The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 11, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. If you are not interested in reading material with this theme or, God forbid, it is illegal where you are then back out now. The usual caveats and author's claims apply.


Eighteen Chapters and two Triptychs down and you have reached the final chapter of The Dover Brothers AKA the Detective and the Druid. Thanks to all of you for your kind encouragement and thanks especially to my good e-buddies, the mysterious D B, "Dallas" Steve and Josh from France and my bear bud Boaz. I couldn't have finished it without you.

Questions, comments, suggestions and complaints are always welcome. Drop me a line at or . The mysterious D B actually helped create a character that will appear shortly in a "bonus track" stand-alone story as well as playing a major role in my next "book" Dover and Son. If you wish to be notified when new content is available drop me a note at one of the above e-Mails and I'll see you are kept in the loop. There may be other stories beside those set in the "Doververse" coming and you KNOW you don't want to miss them!

CHAPTER 21 Move-in Day


Ben Dover, age 49 - our God-touched Hero

Gretchen Merriwyck, age 39 -- Dean of Women's Studies, Kings College and part-time Succubus

Sgt. Sam Southwick, age 26 -- KHPD Officer

Nils Gustafsen, age 32 -- Rune Mage and Sam's boyfriend

Ethan Gray, age 44 -- Ben's boyfriend

"Scooter Brown" age 400+ - Ben's new Housekeeper

Cliff Dover, age 38 -- Archdruid and Ben's younger brother

John-Thomas Bilodeau, age 41 -- Cliff's live-in boyfriend

Charles Corbett "CC" Foxworth, age 37 -- Artist

Rupert "Roops" Forbes, age 35, Graphic Designer and CC's boyfriend

Rod Cleighbourne, age 25, Engineer at Future Dynamics

Scott "Scotty the Body" Welles, age 25, Rod's boyfriend and scientist at Wonderworks

The first Friday in November was clear and warm and Ben was more than ready for the weekend. He was excited to be about his business. After several months of intense work, the Firehouse on Canal Street was fully-renovated and furnished. He, Ethan and Catfish would be moving in tomorrow. That thought buoyed him as the big man made his way to his truck. Sadly, his good mood was shattered by the approach of Dr. Gretchen Merriwyck, Dean of Women's Studies at Kings College and part-time Succubus. The former Detective didn't have concrete evidence she had facilitated the Oberdorfs connection to the Lords of Hell but he still felt it in his bones. This bitch was trouble with a capital `T'. "Howdy--Gretch..." he commented snidely even as his face displayed utter contempt. "Lovely afternoon!"

"You must think you're quite the Cock-of-the-Walk'!" she observed sourly. "The Oberdorfs are gone and your brother's precious `Henge' was spared! And all it cost was the life of a friend. Aren't you proud of yourself?"

"Ma'am," Ben said, and this time there was genuine pity in his voice, "ya have no concept of sacrifice! Sully made his choice knowin' what it would cost! I respect that an' I honor his sacrifice!"

"For all the good it did you!" she sneered. "The `Sons' are still here and so am I! I WILL bring you down you bucolic clod!"

Ben gave the woman a pitying smile. "Whatever ya say honey!" he agreed. "Yeah. th' Sons' r' still here, but without th' Oberdorfs money t' buy `em out o' trouble an' Lotus t' control their foot soldiers, th' movement has lost its impetus! I can't pr'vent hateful stupidity but I c'n fight it--an' b'lieve me darlin', I WILL! As f'r you..." The big man shook his head. "You'll be a burr under m' saddle but folks know what ya are now! I'm afraid y' might not find it so easy t' spread y'r poison any longer!" The Texan left the Succubus wondering if his words were a product of his awen or if it was just wishful thinking. Either way, Ben was satisfied...

"That's the last of it!" Sgt. Sam Southwick said as he brought in two large cat carriers. His union with Thor had left the Cop with a bodybuilder's physique and a chin that could break rocks although his hair was still brown.

"I thought Ethan had TWO cats!" Nils observed as he followed Sam in with a third carrier.

"Bifur n' Bofur r leftovers from his bondin' with Freya," Ben told the men. "We think Bombur is their litter-mate an' he refuses t' be parted from his brothers! Therefore--we have three Norwegian Forest Cats livin' with us!" Freed from their prison the feline trio departed to explore their new domain ad lick their pride back into shape.

