The Diary of A Slave Owner by Nigel Dean

By David Ashford

Published on Oct 3, 2015



AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little different to my normal style of writing, to be frank I am not sure if it works or not so would appreciate any comments you may have - drop me an e-mail: I have now written more than one hundred man-erotic tales, if you would like to know more I would be pleased to hear from you.


The seventeenth of March 2019 has already gone down as turning point in our nation's history. On that date the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson reintroduced slavery. One hundred and eighty six years after it was abolished the clocks have been turned back. Things in the twenty-first century are, however, a little different. Slavery is now aiming to reduce the prison population. The courts have the power to sentence repeat offenders to slavery, any time from five to twenty five years. In that way slavery is voluntary, a slave by way of his criminal folly willingly submits to it.

Prime Minister Johnson is making some significant changes to our way of life. The 2017 referendum took us out of the European Union, the last of the foreigners who came here through the then open borders are now being repatriated. The Scottish National Party has been outlawed and Nicola Sturgeon is being held in The Tower of London awaiting trial on a charge of treason. Yes things are on the up.

So should I buy for myself a slave ? I think someone to take care of the house, look after me and free me from such mundane matters would be a good idea. Buying a slave is quite easy, recently sentenced offenders can be viewed on-line then purchased at weekly markets held up and down the country. Those sentenced to slavery have less rights than a pet hamster so are completely in the control of their owner who can set them to any legitimate task then punish them for failure should such arise.

Slaves are sold completely naked. At their sentence they have a slavery code tattooed on their right buttock to identify them. They can be kept naked or an owner may, if he so wishes, dress them in any way providing the right buttock remains exposed so all can see the enslavement mark.

Shall I buy a slave ? You know I think I will.

  • MONDAY 3rd JUNE 2019:* I looked at the website today, it is not possible to buy a slave on-line and although those who are up for sale can be seen on the website it is really all about how it works. Fascinating, I found it so fascinating. Work slipped into the background while I surfed and read.

NAMES: You should start off by calling your slave BOY - never use his name. Insist he refers to you as MASTER. Only after a minimum of one year and only when you feel completely confident should you use real names, even thin you slave should address you s Mr xxxxxxx. Never allow the use of your forename.

  • ACCOMMODATION:* It is best for the slave to live in a small shed separate from your house. Electricity for cooking, heating and lighting may be provided but television, radio, telephone and computers must never be allowed in a slave's accommodation area. It is not necessary to provide running water, a supply from storage containers is adequate. For your own personal welfare you should ensure your slave keeps himself clean. A chemical or composting toilet is sufficient for a slave's needs.

CONTROL: You have complete control over your slave who is your property. He may be beaten for any cause giving you dissatisfaction. You are not obliged to justify yourself to anyone or authority for the control of your slave. You may dress your slave if you wish but there is no obligation to do so. The right buttock must be left bare at all times to expose his slave registration number.

MEDICAL: Slaves are not entitled to free medical treatment. You will need to register your slave with a local medical practice and pay their rates for any treatment given.

There were dozens of areas for a prospective slave owner to consider. I scrolled down to the all important section.

COSTS: There is a £5,000 registration fee which entitles a prospective owner to attend an auction. All slaves at an auction will appear for one week ahead of the auction on the website. At the auction each slave will appear for viewing. Those wishing to submit bids will then do so by writing their offer and placing it into sealed envelope. The highest bid wins. As a guide bids should be in excess of £15,000 for each year of enslavement imposed by the court.

Not a cheap option - owning a slave. So with a registration fee it would cost me £155,000 to own a slave for ten years. All having to be paid up front. I think the pricing structure was deliberately set up to exclude certain classed of individuals from slave ownership. But the outlay and costs of keeping slave was much cheaper then employing someone to undertake the duties. YES, I have decided I am going to buy myself a slave and, as a writer by profession, I am going to keep a diary which I will publish and sell.

  • TUESDAY 4th JUNE 2019:* The next auction is being held on Thursday in Sheffield.

Do I need a slave ? No not really.

Can I afford to buy a slave ? Yes of course I can.

Do I want slave ? You bet I do.

As you will be aware I am an international best selling writer. When I put a new novel on-line I can expect it to sell at least a quarter of a million downloads from my website. I could never have achieved my fortune in the old days of paper books and ten percent royalties from the publishers but one pound downloads is like printing money. When I have finished writing this diary, whatever the outcome, I will add it to my website for you to download. When I have finished writing this entry I will go back to the website and pay my five grand registration fee.

My home is set in five acres of its own land within which there is a summerhouse, the slave can live there. It does have a bathroom and toilet, previous owners used it put up guests as if the six bedrooms in the main house were not enough. Slave or not I can not let anyone use a chemical or composting toilet. Yes my slave can live in the summer house/

The gardens are maintained by a full time guy, not sure what he will make of a naked slave about the place. He will have to get used to it. I have a firm of commercial cleaners who come in every day and keep my home spic and span. I tend to eat takeaway food of frozen ready meals so what duties would a slave actually perform ? A personal valet, a gentleman's gentleman would be nice. Someone to fetch and carry for me, someone to pander to my needs - my every whim, someone to look after me. Yes that would be good.

There was another section within the website which I was less than enthusiastic about. Not comfortable even if it did make sense.

  • DOMINATION:* During his post sentencing induction your slave will have been beaten at least twice. It is important you beat him as soon as you have him installed. Make this a harsh beating so he knows who is master and his owner.

I closed the computer. I did not think I could do that. Putting all thoughts of slave ownership out of my mind I took my best friend for a walk. My best friend is a border collie who I names Jim. I suppose I am his master but no matter what he did I could not beat him. If I could not beat a dog how could I beat a fellow human being ?

"A slave is not a full human being," the website had explained, "he is sub-human. Nobody forced him to become a slave, he knew exactly what the sentence of the ourt would be if he offended again. He chose it for himself."

On my return from walking the dog I went back to the computer and looked at those being offered at the next auction. I looked at them closely and made my choice. Sheffield is a three hour drive away, Sheffield was where the next auction was being held, I would be there and nobody would outbid me.

  • THURSDAY 6th JUNE 2019:* I did not make a diary entry yesterday, there was nothing to record save my thoughts nd determination to purchase the slave of my choice. I tried to put things out of my mind and do some work but today is the day of the auction and I have a lot to tell.

