The Decision


Published on Aug 12, 2000


All the stories contained within portray explicit descriptions of sexual acts between the characters in it. Although the characters are teenagers who may be below the age of consent in the country or state where this is read, nothing written here should be taken as approval of, or encouragement for, sexual liaisons between people where such liaisons are either illegal, or objectionable for moral reasons.

Although this story does not include safe sex practices, it is everyone's own responsibility to themselves and to each other to engage only in PROTECTED SEX. It is a story. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Nothing represented here is based on any fact known to the author.

Copyright Notice - This story is Copyright (c) 2000 by Marcintime, and the author retains all rights and privileges. You may distribute, copy, print, staple or spindle this story however you like, provided this copyright notice remains intact and you do not change the story in any way. Also you may not charge any fee to anyone to distribute or access this story.

The Decision By Marc....... (c) June, 12, 2000 All rights reserved. Chapter 2

School was kind of laid back this week because of the upcoming long Thanksgiving weekend. And the time at the store flew by because we were just so damn busy. I had been working at the store only a few days and we were coming up fast on the holiday. Don gave Kris and I the entire weekend off, which was fine with me but for the fact it meant a smaller pay check. Kris just took it all in stride, nothing seemed to bother him and he just seemed to float from one day to the next.

Every chance he got, he would touch me, or steal a little kiss. I loved it. And I made sure I got my fair share in too.

All week long Kris was kind of distracted, like there was something on his mind. He was friendly and all, just like usual, but whenever I spoke to him he would answer in one or two words and then he would seem to get all nervous and everything.

Kris and I both had to work at the video store the Wednesday evening before our long Thanksgiving weekend. We even had to stay open a little later than Don asked because the store was still full of people. About 10:30, Don locked the doors and didn't let any more customers in, and Kris and I waited on the several remaining shoppers. By the time we managed to get the last of the people out, and the store put back in good order, it was well past 11:00pm.

Kris offered to give me a ride home and once again I readily accepted. Actually Kris picked me up for work that day, well, when it comes right to it, he had picked me up every day this week, even if he wasn't working that particular day. It seemed every chance Kris had he was coming around, and I loved the attention. Kris and I we were spending nearly all our free time together, I had never really had a best friend and it felt great.

After punching out for the night I said I had to use the men's room and Kris said he could use a squirt too.

At the trough I couldn't help but notice Kris checking me out. And I knew was no accidental glance either, judging by the grin on his face, the way he poked the tip of his tongue out and ran it across his beautiful lips made my balls churn.

I looked him right squarely in the eyes and smiled one of my best, 'Yup, here it is' smiles and said, "Come on, let's go." As I put things back in good order and zipped the monster back in his cage. And Kris countered with, "Ya, I'm ready." And he zipped his fly as well.

When we got into his car I purposely sat a little to the left of my normal position. I pressed play on the CD player and New Kids came on and then I settled in for the ride home. We hadn't gone a mile before I felt a hand slide onto my inner thigh. I slid down a little bit, leaning against my guy and spread my legs slightly. Kris took the hint and gently squeezed my balls. I let out a soft sigh and spread my legs yet a bit further. I was getting a fierce hard on, and as Kris massaged it, he asked, "Do you have to be home any time soon?" I looked at him sideways and smiled saying dreamily, "No, I'm in no rush, none at all."

"Well, if you're not in any hurry we could go to my place for a bit." "Sure I can go for a while." I answered.

And as Kris smiled he stepped on the gas a bit more. We cruised through town, past the high school, and turned onto Albion road. As we headed to the outskirts of town I said, "I've been thinking about the other night. I'm sorry I shut you off like that."

"It's Ok babe, you were right. And there is no rush." Kris said.

"Thanks Kris, it means a lot to me, knowing you feel that way too."

After about five minutes we got to Kris' house, a nice ranch style place set back well off the road. When we got out of the car he waited for me, and when I was close he put his arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. Kissing like this, right out in the open in front of his house caught me by surprise and it took me a moment to adjust, but only a moment.

