The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Feb 22, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. Some Chapters (not this one) contain graphic descriptions of sexual activity between consenting adults. If reading such material offends you or you are barred by whatever legality exists in your location then please leave by the way you came in. The Author retains all copyrights blah, blah, blah, boilerplate.

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First of all-- "Right Wing" Snowflakes--this story is marked UNSAFE for your consumption. There are a few lines included here that might cause your tender little heads to explode! If you can't skip past it you might not want to read this Chapter. The next one will be fine for you to read--as will the rest of the book. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and, again, grateful acknowledgement to Bruce Turner, author of Change Has Come--from which I drew a LOT of inspiration for the previous sections. The new stuff comes from my own fevered imagination, any number of "urban fantasies" too numerous to mention and a tiny bit of William Shakespeare.

Questions, comments, suggestions and complaints are always welcome. Drop me a line at or if you have anything to say. Likewise, if you wish to be notified when new content is available, be it the Doververse or anything else I happen to write (I WILL get around to finish one of the other stories--eventually) use the same address and I'll see you are among the first to know.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Missing Fairy Princess


Ben Dover, age 49 -- our God-touched Hero

Jay Dover, age 15 -- Ben's Son

Ethan Gray, age 45 -- Ben's live-in boyfriend

Cliff Dover, age 40 -- Archdruid and Ben's younger brother

John-Thomas Bilodeau, age 42 -- Druid and Mind Magician, Cliff's boyfriend

Montresor "Monty" and Iphigenia "Figgie" -- Pookah sent to spy on Ben

Benjamin Brazos "BB" Wolfe, age 39 - Special Crimes Police Officer

"Auntie" Roger Quartermain, age 45. -- Fairy Godfather

Starjammer AKA James Starr -- Fairy Sage

Oberon AKA Reid Brightwing -- Fairy King of Arden

Titania AKA Keisia Oakash -- Fairy Queen of Arden

The rest of the visit to Casa Miramar proved as awkward as Ben had feared. No sooner had he and Corey made it back to the resort than the Queen had a list of tasks to keep Ben's new merman friend busy with an endless series of jobs that kept him too busy to spend any time relaxing. Likewise, the Queen did her best to make sure the Colony knew how rude and unkind the Texan had been. She had her people make it difficult for anyone to have any kind of pleasant interaction so the big man finally gave up and went to his Villa where he found trouble of a different sort waiting.

Jay lapsed back into "angry teenager" mode when his father refused to admit Colin for a visit. This ended up in a shouting match in which Jay proclaimed his life was "over" when Ben refused the boy access to a phone or laptop. Another fight broke out when the big man caught his son trying to sneak out for a late-night assignation with Colin. In the end Ben remained awake to make sure there were no additional escape attempts. Ben found himself secretly glad when two unfamiliar guards showed up to take the two men to the Airport. Now they sat in stony silence as they made the two-hour flight back to Kings Harbor.

About an hour in, Jay broke the silence: "Dad--are you ever gonna talk to me?"

"What wouldja like me t' say Son?"

"I dunno," the kid said. "Yell at me--slap me around a little if you want..."

"Yellin' won't get through t' ya Son an', unlike you, I won't break `r contract!"

"Are you gonna send me back to Texas?" Jay asked.

"Do ya wanna go back?"

"God, no!" the boy exclaimed. "Please don't send me back to--HER!"

"Son--y'r b'havior has left me precious few options..." Ben said and there was real sadness in his voice. "You know how many rules ya broke--what am I s'posed t' do Son? Just let ya run wild?"

"I WASN'T `running wild' Dad!" Jay protested.

"Really?" Ben gave his son a jaundiced look. "Ya not only left y'r sleepover when I told ya not to, ya fuckin' left the Country! Ya WILLINGLY took a cocktail o' White Lotus and Cocaine an' ya had sex with God-knows-how-many perfect strangers! An', Son, that's just what I know! Wouldja care t' fill in any other details I may have missed?"

