The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Feb 12, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy and this chapter contains graphic descriptions of sex (guess what kind!) If reading such material offends you or is illegal for ANY reason please do us both a favor and click away NOW! Otherwise, enjoy!

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Shout out to the "mysterious D B who was my "very first" e-Buddy! He encouraged me to explore Shifters and Shifter Culture and now they are a big part of the Doververse. I hope you enjoy this chapter as Donte makes another appearance here.

Do you want to see yourself memorialized in deathless prose on the Internet? Drop me a line at or . Questions, comments, suggestions and complaints are always welcome. Mind you, I reserve the right to completely IGNORE them but they're still welcome. If I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I can't improve. I always try to learn at least a little from everyone who comments on my work.

CHAPTER TEN: Peeping (and What Happens Afterward)

CHARACTERS: Ben Dover, our Hero

Donte Benedict, age 32 -- Ben's across-the-Canal Neighbor

It was the Saturday before Summer Solstice and Ben found himself alone in the Firehouse. Ethan was away at a Conference for his job at Future Dynamics and wasn't expected to return until the following day. His son Jay had badgered him until Ben, however reluctantly, agreed to let him spend the weekend with his new BFF Colin Stanford (and the Texan didn't have a good feeling about THAT!) Catfish wanted to try out the new camping gear he'd bought so the Empath headed out for a solo overnight trip to the nearby mountains and even the Pookahs Montresor and Iphigenia had been called back to Arden for reasons that were never satisfactorily explained. In the end, the big man decided he was simply going to toss his cares to the wind and enjoy a little "me" time so he headed up to the expansive Roof Deck atop his Firehouse.

The Texan was enjoying the warm late-afternoon sun on the roof when something across the canal caught his eye. There was movement in the loft across the way so Ben got curious and brought Ethan's telescope to bear on a third-floor window. There he saw a nearly-naked man engaged in some very athletic dancing. He seemed to be somewhere between 5'8" to 5'10" and his milk-chocolate body (clad only in a well-stuffed white jock) was lithely muscled and hairless. The dancer turned giving the big man an excellent view of a high, well-sculpted ass that was a thing of beauty. Ben found his mouth watering at sight of the tasty chocolate treat writhing his way across the polished floors in the loft across the canal.

But then the stranger caught sight of Ben's telescope and his expression told the Texan the dancer wasn't at all happy he was being spied on...

It wasn't long until the "Doorbell" app on Ben's phone announced he had a visitor. The big man tapped it and was rewarded with a close-up image of the dancer from across the Canal. He had the features of an old-time "Matinee Idol" with perfectly-sculpted cheekbones, nicely-arched eyebrows and a long thin blade of a nose set perfectly above the cleft in his chin. The eyes were forest green flecked with tiny bits of gold and brown. The stranger at the door was spectacularly beautiful and just as spectacularly angry. "Were you spying on me?" he barked as soon as Ben's image appeared on the screen near the front door. "So not cool!"

"Come on up, ol' Son!" Ben replied in his folksiest Southern way. "I apologize t' ya: I got overly curious an', well, I do have access t' a telescope! Maybe we c'n get t' know one another over a beer `r a pitcher o' Sangria?"

Brownie conducted the visitor to the rooftop then departed without a word. The visitor wanted to be angry but he was clearly impressed by the re-do of the Firehouse. "Howdy Neighbor!" Ben said with a broad friendly smile. "I'm Ben. Ben Dover! Please don't laugh... I'll show ya m' Driver's License if ya don't b'lieve me..."

"Ben--Dover...?" The stranger smiled in spite of himself. "Yeah, I've heard about you! You and Dan Watanabe started the Pink Panthers! I'm Donte Benedict." He offered his hand which Ben shook.

Brownie arrived with a pitcher of Sangria and a plate of tapas then just as quickly slipped away leaving the two men alone. Ben found himself entranced by the sheer beauty of the visitor; his features were sculpted yet masculine, his hands long and delicate but still had some strength and the hairless musculature on display in the deep-sided tank top and short shorts deserved attention from a Sculptor. Even his scent, fresh sweat mixed with an exotic underlay the man couldn't identify but wanted to taste drove him wild. Then he caught a glimpse of the tone-on-tone rosette on the right bicep and all became clear. "You're some kind of were-cat, aren't you?"

"Uh..." Donte seemed taken aback. "How did you know.

"I didn't," the Texan replied. "Leastwise not `til ya copped to it!" He pointed to the rosette. "That was th' give-away!"

"Wow, most people don't even notice that!" the visitor told him. "Does it bother you?"

"Why should it, ol Son?" Ben replied with a smile. "It's not like you're gonna kill me r anythin'! B'sides, I've hung with werewolves an' m' fav'rit' Foreman at work is a wereboar! Shifters r' just plain folks as far as I c'n tell..."