I felt his tongue brush against my lips and I opened my mouth slightly as he pushed it deep into my mouth. I reached down and took hold of his rock hard cock and gave it a good squeeze. Kris literally sucked the breath out of me. And he ran his hand over my ass giving it a healthy squeeze too. After a minute or two he pulled his tongue out of my mouth and said, "Come on babe, let's go in now."

He took me by the hand and led me into the house. The kitchen was, for lack of better words 'a dump'. There were bottles and plates and a few pizza boxes all over. And there was a good looking middle aged woman sitting at the table drinking a beer. I could tell she obviously had had more than her fair share too. Kris went straight to the fridge and got out a couple of beers, I didn't know if I was more surprised by Kris for getting the beers, or the woman for not protesting. He opened one for himself and handed the other one to me.

The woman never batted an eyelash as I opened the beer and took a long first taste of the bitter brew. I winced a little but drank it down quickly. Kris got a few more, handed me another and said I should follow him, then he led me through the house. All the while we were in the kitchen the woman never once took her eyes off of me nor had she said a single word to me. But as we left the kitchen though, she made an off hand remark to Kris, something about finding a good one this time.

I wondered what she meant and as I followed Kris I asked, "What did she mean by that?"

"Meant by what?" He returned.

This time I asked a bit more to the point, "By what the lady said."

She said you found a good one this time. What did she mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing. She does know I'm gay though. It probably is just that." Kris said.

"Really? You're out to her? WOW! Man that's great." I was amazed to find out.

As we wove a path through the dining room, I noticed stacks of videotapes, and three or four photo albums. Then next, we past through the parlor and down a hall, and as we passed by an open doorway, I noticed the room was filled with cameras on stands and bright lights.

At first I didn't think much about it, I was so nervous I didn't think I could think even if I tried. We went down to the end of the hall to his room and Kris closed the door behind me.

And Kris didn't waste any time either. He went right for me, pinning me hard against the door and kissing me deeply. And as he kissed me he began unbuttoning my shirt, running his hands inside, feeling every part of my smooth chest and baby six-pack.

Kris then slid his hands up over my shoulders and slipped the shirt off, tossing it onto a chair. Then he pulled his own shirt off and tossed it aside. He unfastened my belt and slid down the zipper of my jeans and with a flick of his fingers, released the snap.

My cock was happy to break free from the dark confines of my pants and stood right up to see what was going on. Kris slid the jeans down to my calves and motioned for me to sit on the bed.

I did and he then kneeled down and removed my shoes, then my jeans the rest of the way, leaving me in my socks and boxers. My shorts were tented out and my six-inch cock was bursting, aching for release.

I looked at Kris and saw him still in his jeans and all I could say was, "You too." And he quickly removed every last shred of clothing he had on.

His seven-inch rock hard cock was bouncing seductively as he walked the last two steps to the bed. He crept up, climbing over and laying on top of me. Then Kris slid his hands under my shoulders pulling us even closer together, and then he ground his tool against mine while kissing me deep and hard.

I reached around and held his ass tight while he ground his dick into mine; it felt so big, so powerful. Technically I was not a virgin, having been on several campouts with the Boy Scouts. But all that was child's play compared to the man sized job ahead of me now.

The room was fast closing in, and Kris and I were the only things in it. Everything else faded into a fog and we floated together on a sweet cloud of passion.

Then Kris began the slow crawl down my chest, kissing and tasting as he went. He paid tribute my neck and throat, then to my tiny nips, first one then the other. He teased them and then nibbled on them until I thought I was going to explode.

I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned loudly as he chewed on my swollen nipples. He then reached down and slid a hand into my boxers, taking hold of my cock for the first time. That was the first time ever; someone other than myself had a real handhold of my hard on.

I could feel the pre cum drip from the swollen head of my dick. My balls ached for release. He pulled my shorts down over my dick and I lifted my butt so he could remove them. He wasted no time and spinning around into a sixty-nine position he put his tool right under my nose.