The market delivers purchased slaves, buyers do not take them away with them on the day of the auction. I knew that from the website. "If you make a purchase," I was told, "delivery will be tomorrow afternoon."

"That will be fine. YES I will, be making a purchase."

"How many are you looking to buy ?"

"Just the one."

There were ten slaves up for auction and easily sixty buyers in the room. I would have to bid high if I was to own Aaron. That was the name of the slave I had selected from the website. The name, at least the first name, for each slave was given as was his age. Aaron was twenty-three years old. No mention of the crimes that had put the ten up for sale was given. I think I will ask Aaron what it was he did once I had him home. Or should I say when he is delivered.

"Your salves will be micro chipped with the details of ownership," someone was explaining. The microchip has a tracker so from this you can monitor and track your property and its whereabouts using any Internet connected device."

Each slave was wearing a leather collar round his neck attached to which was a lead. Each slave had his lead held by a handler as he was paraded on stage before we prospective owners. After each had been viewed he stepped back to form a line near the back of the staging.

"You can remove the collar if you wish but the recommendation is to keep it in place for at least sixth months. Through your app you can administer an electric shock from the collar. There are different levels from one to ten."

He took a phone from his pocket and tapped the screen. One of the slaves, fortunately not Aaron, screamed and fell to his knees."

"That was a level four shock."

I felt sorry for the slave. Thank goodness it was not Aaron. As soon as I got him home I would remove the collar. What if I knocked the phone app my mistake and did that to him ? It did not bear thinking about.

"This is a slave encouragement tool." He held up what looked like a table tennis bat with an extended handle. "You will all be issued with one and should not be afraid to use it. A slave who is regularly beaten will be a good slave while one who is spared a beating will be dangerous."

Could I beat Aaron ? I suppose if I had to I could but no I would prefer not to.

"So on with the auction." the auctioneer in charge walked behind the first slave in the row, pulled back his hand and delivered a terrifying swat on the slaves naked bottom using the encouragement tool. The slave lurched forward as if to move away from the pain then was pulled by his handler and the led to centre stage.

"This is Jim, he is twenty-seven years old and offered with a ten year enslavement order. You are going to be a good slave aren't you boy !"

"Yes Master, of course Master."

Jim - that is the name of my dog.

"Those wishing to bid for Jim please write your bids then seal them in your envelopes."

I looked about the room to try and see who was writing bids but it was not an easy task. A bit silly really as the moment ushers moved to collect the envelopes it was clear who the potential owners were. The envelopes were taken to the stage and handed to the auctioneer. Another smack on the slave's bottom as he was dragged to a raised block at the left of the dais. He stood upon it so raising himself higher than the waiting nine slaves who had yet to be bid for. I could see a nervousness in his face as he waited to learn his fate. The auctioneer checked the bids, shuffled the papers then called to the slave's handler to check the result.

"Gentleman," the auctioneer began, "I can now announce the winning bid. Jim is now the property of Mr Peter Newman from Birmingham who bid twelve thousand pounds for each of his years enslavement making a total payable of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds."

That was a lot less than I had anticipated. If twelve thousand was the winning bid how large were the others ?

Slave number two went for fifteen thousand pounds across a ten year period and number three attracted a winning bid of eighteen thousand pounds. My mind raced as I tried to guess how much I needed to bid for Aaron. One more then it would be his and my turn. Number four also went for eighteen thousand pounds. If I were to bid twenty thousand for each of the ten years I should win but only two thousand above the so far highest bid may not be enough. I decided I would offer twenty-five thousand for each year of his ten year sentence, one quarter of a million pounds. But as my hand shook with the pen poised above the bidding paper I decided I just could not take a chance, twenty-five thousand became thirty-five thousand. I sealed my envelope and handed it to the usher. A know developed in my stomach as I watched it being taken to the stage. I must have won, surely I must have won but what if someone had bid higher. I wished I had offered more.

It took an age for the auctioneer to read the papers. He shuffled them, called Aaron's handler to check them. *Come on - come on *- I said silently urging him to hurry along. I watched in slight horror as he put the papers down and picked up the slave encouragement tool. He twisted his body sideways like a spring being wound, he released it to swing and hit Aaron harder on his naked bottom than I had seen any of the slaves beaten so far. Why hit him now ? None of then others had been hit after the bidding closed. Aaron screamed out in pain, the audience laughed.

"You are a lucky boy Aaron," the auctioneer said. "You have attracted a record bid for this auction."

He hit him again. I bit my lip to prevent my yelling for him to stop. A record bid ? Was they my bid ? Should I have offered more ? I had lost, I knew I had lost.

"Aaron you are now the property of..." I held my breath. "..... Mr Nigel Dean from Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire."

"Yes," I exclaimed.

"Well done Mr Dean. Are you Nigel Dean the author ?"

"Yes I am."

"Boy you are to be owned by someone famous." he moved his hand to strike Aaron again.

I stood up and said very firmly, "Do not strike my property."

The auctioneer was momentarily taken aback, hesitated then moved to start the bidding for slave number six.

I left the room and made my way to the reception area here I completed the formalities, authorise a bank transfer for three hundred and fifty thousand pounds and confirmed delivery details for tomorrow.

  • FRIDAY 7th JUNE 2019:* What have I done ? I have been awake for much of the night debating the situation I have build around me. I live a rather strange life. I live a part of that life in the fantasy world of my writing, the characters and the plots are all fiction yet inhabit my mind and my thinking to a level where reality could be displaced. I do not think it has been displaced yet but it could be. My readers, those who pay to download my stories and who have made me wealthy live for me in cyber space, I do not meet them and I do not know them. In the area of my life where I live in the real world I am a recluse, yesterday's drive to Sheffield was the furthest I have been in a long time. I rarely leave my home, my shopping is always done on-line. Those coming in to my home on daily basis to clean and tidy get on with what they have to do and I keep out of their way. I speak to my gardener but I do not know him as a friend. I have no friends and have had no nee for any. My parents are dead, I have a brother but I have not seen him for years. But I am happy in my life.