"We get a bad rap most of the time--thanks mostly to inaccurate portrayals in books and movies," Donte told him. "We're not random killers who are forced to transform under the full moon! Most of us live quite ordinary lives..."

"Son--you're a lot o' things," Ben said, "but I'd hardly call ya ordinary!"

"Ah--thank you..." Donte gave the Texan a wry smile. "I don't usually go for fat old dudes but there's something about you..."

"I'll cop t' old," Ben replied with a devilish grin, "but I ain't all that fat! There's hard muscle under th' plush! Some folks at th' College used t' call me th' `Wolverteddy'!"

"That was you?" Donte said. "Sorry about you getting the sack. They say you were a good teacher..."

Ben thought briefly about how to respond to this comment; he missed teaching but he didn't miss the Campus politics in the least. In the end he opted for the safest reply. "You a student?"

"Teacher," Donte replied. "I'm the Dean of the Dance Department!"

"Hmm," the big man replied. "I'd have taken ya f'r an Actor/Model!"

"I did a few tours as a backup Dancer for Beyoncé and Lady Gaga," the other man told him. "I also did some modeling--mostly underwear... In the end though touring got to be a grind and I hated being treated like a piece of meat! Kings College has an excellent Arts' program and I didn't need an advanced degree to get hired on! I started as the Dean' with the current Summer Quarter!"

"Do ya dance with any local groups?" Ben asked. "I'll bet y'r spectacular!"

The visitor smiled as he sipped his Sangria. "Not really," Donte replied. "Between teaching classes, administrative duties and choreography commissions I really don't have the time!"

"Do ya miss it?"

"Yes and no," the visitor replied. "I miss the energy I get from the crowd while I'm on stage but everything that goes with it doesn't thrill me! Plus, I've gotten used to the `creature comforts'! So Tex--do you dance?"

Ben said "Alexa! Play `The Tennessee Waltz'!" The speakers came to life and soon Patsy Cline's mellow contralto was filling the rooftop patio. The Texan stood up and moved away from the table. "Care t' dance, Donte?"

"I'd love to!" the visitor replied, intrigued and charmed in spite of himself. "I've never danced with an older guy on a rooftop before!"

"Thanks, f'r not callin' me old n' fat', Son," Ben said as he took Donte's offered hand then pulled him close as they began to move to the beat. The big man slid his other hand around Donte's back and pulled him gently into the dance as the pair swayed to the music. Ben moved with surprising lightness and grace for a big man and Donte responded like the perfect partner.

"Dude, you're really good!" Donte gave the older man a surprised smile. "I'll bet you do really well at the Club!"

"I've never gotten any complaints at Club Cosplay r th' Magic Dragon," Ben replied. "Yeah, ol' Son, I'm a born-again Betsy boy'!"

"Betsy isn't really my thing," Donte admitted, "but I admire the fact that you actually have to know how to dance to do it! Some of those Jigs and Reels get awfully complicated!"

"Maybe y' should come t' th' Magic Dragon with us next Saturday," Ben suggested. "Black Irish is playin'!"

"Black Irish?" Donte said. "Is that a band?"

"Yep," the Texan replied. "I haven't seen em live but I've heard some o' their music on my Pandora Betsy' station. It's very Afro-Celtic'--diff'rent, but in a good way! I really like em!"

"OK--just one question," the darker man replied. "Who's `we'?"

"Me, m' boyfriend, some o' the guys in th' Livewires..."

Donte pulled back. "You've got a boyfriend and you're grinding on me?" he exclaimed. "Shit! I knew you were too good to be true!"

"Ethan an' I have a somewhat open' relationship," Ben explained. "He's away at a Conference f'r work so e won't come home `n' catch us in th' act. I'll tell Ethan all about you as soon as he gets back! Then, likely as not, he'll hit ya up f'r some fun himself!"

"That's--different..." Donte looked a bit confused but turned on at the same time.

"We know th' diff'rence b'tween `makin' love an' foolin' around!" Ben assured him. "I won't force ya into anythin' y' ain't ready for ol' Son. But..." The man glanced down at the tent in the other man's shorts. "...I'd say somebody has ideas o' their own!"

Donte looked down. "Well shit!" he exclaimed. "Betrayed by my own cock! Oh well--they say a stiff Dick has no conscience!" The man took a couple of steps away from Ben then slowly shucked off the tank top. Once he was bare chested the man kicked out of his flip-flops then turned his back and shucked his short-shorts and white jock, slowly revealing a bountiful pair of chocolate globes that made Ben's mouth water with anticipation. Now fully nude Donte turned around so Ben could see nearly nine thick inches of erect manmeat. "What do you think cowboy?" he asked saucily.

"Normally I don't go f'r th' shaved look," Ben admitted as he gave the other man an appreciative up-and-down glance. "On you though it works! Does shavin' affect y'r cat form?"

