The Diary

By Doug Smith

Published on Apr 6, 2008


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This story is a work of FICTION. The events described have only occurred in my mind. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental.


PLEASE NOTE: Feedback, both positive and negative, is welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please understand this is my first story so please don't flame me too bad. Please email =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

We got to class just as the professor was walking in. He was actually one of the better professors we had. He had worked in industry and had taught part-time before giving up the real world and entering academia full-time. I've always felt people with real-world experience make the best teachers, especially in math and science. He also made class interesting. Something that was kind of important for an early morning Diffy-Q class.

Ryan and I took our seats and powered up our laptops. The school had the latest in technology. Wireless in all the lecture halls and classrooms, LCD projectors, the works. Guess that tuition money does go somewhere. Anyway, he said he had posted the lecture notes and assignments on his website as he began the days lecture. He didn't really run it like a lecture because he expected participation and if nobody volunteered he would choose someone to answer a question. Usually someone he felt wasn't paying close enough attention. It was kind of funny some of the reactions he received. People chuckled but it was all in good fun. Even the professor made jokes when he caught someone daydreaming.

I remember the time I wasn't paying attention and he walked up and asked me a question. I must have had a dumb look on my face because everyone started laughing. I don't know which was funnier. My reaction or Ryan's red face when the professor asked if I was up too late the night before. I'm sure the professor heard Jake who was sitting behind us lean his head and say he was sure that if I was then Ryan would have taken care of it. All of this made the lectures seemed to fly by.

Fortunately he didn't give us much homework over the weekend except review some because there might be a test next week. 'Might be,' that's kind of funny. He gets us to study and he may not even give us the quiz. We figured he just wanted to watch the baseball playoffs all weekend even though if the Sox lost tonight they'd be done.

After class Ryan and I decided to walk to the Student Center to get something quick to eat. We caught up with a bunch of friends and discussed plans for the weekend. Most everyone was going to Adama's, a pizza place with a lot of large screen TVs near campus. They had a bar attached but none of us were of legal age yet. I figured Tom would want to catch the game and that we'd probably all be down. It sounded like fun, Jake and Ed said they'd go as did a few other friends of ours. Also, not everyone who said they'd be there was gay so Tom shouldn't feel too out of place.

After a quick breakfast, granola cereal and fruit for me, Ryan said he was going back to the apartment and said I could wait for Joe and Dave. "You sure you don't want to stay, we aren't meeting for that long." It was obvious Ryan didn't like Dave. He said again how he wished he could have taken the course with me but had to take a required course for his minor. We tried to take as many courses together as possible or at least at the same time so our schedules lined up. We also knew we couldn't and probably shouldn't be together 24/7 but both of us seemed willing to try.

"No, I'll start some cleaning. Then I have to go to class."

"OK, then we'll hit the gym."

"Sounds good."

I looked up at him as he stood up to leave. We, or at least Ryan, didn't want to be that obvious around so many people so he just had his hand discreetly on mine while he stood by the table saying good-bye. I smiled and said I'd be back after meeting with Joe and Dave. I thought it was funny how I was the one in high school who didn't want people to know I was gay. Now I could give a shit and Ryan is more discreet. Go figure.

Jake and Ed got up to leave too. "Ryan, wait up, we'll go with you." They both looked uncomfortable. I don't know what Jake was thinking to hook up with Dave when Ed went home for the weekend one time. Somehow he had ended up at one of Dave's parties and started drinking. I can only imagine how he felt the next morning, banging on our door. He was in tears when he told us what happened. It ended up being rough but somehow he and Ed had stuck it out. They've never talked about it with us at least since but generally avoid Dave as much as possible. Ryan just looked at me as they left. I smiled and said I wouldn't be long.

I watched them walk away and grabbed another cup of coffee to wait for Joe and Dave. I never drank coffee until I came to college. Now I actually like it. Must be an acquired taste. I sat and watched the people as I waited. There were quite a few people walking around today. Guys with their girls, groups of guys, groups of girls, sometimes a couple of guys or a couple of girls. Some I knew to be gay, some I was pretty sure of but not 100%. It's not like I had to perfect my gaydar after meeting Ryan. I just enjoyed watching the people, or more specifically the guys, walk by. I figured it wasn't bad to imagine what hung between their legs.

After awhile I saw Dave walking towards me. "Where's Joe?" I asked.

"He said he couldn't make it and said we should just divide the work and let him know what he should do."

Dave sat down in the chair next to me rather than the one across the small table. He also moved it closer, leaning towards me as he opened his notebook in front of us.