"And here I thought you were a dog person!" Nils teased.

"Still missing Sully?" Sam asked.

"Oh yeah," the Texan agreed. "That don't mean I don't have room in m' heart f'r another canine friend though! I'm sure one will come along when th' time is right..."

"So--want to give us a tour?" the blond triathlete asked. Nils had regained his tan after his union with Heimdall but his eyes were still the same deep blue and he'd acquired a little more bulk without losing any of his natural grace. It seemed Nils had also decided to keep the beard Heimdall had given him. Ben thought it looked good on the man.

The Texan ushered the men inside. "As ya c'n see," he said gesturing expansively, "the ground level is mostly one room. "The old Captain's Office over there," he pointed to a side room," is MY office an' there's a bathroom an' laundry down that hall..."

"Wow," Sam exclaimed, "this is the ultimate Bachelor Pad! You got a video game cabinet, a pool table and check out that bar!"

"I got that from Urban Remains," the big man told them. "It came from a Saloon in Sacramento but Catfish refurbished it an' added a Wine `n' Beer Fridge an' a sink. We even added a Dumbwaiter from th' kitchen upstairs!"

"Nice to see you have plenty of seating down here as well," Nils observed. "And I don't even hate the electric fireplace!"

"Those have come a long way in th' past sev'ral years," Ben told him. "There was no way I was gonna get a wood-burner in here so I settle for an electric one. Would ya like t' see upstairs?"

Ben took the two men up a flight of metal-treaded stairs to the second floor where they emerged into a large open lounge with lots of comfortable seating thanks to a sectional sofa. "Big TV," Nils observed. "Me likee! You're holding the `Super Bowl Party' bee-tee-dubs!"

"I thought I might," the Texan replied. "There are televisions downstairs as well so y' c'n have th' game on down there an' th' `Puppy Bowl' up here!"

Meanwhile Nils was checking out the expansive open kitchen. "Where did you get that huge red stove?" he asked. "It's amazing. The rest of the appliances were sleek, gunmetal stainless steel. The cabinets were white with brushed nickel pulls and quartz countertops with a waterfall island.

"That came with th' Firehouse," Ben told the men. "I re-enameled th' outside an' had th' fixtures re-chromed. It only cost a couple hundred bucks t' get th' burners an' oven fixed up and th' whole thing ended up costing me `bout half the price of a new stove of the same size!"

"Plus, you got to save a deserving antique!" Sam said. "So--where are the bedrooms?"

"Right this way gents..." Ben led them down a hallway that had three bedrooms. Catfish had chosen the smallest room and outfitted it with a loft bed with storage and a desk underneath to maximize space. "He built that himself!" Ben commented. "Can ya b'lieve it?" The sandy-haired Veteran was busy unpacking his bits and bobs as he settled in to his cozy space.

"Amazing work Catfish!" Sam commented as the other man smiled shyly.

"You'll hafta see what e built f'r Ethan n me," Ben said as he led them past two guest bedrooms to the Master. "Check out th' Love Altar!"

The centerpiece of the Master Bedroom was a King Size Bed on a platform with storage beneath. Four heavy pillars anchored the corners and there was some iron detailing for ornamentation. "What are these?" Sam asked as his eyes went to several rings anchored along the side of the bed.

"Those are `bondage rings' you big silly!" Nils told him. "Ben--you've thought of everything!"

"That's all Catfish's idea!" Ben told them. "Don't mean they won't be used though..."

"I volunteer!" Nils exclaimed.

"Me first bitch!" Ethan Gray, still a golden-haired beauty since his union with Freya stepped out of the massive Master Closet. Then he smiled. "Hey guys! What do you think of the place?"

"It's amazing!" Sam said.

"I can see this being a stop on any number of home tours!" Nils observed. "Where's the Master Bath?"

"Through here..." Ben led them into a room with separate sinks for he and Ethan, a stand-alone porcelain tub big enough for two men that stood in front of a large window overlooking the canal and a "car wash" shower big enough for a party. There was even a separate "Throne Room" with a Japanese Toilet that required an engineering degree to use. A pair of sparkling white urinals adorned the other wall.

"Wow," Sam said glancing around the room, "you've thought of everything!"

"This is fucking AMAZING!" Nils said. "Ben--I may have to ask you to help with the renovations on Farpoint Station!"

"I'd be happy t' help ya!" the Texan promised. "Have ya ever done renovations b'fore?"

