The Dominant Man's Burden

By werty238

Published on Jun 19, 2024



Note to reader: A fan challenged me to write a story from a Dom point-of-view. That's not usually where my headspace is, but here's my attempt to meet that challenge.​​

"Get over here, faggot. I need my favorite chair."

"Yes, sir."

It slips in my purpose designed desk chair. It is face up with its head and chest on the seat. There's an opening for its lower half to slip through the backrest and a support for it to rest its bottom and legs. This one is experienced. It already has its hands stuck out in the shape of cup holders.

I sit full weight on its chest and it lets out a satisfying groan. I rest my large cock and balls on its face. It may lick them while I work. I just finished my morning workout and haven't showered yet. My natural scent drives this sub insane with hornyness, and that's a great state of mind for it to be in.

I'm going to be working here for a while. Having this thing available to torment is a great way to alleviate boredom. In its current position it won't be able to get me drink refills so I put one large glass of water in each of its hands. These glasses are wide, tall, and filled to the brim. They hold a liter each.

"Don't spill a drop, boy."

"Yes, sir."

There's plenty of desk space here to put my drinks. But it likes to feel useful to me and I like to test its limits. Plus if it does spill any, I'll enjoy making it lick it off the floor.

This one is right handed, so I will drink from the right hand cup first. I like to make its weaker hand hold the heavy cup the longest.

I'm working on my spreadsheet of subs. I currently have 24 active subs, 10 inactive ones, and I'm chatting with 15 guys who could be active subs in the future. Always looking to add to my collection.

I gather lots of information about all of them and input the data into this spreadsheet. I consult this information before interacting with any of them.

This information includes likes, dislikes, childhood memories, favorite foods, relationship histories, and much more. They are required to tell me everything about themselves.

Information is power, and with this information I can better control them.

It makes them feel touched that I can recall certain details about them, which is useful in building loyalty. Every sub is different and managing them properly requires creating a regimen specific to them. And you never know when certain information will be useful in playing mental games with them. I dominate them physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The active subs are all available to me most any time I want. A message from me and they'll make themselves immediately available for any service I desire.

The inactive ones used to belong to me, but that situation ended for one reason or another. I still keep them in my spreadsheet just in case their status changes to active again.

All active subs are ranked. The one under me now is 1. It's been with me the longest. I have complete control over it.

It, 2, and 3 live here. 1 trained the other two. Not in anything sexual, I take care of that. But in all the other sorts of service I require: cleaning, shopping, cooking, laundry, etc. These three have jobs. They pay for their own needs and the four of us split household costs equally.

They work different shifts so that at least one of them is available for my use at all times. Right now 3 is at its job and 2 is sleeping.

At the other end of the spectrum is 24. It lives its life as it wishes most of the time, but once a month or so I'll command it to complete a task it's especially good at and it will perform it. The rest are somewhere in between these extremes.

Subs can move up and down the rankings, or become inactive, and new ones can be added. Every time I have an interaction with them I will record what activities it performed for me, and anything new I may have learned about it from the experience. This spreadsheet is a living document that needs constant updating. How boring it would be if I didn't have a sub to torment while I work on it. I should never have to experience a moment of boredom.

Time for some amusement.

"Open your mouth as wide as you can, boy."

It opens wide.

I'm going to see just how far I can fit my hand down its throat until it gags. This faggot is good. I'm in pretty deep before it makes those beautiful gagging sounds.

And it doesn't spill a drop of my water. It is such a good boy.

I pull out my hand.

"God dammit, boy. You made a mess on my hand."

I wipe its saliva and throat gunk on its face and hair.

"Sorry, sir."

Every sub in my service is a consenting adult male. I refer to them as boys not as an indication of their age, but as a reflection of their inferior status to me. 1, for example, is ten years older than I am.

Also, they are not men.

I'm a man. I take what I want from life. I conquer. I control. I dominate.

These boys are submissive in the extreme. They give without end. They yield. They happily endure any pain, humiliation, or discomfort I demand if they think it will give me even a second of pleasure.

They are stunted developmentally. Obviously male, but not men. Most of them are shorter than average and have small dicks. It's like they were on their way to be men and stopped at some point.

Physical features are not the defining characteristic of these boys, however, as some of my subs are tall, physically strong, or have big cocks.

Their mentality of weakness is the one thing they all share. They are fascinated by my strength, something they will never possess.

They long to obey, to give, and to serve. My desires, my pleasure, my commands, my wishes mean everything to them. They put me above everything. One kind word from me will fill them with ecstasy for days. My disappointment in them is a devastating blow to their self worth. Far more painful than any physical punishment I could give them. They worship me like a god.

Why are they like this?

I don't know, but I'm glad they are.

Look at how I've used 1 so far. Would any man accept this treatment? Of course not.

But it not only accepts, it LOVES this treatment. This thing is so turned on right now, just oozing precum out of its little cock cage. Knowing this pours rocket fuel on my already enormous ego and self esteem. I deserve its complete devotion.