Sucking cock was not new to me, after all, like I said I was in the Boy Scouts, and everyone knows what happens on all those campouts. But this was different; this wasn't a bunch of kids looking for a fast blow job. This was what I was, what I am, and I wanted to please Kris, just as I knew he wanted to please me.

This was the first time I had ever had a dick this big. It was dripping with pre cum and primed, ready to go. I hesitated for a second but when I suddenly felt Kris take my entire cock down his throat in one plunge, I went for it. I slid it all the way in to the back of my mouth, and there were still three inches to go.

I let it slide back out and readied my self to take this monster all the way down. And after taking a deep breath, I relaxed my throat and all at once I dropped down on that spike and impaled myself on it.

At first my gag reflexes took hold of me, and I almost lost it. I stopped for a second to steady my self then went for it again. Kris moaned loudly over my dick at this and began humping, doing a slow fuck of my warm wet mouth.

I also began to hump his mouth but Kris steadied me, letting me know that he wanted to do this all himself. Then he slowly rolled his tongue around the head and did the deep plunge again.

As he worked my cock from the front, his hand was working a magic all it's own on my ass. He had wet one finger in his mouth and in no time at all, had it fully in to the second knuckle.

When he hit my prostate a jolt of energy shot through me and I felt my entire body jump off the bed from the intense rush of pleasure. I had never dreamed of such an experience. It was like a fire from deep within and in a split second every nerve in me was alive with this exquisite sensation.

After a few minutes of finger fucking me he managed to slide in a second finger, and I could feel myself begin to loosen up. I slid off his cock long enough to say, "Do it man, please, don't stop, do it!" Then I went back to work on his pole.

And Kris was more than willing to please, and slid in a third finger. This brought a scream of pleasure muffled only slightly by Kris' stiffy. And as he picked up the pace, I matched his rhythm stroke for stroke.

I was working furiously on his pole and I began to search out his ass hole as well. I found the cute little pucker and slowly massaged the outer ring. The head of his dick seemed to swell in response and I was rewarded with a huge glop of pre cum.

Kris continued to tickle me on that magical spot inside and I was going wild with the pleasure he was giving me. Between his tongue and his fingers I was fast coming up on the threshold of my endurance.

I pushed my finger in as far and as fast as I could, and Kris clamped down hard on me. The pressure was unbelievable, and the sensation, incredible.

I bent my finger and knew I had found the same spot he was touching in me. I knew it because he moaned loudly over my solid shaft and once again a large drop of pre cum flowed from his dick as well.

Its salty sweet tangy flavor went right to my balls and my entire body started tingling. I tensed and moaned loudly as I felt the tickle under the rim of my cock grow to a climactic crescendo and I could no linger hold it back.

I shot loads of hot sweet cum into his mouth. I had never cum in a mouth before and the feeling of his lips coaxing more of the thick spunky fluid from my nuts was unbelievable.

This sent him to the point of no return and I felt his entire frame stiffen as he hosed down my throat with his creamy juices. This also was a new experience for me and it took a minute to work up the courage to swallow.

Hot cum was filling my mouth and beginning to spill out and I decided I did not want to loose a single drop so I began to slurp and swallow every last bit. Then when he was spent I milked his now softening member for any little bit of his creamy sauce that might be left.

When it was over, we collapsed, just resting there trying to catch our breath. Trying to touch back to the ground once again. After a little bit we untangled ourselves and separated pealing our sweaty bodies apart. But there was a part of me still with Kris, not a physical thing, no not physical, it was a feeling, something of the heart.

I got up out of bed and slipped again into my boxers. Kris opened another beer and handed it to me and he opened another one for himself.

All I could say was, "Man, that was just too awesome."

And Kris said, "Ya babe, you were real good too, the best."

"I never dreamed it could be so beautiful." I said absently, almost to myself.

Hearing Kris say I was real good made me feel super and I sat in a chair and took a long drink of my beer. Kris came over and gave me a sweet kiss and then sat on the corner of the bed facing the chair.

I was looking at Kris, sitting there on the bed with not a single stitch or clothes on, thinking about how beautiful he was. He got up for a moment and pushed in the power button on the sound system. As he walked across the room I watched his cute bum and it was perfect.

