The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Jan 31, 2020


This is a work of gay themed romantic fantasy with graphic descriptions of sexual activity--you can probably guess what sort! If that offends or annoys you or should looking at this material be illegal for whatever reason please do us both a favor and leave the way you came in.


Shout out to "Air Force" Carl: as requested here is "your" character introduced into the Doververse. If you, like Carl, would like to see yourself memorialized in my deathless prose or should you have questions, comments, suggestions or, heaven forfend, complaints, drop me a line at or . I reply to ALL e-Mails. If you take time out of your busy schedule it's the least I can do.

Snowflakes of both extremes this story is marked SAFE for your consumption. There are NO political mentions to offend your delicate sensibilities.

CHAPTER FIVE: Before and After Club "K"


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero

Carl Cipriano, age 55 -- Golden Gables Construction foreman with a secret

Adam di Capra, age 52 -- Home Buyer and Nick's Husband

Nick Russo, age 50 -- slightly less hysterical Home Buyer

Ethan Gray, age 45 -- Ben's live-in lover

Kevin McMasters, age?? -Mysterious owner of Wonderworks an Club "K"

A mysterious golden Merman (who will show up again later...)

"Hey Boss! Their Majesties are here!" bawled foreman Carl Cipriano as he barged unannounced into Ben's Office. "They say they wanna see ya!"

Ben glanced up from some paperwork and sighed. Carl, was a big, beefy man in his early-to-mid 50s with short, graying hair, a well-trimmed goatee and a truly impressive moustache. His eyes were chocolate brown but his skin was remarkably pale for someone with an Italian last name. "I hope this ain't one o' yore piss poor practical jokes Son!"

"No Boss!" the big man replied. "Swear ta God! I may be a Practical Joker but I ain't stupid!" Ben had been doused by a bucket of ice water his first day on the Merriweather Mansion reno and he'd blistered the man's ear. "Swear ta God!"

Ben sighed. Nick Russo and his husband Adam di Capra were a pair of fussy "Muscle Queens" and were the most problematic of "problem" Clients. One or both had a bad habit of dropping by unannounced with a flood of ridiculous questions or outrageous requests (usually voiced in loud demanding tones). The crew had grown to detest "their Majesties" (as they were referred to behind the buyer's backs) and Ben found the pair had a real talent for working his last nerve. "Fuck!" he growled. "I better go see what them bitches want NOW!"

"Put yer `nice' face on Boss!" Carl advised.

The Foreman scooted while the big Texan schooled himself into a calm place before heading out to meet the pair. "Howdy Gents!" he said when he saw them, "what c'n I do f'r ya?" He prayed to whatever God or Goddess might be listening that they didn't have a request to change something in an already-finished room. The project was already two weeks behind schedule and they were only one week into the rehab!

"Actually, it was my Boss who suggested we drop in to see you," Adam said. "He asked, without asking of course, for us to bring you to his Amusement Park this weekend! Honestly Ben, I don't know why he'd want to meet a Bucolic Clod like you but he seems anxious to meet you!"

"Uh..." The Texan was frankly a bit "put out" by the "Bucolic Clod" comment. "I don't think that `ud be possible..."

"The `Boss' he's referring to is Kevin McMasters," Nick put in. "THE Kevin McMasters!

"Ya mean, th' Mad Toymaker'?" Ben said, dumbfounded. "The guy who cracked Cold Fusion n' maybe Anti-Gravity? THAT Kevin McMasters?" Even someone with as little education as Ben knew Kevin McMasters was responsible for kicking off the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" when he started marketing Water Mixers and the other amazing devices sold by his company "Wonderworks". He was also the leading designer for "ToyMasters" which produced toys and games that were nothing short of miraculous and the head technologist for "ImageMasters"--now the leading animation and FX movie and TV company in the world.

McMasters was notoriously reclusive; he shunned interviews and seldom made public appearances except to pick up a slew of Oscars at the Academy Awards and. even then, he didn't do Red Carpets. Much as he detested this pair, Ben realized he could afford to spend the day with them if it meant getting a chance to meet someone so noteworthy he could put up with any annoyance. "May I bring Ethan?" he finally asked.

"I insisted on that!" Adam informed him. Ben sighed gratefully but Adam kept talking and the Texan's ire started to rise again. "HE'S at least `bearable' to be around!" Ben might have said more but noises from upstairs sidetracked that.

