The Dover Brothers

By Ron Venable

Published on Dec 7, 2019


This is a work of gay romantic fantasy fiction. If you don't wish to read a story with a homosexual theme and graphic descriptions of gay sex then you know what to do. Ta-ta! (And what were you doing on Nifty in the first place you perv?)

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Solstice has come for the Detective and the Druid; I hope you enjoy their continuing adventures. I am NOT a Pagan so I don't know how accurate the description of the celebration may be. If anyone is offended by my fictionalized interpretation of their faith I extend a heartfelt apology. I'm not trying to be disrespectful it's just a matter of time and available resources.

Questions, comments, suggestions and complaints are always welcome. Drop me a note at and I WILL respond (if only with a "thank you for reaching out"). I'm really curious to find out how well you are enjoying my characters and plot. Tell me who you want to see more (or less of) or feel free to give me any suggestions you may have. I love to hear from you.

Speaking of "hear from you"--shout out to Dave. I hope my use of semicolons meets your approval.

CHAPTER EIGHT: Solstice Night


Ben Dover, Age 46 -- part time Detective

Cliff Dover, Age 38 -- Archdruid

John-Thomas Bilodeau, Age 41 -- Druid Apprentice and Cliff's boyfriend

Nils Gustafsen, Age 32 -- English Instructor at Kings College

Special Agent Ethan Gray, Age 44 -- CIA Department of Exotic Affairs

Charles Corbett "CC" Foxworth, Age 37 -- Artist

Rupert "Roops" Forbes, Age 35 -- Graphic Designer and Druid

Seamus Kennedy, Age 40 -- solo Druid

Bill Blacklocke, Age 39 -- Alpha, Western Werewolf Pack

CPO Levi Evans, Age 27 -- Coast Guard Officer and Neophyte Druid

The sun was setting in a clear blue sky as the "Sundowners" (a westerly breeze off the Pacific) cooled off the Central California Henge. The place was abuzz with activity as the Druids and their associates prepared for the Solstice Night Celebration. Being one of the Druids most important Holy Days, Cliff wanted everything to be perfect--especially considering the Sons of Purity had promised to disrupt the event. Preparations were somewhat behind schedule since the Druids had been busy setting up tricks traps and wards to keep "unwanted intruders" off the property. Ben carried boxes from the main house and helped set things up in and around the Henge. Tables for the feast, a stage for live music and a bar all had to be set up; it was going to be one HELL of a party!

The Henge was an (almost) exact one-to-one replica of Stonehenge as the monument had been in its prime. Cliff had made a few changes to the place--adding hidden lights and a fully-functioning sound system to make it more useful for nighttime activities. Why his brother had built the Henge was no mystery: how Cliff had managed the construction was another story--not to mention the no-doubt exorbitant cost. Ben decided to worry about that later. There was work to be done and guests would be arriving soon.

Nils came down from the main house toting a case of local craft beer. "That's the last of it--I think..." he told Ben. The blond triathlete gave the big brown-haired Texan the once over. "Tell me you're not wearing THAT???"

"What's wrong with it?"

"For starters you've been working most of the day!" the other man told him. "You stink! Not to mention that's hardly fit party attire--jeans and a dirty tee shirt? Really Ben, Really? Go up to the house and ask Brownie to lay something out! I'm sure he'll have you spiffed up in no time!"

"Dude--you really do need to clean up!" Cliff told him.

"Trust him on this one!" Cliff's partner and Druid Apprentice John-Thomas added. "We're just about to head back and hit the showers ourselves!

Ben reluctantly gave in and made his way back up the hill to the Manor. He stripped out of his clothes and climbed into the roomy shower; the estate's Water Mixer (courtesy of Wonderworks) provided all the water he and the rest of the estate could hope to need. The Fusion Power Sphere (purchased from Future Dynamics) made sure the tankless heater kept everything nice and warm. The big man spent a long luxurious time getting himself clean from top to toe; he even decided to give his short graying brown hair a quick washing. Stepping out of the shower the man made his way back to his bedroom to see what Brownie had chosen for his first Pagan festival.