I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. When he hit play on the CD player, Mandy Moore's "I wanna be with you," came on, perfect. Then he slowly walked back and sat back down on the corner of the bed.

Kris leaned back on one elbow and took another long drink of his beer, finishing it. He opened another beer and handed it to me, and then he took the last one for himself.

After a few minutes there came a knock on the door and I jumped four feet in the air and scrambled around looking for my clothes. Kris burst out laughing and said, "Man, it is all right, calm down."

I asked, "What do you mean?"

Kris answered, "Well, it is no secret about what we were doing." He turned toward the door and said, "Come in."

I freaked, and before I could think of what to do, in came the woman that was staring at me in the kitchen.

She did not even give Kris a second look even though he was still buck ass naked. But she looked me over but good. "Nice, and shy too, I like that." She said in a deep sensual voice to no one in particular. And then to Kris she continued, "They're here now, and should be ready in about ten minutes." And then she turned to leave, but as her eyes swept past me I noticed her staring at me again, just for a second. Then, as she opened the door she said, "And bring your friend along too." Then she pulled the door but left it slightly ajar and went back down the hall.

Kris called after her, "OK. We'll be right in."

I asked, "Who is she? You never introduced her."

And Kris said, "Her name is Aunt Ruth."

"I see. Who are 'they'?" I asked.

And Kris answered, "The crew."

"Crew for what?" I asked. Then all of a sudden it hit me. They were making fuck flicks. SHIT!!!

"Come on I'll show you." And he got up and went out the door. Saying, "Come on, you'll see."

"What are you doing? Man, you are buck ass naked!" I said. Then as he left I continued, "Shit, man! I'm not going out there like this!"

Kris came over to me and said, "Come on babe, its ok, and in here, nobody notices what you have on, or don't have on for that matter."

Then he took me by the hand and added, "It will be fun. Just check it out with me, you'll see."

"Man I don't know." I pulled my hand back, and then I immediately felt like I had made a mistake. I was scared but the raging hard on I now had told me I was more turned on than I thought.

Kris came back over and knelt down in front of me. God he was beautiful. He put a hand on each side of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I let my tongue dance with his and slid forward to put my arms around him. I held him tight and ran one hand up and down his back. I could feel the strong muscles flex under his flawless skin.

Kris ended the kiss with a soft moan, and he leaned his forehead against mine and whispered, "Come with me babe, check it out. I wont let anything happen to you that you don't want."

It was that moment that I realized I would do anything Kris wanted. All he had to do was ask and I was his. I pulled him to me and kissed him softly, saying, "If you think it's OK then I am with you."

Kris stood up and took my hand and without saying another word, I got up and followed. I felt a little weird walking through a stranger's house in just my boxers, especially with a raging hard on. But with all the people there, and not a one giving me a second look I soon relaxed. Kris took me to the room with all the lights and video equipment. And there were two other boys talking and getting undressed.

Both were about Kris' age and were poking and pushing each other, and generally just having fun. Kris walked right in with me in tow and the one with red hair turned and said, "Dude, look what you found" pointing at me.

Kris introduced me and I found out the red head's name was Andy, and the other boy was Tommy. As they stripped out of the rest of their clothes I could see that their fully tanned bodies were just stunning. Not an ounce over or under weight, and not a single flaw, not even a tan line.

Andy looked at my boner and said, "Looks like you are ready to join in right now." And they all looked at my tented boxers and giggled. I was a bit embarrassed but I held my ground and smiled along with them. It was not very long since I last got my rocks off, and I was really impressed with my fast recovery time.

After about fifteen minutes two older guys came in, they were in their late thirties and one took charge of the camera and the other the boom microphone. The only real comment they made was to nudge one another and mention, "Look there, we have some fresh meat in the room." And every body had a good laugh over that.

The guy with the microphone, his name was Edward said, "Come on somebody say something. I need a sound check."

Tommy and turned to the microphone and said, "Testing, one blow job, two blow job, three blow job,"

"Very funny." Edward quipped.