"Oh God Jonas, FUCK me!" It was Carl and it seemed that the "house Ghost" had found another playmate. "Fuck me with that big ghost cock of yours buddy! I want your ghost cum in my ass!"

Ben had seen the affects of Jonas' "sex play" with several of the crew and something about this didn't sound quite right. Could Carl be pulling another of his notorious practical jokes. The Texan wasn't sure whether he wanted to go upstairs and find Carl being ravished or not! "More cock!" Carl bellowed. "Give me all your fuckin' dick! Yeah buddy! You know where my sweet spot it!"

"That--BITCH!" Adam was about ready to explode. "He's fucking the HELP!!! How DARE he!" The bald, brown-bearded man stomped up the freshly-varnished main staircase to find the Foreman on his back, with his heels turned to Jesus, seemingly in the throes of ecstasy. Carl was putting on quite a show--too bad it wasn't real; Ben's awen told him the Foreman was alone. "Oh my GOD!" Adam howled, "Jonas, how COULD you? I thought we had something SPECIAL!"

Ben wanted to laugh outright but kept a straight face. "I'm sure he's got enough ectoplasm f'r all o' ya!" the big man told him. He resolved to have a word with his practical-jokester Foreman; funny as it was, the last thing Ben needed was more issues with this pair of fussy Queens.

The Texan felt rather than saw the House Ghost's appearance. "Be a good boy Adam or no more Cock for you!"

The bald Queen began panting; "oh fuck! He's chewing out my ass!"

"Toldja there was enough o' Jonas t' go around!" Ben said.

"Now--about this weekend...?" Nick put in. "My husband seems a bit preoccupied at the moment but Mr. McMasters is very interested to meet you! If you could just do this one little thing for us..."

Ben silently added this to this list of "one little things" the couple wanted from him. "Lemmie talk t' Ethan," he finally said. "He keeps r Social Calendar' so he'll know if we have anythin' planned..."

"A chance to meet Kevin McMasters?" Ethan exclaimed once Ben was home and passed on the request. "Hell-to-the-YEAH! We don't have anything we can't push except maybe the shopping..."

"We have a Brownie f'r that," the big Texan told him. "I'm sure Scooter won't mind makin' sure we're fully stocked! He's likely t' do a better job n if we go on our own! Fewer impulse' buys, ya know?"

"Want me to call Adam?" the other man asked. "If you had to deal with him this afternoon and we're expected to spend an entire Saturday with `those two' I suppose it's the least I can do!"

"Wouldja?" Ben tried hard not to detest the pair but they just made it too easy sometimes. "You have `is number?"

"On speed dial'!" Ethan and Adam had somehow become fast friends over the short time they had known one another (which encouraged the bald, brown-bearded man to send a stream of potential suitors Ethan's direction." Hello! --yes sweetie, Ben and I would be DELIGHTED to visit Club K' with you---oh you big silly! ---No, Ben is just as excited as I am---yes REALLY! Would I lie to you? ---OK sexy, text me the deets! --NO, Adam, you DON'T need to bring a date for me! --Look Queen! I know you don't like Ben but frankly I LOVE the big Lug and I'd really appreciate it if you'd at least TRY to respect our relationship---well, for starters he has ten inches of monster manmeat and he knows how to use it---yes Adam, TEN inches! And, yes, he knows how to use it! You should try it sometime!"

"Not less I'm Roofied'!" Ben spat quietly.

"What? ---no sweetie, that was the TV! Ben's not even in the room! ---OK, we'll see you Saturday! ---Can't wait! Buh-bye!" Ethan clicked away from the conversation then turned his cell phone off. "Sorry babe!" he said.

"What d' you see in those two?" Ben wondered.

"They're both OKD, I suppose..." Ethan said. "Adam reminds me of the people I grew up with..."

"OKD?" Ben asked curiously.

"Our Kind Dear!" the other man replied.

"So that `ud make me NOKD?" Ben asked.

Ethan smiled ruefully. "There's a reason I haven't asked you to meet my family," he said. "If you look up `judgey' in Webster's you'll find their picture! You may not be their kind sweetheart, but you're MY kind and that's all that matters!"