On his bed was an Army Green Tee emblazoned with a coiled Celtic Dragon in shades of gold, green and blue. Instead of pants there was a kilt in olive and blue plaid with the colors of the shirt picked out in the plaid. A pair of brown hiking boots with olive socks sat on the floor ready and waiting for him. A wide brown leather belt in the same shade as the boots completed the look but underwear was missing. Ben briefly considered grabbing some of his basic boxers but decided to just go with the flow. The Druids, and possibly others, would be attending the festivities "skyclad"--in other words, stark naked.

Once dressed, the Texan stepped into the hall to find his brother Cliff and John-Thomas just emerging from their room: both men, as expected, wore nothing but leather cords around their necks with the Druidic symbols of their patron deities. "What d' y' boys think?" he asked.

"Nice!" both men said together.

"Since you aren't worshiping tonight you don't need to be skyclad!" Cliff told him. "Although if you should decide to `sanctify' the night with someone who is similarly inclined nobody's going to say you nay!"

Ben found himself hoping that Ethan Gray would actually show up at the festivities. Since their meeting at the Coffee Shop he hadn't been able to stop thinking about the little man that had invaded his soul. He found himself wondering if Ethan felt the same way or if he was only experiencing some sort of crush. Starjammer had said something about "Recognition" but Ben didn't know what that meant; all he knew was he was head-over-heels for someone he'd only spent a few minutes with. "Enough of that nonsense!" he finally told himself.

The man made his way down to the Henge and found people were starting to gather; he recognized Rupert Forbes (naked but for a the leather cord with a silver symbol he didn't recognize around his neck) and saw for the first time the young artist had the beginnings of a collection of Druidic tattoos on his right side. Charles Corbet Foxworth was also nude but he didn't have the necklace or tattoos that marked him as a practicing Druid. "Howdy gents!" Ben said. "Hope y'all `r' prepared f'r a fun evenin'!"

"We wouldn't miss Solstice Night for the world Ben darling!" CC told him.

"Wow Ben, you look amazing!" Roops gave the older man a thorough examination from head to toe. "I just may have to throw over Santa' Klausen the next time I need a Daddy' fix!"

"Roops--you and your silly Daddy fixation!" CC commented even as he gave the big Texan a good looking up and down himself. "Have you ever considered being an Artist's Model?" he asked Ben. "Your brother is classically handsome but you have a certain--elemental virility I'd love to get on canvas!"

"Maybe for one of Santa's' Romance Novels!" Roops chimed in. "He'd be PERFECT for The Pirate and the Princess'!"

"He would! He would!"

Ben smiled; CC and Roops were both short (by his six-foot three-inch standard) but they were both nicely built. CC was a little stockier and hairy (which the big man found attractive) but smooth-bodied Roops had what Ben thought of as an "onion" bootie (an ass so fine it brought tears to your eyes). Both were green-eyed redheads but Roops tended more toward the chestnut while CC was the classic orange. He found them both to be a bit "twitter-y" for his liking but they did seem to bring a certain energy to the party when they showed up. "I've never thought `bout modelin'," he confessed. "I never considered m'self t' be that good lookin'!"

"You're hardly conventionally handsome!" the artist agreed, "but you have a certain je ne se quois about you that I'd love to capture!"

"I'd buy a book with that face on the cover!" The Texan turned around to find Ethan Gray had padded up behind him. The lithely-muscled stranger was still clad in his ubiquitous gray but he'd swapped the suit for a polo and gray plaid kilt; the other two men offered their greetings but didn't seem to pay Ethan much mind. Ben found his heart was pounding and he was breathing harder as the shorter man reached out to grasp his hand. When they touched both men felt that same electric sensation that occurred when they'd first met.

"Howdy Ethan!" Ben said with a broad smile. "Didja have any trouble findin' th' place?"

"Not a bit!" the other man replied. "I had to make my way through a knot of protesters near the front gates but they didn't try to block the driveway! They WERE photographing License Plates of everyone who came through the gate and that's not good! I guess there's only so much protection Druid magic can afford!"

