The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 28, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy that WILL contain graphic descriptions of sex, (If you can't guess of what sort from the preceding sentence please leave the Human Race now!) If reading material of this nature should offend you or will place either of us in legal jeopardy please click away now otherwise enjoy (unless you're "hate reading" in which case have a party dudes and dudesses!) As usual, copyrights and boilerplate apply

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Big thanks to Carl who asked without asking to be represented in my story. "Your" Character appears in the next Chapter. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate your feedback. I take all comments VERY seriously (even the negative ones). If you have ANYTHING you need to get off your chest feel free to hit me up at or and I will reply. Questions, comments, suggestions, complaints and character requests are always welcome. Honestly, I don't love hearing some (very few) of you whine but I appreciate it; I am new to writing and I try to learn a little something from each one of you--even if that little something is what NOT to do!

LASTLY: Snowflakes on the right--this story is marked SEMI-SAFE for your consumption. There will be oblique political references and skipping them WILL harm the intent of what I'm doing so read or not as you choose but y'all have been warned.

CHAPTER FOUR: Another Backyard BBQ


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero

Ethan Gray, age 45 -- Ben's live-in lover

Cliff Dover, age 39 -- Ben's younger brother

John-Thomas Bilodeau, age 42 -- Cliff's lover

Nils Gustafsen, age 33 -- Rune Mage

Luke Lonnigan, age 27 -- ex Marine and Ben's former T.A.

"So, this is where it all started for you..." Ethan looked around the expansive rear yard of Seacliff Manor, the home of Ben's brother Cliff. "And to think it was only a year ago!"

"Pretty amazin' isn't it?" the big Texan replied. "Yeah, this was th' day I realized there was a whole other world out there I'd never known about! Meetin' Prince Daniel kinda blew my mind!"

"Pity he went back Underhill..." Ethan said. "I wish I could have known him better."

"Me too," Ben agreed, "but after th' Feds started outin' Exotics an' some crazies tried to burn him an' his people out o' their homes Prince Daniel decided t' go back Underhill an' create a new Elfhame f'r th' Lawless Court! Not that I blame im in the slightest..."

Ethan nodded. "That's what started the Eastwick Fire, wasn't it?" he said. "The leftover Sons of Purity trying to burn out a nest of elves..."

Now it was Ben's turn to nod. "Yep--one crazy fuck tryin' t' burn an innocent man outta his home started a blaze that destroyed three hundred structures and caused God-knows-how-many millions o' dollars in damage! And f'r what?"

"The crime of being different..." Cliff, Ben's surfer-blond baby brother came up and gave both men friendly hugs. Thank Dagda and the storm he raised up or the Henge and Seacliff would be gone too..."

"We've been using our Druidic magic to hasten the re-growth of the burned-over areas," John-Thomas said as he too joined the group. "Welcome guys!" He gave the new arrivals a friendly hug and kissed Ben full on the mouth (with tongue).

"Hey bro'!" Cliff exclaimed in mock outrage as Ben was returning the tongue the tall Druid gave him. "Dude! I never creeped on your boyfriend!"

"Creep away!" Ethan said, coming close to the muscular blond Archdruid. "I've wanted you to fuck me since Samhain!"

"Ethan, no disrespect man, but you want EVERYBODY to fuck you!" Nils Gustafsen and Sam Southwick came up to join the four men. "You're a bigger man-whore than me and that's saying something!"

"I'll take that as a compliment!" the newly-blond gymnast said with a wink as he snuggled up to Cliff. "Yes, I'm a Power Bottom with a never-ending craving for Mancock! I love my Texas bear but, to paraphrase an old song, `when I'm not near the lad I Love, I love the lad I'm near!"

Ben looked with approval at the blond triathlete and his hunky brown-haired Cop lover. The union with Heimdall had done Nils a lot of good; not only did it change his eye-color and leave him somewhat more muscular, it seemed to have cured his endless obsession with "Bad Boys" now that he was solidly with Sam. The studly Cop, after joining with Thor was not only a lot more muscular (and even better endowed) but his confidence had increased ten-fold. Yes, it had been a hard time and not without losses but the end results were undeniable and most people were happier after going through those trials.

"Hey everybody, thanks for inviting me!" Ben saw his former Teaching Assistant Luke Lonnigan had arrived and he smiled. Luke, a blond bull with military short-cut hair, sparkling blue eyes and a golden tan could have been a perfect stand-in for Captain America. He wore that superhero's emblem proudly on his magnificent chest and jean shorts that barely contained his big package and bowling ball glutes. (His joining with Hercules had improved his already amazing physique.)