"Who says I shaved?" Donte replied, coming back over to the Texan. "Shifters can alter their bodies in a number of ways! I like the way smooth skin feels against a furry body! Please tell me you're furry!"

Ben began to slowly unbutton his plaid sports shirt, revealing the abundance of gray-flecked brown chest and belly hair. "Hairy enough f'r ya, ol' Son?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Donte breathed. "Show me the rest!"

Then he looked down. "Leave those work boots on though--that's fuckin' hot!" Willing to be accommodating, Ben slowly unbuckled his belt then unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts revealing a pair of white briefs. The big man rubbed his massive bulge invitingly. "Why doncha take those off, ol' Son?"

The other man's green eyes grew large in amazement. "Jesus-fucking-Christ, dude! How big are you?"

"Ten inches r so," Ben replied as he stuck his thumbs in the waistband. "Ya c'n thank Coyote f'r that! It was a thank you' gift f'r savin' th' world!"

"I'll have to hear that story--later!" the man said as he went to his knees in front of the Texan. Donte gulped as he pulled Ben's briefs down. "Damn! Did Coyote steal that thing off a stallion?"

Ben stroked the man's cheeks and smiled. "B'lieve it r not, ol' Son--I only grew bout half an inch--but Coyote gave me th' foreskin! Makes m' cockhead incredibly sensitive though..."

"Don't worry Tex, I know how to work a `natural' man!" Donte swallowed the head and then began working slowly up and down. He couldn't take the entire massive manmeat at first so he put his fist at the base of Ben's Dick and worked the top half expertly.

"Oh baby!" Ben growled. "Damn boy! Ya got a sweet mouth!"

Donte came up. "Is there someplace we can lay down up here?" he asked. "I want you to eat my ass while I suck this monster!"

Ben pointed at a lounger that was about the size of a Queen Size Bed. "That oughta be more `n enough room boyo!" the Texan said. The pair made their way to the lounge and lay down head-to-foot. Donte went back to chowing down on Ben's "tube steak" while the big Texan put his head between the Dancer's legs for his first taste of shifter ass.

Shifter ass had a taste like no other and Ben found he was quite enjoying the sensation as his thick tongue pierced Donte's tight ring. The big man found himself feeling a little sorry had hadn't eaten Carl's ass before fucking the Foreman and resolved the change that the next time he and the wereboar got together. For his part the dancer was loving what Ben was doing to him. Few men had attacked his ass with such utter unabashed abandon as the Texan. The wild feeling made Donte open his throat and he soon found he had the Texan's entire ramrod working in and out easily.

"I--think you better fuck me!" Donte finally panted after a bit. "I don't want you to cum in my mouth!"

"Not this round at least!" Ben agreed. "So, ol' Son--how d' ya want it?"

"I'm going to ride you like a wild stallion!" Donte told the Texan. Ben obligingly rolled onto his back and the dancer mounted over him. The Texan steadied his erection as Donte maneuvered himself onto the rod then jammed himself all the way down in one hard lunge. "Oh fuck! You're big!"

"You OK, ol' Son?" Ben asked. Most men needed a lot of help in the form of lube or poppers to take his massive meat. Still, Donte didn't seem to be in anything but rut as he posted up and down. Ben thrilled as he watched the Dancer's muscles work under his cocoa skin.

"I'm a Shifter!" Donte panted. "I told you we had `certain gifts', didn't I?"

"That ya did, ol' Son!" Ben grunted as he thrust upward into the Dancer's grasping tightness. "Damn boy! You feel fine!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" Donte grunted with each upward thrust as he pounded himself up and down on the hard rod impaling his guts. He began to sweat with exertion and excitement as he worked himself toward orgasm. "Fuck me God damn it!" he grunted. "I need you to shoot off inside me so I can come!"

"Y'r wish is my command, ol' Son!" Ben thrust up harder into the other man and grunted as he felt his balls start to pull up. "Here--it--COMES!" he bellowed as his orgasm took him and he blasted directly over Donte' sensitive prostate.

"OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" the Dancer moaned as he helplessly surrendered to his own body-wracking orgasm. Several jets of thick white manjuice coated Ben's chest before Donte fell forward and kissed him. "Not bad for a fat old dude!" he said teasingly.

"Son--ya do realize I'm still fuckin' hard an' buried up y'r sweet little ass?" Ben asked. "I may be old but I ain't dead!" The Texan pushed his still-rampant rod back into the Shifter's now-slick hole. "See what I mean boyo?"

Donte's tight muscles squeezed the throbbing meat lodged inside him. "Oh my!" he panted. "I hope I survive this..."

"You'll be fine Son.." the big man promised as he rolled Donte over onto his back. "I have faith in ya!"


Next: Chapter 33: Dover and Son 11

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