girl. His preference was always for other boys, but he had successfully suppressed it and so he was still a virgin. As he got near his climax, he began to fantasize sucking Joe's cock. The idea scared him so much that he stopped jerking off and returned his fast shrinking cock into his pants.

He realized that Joe wasn't done yet, but he had nearly cum already. He called through the booth, "What's taking so long?"

"I don't know. Come in here, would you." Kurt's heart began to pound. He had no time to digest what Joe had said and he opened the door. Joe was whacking away, but his cock was soft compared to a few minutes ago.

"Jerk off with me," he said, "like a circle jerk. I'm used to those. It will help." Kurt didn't need to be told twice. He whipped out his cock which was hardening once again.

"Wait," Joe said, and he handed Kurt a wad of toilet paper. "Catch your spunk in this so you don't get dirty." Kurt took the wad of paper in his left hand and resumed jerking off. The two boys stared steadily at each other, Joe seated on the toilet seat, and Kurt standing facing him. Only when he found himself reaching the end, did Kurt close his eyes and let loose. When he opened his eyes, Joe was still at it, but he could tell that he was getting close. Without giving it a thought, he pushed Joe's hand away from his cock and he started to whack his buddy off. Joe was happy to let him. He slid down a bit more on the toilet seat and began to moan. His eyes rolled up in his head and with a stifled scream, he came. Joe had remembered the wad of paper in his hand and put it over his cock head just in time to keep from splattering both of them.

They did nothing for a moment and then Joe said, "Give me your paper." Trance like Kurt obeyed Joe's request. Joe threw both wads into the toilet and flushed them down. They both began to dress and finally Kurt said with a sob, "I'm really sorry, Joe. I don't know what came over me."

"Why are you sorry? That was simply the greatest." He turned toward Kurt and kissed him on the lips. Kurt was startled but regained his composure quickly. He kissed back hard, until their lips parted and their tongues began to slide over each other.

Kurt said, "Don't hate me and please don't turn me in, but I have always thought I was gay and I know I love you."

Joe kissed Kurt harder. "Me too," he murmured.

When they left the bathroom, the platform was still empty, but a few minutes later they were joined by a few other young men from their company.

Early in their training, they had been asked to name their preference for specialized training after boot camp. Neither Joe nor Kurt had any thoughts on what they wanted to do, so they left the card blank. Consequently they were assigned to whatever was available. Both shook in their seats as Chief Martin read their assignments. Kurt was going to Yeoman's school in San Diego and Joe was remaining here at Great Lakes to attend Hospital Corps School. Neither was disappointed. Joe was actually thrilled. Hospital Corpsmen were often reassigned to the Marine Corps. If he was transferred to the Marines, that would be really cool.

Then they realized that they would be separated by nearly half a continent. Their joy was short lived.

Part Two Boy Loses Boy

The members of the company received a two week leave before reporting to their next assignments. Joe had no place to go and Kurt begged him to come home with him. "I spoke to my folks and they would love it," he assured Joe.

I've never been on a farm," he told Kurt as if Kurt didn't know. "Do you really fuck sheep?"

Kurt groaned and socked Joe on the arm.

The Carsons were very hospitable and Kurt's two younger sisters flirted with Joe the entire time he was there. He could have had either of the farmer's daughters, but he had his eye on the farmer's son. The boys both shared Kurt's room which only had a three quarter size mattress.

The innocent Carsons never dreamed that anything improper could occur so they apologized to Joe that they couldn't offer him a room of his own or at least a larger bed. They did call around to see if any of their neighbors had a cot, but they were unsuccessful.

The first night, the boys went to bed in their skivvies. "Let's do it again," Kurt whispered as his lips brushed against Joe's.

"We can do better than that," Joe said. Before Kurt knew what was happening, Joe pulled Kurt's underwear down and pulled it off his ankles.

"What did you have in mind?" Kurt asked seductively.

