The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Feb 19, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. This Chapter contains graphic descriptions of sexual activity between consenting adults. If reading material of this nature offends you or is illegal for whatever reason--please click away now. Otherwise, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy Ben's continuing adventures.


Shout out to the "Italian Stallion" Tony (who asked not to have his last name used). If you wish to be notified when new content in the Doververse or other material is posted please drop me a note at or and I will respond. (If you are kind enough to write me it's the least I can do.) Questions, comments, suggestions and even complaints are always welcome. I don't enjoy the complaints (which have thankfully been few and far between) but I try to learn a little from everyone who writes me.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Beach Bromance CHARACTERS Ben Dover, age 49 -- our dauntless Hero Logan Stanford, age 76 -- Merman Crown Prince Jay Dover, age 15, Ben's Son Corey Carpenter, age 28 -- Merman Guard and a new friend Margaret "Maggie" Carpenter Stanford, Mermaid Queen, Siren and Corey's Mom

"That went over better than expected," Logan observed as the small group made their way back to the guest cottage where Ben had been quartered. "I think you really impressed the Colony!"

"Yeah Dad, you were AWESOME!" Jay said. "I didn't know you could do that mid-air flip/transform! Even a lot of the Mer can't do that!"

"Sounds like y'r absorbin' a lot o' Mer culture boyo," the Texan told his Son. The boy nodded. "I hope ya had a good time here buckaroo..."

"I did..." Jay replied, "but now I'm wondering if that was due to me enjoying myself or the drugs Colin gave me!"

"I can't answer that..." Ben said, giving his Son a "seriously disappointed Dad" face. "I hope ya didn't do anythin' t' embarrass y'rself `r th' fam'ly while you were on that shit!" Jay didn't answer but the boy's expression spoke volumes. "I think maybe ya sh'd go t' y'r room f'r a while an' think about what ya did!" The boy fled without complaint. Ben looked at the other two men. "I REALLY don't wanna know what my Son did, do I?"

"No, Lord Herald," Corey said, casting his eyes downward, "if only for the sake of the Colony..." He gave the heavy pistol at Ben's belt a meaningful glance.

"Son--first of all m' name's Ben-- r Mr. Dover if ya MUST be formal!" the Texan said. "Secondly--angry as I may be, I'm not gonna shoot somebody r even beat `em up over somethin' I didn't see happen! O' course if somebody is dumb enough t' bring it up to m' face...?"

"I didn't take part..." Corey said, "but I knew the kid was drinking and I didn't try to stop him. Sorry, my Lord H--uh--Ben..."

"It's OK Son," the big man said, going over to rub the blond bull's shoulders. "Jay wasn't your responsibility! I can't blame ya f'r what th' boy got up to!"

"I wasn't here for most of it," Logan said. "Corey alerted me to what was happening so I grabbed a flight from Miami and ended up arriving only a couple of hours before you. All I can do is apologize and promise this will be investigated! If any of my people are responsible for bringing drugs into Casa Miramar, I'll see they are disciplined to the fullest!"

Ben's eyes went to Corey. "Son--y'r lookin' a might uncomfortable!" he observed. "Wouldja like to dress more-- `r should I say less?"

"Do you mind?" the blond man asked. "When I'm here I usually wear a hip wrap or some shorts at most--but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable!"

"I'll be fine Son," the big man said. "Boyo--run change if ya want!"

"Thanks!" Corey found a hip wrap stored in a chest near the front door then slipped into the half bath. A few minutes later the blond bull re-emerged wearing just the wrap tied to show off a lot of well-muscled and nicely-tanned hairy leg, Ben found himself appreciating the big younger man's sculpted eight pack with the golden treasure trail up to an "inny" naval and a pair of impressive pectorals adorned with large brown nipples. The arms were strong and bulky but the big man moved with surprising grace. "You like Sir--um--Ben?"

"Very much!" Ben replied, giving the younger man an appraising glance that started at his big bare feet and went all the way up to his short blond curls atop his well-shaped head. The Texan removed his gun belt and offered it to Corey. "Is there some place we c'n store this where it'll be safe?" he asked. "If I'm gonna be a `guest' here I may as well relax!" Corey took the gun and locked it away, handing the Texan a key.

