The Domination of Silver Age Superboy

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 13, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109

These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Author's Note: This is a commission I have been working on, it takes place during the 50's when Superboy was the all American boy that could do no wrong. It is written in that style so might seem corny if you are unfamiliar with it.

Bash laid there and stretched his arms over his head, "Well that was fun," he looked down at his body, "What the hell girl? Clean me up!"

He was covered in sweat and cum but then so was I. I began to go grab us a towel and he stopped me, "Where you going?"

I looked at him confused,. "Um, to get a towel."

He gave me an grin, "Why waste a towel? Your tongue works fine."

I looked at him horrified and he laughed at me, raising one arm and showing me his sweaty pit, "It's not going to clean itself."

I balked at the notion of it, but then the scent hit me and I felt that warmness...

Like a cartoon cat being drawn in my scent lines, I nearly floated towards him, tongue out, mouth salivating. At the last moment I remembered to crawl, holy cow I almost used my super powers in front of him! What was wrong with me? I wanted to worry about it but the moment my tongue touched his skin all worries vanished under a throaty moan.

I lapped at his pit like it was honey, I couldn't stop myself, and trust me I tried. I moved up and down his bicep, relishing his muscles, worshiping the taste of his skin. He ran his hand through my hair as I moved over his chest and nipples, oh god...why did I like this so much? It was like part of me was getting off on this normal kid bossing me around, but I was Superboy! I couldn't be like this...

I moved over his abs and began to lap up the cum that had pooled in his six pack. I shuddered as I realized I didn't know if it was his or mine...and worse didn't care.

"Good boy..." he cooed and I felt some part of my brain shake with pleasure...

I moved down to this soft dick and licked the last remains of his load off it, I could taste myself on it and hated that it turned me on even more. When I was done I looked up and him and he just smiled.

"See? All clean."

I moved, realizing I wanted to kiss him and he pushed my face away, " I've seen where your tongue has been." He got up and began to dress, "So...we're gonna do this a lot more." He pulled his jeans on and then began to lace his sneakers up, "You gonna be my steady girl Clark? You gonna take care of me?"

God why did the thought of that give me butterflies in my stomach?

"Every morning before class, meet me out behind shop class. It's dead that early, got it?"

I nodded, wishing I could say no, part of me not wanting to.

He smiled, "Clarky..."

I waited on his next words.

"Go clean up, you smell like a whore."

He laughed and got up, leaving me red faced in shame, "See you tomorrow morning." He closed the door and I heard him leave. Leaving me feeling like an actual whore.

But wasn't I?

I locked that thought down and rushed into the shower to rinse off, feeling Bash's cum leak from my ass...god just the thought I let him use me like that...just the memory was making me hard again. He had just left and I was already getting worked up again! I had to stop this! Pink K was making me a pervert, I was better than this. I was Superboy for Christ's sake!

But my hand still gripped my thick rod as I leaned back against the shower wall. My ass still aching from the pounding Bash had given me, I could still feel his cock, sliding up into me, violating me, owning me..

Oh god, I was so turned on.

My hand was a blur as I stroked my dick, reliving getting fucked for the first time. I imagined Bash holding me down, on my back, legs spread like I was a girl...but I was Superboy...I couldn't, I can't...

My cock throbbed and shot my load all over the shower floor. My whole body shook as I envisioned being bred mind screaming at me I couldn't be this way, I was a super hero, this wasn't right, not even close.

But then why did it feel so good?

I ate dinner in silence as pa described his day to ma, my super smell could still smell Bash, even though I had washed. Just the faint linger of his scent was turning me on...I had to stop using pink K. No matter what how bad I wanted to, it was twisting me, warping me, I had to cut it off cold turkey. No excuses this time.


I looked up and they were both looking at me expectantly.

"Your ma asked how your day was," Pa said.

"Boring," I lied, knowing there was no way they could ever find out. No one could.

I tossed and turned all night, sleep wouldn't come no matter how hard I tried. My ass ached, not from what Bash had done, but from the fact I wanted him to do it again. I could feel myself full of so much nervous energy...I wanted to cum again.

But I couldn't! I wasn't a pervert, I was Superboy. I had to stop, if I stayed away from pink K then it couldn't corrupt me, I would be safe. I just laid there, staring up at the ceiling, ignoring the plaintive cries from my cock to jerk off again, from my ass to go make another pink K dildo. Ignored them all, and just focused on getting through the night.

