The Downhill Run

By Jim J

Published on Nov 23, 2017


"The Downhill Run" (Part 1)

Goddamn...we are really doing it...after all that time and effort...we are fucking doing it!

The soft splash of the waves against the hull...the low creak of the night running rigging...the unceasing gentle rocking...the especially bright palette of stars undimmed by the glow of artificial lights...all seemed so improbable fourteen months ago....

...."You won't fucking believe where I've been," Jerry announced loudly as he burst through the door into the apartment we shared.

I looked up at him through the haze of the weed I just inhaled and handed the half spent joint to Amy. I was laying on the only rather beat up couch we had with my back against the arm rest. Amy snuggled back against my chest between my legs, her short skirt so far hitched up even looking down I could see her protruding mound pressing out against her lacy white panties. Jerry was so excited, he didn't pay any attention to her.

"Couldn't have been a class, you don't have any this time of, wait a don't go to any classes at any time of any day," I said after exhaling.

Trish, who was our other girlfriend sitting in one of the two chairs we had, let out a loud guffaw at that. I think she was more stoned than Amy and me.

Yeah...our other girlfriend. They came home with us after a drunken kegger the first week of the fall semester and never left. They knew each other since before grade school and had been diddling each other since the "I'll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours" days. Apparently sharing guys was just standard operating procedure with them.

Jerry and I fucked both Trish and Amy or depending, on how you looked at it, they fucked both of us. Hell, Jerry and I even sucked and fucked each other now and again after the girls decided seeing two guys together was a real turn on...and said they wouldn't do either of us again until we put on a show for them.

We really did hold out for two whole days and wondered, after tasting each others cum, why we bothered.

"Sure, sure smart ass," he answered, taking the joint from Amy's hand and sucking in a long hit. "No, this is something important for all of us."

He sat down on the couch and Amy pulled her feet up, her knees spreading and a few threads of her red cunt hair slipping out around the edges of her panties. He handed the joint over to Trish and casually ran a finger over Amy's pussy slit through her panties before leaning back. She wiggled her hips a little at his touch and pulled my hand over her right tit, her way of telling him she would be fucking me first today.

"I just came from the lawyer's office," he continued after exhaling.

"How long do you have to go to the slammer?" Trish laughed uproariously before succumbing to a coughing fit.

I admired the way her very ample tits bounced around so freely inside a loose fitting t-shirt when she coughed then took the now much smaller joint from her.

"No, nothing like that," Jerry tried patiently to explain. "My grandfather died last fall and today I went to the reading of the will. You'll never guess what happened?"

"I'm fucking horny," Amy announced and took my hand on her tit and pulled it down over her belly, stretching the waistband of her panties up so my fingers slipped easily between the already moist folds of her pussy.

"Can't you pay attention for one minute," Jerry exclaimed in exasperation taking the rest of the joint from me.

"I can listen and cum at the same time...I think," she moaned and thrust her hips against my hand until two of my fingertips slid inside her.

Trish realized what was going on and came over to the couch too, sitting on Jerry's lap with her legs straddling his thigh. She was wearing only that t-shirt and pale blue panties already lightly stained by the dampness seeping from her pussy slit. She smiled and pulled Amy's panties down around her knees. Trish really liked to watch me or Jerry, or anybody else for that matter, finger Amy's ginger cunt.

By that time, my own dick was starting to stiffen against Amy's ass cheeks. I am one of those guys that's kind of slow to rise when I'm stoned but once there can go on and on and on. With Trish sitting there licking her lips and pinching one of her nipples, the idea of Amy sitting on my cock while Trish licks my balls and her clit at the same time was really getting me going.

Apparently Amy was thinking along the same lines. She twisted around and flicked her tongue in my ear while pushing her hips against my hand so my two fingers slid even deeper into her now much wetter pussy. She knew damn well that slobbering in my ear was a sure fire way to get my dick hard.

I started swirling the tiny nub of Amy's clit with my other hand, figuring if she had a quickie orgasm, I could listen to what Jerry had to say and she would still want to fuck. Not a bad plan, but Trish had other ideas.

She always got super horny when high and I guess watching me finger her friend was the final straw that afternoon. She slipped off Jerry's lap and pushed my hand aside, burying her face in Amy's pussy and three fingers in her cunt.

