The Doctor / Beginnings

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 21, 2008



The Doctor By Randy Howard

"Now boarding, all first class passengers on flight 1713 headed to Los Angeles at gate 23," the announcement said.

I grabbed my carry-on and headed for the gate. I handed my boarding pass to the attendant and she gave me a smile.

"Welcome aboard Dr. Randall," she says, "I hope you have a good flight."

I thank her and continue down the ramp to the plane, showing my pass once again to the attendant at the door.

"Welcome Dr. Randall, your seat is the second one on the right and next to the window," he tells with a smile. "Someone will be with you shortly and take your drink order."

I thank him and notice how handsome he is, as I leave to find my seat. I notice that someone is seated beside my seat, as I excuse myself and slide pass into my seat.

"Dan Russell, Amalgamated Steel," he says offering me his hand.

"Dr. Noel Randall, Pediatrics" I say as I shake his hand.

I fasten my seat belt, watch out the window, and was thinking back to the last twenty-four hours. My lover of fifteen years and I had just broken up and it was not a good one. I had been offered a position has head of Pediatrics at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and David was upset. We had discussed this for months and he knew that this was what I had worked towards my entire career and had always supported me on it. The day in accepted the position and came home to tell him, all hell broke loose.

"Why are you carrying on like this David? You said that you supported me when we talked about me someday getting a position like this."

"I just thought you would get it here," he said to me. "I never thought we would have to move clear across the country."

"What difference does it make anyways, you work from the house," I told him. "You can work there just as easy as here, and it is what I have always worked towards."

"I . just . can't," he stammers.

"Why can't you?"

"Because I have another man I have been seeing for over a year now," he says and I drop into a chair in shock. "I never thought that it would get this complicated and now I have to choose and I can't," he says as he turns from me.

"Hey Doc," Dan says, bringing me back to the present. "The steward wants to know what you all drinking," he says with a slight southern drawl.

"I am sorry, Gin and tonic with a twist of lemon, thank you," I say.

"A little spaced out there doc," he says and it irritates me.

"No just thinking about things," I retort back firmly. "Have a lot on my mind."

The steward brings me my drink, I take a sip, I set it on my tray, and I drift back to David again.

"And when were you going to tell me about . who ever," I ask him.

"I was planning on ending it before it got this complicated. But now I think I love him more, sorry Noel." He says with his back still towards me. "He loves me and wants me to move in with him. He goes to Boston College."

"Oh we are robbing the cradle now, are we," I sarcastically say. "What is he nineteen or twenty," I ask.


"Well don't let me stand in the way of true love, David."

He walked out of the room and down the hall to our bedroom. I could hear him as he packed his things. I thought about how could I have been so blind to this, then remembered my long hours at Massachusetts General. He must of gotten lonely I thought to myself and found someone to fill the void. Nevertheless, nineteen was so young when we were both thirty-four, could he possibly think he could hold a young kid like that. I drifted off to sleep until the pilot announced to fasten our seat belts. The plane made a smooth landing and I departed, headed to the baggage area to retrieve my luggage. My luggage finally arrived and I grabbed it and went upstairs to grab a taxi. I got in the cab and told him,

"The Beverly Wilshire Hotel please."

He sped away and I hung on for dear life remembering that I was no longer in New England. He drops me in front of the hotel and a doorman is quick to open my door.

"Welcome to the Beverly Wilshire sir," he says with a smile. "Is there any luggage sir?"

"Yes, three bags in the trunk, thank you ah.. Franklin," I say pausing, noticing his nametag.

He motions with his hand and a bellhop comes running and takes my luggage from the cabby. I give the doorman a tip and the bellhop follows me into the hotel. As I step into the lobby, my mind is taken back to another era. The crystal chandeliers and Italian marble is grand and breath taking to behold.

"Good day sir, welcome to the Beverly Wilshire. How may I help today?" The desk clerk says all crisp in his uniform.

"Dr. Noel Randall, I have a reservation." I tell him as the bellhop stands at attention beside me.