The big man tried hard not to let his insecurities show: Ethan was a Harvard-educated `Boston Brahmin' with roots that went back before the American Revolution while Ben had completed high school in a small Texas farming town. Yes, there were the few hundred million he'd inherited from his wife but her sister Rachel had sued him (and lost). Still, the Sutherland Clan had never wasted an opportunity to let the big man know their daughter had "married beneath her." Yes, they'd loved one another truly and deeply but Ben's working-class roots were never far away when he was around them. Being with the two Ivy Leaguers just brought up all that old shit right back to the surface and made him wonder how long it would be until he and Ethan eventually soured on one another.

Ethan gave his lover his most flirty wink. "Want to take me to bed?" he breathed in Ben's ear. "We haven't fucked since this morning and I could REALLY use a Texas-sized cock in my ass!"

There were a good number of cars in the Wonderworks Parking Structure as Ben pulled his big Toyota Tundra Electric into a spot with a recharging station; thanks to the Longlife ™ Battery from Future Dynamics the pickup didn't need much of a charge but it got them closer to the elevator. (Only the Handicapped Spaces were closer.) Even so, he managed to nab the last available Parking Space. "High time you two got here!" Adam groused. He looked none to pleased to see Ben but gave Ethan a long, deep kiss and an overly-friendly grope.

Ben looked at his watch. "Accordin' t' my watch it's 7:45 AM," he said curtly. "I was given t' understand we were meetin' at 8:00 AM--that makes us early! Now if that don't satisfy ya, I can leave an' y'all c'n take Ethan home when y''re ready t' leave!" Ben turned on his heel to leave but his lover stopped him with a touch.

"Is he always this dramatic?" asked Adam venomously.

"Said the most dramatic of all Drama Queens!" Ethan snapped. "Look, HONEY!" Ethan was now pure acid. "Ben is doing you two `bitches' a FAVOR! Especially YOU, Adam! The least you could do is pretend to be a LITTLE grateful!"

"Can't we just go into Club K for a little while?" Nick asked, trying to be the diplomat and smooth some ruffled feathers. "If you don't like it--you can pop right back out! And, from what I understand, Mr. McMasters really wants to meet you!"

"I'm sure I don't know why!" Adam seethed.

"Shut up Adam!" Nick and Ethan snapped at the same time. The bald brown-haired Muscle Queen gave an exasperated sigh.

"Is something wrong here?" The speaker was a short, stocky blond with green eyes behind stylish glasses. He wore a" Club K" tee and baggy jeans with some truly lurid kicks. "Adam, are you being nasty again?" The aura of power radiating from the man was almost palpable: Ben found himself wondering how the other three men could stand there without reacting.

"Sorry Mr. McMasters!" Suddenly Adam was as meek as milk, nice as pie. "May I introduce you to my dear, DEAR friend Ben Dover?"

"Pleased to meet you Ben!" Kevin said, offering a friendly handshake. "I've always wanted to meet someone `God-touched'! Thanks for saving the world by the way! I really hate having to do it..."

"Ah..." Ben didn't know how to react. "Thank you--I guess..."

Kevin beamed. "How can you not LOVE this man? He's so DROLL! And you," the odd little man said turning to Ethan, "how LUCKY are you getting daily access to that amazing cock!"

"He's a lot mor than an amazing cock, Mr. McMasters!" Ethan told him sincerely. "Ben is a sweet, and kind, the best friend anybody could want and loyal to a fault!"

"So's a Golden Retriever!" Adam grumped.

"You two may go home!" Kevin snapped. Suddenly there was no doubt this was the richest man in the world who would not be crossed. Nick looked unhappy and Adam downright shocked by the turn of events. "Go on! I'll entertain these two!" The pair scooted. "I do apologize for Adam's bad behavior!" Kevin told Ben. "He usually has better sense when I'm around! Are you two ex-lovers?"

"I'm th' Help'," the big man replied. "By his Ivy League' standards I'm beneath contempt I guess..."

"Silly little ass!" Kevin said with a dismissive shake of his head. "So--what's it like being God-touched?" he asked as the pair stepped into the elevator and the Toymaker pushed DOWN. The elevator began a long fast descent.

