The Decision


Published on Aug 20, 2000


All the stories contained within portray explicit descriptions of sexual acts between the characters in it. Although the characters are teenagers who may be below the age of consent in the country or state where this is read, nothing written here should be taken as approval of, or encouragement for, sexual liaisons between people where such liaisons are either illegal, or objectionable for moral reasons. Although this story does not include safe sex practices, it is everyone's own responsibility to themselves and to each other to engage only in PROTECTED SEX. It is a story. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Nothing represented here is based on any fact known to the author.

Copyright Notice - This story is Copyright (c) 2000 by Marcintime, and the author retains all rights and privileges. You may distribute, copy, print, staple or spindle this story however you like, provided this copyright notice remains intact and you do not change the story in any way. Also you may not charge any fee to anyone to distribute or access this story.

The Decision By Marc....... (c) June, 12, 2000 All rights reserved. Chapter 3

I closed the door as quietly as I could. The house was quiet, and I tried to keep it that way as I tip toed carefully to my bedroom. I could see the TV was still on in the parents room and tried to get past unnoticed. But as luck would have it, the floorboard creaked as usual and I was bagged. Mental note, 'I am going to have to try and fix that from the basement'. My Dad called and I opened the door slightly and poked my head into their room.

"Hi, Dad. It's only me." I said. Damn it, 'Why do I say stupid shit like that' I mumbled quietly to myself?

"I can see that." He then took a quick look at the alarm clock and remarked, "Do you know what time it is Lin?"

"Ya, Dad. I'm sorry I was at Kris' after work and we were doing videos." Damn if he only knew. Seeing my Mom sleeping there I suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, we lost track of time. I should have called. It won't happen again."

"Ok, you go to bed now, I'm sure your mother will have a few words to say to you in the morning. Good night son." He smiled then and I knew I wasn't in too much shit.

"Ok, G'night Dad. Love you."

"Love you too." And then he turned and switched off the TV.

I made it to my room and made fast tracks for my secret stash place, a hollow in the wall behind an electrical outlet. I pulled up and out at the same time and the plug fixture popped out of the hole. I reached in and got the little metal box I used to keep all of my secret shit.

Then I opened the envelope, pulled out the wad of money and counted out nine nice new one hundred dollar bills, folded them up and stuck them in the box then put the other hundred in my wallet. After returning the box to its hidey hole, and then the outlet fixture to its place. Then I swept away the little bit of plaster dust that always falls on the floor.

Then I striped out of my clothes and crawled into bed.

I laid there in bed thinking about all that had happened to me that night. Sexually I had never been so satisfied. And I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that someone would pay me a thousand dollars for getting laid.

I drifted off to sleep that night and never once even the thought of jerking off. That was a first in quite a few years too.

All things considered the alarm woke me up kind of early.

Damn, it was only ten fifteen in the morning. I knew I had to get up but I could not for the life of me remember why. Then the sweet smell of a huge turkey roasting brought me lazily back from that hazy place between sleep and, well, not sleep. Damn, Thanksgiving! I hit the snooze button and rolled over.


Once again I hit the alarm button, and rolled onto my back and opened one eye, just a bit. I took a deep breath and the aroma of Mom's sage dressing filled my mind's eye with a picture of a long table, piled high with great tasting food, and all around it were all the people I loved most in the world.

Stretching for a few long minutes to get the blood flowing again, I opened the other eye and I lazily groaned as I got up and wiping the sleep from my eyes and went in to get my shower. I turned the valve, and the hot spray didn't take long to fill the bathroom with steam. I got into the stream of hot water and it caused me to wince a bit until I became more accustomed to it.

I languished in the piercing needles of the hot spray, letting it massage my aching muscles. I had never realized how much hard work good sex really was. As the flow of water fell over my firm limbs, gently coaxing them awake, the steam began to work its magic and clear my head of its sleepy haze.

When I could feel the water begin to cool a bit I knew I had about five more minutes before it became really cold. I quickly went to work soaping and scrubbing and rinsing, then the same to my hair. I managed to climb out just as that cold rush of water belched forth.

I toweled the steam off the mirror and then went about drying my self off. Next I ran a brush through my hair, checked it out in the mirror, then grunting my disapproval, worked in a little mousse and brushed it again. Perfect.

I gave a close scrutiny to the peach fuzz on my chin and figured because it was a holiday I would shave. And once again I performed this arduous task without any mishaps or pieces of my face washing down the drain. Shaving sucked!

After finishing in the bathroom, I went into my room and got out a pair of boxer shorts and socks a nice shirt and a pair of jeans. I dressed then tied on my Adidas cross trainers and went out to face the music.

Mom was dutifully working away in the kitchen making one of her famous Thanksgiving Day turkey dinners. It never ceases to amaze me how a Mom can work all day long, cooking and pealing and baking and generally exhausting her self. Then, only to have the entire thing wolfed down and lapped up in about ten minutes flat. Moms, ya gotta love them!