"Let me show you," Joe said. He leaned over Kurt and began to suckle his nipples. Kurt purred like a kitten. Then Joe went down further and drove his tongue into Kurt's innie. Finally he started to lick Kurt's inner thighs and his balls. He sucked the sweet spot between Kurt's crack and his balls, lingering there quite awhile. At last, he started to lick Kurt's rock hard shaft. He rolled his tongue all over Kurt's cockhead and parted his piss slit with his tongue. Kurt was rolling back and forth on the bed. Then it happened. Joe took Kurt's seven inch, uncut cock slowly into his mouth. He took as much as he could and started sucking away. He couldn't believe how good it tasted, and Kurt could not believe how good it felt.

Suddenly Kurt pushed his fist into his mouth and came. Spurt after spurt invaded Joe's mouth. Joe was pleased at how good it tasted and he just kept swallowing until it was all gone, and Kurt began to shrink.

"That was awesome," Kurt said. "You've done this many times before, haven't you?"

"I swear this is the first time. Ever since you whacked me off, I have practiced in my head just what I would do to you if we were ever fortunate enough to have sex together. You benefitted from my imagination."

Kurt rolled over Joe and began kissing him. "Let me show you what I dreamed of doing." He started with Joe's mouth, kissing him sensuously. Down he moved, to Joe's neck, nipples and navel. Joe thought Kurt would now go down and hit pay dirt, but instead he rolled Joe over. His tongue wandered up and down Joe's back and reached his bubbly ass. Kurt squeezed and kissed Joe's cheeks. Then he parted them and ran his tongue up and down Joe's crack. At strategic moments, he inserted his tongue. It thrilled Kurt to hear Joe sighing with pleasure.

"You're torturing me," Joe said, so Kurt turned him over and went down on Joe's waiting cock.

"Save some of the juice for me," Joe said. "It tastes so good."

Mr. Carson knocked loudly on their door the next morning before dawn and roused them both. The two lads were expected to help on the farm during their stay. The pair was so healthy and fit, that they finished their chores early and had a good deal of the day to themselves. Kurt's father was amazed at how strong and muscular his son had become in three short months. He was so proud of him.

They rose so early on the farm that showers were taken at night. Joe showered before Kurt and when Kurt came into their room and closed the door behind him, he had something in the pocket of his robe. He pulled out a jar of petroleum jelly and announced to Joe that tonight was their big night.

"You can fuck me first," he told Joe. He lay down on his back and raised his legs exposing his asshole. He handed the jar to Joe and said, "Grease me good, lover." Joe applied the jelly to two of his fingers and inserted both gently into Kurt's crack.

"Awesome!" Kurt croaked. Encouraged by Kurt's reaction, Joe greased his cock, placed it at Kurt's hole and began to push gently. Kurt flinched and Joe stopped abruptly. Kurt could not talk. He wrapped his legs around Joe's ass and pushed him in slowly. Joe's head went past the sphincter and suddenly he sank all the way in.

"Don't move yet," Kurt pleaded. "Let's enjoy the moment." Nature isn't so patient, and involuntarily they both began the dance of love. Joe was able to stop himself twice from cumming, but eventually he had to let loose. His jism filled Kurt's hole and some of it began to drip out. When Joe's cock shrunk and fell out, Joe scooped up the spunk on Kurt's ass and they both feasted on it.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Joe asked Kurt.

"No, but you can show me." Kurt began to lubricate Joe's ass.

Never did time go faster for either of them. They promised to write to each other every day. At night they cried together in contemplation of the inevitable. The morning came for departure. Joe kissed Mrs. Carson and Kurt's two sisters goodbye, and Mr. Carson drove him and Kurt to the train station. He and Kurt could not show their affection at the station and had said their goodbyes the night before.

They would be together until Chicago. Then Joe would take the train to the naval base and Kurt would take a cab to the airport to board his flight to San Diego. On the train they held hands under a blanket and occasionally fondled each other. Both sets of eyes were moist with tears.