When sunlight began to pour through my window I knew I had made it, but I was exhausted. I still felt like I was sick, the desire to go down to my lab and lay with the pink K was overwhelming, but no. I was Superboy, I had superwill and I was going to use it for gosh darn it.

My uniform was still covered in cum from when Bash made me cum during the fight. I couldn't wear it! I decided to throw it in an old tub with some water and let it soak while I was at school. I could leave it up high in the barn and no one would find it. Once I had that done that I went and got a spare uniform from downstairs, making sure everything was in place before school. I was still feeling slightly better, but I forced myself not to think about it and just pretended to be normal.

I sped off to school, I was tired so I wasn't at full speed, but at least I wasn't a pervert and had pink K crammed up my butt. This was it, this was the day I kicked the habit for good. I got to school and then began to head towards the quad...when I remembered.


Head down I walked over to the shop class, it was on the far side of the campus, only losers and degenerates hung out over here. Thank god Bash was right, no one was here this early. I hadn't really hung out on this side of the school, on purpose. I went down one of the side alleys and there he was, leaning up against some junker.

"Thought you were gonna bail," he said grinning, "You do know that would be a bad idea?"

I nodded and he motioned for me to come closer.

I shuffled over to him, hating how excited I was doing what he said.

"Down," he said once I got next to him. My eyes got wide in shock and he snarled, "Knees, now."

I wanted to argue, I wanted to resist, but my knees slowly buckled until I was kneeling in front of him,, hating myself.

"You know what we both want," he said, "Longer you fuck around, the better the odds someone comes back here."

The fear of someone seeing me like this, and the excitement of wanting to suck him off, made my hands shake as I opened his jeans. I could see his bulge through his underwear and again, my mouth began to water all on it's own. I closed my eyes, wondering how long the pink K will affect me.

Once his cock was free I couldn't stop myself from licking it. The taste, the smell, everything sent a thrill through my body as I slowly moved up towards the tip of his dick.

His hands messed my hair up as he grabbed me, "Oh are better than any girl I've ever had..."

I was humiliated by his words but at the same time they turned me on. It wasn't just that I was on my knees servicing Bash, it was the fact anyone could walk by and see us, that there was no way he could keep me on my knees if I wanted to fight him...but on my knees I stayed...all of it made me so turned I worked up and down his cock a moan issued from my mouth I wasn't even aware I was making.

"Yeah you love this," he said in response, pushed my face up against his hard tool. Part of me felt like crying I was debasing myself so much, but the rest of me was loving it way too much.

We both heard the first bell ring and I stopped and looked back.

"Oh well, close enough," he said quietly and then added, "Kent!"

I turned to see him jerking his cock off, "Say ahhh..."

My mind screamed at me no, but the moment he grunted and indicating he was bout to come, my mouth opened and my tongue came out, waiting for his load like a hungry dog.

"That'" he moaned as he began to shoot.

Load after load of hot cum landed on my tongue as I heard myself whimper, my cock close to blowing by itself. He made sure every drop got in my mouth and then slapped his wet cock against my cheek, "God you look hot like can swallow."

I did, feeling disgusted by what I was doing but feeling my own cock get dangerously close to shooting by itself.

He zipped up his pants, "Better get to class slut, unless you wanna wait out here for another load."

I got up and brushed my knees off and he laughed.

"Just kidding," he said getting close to me, "I don't share my bitch with anyone..."

I had the desire to protest but he kissed me, and all of my complaints vanished. He pulled back and slapped my ass, "Oh go on and get slut, I'll find you later."

I stumbled out of the area, unsure of everything...did that just happen? Did I like it as much as it felt I did?

God this was messed up.

I walked towards the quad and saw a crowd around on the benches, I walked over to see what all the commotion was about.

The crowd parted and I saw Lana and Pete talking to what looked like a kid who was clearly not a student here. He was maybe 12, blond hair and was talking energetically to Lana and Pete, his arm around the smaller boy. At first I thought he was wearing a Superboy costume, but as I got closer I realized it was close, but not quite. He had some kind of crest on his chest...and lord what a chest. He may may have looked 12 but his body was as toned and fir as any adult. He turned and saw me his blue eyes lit up, "And there he is! Cousin Clark!"

Cousin? What the what?

"Your cousin here was just telling us stories Clark," Lana said with a smirk.