"Yes Dr. Randall, here it is. We have you in suite 6311," he says and hands the key pass to the bellhop. "If you would please sign here Dr. Randall," he says passing a check in slip towards me. I sign my name and he gives me my copy.

"I hope you will enjoy your stay with us, Dr. Randall. If there is anything you need please call," he says and smiles at me. What nice teeth I think to myself, and how blonde he is. Must be the hot California sun I guess. I turn and follow the bellhop and cannot help but notice how cute his ass looks in his uniform. It is so round and firm, his pants hug it just right, and it moves nicely as he walks. We stop at the elevator and he pushes the button to summon a ride. It arrives shortly, he allows me to enter, and he follows and gives the operator the floor number. Within seconds, we are at our floor, he steps out, and I follow his cute ass again to my room. He inserts the room pass and hands it to me as I enter the room. The room is spacious with a large sitting area, and the bedroom off to the left. The view of Los Angeles is breath taking and I turn to give him a tip. He thanks me and wishes me a pleasant stay and I give his ass one more glance as he leaves.

"My God, I need to get laid," I say aloud as he closes the door. I open my bags and put my things away, and then walk to the window and look out.

"My God, what have I gotten myself into," I think to myself. "A new position, a new city, and now a new life."

I go to the bed and I strip and head to the shower. I stand beneath the shower and let the heat of the water refresh me. I step out and dry off and go and get dressed, and decide to go and explore. Rodeo Drive is close by so I decide to do some shopping. It has been awhile since I have shopped for clothes and I am in need of some updating. I stop at Armani's and an attractive salesman greets me and asks me looking me quickly up and down.

"Good Afternoon sir, how may I be of service to you today?"

"Well, I am interested in some new suits," I tell him and he smiles.

"Well come right this way and we shall get you measured," he says as I follow, again taking notice of the cute ass he sports. He leads me to a private dressing room and instructs me to remove my outer clothes. He busies himself while I undress and then turns with a tape measure. He stands me on a pedestal as he takes my shoulder and chest measurements. He then takes my arm and waist measurements, and then he kneels to take my inseam. His face is not more than a few inches from my cock that I am trying to keep calm in my briefs. He places the tapes just beneath my balls, and I can feel the heat of his hand. He runs the tape down to my instep and then carefully notes the length.

"My, a thirty-four inseam is tall," he says and his hand is still at my balls. I can feel my cock start to inflate and I know there is no way I can keep it down. He is still kneeling and writing my measurements, he lifts to get up, and his head is directly looking now at my inflated cock. He stands and my face is quite red with embarrassment and I quickly start to get dressed.

"Please don't get dressed yet sir, I will be right back with something for you to try on." He says as he leaves.

I am still sporting an erection that will not go away, because it has been awhile since I have had sex. He quickly returns with a suit for me to try on, and his eyes are directly on my crotch. I take the suit, turn from him, and put on the slacks and he helps with the jacket.

"With a few minor alterations, a perfect fit I would say." He says glancing at my bulge. "We might have to make some major adjustments for that," he says nodding towards my crotch. My face turns red again with embarrassment and he looks at me and says.

"I am most accustom to this sir, let me assure you."

"I do apologize young man, but how do you handle these situations," I ask him even redder.

"This happens to many of my clients sir. I assure you I have complete discretion," and he kneels before me and undoes the suit pants and they drop to the floor. He has me step out of them and he folds them and places them on a seat. He takes my waistband and he pulls down my briefs, releasing my erect cock. He looks briefly, then takes my cock into his hand, and then places it into his mouth. He slowly starts to swallow it down, until his nose is buried in my pubic hair. I moan in pleasure as he starts to milk me with his throat muscles and I feel my balls tighten as my come begins to move. He is quickly moving up and down my cock and then I feel myself ready to shoot.

"I'm going to come," I cry out. He takes my cock deep and I shoot my come deep into his throat. He keeps sucking until it gets to sensitive and he lets go of my cock. He wipes his mouth as he stands up and smiles.

"Now lets try those slacks again, sir," he says.