"Like you never did anything wrong when you were my age!" the kid snapped. "I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you!"

"Son--I stole m' Daddy's pickup when I was fifteen f'r an' went t' a ditch-bank beer party! On th' way home I ran it off in a ditch! Luckily f'r me nobody got hurt worse n a few cuts n' bruises but I spent th' whole summer on in-house restriction when I wasn't workin' a series o' unpaid jobs until m' Daddy decided I learned m' lesson! I was hardly perfect but I DID learn m' lesson! I also learned what happens when parents don't care enough t' discipline their kids!"

"What's that?" Jay asked.

"They turn out t' be entitled little Shits like y'r boyfriend Colin!" Ben told him.

"Colin's not a bad guy!" Jay protested.

"Do I need t' remind ya of th' reasons y'r in trouble Son?" Ben asked. "Do ya think you'd have done any o' that without y'r boyfriend whisperin' in y'r ear? I certainly don't! I don't know I'm s'posed t' do with you now Jay!"

"I don't either..." the kid replied.

Ben's phone BEEPed with an incoming text from his brother Cliff. "We hafta make a stop at Seacliff before we head home," the big man told Jay. "John-Thomas found th' source o' th' attack on Ethan..."

"Oh my God!" Jay exclaimed. "What happened? Is he OK?"

"Physically he's fine," the big man told him. "Emotionally? I'm not so sure! I had t' leave `im t' run off t' Cabo after you..."

"Sorry Dad..." Jay said. "I didn't know!"

"We'll hafta go confront th' perpetrators," Ben said. "Not lookin' forward t' that!"

"Where are we going?" Jay asked excitedly.

"Not WE as in you n' I," Ben replied, "me n' Ethan! "We hafta go t' Arden!"

"I'd really like to help Dad!" Jay protested.

"Sorry Son, but no!" Ben replied. "Ya don't know enough about Underhill t' be an asset an' I can't afford t' divide m' time watchin' m' own back an' wonderin' what you'll get up to!"

"Sorry I'm not a superhero like you Dad..." Jay was back to sulking.

"I'm hardly a superhero buckaroo," Ben said, trying to make things a little better. "It's just--I've had more experience with this sort o' stuff!"

"Not much!" Jay protested.

"Son--I spent eight years in th' Army, six as a Recon Ranger," Ben told him. "I had almost twenty more years as a Cop--an', yeah, I saved the world! So maybe ya c'd cut me a LITTLE slack?"

"Sorry Dad..."

"Jay--I'm just worried about ya!" Ben said. "I just wanna keep ya SAFE boyo! I'd never f'rgive m'self if I let somethin' else happen t' you!"

"OK, I guess I understand..." Jay finally said. "I hate that somebody tried to hurt Ethan to get to you--and, aw shit!"

"What buckaroo?"

"That's what Colin did to me, wasn't it?" the boy finally said. "He's been chasing me so he could mess with your head! Right?"

"I'm afraid so, Son..." Ben said sorrowfully. "Just r'member boyo--bad choices make good stories later!"

"I don't think I'll be sharing this one around..." Jay allowed, "and I'd appreciate it if you don't either!"

Ben made a `zipping' motion across his mouth. "My lips are sealed Son," he promised. "I'll hafta tell Ethan--but only if he asks. YOU might wanna tell John-Thomas about what happened but I'm sure he'll keep y'r confidence!"

"Do I HAVE to talk to him?" Jay asked. "I don't think I need a Shrink--especially not one who'd my Uncle's boyfriend!"

"Boyo--I didn't think I needed a shrink' either--until I talked with John-Thomas!" the big man replied. "Talk t' him ONCE--tell im what happened down there, an' be honest! After that, if ya don't feel ya need t' speak with him again we'll consider the matter closed!"

"OK Dad..."

"We are on final approach to Silver-King Airport," the Pilot said over the Intercom. "Please stow your Tray Tables, fasten your seatbelts and make sure your chairs are in the fully `upright' position!" The two men followed the instructions as the plane started to land...