I went into the fridge and got my self a big glass of orange juice and then gave Mom a kiss on the cheek, just like I had for as long as I could remember. When I kissed her she looked up at me and said, "Hello Lin, now don't get under foot now, I'm busy. And will you get me the large bowl from the top shelf while you are here."

"Sure Mom." And I reached up and got the big bowl she needed. "Where is Dad?" I asked.

"He is out back trying to fix that old broken down leaf shredder." She looked at me closely and said, "Come here Lin. You feel alright, you look a little pale?" As she felt my forehead.

And I answered, "I feel fine Mom, really."

Then she said, "Have you been getting enough sleep? You were out kind of late last night. Weren't you?" Then, she continued, "You're working now, and I suppose that kind of thing is to be expected from time to time. But the next time young man, you call and let us know what your plans are. Is that understood?"

I knew Mom would be getting around to it sooner or later. I guess I was kind of relieved it was the sooner, "Yes Mom, I'm sorry it won't happen again." Then I headed out the back door to find my Dad.

Looking around the back yard off the deck I spotted the father figure playing around with the old beat up shredder out by the garage. I walked over and said, "Hi Dad, I'm sorry about last night."

Dad looked up at me and said, "Well Lin, it is not the staying out, it is the worry it causes. You just be sure and call if you are going to be a little late."

"I will Dad, I promise. I told Mom too." I knew it worried them when they didn't know where I was. I guess it's not too much to ask, and it wasn't worth making a huge deal over.

"Oh? Good, she worries, and well, I do too." And he went back to fiddling with the broken shredder.

"I know Dad, I'll do better. You need any help with that?" I really didn't know all that much about fixing shit, I just thought offering to help was the right thing to do.

"No Lin, that's ok. I think I've done just about all I can with this thing anyhow." Dad said. Then he added, "Lets go in, everybody should be arriving soon."

Holidays at our house were always a family affair. All the Aunts and Uncles would come for dinner and of course they had to drag all the kids along with them. And I was always expected to see to it that they were properly entertained. All the little kids would settle into the basement and take charge of the play station. And the wannabe teenagers would hang out in my room and listen to CD's and watch MTV.

About noon I decided to try and call Kris but realized I had never gotten his phone number. I asked Mom where the phone book was and she said she thought it was by the extension in the basement. I ran downstairs and just like she said, there it was. Heh, Moms they know everything. Shit! For some reason that thought suddenly chilled me to the bone.

I opened the book and thought to my self, 'what the hell was Kris' last name', and I tried to visualize him punching out his time card. It started with...ahh... Shit! I could not remember. Now this is just freaking great.

Well shit! There wasn't a lot I could do about it now. So I went upstairs to console my self with some food.

I sulked into the kitchen and slumped down at the table and watched my Mom buzz around cooking her brains out for a minute. I figured I had better not bother her about food right now so I settled for a glass of milk.

After serving my self I plopped back into the chair. Mom asked, "What's wrong honey?" And I told her I was looking for Kris' phone number but could not find it. Then she said, "Lin, call the store they'll have it I'm sure, they're open till one o'clock today."

And I was off. I think I hit maybe one stair tread on the way down stairs. I tore open the phone book and found the number for the video store where we worked. I dialed the number and waited, finally after a long while it rang and Don answered the phone.

I went through the hellos and was it busy and the entire round about chitchat you had to go through in order to get what you really wanted. Finally I asked for Kris' phone number and he put me on hold so he could find it. After four or five minutes Don came back and gave me the number. I think I thanked him three times and wished him a happy Thanksgiving and said good-bye without waiting for a reply.

I dialed the phone as fast as I could and waited, and waited, ring after ring nothing, and I figured just a few more rings. Then a groggy voice answered, "Hullo?"

"Kris? This is Lin, did I wake you?"

"Man, what time is it?"

"It's about twelve fifty."

"Ya, you woke me. It's ok though."

"Sorry, I thought you would have been up."

"No. But it's alright. What's up?"

Then, all of a sudden I realized I didn't know what to say. "Um, I, ah,,, well I dunno, I just wanted to talk to you. I need to see you."

"Ok, about what, are you ok?" Kris asked.

"Yes, I'm ok." Shit! Think fast damn it, "Shit man I just want to talk is all." Just fucking brilliant.

"Ok, what's up?" Kris said again.

"Kris, can't you say any thing besides 'what's up'? I want to talk to you, but not on the phone, I want...well,,, I need to see you." I really felt a deep down desire to be with him. I had never felt like this before.

"Well, Ok, I'd like to see you too." Kris said.

"Aren't you doing any thing for Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"No, every one went out to some restaurant or something, I didn't want to go. I was up late last night. Remember?"

I could feel my face get warm and I knew I was blushing. "Ya, I remember. I'll never forget. Why don't you come here for dinner? Then we might go out and do something after." Right away, as soon as I had a few thoughts of what I wanted to do running through my head, I could feel my dick begin to swell.

"Well, I don't know, are you sure it's ok with your parents?" Kris wondered.