It was obvious what he was doing. Ryan was right and I was having no part of it. There was no way I'd cheat on Ryan, especially with someone like Dave. I moved my chair away and said we should get to work.

"All right. I've sketched out a basic design. We have three components to design so we can just divide them up. You take one, I'll take one and we'll let Joe do the one neither of us wants." He pulled out his notebook and opened it to his design. He leaned closer to me and I felt his hand on my leg when I looked at his design.

"Dave, knock it off." Pulling my leg away. "We're here to work." I also made an excuse that I had to go get rid of some coffee since this was my second cup and got up to go to the men's room. When I came back I moved my chair away from him and sat back down.

"You're no fun, you might like it," he said smiling.

"No, I wouldn't.".

He let out a sigh. "We'll see," he smiled.

I let his comment drop and looked at his design. He was a good student and I knew he would pull his weight on the project. I just thought he had a lot of growing up to do in other regards. I think his goal was to fuck or be fucked by every guy on campus at one time or another. He'd usually get with someone, it would last at most a week or less and then he'd move on. Or not. I've heard about the group activities that go on at his apartment. I figured someday he would learn but I wasn't going to be one of his conquests. Besides, while he was OK looking he didn't compare to Ryan although I must admit, he does have a nice smile.

We only talked for about 10 minutes before I said I would work on the design of one of the components over the weekend. I wanted to cut our meeting short because I didn't really like spending time with him alone. Not that I didn't trust myself, just that .... well, I don't know exactly. I just didn't enjoy it. As I was leaving he told me about a party he was having the next night and that I should stop by.

"Yea, right," I said. "I don't think so." Walking back to the apartment Dave's comment that "we'll see" popped back into my head. I wondered what he meant by that. He couldn't seriously think I'd want anything to do with him. Even if I didn't have Ryan I can't imagine that. Maybe it's after being with Ryan but I enjoy the emotional connection, not just raw sex.

I got back to the apartment and Ryan was cleaning the bathroom. "Hey, I thought you said it was my turn to do that."

"I was just joking. Besides, I don't mind. How was your meeting with Joe and Dave? You're back early."

"Actually Joe didn't show up so Dave and I went over how we're going to divide the work and I said I'd do some this weekend. I figured I'd come back and give you a hand cleaning up."

"Did he try anything?"

"What do you think?"

"Yes, he's such a slut. Did you call him on it?"

"Of course." Telling Ryan what Dave had done.

He laughed. "Someday he'll figure out he wants a real relationship. I can't imagine anyone who knows him would have anything to do with him."

"You never know, maybe someone will think he'll change for them."

"Yea, right. That'll be the day."

"Anyway, what needs to be done? It doesn't look too bad. We are in college after all. Tom won't expect a five star hotel."

"I'm just about done. I need to do my laundry though."

"Let me, I need to do mine too."

"You don't have to do my laundry."

"I don't mind. You do mine sometimes too. Besides, I kind of like looking at your pants and imagining what you look like in them," I smiled.

"You're a horndog. I would appreciate it though. I have to get to class."

"Go then. I want to write some more in my diary anyway. I'll throw in some laundry and do that while I'm waiting. When you get back we can go to the gym."

After Ryan left I got the laundry together and went across the hall to put it in. There were a couple of washers and dryers in the building for everyones use which made it nice. We didn't have to sit there and worry about things getting ripped off. Dan, our neighbor, was taking stuff out of the washer when I walked in. He mentioned that his roommates went home for the weekend and he was all alone. I told him most people were going to Adama's to watch the game and he should go there. He said he might but wasn't sure. He had to work until 6 at the cafeteria and thought he might take advantage of the empty apartment.

"Whatever you want. Ryan and I will probably be there along with my brother. He's visiting us for the weekend."

He said he'd think about it and left to go to work. I threw our laundry in the two washers and headed back across the hall. I powered up my laptop and opened the last section I had written. It wasn't so much a diary as it was a chronicle of our life together since that day in high school.

April 2004

Ryan's eyes got bigger and bigger as he moved closer, gently placing his lips on mine.

I jumped when I felt Ryan's lips on mine. Not that I didn't like it, I did. It was just that everything was happening so fast.

Ryan felt me jump and immediately pulled back. "I .... I'm sorry. ..... I thought .... Oh shit, not again." as he started to stand up. "I'll just leave, I'm such a dork."