And the dude on video, his name was Ron; and all in all I thought he was pretty cool. All the time he was fiddling with his camera he was bitching raucously at Ed, something about his driving I think.

After a short time Ron turned to me and looking me up and down asked, "What's your name kid?"

"Ron, Ed, this is Lin." Kris said by way of an introduction.

Then Ron turned to Ed saying, "Well, what do you think?"

Ed answered. "It's your call." And with that Ron went out into the hall and called for Aunt Ruth.

When she arrived Ron and Edward went out into the hall and all I could hear were muffled voices. After a few minutes they both came back in and Aunt Ruth said to me, "Take them off."

I looked at her like she had three heads and I said, "What?!"

And she pointed at my boxers and said again, "Take them off."

I looked to Kris for help and he was looking right at me with a stupid grin on his face from ear to ear. I noticed then that everyone in the room had their eyes glued to me. Just waiting to see what I was going to do next.

Kris smiled and said, "Babe, it's alright, come on, it's fun."

It was like the entire world stood still waiting for me to make up my mind. I could feel my face going red, I slid my thumbs under the waistband of my boxers then I took a deep breath and I slowly dropped them. Once it was done everybody became animated again.

Aunt Ruth looked me over, told me to turn around slowly, and then she said to Ron, "I think he is just what we need."

The other boys smiled and said to each other that this was going to be fun. The three of them made themselves at home on the bed and Kris asked if I would like to join them.

I stepped out of my boxers and pulled off my socks and sat down on the edge of the bed. Kris slid over and straddled me with a leg on each side and kissed me on the back of my shoulder.

Then, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in tight, he nibbled on my ear. I leaned back into him, and as Kris feasted on me I felt my dick begin to throb again for attention, looking for Kris. I could also feel his cock stiffen against my back.

Looking around, I saw Tommy and Andy playing with each other and staring at us with hungry eyes. I thought watching them as they both worked each other up with a mutual hand job was extremely erotic.

I turned half way and kissed Kris, sliding my tongue deep into his mouth. Kris devoured me, kissing me with a fevered passion.

Moving back up next to the other boys, Kris urged me along with him, and I followed him up on the bed willingly. My imagination was running wild, and the thought of all four of us together on the bed was just too exciting.

Once I made myself comfortable, I turned and kissed Kris with everything I had. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me and I was going to make it count.

The lights were turned on and the room was flooded with an intense white light. Edward went to a panel and adjusted some dials and threw some switches and the light dimmed to a soft orange glow.

Ron looked through the viewfinder in his camera and called a couple of adjustments to Ed and as he deftly turned three dials at the same time Ron hollered, "GOOD!"

And then two other guys came into the room; one of them with a clipboard and the other guy had two expensive looking cameras hanging from his neck. Right off the guy with the cameras started snapping pictures and I immediately tensed up.

Kris said, "Don't worry babe, they always do a set of still pictures while they were filming, it saves lots of time."

And Andy added, "Ya, and sheets too." They all laughed at that and I seemed to become more at ease with the whole scene.

Kris reached down and started to beat me off and he said for me to do him also for a while. As I reached for Kris' swollen dick and started to stroke him off also the room started to buzz with activity. The camera was clicking away and Ron started shooting video.

Then the man with the clipboard, his name was Eric, told Tommy, "Go ahead and start sucking Andy off now." And with that, Tommy smiled as he got down in front of Andy and engulfed his dick. Sucking and slurping and giving Andy's pole a good going over for the cameras.

I was surprised when Kris wet a finger and started probing Tommy's pink little butt hole. Kris asked if I would suck him off, I looked around and noticed no one paying much attention to me so I bent over and licked the head of his cock.

As I ran my tongue around the head of Kris' dick I heard the camera burn off a few pictures. For some reason this got me all worked up and very excited. I really started getting into this whole thing and began giving Kris the best head I could.

I licked, and sucked, then nibbled, generally played it up for the camera. Kris was beginning to tense up after a few minutes and he pulled me off saying, "Babe you should try to take your time, there is still a lot more to come."

