The Druid


Published on Aug 21, 2009


While the master race was being propagated by the assembled Amazons and the two fine warriors more serious matters were in hand in the Queens apartments. She was discussing her 'problem' with the Druid and seeking a solution. She had, she said of late, found that there had been a diminution in her sex drive which she felt was affecting her 'marriage with the Kingdom'. For us today a concept difficult to comprehend but in Celtic Ireland the prince was not just a powerful man or woman, he was the personification of the land itself, if he/she was ill the land became ill if he/she died until the replacement was elected the land was in danger. In a agrarian society like this where wealth was measured by cattle herds the state of the land was paramount. The fact that the queen was 60 years old did not matter in her mind at all. Her sex drive/creativity was primordial to her power. She had to be able to shag anyone any time anywhere with a passion and power that left the person or persons breathless. That Bull of a man, O'Rourke was a perfect example.

The Druid asked her to strip and bend backwards so that he could examine her. She had not discussed the problem with the family/clan doctor or the Ollamh, any weakness was to be kept secret until it became obvious. The Druid was not a doctor but he could 'see' things beyond the normal of mortal men. He examine the triangle of black hair tinged with grey that surrounded the beautiful red clitoris of the queen. If he had been another man his tongue would have been tickling that juicy morsel right now with pleasure. He however preferred other things. He looked closely examining the area, feeling it and touching it, opening the woman sex up to see the interior. He placed his long white finger into the hole and moved it up. The Queen reacted violently, shuddering like a maiden. His magic fingertip seeming to plant a huge surge of energy into the tired vagina. He removed the finger and placed it in his mouth, tasting it to see if there was any tinge of sickness which might affect her capacity. He felt none, he told her that he would place his staff of power into her and draw on the energy of the moon that night. She must place herself naked on the couch in the greenà n (sunning room of the enclosure where the ladies took the sun on warm days) and facing the great wide large disk of the full moon open her legs and take the great druids wand into herself and let the moonlight energy surge into her via the ancient staff.

That night all the servants, lovers and guards were dismissed as the queen readied herself for the rising moon. She straddled the couch her beautiful body naked and open to the air. Her long legs opened and her raven pubic hair glistening in the moonlight. The hounds could be heard outside the gates howling at the moon. The druid came across the open space towards the queen as if he moved without walking, like a phantom. His beautiful white features, beard and long hair flowing and gleaming white in the silver moonlight. He was floating and his energy level was magic as he pulsed. His clothing as if by a miracle, falling to the ground as he floated horizontally above the mesmerised royal lady. His eyes were full of power as he stared into the eyes of the Queen. The whole body of the man shone as though it was on fire. His chest and his belly almost touching the bare breasts of the lady. His huge uncut cock was full and standing horizontally to his body and that of the Queen. He placed his staff between the ladies legs and as he had instructed earlier she pushed into her open cunt, now wet with expectation. After a little while there appeared a halo around the two bodies and what can only be described as a linen thread like filament touched the head of the shaft of the Druids wand and led up smoke like to the moon. It dissipated in the distance but continued to waft in the gentle breeze. The queen and the druid soaked up the power of the moon and eventually grew so bright that the whole district was awakened by the light. The confused birds breaking into morning birdsong as if the sun was rising. The dogs stopped howling and sat frightened by the gates of the rath. Then it was over, as fast as it had arrived. The birds stopped the dogs howled and people went back to sleep.

In the guard room Stefan felt a surge of power fill him up, his entrails burning as they did when his beloved druid fucked him but only twice as powerful and intense. He could sense the druid on him even though he was not there. He could feel his man's body pressing him into the fur of the bed even though he was surrounded by the prone bodies of the girl warriors all snoring and scratching around him. Turlach was close by with several girls holding various parts of his body. He had a smile on his face which was a total disgrace. He sensed the movement by Stefan and opened one eye to look. He saw Stefan grinding the fur under his groin as if he was fucking it. There was a strange light shining on top of him which was barely perceptible and his ass opened and closed as if it was being penetrated by a massive ghostly cock. Turochs cock was sore and tired but it responded to this sight like a true warrior. He moved cat like to this travelling companion and watched closely as the boy was fucked and fucked at the same time. He manoeuvred himself in front of Stefan's face lifting it up and placing his enormous cock into his mouth. Stefan took it all and sucked as if in a trance. The dream like activity continued in the moonlight. Turoch was mesmerised by the situation and could feel the power surging through the boy. His cock throbbed as Stefan sucked his very life out of him. He managed to place his balls also into his mouth, this was strange indeed, magic in fact most people only ever managed to put half his cock into their mouths or holes. This was so strange so perfect. He had never felt this before his whole body was being sucked into Stefan's mouth, he was being devoured whole and was loving it. He felt as though it was the most natural thing in the world. The whole room was beginning to disappear into a fireball of extrasensory pleasure. The two men were starting to glow and moan, it became so loud that the girls woke and moved back to watch the spectacle. The intensity of the sport between the two men was gripping and the girls decided to join in, they finger fucked each other, sucked tits and kissed rubbing themselves against the two wild men lovers as they did so the glow grew. It became a blaze as more and more of the girls touched each other and made contact with the men, even indirectly. The whole room became a Furness and reached a crescendo of pleasure, the like of which was never seen and would never be seen again in this place. Each and every person orgasmed at the same instant howling and crying and shouting and screaming.

The dawn arrived and a sense of peace and pleasure reigned all over the rath, it was if the whole population, human, animal and vegetable had experienced the same magic powerful love charm. The colours of the flowers and plants in and around the rath looked more vivid, the animals were handsomer and more lively. There was a communal smile on every ones face.

The Druid slept like a dead man.

Next: Chapter 7

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