"Glad ya c'd make it ol' Son!" Ben said coming over and wrapping the young muscle pup in a friendly hug. He then reached for Luke's mouth and gave him a long, deep kiss. Luke didn't resist and kissed back just as passionately. Both men had wanted each other since the day they met the previous June but Ben had steadfastly refused to take the slightest step since he was first the former Marine's teacher and later his boss.

"You were talking about `man whores'?" Ethan teased. Luke blushed brightly then pushed away, utterly embarrassed. "Hey, it's OK bud!" Ben's lover assured him. "I knew Ben wanted you for a long time and now he finally has a chance to grab some of your sweet ass! Hell--I might want to watch--if I'm not getting my ashes hauled by some hottie here!"

"You sure?" Luke desperately wanted to be with Ben at least once but he was enough of a gentleman never to cross a line.

"Totally!" Ben's athletic blond lover assured him. "I know the big guy loves me and that'll never change but I also know that everyone touched by `the Joining' has a MASSIVE sex drive and that it's especially high when it comes to others who were joined! If you want to get with Ben then go for it! I'm glad he finally got a crack at you and I might like one as well someday REAL soon..."

Luke might have said more but four new arrivals disrupted his chain of thoughts. Noted Artist Charles Corbett Foxworth (known to legions of Sci Fi and Romance readers as CC Fox) and his partner Rupert "Roops" Forbes were a pair of stocky green-eyed redheads with CC being more copper haired and hairy-chested while "Roops" had true auburn hair and was mostly smooth. Rod Cleighbourne was another redhead and since CC was his uncle it was easy to see where it came from. Scott Welles was the "one of these things is not like the other" in the group: he looked like a 16-year-old blond gymnast although he and Rod were the same age. There were welcoming hugs (and a few stolen kisses) for the new arrivals.

"Hey, is `Santa' here?" Rod asked.

"He won't be by until nearly Sundown," Cliff told the new arrivals. "Steve has some kind of `family' thing to attend first--but told me to make sure you were--and I quote--'warmed up and ready' for him!"

"I'm sure we can make that happen..." Scott gave the men appraising glances in a way no sixteen-year-old ever could! "Right Roddy?"

"Maybe we could take on the big bear?"

"Sorry," Luke said, "I've got `dibs'!"

Scott gave an exasperated sigh. "Well--you gotta respect `dibs'!"

"Have ya seen th' Sacred Grove?" Ben asked Luke.

"Just from outside," the handsome blond muscle-man replied. "I've heard a lot about it though--can you show me?"

"Sure thing ol' Son!" Ben threw an arm around Luke's waist and walked him away from the group.

"There goes a pair of mighty-fine asses!" CC joked. "Now--who's up for a beer?"

"It's amazing in here!" Luke breathed as Ben led him deep into the heart of his brother's Sacred Grove. "So quiet and peaceful! How did your brother get the Sequoias to grow so big so quickly?"

"I'm sure he had some `Magical' help!" the big Texan replied, "an' it don't hurt that Elfhames Misty Harbor an' Silversky have their entrances hereabouts..."

"Have you ever been?"

"To Misty Harbor r Silversky?" the big man said. "Nah--never had reason t' visit. We used th' Henge t' visit Elfhame Bloody Sun once but I ain't likely t' go back less I'm invited!"

"And I'm guessing that's not likely to happen?" Luke asked.

"Especially now..." Ben said sadly. "Since the Prez outed' th' Exotics most o' the Fey thought it ud be better t' return Under Hill. Prince Daniel an' his `Lawless Court' were th' last t' go from around here--at least the last I know of!"

"'Lawless Court'?" Luke was confused. "What's that?"

"You know th' Fey divide into two courts, Seelie n' Unseelie, right?" Ben said. When the other man nodded the big Texan continued his narrative. "Turns out there's a third' option--th' Lawless Court! They don't hold with th' long-standin' traditions n' stupid feuds that go along with t' other Courts. Ya see sometimes someone from th' Seelie Court falls f'r an Unseelie-- r they just can't deal with th' nonsense! Prince Daniel was one o' those so e walked away n' started his own Court with both Seelie `n' Unseelie represented. I don't know much more about it--sorry ol' Son! I find it better t' leave th' Fey t' themselves..."

"Wait! I thought the Unseelie were Evil!" Luke said, "and aren't the Seelie supposed to be all sweetness and light?"