Kris coaxed Tommy up on to his knees and told me to slide in between his legs and tongue his balls. I did as he asked, and Kris moved in and started licking his hole. I reached up and put a finger in Kris' mouth and wet it then around Kris' tongue, slid it into Tommy's butt to the second knuckle.

Kris kept on licking, then he slowly slid one of his fingers in too. Tommy popped his head back leaving Andy's cock behind. He let out a loud muffled, "Unnnngghhhh!" And Edward, the sound man, zeroed right in on it.

I began to pull to the left and Kris to the right, and Tommy was loosening up nicely. He was squirming like a worm on a hook. He was on fire, and moaning like we were fanning it. Then, Andy took the hint and came around and got ready to fuck him good.

Edward squirted a big glop of K-Y jelly in Andy's hand and he lubed up his cock nice and slick. Then he crawled behind Tommy straddling me and poked his tool at his hot little rosebud. I grabbed Andy's dick and rubbed it against Tommy's ass, and with a gentle but firm push it slid in to the hilt.

Tommy let out another, "AAAHHMWUNNNNnngghhhhhh" of pleasure and this time the sound man was ready for him. Andy pulled out all the way and then entered again just as fast, and once more Tommy let out an, "AAAAWWWFFUUCCCKKK!" Then Andy began a good healthy steady fuck.

Ron came in close and got a good shot of Andy's cock ramming Tommy's ass while I was underneath lapping up his balls. Kris told me to slide up and suck his dick and I moved to take his huge member down my throat.

Meanwhile Kris lubed his cock and picked up my legs, putting my ankles onto his shoulders and began slowly plunging into my ass. I had never imagined how good a cock in my ass could feel. Often, while jacking off in the shower I would squat down and finger my hole, but a thick seven-inch dick was totally new to me.

I let out a loud moan, and quickly slid off Tommy's cock to say, " OOOOHHH FFFUUUCK!!! Ya. Fuck me man!" and Kris rammed it home and started a nice steady humping on me too. Then Kris reached down and started jerking me off. In only a few minutes all four of us had a wonderful rhythm going.

The cameramen were working hard to get the best angled shots. And we were all beginning to get near the edge. I was working on Tommy's thick eight inch dick when he hollered, "Close!!!"

And Ron moved the video camera in to catch the shot. Eric, the guy with the clipboard told me to jerk him off the rest of the way so they could catch the cum shot. I grabbed his cock and gave it several fast strokes and Tommy hollered, "Now!" and I was given a wonderful bath in his thick creamy tang.

I opened wide to let some of it shoot in my mouth and the cameraman was saying, "Great shot, kid!" then Ron said, " Tommy's done now, lick up some more cum! This is fucking great kid." And I used his cock to push some of the spooch into my mouth. After doing this I felt my self getting close to breaching the dike. I hollered through clenched teeth and cum dripping lips, "I'm getting close now too!!!"

Then Ron moved the camera around just in time to see me paint Andy's back with my spunk. Andy was the next to go and he pulled out with a pop and after giving himself a few fast tight strokes, bathed my chest and Tommy's ass with his sticky ooze.

And lastly Kris pulled out of my ass and sprayed my balls and dick with his thick boy seed. Then he bent over and licked all his cum off my balls. It felt great, and all at once, I learned I was ticklish there and started to squirm. When I started to giggle Eric said, "Shit, Ron get a shot of this!"

After a few minutes we began to catch our breath and then we untangled ourselves. We all toweled any remaining spunk off and sat back on the bed.

Kris leaned over and gave me a fast kiss on the lips and said, "You were great babe." And he kissed me a little deeper.

All I could do was look at him and smile weakly. The only thought going through my mind right then was 'what had I just done!' Then the thought of 'what if someone I know sees this?' And lastly, "what if my parents find out?' I tried to choke out the words but I just couldn't. I reached over and hugged Kris close, I didn't want to let him go. We were together now, a couple, and I was determined to keep it that way.