"Ya, of course it's ok." I replied

"All right then, I guess so, if you're sure its Ok."

"Yes Kris I'm sure."

"Well what time?" Kris asked.

"Just get here as soon as you can Ok?"

"Ok, in about an hour then." After a short pause Kris added, "I want to see you too babe, bye." Then he hung up the phone.

I looked down and noticed I was rubbing my cock. I didn't even realize it. Shit! Time to start being more careful.

I went up stairs and asked Mom if it was ok if I invited Kris to dinner. And like I knew she would, she said yes. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and asked, "Is there was anything I can do to help?"

"Well, let's see, you could carry all this to the dining room." And Mom pointed to a huge mound of dishes and stuff. "Just put it all on the side board and I'll set the table, you wont do it right."

By the time I got all the stuff out to the dining room, family and friends started to arrive. I made the usual rounds of getting kissed by Aunts and shaking hands with Uncles, and telling the kids about the new video games in my collection. All the while collecting coats and hanging them all in the hall closet.

It was always nice to see all the family together. I guess that was the thing I liked best about holidays, getting to see everyone. Mom and Dad both came from large families, and every one seemed to end up here some time during the day on holidays. All the kids were ok too, I guess, even if I did have to go back the next day and sort out all my CD's and game cartridges.

I went out on the front yard to get some air, and it wasn't long before I spotted Kris' car coming around the corner. I just couldn't wait to see him so I went down to meet him. There were already tons of cars on the street because there were two other parties going on in the neighborhood. Kris had to park all the way down at the end.

"Kris, I missed you." I went to reach for him but I stopped myself, I wanted to throw my arms around him. I wanted a nice kiss, but we were right in the middle of the street.

"I did too babe." He said, then added "It was real nice of you to invite me."

"I wanted to see you so bad."

"I know what you mean Lin, I feel it too."

"Come on, let's go in." And I led Kris into the house.

As was usually the case at family get togethers, it didn't take long for the liquor to come out. And soon the adults began to mellow out. Kris was greeted by a large gaggle of Aunts and I made the rounds of introductions. And in that way Aunts have, they totally embarrassed both of us with their choruses of "Awww's" and "Ahhhaaa"s. As quickly as possible I managed to herd him away.

I took Kris into my room and excused all the kids and herded them out and down into the basement. They all grumbled, but hey, it's my room.

When I came back to Kris he had a wicked smile on his face and right off I knew what he had on his mind. "No way dude! We can't, no, stohemmmfmff," but that was all I could manage to say. It was hard to talk with a tongue rammed down my throat.

I squirmed away and whispered, "Kris. Not here please!"

And he moved right back in and kissed me again. But this time I gave in and I threw my arms around him and pulled him in tight. Kris slid his hand under my shirt in back and gently caressed my back. After several minutes Kris ended the kiss and moved away a bit and smiled quickly before pulling me close for a hug. He nibbled on my ear while saying, "I could stay like this forever."

"Ya, me too babe. After dinner lets go somewhere, ok." I wanted to go right then, but I knew that was impossible. I loosened my grip on him before I became totally out of control. Then I said, "Kris, why don't you put on a CD, something mellow."

"Ok, so what did you want to tell me?"

"Not here we can talk after dinner, ok." I said.

"What ever you want to do babe. Where do you want to go?" Kris offered.

"Any where as long as it's with you." I wanted to jump him right here but I knew that was too dangerous. At dinner I'd have to be careful not to slip around the relatives too. Shit, this was definitely not getting any easier.

We both made ourselves comfortable, Kris sat in the big chair and I settled on the end of the bed. I wanted to say something about last night, I needed to talk about it. I had no idea what I wanted to say, but I knew I had to say it, and I could not talk about it here.

After a short while Mom called every one to dinner, and she sent one of the kids to find Kris and I. Starving, as usual, we beat feet to the table. Kris and I managed to squeeze onto a corner between my Uncle Joey and my Dad .

Dinner was great as usual, and everybody managed to stuff themselves in good Thanksgiving Day fashion. I could see that even Mom's wildest expectations were surpassed when it got down to the last bits of this and the smallest dabs of that. But there was plenty to go around as always.

And everybody that day got a fair chance to pay fair and due compliments to the chef as well. And after everyone had glutted themselves to complete and utter satisfaction, Mom stood up and asked cheerfully, "Now, who wants pie?"

"Uuuggghhhhh!" Was heard all around he table. But after seeing the feigned look disappointment, every body had at least one slice of Mom's home made pie. And before the last morsel was eaten, all the Aunts began whirling around in a fit of house cleaning frenzy.

Kris and I went back again to my room, and we were greeted with a chorus of pleas from my cousins Kenny and Will. They definitely did not want to be thrown back into the dungeon with all the little ones. They were the next oldest in the family and I didn't really have the heart to toss them out again. Any how, I didn't mind having them around seeing as they were both almost fifteen and both knock down gorgeous to look at.