The older man sighed. "Yeah, it seems th' `Sons' have found a willin' ally in one o' th' local Megachurches," he said. "Oberdorf Sr. and Jr. joined th' church an' contributed heavily t' their expansion program--an' all the Church Elders had t' do t' get access t' that lovely money supply was alter their preachin' oh so slightly!"

Now it was the shorter man's turn to sigh. "They have sold their birthright for a mess of pottage!" he commented with a sad shake of his head. "Very likely the Sons' will use that info to target the Pagan community; they'll use the data to out' supporters and generally make trouble!"

"Only if they get the right numbers!" Both men turned to find what seemed to be an older Native American man standing near them. He was short and scrawny but he had a slight paunch; his hair was long, scraggly and silver gray, his skin suntanned and deeply-lined but his eyes glowed with a fierce golden light. A cigarette dangled from his mouth and wreathed the stranger's face in smoke. "There's only so much mierda I'm willing to tolerate from those hijos de putas!" Ben found himself overwhelmed by the sense of "otherness" that rolled off the man like noontime heat from the desert floor.

"Coyote I presume?" Ethan smiled. "I didn't realize you had dealings with the Druids."

"I don't!" the stranger replied bluntly. "This one," he pointed at Ben, "interests me and the Sons of Purity and their idiotas estupidas associates annoy me. It suits me to make mischief and if my practical jokes help the Druids? Maybe I can call in a favor later! I believe it's what you refer to these days as a `win-win' transaction..."

"That one interests you?" the younger man continued. Ethan gave Ben a curious glance. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell us why?"

"The God-touched and God-called interest all of us on the Higher Plains!" Coyote told him. "More than that I will not say but, know this Ben Dover, your dealings with the `Higher Realms' have just begun! You will likely face great trials and if you fail this city--maybe this world--will fall!"


Ben might have said more but Cliff announced the beginning of the Solstice Night Celebration. "Ladies and gentlemen--the sun is setting and the celebration has begun. If you don't already have a torch please get one and pass the fire of fellowship between you. Once the torches are all lit, we will approach the balefire and light it to honor our Brother Sun to thank him for his many blessings!" Ethan and the Texan were among the last to get torches and turned to get them lighted by another guest. When this simple act was finished Ben found that Coyote (or whoever he was) had vanished away as quickly and quietly as he had come.

Celebrants and guests took their lighted torches and circled the bonfire. "We call upon you, Belenus, God of the Sun to bless us with your continued presence and power! We call up Dana, Mother of us all and Dagda, he who rules the Gods to shine your Glory down upon us! To you, we owe all things! We thank you for your continued blessing and entreat you to continue to look with favor on your children!" All the Druids stepped forward and brought their torches down to light the balefire. "Now--if our guests will add their flame and their good will to help us light the night!"

Ben and Ethan stepped forward and added the flames of their torches to the growing blaze. As the fire caught and grew the Druids began chanting something in a language the Texan assumed was Gaelic. It was beautiful and melodic but the words meant nothing to the outsiders. Still, Ben could feel the solemnity and power of this simple act.

John-Thomas and Roops stepped forward escorting a long lanky redhead with creamy skin. He was muscled like a swimmer and smooth except for an abundant burning bush. The young man looked both excited and a bit nervous. "Archdruid--I present Levi Evans!" John-Thomas announced. "He seeks to be part of our brotherhood and join with this Henge!"

"Are you prepared to make sacrifice and pledge your blood and heart to this Henge?" Cliff asked the man standing before him.

"I am!" Levi answered. Ben thought he looked as excited and nervous as a bride.

"And are you ready to sacrifice your body to and for your brother Druids?"

"I am!" the initiate said again.

"Name your Patron Deity!" the Archdruid announced.

"I choose Llyr God of the Sea!" Levi said. "I ask him to dwell within me, grant me his strength and protection as I sail upon his waters!" Ben watched in astonishment as a fish tattoo appeared on the young man's right hip, glowing briefly then settling down as if it had always been there.