There was a tearful reunion at the Airport when Ben was reunited with Ethan (Ethan cried a little too). Eventually though, the Texan got his emotions under control, at least enough to know his lover was absent from work. "Why aren't ya at Future Dynamics boyo?" he finally asked.

"Once I found out who was responsible for attacking me, I made a few calls," Ethan said. "ONE of them was to Russ Cleighbourne asking for a few days off--you know, with your Son being kidnapped and all--and he was nice enough to give me the week off! I also called in a few favors so we'll have help since we need to go to Arden!"

"Sometimes it pays t' date a former `CIA Operative'!" Ben observed. When they pulled up to the front of Seacliff Manor there was B.B. Wolfe's black and red Livewire, an unfamiliar BMW electric crossover and a familiar pink classic Caddy with plush leopard interior the man knew belonged to "Auntie' Roger Quartermain--former Lineman for the Dallas Cowboys (back when they were still "America's Team") and now local Gadabout. "What's he doing' here?" Ben wondered.

"In addition to being Kings Harbor's leading Social Gadfly, Roger also happens to be a Fairy Godfather!" Ethan said. "Didn't you ever wonder why he seemed to know so much about, literally, everything?"

"Who's `Auntie' Roger?" Jay wondered.

"Suffice it t' say he's someone worth knowin'," Ben told his son.

Ben's brother Cliff and his live-in lover John-Thomas came boiling out of the front doors followed at a more sedate pace by BB Wolfe, looking dark and dangerous, a fantastically-garbed Roger Quartermain (this time in Khaki shorts and a floral Hawaiian Shirt that went with his elaborate flower-bedecked Pith Helmet, and, James Starr--AKA the Fairy Sage Starjammer. Montresor and Iphigenia were the last to approach. Monty had regained his happy-go-lucky attitude while Figgie was even more pensive than usual. Greetings were exchanged all around.

"Hoi!" the male Mastiff said, putting his big head under Jay's hand so his ears could be scratched. "I was wowwied about you! I gwad you is safe!"

"We'd be happy to pay the Mer back for their mischief!" Figgie offered.

"That won't be necessary," Ben said.

Cliff gave Jay a fierce hug. "We were all worried about you kid!" he exclaimed. "Don't ever do something stupid like that again!"

"No Sir..." Jay said quietly. "I'm sorry I scared everybody. Dr. Bilodeau, my Dad says I have to talk to you..."

"You don't HAVE to do anything Jay," the tall, slim Druid replied. "It might help if you talked with someone who will listen without judgement though. If not me, then someone..."

"Can we maybe talk when there aren't so many people are around?" the kid asked.

"Sure thing kiddo!" John-Thomas promised. "We'll have lots of time to talk while your Dad and his allies are in Arden."

"So. Jim," Ben said to the Fairy Sage. "Ya haven't fled back Underhill with th' rest o' th' Fey?"

"His `Angry Orangeness' hasn't seen fit to out me as yet..." the attractive silver-haired man replied. "I'm a Registered Republican and I make sure I don't draw attention to myself."

"A Fey' Republican makes even less sense than a gay' one!" John-Thomas commented.

"It wasn't that long when the GOP actually stood for something," Starjammer replied. "I hope it one day will again..."

Cliff led them all into the estate's Dining Room where a nice brunch buffet was laid out. Nothing had been provided on the flight (likely one final "Fuck You" from Queen Maggie) so Ben and Jay set to with eager anticipation. The other men (with the notable exception of BB Wolfe) ate rather lighter meals although the Wolfe matched Ben bite for bite. "So, what d' we know?" Ben finally asked.

"The attack was ordered by Queen Titania of Arden herself," Starjammer told the men. "I don't know why she would do it--particularly considering Her Majesty hasn't been on Earth since the days of Shakespeare!"

"Wait!" Jay popped up. "That stupid play is REAL???"