"Nope!" the blond triathlete admitted.

"Then you'll definitely need help!" Ethan commented. "Have you guys seen the rooftop deck? It's pretty spectacular as well--like the rest of the place!"

"Can you see the ocean from up there?" Sam asked.

"Peek-a-boo view," the big man replied. "If this house had a decent view, I'd never have been able t' buy this place!" Then: "come on boys--I'll show ya th' roof if ya want..."

The rooftop deck proved to be expansive and well-appointed. Ben had a hot tub set up in one corner with a full kitchen opposite and plenty of space to lounge. There was even a firepit at the dead center of the space. Ben saw several men relaxing with drinks while Scooter served small bites for the hungry crew. His brother Cliff and Cliff's live-in boyfriend John-Thomas were chatting with Auntie Roger Quartermaine, Jon Qwilleran and Dan Watanabe.

"Way to steal my Housekeeper bro'!" Cliff said with mock seriousness.

"Ah--excuse me?" Ben was genuinely confused.

"I've decided to come work for you!" Scooter informed him. "You NEED me!"

"Uh..." For once Ben was lost for words.

"Sir--in my four hundred plus years of serving humans you are the first person to ask me my name!" the Brownie told him. "You have been unfailingly kind without ever being smothering! Master Clifford and John-Thomas were kind, if indifferent, Masters. I find I quite like you Sir and, face it Ben, you NEED me!"

"You do!" John-Thomas assured him. "Besides--Scooter didn't leave us high-and-dry! Another Brownie is settling in at Seacliff right now!"

"And we'll treat this one better!" Cliff promised.

"It wasn't that you treated me BADLY," Scooter offered, "just `indifferently' Sir. There's a difference and the difference is important!"

The conversation might have gone on further but Ben's Ring ™ app went off so the big man checked to see who was outside. "Howdy boys!" he said when he saw who was at the front door. "Come on up!"

"We bought out `BevMo'!" CC informed him.

"Then maybe we'd better go down!" Ben replied with a smile.

"I'll go," Scooter offered. "I'll even give them a tour on the way back up!" Ben thanked the Brownie who made haste to greet the new guests. Some little while later Scooter returned being trailed by Charles Corbett Foxworth, known to his friends as CC, Rupert AKA "Roops" Forbes, and boyfriends Rod Cleighbourne and Scott Welles.

"I LOVE this place!" CC hooted. "AMAZING!"

"Where did you come up with those ideas?" Roops wanted to know.

"I know what I like so I made it happen," Ben told the group. "Back in Houston m' wife an' I flipped a few properties as a side business after I bossed th' renovations on our home!"

"Miz Robyn wanted to live in a nice neighborhood which Ben couldn't afford," Cliff added. "Ben found a disaster of a property and bought it. He did the construction and Miz Robyn picked out the finishes. When the place was done, they had the best house on the block!"

"Why didn't you go into that line of work?" Scott wondered.

"Th' way th' cards fell I guess..." Ben replied. "Still, I had a grand time renovatin' an' I wouldn't mind doin' it again!"

"Maybe you could help us out," Rod requested. "Scotty and I want to buy something but even with both our salaries we can't afford a finished property in Kings Harbor--at least nothing decent anyway! We'd pay you, of course..."

"That ain't necessary," the Texan replied. "CC's sister Miz Fiona--that's y'r Mom ain't it Roddy-boy? Is a damn fine Realtor. She c'n find ya somethin' an' I c'n help ya plan th' renovations if you'd like."

"There's a Brownstone close to Bistro Q that could use some love," Qwill suggested. "It's been broken up into four apartments but someone with vision could easily turn it into a single-family home again!"

"Get me th' address an' we'll go have a look at th' place!" Ben said. The boys were all in and Qwill provided the info to all of them.

"So--y'all `bout ready t' eat somethin'?" Ben queried.

"I've had steaks marinating all day!" Scooter told him. "You can grill and I'll provide the salad, sides and dessert!"

"Thank ya kindly Scooter!" the big man replied politely. "That `ud be mighty fine! Cliff--c'n ya see ever'body has somethin' t' drink?"

"On it!" Cliff replied. The Archdruid had helped pay his way through Stanford by tending bar at one of the hottest gay clubs in Palo Alto. He hadn't lost his mixology skills or his flair tending bar. "Who needs a refill and what do you newbies want? This bar has everything!"

