The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 4, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Author's Note: This is a commission I have been working on, it takes place during the 50's when Superboy was the all American boy that could do no wrong. It is written in that style so might seem corny if you are unfamiliar with it.

I woke up, slowly.

Every part of me was was a new experience for sure because I never feel pain. But then this wasn't pain, it was like I was exhausted? Which was weird because I never got tired either. As I sat up I could feel my head spin and it took a second for me to recover.

Then I noticed I was naked.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, seeing my thing just flopping out in the air!

"Clark? You up?" Ma called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, making sure she doesn't walk up here.

Why am I naked? I never sleep nude, it''s not right. I must have been more out of it after patrol last night than I thought. I get up and started to get dressed at super speed, and feel my powers lurch for a moment. I had to catch myself from slamming into the closet for a second.

I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked the same. Same smooth chest, same tight stomach, same big...what was I thinking? My thoughts were just unspooling in my head an I couldn't stop them. I stood up tall, one of the tricks I had learned that prevents people from figuring out I was Superboy and I noticed how big I was getting. Since everything was light to be it was hard to wortk out, but I've been doping my best with heavy things and I can see it's working. My pecs are getting bigger, my shoulders are much wider...and my abs are so hands move down my body slowly, the feeling making me shiver for a moment. I look at my nipples and wonder...

"Gee whiz, I am dizzy..." I said, looking away from myself quickly, the strange feeling fading. Was I getting excited by looking at myself?

"Clark your breakfast is getting cold!" Pa yelled, if I don't get down there now he will walk up.

Taking a deep breath I try again, and this time I'm able to get some speed going. I'm a blur as I throw my clothes on, but I can tell I'm slower. Not much, but noticeable to me. What the heck did I get into last night? I remember talking to Lana and Pete at the malt shop, then I left...

The pounding on my door actually surprised me, I hadn't head him walk up the stairs.

"Clark Kent what is going on in here?"

I opened the door and greeted him with a smile, "Nothing pa, just figuring out what to wear today."

He looked me up and down, "Looks the same as it ever does. Your ma worked all morning on breakfast, now get."

"Yessir," I said moving past him and going downstairs. Whatever happened was going to have to wait, I needed to smooth things out here first.

Once I was done eating I rushed back upstairs to get my school books ready...and noticed my cup on the floor.

I knelt down to examine it, it was warped! Like my thing had literally bent it in two. Did I do this? Well it had to be me because the size of the dent was the same as my thing. I don't remember this, when did I take this off?

Again my mind was foggy as I tried to remember what happened last night. I was at the malt shop, then I go...

The lake? I think I went to the lake? Why couldn't I remember anything? I had super memory for gosh sake's, this shouldn't be happening.

I glanced over at the clock on my wall and saw I had a few minutes to get to school. Luckily for me I didn't take the bus. I grabbed my knapsack and kicked the cup under my bed, I'll deal with this later.

"Going to cool, bye ma!"

I flew out my window, still not at my top speed, but more than fast enough to get to school. What the heck was going on?

I landed behind one of the buildings and then came out around a corner like I was just coming from another building. I saw Pete and Lana talking in the quad so I hurried over there.

"Going somewhere Kent?" Bash asked, moving in front of me.

Normally my super reaction would haven't stopped me from running into him but for some reason I was too late and we both went tumbling to the ground. My face fell into his chest and I realized for the first time how big he was. Normally I never noticed these things, I mean I was Superboy, but his body was solid...and firm...and...he smelled nice! I try to keep my super smell under control, since everything has an odor, but Bash smelled...incredible.

"Get off me you fairy!" Bash said, pushing me aside.

"Language!" I said standing up, "Take that back right now!"

"Or what?" He asked, taking a step closer to me. And there it was again, it was his smell, not soap or shampoo...but...him?

He snapped his fingers in my face, "You paying attention nerd?"

I nodded and looked down, it wasn't like I could hit him. With my powers I'd kill the guy. I just had to stand here and take the abuse...get yelled at...get dominated by this big...

What the heck!

Looking up I just said, "Stop being such a bully." And walked away before things got weirder.

Darn that guy burnt me up, one day I swear...

I stopped walking, looking down at my hand. It was in a fist! Wow II don't ever get this upset, but right now I felt like fight the whole army! I needed to cool down and figure out what's wrong. I was feeling way out of it, nothing was making sense. My powers were all weird, I still had a headache...and now I was so darn mad...

