The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Apr 9, 2020


This is a work of gay-themed romantic fantasy. If you don't wish to read a story which may contained explicit descriptions of sex (you can guess what kind and what are you doing trolling Nifty you Perv?) or it is illegal in your city, county, state, country (since Nifty reaches a world-wide audience) then do us both a favor and click away NOW! Otherwise--enjoy!

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Shout out one final time to Tripp Savidge, author of The Lab: his work and his characters inspired this section of my story. His stuff is "interesting" (and will take you a LONG time to get through so you'll have something to occupy yourself while we all endure quarantine). Check it out: you might like it.

Do you want to see yourself immortalized in gay porn? Drop me a note to or with your suggestions or character requests. Questions, comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. Likewise, if you wish to be notified when new "Doververse" (or other) content is publish you can use the above e-Mails for your request and I'll see you are among the first to know.

Dover and Son is nearing completion; do you want more of Ben's adventures or would you like to see stories with other Characters featured in this or The Dover Brothers. I'm deciding what to work on next so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

CHAPTER 23: Taking Stock

CHARACTERS Ben Dover, age 49 -- our Hero "Scooter Brown", age 538 -- Ben's Brownie Housekeeper Jay Dover, age 15 -- Ben's Son Ethan Gray, age 45 -- Ben's live-in Lover Montresor, age ? -- Pookah, formerly a Spy for King Oberon Brian Barnsdall, age 19 -- "acting" CEO of Barnsdall Pharmaceuticals Donte Benedict, age 32 -- Recently-freed Werepanther

"It seems like f'rever since we've had th' family t'gether f'r a pleasant dinner," Ben observed, casting his eyes from his Son to his live-in boyfriend Ethan. "We should do this more often!"

"Indeed Sir!" Scooter agreed as he served up a breakfast of Chicken Fried Steak and Eggs, authentic Southern-style Grits and fresh homemade biscuits with butter and honey. He'd even provided a rasher of bacon for Montresor should anyone at the table want to give the Pookah a treat. "I hope you are done with your adventures for a while at least..."

"My Dad's a total PALADIN!" Jay said proudly. "He'll NEVER be done with his adventures!" Ethan made a loud "kiss, kiss" noise which caused Jay to toss a biscuit at the blond man.

"You're still on restriction Son..." the Texan said, but he gave Jay a quick hug. "Which reminds me--have y' spoken with Colin since we got back from Cabo?"

"A few times," the younger Dover replied. "He's upset that his folks are getting divorced! I'd really like to go see him..."

"Restriction, boyo!" Ben repeated. "You're stuck here until ya start school!"

"How `bout if I want to try out for Football?" Jay asked.

"If ya want t' do that one of us will hafta take ya to an' from practice," Ben told him, "an' you'll be takin' Montresor with ya--less y'r boyfriend get another wild hair up is ass!"


"You broke your Father's trust Jay..." Ethan put in. "Thanks to Colin you got into serious trouble! You could have been killed! So could one of the rescue party that went in after you..."

"I'm really sorry, Dad!" Jay exclaimed.

"I know buckaroo," the Texan said. "You didn't mean for any of this to happen but it did! We live in a very strange world an' bein' related t' me puts ya right in th' center o' things; ya gotta learn t' be a bit more cautious!"

"I know Dad," Jay replied, "and I'll be more careful--I promise!" Ben couldn't help but notice how much his fifteen-year old Son had grown up over the past few days. He'd grown himself another couple of inches and the undefined "boy body" had been replaced with hard lean muscle with lots of leg hair. When Jay started school the big man knew his son would be breaking a lot of hearts with that tousled strawberry blonde hair and those "Dover Blue" eyes of his. He just hoped Jay was ready for it. "I've learned my lesson Dad--I swear!"

"I hope so Son," Ben told him, "but there are consequences t' bad behavior! Better t' learn that now than later..."

"Changing the subject to something more pleasant..." Ethan said. "Now that our little family' has grown don't you think it's time we think about relocating to someplace more family friendly' than the heart of the Gayest neighborhood in Kings Harbor?"

"What d' you think buckaroo?" the big man asked Jay. "Ya ready t' leave the Firehouse?"

"Can Catfish come with us?" the boy asked. "I don't think it would be right to throw him out on his own!"

"He's doin' much better now," Ben replied, "but if he's not ready t' move out on his own I won't throw `m out!"

"If he doesn't want to leave the Firehouse does that mean we can't move?"

"We'll hafta do a lot o' talkin' boyo..." Ben said. "Truth t' tell--I've been thinkin' `bout movin' on from here. This place is an awesome Bachelor Pad but it don't work as a fam'ly house--even with a fam'ly as unconventional as ours!"