"Llyr has accepted you as one of his own!" the Druids chanted.

"Are you prepared to offer your sacrifice to the Henge?" Cliff asked.

"I offer my heart's blood to the Henge and my body to my brothers!" Levi intoned. There was no fear in the young apprentice, only readiness.

Cliff handed Levi his silver sickle. "You know what to do," he said.

"Is he gonna cut himself?" Ben whispered to Ethan.

"It's an entirely symbolic sacrifice," the other man whispered back. "Levi will shed a few drops of blood to affirm his commitment and bond to the Henge and those who guard it. Modern-day Druids don't require human sacrifice to power their rituals."

Levi took the sickle and pricked his thumb with the sharp tip. He then squeezed out a few drops of blood onto the ground. Ben watched in amazement as a second tattoo this one on his right pectoral flared into existence on the newest Druid's chest.

"The Henge has accepted you!" the Druids chanted. "May the strength of this stone and the power of this place be yours so long as you serve in truth and honor!" The other Druids came forward and laid cloths on the alter stone. (Ben recognized them as Druid robes.) Once each Druid had placed their robes upon the altar stone. John-Thomas and Roops helped Levi up there and had him lay on his back.

"I offer my body to my brothers!" Levi announced and raised his hips for easier access. "Take me Archdruid--I am yours to command!"

Ben was astonished to see his brother sporting a massive erection. He was even more surprised to see Cliff approach the stone and slam his entire length into the Neophyte's waiting back door without bothering to prepare the redhead in the slightest. Levi emitted a loud roar but it was a cry of joy not pain. The fuck was pure elemental lust and Cliff let the young man take all he had to offer. Both men orgasmed with Cliff roaring like a bull as he pumped the redhead full while Levi shot volley after volley of thick man cream over his chest and belly. Again, another tattoo appeared, this one on Levi's bicep.

John-Thomas took Cliff's place and the operation began again. The other Druids stood in silent witness to their bonding but the other party guests wandered off to check out the feast or start dancing. "I could never do that!" a man with Irish-Setter red hair commented, "not even for all the Power the Henge would grant me!" He wore jeans and a tank top that showed tattoos down his right side; some of them were identical to Cliff's but some were quite different. "Every Druid who is part of this Henge will take that poor boy in the same way!"

"He doesn't seem to object!" Ethan commented.

"So--you're a Druid as well?" Ben asked the stranger.

"That I am!" the man replied with a friendly grin. "Seamus Kennedy at your service! And you would be?" Ben introduced himself and Ethan. "You're the God-called then? And judging by the smell clinging to you I'd say you had an encounter not so very long ago!"

"Coyote paid us a visit," Ethan told the man.

"So--there are other Druids besides m' brother `n' his group?" Ben asked.

"Indeed!" Seamus told him. "Your brother and I both apprenticed under Padraigogh O'Leary before he moved on. Cliff has done--somewhat better than I have..."

Ben went on the alert. "Does that bother you?" he asked.

"We each have our own paths to walk!" the stranger told him with a charming grin. "Being an Independent Bookstore Owner doesn't pay what it should these days so, yes, not having a Henge of my own can be difficult at times but your brother is kind enough to lend me his! It would be lovely to have a group of fellow Druids to work with but being a solo has its advantages as well. I gain certain abilities your brother will never have by virtue of his sexual preference but he gains advantages of his own. In the end everything balances out! Still twould be nice to have a few of his millions!"

"Son--money c'n be a trap!" Ben told the man with conviction. "I c'd tell ya stories that ud curl y'r hair! F'r ever'thin' cash frees ya from there r' two more that bind ya!"

The Druid gave Ben a wry smile. "Spoken like a man with a shit-load of cash!"

"M' late wife left me--more n comfortably well off..." Ben mused. "But her folks n especially her Sister didn't feel I deserved what she left me! When I should o' been mournin' m' wife an' kids I was in court fightin' `em t' make sure Robyn's wishes were honored! I won that fight son but to this day only her brother can be bothered t' speak t' me civilly!"