"Hey Clark!"

I spun around and saw a shocked Lana standing there, her mouth open in shock as she looked at my fist.

"Lana! I didn't..." I lowered my hand but she just shook her head at me.

"Clark Kent, how could you raise your hand to a girl?"

Everyone was looking and I felt even worse. The pounding in my head was so loud..."

I ran off, leaving everyone behind until I was out of sight. In a blur I changed into my uniform and took off, I needed to get out of here, clear my head...

What the heck?

I flew out of town quickly, the pounding in my head wouldn't stop, the sun was too bright...I needed to get away. I flew towards the lake, it was a nice, distant place and should be empty this time of day. I saw one boat on the lake, looks like Whitey Fordman was out fishing with someone, he must be home from Metropolis Universirty...they wouldn't bother me.

As I landed I had a sense of deju vu, and I realized I must have been here last night! Flashes of something...throwing rocks? A cave...

The cave!

Gosh how had I forgotten that! I had found that old Indian cave...where was it?

I scanned the place with my telescopic vision, again everything was too bright but I squinted through it and found the rock I had moved in front of the cave entrance. I flew over and pushed it aside with one hand...

The crystals! The pink kryptonite! Just like that all of last night came back to me...and then the shame.,

Oh my gosh, I had touched myself!! I leaned up against the cave wall as the memory of what I had done last exact detail. The feeling of of my thing...the taste of...

I shook my head, trying to get the image out of my mind. What was wrong with me? I would never...I mean it's not right...

I walked into the cave slowly, the small crystals glowed slightly from the sunlight coming through the entrance. With each step I took I felt better, my headache lessened, my heart rate the time I was inside the cave I felt like myself again.

I took a deep breath and began to relax.

I knelt down and picked up one of the crystals, there was a slight warmth in my palm as I turned it over in my hand. It looked solid, as solid as any other K I had felt...but last night I had used my heat vision on it...and it just melted. I took a look around, making sure I was alone.

I shot two bursts of heat vision into the rock and like last just melted into my palm.

"What the heck?" I exclaimed, as I felt the warmness move through my body as before. I began to sweat again and my head began to get thick.

"Whoa..." I said , giggling as I fell back onto my butt.

Ha...I said butt.

I sat there as whatever it was moved through my body, making me warmer and warmer. I pulled at my uniform, trying to get some air but it didn't do much good. I stripped my top off and tossed it aside, the fresh air felt good against my skin.

"Ahh....that's the stuff!" I said, pulling my boots off as well.

Something in the back of my mind told me to stop, but it just felt so good! I got up and pulled my pants down, and realized I hadn't replaced my cup when I left. All I had on was my underwear! Kicking my pants off, I stumbled out towards the cave entrance, the fresh air making me feel so darn good.

The sun felt great on my skin as I stood in front of the cave, feeling all kinds of great being nearly naked outdoors. My mind was telling me to stop, that this wasn't right...but whatever, my mind was being a drag. This was incredible.

I looked at the lake and wondered how that would feel?

I slowly walked down towards the shore, even the feel of the rocks under my bare feet felt great. As I got to the shore I stepped into the water, and it was like I had never felt anything like it! I gasped as the coolness made gooseflesh appear! Another new experience for me, this was fab!

I played with the water for a while, just digging the feel of the sand in my toes when I got surprised.


I jumped back and saw Whitey and his friend staring at me with scowls.

"Um...huh?" I asked, my brain feeling like mashed potatoes.

"He's high as a kite," his friend said.

"Who?" I asked, confused.

A smile spread over White'ys face, "Well, well, well, little mister perfect Clark Kent, does dope."

"Nooooo....." I said, making myself laugh.

"This is the kid I got judged judged against senior year?" he growled, "This beatnik is the town's golden child?"

His friend laughed, "Looks like he enjoys the attention."

He was pointing at me, I looked down and oh no! I was hard!!

"Oh and he's a fruit!" Whitey said, putting his fishing gear down, "Now it starts to make sense."

"Uh-oh," I said, looking down at my throbbing meat...I mean thing..I mean...


"So what would Lana say if I told her I found you out here streaking?".

"Oh no!" I said, my eyes getting wide, "Please don't..."

"Then why don't you convince me not to."

My mind was so fogged up, I had no idea what he was talking about. But I knew if told Lana I would die, so I needed to do anything to stop him.

"A-anything Whitey..."

