The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Mar 23, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

My Diary -- Chapter 1

October, 2007

My name is Chris Walker. I'm a sophomore at a small engineering school in Massachusetts studying electrical engineering. I'm 6'4", in reasonably good shape and have a lot of dark black hair on my head but nowhere else. Well, almost nowhere. I say reasonably good shape because while I don't play sports other than pick-up games my boyfriend Ryan and I do spend a lot of time at the gym. We're kind of compulsive in that regard.

We share an apartment just off campus. It is in an old house converted into multiple apartments occupied by other college students. Three guys share a two bedroom apartment on the same floor as us while some girls are in one apartment downstairs and a couple of guys are in the other. Two of the three guys next to us are straight while the third, Dan, is gay. His roommates don't know and he tried to hide it but we could tell. Eventually he told us one night when he was drunk and only after we promised not to tell his roommates. Ryan and I both think it's funny since his roommates are really accepting of us and would be of him as well but Dan is just coming to terms with his feelings. We remembered how it was for us and wanted to help him.

The only bad part of our situation was that neither of our parents were very supportive of either Ryan or me or more specifically 'us'. My parents had hoped I'd have gotten both Ryan as well as my 'gayness' out of my system when I went to college. They just don't understand how much he means to me. They're at least smart enough not to push too far. They know if I had to chose between Ryan and anything else there wouldn't be a question so they haven't forced me to make that choice.

It was late Thursday night and I was watching Ryan sleep peacefully on our bed. It amazed me how he could fall asleep so easily. We both have a late lecture two nights a week but when we got back to the apartment Ryan was ready for bed while I had to unwind. I didn't mind though since it gave me time to do a couple of my favorite activities: listen to music and watch Ryan.

He was sleeping, naked of course, on his side facing me while I sat in a chair. The moonlight was shining through the window illuminating his lean, smooth, 6'2" body. I could sit for hours watching him and reflecting how lucky I was we had found each other. His body was perfect, at least perfect in my opinion., and he was the warmest person I knew. I kept looking from the top of his head, down his smooth lean stomach, over his muscular legs and down to his feet -- his big feet.

I had to smile when looking at his feet since I had once heard the size of a person's cock is related to the size of his feet. I don't know if that is true but I can attest it is in Ryan's case. His cock is a full 9" and thick, 3" longer than my 6 inches. His balls however are on the small side staying close to his body while mine hang low between my legs. His cock though, even soft, was laying across his leg and onto the bed.

I debated whether to go suck him off while he was asleep. I would do that occasionally although he always woke up. He would pretend not to be, but he had to be awake. Either that or he was having really good dreams. The only thing better than his cock is his ass, firm and muscular from all the time we spent in the gym. Unfortunately I couldn't see it from this angle.

Tonight however I decided to just sit and watched him sleep. I wish I could do that all night but knew I had an eight o'clock class in the morning and I was here to get an education after all. I chuckled thinking I can just imagine how pissed my parents would be if I told them the reason I flunked my ECE course was because I stayed up all night admiring Ryan's naked body. Somehow I doubted that would go over to big so I decided to get ready for bed.

I crawled in next to Ryan causing him to moan softly and push back against me. Oh god, his body felt so good against mine. If he hadn't been so tired I would have woken him up and fucked his hot ass right then. My cock was pressed against his ass getting harder by the second. Instead I put my arm over him and gently kissed him on his shoulders whispering "I love you".

Ryan added, "I love you too .... did you enjoy watching me sleep?"

"You caught me" I smiled, holding him against me, feeling his ass push against my crotch.

"I like it when you do, it makes me relax knowing you're there for me."

"I always will be."

"Do you want me to take care of that for you?"

"No, it's OK but just wait until our shower tomorrow morning."

With that we pushed closer together with his back against my chest. His body conformed to mine and I just held him. Soon I was drifting off to sleep holding the best thing that ever happened to me, dreaming of what I had written in my diary about how we got together three years ago.

April, 2004

Ryan had moved into my town over Christmas break my junior year in high school. I didn't really get to know him right away because honestly he was kind of an outcast and I had enough issues of my own, one in particular I didn't want anyone to know. From day one there were rumors about him and things that happened at his old school. Apparently a cousin of one of the popular girls knew Ryan at his old school and spread rumors about him. Nobody knew if they were true but it didn't matter.