Since I like watching two girls do each other as much as the next guy, I wasn't really offended. Besides, I could play with Amy's small tits and hard nipples while she squirmed and groaned in my lap and talk to Jerry at the same time. Then after she had cum a couple of times on Trish's tongue and hands, Amy would be more than ready for me to fuck her.

"So what the hell are you babbling about anyway?" I asked while pulling Amy's shirt over her head to expose those luscious erect pink nipples topping her little conical tits.

"A own a boat," he exclaimed excitedly, absentmindedly fondling Trish's round ass. "My grandfather left me a sailboat...a forty five foot ocean going masthead sloop."

I didn't have a clue what he was babbling about.

Amy was getting really close to her first orgasm, her legs quivering as she squirmed in my lap and moaned softly. Her bare ass cheeks were rubbing against my dick through the thin fabric of my boxers. Trish pulled her face out of Amy's pussy long enough to look back over her shoulder at Jerry.

"You know, you could stop talking long enough to jam your cock inside me," she said to Jerry with a wicked grin then went back to lapping Amy's dripping cunt.

"What the fuck we gonna do with a sailboat?" I asked as Amy tensed and let out a sharp cry, cumming hard on Trish's face.

"I don't know, sail it somewhere I suppose," Jerry responded, taking a final hit on the last of the joint before putting it down and slipping Trish's panties down over her thighs to around her knees.

One of the things I really liked about the girls was how physically different they were from each other...and, of course, the fact they loved to fuck like crazy...anywhere, anytime, even anyone.

Amy was barely five feet tall with a low slung ass and probably didn't weigh ninety pounds if you dressed her up in full gear for a trip to the South Pole. Her tits were like little snow cones topped with penny sized nipples as pink as the always moist flesh inside her pussy. She kept her flaming red hair short on her head and let it run wild between her legs.

On the other hand, Trish was a good six or seven inches taller and forty or fifty pounds heavier, curvy and soft all over. She had a nice round ass and good sized tits with half dollar sized dark brown aureole and little finger tip sized nipples. Her black hair reached half way down her back and she kept just the barest sliver of cunt hair leading to the gash of her plump pussy lips. Best of all, she squirted like an open fire hydrant every time she climaxed, usually three of four times a day.

"Do you even know how to sail a boat?" I inquired trying to figure out how to get my now very hard throbbing dick into Amy's pussy without interrupting Trish.

Jerry bent forward, pulled Trish's ass cheek apart and blew the last of the smoke into her pussy and ass. She tensed and raised her head, giving me the chance to just lift Amy up and set her back down with my cock inside her. Trish went back to licking and just included my balls in the action without an apparent thought.

"Actually, I do...I really do. My grandfather used to take me out all the time until he started getting sick a couple of years back, made sure I knew all about it."

With that he shoved his long dick into Trish's cunt and began humping her slowly. I always thought I would want a cock as long as his, although it was probably less than an inch more than mine. The girls insisted mine was thicker so both felt good fucking them in different ways. He always seemed to get to ass fuck them first though.

"Well I'll believe that when I see it," I muttered, my attention drawn back to Amy as her pussy clamped around my dick, her next orgasm building rapidly.

"Saturday...morning...we the...marina...and out," he managed to get out between thrusts as he rammed his dick into Trish harder and faster.

Amy groaned loudly and squeezed her thighs around Trish's head, the sign that orgasm was Amy's last for a little while anyway. Jerry tensed and let out a sharp cry, shooting his cum into Trish's pussy before falling back on the couch. His deflating dick glistened with her juices and some of his own jism.

Trish looked up at me, Amy's pussy juices coating her chin and lips and grinned broadly. There was no doubt in my mind what she wanted and I was more than willing to give it to her. I lifted Amy back off my dick, placed her next to me on the couch and swiveled as Trish lined up the tip of my dick with her pussy hole. I could feel a couple of drops of Jerry's cum dribble on to my balls as Trish lowered herself onto me until her clit rubbed against my pubic bone.

Fuck...I just love the way she screams and squirts when she starts to cum, sucking my jism out with her warm wet cunt.