He looked at his friend and smiled, "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

The friend looked around, "Out here? In the open?"

Whitey looked around himself, "Let's take him over to that tree, no one will see us under there."

They grabbed my arms, "Come on your fruitcake..."

They pulled me along by my wrists, and for a second I thought about breaking free, but my powers hiccuped. It was like earlier! They were weaker...almost like I wasn't super any more. The thought of just being a normal boy and these guys controlling me....


I pulled my wrist again and they held me tight, oh no I was so weak, so under their control. My head swam as I thought about these two guys, being able to do anything they wanted to me. Why was that thought making me so hard? I tried again and Whitey;s friend looked over at me.

"Stop squirming you fairy, trust me you're going to love what we're going to do to you."

Oh why did my thing throb so hard?

They threw me down under the tree and began to unzip his pants, "Ok Kent, convince me not to tell your everyone what you get up to."

He pulled out a man sized wiener...and it was big! I mean I was big sure, but his was thick and hairy and...

"Holy crap!" the friend said nudging Fordman, "I think you're right,. He licked his lips!"

I did? My head was so high...all I could stare at was his dick...and wonder why I was feeling like this.

"Probably never seen a real man before, well come on Kent, get to work."

He grabbed the back of my head and shoved my face into his crotch. My mouth fell on his dick and my tongue automatically slipped out and began to lick it. Oh gosh! NOOO...I can be doing this...I can't be licking Whitey Fordman's big, thick, leaking cock like this...oh gosh tastes soooo....

"Yeah that's it bitch, lick around the tip."

I felt so helpless, so powerless, it was doing something to my brain as I licked up and down the length of it like an all day sucker! I was holding it at it's base with both hands as I covered it in my spit...oh gosh...what if someone saw me? Superboy! On his knees giving Whitey a hummer...

"Yeah that's it Kent...get it nice and wet," Whitey said, the mocking tone making me even harder. "I wish Lana was here to see you now."

Oh god what if Lana was here? What if she saw me on my knees, worshiping Whitey's big college dick, tasting the precum as it leaked out of his tip, his friend watching me, waiting for his turn...

That thought made my own thing, dick, cock...oh god my cock throbbed at the thought. I tried to pull away but he kept my head pressed down on his strength was gone...oh gosh they could do anything to me right now...

"I didn't say stop," Whitey growled, "Get some more tongue in there, faster!"

"This little bitch does everything you say," his friend commented.

Whitey ran his fingers through my hair, "Yeah most fairies can be gonna be my good fag Clark?"

The thought shot another surge of warmth through me as I felt my own dick start to leak in my underwear. I could sense feeling moving around in my head, part of me...craved this. It wanted to be weak, controlled...the more I thought about it the more I was turned on...

"Too bad this boy's a fruit," Whitey's friend said, "Looks like he's packing some real heat..."

He nudged my bulge with his boot and I moaned around Whitey's thick dick, just that small touch made me feel sooooo good. He leaned down and pulled my thing out of my underwear. "Fuck me...I would tear girls up with this." he said, watching my hard dick rub against my stomach.

"Yeah damn shame, but not surprising. My dad served with his old man in Korea and it seems all the Kent men are packing. Too bad it's wasted on this one."

His pa saw my pa's dick? My pa has a big one? Oh god the thoughts raced through my mind like poison, I was so rattled, so confused I couldn't stop them. My hand moved down and began to rub my own hardness as my face flushed with shame...why was I letting this happen?

"Ha! Look at him, he's rubbing one out!" the friend said, seeing my hand go up and down.

"Told ya, the boy's a fruit...he's liking this more than I am. Man I can't believe Lana liked this freak over me. Suck my dick me how much you want this."

I whimpered as my tongue rolled around his shaft, the taste of his precum filling my mouth, turning me even more on. Gosh what was wrong with me? This was wrong. I kept feeling like I had powers, like I had the strength to get away, but every time I tried it just vanished...and I was trapped... It was like I was just a normal high school kid trying to get away from a big, college jock...I had no chance. And every time I thought about it the harder my dick got and the more I worked his cock over.

I was losing myself in this loop.

"Let me get in there man!" the friend said, undoing his own pants.

"Hold up, I'm close..." his hands gripped the sides of my head and started to move it up and down his entire length. Oh gosh...he was really...really...