A recluse I may be but I am not a hermit. Is there difference ? I did not have any problem driving to Sheffield yesterday and was comfortable being with others at the auction. Did I not get my own way ? Is Aaron not now my property ? I could change the style of my life if I wanted to but I do not want to. I could get married, I would like to be married and to have children but unless I change my style of life that is not going to happen. I am not going to change my way of life.

Into this I am now bringing another human being, someone who will be dependant on me every minute of the next ten years. Ten years time, the year 2029, I will be forty-seven years old then and approaching old age. Assuming slave ownership works for me what will happen then ? What will happen when Aaron regains his freedom and leaves my life ? Common sense is telling me to call the auction house, tell them to keep my money and put Aaron up for sale again but I would then spend the next ten years worried about him and what was happening to him.

It's now seven o'clock in the morning. Aaron will be ready for his journey south. I can not stop happening that I have put into place. I think I will leave my diary for a few hours, take the dog for a walk and forget about Aaron.

10am I am back at the computer. I have turned the sat tracker on, not something I usually do when expecting a delivery. I am always here so it hardly matters what time a delivery turns up but this is different. Aaron is on the M1 heading South, right now he is just passing Leicester. The tracker says he will be here at 12 noon.

I have been wondering why slaves are kept naked. To humiliate and humble them. Yes, that may be part of it but the philosophy goes deeper. My dog, Jim, is naked - he never wears clothes as I do. All animals are naked and a slave is considered to be on the same level of sub-humanity. Modern day slavery is new, slaves in history were not kept naked but they were different and attitudes were not the same. Great Britain has been the first country in the world to reintroduce slavery but others are looking on so not doubt will eventually follow the lead. When I publish this diary perhaps it will influence opinion in non-slave owning countries. It is important I make a success of owning Aaron.

*10.45am * I have been down to the summer house to check that everything is ready for Aaron. It is. There was fresh bedding, clean towels, food - I could not think of anything else he would need.

11.10am I am excited with nervous anticipation. My stomach is in a knot and my pulse is racing.

What shall I say when Aaron gets here ?

*Hello *- that's a bit basic.

Hello Aaron - not supposed to use his name. Hello boy - Hello BOY - HELLO BOY !

Once he is here I will take him down to the summer house, show him what I have put there. Then we can walk round the grounds, let him meet Jim. Up to the house and give him a tour. The cleaners have already left but Mr Maxwell, the gardener, will be here until five. I haven't told Mr Maxwell I have become a slave owner. Perhaps I should go now to find him and explain.

11.40am I have told Mr Maxwell whose only comment was "Can he help me with my work ?" Why not, of course he can.

Twenty minutes and he will be here. The sat tracker confirms 12 noon as the arrival time. I am going to close the computer. I'll come back later and tell you what happened when Aaron arrived.

MUCH LATER: In many of my novels I have spoken about Destiny and how the characters in the stories simply follow the path Destiny has set down for them. I am not religious, there is no such thing as a god, and there is no such all controlling force as Destiny but I may be wrong. I have today felt the hand of Destiny upon me. It's late but before I go to bed I just have to set down all that has happened.

Amidst all the nervous anticipation of Aaron's arrival I completely forgot to open the gate. The privacy of my home is protected by a high gate, fortunately Mr Maxwell saw the arrival and fortunately I had earlier told him Aaron would be coming, he let the entourage in. Aaron was delivered in one of those vehicles you see on the road transporting prisoners to and from court. There was no formality, not even a proper hand over, I did not have to sign anything in taking receiuopt of my new slave.

"You be a good boy for your master."

"I will," Aaron replied.

"Don't forget to beat him Mr Dead."

I would not be doing that. I did not reply.

Aaron was completely naked save for the collar about his neck. He had no possessions at all with him. The lead was handed over, the attendant and driver climbed back into their vehicle and left to to make their next delivery.

"We had better go inside," I said awkwardly. "You hold this," I handed him the lead, follow me."

"Yes Master."

We went into the sitting room.

"The first thing we are going to do is to take this off," I spoke as I unfastened the neck collar. "You won't be needing it any more."

"No Master, Yes Master."

"You have not brought anything wish you ?"

"No Master."

"Why is that ?"

"I do not own anything Master. Slaves are not allowed to own anything."

"Well that is going to change in this house."

"Yes Master."

"Here take this," I said unfastening a gold rope chain I wear round my own neck. "A welcome gift."

Aaron looked confused and unsure. "Take it, it belongs to you now."

"Thank you Master."

"Go on, put it on. This Master stuff has got to change, I am not going to call you BOY, I will call you by your name Aaron and I want you to call me by my name - Nigel"

"Yes Ma........," he hesitated. "Yes if that is what you would like."

Throughout this brief conversation I was focussed on his nudity, it was as if our talking took place aside on the main attention. He was incredibly handsome. It is my intention to have him wear clothes but for now I will delight is regarding his naked form, his god like beauty. Oh what beauty.

"We can go now and look at your living quarters." I explained about the summer house. "But first I need to find you something to put on your feet, you can not go around bare footed."

I found a pair of my own trainers which were slightly too big for him. "These will have to do for now but tomorrow we will get you something of your own."

"Yes. Thank You." He did not call me master but was not able to call me Nigel.

This was a surreal experience for me but I could see poor Aaron's mind was being turned inside out, nothing was as he had been told during his enslavement induction. There was much more I intended to change but would leave things while I waited for him to settle in. The nudity had been one of the changes I planned but now her is here I have to say the sight of his athletic naked body is a pleasure. He could not believe his eyes when I opened the door to the summer house.

"Master, I mean Nigel, are you sure you want me to live here ?"

"Of course."

"This is so much more than I was told to expect. Oh I am sorry, I was told not to make conversation only reply to your orders and answer your questions YES or NO. Please accept my apology."

"I have brought you here as a companion, your duties are to look after me as a valet, to organise little things to make me happy. You are not going to be able to do that if we do not engage in conversation. There are things I want to ask you and you must have things to ask me but we will leave that until you have had a chance to settle in."

"Thank you."

"I'll leave you here alone now to look this place over, take your time then come back up to the house when you are ready and I'll show you round. Do you think you can find your way ?"

"Yes. Yes Nigel."

"I'll be in the sitting room at the front of the house, where we were before. Come up when you are ready."

"Yes Nigel."