It wants nothing more than for me to feel good. I want nothing more than for me to feel good. We work in unison for the same goal.

I reach back and smack its balls roughly a few times. I like the pained groans it makes. And it still didn't spill any water. There's a reason this one is ranked number 1.

"Good boy."

It blushes.

In my spreadsheet I also record boundaries. I don't cross a sub's boundaries. Some tell me right out what their boundaries are, sometimes we discover them together. Early on I fucked up. One of my inactives was my very first real sub. I crossed a boundary with it and it left my service forever. It had real potential to be like number 1 here. But now it's gone. An inactive sub is useless to me. So, I became careful with boundaries after that. I'm a strict master but I'm logical as well. It's illogical to drive away an obedient sub.

1 here only has two hard boundaries. And I've never crossed them. Early in its training it has some other soft boundaries. But, with my help, it worked on itself to eliminate those so it could better serve me.

How did I get into the business of managing all these boys?

I was born into a wealthy family with live-in servants. All of my life I've been accustomed to having people obey me and provide me with whatever I want, whenever I want it.

I'm tall, handsome, athletic, and have a uniquely large penis. These qualities have made it easy for me to attract sexual partners.

In high school it became clear that I was gay and in college it became clear that I had a certain power over people. Talking to them in a direct and confident way seemed to make them even more attracted to me. In a moment of passion just saying, "suck my dick" made them drop to their knees and do it.

I pushed further to see what I could get away with. For some guys I went too far. But there was a type of guy that I could push to their absolute limit and they would beg for more.These guys loved my aggressive nature. The more I asserted the more they yielded. The more I demanded the more they gave.

I came to understand that these were real faggots and they were the ideal sexual partner for me. My physical features attract all sorts of guys. But my domineering nature really spellbinds a faggot. They want to give me everything and I want them to give me everything.

It was during this time that I learned how chastity was an excellent tool to control them. I began to require my subs to be in cock cages, and strictly limited their orgasms. At first I did it just because I enjoyed making them work hard to give me a pleasure they weren't allowed for themselves, and to reinforce our unequal status. But I noticed something more. A constant state of hornyness made them even more obedient and open to suggestion.

A sub that has just cum is useless. They get sleepy or start thinking about themselves. They should always be alert and thinking of me. A sub obeying my every command in the hopes that I might reward it with an orgasm someday is very useful.

Ideally a sub would never orgasm. Practically that's not possible though. The reward of one is another method of control. If they lose hope that one will never come, then the mental hold I have over them might weaken.

So, they get them, but they are rare and unpredictable. Well, unpredictable to them. I track their orgasms in the spreadsheet. I know when I'm going to let each one of them cum again.

I've finished one glass of my water and need to piss.

"Open your mouth, boy."

It opens wide and I grab a handful of its hair and pull its head up to my crotch and insert my penis into its mouth and start pissing. It eagerly drinks up. It's so thirsty for my piss. This one is well trained. Not a drop leaves its mouth.

Mid stream I suddenly have an idea.

"Hold the last bit of piss in your mouth boy and don't swallow it yet."

I get out a sharpie and write `FAG' in big letters on its forehead.

"Open your mouth so I can see that piss."

I position my large penis on one side of its face. I make sure my muscular thighs are visible on either side of its head.

I snap a picture and post it on Twitter with the caption "this could be you."

I know this will attract a number of faggots in my DMs so jealous of 1 here. My sub list will grow from this.

"You may drink the rest now, boy."

One final gulp of its throat and I hear what I need to hear:

"Thank you, sir."

It must always thank me for the gifts I give it.

After college, I did a couple of jobs. I never really needed a career as the trust fund my parents set up for me became completely accessible once I graduated. I didn't enjoy working. The only thing I enjoy is managing subs. And since I don't need money I decided to pursue this life full time.

I had several subs by then, but I was only using them for sex. These faggots are so giving. Perhaps they would give me even more than just sexual favors. Maybe they would give me complete control of their lives. I decided to create a test case to see if this could work.

1 here had already been a regular sub for a couple of years by then. It was my best boy. There was no abuse or degradation from me that it didn't love. It would be a perfect guinea pig. It agreed to my proposal without much persuasion. It would become my property. It would live here and serve me full time. And I would make all of its life decisions.

It would maintain its career, pay its own way, and share in the expenses of the household. It would be granted sick leave and occasional time off to visit family, etc. Otherwise it was mine. Available to do whatever service I wanted.

A great thing about 1 here is that it is a successful financial analyst. It has an good salary and is wealthy in its own right. One of the services it provides for me is managing my finances and I have become significantly wealthier as a result. It does my taxes, oversees my investments, etc. I don't even have to think about my money. Such a burden was lifted. I own 1 completely. It has my complete trust. It would never even contemplate stealing a penny from me. In fact, it would give me all of its money if I asked, but I don't need it.