I felt my eyes start to water as I realize that Whitey was facefucking me, Superboy, out in the open! Where anyone could see!! His balls slapped under my chin, the smell of him filled my nose...all of it was making me insane! Oh god why? Why can't I stop...why couldn't I break away? I kept trying to pull my head back but my powers were nowhere to be found. All I could do was work my tongue over his cock, harder and faster...the feel of his thickness in my mouth was too much...

"Oh yeah...nice mouth on this one..." Fordman said...a rush of saltiness flooding my mouth.

He was gonna shoot! He was gonna shoot in my mouth.

I began to struggle but again my strength had vanished. The daze in my head made me no stronger than a normal boy, which was to say not strong at all. He easily held me still as I felt his dick expand in my mouth before he began to coat my throat with his seed.

I moaned around his dick as he made me drink his cum...oh god this was so nasty...i can't be doing this! I was Superboy! I was a hero...I was...I was....

"Holy shit he's cumming!" the friend exclaimed as my own dick began to shoot in my underwear.

My hands gripped the sides of Whitey's firm butt as my body began to shake from the orgasm, I had only rubbed it a few times! Drinking his cum had turned me on so much...oh crap what was happening!

"Yeah drink that load Clark...take it all down you little fairy..." he said, pumping the last of his load down my throat. "Drink my fucking your mouth. Open it!"

I opened it and he shot the last few shots onto my tongue, I held my mouth open like I was Krypto, being taught to learn a trick! Oh god I was worse than a dog because I knew better. Wave after wave of hot cum landed in my mouth, the urge to swallow it was so strong...but I didn't dare displease Whitey. He stroked the last few drops of his load into my mouth and then checked.

"Ok swallow."

Like a good boy I did, the feeling of his cum rolling around in my belly made me sick and yet I was getting hard again.

"I want some ass," the friend said, grabbing me and turning me over.

"NO!" I screamed as he pulled down my soiled underwear, "Please!"

"Kid you don't have to beg..." he said, as he pried my butt cheeks apart.

Oh god help me! Someone help me!

I felt his dick press against my butt and I began to screams echoing off the canyon walls.

"Jesus, shut this punk up already..." the friend said to Whitey, who raised my head by a hunk of my hair and shoved his soft dick in my mouth again. I could still taste his cum and again, with no will power, I began to lick around the shaft meeklily, cleaning his member like I was his slave or something!

"Yeah this wanted you want baby? You needed you pacifier?" Fordman said, stroking my hair. God I wanted this so mouth struggled to get him hard again as my own inner thoughts screamed bloody murder at me!

I heard the friend spit in his hand, "Ok hold him still..."

When a police siren blared, making the two guys jump.

I looked up and saw Chief Cushing in his police car, driving down the canyon road.

"Crap! It's the fuzz!" the friend cried out.

"Let's go," Fordman said, slipping his dick out of my mouth. He leaned down and made me look up at him, "You tell the chief what happened here he is gonna tell your pa. Who you think has more to lose? A college guy with a witness or the fruit who was sucking his dick?"

My eyes were wide with fear.

"Keep your mouth shut, if you know what's good for you fag."

I wanted to be upset, but him ordering me around just made me dick start to get hard again. I nodded, resting the urge to beg him out loud.

He let me go, leaving me laying on the rocks, naked, taste of his man seed on my tongue. I moaned as the sheriff slowly drove down to where I was, as the two guys took off. What had happened? What was going on with me? I slowly began to cry as I waited to be rescued.

Chief Cushing came up on the boy he had seen being accosted up top. He got out of his car and ran over to him,. "Son you ok?"

He turned him over and was shocked to see Clark Kent naked, laying by the shore.

"I just saw Superboy giving someone a blow job?" he thought...realizing he found the thought way more erotic than he thought.

"Clark?" he said, not wanting the boy to know he knew his secret, "You ok?"

Clark looked up at him and nodded, "Yessir..."

His voice was slurred and his pupils were shot...

Was Superboy high?

"What happened to you?" he asked, helping the boy up.

"Um...nothing sir, I tripped..."

"You tripped and lost all your clothes?" he supported him slowly as he rose, making sure his hand was on the tight ass of the Boy of Steel. This kid had made him and his department look like fools since the day he could walk...and here he was....stoned.

This was too good.

"Show me where you clothes are," he said softly, "Let's go get em."

Clark nodded and headed back towards the cave, his head too wasted to even think that his uniform was still up there as well. All he knew right now was he needed to follow the chief's orders...

All of them.

Next: Chapter 3

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