The Energy Bubble

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Jun 14, 2023



The Energy Bubble

A story about the God of Death Anubis who comes to Earth to save it from the humans and a 20 year boy he befriends.

Anubis walked into the massive chamber and was asked to sit down in the circle of masters. The twelve masters had been in conference for a couple of hours and now they had reached a decision.

Antaris the master of masters stood up and addressed them.

"Anubis, you are the god of death, you are instructed once more to travel to the planet earth. The planet is on the verge of collapse and the indigenous humans are killing the natural resources. You are instructed as follows

Firstly reduce the human population by half, secondly disarm all nuclear weapons and thirdly ensure that all burning of fossil fuels is stopped. Of course the humans must have some way of keeping warm and of powering the planet so you may give them the knowledge of turning water into power. You may reveal yourself to the humans and remove their reliance on religions which has in our view been the backbone of their problems. You should report back here in 100 years.

Anubis was shocked but proud to be selected for this task. It was two thousand years since he had visited earth and he was aware of how badly things were going on the planet.

Anubis stood and bowed to the masters. With no further interaction he left the room.

Walking down the corridor he smiled to himself. This job was just his cup of tea and would give him once more to interact sexually with the humans.

Anubis was one of the race called "The antaris". They were so advanced that they were the de-facto masters of the universe and so powerful that all over races considered them as Gods. Their natural form was a reptilian type. Immensely strong but now able to shift-change to any form they liked.

Travelling the vast distance to Earth would take but a couple of days and then he could begin his work of devastation. He was going to have fun.

He landed in the outpost in Antarctica and powered up the series of caverns which he had not used for two thousand years. The humans had not found them since they were 20 km deep under the ice. He reviewed the news channels to update himself on local events.

His first task would be to generate some income for the energy system. He had decided to call it "energy bubble" since the power came from water.

Firsty he had open himself some legitimate bank accounts and then to to generate some legal money he hit a series of casinos and walked away with over a million pounds in a few hours. After that the casinos barred him but that did not matter. He bought a small factory in Brighton, England and advertised for a handful of engineers to build his "energy bubble" units. A "energy bubble" unit was about the size of a car battery. Putting one cup of water into it would power a whole normal house for a year. The era of governments overcharging tax for power was about to be over. Anubis was aware he would be a target for governments and businesses trying to shut him down.

He has chosen a very pleasant visual body to appear as. He was a tall muscled dark haired man of about 35. He gave himself deep blue eyes which people could not help stair at!

After one year of work his units were ready and he was about to unleash his termination of oil and and gas on Earth to be replaced by his energy units. Firstly though he had one vital task to do and that was the disabling of nuclear weapons. He had brought with him a special isotope with which he fired into the upper atmosphere. Within a few hours the spores would have traversed the earth and disabled all nuclear power, including power stations. He doubted that any of this would reach the media. No government wanted to admit that they had lost the ability to carry out a nuclear strike!

A week later mission accomplished he reckoned he had earned a few days of relaxation. He wanted once more to experience the pleasure of human sex. His own race knew little of love. Sex was for procreation only and they did not make life long pairings. He wondered if he wanted a boy or a girl this time. He has experienced both. He was making plans in his mind for the weekend.

Friday morning had come. He made a booking to the Brighton Hotel on the waterfront. He was going to have two days of fun. He had decided he wanted to have fun with a human who wanted him. If it came to it he was very capable of forcing the human but that would come on one of his bad days when he needed to. If that happened he would have to terminate the human. Half of the humans on the planet would die anyway and who was going to arrange that was yet to be settled.

He arrived at Brighton mid morning and walked around a little. He settled down in the restaurant of his hotel and consumed a fabulous lobster. Money was not an issue. At 2pm he checked in and went up to his room. He changed to some blue swim shirts and a tee shirt. He grabbed a towel and made his way out of the hotel and over to the beach to find a human to have sex with.

He walked first up the beach one kilometre and then back again. He was aware that he was being stared at by just about everyone on the beach. On his walk up the beach he had spied about 2 girls and 3 boys he thought interested him. They all looked about 20. Well tanned, good bodies and very cute. Eventually he decided that today he would have a boy and he walked up the crowded beach and made it look as though he was searching for a place to put his towel. The boy's eyes caught his and he asked if it was ok that he sat there.

The boy was a little shocked but quickly nodded yes of course.

Anubis took his shirt off and looked over to the boy offering a handshake "I am Jack" said Anubis. "David", said the boy. They shook hands. Nothing was said for a few minutes but Anubis could feel the boy stealing glances and him and his body. The boy was interested. It was time to push ahead with the game of "chat up lines" . He was looking forward to the game.