"Replace Theseus and Hippolyta with Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn and it could be a `history' play," the Fairy Sage replied.

"Boom!" exclaimed Jay. "That's the sound of my mind being totally BLOWN!"

"Welcome t' my world Son..." Ben replied with a wry grin. "I have m' mind blown on a fairly reg'lar basis now."

"If she wanted our attention, she certainly has it now!" BB commented.

"She does indeed!" Ethan said. "I don't enjoy being used as a pawn in somebody's game!"

"If the Queen wanted a favor from Dad, why didn't she just ASK?" Jay wondered.

"I was curious about that m'self..." Ben admitted.

"Likely it has something to do with Montresor," Starjammer said, glancing at the Pookah who was still being petted by Jay, between bites of his brunch at least. "He is Oberon's creature! If Titania was up to something she didn't want His Majesty to know she would make sure Montresor was kept ignorant."

"While what you say is true, your conclusion is incorrect," Figgie opined. "Montresor and I were both called back to Arden! The Titania may have ordered the attack on Mr. Gray but the Oberon supported it!"

"I gots to agwee," Monty put in.

"Then I will defer to the Pookahs on this one," the Fairy Sage said. "I guess that puts us back at Square One."

"So--we go t' Arden an' ASK!" Ben said.

"After we find and kick the ass of whomever attacked me!" Ethan added.

"Who's going then?" Auntie Roger asked. "I'll be going along, of course! I've worked with both the Oberon and the Titania and I may be able to smooth some of the rough patches..."

"I need to go to make sure we can use the Henge to get us there and back again." Cliff said. "John-Thomas, maybe you can stay here and talk with Jay while we're gone?"

"Sounds like a plan!" the Mind Mage agreed. "You OK with that Jay?"

"Since I can't go to Arden with my Dad..."

"Ben and Ethan both need to go as well," BB put in, "and I'd like to go along: you might need some more brute muscle!"

"The Pookahs and I shall complete the party," Starjammer said. "You'll need a guide once you arrive in Arden!"

"Can I come?" Jay asked. "I'm worried about my Dad going down there if it's dangerous..."

"Son--it `ud be more dangerous if ya came with us!" Ben told him. "I'd be more worried about ya than watchin' my own back!"

"Arden is not without its dangers," Figgie added. "Fairies generally aren't dangerous but there are Pixies, Nixies, Pookahs and other Spirits of Earth, Air and Water that can be--hostile to humans... You would be far safer here, young Jay!"

"The kid sighed dramatically. "I just wanted to help..."

"An' I appreciate that Son, truly I do!" Ben said, "but I've already explained why ya can't go! I think th' subject is closed!" He turned to the othesr. "When sh'd we go?"

"No time like the present!" BB observed.

"I took the liberty of arranging for weapons!" Auntie Roger said. The gorgeous creature disappeared and returned a few minutes later with arms full of Super Soakers ™ loaded with yellow liquid.

"What's in there," Jay asked. "Piss?"

"Lemon juice!" Auntie Roger told him. "It won't stop everything we meet in Arden but it should take care of the Fairies, Pixies, Nixies and a few other air spirits! Ben, BB, I have special bullets for your guns if you want to change yours out before we go!"

"Load me up!" the Texan said and BB nodded his agreement.

"The Oberon and Titania aren't going to like that you brought those weapons into Arden!" Starjammer commented.

"Then they shouldn't have attacked my partner!" Ben growled.

"Um--one more dumb question..." Jay said. "I've heard the folks from there refer to the King and Queen as THE Oberon and THE Titania! That seems like a weird construction for some reason..."

"Good question!" the Fairy Sage opined. "'Oberon' and Titania' aren't names! They are Titles! Hence, THE Oberon and THE Titania! The Fairy King and Queen are elected once every hundred years and during their reign they are simply addressed as Oberon and Titania. Fairies don't hold with the your Majesty' nonsense!"

"Ah--so we just address `em as Oberon an' Titania then?" Ben asked.