I looked at Kris and said, "Wait here I'll go tell my Mom we'll be going out for a while."

"Ok, ba.. ahh.. umm Lin, sounds good." Kris went over to the chair and sat down. My cousin Will was already asking Kris about his car and as I was leaving I caught Kris' eye and gave him a wicked grin.

Kris shrugged and laughed saying, "What....?" And then we both laughed. As I opened the door, Kenny shifted his gaze between Kris and I and gave us both a dry smirk.

There was something in the way Kenny looked at us that made me nervous. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, and it made me feel kind of weird. I wondered to myself, 'had he noticed something?'

I found Mom and Dad together in the kitchen trying to steal a quiet moment together. They were sharing a glass of white wine and just relaxing while all the Aunts and older girls helped clean the dishes and stuff.

I walked over and kissed Mom telling her how great dinner was. I could tell she was tired and also she was not having her first glass of wine. Well after working like a dog for the last three days shopping and baking and cooking I guess she deserved a little buzz.

"Mom, Dad is it all right if I go out with Kris for while?" I asked.

Mom spoke up first saying, "Lin, you really should stay around, but I guess you've done your duty for today."

"Thanks Mom." I answered kissing her again. This time she laughed, brushing me away.

"Now call if you decide to go anywhere." Dad added.

"And don't be too late dear."

Turning to go back down the hall to my room I said, "I wont, I'll promise to call if we go anywhere too."

I returned to my room and I could hear the music through the door. I knew right then, Will and Kenny were busy tearing up my audio system. And sure enough, true to form, I hadn't been away any more than ten minutes and they had my CD collection spread all over the freaking room. I closed the door to my room and said, "You two dick wads had better put those CD's back when you're through." Then I turned to Kris and added, "Come on, I can go."

Kenny looked at me and said, "Hey chill, we will, we always do."

"Ya right, just like you cum stains did last time you were here right?" I stated.

"OK, just let me go tell your Mom thanks for dinner." Kris said as he went out the door.

"They were just in the kitchen." I said and Kris headed in that direction.

On the way out of my room I said, "Don't forget you two, put that shit back where you found it."

"Fuck man. We said we would didn't we." Will remarked.

Then I headed for the kitchen.

Kris, and Mom and Dad were still in the same place and they were both smiling at Kris as he walked up to them saying, "Thank you very much for dinner it was really good."

And Mom answered, "You're very welcome Kris, you're welcome here anytime."

Kris smiled at her and returned, "Thanks, we'll be going now.

As we turned Dad said, "Good bye boys be careful driving, and remember what I said Lin."

"I will Dad. Bye." And we headed out to the door, but not before a chorus of 'They must be going to see their girl friends' from all the Uncles. Heh shit! If they only knew.

As we walked to Kris' car he remarked, "Your parents are really nice."

"Ya, they're pretty great."

"It must be nice." Kris mussed.

I could tell by Kris' tone there was something wrong. "What do you mean?" I queried.

"Never mind. It's all right. Besides I just don't want to talk about it right now."

And as we got into the car, Kris turned to look at me and as he started the engine, and said, "It's just that I don't want to spoil a good day. Ok?"

"What ever you say babe. And I don't want to pry either." I answered. Kris pulled into the neighbors drive so he could turn the car around. Then we headed into town.

After going a short way I slid over next to Kris and ran my hand to his inner thigh. Kris then put an arm over my shoulder and pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek. I snuggled in next to him and let my self relax. We drove down toward route one forty six and I asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Kris replied, "We're going to my place, but I have to pick something up first."

We drove in towards the city and as we got into town we turned off at the Broad street exit. Taking a right at the end of the ramp, we continued on and after a short time Kris pulled into the drive way of a big old house. You couldn't see the place from the road because of the tall wall and big trees along the street side of the place.

Kris pulled in front of the house and stopped right at the front entry. He turned to me as he opened the car door and said, "I'm just going to run in and get something." Then from the front door he hollered, "I'll only be a minute."

He left me in the car with the engine still running and disappeared into the house without even knocking on the door. After not more than a minute, Kris came running back to the car with a small box.

"What is in the box?" I asked.

"You will find out when we get to my place." And he threw the car in gear and sped out the other end of the circular drive.

Kris slipped the package down between the door and the seat so I wouldn't get at it and he giggled when I pleaded, "Awww, come on tell me what it is? Please."

"Hehehe, nope not till we get home." And Kris sped up a bit. I could tell he was getting excited about something.

I tried tickling, I tried pouting, I even tried feigned anger, and he still would not budge. Well, after trying everything I could think of I finally resigned myself to the fact that I was just going to have to wait.


After about fifteen minutes we were once again at his house in the country. And by the time Kris turned off the engine I was almost shaking. I was just too anxious to see what he had.

Kris got out, making sure he kept the small box out of my reach, and met me on the path leading to the front door. He slid an arm around my waist and walked me to the entry way.

As Kris fumbled for his keys, I stood right in front of him and kissed him softly. I opened my mouth and pushed my tongue slowly into his. He kissed me back, his tongue rolling around mine.