"And what it doesn't have, I'll provide!" Scooter informed him.

Ben got the grill going while Cliff made sure everyone had their preferred libation. Scooter brought up a large seasonal salad, baked potatoes with all the fixings, bacon-wrapped asparagus and a basket of fresh-made biscuits with honey butter. Before long everyone was happily chowing down as the November sun set and darkness surrounded them.

"I think we'd better head downstairs before dessert," Cliff observed. "The fog is coming in and it's going to get `a might chilly' up here!"

"The perils of living near the ocean," Qwill observed as he levered himself up out of his comfortable chair. "Shall we descend gentlemen?"

"I'll clean up here!" Scooter offered as the men made their way downstairs.

"Thank ya kindly!" Ben said as he made to help the Brownie clean up.

"SIR!" the Brownie exclaimed in exasperation, "this is my job! PLEASE allow me to do it!"

Ben was the last one downstairs where he heard the pounding beat of Native American drums. "That's an--interestin' choice o' music," he observed. There was a primal intensity to the rhythm that excited his blood. "Who chose th' music? If we ain't careful we're gonna end up in an orgy!"

"I don't think anybody chose it," Cliff observed. "Look around bro'! This isn't the Firehouse!"

Flutes and other instruments joined the drum beat as Ben looked around and found himself and his friends transported to a place with adobe walls and no windows, just a hole in the domed roof. The round space had a large firepit in the center and plenty of couch/beds with bright throws. The only thing missing was a door! "What the fuck!" Ben exclaimed.

"We've been transported!" Cliff declared.

"Judging by the décor it was likely Coyote," Auntie Roger opined. "Some of you have had experience with that particular Elder Spirit, haven't you?"

How does he know this shit? Ben wondered. "Well, Coyote's never been hostile b'fore..." the big Texan commented, "an' I don't sense any potential trouble so we may as well r'lax an' enjoy what's t' come!"

A figure came out of the darkness and Ben's awen told him it was Coyote. But it wasn't the skinny old Indian they had met before. This Coyote was a young warrior in buckskins with a full headdress. His movements were lithe and graceful as a bird on the wing and just as filthy as any Bourbon Street whore. It didn't take Ben long to figure out Coyote was entertaining them with a strip routine. "Alrighty then!" was all he could manage as the Elder Spirit bumped and grinded his way around the room. Much as the big Texan would have liked to scoff at the admittedly silly performance, he found himself drawn in to the show with all the other men watching.

Roops was trying to attract the Elder Spirit by waving a fist full of dollars but Coyote ignored this. The dancer directed his attention to the men who had retired to watch the show from the couch beds. Once CC's boyfriend put his cash away Coyote began favoring him with his attention as well. The clothing came off slowly revealing a nicely-developed smooth, copper-skinned body with a six-pack and well-defined muscles. At some point Coyote had gotten himself down to brown leather boots, loin cloth and a vest with a broad red bandana holding his wild raven hair back out of his face. "Ineckchok!" the dancer exclaimed and he seemed to grow several inches!

"What--the--FUCK!" Ben wondered if anyone else had noticed the transformation but quickly decided they were more involved in the dance and each other since somehow everyone, himself included, suddenly found themselves naked and, like him, all the man were more than ready for some action.

"I want to suck your cock!" Ethan announced before diving on the Texan's throbbing erection. All around the Kiva (Ben decided that's where they were) men were splitting up into pairs or groups. Auntie Roger had all four of the "Twinkie" boys on him and everybody looked like they were getting one hole plugged at least. Cliff, John-Thomas and Dan Watanabe were in a gordian knot of mouths, asses and cocks that was much too complicated for Ben to figure out. Nils was on his back while Sweet Sam stuffed his cock into the blond triathlete's tight hole as he slurped on Qwill's throbbing manhood.

Coyote slipped several fingers into Ethan's eager, grasping hole which made the blond gymnast howl like a bitch in heat. Ben watched in astonishment as the Elder Spirit's thumb slipped inside as Coyote closed his hand. Ethan was now being fisted and he seemed to love it. "Do you want your lover to fuck you, slut boy?" Coyote purred in Ethan's ear.

"Yes!" the newly-blond gymnast replied. "Fuck me Ben! Jam your bull cock in my ass and let me ride you like a wild stallion!" The man didn't wait for Ben to give permission he simply pulled away from Coyote and mounted up, slamming himself down on the Texan's nine-and-a half inches in one hard slam! "Fuck me!" he moaned. "Fuck me HARD!"