We didn't get as early a start as we planned on that Saturday, in part because we always tended to sleep in every day anyway but mostly because I woke up to the sounds and motion of Amy enthusiastically riding some guy's cock next to me. I had no idea who he, or the blonde sucking my dick for that matter, were, probably someone we dragged home with us when the bars closed the night before.

About the time Amy started shrieking an orgasm, a fully clothed Jerry walked in and stood next to the bed, looking down impatiently. The blonde sucking me spit my cock out of her mouth and smiled up at him.

"You next?" she cooed and resumed sucking me, this time with a finger rammed in my ass.

"No...and we need to get going," he responded and gave her a sharp slap on her ass and turned his attention to me. "So hurry up and get dressed."

She looked up at him without taking my cock out of her mouth and wiggled her butt, clearly inviting another slap. Amy gave a final groan and rolled off the guy, his watery cum leaking from her pussy. I pulled the blonde's head down on my cock and shot my cum down her throat as she gagged and flailed until I was totally done. I figured it was the other guy's job to get her off if that's what she wanted.

The marina was about a half hour away. Jerry drove his beat up jeep with no doors or top, with me riding shotgun and the girls in the back. They apparently took going near the ocean seriously, wearing just about as little as possible without getting arrested. Hell, I didn't care if they walked around naked but I didn't want to spend the afternoon bailing them out of jail.

"So where do we find this boat?" I asked Jerry before passing him the only joint we promised each other we would smoke before we got back home.

"I'm not sure," Jerry answered before passing the joint back to me to share with the girls.

"What the hell does that're not sure? How are we supposed to find the damn thing?"

"All the lawyer told me is I now own the boat and to see Mel the harbor master to get the rest of the details."

"This is shaping up to be a huge cluster fuck," I muttered and took another hit..

Naturally, Mel wasn't in the harbor master's shack when we arrived, one of those little cardboard clocks hanging in the window indicating we had about a fifteen minute wait, if he returned on time. So we stood around the jeep drinking beer from the cooler we brought along and looked at the boats in the marina. There were all sorts and sizes bobbing up and down in the water. I didn't have a clue what I was looking at.

Jerry spotted Mel walking down the dock before he got back to the shack. Mel looked like the prototypical old odd rolling gait, protruding belly, short gray hair and beard, even the cap with all the gold braids. Jerry walked toward him as the girls and I finished our beers and waited by the jeep.

"Mel...," Jerry started to call out but Mel cut him short.

"Oh yes, Jerry, I was wondering when you would stop by. It's really good to see you again after all this time. I was so sad to hear about Gerald. But do come in, he left something for you when I last saw him."

The shack was really crowded with all four of us, so the girls stayed outside, undoubtedly basking in both the sun and the stares from the guys passing by. As we stood there, Mel fumbled around in an old desk for a few moments before pulling out an envelop and handing it to Jerry.

"Your grandfather and I go back a long way...a very long way," Mel said wistfully, sitting down and staring off across the water without really focusing on anything. "When he found out his time was up, he stopped by one day and gave me this letter for you. I moved his boat to an out of the way slip until you figure out what you want to do next."

Jerry looked at me but I just shrugged. I had no idea how to handle something like this. Then he sat down and read the letter. When he finished, he looked at me seemingly in shock and handed me the handwritten note. It was dated about two months before his grandfather's passing.

Dear Jerry,

By the time you read this, the damn cancer finally got me and that shyster lawyer told you to go see Mel. I damn well hope your mother honored my wishes and dumped my ashes out over the ocean somewhere.

My old drinking buddy Jim Garland...yes THAT Dean Garland to you...tells me you're as big a fuck up as I ever was at your age. If he isn't exaggerating, then this whole arrangement could be one huge cluster fuck. But I have faith that you can actually do something useful if you set your mind to it

I'm sure by now you've heard your mom bitching that there should be more money...blah, blah blah. Trust me, she has more than enough even for her lavish lifestyle. But she is right, there is more that I intend for you, when you earn it.

This old sailboat is just the beginning. Before I wrote this letter, Mel and I went over the old girl and he has a detailed list of what needs to be done to make her truly seaworthy again. I hope you remember some of the things I taught you over the years and Mel will give you a refresher course in any case.