"Ah . thank you, young man," I say still riding my climax. "Do all your clients get this kind of service," I ask.

"Only if needed, sir. You most definitely needed it."

I purchased three suits that afternoon and gave Martin, I later found out that was his name, a very nice tip. He told me they would be ready in three days and to please come back if he could be of any further assistance. I walked back to my hotel thinking about what had just happened and how not like me that was. I have never in all my gay years have had a one nightstand. I felt guilty and ashamed for what I had done and thought about going back to apologize, but then thought better of it. He probably has done that many times before and thought nothing of it. Franklin greeted me at the hotel door as I approached.

"Did you have a good day Doctor Randall," he asks.

"Yes I did Franklin, thank you. I bought three suits at Armani's," I said.

"Ah, was Martin working today," he asks and I can feel myself blush again.

"Yes he was Franklin," I tell him as I look away.

"Excellent he gives, doesn't he, doctor," he says with a smile and a wink at me as he opens the door.

I go to the desk and inquire if I have any messages and the clerk checks and hands me one. It is from the hospital telling me that they will send a car to pick me up tomorrow morning at nine. I go up to my room and I shower and then I get into bed and my mind slowly drifts off to sleep. I dream about David and his mystery man, and how he kept him a secret from me for over a year. I thought about how I could have been a better partner and how I had taken him for granted. I kept seeing the two of them laughing at me and calling me a total looser. I woke up and I glanced over at the clock, three thirty-five it read. He would be up I thought and I picked up the phone and then replaced it back down. He was not going to lay a head-trip on me; he could have talked to me. I know I had worked long hours and I had taken our love for granted, but I did not deserve to be cheated on. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep and no matter how I tried I just could not get him and that kid out of my mind. I picked up the phone and dialed his cell number and he answered on the second ring.

"Hello, Noel is that you," he asks figuring he knew from the caller id.

"Hello David, I needed to talk with you. I did not like the way we left things between us." I told him.

"I felt the same way Noel, but I did not know how to reach you. Your cell kept saying not in service at this time."

"I have a new phone service now, and if you like I can give you my number."

"Yeah, please I would like it Noel."

"It is 310-555-8751," I tell him. "Please don't give it out."

"I won't babe," he says and my heart sinks with that name.

"How are you and what's his name doing," I ask.

"Fine, he is moving in Saturday," he says.

"David, what did I do wrong that made you look elsewhere for love," I ask.

"It wasn't you Noel, it was me. I got lonely he by myself. You had long hours and I just needed someone to talk too. I met Jeff, that is his name, at a coffee shop and we just hit it off."

"I knew my hours were long, but why didn't you tell me you were lonely David. I would have listened and done something about it."

"Like what, cut back on your hours for a bit and then go back to the way things were," he says a bit sarcastically.

"David please, lets not get dramatic here, I really wanted to know if I did something to drive you to another man's arms."

"Well beside the long hours, you were getting to be to tired for love making when you got home. It started once a week and then it kept increasing until we did it maybe twice a month Noel. I had needs just like you did and I started to look elsewhere to fill them. I am sorry Noel that things ended like this, but I really don't think that it would have been much longer before it would have ended, regardless of your move."

"I am so sorry David for so much, love. I never wanted to hurt you or make you feel unwanted. Will you ever forgive me for the way that I treated you?"

"Noel, it is me that needs forgiving for cheating on you babe. I am sorry that I did not come to you sooner before this affair got started. I forgive you if you forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you David, I still love you. I can't just fall out of love after fifteen years overnight," I tell him. "Besides I think I will always hold a special place in my heart for you love, you were my first."

"Me to babe, I will always love you because you were my first also." He says and I can hear him start to cry.

"David please don't cry that is not why I called. I did not call to upset you. I just wanted to set things right between us love. I will let you go, and I wish you luck and love with Jeff."

"Thank you Noel. I hope you will find a love for you out there that will make you happy babe. Remember babe; you can always call me, if you ever need to talk."

"Thanks David, love you." I say more out of habit then feeling.

"Me also, babe."