"It's what the locals do," Figgie told him. "Please, just address them POLITELY! The current Titania isn't very fond of humans."

"Then maybe she shouldn't have attacked my Dad's boyfriend!" Jay snarked. "That would have avoided a lot of this!"

"Very true, young man!" Starjammer agreed. "Still, we must play the hand we're dealt. Are we ready to go gentlemen?"

"Ready as we'll ever be, I s'pose..." Ben allowed. Decision made, everyone made their way to the Henge with John-Thomas and Jay remaining outside the outer ring of stones. Cliff used his Druidic mojo to synch the Henge with Arden and the only change Ben really noticed was his son and brother's mate disappearing. "Don't look much different than where we started...." he observed.

"Give it time," the Fairy Sage told him. "Hmm--it seems they have a path they wish us to follow." He pointed.

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!" Ethan sang. "Follow the yellow brick road! Follow, follow, follow, follow! Follow the yellow brick road!"

"Hopefully we won't hafta deal with th' Wicked Witch o' th' West!" Ben commented as he set off down the path after Starjammer.

"No Witches here," the Fairy Sage replied. "Spirits aplenty and some of them quite `wicked' I assure you--but no witches!"

The Yellow Brick Road proved to be an easy meandering path that took the party through a scenic countryside of light forests, pretty meadows and gently rolling hills. They passed a few babbling brooks and one rather large lake where Ben saw some attractive (and very busty women) wave enticingly. "Those are Undines," Starjammer told them. "They are as beautiful as they are dangerous! I'd avoid them at all costs if I were you--unless you want to end up a pile of desiccated bones at the bottom of the lake!"

"Sorry ladies," Ben said, tipping an imaginary hat. "Thanks, f'r th' kind offer but I'll pass!"

"What's the matter sweetie?" one of them teased. "Can't handle a REAL woman?"

"Let's go with that!" the man quipped as he stepped up his pace a little to get away from the large lake. After a while the breeze around them picked up and the Texan found he was unable to stop it with the power of his mind. "Why do I feel th' wind is watchin' us?"

"Air Elemental," Cliff opined. "Don't start anything with one of them--I'd like to keep breathing!"

The strong wind continued as they walked along until they saw a tall, good-looking sandy haired guy with blue eyes ambling toward them. He smiled at the group and waved. "Hey Ethan--good to see you again!"

"You fucking son-of-a-BITCH!" the blond gymnast growled as he rushed forward and punched the man hard in the jaw. This was followed by several more body blows, finishing up with a hard kick to the crotch!

"Dude--OW!" the stranger groaned. "Why did you DO that?"

"That's for fucking with me!" Ethan snapped. "And I DON'T mean in bed!"

"Dude!" the stranger said, getting up painfully. "When the Titania says `do something' her loyal subjects do it! Nothing personal--honest!"

"For me, it was VERY personal!" Ethan growled. "Your little prank almost destroyed the best relationship I ever had!"

"If a little spell of contrariness could fatally damage your relationship maybe you didn't have that much of one to begin with!" the stranger countered hotly.

"Jenks--maybe you should stop talking now..." Starjammer advised. "Ethan is protected against your `pixilation' and he could easily kill you if he chose to! You might consider apologizing before this gets any worse..."

"Sorry guy," the Pixie said, giving every indication he wasn't sorry in the least. "Really--it was nothing personal!" Ethan just growled and eased on down the road. "Humans can be SO touchy!" was the last thing they heard him say before Jenks was lost behind the curve of a hill.

"It seems Her Majesty wants us in her presence sooner rather than later," Starjammer observed after they had walked for a few minutes. "See that arch of trees just down the road? That will take us directly to the Throne Room!"

" Don't look much diff'rent than anythin' else we passed," Ben commented.

"Remember, my friend," Starjammer replied. "Weather is an act of Will in Underhill! The temperature stays where the Oberon and Titania wish and only a rogue Elemental would be foolish enough to challenge them! Underhill only has architectural elements for effect."