He was almost hysterical. "Calm down, it's OK, you just surprised me, that's all," I said as I grabbed his arm pulling him back onto the bed. There were tears in his eyes. "What do you mean, not again?"

He looked at me, trying to read my facial expression. "Never mind, just forget it. Give me my stuff and I'll leave."

"I still need to put it in the dryer." I looked at him. He had stopped crying but tears were still on his cheeks. Something had obviously happened to him that had really hurt him.

I reached out and wiped his cheek with the back of my hand. "Shhh, things will be OK." This time it was me who moved my lips to his. I kissed him softly at first but then put my hand on the back of his head pulling him against me. A wave of excitement flowed through my body. I had never felt such a feeling. Certainly none of the girls I dated ever came close to giving me such an intense feeling.

We kissed for a few seconds and then pulled apart. He just looked at me and I simply smiled. "Feel better? .... Tell you what. Let me go throw your stuff in the dryer and when I get back we can talk." Standing up I started to walk to the door. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Whatever, something diet would be good. I usually drink Dr. Pepper but Coke will do."

"Really? I didn't think anyone drank that stuff besides me. I'll be right back." I ran downstairs and put his cloths in the dryer and headed back upstairs. I grabbed a couple of cans of Dr. Pepper from the fridge and ran to my room. Ryan was just looking around at my pictures, childhood trophies and other miscellaneous stuff on my bureau. I laughed. "You can put on the shorts I gave you you know." Handing him a Dr. Pepper.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to?"

"I don't care. Nobody will be home for an hour. Your cloths will be ready by then. ..... Now sit down, let's talk. What did you mean, not again?"

"I was scared what happened at my old school was happening again."

"What did happen anyway?"

"You've heard the rumors. What have you heard?"

I smiled. "It varies. The mildest is that you got caught in the bathroom with another kid. The most bizarre is that you serviced the entire basketball team at a party."

"What??? I hadn't heard that. That's so sick it's funny."

"I take it it isn't true."

"It's closer to the first. I'm not a slut."

"What did happen then."

"You really want to know?"

"Yes, I do. I bet you haven't told anyone the truth. Tell me. You'll feel better."

"No, I can't. It's too humiliating."

I reached out and put my hand on his arm. "Someone really hurt you didn't they?"

Ryan started crying again, nodding. "Yea, my so called best friend. He and I had been friends for three years, or so I thought. We told each other everything. At least I did. I thought he cared about me. One night while sleeping over I told him I was gay. What a mistake. At first he said it was no big deal. He was straight but it didn't bother him that I was gay. "

"That doesn't sound too bad. What happened?"

"Well, a couple of weeks later he invited me to sleep over again. We were there all alone and he kept talking about his girlfriend, how she wouldn't put out for him, that she gave lousy blowjobs, and that he was really horny."

"And you offered to help him out?"

"Yea, I knew he was straight but I really liked him. I would have done just about anything for him. .... Anyway, I told him I would suck his cock if he wanted. Nobody would ever know and he didn't have to do anything in return."

"Did he get pissed at you?"

"No, he said OK but he wanted me on my knees in front of him and beg. I was so stupid. I did what he told me. He pulled his cock out and waved it in my face telling me to tell him how much I wanted it. When I did and leaned forward," Ryan continued, tears on his face "he jumped back and said no way, calling me a faggot and two of his friends came out of the closet, snapping a picture of me moving my head toward my his cock. They laughed saying how they thought he was joking but that he was right, I was a faggot and they had the proof ..... The next day a copy of the picture was hanging on my locker and everyone knew. I was humiliated, .... my family was humiliated. If it had just been me I could have dealt with it but kids started picking on my brother and my parents even got a few comments. We ended up moving here and it all started again because someone is related to one of the kids at my old school. My brother hates me because he had to leave his friends and my parent barely speak to me. I can't make friends at school. My life sucks. I'm just waiting to graduate and get out of here"

I felt terrible. "Oh man, I'm sorry, that sucks. I wish I knew what to say that would make you feel better. I feel so bad I was such a jerk. I didn't mean to be. I was scared someone would find out about me." I looked at his face, into his eyes. He really was good looking. "I can promise you I'd never do anything like that and I meant it about talking to my friends. We'll make things better ...... together," I said trying to smile and put my hand on his.

"I don't know. People here don't seem any more tolerant than where I use to live."

Reaching for him again and pulling him against me, hugging him. "It'll be better, I promise." Holding him and rubbing his back.

He seemed to totally relax as I held him. "Ohhhh, that feels so good," he said. I wish you'd do that all night."