"Wow man, that's harsh!" Seamus commented. "Dude--I'm sorry for your loss!"

"Like th' song says `what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger'!" the big man said. "Their loss!"

"It was lovely to meet you Mr. Kennedy," Ethan commented, "but I'm pretty sure this big bear hasn't eaten in a while! Maybe we should stroll over and check out the feast?"

The redhead smiled. "I see a couple of ladies who look like they could use some flattering attention!" he says. "Nice to meet you gents!" Then he sauntered off toward the pair of girls who were giving him an appreciative eye.

"That was--abrupt..." Ben commented.

"Sorry," the other man replied. "There's something about that man I just don't trust! He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes; at the very least he's jealous as hell of your brother and his success!"

"Noticed that didja?" the Texan replied. "Yeah, there's somethin' `bout that boy I just don't trust! Still, I c'n smell roasted meat from here--lets mosey over t' the table an' see what's on offer, shall we?"

Brownie had outdone himself for the Solstice Night Feast. There were pots full of spicy-sauced Pulled Pork and a grill set up for smoked sausages. Chicken Kebobs, and grilled veggies. He'd set up something to keep a massive tray of macaroni and cheese bubbling hot and even laid out a selection of "pasties" as a nod to the British Isles. There were also a bevy of cold salads packed in ice as well as a bounty of fresh fruit. A variety of cakes and handpies were available for dessert.

Having worked through lunch Ben served himself a good amount of food. "Hardly what I'd expect at an English-inspired Pagan festival..." he commented to Ethan who was also serving himself a healthy amount.

"British food is an acquired taste," the other man told him as he dolloped up a second spoon of rich and gooey Mac and Cheese. "It's not so much WHAT you serve at a Solstice celebration as long as it is served in plenty. Part of the celebration is to encourage the Gods to continue to grant us abundance so we share our bounty with them by offering it to celebrants and guests! I'll bet your brother has a pretty well-stocked bar as well!"

"Oh, he does!" the big man assured his new friend. "Th' folks from Bev' Mo' asked us if we were openin' up a saloon!" The two men made their way to the Bar where they grabbed bottles of Raspberry Tea. "I wanna be on m' toes--lest somethin' untoward happens later!"

"Between what the Druids set up, the Western Werewolves and Coyote we ought to be fine..." Ethan commented after taking a swig of his tea. "Still, can't hurt to be prepared--just in case..."

"So--any traditions I should be aware of?" Ben asked. "This bein' m' first Solstice Night `n' all..."

"We've already celebrated the light by participating in the lighting of the balefire," the other man told him. "We are spending the night under the sky so maybe you'll want to spend time in grateful contemplation. You might notice that some people are wearing flower crowns or wreaths to honor nature but some men just can't do that..."

"That `ud be me!" Ben agreed.

"You'll notice some people are ringing bells," he said. "That will go on all night to remind Brother Sun he needs to come back tomorrow morning; we'll probably want to spend time doing that for a while at least. The rest of the night you spend drinking and dancing--unless, of course, you want to `Sanctify' the night..."

"Cliff said somethin' bout that..." the other man replied. "He just didn't exactly explain what it meant..."

"Summer Solstice is a fertility festival!" Ethan told him. "You sanctify the festival by making love! If there's someone you want to share your seed with then maybe you should offer! They might say yes..."

Ben gave the other man a straightforward look. "Might YOU be int'rested?"

Ethan gave the other man a sly smile. "I've wanted to get you naked from the moment I laid eyes on you in Dedrichs!" he said. "I can't tell you how often I've jacked off thinking about what you'd look like naked and what we'd do together!"

"You too?" Ben couldn't help but smile.

Ethan put his hands on the other man's shoulders. "I'm stupid in love with you Ben!" he said. "I know we've only known each other for a few minutes but I've never felt like this before! Maybe it's just a schoolboy crush but every time I think about you I want to throw myself into your arms and kiss that wonderful strong mouth of yours! I want to taste you, smell you, know how it feels to be wrapped up in those big strong arms for eternity!"

