The Druid


Published on Sep 30, 2009


Stefan and Owen knew that something was up, the Druid was walking faster than they were. It was strange to see him rushing along with his long white hair flowing behind him. He was full of surprises this man. A druid was supposed to be a priest, interested in the spiritual but this man was also an ambassador for his king, sometimes a magician, a doctor and teacher. What was to happen next proved also that he was a warrior.

The trio reached a hill overlooking a valley in which they saw two lines of warriors lined up facing each other. They stood still for a while examining the scene in detail. The lines of warriors were silently staring each other down. Completely naked as tradition required, they carried their swords and shields and waiting for the signal to start their fight. Owen turned to the others and said that the men who were coloured in blue wode and highly tattooed belonged to the tribe of Lorcan the Long Hand and were mighty warriors skilled in battle. Facing them and equally fierce looking was the clan of the O' Doherty of Glenconnor.

There was a long standing feud between these two families going back into the distant past, so long ago that only the ollamhs of each tribe knew the details but both families understood that honour was at stake and that the ancient wrong had to be righted.

The Druid called out in his strong masculine voice, a sound that sent shivers running down the backs of the two boys and also affected the two opposing armies to the extent that they both dropped their swords and looked towards the source of the timely intervention. The two chieftains moved towards the arriving druid and both bowed. They were red and obviously embarrassed to be in the harsh eye of such a powerful man. Both men knew of the druid and had met him during the tailteann games celebrated each year at the great hill of Tara.

Like school boys they both started to talk at the same time, neither ceding to the other in the tirade of words which flowed like a mountain stream over the rocks. The druid let them continue for a while and then raised his baton and place it between them both. The stepped back a pace each from the other and became silent if not pacified. Their wild faces hard and their hair and plated beards trembling as they fumed and looked at each other with murder in their eyes.

'Once again', the druid said, in a quiet voice which had iron hidden in the sweet words, 'once again the two great clans of this valley are letting blood and sweat for the ancient wrongs. When will this stop, when will you two great chieftains lead your people into a peace that lasts for generations and allows the wealth of your two families to grow and your lands to prosper without the constant flow of blood to quench the thirst of this horrible monster which has embroiled your two families for so long. I insist that the matter is settled here and now, or I will call down the curse of the Dagda on both your heads'.

The two chieftains were both at the point of exploding into another diatribe when the druid held up his staff and menacingly looked them both in the eyes. They looked towards their feet. ' I will not allow any more blood to be spilled on this field of battle than is necessary to settle this row for once and for all.'

The druid lifted his staff and planted it with such strength that the ground shook and sent waves of power through the opposing armies, some of whom stumbled and fell to the ground. Both chieftains cowered back at this manifestation of power. The trees shook and leaves fell while the birds took flight and made a great noise. The clouds gathered overhead and the sun was darkened by the veil. The skies thundered and lightening forked above. The stench of fear moved through the gathering.

The druid looked deeply into the chieftains fearful eyes and spoke. 'I will not have you two fighting each other, and the only way I see a way out is that I shall fight the two of you at the same time and if I beat you you must agree to my 'Geasa' without question.' The Geasa was a unbreakable oath to do what was order by the person who made it. No one in the country would dream of ever breaking his word and would suffer the utmost ignominy if they did. Both chieftains looked at each other and at the druid. They were old but strong and thought they would be a match for the old druid. Both men agreed.

Stefan was beckoned forward by his master who held out his arms so that he could be undressed by his boy. He moved swiftly removing the druids white tunic and revealing his beautiful white body and muscled frame. The druid stepped out of his tunic and moved away, looking to the sky and muttering a prayer. A great falcon descended from the sky and landed gently on the old man's shoulder. The chiefs backed away in fear. The men in both armies looked on in amazement as the bird spread his wings and settled on the druids shoulder without scratching it with his mighty talons.

The druid looked at the two chiefs and asked if they wished to fight him separately or together. The men stifled a laugh and looked at each other. Their was no question in the druids mind. He choose to take the sword from the outstretched hands of Stefan and placed himself in the position of defence before the two hardened warriors. His toned muscles were hard and ready as he awaited the lunge of the two naked men. Both attacked at the same time. The druid deflected the first blow and turned with great speed as the falcon as the falcon settled on an nearby branch and watched the proceedings. Stefan's heart was pounding as he watched his master showing a dexterity which was not normal for his years. The heat of the battle was intense and steam began to rise from the sweating bodies of the three men. The three men became erect with the fighting as the fever of the struggle grabbed them. The men watched in wonderment and each and everyone of them became excited at the fight. Blood flowed from wounds on all three as the sweat and blood covered each man until the became bright red. The slid around slipping on the humid blood covered grass and pushed against each other with great force.

The druid never seemed to tire of the fight which could not be said for his rivals. He was drawing from the great force of the Dagda as light began to shine through the blood a sweat on his body. The fight had been going on now for at least an hour and the men sat on the grass leaving their arms and just wondering at the great clash of arms they were viewing. All hardened warriors they had never seen such a fight. The opponents were lost in a swirl of action as they intertwined in each others limbs in a dance of blood and effort. Their manhoods touching and sliding against each other as they fought. The excitement was great and many men were masturbating as they heart the great clash of swords and the grunting of labouring muscles. The crescendo occurred when the druid disarmed the two men within an instant of each other and sent their swords flying from blood slippery hands into the air.

The two chieftains were breathless and held their necks out to be slaughtered. The druid thrust his sword into the ground between them both, turned on his heals and walked to the centre of the battlefield. He stood erect his cock in full passion and he shouted out to all who could hear.

'People of the two tribes of this tortured valley it is my command and my Geasa that each of you from the most humble to the greatest should prepare your eldest sons and your eldest daughters to be united by me in marriage this very night. I will join them together tomorrow morning at sunrise on this bloody battlefield and you will never raise up arms against each other from this day forward.

The Falcon flew down and landed again on the druids shoulder stretched his wings and cried in a great voice which echoed in the valley and the forest. The skies cleared and the sun shone on the face of the druid and filled his whole beautiful body with light as he folder his arms and turned to look at Stefan who was already racing towards him with a clean linen cloth to wash his body of the blood and sweat which was encrusting him. The men of both armies and their chieftains turned and moved towards their respective Raths to go about preparing for the biggest wedding feast in the history of Ireland. Both asked the druid to accept the hospitality of their homes but he refused saying he would join them both when the unity of the whole valley was secured at sunrise the next day.

Stefan and Owen prepared a shelter for the evening as the druid went and washed himself in the purifying spring water of the valley. Owen set a fire and prepared a meal for the three of them. After the food was consumed they both beaconed the druid to come and rest between their two warming bodies for the night. The druid slept as the two boys held him gently in their strong arms and protected him from the damp evening air of the valley. Both boys full of a most splendid feeling of holding a precious and beautiful man in their arms.

Next: Chapter 14

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