Jay looked concerned. "Are you mad that we have to leave here Dad?" he asked. "I know you love this place!"

"I do," the big man agreed, "but I also know I have a fam'ly now an' I hafta consider y'alls needs as well as m' own!"

"So what happened to Iphigenia?" Ethan asked.

"Now that Queen Titania got her daughter safely back in Arden th' Queen didn't think she needed a spy here any longer," the Texan told them. "Montresor is happy enough t' stay with us here--for now at least..."

"Yup!" the Mastiff-shaped Pookah agreed. "You is funny an' dere is no Bacon in Ahden!" The massive tail thumped a few times. "Speaking of dat--is dere bacon fo' good dawgs?" Jay tossed Monty a piece which the Pookah caught in midair and gulped down. "Yum!"

"I'm glad you're staying with us Monty!" Jay said. "You're a good dog and I'd miss you if you left us."

"I is heah fo' da duration!" the Pookah told them. "I p'oteck you an' Ben an' Effan an' Catfish..."

"Thanks ol' Son!" Ben said, tossing Monty another piece of bacon which disappeared as fast as the others had.

"What's on your schedule for today?" Ethan asked.

"I have a visit with Brian Barnsdall this mornin'," Ben replied, "then I'm gonna check in with Donte Benedict an' Father Mark' at th' St. Mychel Judge Center downtown. Some o' th' Fey were there an' I understand he's been worried bout `em since they disappeared. I'm startin' a new project at work tomorrow convertin' an' old Methodist Church t' a private home."

"Here's hoping they won't be as maddening as Nick and Adam!" Ethan commented.

"Connal an' Alex seem nice enough," Ben said. "Kind o' strange--but it takes a `unique' mindset t' buy a Church an' convert it into a home! About th' weirdest thing I'm likely t' encounter is Alex in full Drag!"

"I can't decide if that's cool or weird!" Jay said.

"You've met em both already boyo," Ben told his son. "R'member when we went t' th' Steampunk event at th' Railroad Museum above Silverton? Connal was the guy in th' kilt an' Alex was goin' as Alexia Tarabotti'--th' `gal' in th' Victorian Camo gown..."

"Oh my God--that was a DUDE?"

"Yup!" Ben said, "100% American male--an' that was all his own hair to boot!"

"You didn't know?" Ethan seemed surprised to hear this.

"Nope!" Jay admitted. "I just thought it was a really tall, not that pretty lady!"

"Never say that t' Alexia's' face!" Ben cautioned. "Some o' those fancies' she carries have sharp points! I'd hate f'r ya t' lose an eye..."

"I've laid out your dress clothes Sir..." Scooter offered. "You can change at your leisure."

----------Later that morning, Barnsdall Pharmaceuticals----------

The hour-long drive from Kings Harbor to Silverton was a pleasant one; Ben started out listening to Talk Radio but after a long screed from a host on the "Patriot" Channel against "Exotics" in general and "Fairy-tale Aliens" in particular he switched to The Highway and spent the rest of the trip listening to classic Country. He did wonder what had set the Right Wing off THIS time though...

Finally he pulled up to the Guarded Front Gate. "Ben Dover t' see Mr. Barnsdall!" he said to the attendant.

The Attendant smirked but was professional enough to check his roster. "Ah--there you are!" he said. "Ben Dover. That's an--interesting name! Didja get teased a lot?"

The big man gave the Attendant his best smile. "Son--I'm six-foot four o' twisted steel an' sex appeal!" he said with a wink. "I played smash-mouth' Texas football; anybody dumb enough t' tease me r m' brothers got their teeth knocked out! Most folks in our little town learned quickly enough!"

"Um--sorry Sir..." the attendant said, hastening to open the gates. "Go on in!" Having been there before, Ben drove directly to the Administration Building; when he checked in at the Front Desk there was no trouble being admitted. The big man was in "Mr. Barnsdall's Office" less than five minutes after arriving.

The CEO's Office was much as Ben expected with one critical exception. The room was done in elegant neutral tones and the furnishings likely cost more than every piece in the Texan's Firehouse. Brian Barnsdall sat behind the desk, his blank, milky-gray eyes staring forward while his father stood silently facing a wall. The former CEO didn't turn to see who had come in and if one couldn't see his shallow breath he might have thought the man was a statue. "Hello Mr. Dover, thank you for coming," the younger Barnsdall said politely.

Ben took a seat, his single blue eye moving from the young man behind the desk to his father in the corner. "Enjoyin' torturin' y'r Dad?" he asked.