"You know, ..... that is a nice thought but my mother will be home in a little while."

"That's OK. It just feels so good"

I felt so relaxed. I'd never felt this way holding anyone. His bare chest was against me and my chin was on his shoulder. I didn't want to let go as much as he wanted to be held. I felt his cheek next to mine and couldn't help myself. I moved my lips to his and gave him to most passionate kiss I knew how, not that I was an expert. I heard him moan and felt his tongue on my lips, pushing between them. We fell back on my bed, our tongues exploring each other's mouths as we held each other. My leg was on top of his and my crotch was rubbing against it as we moved. The next thing I knew my hand was on his crotch, rubbing him through the towel. He was just as hard as me although definitely bigger. I reached down and tugged at the towel. His massive cock popped straight up.

"Holy shit," I exclaimed. "You're huge. How big is that thing?"

"Nine inches last time I measured but it looks like you've made it bigger."

Getting up and going to my desk to grab a ruler. "I've got to see for myself," I laughed. "I hope this thing is long enough."

"You can only measure me if I get to measure you."

"You have me beat, that's for sure." Putting the ruler along the underside of his cock. "I get 9 1/4", must be the company."

"I'm sure it's in how you're measuring."

"Probably but you have me by at least three inches."

"That's OK, size isn't everything."

"Yea, but it helps," I laugh.

"How about showing me yours?"

"OK, real quick though. My mother will be home anytime and I should get your cloths."

I loosened my pants and slid them and my boxer briefs down slightly pulling my cock out and letting my hangers loose between my legs."

"You may be shorter but you've got nice balls," Ryan said. "Can I touch them?"

"Sure, but then I need to get your cloths."

"OK, I should get home anyway. Hopefully this hardon will go down by then."

"Just think of some of the girls at school," I laughed. "That should do it." Letting Ryan fondle my balls a little before pulling up my pants. "I hate to cut this short but my mother will be home any minute."

"It's OK, why don't you get my cloths and I'll get out of here."

I laughed. "You don't have to leave. I just don't think it's a good idea if you're naked in my room when she gets home. Don't worry, you can see it again if you want."

"I hope to do more then see it."

I smiled, "Me too, I'll be right back with your cloths." Running downstairs to get them out of the dryer and bringing them back up. "Good as new."

"I really do appreciate this. I'd have been in deep shit if I went home like that."

"I leaned down and kissed him quickly. No problem. We friends?"

"I hope so. I could use a friend. We'll see how you feel tomorrow."

"You have one. We should check out my car now though. Hopefully it doesn't smell too bad."

"Hey, I didn't want to get in, remember?"

"Yea, but I'm really glad you did."

"Me too."

I ran down to get his cloths and he quickly dressed. We went downstairs to get his shoes. They were still a little damp but he put them on anyway. He finished tying the knots just as my mother walked in from the garage.

"Hi mom, you're home early."

"Not really, who is this?"

"Oh, this is Ryan Sullivan. He and I have been working on a math assignment. I thought I was good at math. You should see him."

"Hello Mrs. Walker, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Ryan. I hope you boys didn't get into too much trouble before I got home."

"Of course mom. I'm going to drive Ryan home. I'll be back in 15 or 20 minutes."

"OK, I could use some help with dinner."

"No problem," I said as Ryan and I walked out the door to my car. We opened the passenger door and surprisingly it wasn't too bad. There was a small stain on the seat but it was dry and we brushed the dirt off. "I'll clean it later. Get in, I'll get you home."

He got in as I started the car and backed out of the driveway. He turned to face me and smiled.

"That's better than earlier," I smiled. "You have a nice smile."

"Thanks, and thanks for your help. Don't take this wrong but please don't let me down. I'm not sure I could take it again."

"Don't worry," I smiled. "you can trust me, you'll see."

"I hope so."

Ryan gave me directions how to get to his house. He didn't live that far away and we quickly were turning into his driveway.

"You want me to come in?"

"No, I'll be fine, thanks."

I quickly grabbed a scrap of paper and a pen. "Here, take my cell phone # and my yahoo ID. Give me a call if you need anything or want to talk."

"Thanks," he said as he got out of the car. I watched him walk towards the house and open the door. Before going in he turned and smiled. I smiled too and nodded. Putting the car in reverse and backing out of his driveway I couldn't help but think how much my life had changed in the last two and a half hours. I also wondered what tomorrow would bring.


Again, thanks to everyone for providing feedback. All comments are appreciated. -- Doug

Next: Chapter 4

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