Ben gave a hearty laugh. "Son," he said, "some Seelie r rotten t' th' core--but some of em ain't bad Joes! Likewise, some Unseelie would just as soon kill ya as look at ya but some of em r' quite reasonable! Their differences are long-standin' an' completely arbitrary! Th' one thing both sides have in common is they look down on ordinary humans!"

"Why did your brother offer them shelter on his land then?" Luke wondered.

"Because Cliff is a good guy," Ben told him. "Also--it never hurts t' have a magical type beholden' t' ya! Both reasons r' pretty compellin'!"

Luke nodded but then his mouth dropped open as the pair came to the massive Tree House at the Western edge of the grove. "I've heard of this place but never seen it before!" he said. "Do you think Cliff would mind if I went up for a look?"

"Come on, Son, I'll give ya th' 25 cent tour!" Ben said as he led the young ex-Marine to the staircase that took them to the first above-ground level. "Cliff uses this place f'r a number o' things--this level is a party space complete with runnin' water, a fridge an' a grill!"

"I know the Tree House is completely up to Code," the former Marine said as he looked around. "The Sons of Purity sued him over that, right?"

Ben nodded. "Oberdorf Junior thought he could run Cliff out o' town with enough nuisance Lawsuits!"

"He didn't know you Dover's very well, did he?" Luke said with a smile.

"That whole fam'ly had NO clue!" Ben replied with a satisfied smile, "an' them idjits didn't have enough sense t' learn after they'd been kicked! Not when they got slapped down in Court all th' times they tried suin' Cliff, not when they tried runnin' me off Campus an' not when they tried t' use the Henge as a Portal t' Hell!"

"Sometimes I still can't believe that happened," Luke told him. "Of course, every time I take my clothes off or catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror I'm reminded--in a good way of course! I'm glad I was able to help however I could!"

Ben put his big hands on Luke's broad, well-muscled shoulders. "Son--ya helped hold off th' Son's an' their allies long enough f'r us t' do what we needed to send th' Devils packin'! So, please, don't try n' minimize y'r role!"

The handsome ex-Marine moved into Ben's arms for a hard hug. "It was pretty fucking amazing, wasn't it?" he finally said. The big Texan simply replied by bringing his mouth down on Luke's with a slow probing kiss which the handsome blond muscle man returned with enthusiastic interest. Tongues danced back and forth and Luke found himself enjoying the feel of the other man's beard against his cheek as the kiss went on and on. "Fuck!" he finally breathed when they broke the kiss. "Does this place have anywhere we can lay down? I want to get naked with you, big guy!"

"My fav'rit' spot is a hangin' bed just below th' Crow's Nest," Ben told him. "Great place f'r fuckin' but I wouldn't try sleepin' up there if y're much of a mover! It's six stories off the ground--but it's got a fuckin' amazin' view!"

"Can't wait!" Luke said. Left or right staircase?"

"Left," Ben told him, reluctantly breaking his clinch. "Th' right one only goes up one more level. Cliff uses that space f'r Yoga, Tai Chi an' fancy shit like that!" T' other side has access t' th' Sleepin' Pods, a Readin' Nook an' th' Crow's Nest. Ya get quite a view from up there..."

"Wow, this IS far up!" Luke commented once the two men had made their way nearly to the top of the tree. He looked around the little room they were in which didn't have more than a couple of wooden chairs, a table with an oil lamp and a ladder to the Crow's Nest. "Where's the bed?"

Ben pointed. "There!" Just as promised was a huge platform that held a heavy pad roughly the size of a queen size mattress. The free-swinging platform was suspended from a pair of thick redwood supports by four heavy steel chains. "What d' ya think Son?" he asked.

"Is it safe?" Luke asked, but he was already pulling off his Captain America Tee Shirt revealing acres of smooth, heavily-muscled chest and belly.

"Long as we don't do anythin' stupid we'll be fine," Ben assured him as he pulled his own shirt off. The Texan sat down in one of the chairs and began removing his boots and socks.

"Let me do that Sir!" Luke went to his knees in front of Ben and began unlacing his brown work boots. Once he'd removed them the hunky ex-Marine took off Ben's socks and placed one in each boot, neatly rolled up. "Now let me get your belt..."

Luke unbuckled Ben's belt and eased his khaki shorts down then held them while the brown-haired Texan stepped out of them. The former Marine neatly folded those and put them atop the boots then removed Ben's bulging jock. The man's fat ten inches bobbed up and smacked Luke in the cheek. "Fuck! That's big Sir!"