"What kind of stories?" I asked.

"You know," the kid said getting up and giving me a hug. In a whisper he said to me, "All kinds of stuff Kal-El."

I felt my body stiffen as he said my real name.

With a fake smile I said, "Oh those stories, he's silly." I said, putting my arm around him.

"Hey CK, how long is Chris gonna be around?" Pete put his arm around my shoulder, his hand grazing my nipple through my shirt, the contact made me shiver, "He's a cool cat and a fellow Superboy fan. I mean look at this custom costume!"


"Just a day," the kid answered for me, "And then I'm up, up and away!" He put his hands on his hips, mocking my pose but there was one difference between us that was pretty obvious. He wasn't wearing a cup. The bulge was huge, bigger than x-ray vision shot off and I could see it, curled there...oh god I was staring! He had to have noticed my use the power cause he smiled and winked at me,. "Don't you like what you see cuz?"

I chuckled, "Haha yeah, just passing through. Come on cousin Chris, let me show you around."

Chris waved to everyone, "Bye guys, cool hanging with you!"

People waved back and began to disperse as we walked away. Once we alone I grabbed his shit and turned him to look at me, "Ok who are you really?"

His smile changed to a sneer, "Watch your tone Kal El, unless you want me to expose your secret identity to everyone."

I let go of his shirt and he took a step into my face, "I wasn't lying, I am your cousin. My father, General Zoe sends his greetings."

I felt my blood turn to ice as I realized who he was.

"You're Lor-Zod," I said and he nodded.

"One and the same."

"'re supposed to be in the Phantom Zone," I said, my mind racing to figure out how this could be happening.

"You forgot the date," he said in a taunting tone, "This is the main equinox for Krypton, it's when the zone is closest to the prime universe. A small opening appears every year, not big enough for an adult...but more than large enough for me."

"What do you want?"

"What do you think I want? Revenge for my father."

I looked around, making sure no one could hear us, "You can't be here," I grabbed his hand, "I'm sending you back now."

"You are going to do everything I tell you to do."

"Or what?"

He opened his mouth and started screaming, "Help! He's hurting me!"

I covered his mouth and smiled at the people who looked over, "He's kidding, it's my cousin."

"Ok you made your point," I said taking my hand away.

"Don't worry, when the equinox passes I will fade back. But for the next twenty hours I own you Kal El, understand?"

I nodded, feeling a thrill move through me as I realized I was submitting to him. I clenched my teeth, locking the errant thought down fast.

"So this is where you live?" He asked looking around, "Looks boring."

"You can always leave if you don't like it."

He turned and looked up at me, "That's one, don't let it get to three."

A slight chill went through me as I felt something in me get excited.

"Now change out of those ridiculous clothes, I came here to lord over Superboy, not...some earth looking creature."

I looked around, "Not here! What if someone saw?"

He gave me a leer, "Then do it quickly."

I began to speed up and he barked at me, "No powers! Strip....make it sexy."

Sighing I started to pull my shirt off while this preteen watched me, why was this turning me on? Anyone could just walk by...I slipped my slacks down and kicked off my shoes, standing there in my uniform.

"Happy?" I asked.

Two beams of heat vision shot out and hit my clothes, burning them instantly, "Now I am. Show me where you live."

I couldn't let him near ma and pa! No telling what he would do. I could take him through one of my tunnels to my lab. It was layered in lead so he couldn't tell where he was. And I had my K stash, I could use it to get the upper hand and lock him up until he faded back to the Phantom Zone.

"Sure, follow me," I said, superspeeding off to one of my hidden entrances.

I glanced back and saw him keeping pace easily, I made towards the outskirts of town, so he couldn't trace his steps as we made our way to the farm. Once we were in the tunnels I slowed down some, so I wouldn't lose him. Once we came out in my lab I made sure the door to upstairs was concealed.

"This is my lab,".I said gesturing to it.

He looked around, unimpressed, "This is where you live? Looks boring."

"I don't need much," I lied, "So now what?"

He took one last look and then back at me, "You are my slave for the day, you will do everything I say."

Slave? Just the word made me warm...what the heck! I hadn't touched pink K at all...I must still have some in my system.

"I'm no one's slave," I said rushing at him, taking his wrists in my hands, "You may be Zod's son but you're still a pip squeak and I can handle you."