I look at the clock, it is going on seven-thirty, and I head into the shower. I feel better that I called and got things straightened out between us. I get downstairs at a quarter of nine and Franklin greets me.

"Good Morning good doctor, and how are you this morning."

"Very well thank you, and how are you doing Franklin," I ask.

"Very well also doctor."

My car arrives and a young man named Brian greets me. He is tall with blonde hair just below his ears and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He is slender like a swimmer and has a gorgeous tan that just makes his hair all the more blonder. He offers his hand, I shake it, and his grip is firm.

"So you are our new head of pediatrics," he says to me. "The last one, Doctor Van Buren died."

"Yes that is me Brian." I tell him as we get in the car. "Would you know of a reputable car dealer around the area?"

"Depends what you are in the market for," he says.

"A BMW," I tell him.

"A beamer huh, would have taken you for a Mercedes," he says glancing over at me.

"Why is that Brian," I ask.

"Well being from Boston and all, you know, a stuff shirt type," he says with a grin. "Sorry if I overstepped my boundary doc."

"No that is quite all right Brian, we from Boston are know to be stuff shirts. And to tell you the truth, most of those from there are." I tell him and we both laugh. "So tell me Brian what do you do at the hospital," I ask.

"I am in my last year of residency, doc. I hoped to have my own practice some day."

"Really, how old are Brian?"

"I will be thirty this October tenth, I got started late in school. I did four years in the Marines first to help pay for college," he tells me.

"You going to specialize in anything, Brian," I ask.

"Pediatrics, doc, and not because of you sir. I love kids and hate to see them sick."

"That's commendable Brian, if I can give any help, please let me know Brian."

We reach the hospital and he leads me to my office, for I would have never found it on my own. He shakes my hand again and pauses and says,

"If you like I can take you to a dealer that sells beamers if you like."

"I would not want to impose on your hospitality Brian, but thank you."

"Just thought I would offer, no inconvenience at all, just being friendly," he says with that California smile.

"Well what are your hours here," I ask.

"I am usually out by five," he says. "Unless an emergency or we have a doctor shortage come up."

"Well today is Wednesday, how about on Saturday we get together."

"That sounds good, see you then doc," and he bounds off towards the elevators.

I walk into my office and a middle age woman is sitting at a desk.

"May I help you sir," she asks looking up from some papers she is working on.

"I do hope so. My name is Dr. Noel Randall and I believe this is my office, correct."

"Well, how do you do doc," she says getting and coming around to give me a hug. "I have been waiting to meet you ever since talking to you last week."

"Dahlia, is that right," I ask her. "Did I pronounce that right?"

"Sure did love, but you can call me Daisy, all my friends do. I hate that other name it sounds so . well it just does. Let me show you your office, this one is mine Hun, yours is much bigger and nicer too."

My office is just off behind hers, and its walls are of dark mahogany paneling and a matching desk. A fireplace faces the desk with a pair of leather wing back chairs beside it. To the left of the desk the wall is all bookshelves and filled with my books.

"Your books arrived yesterday Hun, and I put them in the shelves."

"Thank you Daisy, I appreciate that."

"My but you sure are a young one," she says. "And I might say real handsome too."

"Thank you again, that will be all Daisy," I tell her as I blush. She leaves and comes back not twenty seconds later with a paper in her hand.

"Your schedule doc," she says. "I thought you might like to hit the floor running."

I look at my schedule and see that I have several meetings today and rounds of meeting of introductions also. I ask Daisy if there is a map of the hospital.

"For what would you need a map for, Hun? Just follow the colored lines and they will take you anyplace you need to go."

I go out to the hall and look on the wall and I see several colored lines. I follow the red one to the pediatric ward and introduce myself to the doctors and nurses there. I see Brian holding a child of about three; he is talking to her, as it was his best friend.

"How about I come and read you a story after you come back from your tests Cathy," he is saying to her.

"I'd like that Brian," she says and gives him a hug.

He gives her to the nurse and then he notices me, he comes over and shakes my hand.

"Hey doc how goes the first day?"