"I can stay here with Jay," Logan offered, "make sure he doesn't get into any mischief... Corey--maybe you could take Ben down to the beach? He might enjoy the chance to swim a bit. We are quite private here and you aren't likely to be disturbed..."

"I didn't bring a bathin' suit..."

Corey let the hip wrap slip, exposing the top of his lush light brown pubic bush. "We don't use `em!" he said saucily. "Let me get you something to wear!" The blond muscle-man padded back to the chest and brought out a blue paisley silken cloth which he tossed to Ben. "That oughta protect your modesty at least as far as the beach.

The big man went into the bedroom and doffed his shirt; Ben was a bit concerned about losing the armor Nils' runes provided but he didn't sense danger from the Mer. He'd proven more than a match for the Sirens and the only Mage he'd met seemed to be at least somewhat on his side. In the end the big man decided to offer trust and vow vengeance if it was broken. He finished undressing than wrapped the silk cloth around his waist, tying it the same way Corey had. "How do I look?" he asked as he stepped back into the Living Room.

"You're fucking beautiful!" Corey breathed, his blue eyes shining and Ben saw the younger man's nipples harden.

"M' `deformity' doesn't bother ya?" Ben asked.

"It's part of what makes you beautiful!" the young muscle man replied. "The eye patch gives you character and knowing how you got it just makes it more awesome! May I--touch you...?"

"Only if I c'n touch ya in return boyo!"

Corey let his muscles ripple. "I don't have a problem with that!" he told Ben. "In fact--I'd like you to touch me..." The big man placed his open palms on Corey's heavy pecs and rubbed; this made the blond muscle puppy arch and purr. "God your hands feel good Ben!"

"Y'r hands feel nice on me too boyo!" the Texan said as Corey caressed and teased his chest and belly. "Hope th' flab doesn't bother ya..."

"It's different but nice..." the blond merman said as he began to explore with more determination. "You get kind of tired of the same perfect bodies all the time! I like..." his hands raked through Ben's lush salt-and-pepper chest hair, "...this!"

"I quite like THIS!" Ben pulled Corey in for a close hug and kissed him slow and deep, grinding his hairy chest into the younger man's hard, smooth musculature. The blond muscle man melted into the embrace, returning the kiss with intense interest!

"You two had better take this into the Herald's bedroom or out to the beach!" Logan told the other two men. "Watching you paw one another is giving me ideas!" Ben looked at the Crown Prince and saw a substantial tent in his hip wrap.

"I may never get another chance to be with you so I'd like our first time to be just us..." Corey told him.

Ben found the younger man's comments oddly disturbing but there was little he could do about it now. "Are ya sure ya want this buckaroo?" he finally asked.

"More than just about anything!" the blond man said. "Come swimming with me Ben! I want to show you my world..."

"Sounds like a plan!" Ben replied as he put a big hand on Corey's bowling-ball butt. "I've wondered what it `ud be like swimmin' in th' ocean as a Mer!" But then he started worrying about Jay. "You'll watch m' Son?" he said to Logan.

"If I'm called away, I'll have several trusted allies here to babysit," the older merman promised. "Considering the headache you gave my Grandson I doubt he'll be up to any mischief for a while yet..."

Ben and Corey made their way to the close-at-hand beach where the blond merman doffed the hip wrap and ran into an incoming wave. When he surfaced Corey had turned into a merman with purple scales that faded to the palest silver-blue on his tail. "Come on in," he called, "the water's fine!"

The Texan took the time to place his and Corey's wrap on a handy chaise before stepping into the warm ocean, walking until he was waist-deep. Only then did Ben give in to the urge and allow himself to transform into his own merform. For a moment Ben found himself overwhelmed with new information; he was sensitive to currents and found he knew where the bottom was and he even had a good idea of the water temperature.

"You OK big guy?" Corey asked, as he swam close. "You look a little overwhelmed!"

"Just processin' stuff..." the older man told him. "I've got a lot o' information floodin' in that I'm not used to..."