He resisted, and I could tell he had super powers too. But he had only been on Earth a few hours, and I was bigger than him. This shouldn't be a problem at all.

"You can handle me?" He laughed, "You forget something Kal, we can see everything in the Phantom Zone, there are no secrets to us."

"So you know my secret identity," I said, trying to force his arms don, "I know."

"We also know you want to be a good boy."

The words hit me like a brick, and I felt my whole body spasm for a moment. My cock pulsed, my ass opened reflexively, it was like getting hit its pink K out of nowhere. My head was foggy as I felt him push back against me.

"Yes we saw you Superboy, on your knees...serving other boys. We saw you get spanked and cry for more...we saw it all."

As he talked my arms began to shake as I realized he was pushing my arms down!

"So now you will submit to me," he sneered, forcing me to my knees, "You will kneel before Zod!"

My legs were shaking as I tried to fight back, where were my powers? Why was I so weak? How much pink K was still in my system? I closed my eyes and forced myself to snap out of it, standing up and breaking his hold on me.

"Never!" I cried out as I pushed him back.

He just smiled at me, "We both know you will."

He came flying at me, hitting my in my stomach and smashing me against the far wall. I expected to feel something since my powers were weak, but I felt nothing. I wrestled with him, tying to pry myself out of the wall but he was too strong! What was happening? How could this kid be stronger than me?

He pulled me out of the wall and slammed me to the ground, again no pain but the thrill of being tossed about by someone so much younger than me was growing. Gosh this pink K had to be bad. I was getting beaten up and part of me was liking it!

"So this is the great Superboy?" He asked, putting a foot on my chest, "You're as weak as your father was."

I tried to pry his foot off of me but he wouldn't budge, "I'm not weak..." I grunted, starting to feel myself get hard.

"Weak and submissive," the kid said, relishing the power he had over me, "This is where you belong, underneath someone's boot."

I strained under his foot, hating that my brain was getting fuzzier the longer I was stuck. His boot moved lower, until it was nudging my hardening cock. I moaned as I felt my hips push up against it. "This is the mighty Kal-El? This is the spawn of Jor-El?" I whimpered as he rubbed my now hard cock through my uniform, my head was so fogged up, but I couldn't stop grinding against his foot. "Look at you, pleasuring yourself against a child's foot...disgusting."

He was right! I had to even the playing field, I looked up and saw my K collection, and the pink K I had gathered from the cave on the desk. If I could dose him, the pink K would make him weak as well!

Rolling I tossed him off of me and rushed up to the desk. Grabbing a handful of pink crystals I felt the warmth in my hand as I turned and saw he was right on top of me! I shoved the crystals in his face and hit them with my heat vision.

The pink K melted over both of us, he gasped and took a step back as it seeped into his skin. I felt the familiar rush as it was absorbed into my pores, my body heating up and my mind getting loopy. I stumbled back against the table, trying to catch my breath.

Chris was looking at his hands, shaking his head slightly as if dazed. He looked up at me and I could see the fury in his eyes, "YOU!" He roared and slammed into me at full speed. Once again he crashed me into the back wall, this time I fully expected to feel pain but nothing. He slammed his fist into my face over and over, those seem to hurt! It was like someone was slapping my face repeatedly, the fact it looked like a pre teen was doing it began to arouse me...crap this was bad.

He didn't seem weakened at all, of anything he seemed stronger! He easily held me down as he punched me, blaming me for his father's exile and the fact they had been forced to live in the zone. All I could do was lay there and get hit, each shot stunning me. I was letting him do this to me like Bash had! Except this wasn't just another guy, this was a kid...I was letting a kid beat me up...wishing his huge cock...oh god...

He picked me up like a rag doll and tossed me again, "You will pay!" He roared as I bounced off another wall and hitting the ground.

I was on my stomach and began to crawl away, my head was so fogged up, I needed something time, some distance, why wasn't he weakened? What wasn't he acing foggy? I felt him grab my ankle and flip me over to my back, I brought my hands up to protect my face, but no hit came.

"You are pathetic," he sneered, I looked up and saw he could see my erect penis through my uniform. "This is what you crave? This is the fabled Superboy?"

"What? No! This isn't..." I began to protest when he dropped to his knees over me, straddling my chest.

"Silence! You will not speak unless I say you can."