"Not at all," Brian replied bluntly. "In spite of the many inventive ways Dad developed to torture me into bringing out my psychic abilities, I don't enjoy hurting anyone--especially him! You may not believe it Mr. Dover but I still love my Father... If I didn't need him here to pick his brain to help me run this company or have him here as a figurehead I'd let my Father `retire' to a quiet cottage where he could live his life out of the public eye."

"But you can't do that because..."

"I'm nineteen years old and my Father didn't allow me to finish High School!" the younger Barnsdall said without emotion. "We are a multinational drug company with over a thousand employees in this plant alone! And that's not counting our overseas plants. We produce some drugs that are actually medically needed. Much as I would like to I can't let this place go under!"

Ben nodded. The big man didn't like to see even a horrible excuse for a human like Peter Barnsdall suffer but he was just as sure the former CEO would never have changed his ways. "How's th' transition t' th' formulas Kevin McMasters gave ya goin'?"

"Slowly," Brian admitted, "but we are making the change! I'm certain the Mad Toymaker wouldn't let us stay in business if I were to follow my Father's Operations model. I'm sure he's spying on every move I make!"

"Why is that?" Ben wondered.

"Because that's what I'd do in his place!" Brian replied bluntly. "If McMasters didn't have some way to check in on my operation what would prevent me from going back to my former model? After all--it worked for my Father!"

"It almost started a war with Underhill!" Ben growled.

"Which I trust you prevented," Brian replied coolly. "If anyone could do it, you could! That's why I `persuaded' Father to kidnap your Son! How is Jay?"

"Recoverin' nicely," Ben replied. "Th' boy is made o' strong stuff!"

"He's a Dover!" the younger Barnsdall commented. "I'd expect nothing less!"

"Flattery will get ya nowhere, young Mr. Barnsdall!" Ben said, rather more forcefully than he'd intended. "I don't take kindly t' folks screwin' with youngsters in general an' it really pisses me off when it's my kid in particular!"

"You're a good Father," Brian said and Ben thought he heard a touch of envy in the young man's voice. "If my own Father had been a little more like you, none of this would have ever happened! Of course, then I wouldn't have met you either..."

Ben wondered if young Brian was playing a long game but the younger Barnsdall was ahead of him again. "I may not be able to coerce you Mr. Dover," he said, "but your mind is an open book! I know you'll never trust me; in your place I certainly wouldn't! But that doesn't mean I can't be a little sad for what might have been! I could use someone who cares as deeply as you do for your loved ones in my life. I'm sorry that's not going to be you--but I hope maybe we can be friends one day!"

"I never say never," Ben replied. "Who knows? Maybe it'll happen!"

"Are you going to speak to Kevin McMasters soon? Do give him my best!"

"I spoke t' him last night," the Texan allowed. "He told me he's keepin' an eye on you."

"And you trust him?" Brian asked.

"I do," the older man replied.

"Why him and not me?"

"Because if Kevin McMasters wanted t' rule th' world he'd be doin' it!" Ben replied bluntly. "Furthermore--most folks `ud likely be happy t' let him do it! But my awen an' my experience with th' man tells me he'll let us make our own choices! You, on t' other hand have shown ya c'n be just as ruthless as y'r father; frankly, ol' Son, that scares me!"

"I understand," Brian replied. "I did what I felt was necessary to stop my Father; I'm sorry if you don't like my methods..."

Ben looked over at the senior Barnsdall. "Ya turned y'r Father into a zombie!" he said. "That doesn't make me comfortable."

"If I hadn't Barnsdall Pharmaceuticals would have gone back to `proven methods' and we'd all be back to Square One," Brian replied calmly. "This isn't my preferred method but it's the least of the bad choices I could make."

"My awen agrees with ya," Ben confessed. "Look Brian--I'm sorry t' be so judgey'--but that's th' way I am! Ya were dealt a bad hand an' y'r doin' th' best with what ya were dealt. I admire that; maybe we'll never be friends' exactly but I'm happy to help out. If ya need me I'm only a phone call away `r a mental shout in a dire emergency."

"Thank you for that Ben," the younger Barnsdall said. "I truly appreciate it."

----------Later at Donte Benedict's Loft----------

Ben drove back into town, parked his pickup at the Firehouse and strolled across the bridge to the Home Factory, a former Shirt Manufactory that had been turned into high-end lofts on the DeKoven Canal. The Texan greeted the Concierge and was "buzzed up" to Donte Benedict's loft. When the cocoa-skinned Werepanther greeted Ben at the door, wearing only a pair of sweat pants (Donte wasn't much for clothing at home) he gave the Texan a surprised smile. "Oh hey, I thought you were the UPS guy!"

"Sorry no," the big man replied. "May I come in f'r a bit?"

"Sure thing, big guy! Anything for you!"