I put my arms down around his back, and when I pulled him close he sighed as his hardening dick rubbed against mine, making it jump and throb. I looked into his eyes and said, "MMmmm. That was nice."

"It sure was." And Kris kissed me quick on the tip of my nose and added, laughing, "Come on, I want you to see something."

We went inside the house and I was surprised to see the place, everything was all cleaned up and put away. The place really looked pretty good. Kris took me into the living room and I took off my coat tossing it on a chair and sat down on the sofa. Kris put his there too then went back into the kitchen.

I could hear clanking and the fridge door close and he returned with four beers. He sat next to me and put two beers on the table and one in my hand. I couldn't wait any longer and I had to ask, "So what is in the box."

Kris smiled and gave me a soft kiss and said, "I picked up the tape, and there was another envelope there for you babe."

"Another one, what for?" I asked excitedly. "Put the tape in."

"Ok, babe, anything for you." And Kris went over to the entertainment center and popped in the tape.

I took the large envelope and tore it open and peeked in. "FUCK! Man look at this!"

Kris turned and said, "What is it?"

Kris, sitting by me on the sofa, watched as I pulled a thick stack of bills out. I counted out three thousand dollars. "What the hell is this for?" I asked excitedly.

While reaching for the remote control for the VCR, Kris said, "That is kind of a sign on bonus. They said you did really well the other night." He fiddled with the buttons for a second and after a few moments the tape kicked in.

"Ya! But this is a shit load of money. I've never seen this much money before." I exclaimed.

Music began a steady driving beat, the cheap sound track you hear every time you put a skin flick in. Then the screen credits; blah, blah, blah, and then something in the credits caught my eye, 'starring...Tim, Anthony, Karl, Link,' "What happened to our names?"

"They change them, you wouldn't really want to have your own name plastered up there? Would you?" Kris put his arm around me and kissed me so softly on the temple. He lingered there, and I could feel him draw in a deep breath, and slowly let it out.

"Ya, really! Heh, I guess you're right."

And then the show started. Right there in the first scene, there I was. Licking the head of Kris' hard cock. There was no mistaking it. Nope, that was me all right! Right there on the TV, sucking that pole, slurping up dripping pre cum. I was amazed to find out how much I enjoyed seeing myself sucking cock.

I turned to Kris and all I could say was, "Man that is too fucking awesome!" Then for some reason, I started to laugh. And it did not take long foe Kris to join in. "It is such a turn on."

"You like it huh?" And his lips stretched to I wide smile as he asked, "So when do we do another?"

I threw my self at him and kissed him over and over all over his face. Kris started to giggle and when he started trying to struggle for a hold I caught him on the lips. I forced my tongue into his mouth and kissed him with a passion only dreamt about.

I moved back and said, "Any time you say babe."

"Great, do you think you can get away this weekend?" Kris asked.

"What? So soon? Man I guess I can call and ask if I can get away for the weekend."

"Good. Go ahead and call." And Kris motioned to the phone at the other end of the sofa.

"But what do I tell my parents? They are going to ask questions. Where are we going? When do we leave?"

"Whoa! Slow down, hehehe." And Kris kissed me on the nose then added, "First thing in the morning. And we're going to Aunt Ruth's farm for a couple of days."

"I don't have to work till Tuesday. I'm sure I can. What is going on?"

"Work is no problem for me either." Kris reached over and handed me the phone, adding, "We usually get together for long weekends."

"The farm? Where is it?" I slid over next to Kris and as I moved to kiss him he pointed towards the screen.

I looked just as Kris slid his finger along with mine into Tommy's bunghole.

"It is up in Massachusetts, In the Berkshires about a two hour drive." Kris said as he put an arm around my shoulder and laid his hand on my chest.

On the screen, I was now moving in to lap up Tommy's balls and I was getting a wicked hard on from watching my self perform. Also Kris started absently playing with my nipple and it was driving me wild.

"I'll call and ask my parents." I said as I turned and kissed him on the neck just below the ear, then nibbled on his ear lobe. I reached up and kissed his ear and whispered, "I'll go anyplace, as long as it is with you babe."

Kris handed me the cordless and asked, "What is the number I'll dial."

"Ok, it's 555-2569." Kris dialed and I waited for an answer.

"Hello?" It was my Uncle Jim.

"Hi, Uncle Jim. This is Lin. Can I please speak to my Mom or Dad?"

"Oh, Ok. One minute I'll find them." I guess I wasn't really surprised when I heard him holler at the top of his lungs for them to answer the phone. He did sound pretty snoggered. "I see em, here they come now."

"Hello, Lin is everything all right?" It was my Dad.

"Hi Dad. Ya everything is fine. I'm at Kris' house."

"Oh, ok. What did you want then?" I could tell he was pretty much three sheets to the wind as well.

"Well, Kris asked me if I could go to his Aunt's farm up in the Berkshires for the weekend. Can I go please?"

"What about work?" Dad asked.