I was horrified to find myself extremely turned on by the order and stopped talking, why did pink K hit me like this? He moved up towards my neck and lowered his red briefs, "I can think of better things to do with your mouth," he said, pulling a huge cock out of his underwear. He looked like he was 12 but he had a man sized cock in his hand, it was big...bigger than mine. I could feel my body shudder as I felt myself be drawn to it. I thought I was big...I had loved being so big...but he...he was...more.

"Open up and service your better," he said, slapping my face with his dick.

The impact made me flinch and I felt my mouth begin to water, but I couldn't! This kid was way younger than me! I was stronger, bigger...I couldn't service him...

"Faster than a speeding bullet," he taunted me, slapping my face with that incredible piece of meat, "More powerful than a locomotive," slap, "Able to suck large cocks in a single gulp..." slap

"Open your pervert mouth," he growled, as he smeared his cockhead over my closed lips. I closed my eyes, my whole body trembling to submit. This was Zod's son, my fathers greatest enemy...I couldn't, I was Superboy...not Superslut...

"Open up," he insisted, "be a good boy Kal-El..."

The words made me moan instinctively and I felt his dick slip into my mouth. Once I tasted his precum I was lost, even as my mind screamed at me to stop my tongue began to swirl around his thick head as I began to rub myself through through my uniform.

"Yes...worship me," he said as he plowed his hard dick into my mouth, "Service me as your superior...acknowledge Zod as your better."

I squirmed under him, my mind screaming at me to stop but I couldn't! I was licking the length of this kid's cock up and down, my hands went to his firm ass and literally pushed him deeper into my mouth as I moaned around his hardness. I didn't want this! I had to stop...please stop...

He let me suck on him for awhile, my own dick throbbing as I coated his entire length with my tongue. He tasted different from Bash, his was more like tasted incredible...I kept hitting myself in my head as I kept trying to suck more and more precum out of his slit.

Finally he tore my hands off of him and pulled his dick out of my mouth with a wet slurpy sound.

There he was, 12 year old kid, huge cock, sitting over my face, my own spit dripping back onto my face as he lorded over me.

"The great Kal-El, begging for my meat...come on Superbpy," he taunted "Beg me."

I closed my mouth, refusing to give in.

He slapped my face with his hardness and I let out a small gasp from the thrill that went through my body, "Beg....come on boy...beg for me...come on..."

He was talking to me like I was a dog...I wasn't a dog..I was Superboy...not a dog...not...

"Come on, be a good boy..."

Something cracked in me and the words rushed out my mouth like lava from a volcano.

"Please Chris...please let me suck you off...please...your cock is superior...please..."

My tongue was out as I begged him, my ego screaming as he just smiled and tilted his cock down into my waiting mouth. I heard myself grunt as I began to lick his huge head, relishing the feel of this kid owning me completely. Oh god what was I becoming? I was going crazy over this kid's dick, I couldn't stop myself, I was grunting with each lick, drinking every drop of precum he'd feed me.

Somebody help me!

"Such a good dog," he said softly, "Such a good, good boy..."

I whimpered around his tool as his compliment made me shudder. I had to fight him! He was a Zod! But I couldn't stop, I as so turned on, my head so fogged...all I could do was lay there and worship his kryptonian meat like the whore I was.

"If your father was this receptive maybe he could have served my father too. Would you like that Kal-El? You on your knees next to your father...both of you worshiping Zod cock?"

The image was like the sun burnt into my mind and I moaned again as I pictured it. Jor-El. On his knees, licking Zod's massive cock while I was next to him servicing Chris, the smaller boy lording his dick over me, slapping me in my face as my father licked Zod's balls....

My hips shook as I came in my uniform, untouched! My whole body was shaking as I moaned around his thrusts. He looked back and began to laugh.

"Oh look at this?" He said, "Someone likes that thought. My father would find this ironic, he spent so much time trying to defeat your father...when it turns out he should have simply fucked him. What would he say? Seeing you debase your family crest like this? Tell me, will you ever be able to wear it and not think of me?"

I closed my eyes, hating he was right. I had cum in my own just sucking this boy off...what had I become?

He slipped his cock out of my mouth and stood up, "Bad boy! He scolded, "You should know better than to make a mess. Lose you clothes. Now."

I hesitated for a moment, my head clearing slightly after my orgasm.

"I said strip!" Heat beams shot out of his eyes and incinerated my uniform to ash. I laid there naked in front of him, fully cock slowly hardening on it's own.