Within about five minutes the party had entered the "Throne Room" of Arden; it was merely a large flat clearing among the trees with two amazing thrones that appeared to be made of gold inlaid with jewels and extensive enamel work of flowers and fruit. The Titania was a lushly-built woman with honey-colored hair and amber eyes. She was voluptuously-built and had creamed-coffee skin. Her wings looked like a Monarch Butterfly's and she wore a silken wrap in an ombre of orange and yellow that barely contained her curves. The Oberon was at least as tall as Ben and just about as beefy. His hair was auburn and an impressive thatch covered his broad, muscular chest and well-developed legs. His eyes were emerald green. His wings were in shades of green and blue and he wore a simple kilt in the same shade as his eyes. "Welcome to Arden Mortals!" he said in a jovial bass-baritone.

"Took you long enough to get here!"

"Titania--don't!" The Oberon's voice went from jovial to commanding in a snap. "Please gentlemen--take seats! We're all friends here!" Comfortable padded chairs, hardly as ornate as the Thrones but looking comfortable materialized near each man.

Ben took a seat. "Ya want t' see us, m Lord, m' Lady?"

"Doesn't it know how to speak it's own language?" the Queen said to Oberon,

"It's a regionalism, my dear!" the King told her. "Gentlemen--may we offer you food or drink?"

"Thank you but no, my Lord Oberon," Cliff interjected quickly. "We've no wish to take more of your time than necessary."

"Ya wanted us here," Ben said bluntly. "We're here! Now--care t' tell us WHY Queenie?"

"He's not much for the `niceties' of Court, is he?" Titania drawled.

"You attacked his chosen love my Queen!" the redhead replied a bit tartly. "You should have expected no less!"

"Ya wanted m' attention, the Texan snapped. "Now ya have it! I'm gonna ask ya ONE FINAL TIME! What d' ya want?" Ben's cold anger caused the temperature in the Throne Room to drop precipitously and snow to begin falling.

"How DARE he?" The Titania was ready to explode in anger.

"My Queen, I'm not sure Ben consciously knows what he's doing..." Starjammer soothed. "If you would simply negotiate with him then the Mortals will be on their way!"

"It's not my request to make, my Queen," the Fairy King commented: Ben noticed the Oberon's nipples stood out large and pink against the red chest fur.

"Fine!" the Queen exploded. "My daughter is missing on the Surface and I want her found!"

"Havin' just had m' Son taken from me against m' will I c'n see y'r anger an' frustration!" Ben said, somewhat more kindly. "O' course, Ma'am--ya could have simply ASKED f'r m' help..."

"That's not her way," the King said. "I, on the other hand, am not too proud to ask for help! Lirissia Oakash isn't a child of my loins but she's a good kid! If you could find her and return her safely to us all of Arden would be in your debt!"

"Do ya know if she's still alive?" Ben asked. "These days th' `Surface World' c'n be mighty dangerous f'r th' Fey right now!"

"We know all too well," the King told him. "But Lirissa is headstrong like her Mother and she wanted to visit a `Betsy' Club in your Kings Harbor: our Court Sage says she is alive but we haven't the power to locate her..."

"D' ya know which Club?" Ben asked. "Kings Harbor has a few."

"No," the Queen said. "We just know she wanted to see a band called `Cat's Laughing' play..."

"They had an exclusive show at The Magic Dragon' a couple of Saturday's ago..." Cliff said. "John-Thomas and I went. I didn't see any Fairy girl's though--but we should ask John-Thomas; his True Sight' is better than mine and he pays closer attention to things..."

"Please Odin-touched! Find my daughter! Save her!"

This statement touched Ben's heart: it was the first real concern he'd seen for the girl from her Mother. "We'll do our best Ma'am..." Ben promised. A two-week old lead wasn't much to go on but at least it was something and the Texan vowed he'd find the girl and bring her home.


Next: Chapter 37: Dover and Son 15

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