"Starjammer said somethin' bout `Recognition'--whatever that is," Ben told him. "I don't s'pose ya know what that means?"

"It's the Universe's way of telling us we need to be together," Ethan replied.

"An' what, we don't get a say?"

"We can always tell the Universe to fuck itself," Ethan replied. "Never having experienced Recognition before I can't say for certain but the Sages say we can ignore the call; we might even find happiness with other people! We just won't be complete..."

"I'm not ready f'r a relationship!" the Texan protested.

"Like I am?" Ethan shot back. "I'm doing serious work with the CIA and I'm in the middle of an investigation! Do you think I REALLY want to get involved with somebody who just lost his wife and children? I'm not interested in playing second fiddle to a ghost!"

The other man's words stung Ben and his expression showed it. "I'm not lookin' to replace m' wife `n' kids!" he shot back. "You can't be that! We both know it--but that don't mean we can't be somethin' special t' each other! Still--if ya don't want that I won't try t' change y'r mind!"

"Don't you get it, you big lug, I do want it!" Ethan cried out. "Damn it man, you're all I think about during the day and who I dream about at night! I think about how it feels to touch you, to smell you! I want to know what you look like naked and what you'd feel like inside me! But I'm not ready for this!"

"So, we take it one step at a time," Ben told the other man. "Maybe we'll d'cide we can't stand one another an' tell th' Universe t' go fuck itself! But who knows? Maybe we'll find a way to make it work! We'll never know `til we try!"

Ethan grabbed one of Ben's hands with both of his and held it tight. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier," he said softly. "I didn't mean to hurt you but I have my insecurities too! As long as I've been knocking around I've never managed to have a relationship! I've never had to think about what someone I loved might want or need! I hope you'll help me learn..."

The Texan smiled. "Son--we'll take it one step at a time,: he promised Ethan. "But we need t' begin with you acceptin' this! You can't replace m' Robyn an' I'm not lookin' f'r ya t' try! That spot is full! But understand this! I got room in m' heart f'r another love! There's a song we used t' sing t' Dougie; Love is like a Magic Penny..."

"Hold it tight you won't have any!" Ethan sang the next line.

"Lend it, spend it, you'll have so many they'll roll all over the floor!" both men sang together than laughed.

"I think I get it..." Ethan finally said. He looked up at Ben. "Sanctify the night with me?"

Now it was Ben's turn to smile as he extended a hand to Ethan. "I know just the place!" the Texan told him, "assumin' o' course somebody hasn't got their first! D' y' know bout the Grove Castle'?"

"Heard about it, haven't seen it," the other man admitted. "I've seen a few pictures on line but I'd love to see what it looks like in person! Shall we?"

Kings Harbor was at the extreme southern end of where California Redwoods could grow naturally. When Cliff bought the house and surrounding land, he'd planted a grove then used his Druidic magic to cause the trees to reach their full growth. The Henge anchored the eastern end of the grove and the western end was the home of a multi-story treehouse that was anchored by four giants of the forest. The structure came complete with electric lights, running water and all the modern conveniences. Rope bridges and staircases connected the many pods of the seven-story masterpiece.

"My God!" Ethan breathed. "That thing's fucking AMAZING!"

"Isn't it though?" the Texan agreed. "One of Cliff's Druids is an Architect so he designed it and another Druid who is a Contractor built it. The whole thing is completely up-to-code too!"

"Wow!" was all the Agent could manage.

"Want t' go up an' have a look inside?" Ben asked. "I think th' party is pretty much confined t' th' Henge right now so we've got the place t' ourselves!"

The "ground" floor (literally on the ground) was open and was only divided by thick pillars and supports that held the structure above. Several seating areas were located here along with a couple of long picnic tables. The second story (up a 20-foot flight of stairs was a large mostly-open deck although this had an outdoor kitchen complete with a grill, small fridge and a sink with hot-and-cold running water. There was even a couple of small half baths tucked away at the center marked LADS and LASSES. "This space is f'r large parties," Ben told the man. Then he pointed at a staircase. "Up there is a Yoga Room with a bedroom above that. We'll be goin' up those stairs!" he said, pointing to a second staircase. "Follow that one far enough an' you'll end up in th' Crow's Nest."