"Much better," he said walking around me, "What is this stuff?" He asked, picking up a piece of pink K off the table, "I've never seen this color. Was it supposed to do something?"

I nodded, "Weaken you."

He laughed, "Weaken? It made me feel invulnerable. Does it weaken you>?" He brought it close to me and I winced. "And why does it melt?" He put some on his palm and hit it with his own heat vision, it melted into his hand and I saw him shudder.

When he opened his eyes they were glowing red , "I am going to destroy you!" He boasted, kicking me in my ribs. There was no way he was being weakened, that stung as I fell to the ground with a thud. He was on top of me instantly, Pushing me back to the ground, "Lay down!" He growled, "Lay down and present yourself to your master."

His hand was on the back of my neck, holding me still as I slowly went up to my knees, ass high. His small hand moved over the smooth surface, "See? You're can be trained..." he said slowly molesting my cheeks, "You going to be a good boy?"

I nodded and he removed his hand from my neck.

With both hands free he pried open my cheeks, revealing my hole and making me gasp.

"There is it..." he said softly, "That's the symbol of my conquest."

"Please don't," I said, looking back, "Please...I'll do anything..."

He slapped my ass and I jumped, Silence. No one gave you permission to speak. And I know you will do anything, I m your superior, you are my wanna be a good boy right?'

A small moan escaped my mouth as his words burned into my brain. My ass moved a little all by itself before I could get it under control.

"I'm not a dog..."

"No?" He asked, moving behind me, "Then why am I going to fuck you like one?"

Before I say anything I felt his cockhead shove itself past my hole, causing me to scream.

"YESSS!" He roared as he entered my ass in one thrust.

The pain was incredible, my mind froze for a moment as I realized what was going happening. Zod's preteen son was fucking me, in my own headquarters! I was in shock, this couldn't be real, this had to be one of my pervert dreams. It had to be...

But as I came aware of my surroundings again my ears were filled with loud moans and wails...lustful sounds that echoed off the walls of my lab. They were counterbalanced by the sound of flesh slapping flesh...I had no idea what was happening when I heard Chris say.

"Yes! That's it...back up on my cock Superboy! Fuck yourself!"


Oh god that was me!

I was on all fours, pushing back onto the kid's cock willingly. I was rocking back and forth, impaling myself on him as I cried out over and over as I violated myself. He wasn't even pushing into me, I was doing all the work on my own!

"You like that Superbitch? You like Zod's cock?"

"Yes...oh fuck yes...please..." I begged him, my brain not believing what was coming out of my mouth.

"Are you my bitch Kal El? You my doggie bitch?"

"I am...oh god Chris...please fuck me..."

"Bark for me Superdog...bark and I will fuck you."

I clamped my mouth shut, he couldn't make me...I wouldn't.

"BARK!" he roared, slapping my ass, making my whole body twitch.

I shook my head, afraid to let my mouth open.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me back onto him and he thrust forward, his thickness slamming into me and my resolve shattering.

"Aarrrouuu!!!" I moaned like a dog, "Arrrooouuuu!"

"Good bitch," he quipped as he began to thrust into me, making my eyes roll back unto my head with each push.

"Un...unn..." I whined with each thrust, I sounded like a girl!

"Tell me how it feels Superboy, tell me how Zod's cock feels in your super pussy!"

I tried to hold my tongue but it was no use, every time his massive cock slammed into me my will drained more and more and until I was a drooling mess. By the third thrust I began to babble.

"Oh god you're so fucking big...oh god you're stretching me so much...oh Chris...faster...please...oh please..."

"Do you submit before Zod?"

"I do...please...anything..."

"Admit you have a super pussy."

"Un...un....I do...oh god you're fucking stretching my pussy so much! Oh god...please..."

He pulled his cock out with a wet squelch and I felt a wave of panic move through me as I looked behind me. He had stood up and opened one the case of my uniforms. He pulled s spare one out, "Put the cape and the boots on, nothing more."

I wanted to tell him no, I wanted to fight him, but my ass was twitching so badly, I wanted his cock in me...I was desperate for it. It had to be the pink K, it was making me so weak, so submissive. I took the cape and tied it around my neck and pulled on my boots. He stood there, massive cock dripping in front of me, making my mouth water.

"I don't just want to fuck Clark Kent, I want to fuck Superboy," he moved and sat down in one of the chairs and smiled, "Come ride me Superboy."