What am I going to do about this naked thing ? His body I am finding with every moment more and more attractive. I am not gay and I am not looking at Aaron in that way but fear I may do so if I continue to allow him to live without clothing. Within my writing I have created several gay characters, they came from my imagination and without research, readers did not question the way I portrayed them. Is Destiny saying something to me ? Was Destiny plotting back at the time when I wrote my first story with a gay character ? Aaron is going to wear clothes, clothes that will also cover up the tattoo on his arse cheek. That may be against the rules of slave ownership but Aaron is my property so I will decide.

Aaron returned in just over an hour. He tapped gently on the sitting room door. He was holding a sheet of paper.

"You left some paper, pens and pencils - I hope you do not mind, I have used some."

"I put them there for you."

"I made this for you," he held out the sheet of paper for me to take. "It's to say Thank You."

"Oh my god !" I was astounded. "You drew this ?"


I had been handed a sheet of A4 paper on which Aaron had created a pencil drawing of myself.

"This is incredible."

"I wanted to be an artist."

"You ARE an artist. This is fantastic. Thank you."

One of the things I wanted to talk over with Aaron, something I wanted to clear from my mind, something I had intended to ask him tomorrow now felt important to deal with straight away.

"Sit down please." I gestured towards a chair.

I wondered if his slavery induction had told him not to sit in the presence of his master, I had to issue the invitation a second time.

"Aaron I want to know what it was you did for the court to pass a sentence of ten years enslavement."

"I stole cars."

Those three words lifted a weight from me. I had not taken an armed robber our house burglar into my home.

"You stole cars ?"


"But technology these days make car theft impossible."

"Not impossible," he smiled. "Not if you know how to do it. I did it, three times."

"But you were caught."

He lowered his head and took his eyes from me.

"I wanted to be caught," he said.

"You wanted to be caught ? You wanted to become a slave."

Still not looking at me Aaron nodded.

"Why ? For goodness sake why would you do that ?"

"To escape."

"What ? Who from ?"

"My parents. Slavery has freed me from them."

What was he talking about. Before I could ask him he explained.

"My parents belong to a weird religious order, they are Jehovah's Witnesses. All my life I have tried to escape the all controlling power of the sect. I was not allowed to go to university, I wanted to study art."

"Couldn't you have walked out, run away from them ?"

"The church is too powerful and far reaching. I would have been found and returned to them. I tried to get them to disown me but it just tughtened their grip on me."

"What did you to ? To try and have then disown you I mean ?"

"I started making man-erotic sketched and left them where they could find them."

"What happened ?"

"The church sent me to this place where the devil could be driven out of me. It is where they cure homosexuality. I am not sure if I was gay or now when I went in but I certainly was when I came out."

I felt Destiny punch me in the stomach. I was winded. I did not say anything. I could not speak until I regained my breathing.

"So I stole some cars and let the court impose its slavery sentence on me. My parents have now completely disowned me, the church has excommunicated me. I am free.

I wanted to grab hold of him, to hug him tightly but I did not. What a terrible story. How sad.

"Would you mind if I asked you something ?"

"Of course, ask away." My stomach knotted again as I knew her was going to ask me if I was gay. I am not.

"Your name is Nigel ?"

"It is."

"At the auction they called you Mr Dean so are you Nigel Dean the author ?"

I smiled with relief then nodded my head as I said, "Yes I am."

Time for the conversations to end. Time for me to show Aaron round the house. Time also to introduce him to Jim. "This is Jim," I explained. "Jim the dog, more commonly known as JD."

Aaron reached down and patted Jim who appeared to take an instant like to him.

"You can take him for walks, he has the general run of the house and garden but being taken on a lead for a walk is special for him."

Soon enough the neighbourhood would know I have a slave and slaves are naked but perhaps he should be clothed. Another reason to end this nudity.

"Most doors in the house are left open in the summer, only closing to conserve heat when it gets colder. There is no need to knock before entering a room except for my bedroom, it would be better there if you knocked first."

In the kitchen I explained how I exist on frozen food and ready meals. "Have a look through what we have, see what you could prepare for dinner tonight. I have a guest so prepare for two. I want to eat early so have everything ready by six."

"Yes Nigel."

"We will eat in the dinning room which is through here."

Mr Maxwell has a small radio which he uses if he needs me or visa versa. I gave a unit to Aaron. I keep my radio in my pocket, Mr Maxwell has his clipped to his belt. Where is Aaron going to keep his ? He has to start wearing clothing.

  • SATURDAY 8**th JUNE 2019:*

2am I am wide awake, in a little while I am going to call Aaron on the radio and ask him to come over but first I need to record the events of the evening. Destiny has now given me a firm push in the direction it wants me to take.

Precisely on six o'clock Aaron came into the sitting room to announce he had dinner ready to serve. There are many clocks about the house but I do need to get him a watch. Aaron looked about the room for my guest but there was only myself there.

"Will you be eating alone ?"

"No I told you I have a guest."

"If he has not yet arrived I can hold things back,"

"You are my guest Aaron, shall we eat ?"

The first course was asparagus soup, out of a packet, and hot take and bake rolls. I had intended to wait for a few days before touching on the subject even though it had been at the front of my mind since Aaron arrived, he subject of his nudity.

"I do not mind being naked," he explained, "But you are the master and I am the slave - if you do not like the sight of my naked body then I will comply with what ever you want me to wear."

Oh I liked the sight of him naked, yes I did but I worried what may come from this. While he had not directly said he was gay Aaron certainly made mention of it when he explained about his problems with The Jehovah's Witnesses.

"I just want to do what is right," I said.

"You are the master but slavery says it is right for me to be naked."

"This soup is delicious," I changed the subject. Perhaps it was indeed something that should wait for a future time.

From deep within the freezer Aaron had managed to conjure up a full roast turkey dinner the like of which would grace any Christmas table.

"Did you like the portrait sketch I gave you earlier ?"

"You bet I did. Drawing me from memory and your shortest knowledge of me was brilliant, it looks just like me."

"Thank you. I hope you will not be offended if I show you these." He handed me four simple but clever sketches depicting characters in one of my stories. "It's Dickie Williams," he said.

"I can see that. These are brilliant. You did them this afternoon as well as preparing dinner ?"

"It wasn't difficult."