"Aside from th' physical transformations, which happened after th' Joinin', it's not like anything!" Ben told him after a moment's thought. "I know bullshit when I smell it, see things as they Truly Are an' sometimes get a warnin' out o' th' blue! Kinda saved me durin' th' `almost' Apocalypse!"

Then: "may I ask ya a question Mr. McMasters?"

"Please call me Kevin!" the Mad Toymaker said, "Ask anything you like! I'll even answer and it might even be truthful!"

Ben decided his usual blunt style was most appropriate so he just dove in. "How d' y' know so much about me?"

"I found out about you from Prince Daniel," the Toymaker replied. "He's a friend and he told me I should watch you! When the Fey started to disappear, I found out you were on the case so I decided to stay in the background and let you do your thing; it was clear you had things well in hand! If `certain people' were aware of my abilities I'd be shipped off to some Black Ops site so fast your head would spin! I'd hate to think of what would happen if I was forced to break out of one of those places!"

"The physical stuff comes from these," he went on as he tapped the metal-framed glasses. "Google WISHES they had these glasses! As soon as I met you, I x-rayed through your outerwear and, whoa Momma! Usually I just check for weapons and such but I got a good look! I can also send and receive e-mail on these as well as use them as a telescope or microscope!"

"Wow, that's awesome!" was all Ben could say. "I'm s'prised Wonderworks hasn't maretked those!"

"The average consumer wouldn't have the computing power to fully utilize my Omniglasses ™ and Google is already doing something similar. I don't want to ice them out!"

"Probably wise," Ethan agreed. "Don't tread on competitor's territory and they are less likely to try and shut you down!"

"Got it in one, compadre!" the Toymaker said. "I LIKE you guys!"

In spite of everything, Ben found himself quite charmed by the quirky Toymaker. Kevin wasn't the least bit "hoity toity" (unlike Nick and Adam) and could give the Texan a real run for his money as "just plain folks." He seemed genuinely interested in what the other men had to say and never put them down even though he clearly knew more than Ben was comfortable sharing. Still there was one nagging question.

"So, ol' Son, may I ask what ya are?" he said as the four men stepped out of the elevator into what seemed like a clear, warm sunny summer morning. "I c'n feel th' Power rollin' off ya but I'm not gettin' a sense o' where it comes from!"

"I'm an Artificer," the Toymaker replied, "maybe the best that's ever been! I have a reasonable amount of Gnomish and Dwarvish blood--which accounts for the short stature--but I also have some Elf, Giant, Earth Elemental and some alien ancestry as well..."

"Aliens?" Ben repeated. "Ya mean like little green men from Mars?"

"They're not little OR green!" Kevin told him, "and they're not from Mars! They're just using it as a base..."

"Alrighty then..." The Texan shook his head. "Honestly, I don't know why I'm s'rpised..." He looked at Ethan. "Did th' Feds know `bout this?"

"We've known about aliens' since the Roswell incident in 1948," the former CIA Agent confessed. "That's when the Exotic Affairs' Division started. We didn't find out about Elves and such until the McCarthy era. But don't worry--far as I know your `favorite guy' is blissfully ignorant of the Extraterrestrials among us!"

"Thank th' Lord f'r small favors!" Ben said glancing around them. They appeared to be on the edge of a small town that looked right out of a 1950s TV show--in color of course. "Where are we?" he asked.

"Underhill, of course!" Kevin replied with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Where else WOULD we be?" Ben said, glancing around.

"Welcome to Friendly Village' Gateway to Club K'!" the Toymaker said. "Since I had that little tiff with her Many-Legged Majesty of Darkspyre I've had an influx of Unseelie looking for refuge so I built this little town for them: it also serves as my version of Downtown Disney. I had to take one-half-and-one percent of her Realm when she attacked me here..."

None of this seemed to faze Ethan in the slightest. "I understand it was quite the epic battle!" he allowed. "Thank you for saving my life, by the way: I wouldn't have made it out of her Dungeon without your help!"

"You two know each other?" Ben was incredulous. "I'm gonna hafta hear that story--and soon!" There was clearly quite a lot he didn't know about his boyfriend and housemate; they were going to have to have a serious talk--and soon!