Eric, he was the guy with the clipboard. Well, he came in and said it was a super job and then to me he said, "You look great on tape kid, we can use you any time." And he then handed each of us an envelope.

I asked Kris what was in the envelopes and he said, "Open it up and see." So I did and it was filled with ten nice brandy new one hundred dollar bills.

"Shit man look at this! Is this all for me? Just for screwing?" I said.

The other guys looked at me and laughed, "Yup, just for screwing." Andy said. And they all cracked up laughing.

We all gathered up our stuff and went back to Kris' room and each started getting a quick shower and then getting dressed. While we all sat around drinking another beer, I started asking a few questions. "How often does all this happen?"

Kris answered, "One or two times a week."

And Tommy added, "Even more in the summer and on vacations when we go out to different places."

Andy said, "Remember the time last summer on that boat? Then to me he said, "Lin, dude it was fucking great! A huge boat and we were treated just like real celebrities."

Then Tommy added, "Ya, and we get paid extra too for going on the road too."

"Babe, I had better get you home, it's almost three in the morning." Kris said, and he got up and put on his jacket. I got up and got my sweatshirt on and made ready for the ride home.

While I was getting ready I overheard Kris talking about a new car to the other guys, saying it would be delivered in about one more week. I began to do a bit of mental arithmetic and I figured it took less than three months to pay for this new car. I said to my self, 'Guess there is an up side to all this.'

We had to pass through the kitchen on the way out of the house, and the all crew was in there having some beers and talking about the nights work. As we walked through, I overheard two or three off hand remarks like, 'The new kid did real well.' And, 'He looks really good on film too.'

We said our good byes and left the house and headed for Kris' car. I got in and leaned quietly against the passenger side door and Kris started the engine. He looked at me and asked, "What's wrong Lin?"

I answered, "I dunno, it just feels a little weird. What if someone finds out? You know, at school, or my parents."

Kris motioned for me to move closer to him, and I slid to his side of the seat. He put his arm around me and held me tight. And as I leaned into him and he rubbed my arm, I started to feel a little better all ready.

Kris kissed me on the forehead and I leaned back for a deeper more passionate kiss. I pushed my tongue deeply into his mouth and slid a hand behind his neck and kissed him with even more force.

After a few minutes the car began to warm up, or it might have been us, I don't know for sure. Anyhow, I broke our kiss and leaned my head on his chest. I took a deep breath and said, "It just feels so...Oh, I don't know, just so unreal."

And Kris finished, "Just so much money for doing what you really wanted to be doing all along for nothing."

"Ya, that's partly it I think. But what if someone should find out?"

"That wont happen, the tapes all have different names on them. And you don't really think your parents know anyone that buys gay videos. Do you?" Kris said as he rubbed my back.

"No they don't, I doubt they know any gays." I agreed.

And Kris added, "See, there really is nothing to worry about, just don't go buying expensive shit, that's a dead give-a-way about all the money you're making, and you will be fine."

Then I said, "I think I would like it better if it were just the two of us though."

"That depends on what videos Eric needs though."

"Oh, I see. Kinda like filling an order." I questioned.

"Ya, I guess that's about right." Kris said and then added, "We had better get going babe." He looked at his watch and said, "Shit man, it's almost four o'clock! Lets go." And with that Kris pulled out of the driveway and started the short drive to my parents' house. All the way there I kept my head resting on Kris' shoulder and my hand was absently caressing his inner thigh.

It only took about fifteen minutes to get me home and I slowly turned to go when Kris pulled me back and kissed me fiercely. And I kissed him back with all the passion a seventeen year old could manage to scrape up. "I have to go...I don't want to."

Kris let out a deep sigh, and said, "Oh babe, I want you to stay with me too." We hugged one last quick hug and I got out and went into the house. Kris waited for me to go in before he drove on down the street, back toward his house.

This ends chapter 2 of "The Decision" If you liked it, please let me know, if you didn't like it, let me know too. Your comments are the only way I have of knowing if I am doing something right, or wrong. So please let me know.

Thanks Marc......

Next: Chapter 3

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