"Have you read Dickie Williams ?"

"Who hasn't ?" He smiled. "It's been the top selling gay love story each year since you published it."

"I am not gay," I said automatically.

"I know and that makes the story even more brilliant. There is no sex at all in the story of Dickie Williams, none at all yet you bring alive their relationship in such a beautiful way. I have read it many times and each time I cry."

"Most people do," I smiled. "It is such a pity you did not go to art school."

Within the best selling lists I currently hold the top three places for gay love stories. DICKIE WILLIAMS as Aaron said, is at number one. I LOVE YOU DANNY comes in at number two and FOR EVER AND BEYOND is third. Between them they had sold more than three million downloads.

"Chocolate ice cream is my favourite Aaron, a perfect end to the meal."

"There is cheese and biscuits yet. That is if you would like it."

I nodded. It is going to work out just fine having Aaron here.

After the meal and making arrangements for breakfast Aaron went back to his accommodation in the summer house, I typed up a few thousand words on my latest story, went over all I have written here then checked my website for the latest sales figures. There had been during the day another one hundred downloads of the Dickie Williams story, is there anyone anywhere in the world who has not read the tale ? I have written three gay love stories and have a fourth unfinished but these are a small part of my library. I want to write a story about JD - his own autobiography. Crime thrillers are my favourite and I love to write tales which involve time travel. Now I have this diary project, I think it will be a success among my readers.

I went to bed relatively early and was soon asleep. I awoke from a dream where Aaron was at the centre then had one of my serendipity moments. I am never short of ideas for stories but the best are always those where an idea flashes into my mind with the complete plot and characters all there. It takes nothing to develop the plot or expand the characters, they are there - all I have to do is write it all down. The Dickie Williams story was a serendipity moment. I was driving along London's North Circular Road, the traffic was crawling as it passed by the scene of an accident. The police then completely shut the road as an air ambulance landed right in front of my car. Dickie Williams was born, at least his story was. My dream in which there was Aaron fired a serendipity moment like no other.

I grabbed the radio. "Aaron, Aaron - wake up - I need you right now - come here. Aaron are you awake ? AARON !"

If he did not answer I would get out of bed and run down to his summer house to wake him.

"You want me Master ?" The radio crackled. "No *I * want you, it's me Nigel. Come here straight away, do not bother to knock on the bedroom door just come in."

"I am on my way Mast......, I mean Nigel."

I paced round my room as my mind bubbled with excitement.

Aaron was clearly astonished when he came into the room. "You are naked Master, where is your dressing gown ? Are you alright ? Are you ill ?"

"Nigel," I said pointing a finger at him. "Stop this master nonsense."

"Let me get your dressing gown, where is it ?"

"No time for that come and sit down, over here at this table."

Destiny had made it clear what I was to do.

"I am a writer, I have made millions selling downloads of my stories from my own website. If I had tried to become a writer fifty years ago, say in 1969, I would not have made a penny. I would not have been able to find a publisher, nobody would have given my stories a second glance. Even if I could have found the money to print and distribute them myself I could never have been able to market them and sell millions of copies. The Internet has changed all that, I set up a website which grew of its own accord and continues to grow every day. We could do the same for you, for your works of art."

"But you have talent, your stories are special."

"Talent ! Perhaps but it is nothing compared to the talent you have. I have seen just a few simple sketches but enough to know you have abilities we could use to replicate on-line your drawings everything I have achieved with my stories."

"I am better at painting than I am at drawing."

"We need to get a website set up, we can use the same firm as produced mine."

"I know how to write websites."

"Excellent." I was on a roll so stepped over this comment from Aaron. "You can sell printable downloads of your work for a pound a copy just like I sell stories. Then, and here's the biggie, you can auction the originals for thousands."

"But how will people find the website ?"

"Aaron I have ten million users on my site, they will also become your ten million."

"But my best drawings have been male-erotic. I played about with it to annoy my parents and try to get away from them but male nudity I can do so well."

"A bit like Michelangelo," I laughed, "and he did not have the power of the Internet behind him."

"Nigel please let me get your dressing gown."

"Oh yes, perhaps you should. Inside the wardrobe there, you'll also find a towel bathrobe - you put that on."

Our separate modesty restored was right, in my excitement I had forgotten about - had not realised - my own nudity. Now several hours later I have to confess a sense of something which evades the words of even a best selling author. In that brief time it had been good to be naked with Aaron. Destiny you set that up, I know you did.

"I want you to take my laptop, log into as many websites you need and order everything you want to set up your studio. Expense does not matter and pay for special delivery so you can start work within the next few days. Here's my debit card."

"Are you sure about this Nigel ? I am your slave after all."

I did not answer him. "We need to fix a room to be your studio. My website is nigeldean dot com, we need to decide what yours will be called. Any thoughts ?"

"Not really."

"We can decide later, get all the materials ordered."

Aaron has just left. I am alone again. Setting my slave up as a renowned international artist alongside my own fame and fortune as a writer is going to be exciting. The initial exhilaration within my serendipity moment will be nothing compared with the way this will develop. By accident I had been naked with Aaron, in my excitement I lost all comprehension of my nudity. I have taken off my dressing gown, walked round the room admiring myself in the mirrors. Destiny why did you let this happen ? Why did you remove all realisation of my naked state ?

I need to sleep but I doubt I will. I am going to close my laptop and get back into bed. Destiny if you have another serendipity moment can you please keep it until the morning.

  • SUNDAY 9th JUNE 2019:*

Destiny, Destiny, Destiny this has been the day on which the deep cunning of your plotting has been revealed. I did not write anything for this diary on Sunday, I was too busy following the path Destiny has mapped out. Today. Monday. I am catching up. I have never liked to use the dictation tool on my laptop, I much prefer to type on the traditional keyboard, I have so much to add to my diary I may well dictate as well as typing.

I did sleep but during that time my brain remained active and sharing one idea after another with me. I awoke to Aaron gently tapping on my bedroom door.

"I have your breakfast ready."

"Come in." I rubbed my eyes, sat up and made certain the bedclothes were covering my nudity.

"Would you like me to put your breakfast on a tray and bring it in for you ?"

"Yes please and bring a tray for yourself."