"Must be quite the view up there?" Ethan commented. "Is that where we're going?"

"No point," the other man replied. "Unless y'r into Star Gazin' y' can't see much at night! Besides th' city light-bleed kinda washes out ever'thin' but the planets! We're going most o' th' way up--hope y'r not afraid o' heights!"

"I'm kind of an acrophile," the Agent told him. "I love heights!"

"You too?" Ben smiled. "You'll love where I'm takin' ya!"

The two men climbed up several sets of stairs past various spaces large and small until they came to a landing with a ladder and two rope bridges leading out into the dark branches. "Go left," Ben instructed. "Th' view is much better on that side!"

"Was your brother a fan of The Swiss Family Robinson growing up?" Ethan wanted to know as they made their way along the swinging bridge. "I swear this reminds me of that gigantic treehouse in Disneyland!"

"This n' is way better!" Ben assured him. "But, yeah, Swiss Family Robinson was Cliff's fav'rit' book as a kid! I think e damn near memorized it from cover t' cover!"

Eventually the pair found themselves in a small, high-up pod that was bare save for a couple of wooden chairs a small table with a lamp and a wooden chest. Ben flicked a switch and now Ethan could see a large bed was slung high in the trees to one side. "Fuuuck..." was all he could manage.

"Wouldn't advise sleepin' there if y'r active at night!" Ben said. "Still, ever since I first saw this place I wondered what it `ud be like makin' love out there in the branches..."

"Can't wait to find out!" Ethan said. The Agent sat down and removed his shoes and socks then shucked off his polo while the Texan watched. The man paused long enough to neatly fold the shirt before removing his kilt which he also folded and placed atop the shirt. Fully naked he turned to Ben. "You like?"

"You're more beautiful `n I imagined!" Ben said thickly. Ethan had the perfectly sculpted body of a gymnast with a smooth chest but legs furry as a Satyr. The big man was surprised to see the littler man matched him inch for inch in the cock department even though Ethan was six inches shorter. The big man was pleasantly surprised to see that Ethan was already plumping up with excitement. "Now," Ethan said, "let's see what you're working with!"

Now it was Ben's turn to strip: the man found himself wondering how his partner would react. His body didn't have the defined musculature Ethan's did and he was quite hairy (at least compared to the other man. Yes, there was great strength under the fat pad but what if the other man was a body snob? Ah well--the only way to find out was to cast aside the doubt as he cast off his clothing.

"My God--your beautiful!" Ben was shocked yet gratified at Ethan's comment. "Shall we try out that swinging bed?"

Ben helped Ethan climb up onto the gently swaying platform then both men rolled into each other's arms. The world melted with their first kiss as they probed, first gently then with increasing fire as they tasted one another. Finally, though, they had to come up for air. "Damn ol' Son," Ben said. "I'll give ya all day t' stop doin' that!"

Ethan didn't respond but instead went in for another deep kiss. The Texan was amazed at house the two fit so perfectly together and it was clear the smaller man was thrilling to the touch of Ben's chest and belly fur against his smooth skin. The big man thrilled to the feel of the hard body in his arms and the gigantic man-cock that burned like a brand against his hip.

"I want to suck your cock!" both men said together then laughed at themselves.

"Great minds think alike!" the Texan commented. "Sixty-nine?"

Being lighter and more graceful Ethan switched positions by mutual unspoken consent. "I've never sucked a dick this big!" he commented before going down and kissing the large mushroom head.

"Take it slow," Ben suggested. "I've never sucked a cock y'r size either so we both got a bit of a learnin' curve!" Still, the big man took his partner's long hard meat into his mouth and let Ethan's groans of pleasure be his guide. It wasn't long before both men were oozing precum. "Not sure I c'n hold out buddy!" Ben panted as he came off the cock for a moment.