"Mersense," Corey said. "It helps us navigate through unfamiliar water and warns of natural danger. We even have something of a weather sense as well--not that we have a lot of weather here in Cabo! It's useful when a winter storm or hurricane is on its way though. When you first transform it can be a bit overwhelming but after a while it becomes second nature to you!"

"Ah..." Ben replied. "Yeah, I'm getting' used t' it already..."

"Just `go with the flow', Dude!" the blond merman encouraged. "After a while ya won't even notice!" Corey led the other man into deeper water and it wasn't long until Ben found himself completely at ease with the knowledge he was gaining; he found he knew where the currents would take him and how dangerous they would be for him to ride, making for an altogether pleasant experience.

"Do ya ever have trouble with Commercial Fisherman?" Ben asked as they spotted a cabin cruiser on the horizon.

"We try to avoid trawlers," the merman told him. "It's easy to get caught in a dragnet and be drowned!"

"Wait--Mermen can DROWN?" This astonished Ben.

"Dude! We don't have gills..." Corey told him. "Yeah, we can totally hold our breaths for a long time but eventually we have to breathe! Dolphin pods do it to solo swimmers--they surround the victim and won't let him come up for air so eventually the poor thing drowns..."

"I could have done without knowin' that..."

"Don't worry big guy, I've got you!" Corey said. "Some of us Mer can speak with cetaceans--me being one--and they don't bother us. Unless, of course, the dolphin or whale has some sort of brain sickness but that doesn't often happen!"

"What about sharks?"

"Sharks are mindless eating machines!" the blond merman told him. "There's no reasoning with any of them! Luckily, we learn how to fight `em off early and most sharks are kinda chicken-shit anyway!"

"Good," Ben said, "I wasn't anxious t' be somebody's dinner!"

"Me either!" the blond man replied. "Luckily, there aren't a lot of sharks close to us! We drove em off and the Dolphins keep em away for us so it's all good!"

The two swam and played for a good while until Corey caught Ben's attention: "let me show you one of my favorite places!" he suggested. He led the Texan into a current which the pair road until they came to a rocky headland. "Head into the beach!" Corey told him. "Follow me!"

Ben followed the good-looking Merman around the headland and into a shallow cave. Here the water was warm and shallow with almost no movement. The blond merman slid himself up until his upper body was clear of the water along with the upper part of his fish body. It took Ben a few tries to figure out how to get himself settled next to his new friend but eventually the pair were lying in the cool sand, conveniently close to touch or kiss as the mood struck them. "Come here often?" the Texan asked.

"It's my `special' place." Corey admitted. "I like to come here when I need to think or want to be with someone special! Unlike some of the Mer, I don't like puttin' on a show for the entire Colony!"

"Is that what happened to m' Son?" Ben asked.

"Yeah," the younger man replied. "Colin had him `pullin' train' for about a dozen guys! From what I hear, Jay seemed to be getting' off on it--but he was a little overwhelmed as well!"

"Fuck!" Ben really wished he hadn't started down this road.

"For what it's worth nobody knew about the drugs..." Corey told the Texan. "They just thought he was `horned up' because you were repressing him so much at home!"

"I guess we'll never know..." Ben said bleakly. "Ah well, maybe it'll teach th' boy a little caution--if it don't turn him into a ravin' Sex Maniac!"

"Jay's a good kid!" Corey told him. "He just got caught up in a crowd he shouldn't be associated with..."

"Which is my fault entirely!" Ben sighed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, big guy!" Corey replied. "You got an `instant teenager' and you had no chance to prepare for it! If you'd raised him up from birth, you'd at least have gotten a chance to figure out the operating instructions! You're doing OK and Jay will be fine! Trust me..."

"You some kind o' soothsayer?" the older man wondered.

"Nah, I just know what it's like to be a `problem child'!" Corey told him.

"Oh really?" Ben looked curiously at the blond merman he was caressing. "Tell me more!"

"You know my Mom is a Siren, right?" Corey said. "She liked to keep a super-tight hold on me--so I'd fight her in every way I could..."