Aaron had prepared a full English breakfast. I took my tray on the bed while indicating for Aaron to sit and eat at the table, the table where the night before I had expounded my ideas for Aaron's future as an artist.

"The room I use for my study," I began, "is one of two guestrooms which are linked with an adjoining door. The second is still a bedroom but never used, that can be your studio. On Monday we can ask Mr Maxwell to clear the furniture out."

"I can do that," Aaron replied, "that is if you will allow me to."

"You are going to need a computer to set up and run your sales website. I suggest we go and buy what you need this morning. Have you come up with a name for the website yet ?"

"No but I am a slave, correct ?"

I nodded.

"Surely part of the appeal for my work will be the fact that I am a slave, I mean people will want to own a painting or a sketch by a slave, so we need to some how incorporate that into the website design and name. Slaves are kept naked, everyone knows that, slaves have their mark tattooed on their bottom. I was thinking we should design the site logo and the way I sign my works using my tattoo and registration number, I am slave number Vd56y. We could even call the website"

"It could work." I was not certain but there was a possibility.

"If we set up a series of webcams about the studio, three or perhaps four, and broadcast into the website when I am working people could watch. I will, of course, be naked and I will be producing man-erotic works of art. A naked slave live on cam painting naked male-erotic canvases, I think people will flock to log in."


I want to lose the nudity factor in Aaron's life but there he was setting out to enhance it and broadcast it world-wide to millions of website users.

"I want you to come with me to buy the computer."

"Thank you."

Aaron was relaxing into my way of life, he has not been here for long at all, but this is clearly not what his enslavement induction prepared him for. Calling me * master* has been sorted - well almost - but he does not naturally call me Nigel.

"You can not go with me to PC World naked, you can wear some of my clothes."

"Thank you. I will need to have my registration number on view."

"NO ! You can cover that up as well."

"But what if.........."

"Well drive to a branch some distance away, nobody will know who we are - just two guys buying a computer."

"The assistant will recognise your name from your debit card, everyone know the name of Nigel Dean."

"We'll play cash," I smiled. "We'll find somewhere for lunch and make a day of it."

"If that is what you want."

"It is. Now go and chose something from my room to wear."

Where to go to buy Aaron's computer ? Luton, that would do it. I know where the Luton branch of PC World is. Luton is hardly a sophisticated town, not one where there would be an abundance of Nigel Dean fans. You are probably, quite rightly, guessing I do not like Luton - dreadful place. In one of my stories I refer to it as Chav City, chavs it has in abundance but a city it is not. Yes it would suffice for our computer purchase but not for somewhere to have lunch. I am not accustomed to eating out, I like my food but am not adventurous. If we want somewhere where we can slip in and out without being recognised then perhaps McDonald's would be the place to go. No Pizza Hut that is where we will go.

"Is it alright if I wear this ?" Aaron came back in dressed in a tracksuit.

"You look fine."

"I have not worn clothing since I was sentenced. It feels strange."

Get used to it, I said silently to myself. You can be naked in your studio but outside clothing will soon be standard. Destiny placed a hand on my shoulder and whispered into my ear.

I do not go out very often, there is no need, the journey to the Sheffield auction had been a major expedition for me and now I was about to drive my car for a second time in a week. Although he obviously could drive, after all was he not a car thief, I could not ask Aaron to take the wheel of my BMW. I instructed the satellite navigation to take the most direct route to the Luton branch of PC World then set the auto drive controls then off we set.

"I lead a strange life," I said. "My writing inhabits me in a world of fantasy. Selling downloads places me into the cyber world of the Internet. Until you came here I did not spend a lot of time in reality."

"Is that why you bought me ? You did spend a lot of money."

"I don't really know why I decided to buy a slave," I said partly in honesty. I had not decided for myself to become a slave owner, Destiny had decided for me.

"The world my family live in," Aaron explained, "live in a fantasy world of superstition and the lack of reality religion wraps round those who are foolish to believe the rubbish it suggests."

"You would sacrifice your freedom to become a slave in order to escape ?"

"Without hesitation but the life you are giving me is not slavery as those who advocated its reintroduction planned it."

Change the subject. "Which of my stories have you read ?"

"Dickie Williams of course."

"That's part of a trilogy."

"I know. I have read I Love You Danny and For Every and Beyond, they had sad endings but it was Dickie Williams that made me cry."

"I want to start writing spy thrillers," I explained. "So many spy stories are set in the Cold War and that all happened more than a generation ago so many readers may have difficulty relating to plots. It's religious extremism that poses today's threat."

"All religion is foolish," Aaron said, "some of religion is dangerous, more dangerous than anything the Cold War offered."

"I agree," I said. "If jihad fighters could get hold of weapons of mass destruction there would be no hesitation in using them."

"Not just Islamic fighters, sects like that my family subscribe to would consider wiping out thousands of sinners at a single stroke as doing god's work."

"Your destination is twenty minutes away," the satellite navigation unit interrupted our conversation.

Change the subject again.

"You are going to need models to pose for you as you draw." It wasn't a question, a statement.

"No, not really."

"But how.......?"

"When you write you have a basic idea then you develop that with your creative mind and imagination."

"I suppose so."

"I can do the same. I know what guys in general look like, I simply adjust things in my mind." he smiled.

This was probably the most relaxed conversation Aaron and I have so far had. It was interrupted by the sat nav !

"Your destination is ahead on the right."

*DAMN, *I cursed silently.

Inside PC World Aaron selected a laptop but a Mac, not a Windows machine. "Windows is rubbish, too unreliable with too many programmes launched without proper testing."

Few would disagree with him.

"Do you think I should buy a Mac as well ?"

"If you only want to use it to write your stories and upload them to your website then Windows is good enough, but if you want to do more then forget it and change to Mac."

"We'll have two the same then," I said.

Aaron's relaxed attitude towards me was continuing in the store. that was good.

"I am going to need four wireless free webcams to place in the studio," Aaron said as he scanned the display then picking out what he wanted.

"Get what ever you need."

"Have you ever thought about adding a live webcam to your story website ?"

"I wouldn't know how to do that ?"

"Let people see you writing, position it over your shoulder so people can see the laptop as you write. You type rather than dictate ?"


"Give it a try."