"Then don't!" Ethan replied and gave the other man a delighted grin. "I want your cum!" he growled lustily. "I want that hot juice to fill my belly!" Then he dove back down on Ben's cock, sucking the big root for all he was worth. It wasn't long before the big man gave Ethan everything he wanted and more as shot after shot of thick white maleness shot down his throat. Ethan sucked it all down and didn't miss a drop! "Oh my God Ben, that was amazing!" the smaller man panted. "It was everything I'd hoped it would be and more!"

"Gimmie a few minutes t' reload ol' Son!" Ben replied with a wicked smile. "I ain't as young as I used t' be..." And thus, began a long and very pleasant night for both men...

After sunrise the next morning the Druids and a few others were on clean-up duty as Cliff had insisted the Henge and the Sacred Grove be returned to a pristine state. (Ben couldn't help but notice Seamus Kennedy had vanished with the sunrise.) Luckily for everyone the guests had been (fairly) responsible and not made much of a mess. It took them about three hours of hard steady work but eventually the entire place was as clean and orderly as it had been before the party.

With the work done the Druids and those who had stayed to help them met at the long tables under the Grove Castle to enjoy a well-earned breakfast buffet. Brownie was working the Complete Station and had three pans going at once on a portable grille. There was also an array of fresh fruit and treats left over from the night's festivities as well as large urns of coffee and orange juice. Ben took his well-stuffed omelet and made his way to where Ethan was sitting. "Did you enjoy your first Solstice Night?" the man asked as Ben sat down.

"What I saw of it was--interestin'..." Ben glanced over to where Levi Evans the newest Druid was chatting with several others he didn't know. Considering the pounding the redhead had taken last night the Texan thought he should have been sitting in an ice-water bath recovering but the young Coast Guard Officer seemed surprisingly chipper. "It was amazin'! YOU were amazin'!"

Ethan smiled. "Back atcha big guy!" Then he went on alert. "Oh my..."

Ben followed the other man's gaze and saw a tall and lean man with military-short brown hair and dark eyes. Both arms were heavily tattooed but they clearly weren't Druidic in origin; Ben recognized this guy to be a biker and a particularly hard-bitten one at that. "Archdruid..." he said without preamble. The words were soft but they commanded attention. "My Wolves have done a final sweep--we found evidence of three crashed drones with expensive night-vision cameras but didn't find anyone who shouldn't have been on your property!"

"Thank you Alpha." Cliff drew a well-stuffed envelope from his shirt pocket (the Druids having dressed before they began clean up). "A small token for you and the Pack!"

Ben could feel the tension rise as the Alpha (whom Ethan identified as Bill Blacklock) looked at the envelope as if Cliff had offered him a huge pile of cow manure. "That's not necessary Archdruid." There was no kindness and even some anger in that voice. "The Pack owed you and the Henge and with this act of service we are paid in full!"

"Indeed, you are!" Cliff agreed. "Still--you and your pack performed above and beyond the call of duty! Consider this a gratuity for your services and a payment against future contracts."

The tension broke as the werewolf Alpha took the envelope and stashed it in his jacket. "Maybe you can do me one small service..." Ben noticed a tentativeness in the Alpha and wondered what that was about.

"What can we do for you?" Cliff asked.

"My Son..." Now the Alpha was frankly hesitant. "He--he doesn't want to be part of the Pack!"

"Why?" Every eye and every ear were paying close attention now.

"He says the Wolf Spirit has come to him," the man blurted. "Brody--my Son--says he's called to walk the Path of the Druid!"

"I'll have to meet with the boy," Cliff replied giving the man a direct yet friendly smile. "If he is truly Called to the Path of the Druid then we will help him begin his studies. Brody isn't the first Lycanthrope to walk this path. But--ah--how do I put this delicately? Is he gay?"

"Brody says he doesn't like bitch--girls..." This last bit was torn out of the Alpha and he clearly didn't like admitting it.

"Your son will be safe with us Bill," the Archdruid promised. "Nobody will force him to do anything he doesn't want and isn't ready for! You have my blood oath on that!"


Next: Chapter 9

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