Ben offered Luke a hand up then moved over to the swinging bed. "Let's see what y'r workin' with, ol Son!" he said. "Y'r chest is fuckin' beautiful an' y'r legs look pretty damn amazin'! Lemmie see that ass an' y'r cock!"

A blush crossed Luke's tan cheeks but he quickly set to work taking off his own boots and white socks. The ex-Marine then turned his back on Ben as he unfastened his own belt and slowly slid his pants down so the big man could see two matching golden globes with a tracery of hair in the crack; that ass could have inspired the most classic Greek or Italian sculptor. Like Ben, Luke was wearing just a jock so he turned and the Texan was rewarded with the view of a massive bulge straining against the cotton mesh. "Get that off an' come `ere boy!" Ben growled.

This time there was no pretense of teasing; Luke jerked the waistband down and let over nine inches of thickness pop out and stand proudly in a tangled light brown bush. An instant later a pair of heavy balls appeared nestled in their velvety-smooth sack. "You like Sir?" Luke look half embarrassed, half excited.

"Son--you're fuckin' beautiful!" Ben told him. The big man skooched further back on the bed then padded the mattress. "C'm' `ere boy!" he said in a deep, sexy growl.

Luke climbed into the gently-swinging hanging bed and rolled into Ben's waiting arms. "You're beautiful too Sir!" he breathed in the Texan's ear. "I've dreamed about this from the first day I saw you in Summer School!"

"So have I buckaroo!" the big man assured him as he pressed their naked bodies together and caressed Luke hard, smooth musculature. "I used t' ache with longin' f'r ya but there was no way I could have touched you..."

"I wouldn't have minded Sir! Ben..."

"I know Son!" the older man replied as his hands gripped Luke's muscular rounded ass, "an', truth t' tell Son, that just made it worse! But much as we both wanted it, we both knew it wasn't right!"

"You're a man of great moral Character," Luke said. "I guess that's why Father Odin chose you..."

"I didn't know ya subscribed t' th' Pagan path!" Ben was genuinely surprised.

"I didn't," the young ex-Marine replied. "Then Hercules joined with me while we fought the Forces of Hell to protect the Henge! That was kind of a wake-up call for everybody involved! I guess I'm kind of a Pantheist now! It's hard knowing there were Jesuses out there but not helping to defend Earth..."

"Maybe they were," Ben suggested. "Maybe b'hind th' scenes? Maybe it was a Jesus who made sure YOU got th' call an' not some shit-for-brains Muscle Puppy without enough sense t' pour Piss out of a boot with instructions on th' Heel!"

Luke laughed at this. "When you look at it that way..." This time he initiated the kiss with Ben with a burning passion as his hands caressed his older lover's hard hairy body.

"You wanna fuck me Son?" Ben looked into Luke's face and watched the surprise grow as he processed the request. "Yes, Son, I like t' get m' ashes hauled now n' then..." he told Luke. "Since Ethan joined with Freya, he's had NO interest in toppin' me or anybody else!"

"So--you'd let me fuck you Ben?" Not only did Luke like the idea he seemed surprised the older man would even consider it.

The big Texan stroked the younger man's back. "Son, I'm pretty damn versatile," he said. "I like Toppin' a dude but ever' now an' then I want a big fat dick up my ass--especially since th' Joinin'. You're clearly qualified an', judgin' by th' way y'r cock is already leakin' I'd guess th' notion appeals t' ya!"

"Would you mind sucking me off before I do?" Luke asked. "I'm so close right now I don't think I'd last five strokes!"

"Sounds fine t' me!" Ben agreed. "Why don't ya lick my ass--get th' pump primed..."

"Excuse me?"

"After all this time, ya haven't experimented?" Ben was genuinely surprised. "Oh Son--have I got some things t' tell you!"

"I'm listening..."

"You know bout th' primary things that happened after th' Joining," Ben said and Luke nodded. "There are a few secondary changes as well! One of em is our asses self-lube--like a Shifter does! We also recharge faster an' we produce a shit-load more sperm!"

"I knew about that last part..." Luke admitted shamefacedly. "I jacked off A LOT thinking about you!"

"Stick y'r tongue up m' ass," Ben told the younger muscle man as he rolled into a 69 position. "You'll find somethin' else out..."