"I didn't realize it was Kevin at the time," the former CIA Agent said. "I was part of a team investigating a Snuff Porn Ring that was using Lotus to lure it's victims; we found out it had ties to Elfhame Darksypre so we went to investigate. We got captured and the rest of the team got eaten..." The man's face turned dark. "I was awaiting my fate after having to watch the Spider Queen dine on my compatriots one by one when something blew the wall down and this figure in glass armor strode in! He used a sword to cut away my restraints and sent me for medical treatment! I didn't find out it was Kevin until later..."

Ben hugged the man hard. "Oh Son..." he said. "I had no idea!"

"When I'm with you it doesn't matter, big bear!" the man said. "I'm safe!"

"Ah love!" Kevin said, giving the pair an envious stare. "Would you like to shop a while or head over to the Amusement Park?" Then: "I should probably warn you--you might see some unusual sights down here! Club `K' is neutral territory for both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts so who knows what strangeness you might encounter!"

"But none o' them `r' harmful?" Ben wanted to know.

"Not if they know what's good for them!" the Toymaker told him. "We have an organic Blood Substitute the Vamps and other sorts who need blood seems to like so we don't have to worry about the blood suckers. Succubae and Incubi, we have to be a little more careful with but FIFI keeps a close watch on them... Mostly, they just come because they crave novelty and that I can provide in plenty!"

"I've heard good things about this place," Ethan told him. "We're safe here! Particularly while we're with this owner..."

"Lets head to the Train Station!" Kevin suggested. "I want to show you something I'm working on!"

Ben tried not to gawp as they walked through Friendly Village. It had everything he expected to find in a TV town, several (surprisingly large) restaurants, stores of all sorts, a Post Office and other needed locales. The people he passed on the street didn't look at all out of place until he glanced at them with his "inner eye." Then things changed!

He recognized Elves and Fairies easily enough, having met that type of Exotic before. There seemed to be rather a lot of shortish gray or green people with large eyes hidden behind sunglasses and wondered if they were some type of Goblin. He recognized a Troll or two from his adventure in the Bloody Sun but the others were complete mysteries. Ben resolved to ask Ethan about some of these. Oddly enough there were a fair number of ordinary humans mixed into the crowd who didn't seem to know they were hanging out with some truly unusual folks.

"Most likely employees of one of my companies," Kevin told Ben when he broached the subject. "A few Guests have earned passes by offering a suggestion I incorporate into the Park. If either of you come up with something, I decide to use you'll get your own Key and not have to wait for the Bitchy Queens to invite you!"

"We'll hafta see..." The place seemed very well visualized which left Ben wondering what was left to add. Still, the big Texan loved a challenge so he resolved to see what he could come up with as the trio arrived at what looked like a small-town Railroad Station. An old-fashioned Steam Engine pulling several passenger cars was waiting for a throng of excited "Holiday Makers' to board.

"I ride in the Caboose," Kevin told the men. "It's only for me and other very special guests!"

"Guess it pays t' know th' Park owner," Ben quipped as he and the other two men boarded the car. Inside it was a high-style Victorian Parlor with overstuffed Chairs and a few elegant Settees. A uniformed Attendant stood near an elegant Coffee Service with crystal pitchers of milk and orange juice close to hand. A large tray of inviting-looking doughnuts, muffins and other breakfast pastries was near to hand. As well as an epergne loaded with gorgeous fresh fruit. "Damn! This IS nice!"

"Enjoy!" Kevin suggested as a cup of heavily-creamed coffee was poured into a large mug. The little Toymaker took a decadent muffin and a few strawberries then sat down as the train rolled smoothly out of the station. "Our first stop is Hotel Atlantis," the younger man told them. "It doesn't open until Solstice Day but the placed is booked up for a solid year! I may end up building more hotels..."

"This is a reg'lar Disney World Under Hill!" Ben quipped.

"I don't have as many different parks as Disney," Kevin told him, "just Friendly Village, Dinosaur Range and Club `K'!"

"So, the Atlantis is under water?" Ethan queried as he noticed the train tracks heading for the lakeshore.

"Indeed!" Kevin quipped. "I thought that would be fun and the customers would enjoy something different!"

"Will we be going t' Dinosaur Range?" Ben asked.

"Not today!" the little Toymaker said. "Amuse me so I'll invite you back or come up with a suggestion I decide to incorporate into the Park and you can win your own pass the come back whenever you like!"

The Texan was drawn to the windows as the train moved under water. There were schools of bright tropical fish but that didn't interest him as much as the mermaids and mermen. One Merman in particular...