"Ah..." Ben replied. "Sounds like me! M' folks were mighty strict so I'd find ways t' kick over th' traces--an' I'd get my b'hind whupped when m' Daddy caught on! I guess I turned out OK though."

"You did!" the blond young man assured him. "Jay will too! He just has to learn a few rough lessons--same as his Dad!"

"When didja get t' be so wise, buckaroo?"

"When I found out I had TWO ears and ONE mouth, and started using them proportionately!" Corey told him. The younger man came into Ben's arms and kissed him slowly and deeply. "Fuck me. Please?"

"We sh'd prob'ly move deeper into th' water..." Ben said. "Not sure how it `ud work up here!"

"Um--would you have sex with me in human form?" Corey asked. "I've never had a human in my merhole..."

"A cock's a cock ol' Son!" the Texan told him.

"I want my first to be special!" Corey said. "Dumb huh?"

"Not in th' least!" Ben assured the merman even as his body morphed back into human shape. "In a way--you'll be MY first too..."

"I thought you did the nasty with Prince Colin..."

"Rape doesn't count!" Ben told him. The big man picked up Corey and carried the muscular merman deeper into the water then released him when both men were about chest deep in the warm sea. "With Prinny-poo I didn't have a choice! You? I'd make love t' ya in a New York minute' an' take m' `Texas time' doin' it!"

"I like that idea!" Corey said, openly admiring Ben's transformation. "Fuck Dude, you're beautiful! May I suck your cock?"

"If ya want..." The handsome blond merman didn't have to be told twice: he slid under water and dived on Ben's cock and started sucking like a starving man deprived of food. "Slow down buckaroo!" the Texan suggested. "We've got all afternoon an' I `reload' pretty quickly!" Corey obligingly did as instructed, allowing both of them to enjoy the process more as he slowly thrust into the other man's warm, eager mouth. "Ain't that better?"

"Yum!" the blond muscle man said as he came up for air. "I love suckin' you, big guy, but I want that thing inside me--NOW!"

"Y'r wish is my command buckaroo!" Ben moved into position and slid his length into Corey's tight merhole--making the other man groan with pleasure. "Damn, y'r tight Son!"

"I don't get fucked very often..." the blond admitted as he worked Ben with his talented inner muscles. "Does it feel good in there?"

"Damn good!" Ben agreed as he brought his legs around Corey's mer-parts to hold them closer together. The Texan felt the other man's massive erection rubbing against his ass as he moved. "Would ya like t' be inside me boyo?"

"Do you mind?"

"Ever since Coyote gifted me with an easy-open hole' I c'n take pretty much anythin'!" Ben told him. "I don't know if it was th' spell that little turd Colin cast on me r' whether I actually enjoyed it but I'd like t' try it--when I'm in m' right mind' as it were..." The big man reached back and guided Corey's massive erection into his back channel then pushed back to take the massive head inside himself. "Damn Son--didja steal that thing off a horse?"

"I'm just over ten inches as a human--and it's even bigger as a merman!" the blond told him. Ben was able to easily adjust to the massive invader plundering his guts and it wasn't long before the two men had established an easy rocking rhythm. "How's it feel?" Corey finally asked.

"Damn good buckaroo!" Ben said. "'Tops' n' bottoms' is nonsense if ya ask me! I like what I like--if m' partner wants me t' fuck em then m' cock is ready, willin' n' able! If they wanna fuck me, I'm down with that too! Y'r a damn good lookin' man Corey--an', from what little I know of ya, I think we could be real good friends! Don't worry--ya aren't forcin' me and I hope I'm not forcin' you!"

"Not in the least!" Corey told him.

"I'm so glad you're enjoying my Son!" Both men turned to see "Queen Maggie" at the entrance of the cave. "Are you enjoying your first human my boy?"

"Mom--JESUS!" Ben could feel Corey softening inside him as he realized his Mother had surprised them at their fun. "What are you doing here?"

"I wished to speak `privately' with the Adamantine Herald, of course!" she replied. "Now seemed like as good a time as any..."


Ben disengaged from Corey then turned to stare at the woman. "Ya wanted t' talk?" he said. "So, talk!"