"It goes pretty good Brian. You have quite a way with kids I see," I tell him. "Cathy seems to like you a lot."

"She breaks my heart Doc, she has cancer and she is hear for treatments. I hate to see kids go through that shit when there are mean sobs running around healthy. It just is not fair, doc."

"I know what you mean, Brian, I know what you mean."

"So why you down here doc, checking up on us," he says with a grin.

"I am going about trying to get my bearings and meeting the staff. My afternoon is filled with meetings and more meet and greets." I tell him.

"Better you than me, doc," he says with his grin.

"Brian can you read to me please," comes a soft voice from a little boy. "No one will read to me buddy."

"I can't right now bud, because I have some other kids that I need to look at."

"How about I read a story to you big guy," I say stooping down to his level.

"Who are you mister," he asks looking at me then at Brian.

"That is the big doctor Larry, he is my boss."

"You don't mind reading a story to me, doctor?"

"Not at all Larry, it would be my pleasure. Now where is your room?" I say as he grabs my hand and leads me to his room. I spend the next twenty minutes reading him Winnie the Pooh and he falls asleep on my lap. I carefully place him in his bed and rise up the side. As I start to leave, Brian is standing in the doorway with that crazy smile of his.

"You did all right there, doc," he says.

"He is such a cute little kid. Why is he here?" I ask.

"Having an operation tomorrow to fix a birth defect in his heart. He has a great chance of recovery his doctor has told me."

"Well I really need to make tracks now kid, I am behind in my rounds. I will see you around Brian."

"Yeah and thanks doc, for reading to Larry, it meant a lot to him and me." he says turning and heading down the hall. God what a cute ass on that kid I think to myself as I follow my colored lines again.

I finally get back to my office at almost five and Daisy is just packing up to leave.

"Hey Hun, how did your first day go? I have not seen you since you left this morning. I was about to send a search party out to look for you."

"I had a most pleasant day. The best part was reading to a little five year old up in pediatrics."

"I bet Brian got a hold of you," she says with her smile. "He is a natural with those children."

"He is good with them. He has certainly found his calling hasn't he, Daisy."

"Yes he has doc, that boy sure has."

I finished my work, was about to leave, and was walking out of my office.

"Hey doc, need a lift back to hotel," came a familiar voice, I turned, and there was Brian with his infectious smile.

"That would be great Brian, seeing how I haven't a clue how to get back there other than by cab."

I follow him to the elevators and take to the parking level. I follow him to his car and we head out to Beverly Hills. He talks about the kids on his floor as if they were his own. He pulls up in front of the hotel and a new guy opens my door.

"Good evening sir, welcome to the Beverly Wilshire."

"Where is Franklin this evening . Gerald," I say looking at his nametag.

"It is his night off sir."

I lean into Brian's car and thank him for the ride. He asks if he can pick me up tomorrow and I tell him yes. I go up to my room and grab a shower, a cool one, and then go for a bite. I take a cab over to the Crustacean on Little Santa Monica Boulevard. I run into a couple of the doctors from the hospital and we all join each other for dinner. I catch a ride back to my hotel with Jake Richards, head of Cardiology and he gives me his realtor's card. He drops me off and I thank him and get out.

The next morning Brian was waiting at the curb. Franklin opened the door and wished me a good day and off we went. He took me a new route and past the BMW dealer.

"This is where we will go on Saturday doc." He says. "They have the best in the area. Now lets get our ass to work doc. Don't want to be late doc, the boss won't like it," he says with that smile hitting my arm.

The rest of the week was crazy with seminars, consultations and rounds everyday. Daisy kept me up to date as to where I needed to be and when. I looked forward to Saturday and two days off.

"I will pick you up at eleven tomorrow doc, is that good for you," Brian asks. "I like to sleep in on my days off when I can."

"You don't have to pick me up Brian, I can get a ride up to the dealers myself," I tell him.

"It's no problem doc, really." He says with that smile. "Eleven then," and he takes off.

I took a stroll down to Armani's to pick up my suits, and Martin was working as I entered the shop.