Work with Mel to get the boat back in shape. When the time comes, he'll tell you what's next. Thinking about this reminds me of the lyrics of a song popular when I was about your age:

You understand now why you came this way~~~ Good luck, but mostly...have fun. Gramps "What the fuck is a Southern Cross?" I exclaimed after finishing the letter, but Jerry and Mel just ignored me. "What does it mean?" he asked the old man more quietly and with a seriousness I never heard from Jerry before. "He wants you to take the same trip he and I did a very long time ago, a voyage that has a lot more to it than simply going from here to there." Mel explained and pulled another envelope from the desk and handed it to Jerry. "This is the work needed on the boat, maybe even more once we get into it. One list is what you can do, the other that which will require professional help, but you need to at least understand the basics." Jerry looked over the lists then got up and we followed Mel to a far end of the marina to see the boat. The girls were still hanging around outside the shack, flaunting their taut asses and perky tits to the delight of a couple of guys on nearby boats. They followed us dragging the wheeled cooler full of beer behind them. Now I was no expert, but the boat we stopped next to looked like a fucking mess. I sat down on the cooler with a fresh beer and Trish on my lap, copping a feel under her tube top while Mel and Jerry looked over the boat. "OK," I finally heard Jerry tell the old man, "I'll have to talk it over with them but one way or another I want to do it, so let's get the process started." Amy and Trish insisted I sit in the back of the jeep with them on the ride home and Jerry didn't mind, lost in his own thoughts. So while he drove in silence, the girls and I played grab ass in the back seat while one or the other took turns happily flashing passing cars and trucks. Naturally by the time we got back to the apartment, the girls and I were all fired up The three of us headed inside to light up a joint and get naked while Jerry mumbled something about pizza and headed off. It was a good thing we had a couple of joints already rolled. Since Amy and Trish only wore a top and a pair of shorts, they stripped and were on me before I could even light up. I did manage a couple of shallow hits while they stripped off my clothes and pushed me down on the couch. Trish grabbed the joint and Amy grabbed my balls. We passed the joint around while they took turns working over my dick with their mouths and hands. By the time Amy stuck the first finger in my ass, I was feeling pretty good. They were in one of those moods, I don't know, maybe brought on by all that salty air or all those truck drivers honking at their bare tits or the fact neither of them got fucked for about eight hours. Anyway I just sat back and kept puffing on the joint, happy to cum on...or in...or with...them in anyway they wanted. I had to hand it to Jerry, his timing was perfect. He walked in the door at almost the precise moment my spunk gushed on to Amy and Trish's faces. They had already had one orgasm with my fingers inside both their pussies at the same time while they licked and sucked my dick, and each others tongues. The aroma of the pizza immediately set off the munchies in the three of us. Jerry set the two pies down on the table, found another joint and waited while the girls and I devoured a couple of slices each. "So, what do you think?" he asked quietly as we slowed down a little. "About what?" I responded reaching for one more piece. "The boat, of course, what else would I be talking about?" "I don't know, looked like a fucking mess to me, especially compared to all the others around the marina." "That's just cosmetic," he said dismissively, "I mean actually sailing it somewhere." "It can be a party boat," Trish chimed in enthusiastically, "take it out in the ocean and fuck." "Yeah, great idea! How many guys could you get on that thing?" Amy asked pushing me back on the couch and going back to work on my dick. "I always wondered how many guys Trish and I could fuck at one time. We never did more than" "You guys are fucking hopeless!" Jerry exclaimed and threw a piece of pizza at Amy. Of course, that got the food fight going until Amy jumped on Jerry's lap. He started pinching her tits and she rammed two fingers into his ass. In a matter of seconds, she was sucking his cock and fingering his ass as he moaned loudly. Trish threw one last piece of crust at me then grinned wickedly. "I'll tell you what," she whispered in my ear and squeezed my balls softly, "you go let Jerry suck your cock and before you cum, you can fuck me in the ass first for once." Now that sounded like a great plan to me, so I took a couple of more hits on the joint and stepped next to him, leaning over so my cock brushed over his lips. He looked up and immediately realized what was going on, opened his mouth and sucked me in. A few seconds later, Trish rammed the strap-on all the way into my ass with a single hard thrust. ********** (I do welcome any comments and will try to respond to all I get at Please remember that NIFTY needs your support. If you want the stories to continue, it's up to you to donate at

Next: Chapter 2

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