"I'm covered till Tuesday. And I have no homework either." I figured I had better throw that in too. Heh.

"Well, let me go ask your Mother."

The phone went quiet for a few minutes then Mom came on the line, "Are you sure you have no homework?"

"Yes Mom I'm sure."

"Well I guess you can go, but I want you to be sure and come home before you leave."

"Yes Mom, I have to get some clothes too." I gave Kris the thumbs up.

"ALL RIGHT!" Kris cheered.

"What was that?" Mom asked, then finished, "All right I'll see you when you get home then."

"Yes Mom, that was Kris, we're watching something on TV. I'll see you later then. Bye."

I handed the receiver back to Kris and smiled wickedly. When he took it I leaned over and kissed his cheek. For some reason I was suddenly excited about fucking and sucking in front of the camera. But.

The flick was getting hot and heavy now too, and I could see Kris pounding his dick into my ass. And I was giving Tommy a mean blow job, while Andy was fucking his hole. If I weren't there at the time, I'd swear it was impossible, but there I was, getting it and giving it like the best of them.

I watched the camera pan around and I got a view of Tommy's face and he really looked intense, a mixture of sweet deep pleasure and hard driving sex. That thought made my cock jump and I could feel a moist pool of pre cum soaking thru my jeans. I looked down and saw a dark spot where the head of my dick bulged under my jeans. As I flexed my boner two or three times I could see the spot begin to spread a bit.

Kris must have seen me flex it because he reached down and gave my hard on a good solid squeeze. And then he said, "Dude, I think these films agree with you." And he ran his hand up and down the length of my dick and finally settled on my balls.

"I know it is a great turn on. But I really don't know how I feel about it. It's just that I think I would like it better if it were just the two of us."

"I know babe, I feel the same way too."

"I want to be with you. I want you not them." I took a long drink of my beer then slouched back on the sofa.

"I just think of it as a job. It has nothing to do with how I feel about you." Kris moved to look right into my eyes then went on to say, "Lin, what I feel for you is just for you. Ok? The other guys don't mean anything to me. Not.. one.. thing."

I thought about it, then grudgingly agreed, "Ya, I believe you."

"Look, this weekend, we can go and talk to them. Ok?" Kris said.

I absently let my attention drift back to the screen. Tommy had just finished cumin all over my face and I was using his cock to push his cum into my mouth. The sight of me lapping up his fresh boy juice like it was ice cream was very erotic. And it was a fantastic turn on. But, I just couldn't believe deep down that all this was real. It was all happening so fast.

"Well, ok." I hesitated for a second then went on "It is not that I don't like it."

"I know just how you feel. I felt like that at first also." Kris moved off the sofa and knelt on the floor in front of me resting a hand on each thigh. "It wasn't easy for me at first either.

When I came to live with Ruth I was fifteen. I knew I was gay sure, but I didn't really know what that meant. When I talked to her about being gay, we got to talking about things, and that is when I learned about the films." I moved forward to hold Kris, for some reason I just felt he needed a hug right then.

I had seen a few of her friends come and go but only a few times had I ever seen the boys in action."

"By the time of my sixteenth birthday I had been living with Ruth about three months. She invited some of her film friends here. Eric was there so was Edward, Sean and Wayne, and another boy, his name was Billy."

I looked at Kris and saw a tear roll down his cheek.

"Don't babe. You don't have to do this for me." I kissed him on the top of his head and he broke into quiet sobs.

Kris took a deep shuddering breath and continued, "No, I want you to know."

"Ok, but stop when ever you want."

"Billy was my boy friend, we were together for almost a year." Kris looked up and sniffed. "It was the night of my birthday when we first got together, and well, you know, did it."

Kris buried his head in my arms and continued. "And then, about a week later, Sean and Wayne were here filming and, well, Billy and I were watching. Billy was getting all worked up and started rubbing his dick through his jeans. When I made a joke about it, he looked down and saw my hard on bulging in my pants and said, 'You seem to be in the mood too, lets get in on it?'"

Kris looked into my eyes and admitted, "At first I thought he was kidding, but when he walked up to me and kissed me, grabbing my cock and giving it a good squeeze, I knew it was no joke. The next thing I knew we were buck ass naked and we started doing flicks that night."

"When we first started, I felt weird about it, and then Billy said to me that he just looked at it as a chance for great wild sex. And doing it with some one he loved made it that much more fun."

Kris reached up and kissed me on the nose, then went on to say, "After I thought about it that way, it was better, easier. When Billy and I made love privately it was always special and always more intense." Kris then pulled me in for a huge hug.

I let my attention drift once again back to the screen and said off handedly, "Well, it is pretty erotic. And it is a wild turn on to watch my self." I said. Then I kissed Kris again and declared. "I won't do it if you are not there. Never!"

"Fair enough, and I won't do it anymore if you are not there either." I let a big smile spread across my face. And Kris returned my kiss. I had a feeling things were going to be all right now that we had the ground rules worked out.