"Good Afternoon Dr. Randall, your suits are ready. Would you care to try them on," Martin says.

"Thank you but I will just take them and try them on later, Martin," I say and pause before adding. "Martin I would like to apologize for the other day. I don't usually do things like that and I really felt bad about using you that way."

"My. Dr. Randall, you flatter me. No one has ever apologized for using me for their own pleasure. I thank you for that and I assure you that what happened is between us." He says taking my hand in his.

The next morning I wake up at eight and I get up and take a long shower. I get dressed in one of my new suits and go down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. By ten forty- five, I am outside waiting and talking to Franklin when Brian pulls up.

"Whoa doc, look at you," he says shaking his hand. "You are one hot looking dude in that suit doc. What is it, Armani," he asks.

"Yes, I just got yesterday, in fact I bought three."

"Three, fuck I can't afford one, never mind three." He says looking me up and down. "You sure make that suit look good doc," he says and I can feel myself blush.

"Fuck doc, you're blushing," he says kind of laughing at me. "You think you never had a guy give you a compliment before."

I get in and we take off for South Bay BMW on Hawthorne Boulevard. We get there and a salesman meets me at the showroom door.

"Good morning sir, I am Henry Cooper. How may I help this fine morning sir?

"Well, good morning Henry, I am Dr. Noel Randall and I am interested in a new BMW 2008 3 Series Convertible - 335i," I tell him.

"Very good choice Dr. Randall. Any particular color?"

I look around and Brian whispers in my ear, "Gold metallic, white top and interior," he says and his breath tickles my ear.

"What this young man just said," I tell Henry. Brian repeats it for Henry and he excuses himself to check his inventory. He comes back in about ten minutes and says.

"We don't have that particular color, but we can get for by Monday, doctor."

"Monday would be good," I tell him. "I can have a cashier check or a bank check for you, which ever you prefer." I tell him and Brian's mouth drops open. I follow Henry to his office and as I go by Brian, I close his mouth. I sign some paperwork, shake hands with Henry, and tell him I will be back on Monday by six. Brian and I walk out to his car and he says as we get in to go.

"God, this is a piece of shit compared to your new ride, doc. Someday I am going to have me one. You just paid cash for that, like you bought a six-pack of beer or something. You got to have money to pay cash for a car like that, because that car starts at forty-five thousand."

"Brian I don't like to talk about my finances and if I have to ask how much, I can't afford it," I tell him. "Now kid what have you got planned today, because I want to see California," I tell him, "and I am paying."

"Well you are a lot of over dressed doc. We need to get you acclimated to the west coast. You look like you come from Boston, because on our days off we don't wear suits."

"Well let's go back to my hotel and I can change into something more casual. I don't know if I have anything like you are wearing though."

We drive back to the Wilshire and we park in the front, and I give Franklin a twenty to turn the other way. We go up to my room and we go in and Brian just freezes as we enter.

"Fuck doc, you sure know how to live," he says looking around. "I have never stayed in a room like this before."

"Well this is just the sitting room, Brian. The bedroom and bath are through there," I tell him pointing to the French doors. I lead the way to the bedroom and I show him my choice of attire.

"Well take your pick Brian, what would you recommend for me today," I ask noticing he is screwing up his face.

"Truthfully doc, I would recommend shopping. These things scream east coast last year or later," he says. "Sorry if I offended you doc, but these things are real old in style. When was the last time you shopped for new things?"

"Well as you can see it has been a while kid. Feel like helping me update myself," I ask.

"That'd be cool doc, lets go. Hey I can't park downstairs though, and I sure can't afford there parking fees here."

"My treat Bri, let me take care of it and we can walk Rodeo, sound good."

"Listen to you talk, walk Rodeo, spoken like a true snob," he says and I feel hurt. "Hey doc, I am so sorry, I didn't mean you were a snob. It was just, that is the way the snobs around here talk. I am so sorry doc, please doc I didn't mean anything by it," he says putting his hand on my shoulder. I look up at him and he is almost in tears and I reach up and I wipe one away.