He may have been the most beautiful creature Ben had ever seen, with a face that would put any supermodel to shame and the perfectly-sculpted body of a spectacularly symmetrical Diver. His hair fell in golden waves around his sculpted face and his eyes were amber. His body was tanned until it became fish-like with fine golden scales covering a long, muscular tube of flesh that ended in a pair of large, scalloped fins. Oddly enough, the scales didn't go up quite as high on his dorsal side but came down below his ass which was two perfectly-rounded heart-shaped masses. Most notable was the aura of POWER that emanated from him light rays from the noonday beach sun. Ben found himself catching his breath at the sheer magnificence of the being in the water. Then the Merman blew a kiss in the general direction of the caboose and scooted away at incredible speed. "What--the--FUCK!" Ben exclaimed. "Was that one o' yours?"

"Nope!" Kevin replied. "His name is Colin Standiford and his father is Chief Operating Officer of Wonderworks! Beautiful, isn't he?"

"He's fuckin' gorgeous!" the big Texan replied, still staring in rapt fascination at the young Merman doing flips and turns outside the glass tunnel. Ben wondered if he was drooling; he was certainly painfully hard.

"Yes," Kevin said, "he is that! But I avoid that one! He's one of the few Exotics that actually SCARES me!"

"Wait!" Ethan yelped. "You deal with Aethylbryk and Bloody Bones but that Merkid scares you?"

"Yeppers!" the Toymaker said. "Aethylbryk and Bloody Bones I understand! That one is a puzzle and he--affects me! The same way he affects your partner!"

Ben tried to shake off his lustful daze by focusing on the conversation. "Who's Bloody Bones?" he wanted to know. "Sounds nasty!"

"He's a Lich!" Kevin told him, "and, yes, he can be VERY nasty! They call him `Bloody Bones' because that's what he looks like! He's also a screaming Queen!"

"What's a Lich?" Ben wanted to know. Now that he was focused on something else the big man was regaining control of himself. "Is that somethin' I need t' worry about?"

"A Lich is an undead Wizard," Ethan told him. "If you run into one you probably should be VERY worried! They are powerful Mages and evil with a capital `E'! The good news is they don't come out of Underhill very often but they employ agents to make mischief topside."

"Bloody Bones invented Lotus," Kevin offered. "I'd have `offed' him for that but he'd already sold the process to some Dark Elves; now that particular genie is out of the bottle and it seemed pointless."

Ben was quickly coming to realize his host was much more than a "little" Toymaker: Kevin McMasters dealt in far-higher realms of politics and magic then the Texan wanted to consider. He had made himself a Major Player in Underhill and Ben found himself wondering how much Kevin was playing politics behind the scenes on the surface. He would make a great friend and ally but the Texan shuddered to think what the Toymaker would be like as an enemy. He decided to keep the younger man as sweet as he could.

"This is the Grand Curve," Kevin told the other two men. "You get your first look at the Hotel from here!" And indeed, it was a vision well worth taking in. The Hotel was a series of white domes and towers that looked like something off of one of CC Fox's covers. Ben could see gardens and colonnades covered in crystalline panels; they were elegantly laid out and seemed like a pleasant place to walk. He found himself wondering what the rooms (suites?) of the Hotel would look like and how much it cost to stay there as they rolled into the Main Lobby.

"We're just putting on the last touches," Kevin told the men. He gestured at a metallic spidery-looking robot that was slowly working its way down a wall, weaving a spectacular tapestry as it went. Other `bots were extruding furniture and weaving carpets. To Ben it seemed like something out of a Steampunk fantasy. He was fascinated and a little sad as the train pulled away and began a slow upward climb toward the surface.

"Is this the only way over to the island?" Ethan asked.

"No, we have Ferry Service to South Beach, Flying Carpets that take you to Marrakesh and when I open Victoria Station, we'll have Airships!"

"Ya lost me. Son," Ben allowed.

"When I built this place, I stole some ideas from Disney," Kevin told him. "I divided it up into several themed lands' as it were. South Beach--where we're going now is a tropical Paradise. Marrakesh is an Arabian Night's fantasy world, Timber Mountain is a rough and ready frontier land, Fairy Forest is a fairytale world, Old Chicago is early 20th Century Urban, Metropolis is futuristic, Port Royal is my version of New Orleans Square' and Victoria Station, when it opens, will be a Steampunk Realm!"