I could see how those who would log into Aaron's website would be attracted to watch a naked artist at work but a view over the shoulder of a clothed writer rattling letters on an old fashioned keyboard was not likely to have the same appeal but I agreed to give it a try.

Perhaps it was having Aaron outside the environment of the house that changed his outlook and opened up his conversation, all I can say was his relaxed attitude towards me made me feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Ah problem !

I had drawn what I guessed to be enough cash, more than enough cash for our purchases so I did not have to use my card and disclose my identity but buying two laptops took the purchase over the amount of cash I had in my pocket. I know what you are thinking, I know what you are thinking, how by using my card to make a purchase will reveal my identity as Nigel Dean the author and now slave owner ? But it will leave a trail which someone may pick up and use. Just imagine if the tabloid media found out. But I was thinking rubbish, too much time as a recluse. I paid with my card, loaded everything into the car and was ready to leave.

"Time to eat," I said.

"There's a McDonald's over there," Aaron pointed. "We can go to the drive through."

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I am being silly about my identity, we can go anywhere."

"You are the master," Aaron said. So was he relaxing in my company or was he not ? "But if we go to McDonald's and eat in the car we will be back sooner and we can start setting up the studio. If that is OK with you ?"

"Relax Aaron, of course it is."

The moment we got home, the moment I pulled up the car and Aaron got out he took off all his clothed to become my naked slave. While we had been away there had been a hint, just a hint of a change but nude he was again slave number Vd56y.

As a writer I take a plot, a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. I then bring in characters to walk through the plot, characters who I develop and with whom I have other characters interacting but this is different and I am not sure my idea of keeping a diary is working.

Writing these words I have no idea where the story is going. One minute I think I understand Aaron then the next I simply do not have a clue. When I plan a story I seldom brainstorm ideas to get a plot, stories come to me in an instant - what I call a serendipity moment. Perhaps I do brainstorm subconsciously somewhere within my head where thoughts move at the speed of light. Here, as I read what I have so far written it appears as a jumbled mess, a brainstorm gone wrong, but these are my thoughts as they are when I wrote them down. There is a danger these thoughts may become irrelevant, confusing and not actually a part of the story I am trying to tell. As an example look at the silly nonsense I have written about not wanting to use my debit card. At the time I wrote the words they made sense in my mind but now they are gibberish. Should I go back and edit them out ? If I do that then this ceases to be a diary. Should I abandon the idea of a diary and write a traditional story about Aaron and myself. But what is that story ? I don't know yet.

Over all of this looms the hand of Destiny. I can feel it there, sometimes it gently steers then at others pushing hard to send events in the direction it insists they go. Destiny do you know where this story is going ?

10pm Aaron has gone to bed. I will soon sleep but first need to make this diary entry,

As I was typing up those words in the four paragraphs above I felt a hand gently rest on my head. It was Aaron.

"Are you alright ?" He said softly. "Do you mind me asking ? You look stressed and did not notice me come in."

"You are very kind for asking Aaron. Yes I am fine. It's just this story I am writing, it's proving difficult and stressing me a bit. Do not worry."

"Would you allow me to help ? Not with the story I mean but a head massage would ease your worries."

"Thank you, yes that would be nice."

My naked slave stood behind me, I could not see him but my senses pictured him. As I closed my eyes it was as if I floated somewhere behind and above us both to look down on all that was happening yet my sense of touch, my sense of feeling, was firmly within my body. Aaron's fingers moved gently but firmly across my scalp, electricity ran up and down my spine creating the most marvellous sensation. Within moments the worries of my writing faded to insignificance. It was if some magical force was leaving Aaron's fingers, penetrating my scull them massaging my mind itself. I could feel the aura of his body behind me, in my mind I could see us both. Everything felt like a dream but it was not. I can not say for how long Aaron's therapeutic soothing touch continued, time was not a factor. When he finished all the stress was gone, I was a new person. Now I am going to sleep and dream the night away.

  • MONDAY 10th JUNE 2019:*

Aaron is my slave, if I order him to he would repeat that head massage from yesterday but would it be so effective if delivered by a slave ? When Aaron soothed my cares away it was almost as if he were a friend. I am going to stop writing these thoughts down before my diary descends into silly gabble again.

We have a busy day ahead of us. I have to learn how to use a Mac after wrestling with Microsoft all my life, I am hoping there is not that much difference. Well actually I am hoping it will be different, the rubbish of Windows to be replaced with a better system while the operation remains the same. Aaron is going to set up the single webcam so people can watch me write. I don't think many will. On the other hand hundreds each day will log in to watch a naked artist in his studio. He is next door setting up his laptop and four webcams. All of the artist materials are due to be delivered this morning. Aaron has to start writing his website. Yes we have a busy day ahead of us.

Aaron has just come into the room so I am going to stop writing. I'll come back later.


Aaron wanted me to look at how he has set up the webcams and where he planned to put the easel and paint table. "Is that alright with you ?"

"How ever you want things will be fine."

"But I need to check with you."

No he didn't but I kept silent.

"Do you mind if I ask you if you are feeling better today ?"

"Wonderful, thank you, your fingers have magic within them."

"Can I ask if the story is now going well ?"

"You can ask and it is, thank you."

"Perhaps one day you will write a story about me."

I blushed, my face growing deeper in red like the warming bar of an old fashioned electric fire. I did not blush because I am actually now writing a story about Aaron but because of the thought which suggested itself as a reply.

  • Perhaps one day you will paint a naked picture of me.*

I did not say it, thank goodness, but I thought it. Instead I simply said, "We have plenty of time."

"Oh I am so sorry Master," Aaron said, "it was wrong of me to suggest it."

"Aaron please call me Nigel, not Master."

"I am sorry, you have asked me before not to call you that but it is hard to get out of the way the slavery induction beat things into me."

"We have time Aaron and yes I will certainly write a story about you. I promise."

"We have ten years," he said trying to smile.

A slave owner can sell on a slave at any time, I have no intention of selling Aaron, but he can not grant the slave freedom. To do so would make a mockery of the court's punishment. I have owned Aaron since last Friday, only four days - three thousand, six hundred and forty-six days to go plus leap years. We have plenty of time.