Part Three Boy Finds Boy (1950-1959)

At first they wrote to each other daily, then once or twice a week, then occasionally, and then not at all. If life was a romance novel, this would not have happened, but life is reality. It's difficult to stay in love when there is so much distance between you, especially when there are so many other hot bodies surrounding you.

Kurt finished his school and remained in San Diego at the naval base. After a year he was assigned duty on an aircraft carrier. He concluded his hitch on that ship and after discharge he returned to the farm which would be all his very shortly. He would regret it in years to come, but he married one of his high school girlfriends. They had two children, but eventually she started cheating on Kurt. Kurt took full responsibility, because he hardly ever touched her. They divorced five years after they married.

When Joe finished school, he was assigned to the naval hospital in Philadelphia, PA. He remained there for a few months and then he was deployed overseas and was transferred to the First Marine Division. He saw almost a year of combat duty in Korea. From there he went to the naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. He was discharged from there.

He returned to New York and located his mother. She had remarried and was doing just fine. Using the GI Bill and all the money he had squirreled away while he served in the navy, he enrolled in nursing school at NYU.

The first day there he met Tony. Tony was just out of high school. He had just turned eighteen, and had never served in any of the armed forces. They were the only two males in the class and so they bunked together, and became good friends. They had little time for recreation and studied long hours together.

One day, Joe said, "We are getting real stale. We need a break. What do you say we take a night off and just relax at some bar?"

"It sounds like a plan to me," Tony said. "Do you have a place in mind?"

"Actually I do. It's called The Hot Spot."

Tony started to laugh. "I know that place well. It's my favorite gay bar."

"Mine too," Joe agreed. "Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

"You never asked," Tony said, "and I'm not in the habit of outing myself."

They went to the bar that night and Tony introduced Joe to some of his friends who were there, and Joe introduced Tony to some of his. They had a couple of drinks and then began to dance. It was in the days before disco took over the gay bars. The music at this time was slow and romantic, and when you danced you actually touched your partner.

The dance floor was crowded and the two nursing students were crammed together. It didn't take too much imagination for Joe to feel Tony's hardon rubbing against him. That got him going and before long he was grinding against Tony. Moved by the romantic music, they kissed, really without knowing they were doing it. They kissed over and over.

Tony put his hands on Joe's ass and pushed him harder against him. "I think I'd like to go home," he said.

It is honest to say that at first they were only fuck buddies. But little by little they realized that neither wanted to be with anyone else. Even when they weren't having sex, they would have fun together. They enjoyed being together, studying together, eating together, going to movies and plays together. If they were apart, they were at loose ends. They found themselves yearning for each other.

One evening, Joe returned to their dorm room after having had dinner at his mother's apartment. When he opened the door, he found Tony crying.

"What's the matter?" Joe asked and swooped Tony into his arms.

"We're the matter," Tony wailed. "I don't want you to go to your mother without me, and I don't want to visit my folks without you. I can't stand doing things and going places without you. I want us to be a couple. I love you, dammit. I'm half a person without you. I'm useless without you. Pity me!"

All the while he was wailing, Joe's arms were wrapped around him. "Jerk," Joe said, "I love you too. I made up my mind month's ago that you and I were for life."

Mimicking the old silent movie heroes he said to Tony, "Kiss me, fool!!! And when you are through kissing me, I'd be much obliged if you would fuck me or vice versa."

"Your wish is my command," Tony said, continuing to play a part in an old movie.

It is safe to say that Joe never thought of Kurt again. He could hardly remember him. Not so for Kurt. He constantly thought of Joe and his lost love. Every time he whacked off, Joe was his fantasy lover. He never found anyone else to fill the void in his life.

Author's Note: I know all you readers are thinking this story is autobiographical. Those of you, who know me, know that I grew up in New York. I was a hospital corpsman in the navy and in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. I trained at Great Lakes and served in the Philadelphia Naval Hospital and the naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan, as well. But I assure you, the story is pure fiction. I am not a nurse. I guess the entire story is what I would have liked to have happened to me, but it never did. HB

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