"I am not mad at you Brian, its just that I have been called a snob all my life and I have never been one," I say hanging my head. "If you only knew what I was leaving behind you would be shocked and probably shoot right out of here," I say and turn from him. He comes up behind me, turns me around, and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Doc, we have heard all the rumors and talk long before you got here," he says and he pulls me in for a kiss. "Doc, listen to your heartbeat and dance," he says and pulls me in and kisses me. "God, how I wanted to do that for a while now."

"Why didn't you," I ask as we broke our kiss.

"I didn't want you think I was sucking up to the boss, doc."

"And now Brian," I ask looking in his eyes.

"Now I just want to suck the boss," he says with that grin of his and he kisses me hard and passionately as he starts to undress me.

"Brian, I am just getting over a fifteen year relationship," I tell him. "I am looking for a total commitment and not a one time fling." I say as he kisses me again.

"Doc, I don't know where this will go. I do know that I have had a relationship once several years ago and he cheated on me. I have been very leery of getting into a serious relationship because of that," he tells me.

"That is why my fifteen year relationship ended also, he was having an affair for over a year with an eighteen year old. I have a hard time trusting Brian."

"We are both entering this with a lot of baggage doc, let's just be fearless and see where it leads," he says and we kiss.

He removes my clothes and lays me on the bed. I watch as he slowly removes his and my heart is racing as he bares his body. He is taller than I, and built in all the right places. He gazes into my eyes as he climbs on top of me, never breaking our gaze. He lowers himself and our lips meet and they part, our tongues search out the other and meet. He holds me as if I would break and I grab on as if I were falling. I lift my legs in surrender to this man and he slowly moves down to my treasure. He takes my cock and he makes love to it, swallowing it deep down his throat. I moan as he takes me to heights that I have not been to in a while and he groans as he slowly sucks me. It is not to long and I am so close to coming, and he senses and lets me go. He holds my legs and moves to my treasure and he kisses it and caresses it with his tongue. He inserts his tongue deep into me and my hips lift as he plunges in. My hands move to find something to hold on to, as he once again brings me so close.

"Brian, please fuck me love, I am ready and close."

He sits up and he moves himself forward, as he positions himself to my ass. He looks deep into my eyes and he slowly pushes in as I push out to meet his thrust. His head pops in and he waits, and I nod for him to continue. He slowly starts to fuck me, pushing deeper each time until he is fully in me. He lies on my chest with his head next to mine, and I drink in the scent of his hair. He is moaning deeply as he finds his rhythm and I hold him and caress his back. He lifts up and kisses me and our tongues dance the dance of love, and his lips taste of honey to mine. He then lifts himself up, holding himself up with his arms and his rhythm is quicker now. He is pounding away as his cock starts to swell and he is hitting my prostate with each thrust. I feel his cock shoot as he fill my ass deep with his seed and I soon loose mine. I shoot it seems like I have never shot before and I go and go until I can feel his stop. He slowly withdraws and collapses on me and we embrace each other and kiss. We slowly come down from our sexual high and we are looking in each other's eyes.

"That was so awesome doc," he whispers to me and kisses me on my neck.

"It certainly was Bri, wow you were great," as I kissed his nose several times. "You know how to satisfy your man that's for sure."

"Well you made me feel so desired, Doc. I have not felt that way in a long time."

We never went shopping that day. We spent the weekend in bed making love and ordering room service. We finally found what we both were looking for that weekend and I know we have made the right choice. We bought a house together in Beverly Hills and he has his own practice. I left the hospital and joined Brian in his practice and we are no longer accepting new patients because we are so successful with our practice. We have been together now eleven years and have adopted two little boys, twins. Jeffrey and Jeremy are our pride and joy and we feel so complete with them. As for David, well his love dumped him upon graduation and moved on. It seems that David was a meal ticket for him and he was gone as soon as he found someone new. David called and wanted to get back together but I told him how much in love I was with Brian. He is still single and having one nighters, still hoping for Mr. Right. I am so glad that I listened that day to my heartbeat and decided to let myself dance.

The End.

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