I went with Aaron to look at his preparations in his studio, as soon as I stepped inside the delivery van arrived. Rather than let the driver see a naked slave I signed for everything and stood the numerous packages in the hallway. I then helped Aaron take everything upstairs and left him alone to sort the contents while I came to type up these few hundred words.

Destiny you are dancing round me aren't you ? What are you up to ?

  • 1pm:*

Having been inside all morning with the air conditioning maintaining the house at a constant, comfortable temperature I had not realised how hot it was outside. I took JD for a little walk, the moment we stepped outside the door we were hit by a wall of heat. I guess this is what people call FLAMING JUNE although the temperature was more something I would have associated with August and August in countries with a warmer climate. Typical of a British man to talk about the weather but actually it was too hot to stay outside for long. Back inside JD made straight for his water bowl and I for a can of beer in the fridge. I picked up two and took one up to Aaron.

"Wow this looks impressive." The studio was set out with everything in place. "I am sure Michelangelo would have been happy working in here."

"Just imagine if he had a website," Aaron smiled.

"Do you have a favourite artist ?" I asked.

"L S Lowry," Aaron replied without hesitation, "although his style is nothing like my own."

"The matchstick man, yes I know him."

"So who is your favourite artist ?"

"I am not sure I have one at the moment but fairly soon I think it will be a young man by the name of Aaron." I do not know his surname. I owned him, he was my slave yet I do not know his full name.

"When are you going to start ?" I asked.

"With your permission I will try paining this afternoon. Then later I will take the laptop down to the summerhouse with me and work on the website before I sleep. If that is alright with you of course."

"Aaron I will support you in any way you want with this venture. Please know that."

"Thank you."

"I'll leave you for a while then come back later and see how you are getting on."

  • 5pm:*

The temperature outside has reached thirty-five degrees. Mr Maxwell came in to say it was too hot to work, he was going home and would be back in the morning. Not that I minded but after all I am his employer and will be paying him for the time he has been away this afternoon so perhaps he should have asked permission rather than state a fact. I wish Aaron did not seek permission and my approval all the time.

The phone rang. It was the slave unit at Sheffield.

"Just a courtesy call to ask Mr Dean how you are getting on with your boy."


"No problems ?"

"No problems at all, he is settling in well."

"Have you beaten him yet ?"

I hesitated then lied. "Yes, of course, within a few hours of his being here."

"Excellent. Now if you need anything, anything at all you can call us."

"I will do that. Thank you."

Aaron will find it hard to sleep tonight, there is no air conditioning in the summer house.

I have only just realised we have not had any lunch, oh I feel bad - Aaron would never ask no matter how hungry he was. I am going to break off from writing and head to the kitchen.

  • 8pm:*

I picked up the radio, "Aaron I am fixing something to eat, what would you like ?"

"Anything you wish."

"But what would you like ?"

"I really do not mind."

"I am not very good in the kitchen, I'll send out for something. Do you like Chinese ?"

"Love it."

I was so much wanting to see what Aaron was painting but I kept my patience until the food was delivered. When I opened the door it was hotter than ever. the driver made some comment about it and said he was sorry they did not have ice cream on the menu. With anticipation surging round my body I took the food up to Aaron's studio.

I had expected to see a work in progress, that was silly of me. Aaron had a canvas on the easel but nothing on it. He had a series of pencil sketches where he had been playing around with ideas ready to commit to the canvas.

"If it would help I am happy to hire models for you."

"That will not be needed."

"Let's eat."

As I type up these notes it has gone very dark outside, a thunderstorm is on the way. I am going to pick up the radio and speak to Aaron.

"Aaron are you still in the studio or have you gone down the garden ?"

"I'm back in the summer house."

"Good there's a storm on the way. If you have any problems down there you call me."

"I will but I'll be fine. Thank you. Thank you for everything."

  • TUES**DAY 11th JUNE 2019:*

  • 9am:*

That was the most terrible night I can remember and yet it was the most special night ever. Aaron is still sleeping, I awoke about twenty minutes ago and came to my laptop to record the events of the last twelve hours. Ok Destiny I give up you win !

I went to be at about ten o'clock. The thunder storm started at about half past. There is something I find majestic in the awesome power of a thunder storm, well that used to be the case - I am not so certain now. With the curtains open the night sky flashed and illuminated my room moments after each flash the crack of the thunder shook the walls. the distance between the flash and the crack of each explosion was getting shorter then came one where their timing coincided. It was as if that thunder clap was condensed into the space of my ears, so loud it was. The flash of the lighting made the room brighter than day. The security lights in the garden came on, the bolt of lightning must have triggered the sensors. With the explosion still echoing round the room the radio crackled to life.

"Nigel, Master - HELP !"

I leaped from my bed, thrust my feet into a pair of shoes, grabbed my dressing gown and raced down the garden to the summer house. "No, No," I screamed. "Aaron !"

The lightning bolt had struck a large tree, bringing it down on top of the summer house and flattening much of the building to the ground. Flames were lapping on one side of the crushed summer house. I tore the dressing gown from my back and began futilely to beat the flames. "Aaron," I screamed.

"It's alright I am here."

I ran the few paces to him, threw my arms round him and pulled his naked body against my own. "Thank god, are you alright ?"

"I am a bit shaken up but alright. I don't think we should be thanking god, my parents would say this is a sign from the lord."

"Stuff the lord ! Oh Aaron. Aaron, Aaron." I pulled him closer to me. "Come inside quickly."

I took his hand and headed back up the garden. My hear was pounding like crazy. JD came running out, bounded to Aaron and licked him.

"See he is relieved as well."

"We should call the fire brigade."

A fire crew attended and quickly doused the flames. I was still naked when they arrived, not sure what they made of that. Aaron had discretely moved himself to his studio. I offered to make them coffee but they politely declined.

"Would you like me to find some clothes for you ?" Aaron asked.

"Later, perhaps later. Come here you."

I embraced him again, the contours of our naked bodies intertwining. How grand it felt to have him next to me.

"Should I sleep in the studio tonight ?"

"No way ! You are sleeping here, come on." I took his hand and made lour way to my room.

"Where will you sleep ?"

"In here with you," I said flinging back the bed covers. "In here with you."

Aaron looked surprised.

"Then in the morning I will show you the story I have been writing about you and yiou can start work on my painting."

So Destiny you see you have got your own way. Thank you Destiny,

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