My feelings for Kris were beginning to intensify. I could feel my self starting to fall in love with him. When he kissed me, I could feel that jumpy feeling in my stomach. I was drawn into him, and when we touched I could feel a warm flow of emotion washing over me, and my head began to spin.

As my tongue danced with his, darting back and forth, I felt a pressure and a tug on my middle. Then I heard the musical jingle of my belt buckle falling limply to the side. Then the release of pressure as he released the button on my jeans. Next the unmistakable sound of a zipper sliding down.

Kris traced the outline of my cock from the base to the head with both hands as he sucked softly on my tongue. Then he pushed his fingers under the waistband of my boxers and slid them down a few inches in the front. But that was more than enough though, my hard on throbbed and stood straight up. Kris then took hold of it in both hands and began stroking it slowly.

He then ended this kiss of kisses and left my head spinning, I wanted more and let out a soft moan. Kris gently coaxed me against the back of the sofa, and I reclined watching him slowly stroke my tool. His eyes locked with mine as he pulled on the fringes of my shorts. I could read his mind clearly, I knew what he wanted.

Lifting my butt up and allowing him to fully slide my pants down to my ankles Kris leaned down and ran his tongue around the head of my dick. He dipped his head down and licked down one side and up the other. Then he looked again into my eyes, and started giving me a class "A" blow job while keeping his eyes locked with mine. Holding my gaze, never once letting my eyes stray.

Kris was so intense, he never missed a beat. Taking hold of my ball sack he tugged at the fine hairs sending chills surging through me. That talented tongue of his teased at the head of my cock and the soft suction of his lips pulled at the shaft, coaxing up large drops of pre cum.

Every time my boy hood rewarded him with some of its liquid treasure Kris would moan softly. The sensation of that vocal expression of his pleasure washing over my dick caused a tightness in my balls and I felt the sack draw up to a firm pouch. And he was always looking intently into my eyes.

Wedging his free hand under me, Kris quickly won possession of my butt hole. He ran his finger around the rim and I could feel it pucker in response. He tried to push it in dry but it would not budge. He pulled out and reached up to my mouth and slid two fingers in, and as I sucked them into my mouth I coated them with a thick layer of spit.

After a moment Kris withdrew the slick fingers from my mouth and I slid down a bit more to give him more room. He got right to it, running around once wetting the rim, then he firmed up his flexible digit and in one solid push went straight in to the second knuckle. I let out a squeal, and so did Kris, and I knew I had rewarded his talented efforts with yet another huge flow of pre cum.

And I still managed to keep my eyes locked with Kris'. His head was pistoning up and down and his finger was working in that last inch. And all at once he raked across my prostate. I jumped with that excruciatingly erotic jolt of sexual energy that sped through my body.

His mouth was sucking and slurping my cock and he was bringing me closer to the brink. Kris reared back and all at once jammed his finger into my prostate again and took my pole fully down his throat at the same time. The feeling was incredible.

That did it! My eyes rolled back in my head, and I felt my balls jump with the flow of that heavenly nectar. I tried to hold back I really did, trying to give my orgasm time to grow, to reach it's full potential, its full intensity. But then Kris wiggled his finger two or three times across that magic spot again, and that sent me hurdling over the edge.

I bit my lip and the head of my dick exploded, shooting my boy juice into his hungry mouth. Kris slurped and swallowed cum as fast as he could, and yet some still escaped him. He continued to work over the head and he milked my dick for every last drop. After he was sure there was no more from the tap, he moved off to lap up all the milky spooch that escaped.

I was left weak, drained. I tried to move my legs, but they refused to obey and just quivered. Kris bent down and kissed my soft cock and then he looked at me and said, "That's how intense it can be privately."

"Kris, that was so incredible!" And it was! I had never thought I could reach such a level of pleasure. He pulled me upright on the sofa and kissed me, deeply, and I could still taste my cum on his tongue, sweet and salty and pungent.

I was getting that butterfly feeling again in my stomach. Man I really was beginning to feel something, every time I looked at him I could feel it, it was an all-consuming ache. And the only thing that soothed that ache was Kris, being near him, touching him, making love to him.

"I could only do that for you. Every time we are alone, I want you to feel even better than that." Kris got up and opened one of the other beers on the table took a long drink and looked down at me and started laughing.

"What is so funny?" I asked. And then it came to me, I was still there with my pants down around my ankles. I grinned and added, "Up yours." Then I stood up and pulled them back up.

"I was hoping you would say that." Kris countered. Then slowly turning he seductively wiggled his perfect little ass.

"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." And I reached for that beautiful butt of his.

Kris hopped out of my reach and laughed again. I had never seen him this playful, and I was happy to see that he cheered up a bit. He never said what happened to his old boyfriend. I was curious about it, and I made a mental note to try and get the rest of the story. But I did not want to dredge up bad memories again, not now, Kris was just too happy and I didn't want to spoil the mood.

"I can leave anytime, why don't I stay here tonight and we can get an early start?" I asked.