There was such shame, bad enough I wanted him to fuck me, but in uniform! Slowly, as if encased in lead, my feet moved towards him, even as my brain screamed at me to stop. When I got to the chair I climbed up on his lap and reached back for his dick.

He held up a finger and waved it in front of me, "Beg me."

Defeated, my head fell and I felt the last of my pride just shrivel up and die.

"Please Chris..."

"Great Zod."

"Please Great Zod...please let me impale myself on your cock."

"Where do you want to put it Superboy?"

I winced when he said my name.

Sighing I said, "In my ass."

He slapped me across the face, "BAD DOG!"

The impact had brought tears to my eyes. Sighing I said, "In my...superpussy."

He grabbed my cheeks and made me make eye contact, "Who owns that pussy?"

"You do great Zod...only you."

He pushed me back and I felt him enter me again. I gasped as I felt his head burst into my hole, "Ride me son of Jor-el, ride my cock and tell me how it feels."

"Oh're so big..." I cried out, feeling him stretch my hole. The size of his cock was unbelievable compared to the preteen that was wielding it. It was a man's cock I was fucking myself on but seeing this 12 year old under me smile up at was so humiliating.

"How does it feel Superboy? Being fucked by a boy? What would you friends think if they know you let children violate your pussy? What kind of a superhero let adolescents plunge their dicks into him?"

His words burned, even as I rode his cock faster and faster, I imagined what it must look like. Superboy, naked save his cape and boots, riding a 12 year old like a slut, moaning around his cock as his own tool wept precum in response. I was a pervert, a filthy pervert pleasuring myself on a boy's cock. But I couldn't stop, I pushed back faster and faster as I felt my own cock hum in pleasure.

"You will never forget this Superboy," he grinned up at me, "You will never not imagine my cock pounding your girl will ever make you feel this good, no matter how far you try to run...a part of you will always be here..." his hands grabbed my waist locking eyes with me, "Being fucked by me!"

He slammed me down and I felt my eyes roll back as I cried out. My cock was dripping precum everywhere as my dick slapped against my smooth stomach with each impact. He grabbed my hands and pulled them back, making me ride him harder and mind melting under his cock.

"Who's a good Superdog?"

"Ruff ruff!" I called out, my face growing red with shame.



"Good boy...push down on that cock...harder...harder!!"

I complied with every order, feeling my own ego shrink with each order the boy gave me. I wasn't even a man anymore, I was a hole...I was his hole. I had never felt so small and yet so fucking turned on in my life. If you had told me he was going to keep me down here, and fuck me like this everyday I would have shed tears of joy. I would have thanked you for such incredible news.

"I'm gonna cum," he warned me, "I am going to shoot up inside of you Superboy. You hear that? You are going take Zod cum into your pussy. You are going to be bred by a superior man...aren't you?"

"Yes sir...yes...please...please knock me up..."

He held my arms back, I couldn't jack myself off but we both knew I wouldn't need to. As he sped up his fucking my own cock was quivering, on the edge of exploding by itself. He groaned and I felt one final push into me before he erupted in me.

"Take my seed!" he screamed and the fact this boy had just cum in me pushed me over the edge.

My cock began to spray everywhere, I was crying it felt so good. My body shook on top of him as my ass shuddered around his enormous cock. He kept flooding my ass with his seed, it came dripping down the sides as my hole overflowed with his load. Once we were both done cumming he stood up, pushing me to the floor. He stood over me, smooth, adolescent body, massive cock, dripping cum...

"Here's a new trick..." he said with an evil smirk..."Clean!"

He pointed at his deflating cock, covered in cum and my ass juices.

"You heard me!"

And slowly, as if rising from the dead, I knelt up and began to lick the fluids off his cock as he ran a hand through my hair. I couldn't stop myself, I licked every inch of this 12 year old, serving him as if he was my master, my owner. I hated this consciously, but every single particle of my being was excited as covered his hard, compact body with my tongue. There was not coming back from this, I was literally debasing myself on a father's greatest enemy's child. I would do anything he asked..that he ordered...and I wouldn't just like it...I would be turned on by it.

What had I become?

"Such a good boy...good, good boy..." he said softly as I worked, "Isn't this what you wanted?"

I closed my eyes as I moaned...hating that I was loving every second.

Next: Chapter 7

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