"You and my Son clearly have something `very special'..." she observed. "I didn't expect my own flesh-and-blood to go against my wishes but he did! I think that's because of you..."

"The Adamantine Herald' is here to speak truth'!" Corey told her. "All I did was listen! Too bad you couldn't do the same thing..."

"Didja know about this?" Ben asked Corey, a note of accusation in his voice.

"No Sir!" he replied. "I just wish I could say it surprised me!"

"Don't punish Corey for my misdeeds!" the woman said blandly. "That one is too much like his father--he has no head for the `practicalities'!"

"In other words," said Ben coldly, "he puts th' needs o' th' Colony above his own selfish ambitions!"

"I've no idea how he turned out to be such a `goody-goody'!" the Queen said. "If you'd known him in his younger days; oh, the stories I could tell you..."

"That won't be necessary..." Ben said. "I had a `misspent youth' myself an' I turned out OK!"

"What do you want Mom?" Corey's anger was cold but obvious. "Just spit it out, OK?"

"Fine! Herald--you need to reverse your decision!"

"WHAT?" Corey exploded. "Mom--no!"

"Ma'am--it don't work that way!" Ben told her. "If I'm a `true' Herald I must speak TRUTH--not what happens t' be convenient!"

"If I may quote Pontius Pilate-- `what IS Truth'?"

The big man sighed. "Ma'am--rather `n get into some deep philosophical debate, why doncha tell me what ya want?"

"Fine!" the woman said. "I want you to reverse your pronouncement!"


"Then you'll never see my Son again!" the Queen threatened.

"I'd be sorry f'r that Ma'am," Bed admitted, "but it's not gonna change m' mind! If Prince Colin grants th' King immortality he'll be a feeble old man f'r, literally, EVER! If I COULD persuade th' Golden Prince' t' grant his Majesty a second shot at youth that ud put his time t' rule farther back an' I don't seem `im goin' for that!"

"You could persuade him..." the woman wheedled. "Prince Colin has no choice but to listen to you!"

"You don't know that little fuck very well!" Corey opined.

"Listen t' y'r Son!" Ben entreated.

"Do this for me or I'll see your `bromance' with my Son dies aborning!" the woman threatened.

"Mom--have you thought this through?" Corey asked. "Jesus! Assume Ben IS able to `persuade' Prinny-poo to roll the King's clock back! How long do you think he's going to stick with an old hag like you?"

"Corey Jefferson Carpenter!" the Queen shrieked. "How DARE you?"

"Once she gets th' King his youth back she'll start workin' on gettin' it f'r herself..." Ben said.

"Like that's gonna happen!" Corey laughed.

"You think ya c'n be th' mother of a new Dynasty!" Ben accused. "Ma'am--there's NO WAY Prince Colin is gonna allow that!"

"You'd better see that he does if you ever want any hope of EVER seeing my Son again!" the woman railed.

"Sorry Ma'am," Ben said. "I can't."

"Then kiss your `beach blanket bromance' goodbye!" she growled. "You just made a BIG mistake Ben Dover!"

"A mistake' was made Ma'am," the Texan replied, "but it was you who made it! If th' Fates decree I never see Corey again I'll miss im--but at least th' Colony will survive an' avoid Civil War! An', rest assured, ANY o' you who try `n' involve m' fam'ly in Mer politics again--they will NEVER find y'r body! We clear?"

"Corey--are you going to let that--that CREATURE threaten me?"

"Hell Ma--I'll help Ben hide your body!" Corey replied. "You played your hand--and, frankly Mumsie, it was pretty fuckin' WEAK! You want the `Fountain of Youth' you'd better start buying a lot more Barnsdall Pharmaceuticals products!"

"You'll regret crossing me Son..."

"Bye Felicia!" Corey said. He and Ben watched the Siren Queen swim away angrily. "Sorry about that Dude," the surfer blond said once he was sure his Mother was well away. "I guess my Mom spoiled the mood!"

"We'll have other times buckaroo!" the big man told him. "Don't ya worry about that--I don't abandon m' buddies just cause their Mom says I can't see em!"


Next: Chapter 36: Dover and Son 14

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