It wasn't that I thought Ryan was a bad kid. In fact, being a closet case myself I thought he was kind of hot even though he didn't dress to give anyone that impression. I'' also admit I even had more than one jerk off session thinking about him. This being after I saw the bulge in his pants one day when he sat next to me in math class. Now I liked math but continually found my eyes checking out his crotch. He looked like he had a pair of socks stuffed in there but I didn't really think kids did that. It had to be real and if it was he'd even give Mr. Ed a run for his money. I never really talked to him though because of his situation and I just didn't want to draw attention to myself.

Because of the rumors Ryan's life at school was pure hell. We lived in a small town and it seemed everyone knew the rumors. Some kids, including some of my friends, just verbally teased him. Others were more 'physical' in how they treated him. While I never said anything to him directly I didn't do anything to stop my friends from saying things either. I'm sure he considered me just one of the assholes who made his life suck.

Three kids in particular were unmerciful in how they treated him. Ron, Mike and Jim, three kids better suited for juvenile detention than high school, would push him, punch him or worse whenever they passed him in the hall. I felt bad but didn't want to be seen sticking up for the 'fag'. Man, I hated that word but it seemed to follow Ryan around. It was even written on his locker more than once.

After awhile it seemed he had just given up. He obviously did well in classes but other than that always seemed dejected, not that I could blame him. He'd pretty much stuck to himself and never hang around after school for anything. Of course he also never got invited to any parties not that I went to a lot myself.

I did have a group of friends, including a best friend Sean, but didn't really like high school parties either. I'd rather just hang out with my friends, go to movies, shoot pool at someone's house or just sit around and give each other a hard time. Those activities seemed to decrease in frequency though as my friends got more into dating and getting into their girlfriend's pants. I tried dating as well as keeping up with the boasting all my friends did but in reality had never done anything with a girl beyond holding hands and kissing. It never really interested me. One girl tried to give me a blowjob once but I was barely able to keep from going soft. Nevertheless I still hung out with my friends, eating lunch together, going to movies when one or another had broken up with their latest conquest or otherwise weren't occupied with what every high school boy was seemingly occupied with.

My attitude towards Ryan in particular and my life in general all changed one day when I was leaving school. I was walking to my car and saw Ron and his friends across the road dragging Ryan into the woods. I almost got in my car and left but knew something was going to happen and it was going to be bad, whatever they had planned. I watched as they disappeared into the woods wondering what I should do.

I knew I wasn't a fighter and there were three of them and only one of me. My mother had dragged me to karate lessons when I was a kid I only went for a couple of months. And while I had an younger brother we got along great and never fought. In fact he was the only person in the world who knew my secret. Something he found out by accident when I didn't clean up some files on my computer. Regardless, I knew I had to do something and ran across the road into the woods.

What I saw shocked me. I had assumed they were only going to beat him up. Instead I saw him covered with mud, it had rained all week until today, and being held by Mike and Jim. They were pushing him to his knees in front of Ron who had his cock out.

"Come on faggot, suck it ... you know you want it." There was that word again.

Ryan looked scared to death and ready to cry. Now I would have too for the simple reason that if there was ever an ugly cock contest, Ron would win hands down. It was just gross looking. Maybe it was because he weighed at least 300 lbs but it was short and had gross marks all over it. It was surely not something I would want in my mouth. I almost lost my lunch right there.

At first I wasn't able to move. I was so shocked at what I saw. After what seemed minutes but in reality was only a few seconds I stepped into the clearing where they were standing yelling for them to let him go. I hadn't even thought what I was going to do when Mike let go of Ryan and started to charge. It all happened so quick. I stepped aside and Mike tripped falling head first into the mud. I moved towards Ron pushing him with his pants down around his ankles into some prickly bushes. Jim just stood there like the dumb shit he is. I figured they'd get back up soon so I grabbed Ryan's arm and dragged him back towards the parking lot.

"Get in, they're right behind us" I yelled as we got to my car. Except he just stood there.

"I'm all muddy".

"Don't worry about it man, just get in", opening the passenger door and pushing him in.

We drove out of the parking lot just as Ron and the boys were coming out of the woods.

"Are you OK?"

"I will be, just let me out on the corner.. I'll walk home. Looking at his muddy cloths. "My parents are going to kill me."

"Why? You didn't do anything."

"They think I'm the cause of all my problems." But then must have remembered I wasn't particularly a friend and added "Why do you care anyway? You're just like everyone else."

I was dumbfounded. "What? ... Who was it that just helped you?" Then I thought for a second and realized that while I didn't think I had really been a jerk to him I could see he obviously did. All of a sudden I felt really bad.