Luke was clearly a reluctant rimmer but he obediently did as Ben instructed. First, he gave a tentative sniff and found the expected stink was missing. Then he flicked his tongue over the edge of the hole to find there was no bad taste either! Finally stealing himself, Luke made the plunge and speared his tongue deep into Ben's tight sphincter. "Wow dude! You taste GOOD!" he exclaimed before going back to eagerly "mine for gold". Soon. he was grunting lustily as he lapped up the thick musty-sweet lubricant that was now free-flowing.

Meanwhile Ben was slurping on Luke's thick mancock: the big Texan was thoroughly enjoying what the younger man was doing to his ass so Ben decided to prolong the party. Instead of going directly to sucking the big thick member, he began to slurp up the thick drops of precum Luke was oozing. Like all those who had been Joined they had quite the kick and Ben was enjoying how much the younger Stud was oozing. After a while Ben began kissing and licking the other man's shaft but didn't start sucking in earnest until he saw Luke's balls start to pull up, a sure sign the other man was about to unload.

"Gonna--cum!" Luke warned. Ben caught a quick breath then took the young stud's massive cock all the way down his throat and let jet after jet of "man mayo" fill him up. The big man swallowed it all except for the last shot which he held in his mouth to share the thick musty cream with the man who provided it. "Tasty!" Luke said after breaking their kiss.

"Yup!" agreed Ben as he took a long slow lick to get some of his own sweet juice off Luke's lips. "Now--ya want t' slide that big ol' cock up inside me b'fore we lose interest?"

The blond muscle man rolled between Ben's legs and nudged his still-rampant pole up into the Texan's hairy channel. "Dude! As long as you're laying next to me buck-ass naked I don't think I have to worry about losing interest!" Then he moved his hips forward sliding all of his nine plus thick inches all the way inside the older man in one easy thrust. "Oh fuck, that's awesome!"

"Are ya a virgin?" Ben asked as the two men quickly established an in-and-out rhythm that had the big Texan on the "highway to Heaven." "Cuz, if ya are ol' Son there's a lot o' guys that have been missin' out!"

"I'm not super-experienced," Luke confessed. "I fucked and got fucked some when I was in the service but after the Joining I kind of let my dating life slide a bit! Ordinary guys just seemed kind of `meh', you were out of reach and I didn't know how to approach anyone else!"

Ben squeezed on the hard tube-steak inside him at the bottom of each inward push. "Son--ya got a phone!" he grunted. "Find somebody ya like an' call em up! Ya c'n start with a Coffee Date' if that ud make ya comfortable! Or, ya could just approach somebody an' say hey Dude! Ya wanna fuck?' I'm purty sure none o' th' `Joined would turn ya down!"

Luke laughed at this. "Maybe I will," he said after a bit. "Honestly, some of the guys intimidate me but, hey, I'm just as good as any of `em!"

"That's f'r damn skippy boyo!" Ben grunted as Luke began to thrust harder and faster into his grasping guts. "Fuck me Buddy!" he grunted. "I think we're both pretty close t' th' finish line!"

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" Luke bellowed as a second load shot off directly over the big Texan's prostate which triggered Ben's orgasm. Several thick white ropes shot everywhere as his own cock erupted, bathing both men.

"TEN! TEN! TENS ACROSS THE BOARD!" Rod Cleighbourne bellowed to the sound of thunderous applause. "No wait--the Romanian Judge has posted a score of 6.6! Outrageous--and the crowd goes wild!" Scott, CC and Roops began to clap and cheer wildly.

Luke turned scarlet as he glanced over to see the four guys crowded into the little room under the Crow's Nest. "You fuckers!" he said with a half-embarrassed grin.

"I might have t' have WORDS with that Romanian Judge!" Ben drawled as he gave a languid stretch, still impaled on the other man's hard root. "I think that performance was at minimum a 9.5!"

"Maybe we should watch the next round!" Roops suggested. "Maybe the Romanian Judge just needs a bit more convincing..." He gave the men a sly wink.

"Or maybe th' Romanian Judge just needs a good fuck?" Ben suggested.

"W'at is a `Womanian' Judge?" Montresor wanted to know. "Show me wheah he is an' I will BITE him!"

Ben laughed. "Monty--how did ya get up here?"

"I climbeded da staiahs!" the Pookah in the shape of a Mastiff replied. "How do you t'ink, siwwy hooman? Now--which one of you mooks is da `Womanian Judge?"

Ben and Luke lost it at the look of consternation on the other four men's faces. Monty and Figgie certainly kept things interesting!


Next: Chapter 27: Dover and Son 5

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