"What about Dinosaur Range?" Ben asked.

"I got fascinated with dinosaurs when ImageMasters did the last two `Jurassic Park' movies," Kevin told them. "I went a little crazy putting in new attractions so I finally made that a separate park entirely! We'll go there some time you have an entire day to explore!"

"I'll look forward t' that!" Ben said as the train pulled into South Beach Station. Once they were off they found themselves surrounded by tropical beauty and the sounds of steel drum bands. "Hey, is that `Eye o' th' Tiger'?"

"Sounds like it..." Ethan agreed.

"We should head straight over to Pele's Revenge!" Kevin told them. "Hope you guys like Roller Coasters!"

"Love `em!" they both agreed.

"Pele's Revenge" did not disappoint. It was a long ride, winding in, out, around and through what seemed to be an active Volcano, Ben's "logical brain" told him it was special affects but he was mostly too busy screaming during the many twists, turns, drops and hills of the coaster--all of which he had a front seat for since he and Ethan were in the front car!

At one point, near the end of the ride, the tracks went across what looked (but did not smell) like a lava pool. Ben watched as a hand that seemed to be made of burning plasma came out of the pool and smashed the track directly in front of him! "Oh SHIT!" Kevin shouted behind him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Ben bellowed as the car shot across the gap and made a safe return to the loading zone. "Damn Son! Does that happen every time?"

"Yup!" the Toymaker said. "I love seeing newbies experience it! You're reaction was AWESOME!"

"Ya need a virgin sacrifice' line f'r first-time riders!" Ben told him. "Ya c'd sell pix of em `r T-shirts that say somethin' like I WAS A VIRGIN SACRIFICE TO PELE'S REVENGE!"

"I LIKE that!" Keven exclaimed. "FRONT!"

A stunning blonde with a body to put Miss Universe to shame ankled up and handed Ben a Manilla Envelope. "Congratulations Sir and welcome to the `Club K' family!" she breathed in a voice inspired by Marilyn Monroe. "There's all the information you'll need and Park Rules. Learn them. Live Them! Love them!" Then she ankled off with even gay men turning to check out her ass as she left.

"Hate t' see `er go but ya love t' watch her leave!" Ben allowed.

"That's DeeDee," Kevin told him.

"Short for Aphrodite?" Ethan asked.

"Ooh--you're GOOD!" Kevin said. "A lot of people don't pick up on the names I give my AIs!"

"If you'd like I can take that to `Will Call'," offered a cute redhead with a gymnast's body and a wicked smile. His name tag read MARK CAREY, "You can pick it up on your way out with any purchases you might make!"

"Ah--thank ya kindly--Mercury?" Ben said as he handed the envelope over. The young man zipped off and was soon lost from sight in the crowd.

"Damn!" Ben said. "This place is amazin'!"

"And now we can come back as often as we like!" Ethan added.

"Just remember the rules!" Kevin chided. "This is a PRIVATE Club and I expect my guests to behave!"

Ben gave the Toymaker a snappy salute. "Yes SIR!"

"Are you ready to move along?" the Toymaker asked. "I have a lot more to show you...

The visit to `Club K' proved to be as awesome as its owner had promised. The rides and shows the three experienced put Disney to shame and Ben was sure if Kevin ever decided to open the place to the public Disney would be in a world of hurt. Prices were reasonable and lines were never too long. Everything he sampled was delicious and quick to be served. Still, Ben found himself feeling restless and unable to focus: hard as he tried, Ben couldn't get the image of the golden Merman out of his head.

Monday the big man felt sleep-deprived and out of sorts. An unexpected visit from Adam di Capra with another ridiculous demand caused Ben to snap and send him away in tears. The cherry on top of his "Shit Sundae" was Jonas being particularly active; the house ghost hadn't actually "molested" any of the crew but he'd been busy fondling fannies and planting little kisses in unexpected locations. The straight guys on the crew were spared this indignity but they found tools and personal belongings hidden or moved to a location where they were hard to get. These misadventures further slowed-down an already-behind work schedule.