After a year of this arrangement, the test was successful. I had complete control over 1's life. This let me know that I could recruit others to this level of servitude as well. I became accustomed to the time it was available to me, and decided I deserved to have that around the clock.

With its career and sleeping, it was usually only available to me 8 hours a day. That's not enough. Why should I ever have to get a drink for myself or walk all the way to the toilet to piss when a slave could provide that service?

I spoke to 1 sharply:

"You are a failure, boy. You're not available 24/7 and I have to do things for myself sometimes. You know I deserve to be serviced whenever I want. And since you have failed to provide that, you must find a solution by the end of this week."

I already knew what the solution was, but why should I do all the work? Making 1 come up with it on its own will accomplish a couple of things: it'll think it was useful to me in finding the solution. And it will feel responsible for making "its" plan work.

A couple of days later as it was kneeling before me massaging my feet, it said:

"Sir, I believe I have a solution to address my failures. You should bring in at least two additional slaves to live here. They should also have jobs so they can contribute to household expenses. But make sure that the three of us have different work schedules. We'll create a rotation where each one of us is personally available to you eight hours a day. Thus ensuring you are never without service. Each slave will have ten hours a day for work, including commute time, etc. And six hours for sleeping. One or two substitute slaves should be trained as substitutes to fill in when a primary one is sick or has a day off. These substitutes should be required to pay rent for the room and board they receive on the days they are here. As, unlike the permanent slaves, they would not regularly contribute to the household expenses."

"Excellent work, boy. I think this is a workable solution. But I have some additional requirements:

You must manage the schedules and daily activities of the other

slaves. You will educate them on how to do the chores exactly as I

like them done, how I like my meals prepared, etc. And you will be

held responsible when they fuck up.

If you or one of the others is sick or has a day off, it is your

responsibility to ensure that a substitute is here to fill in when

needed. I must never experience any disruption in service.

No slave can leave their shift until the next one has already begun


No slave can eat, use the bathroom, or take care of any other

personal needs during their eight hours of service. They must take

care of those things during the other sixteen hours of their day. For

those eight hours they must only think of me and not commit any acts

of selfishness.

Slaves may not have any sexual contact with each other. They cannot

touch each other at all. They may not become friends. They each have

an individual relationship with me and not with each other. They may

not discuss anything with each other except topics related to the

operation of the household, and only that when absolutely necessary.

As you are responsible for their failures I will grant you the power

to discipline them. However, you may not touch them. Any punishment

you give must not be physical and absolutely cannot be sexual in

nature. If you violate this rule you will be immediately dismissed."

We looked over my list of subs and identified two candidates to be permanent slaves (2 and 3). We also made 4 and 5 regular substitutes. I now have constant service. And can focus all my time doing all the things I truly love to spend time doing, like working on this spreadsheet, and thinking up new torments for my subs.

It's amusing to see how intelligent and devious number 1 is. It's very strict on the lower ranking subs, and enforces the rules with precision. The punishments it has come up with include: sleep deprivation, bread and water rations, sleeping on the floor instead of their regular cots, etc. It would have made for a good Dom had it not been born a pathetic little-dicked faggot.

Time for me to finish up here. About half a cup of water left.

I put both hands around its neck and choke with all my strength. Its face is as red as a beet. It's shaking violently now. And there it is, some water spilled out of the cup. Mission accomplished. I release my grip.

"You disobedient little shit. I told you not to spill my water."

I slap it hard across the face.

"I'm so sorry sir. Please forgive me."

I drink the rest of the water and open a porn video of me throatfucking a different sub. I have cameras everywhere and I record everything.

I stick my penis in its mouth and grab two handfuls of its hair. I pull its head toward me as I thrust my penis forward. I want to enjoy every minute of this. I start with slow deep thrusts and gradually accelerate.

I'm mostly watching this video, but this sub is making excellent gagging noises now. I glance at it to watch the tears stream down its face. It's still holding the two empty cups of water in its hands. Damn that's sexy. Now back to the video.

Faster and faster I go until finally I cum my load in its mouth. Oh, it's a big load. What a lucky boy.

"Every drop, boy."

I keep it in for a while until every bit of my cum has left me and has been consumed by this unworthy faggot.

I stand up.

"Stop lying around you lazy shit. Get on all fours and lick up the water you spilled."

"Yes sir."

I watch it licking up the water. Then I step behind it and kick it hard in the balls.

It collapses on the floor, groaning in pain, and it cums a big oozing mess out of its cock cage.

This one cums from cock and ball torture, and today is 1's lucky day. I knew after a morning with my musky crotch in its face, it would take only one swift kick to its balls to achieve orgasm.

It has been a good boy. It deserved this reward.

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome. Now pull yourself together. Lick up the rest of this water and the mess you made. Once you're done, make my lunch. I'm starving. I'll be waiting in the living room."

"Yes, sir.

Managing these boys is hard work. But someone has to do it.

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