"You might have helped this time but what about what you usually do. I see you sitting with your friends. You may not say anything but you laugh at their jokes and certainly don't discourage them. ..... Just let me off here and I'll walk home."

I took a deep breath and looked over at Ryan. "OK, I get your point. I should have told my friends to knock it off. I'm sorry but just to be clear I never laughed ...... and I'm not going to let you out here. Nobody will be at my house, my parents are at work and my brotherTom has football practice after school. We'll get you cleaned up."

"Just let me out. You don't really want to be seen helping me anyway even though it's probably too late. Ron and his friends will let the whole school know you helped the fag. I guess you might get a taste of my world."

Looking over at him, a blank look on his face. "Don't call yourself that."

"Why not? You've heard the rumors. They may be exaggerated but basically they're true. I am a fag."

"I just don't like that word." Seeing Ryan giving me a strange look.

We didn't talk anymore until we got to my house. It wasn't a big house but it was fine for us. Both my parents worked hard because they wanted my brother and me to go to college. Having the fanciest house wasn't important to them. It was comfortable though and we always had everything we needed.

I told Ryan to go around back because my mother would kill me if we tracked mud through the house. Once out back I grabbed the garden house and told him to take his shirt off.

"No way man, I'm not taking my cloths off in your back yard."

"OK, I'll just hose you off with you in them," I laughed. With that he reluctantly pulled off his shirt and handed it to me to hose off.

"Now the pants ... don't worry ... nobody is around." I guess he gave up all resistance and just slid his shoes and pants off. Tossing him my keys I told him to open the door and go inside. Watching him walk towards the house in his boxer briefs I took his wallet out of his pants, stuck it in my pocket, and hosed them off too. Grabbing his stuff I went in the house seeing Ryan standing in the kitchen. I couldn't help taking in his body, a little skinny but he looked real good in his briefs.

"Lets go upstairs. You can take a shower and I'll throw your cloths in the washer. You can wear some of my shorts until they dry."

We went upstairs and I showed him the bathroom. Handing him a towel I told him he might as well give me his briefs and I'll wash those too. It looked like some of the mud soaked through his pants. He pushed the door shut and handed them to me from behind the door.

"My room is the first door on the right. Meet me there when you're done," I said before running down and putting his cloths in the washer. Hearing the water running I took a minute to look at his briefs, even putting them to my face to smell them. There really wasn't any mud on them, I just wanted to hold them. After a couple minutes I tossed them in the washer and ran back upstairs. Ryan was already standing in my room with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Smiling I went to get some shorts for him to wear.

"You feel better?" Tossing him some gym shorts and a t-shirt.

"Yea, but it won't last. They'll just be looking for me tomorrow and probably you as well. I also need to call my mother and tell her why I'm late."

"Just tell her you're helping me with some homework and that I'll drive you home in an hour or so. Put on the shorts and lets go clean out my car. You smelled pretty bad you know." I looked at his face and smiled and noticed Ryan smiled as well.

"You can smile, very nice," I smiled. He just looked at me like I was making fun of him and grabbed the cloths.

I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood. I didn't mean anything. You have a nice smile. Tomorrow, things will get better, I promise. I'll talk with my friends. Make sure they stop giving you shit. They're really good guys, give them a chance. I'll also pick you up for school and take you home afterwards. I don't want to give Ron any opportunities. If that is OK with you."

"Yes, but why are you doing this? You know people will talk about you too."

"It doesn't matter. You deserve better. And besides, ...... I could easily have your life."

Ryan looked at me with a shocked look. "What? .... You? .....You're a f.., you're gay?"

"Oh shit" I said as I sat on my bed. "Please don't tell anyone." Putting my face in my hands.

I felt him sit down next to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "Relax," he said in the softest most caring voice I'd ever heard. "Nobody will find out from me. That isn't my style."

I turned and looked at him and it was like I was seeing him for the first time. He was sitting next to me, naked except for a towel, on my bed. We looked into each other's eyes but it was like we were looking into each other's souls and I felt totally relaxed. His eyes got bigger and bigger as he moved closer, gently placing his lips on mine.

October, 2007

I woke up seeing Ryan's face inches from mine. "Did you just kiss me?"

"I couldn't resist."

"You know you have wicked bad morning breath," I said with a smile.

"Like you don't," he smiled and kissed me again, wrapping his arms around me. His warm and caring persona comforting me as we laid naked in bed making out.

"I was dreaming of our first kiss just as you woke me up."

"That's because it was so memorable," he smiled. "And also that you just wrote that section of your diary. Lets go take that shower you promised."


Next: Chapter 2

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