The Texan came in and found a place to sit on Donte's big sectional sofa, accepting a beer from his host who sat down as well. "I just wanted t' check on ya," he said. "How `r' ya doin' ol' Son?"

"Recovering," Donte said, a fearful shadow crossing his gold-flecked green eyes. "I'm having nightmares about being kidnapped and tortured--some of it mixed up with weirdly erotic shit so I'm a little freaked out..."

"Have ya called John-Thomas?"

"I'm seeing him first thing tomorrow," the dancer replied. "Do you think he can help me?"

"John-Thomas's specialty is `Mind' Magic," Ben told the other man. "Jay is seein' him an' he seems to have recovered nicely from his capture!"

"Being a `Dover' I'm sure you'd expect nothing less!"

"He may be a Dover'," Ben replied, "but he's only fifteen--an' lived a somewhat sheltered life! Jay has a hard road ahead o' him but I'm not gonna force im t' pretend nothin' happened. I want him t' deal with th' trauma an' I'll be there t' help him along th' way."

"Is that why you're here?"

"I check on m' friends!" Ben told him. "Bad dreams aside, how are ya doin'?"

"Surprisingly well." Donte said. "The Toymaker came up with a plausible story and planted enough evidence for the police that they bought the idea I'd been kidnapped by a group of Exotic' haters! Of course, it doesn't hurt that it has happened in several other places already... I could have done without being outed' as a Werepanther but, oddly enough, it's made me a lot more marketable! My old Agent is throwing all kinds of modeling and dance jobs my way all of a sudden!"

"You gonna give up teachin'?"

"I don't think so," Donte told him. "The School Administration understands I was kidnapped' so they aren't holding my unexcused absence' against me! They've also been super-understanding about me having to `come out' as an Exotic. In fact--my Fall Quarter classes are already filled up with pre-registrations! I know I'm just the Flavor-of-the-Month but I'm going to ride that Gravy Train for as long as it'll run!"

"Good plan!" Ben said. "I'm glad th' College is bein' so cooperative!"

"Too bad they couldn't have shown you that same spirt," Donte said. "I'll bet you were an awesome Instructor!"

"I did OK," Ben said, "but, truth-t'-tell, I didn't feel called t' do that. I didn't mind when they shit-canned me! Honestly, I'm enjoyin' m' buildin' projects more than I ever did teachin'!"

"Would you go back to Police work if you could?"

The question surprised Ben. "Truth t' tell, I never thought about it..." the big man admitted. "I was a good Cop an' I felt called t' th' job. That bein' said, it cost me m' Son Dougie, m' wife an' unborn daughter! I'm not regrettin' m' new life an' fam'ly but there's always that hurt knowin' they died because o' me."

Donte hugged the big man. "It wasn't your fault Ben!" he whispered.

"I know," the Texan replied. "It was a Mexican Drug Cartel that overstepped th' boundaries! I stayed with th' Houston PD long enough t' make sure th' folk responsible either ended up dead `r in jail. I wouldn't risk losin' Jay t' gun violence so I guess my Police days are done!"

"Your going to lose him to the Mer though..." Donte commented.

"Heard about that didja?" Ben said, a wry smile crossing his broad, handsome face.

"Not really..." the other man said. "I just had a chance to observe Jay and Colin at Club K. I saw Colin assume his Merform at the South Beach Lagoon and Jay joined him in the water! A couple of Mermaids saw it as well and they wondered if Jay was the "Silver Prince' that was part of some ancient prophecy!"

Ben sighed. "Yep, my boyo is th' Silver Prince' born t' be companion t' Colin's Golden Prince', `r so it seems," he said. "Colin made another dumbass move an' Jay locked his powers down f'r th' duration! I'm guessin' they may have changed roles sexually as well..."

"Does any of that bother you?"

"I love my Son," Ben replied without hesitation. "Jay is who he is an' I love him unconditionally! That don't mean I won't worry `bout th' buckaroo t' m' dyin' day but I think I've raised up a pretty good boy! Yeah, he made a mistake but he learned from it! Who could ask for more?"

"You're a good Dad," Donte said.

"Thanks f'r sayin' so," Ben replied. "I'm not sure Jay would agree with ya right now though."

"He'll thank you later!" the Werepanther told him. "So--will I be seeing you at Carl's birthday party?"

"Excuse me?"

"Didn't you check your e-mail?" Donte seemed surprised to find Ben caught flat-footed. "Please tell me you just didn't check your e-Mail not that Carl didn't invite you..."

"I haven't had a chance t' check it!" Ben relayed. "Gimmie a sec..." The big man brought out his Android Phone and found his recent correspondence. "Yep, `birthday party' this Saturday!" he informed Donte. "Guess I'd better talk t' Ethan about that..."


Next: Chapter 46: Dover and Son 24

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