Ben thrust upward even as he felt something big and hard enter his own tight hole. The big man felt like he should scream in pain but was surprised it didn't hurt. Coyote was in him to the hilt and the Elder Spirit quickly synched into the rhythm of the fuck. "You like that cock in you Tex!" Coyote growled as his capable coppery hands roved over Ethan's muscular chest and belly. "You like my big Indian Dick ringing your bells?"

"I'd a preferred ya ask permission," Ben replied. "But since y'r in there ya may as well go ahead!" The Texan grunted with pleasure as Coyote fucked him deep and long. "So, ol' Son--is this a `thank you' party f'r missin' th' action at th' Henge?"

"What makes you think I wasn't there?" Coyote asked as his cock grazed Ben's prostate. "Who do you think amplified Heimdall's call to get past the Black Magic that bitch Gretchen Merriwyck gave the Oberdorfs? And who do you think helped the Spirits that came from outside find you? That was ALL me Tex!"

"Then, thank ya kindly f'r all y'r help ol' Son!" Ben squeezed and worked the massive invader that was plundering his depths. The Texan was basically a Top but he enjoyed getting fucked now and again. Coyote knew what he was doing and he was driving the big man wild even as Ethan tried to impale himself on his lover's rampant erection.

"I wanted to leave you a `thank you' present for saving the world Ben," Coyote told him. "You did a good job but your work is hardly finished!"

"Please tell me we won't have to save the world again!" Ethan panted.

"Maybe not the world..." Coyote said. The being inside Ben began pumping faster and harder. "You two are just going to have to wait for the next adventure! Right now, I'm about to cum this tight asshole full and set Ben off in you!"

Moments later Ben howled as shot after shot of Coyote's white-hot "man mayo" shot off directly over his prostate. This set the big Texan off as he too came, sending his own heavy load into Ethan's eager grasping hole. Ben lay back panting in his exhaustion. "Damn!" was all he could manage.

"Enjoy your present..." Coyote and the Kiva faded away and the men found themselves back on the ground level of the Firehouse. Scooter had thoughtfully closed the drapes so there was no chance that someone passing by on Canal Street would see more than they should. Scooter (or maybe Coyote) had even thoughtfully arranged everyone's clothing in neat piles close to hand.

"Did that just happen," Qwill wondered, "or did we all have a shared illusion?"

"Oh, it happened dear heart!" Auntie Roger told him. "It seems Coyote left us ALL a present!" Ben looked around and noticed every man in the room had a matching tattoo of a stylized coyote somewhere on their body whether it be on a bicep, chest, hip or rump. "It looks like Coyote left you a `special' gift Ben dear!" The man looked down and found his cock was now uncut and even thicker and more-veined than before. He knew he'd probably gained at least half an inch in length along with the extra girth.

"And we match!" Ethan exclaimed. Being several inches shorter than Ben the new penis looked positively monstrous.

"Enjoy your shifter asses as well!" Auntie Roger told the men. "I can't wait to taste one or both of you!"

Again Ben, wondered how this strange man knew all this stuff but further commentary was cut off by an alarm sounding on Scott's cell phone. The slim blond man looked at the phone and shook his head. "Oh, HELL no!" he finally exclaimed.

"What?" Rod wanted to know.

"The idiot in the White House outed' the Exotics!" Scott told them. "He basically spilled the beans on the Fey, Magic Users, Shifters and psychics! He's claiming all of them--all of us--are forces of darkness living in plain sight among decent Americans poisoning us with their insidious powers!"

"Shit!" Ethan sighed. "This is NOT good!"

"Surely nobody believes this?" Qwill said.

Scott and Rod were on their phones typing and scrolling frantically. "The folks on the Left are saying the sad babyman has finally lost his mind but Fox News is all over it and some Republicans are threatening to release proof the President is telling the truth!"

"He's tryin' t' start another Red Scare," Ben told them. "Th' worst part is folks will be killin' their neighbors because they think they're witches'!" He sighed. Things had just gotten VERY interesting.


Thank you for reading The Dover Brothers. I hope you enjoyed the adventures of Ben and his buddies. They will be returning in Dover and Son so keep watching True Believers!

Next: Chapter 22: Dover and Son 1

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