"Hey Boss!" Carl, the Foreman came into the Office Trailer and brought an odd spicy-milky scent with him. It actually wasn't unpleasant and frankly distracting. "You still on the rag?"

Ben sighed. "Sorry man--today has been a regular shit storm!"

"Tell me about it!" the beefy gray-haired man said. "The damn House Ghost has been grab-assin' me all day and he's worked me into a lather!"

Ben noticed a pair of wet spots over each nipple, an odd place for sweat to pool. His awen told him the Foreman was some sort of Exotic but he'd never asked what type. "Sorry t' hear that..." he finally said, trying to keep his answer noncommittal.

"Maybe we could help each other out!" Carl suggested.

"What have ya got in mind?" Ben wondered.

"Milk me!" the other man said. "I really need it bad Boss!"

"Excuse me?" Ben was astonished. "Did you just say `Milk' you?"

"I did!" the man replied. "Ya know I'm an Exotic, right?" When Ben nodded Carl continued his story. "I can see ya didn't know--I'm a Wereboar!"

"M' experiences with Shifters is mighty limited," Ben said. "I know they exist but not much more! Maybe ya c'd educate me a bit?"

The beefy Foreman pulled off his shirt, revealing a slightly-tubby smooth chest with a pair of large and very inviting pink nipples. "Wereboars don't usually pack up like Wolves," he told Ben. "It's even rare for breeding pairs to raise their piglets together! We men take the boar and the female takes the sow--they usually give birth to twins, one of each! Anyhoo... We have to feed `em so both sexes produce milk! Sometimes, when we get really excited, we produce when we aren't nursing! Like today..."

The man squeezed one of his large teats and a thick white drop came out. "Wanna taste?" he invited.

Normally Ben would have turned the man down flat owing to a need to keep the chain of command clear but that inviting smell was breaking down his resistance. "Fuck it!" he finally growled. "Get y'r fat ass over here!"

Carl didn't have to be told twice. The man made his way around the desk and offered a leaking nipple to Ben. The big man put his mouth on the engorged pink nubbin and began sucking while he massaged the beefy manboob with a free hand. The milk that shot out was thick warm and rich, milky with a slight spice overnote, almost like the Chai he adored. He began drinking greedily.

"Aw fuck Boss, that's good!" Carl growled. "Better switch faucets for a while though..." Again, Ben didn't have to be told twice; he simply grunted happily as he transferred his attention to the other nipple and was soon rewarded with more of the delicious manmilk. It took several sessions on each nip but eventually the boar was drained.

"You ready to sock it to me, Boss?" Carl asked once Ben had come up for air. "I could really use a good fuckin' right now!"

For his part, Ben found the milking session had left him with a throbbing erection in dire need of release. "Drop those pants!" he growled as he got out of his chair.

Carl was quick to do as ordered. He dropped his pants then leaned over the desk presenting a beefy pink ass adorned with a tattoo of a muscular boar in leather harness on one butt cheek. He was a bit surprise to see Carl seemed to be hairless from the neck down and wondered if the man liked to shave or if this was a secondary wereboar characteristic. "Sock it to me, Boss!" the man urged.

Ben moved behind the Foreman and let his own pants drop around his ankles. Once his engorged ten inches was freed from his boxers he moved into position and slammed the entire length into the man in one hard, deep lunge.

"Aw FUCK Boss!" Carl bellowed as he grasped the hard root plundering his guts. "What are you--some kinda Were-elephant?"

"Nope, just Texas-sized!" Ben growled as he slammed back into the shifter's smooth creamy-slick hole. He pulled almost all the way out then slammed back in. "Yeah, take that cock!" he grunted.

"Fuck yeah Boss!" Carl grunted back. "Fuck that tight piggy-ass you horse-cocked son of a bitch!" The foreman kept up a steady stream of obscene encouragement as the Texan slammed him without mercy. There was no romance, no gentleness, just two men in rut and both of them loved it! It didn't take long for the big man to unload a massive volley of several shots of manjuice directly over Carl's prostate which triggered the wereboar's own orgasm. "Hope ya didn't need any of those papers Boss!" he said glancing down at the white mess spattered across the desk. "Damn dude! That was fun!"

Ben slapped the other man's meaty butt. "Get y'rself in order," he finally said. "Th' work day is over an' I gotta get home!"


Next: Chapter 28: Dover and Son 6

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