"Good idea." Kris said. He looked at the clock on the VCR and told me it was almost eight o'clock and added, "We had better get back to your house before it gets too late."

We put on our coats again and I gathered up the money off the table by the sofa, stuffed it into my pocket and we headed out. While we were sitting there waiting for Kris' car to warm up I said, "What is this place like? What am I going to need to bring?"

Kris thought a moment and answered, "Just the usual stuff, some jeans, shirts, nothing special if that is what you mean." And with that being said, he pulled the car out of the drive and we headed to my house.

It took only a few minutes to get there, and when we turned down my street we saw that most of the parties wound down and we were able to pull right into the drive way.

I got out of the car, and when I saw that Kris was still sitting behind the wheel, I waved for him to follow. When he shook his head no, I went around the car and opened his door. He looked at me and all he had to say was, "What?"

"What do you mean what?" I answered. Then, "Come on in with me."

"Man, I'll wait here, ok."

"No way, come on in. I'm not going in until you do." I said and I stood there till he got out. "It's ok, they don't bite you know. And I can tell they like you."

Kris reluctantly got out of the car saying, "Ya, I guess, I just don't really relate too well with parents." And he reluctantly followed me into the house.

We found my parents in the kitchen just finishing the last of the party clean up. "Mom, we've come to pick up some clothes and stuff for the weekend."

"Lin, now wait a minute. When you get to where you are going I want you to call and tell me you got there all right." Mom said.

"Ok, Mom I will."

"Here let me give you some pocket money." Dad was already reaching in to his wallet.

"Oh, no thanks Dad. I have money." I said.

I think Dad was both happy that I was adult enough not to take his money when I did not need it, and sad that I was growing up, not needing his help as much.

"I am going to stay at Kris' tonight so we can get an early start in the morning." I said as I turned heading down the hall to my room.

Dad turned and asked, "Where is the farm Kris?"

"In the Berkshires, just before the New York state line." Kris answered.

"What time are you planning to leave?" Asked Mom.

Kris started down the hall and answered, "About five AM I think, so we can avoid the rush hour."

I was already busy in my room filling a bag with things I thought I would need for the weekend when Kris walked in. "I'll be through in just a few minutes." I said.

"You better bring a few CD's too." Kris suggested.

"Ok, you go ahead and pick a few out." I asked.

And Kris went to one of the CD towers and started making selections. "I'll just pick a few at random and we can take it like it comes."

"Ya, that sounds good, I hate picking out music. It's too hard to make a choice. I love it all." I returned.

Well, it wasn't long before we were finished and ready to head out the door. We went out by way of the kitchen and made our good byes to my parents. And in another minute we were headed on down the road back to Kris' house.

I just loved it when Kris put his arm around me in the car. I leaned against him, absently letting my mind drift, tracing a line with my finger up and down his lap. In a few minutes we pulled back into Kris' drive and we were in for the night.

Once in the house a subtle thought creeped into my head. At first it was just a faint spark, but the more I thought about it the brighter it got. Then all at once it hit me; I was spending the entire night alone with Kris for the first time!

For some reason I was getting nervous, I had no idea why, but I was getting all sweaty in my palms, and my knees were feeling weak. Along with all that, I was getting that twisting turning feeling in my stomach every time I thought about it.

We went into the house and made our selves comfortable. Kris threw together some sandwiches and got some beers. I went to the video cabinet and picked out something to watch. An old art film called 'A Death In Venice', I had never seen it, but Kris said it was excellent. That was enough for me, if Kris liked it, I liked it.

We snuggled together on the sofa, enjoyed our snack and just spent a quiet evening at home. It was our first, but I knew it would not be our last. After the movie finished, Kris put in a CD, some mellow jazz music, and we just sat there sitting quietly for a time, taking pleasure in each others company.

I was sitting there with my eyes closed, and Kris was softly kissing me on the ear. I realized that minute, that this was want it was all about. Being gay or straight or anything in between didn't really matter. It was being with the person you loved, and that person loving you back. And all this for no other reason than for loves own sake.

I let myself smile and a quite sigh of contentment escaped me. Kris laughed and kissed me again saying, "That's how I feel too."

It was getting late and I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, I was really tired. I let out a big yawn and leaned on Kris' shoulder and ran a hand across his chest settling in for a nice cuddle. I let out a soft moan, and kissed him on the neck then said, "Babe, I'm beat. If we are going to get an early start, we had better get some rest."

"Ya I think so, lets go to bed." Kris kissed me on the top of my head and added, "Come on babe, lets go."

We lazily made our way through the getting ready for bed bathroom routine and then went to bed. For a time we snuggled, kissed, hugged, and even a little petting but it was not long before I heard Kris' breathing steady and I heard a soft baby snore....

This ends chapter 3 of "The Decision" If you liked it, please let me know, if you didn't like it, let me know too.

Your comments are the only way I have of knowing if I am doing something right, or wrong. So please let me know.

Thanks Marc......

Next: Chapter 4

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