Anubis had his charm ready. "Just here for the day?" he said.

The boy looked over a little embarrassed and said "yes - trying to get a bit of sun"

David looked to be about 20. Well built without any body hair and with a good size bulge in his front"

"Are you here alone? Said Anubis daring the boy to meet his eyes

"Yes" replied David "Just by myself "taking a day off from studying"

Anubis was happy to hear the boy offering information. It was a good sign.

Anubis wanted to push it further "I am going for a dip in the water. Care to join me?"

Now the boy was challenged. If he said yes then the fish was on the end of the hook.

"Er yes, it is a little warm" . David added the words to justify himself.

They walked down to the water and Anubis walked straight into the water. He swam up and down and used his reptilian strength to power through the water.

"You swim like a pro" said David.

"Thanks," said Anubis, "it takes practice and training. You look to be in good shape so you could do it as well"

David blushed at the mention of his body. He was seriously attracted to this man who was about 15 years his senior.

They walked back up the beach and lay down. It was more relaxed this time and they fell into a talk of what they did and where they lived. Daivd was at college in London studying physics and Anubis said he was in the engineering business. As Anubis starred at David it was clear that David went into bouts of embarrassment and erections. Anubis knew he would have the boy that evening.

It was getting late afternoon. Anubis looked over to the boy and said "well it looks like we enjoy each other's company. Would you like to come and join me at a good restaurant and spend some time together?"

David said that he did not really have the funds for expensive restaurants. Anubis quickly said that this was a his treat and he should think nothing of it.

David accepted.

Anubis stood up and said "well let's go back to my hotel and have a shower before we go and get some food"

David quickly stood up and followed the man. They left the beach with all eyes on them. Many of the men were envious of David.

They reached the penthouse hotel room. It was the best in the hotel. David moved into and looked out of the window. He realised this man had money. Anubis walked over to him and said "shall we get some of that salt off and get a shower?"

David nodded.

They both took their shirts and shorts off and stood naked in front of each other. David could not help but stare. He blushed when he saw Anubis looking at him.

"Into the shower then" said Anubis

David had not expected it but Anubis followed him into the shower. The hot water flowed over David's body and Anubbis took a handful of soap and began to wash David's back.

"Turn round " he said

David turned round. They faced each other. Anubis soaped him up and down not once touching his cock which was now rock hard and sticking upwards.

Finally Anubis cupped David's cock and their mouths met in a long hard kiss.

"Please be gentle with me," said David. "I have done this before a couple of times but I am not very experienced".

"Trust me" said Anubis "I shall be firm but gentle"

David felt Anubis and explored his body. David could feel the strength in the man. He was in no doubt this man could do what he wanted to. David was a loving type and wanted more than just pure sex. He loved to kiss and cuddle and Anubis did not quite understand this concept. David wanted his cock and bent down to take Anubis in his mouth. Anubis was now hard and his cock was enormous. David swallowed as much as he could. Anubis took hold of the boy's head and pushed him further and further. David gagged on the hard. Anubis pulled back and apologised. He let David make the pace. After 5 minutes Anubis told him to turn round. He bent the boy over and used a reptilian tongue to explore David's arse. His tongue warmed up David and went deep. David was in heaven at the feeling.

"That's so deep," he moaned.

"I will be giving you much more very soon," said Anubis.

"Please be careful," said David.

Anubis led him by the hand out of the shower. He laid David on his back and Anubis moved on his knees with his cock at the entrance to David's hole. Anubis had been prepared and had lube in the bedside cabinet. He applied a good amount to David's arse.

"Take a deep breath"

With that Anubis put the end into David's arse. David's hard exploded. The cock was enormous and he tried to move backwards. Anubis was holding him tight and David could not move.

"Don't struggle, the pain won't last long, I will be careful"

With that Anubis moved slowly in and out and finally after 5 minutes all the way to the hilt.

David felt split in two parts. He could not move and when he tried to move it had no effect. He was totally fucked and now the pain had left him was really enjoying it.

Anubis moved in and out for 20 minutes. He could feel David with all the massage on his prostate was about to cum. Just at the same time Anubis felt him cum rising and they came together. Most men would cum a few drops of cum but Anubis would produce half a litre. The cum was pushed deep up into David's arse. David felt like he was on a different planet which of course was partially true.

Not once or 5 times but 25 times he shot into David's arse. This truly was heaven. Some 5 minutes later Anubis went soft and pulled out of David. The cum gushed out. David could hardly move. His legs had been beside his neck for 30 minutes and were numb.

Anubis laid down beside David.

"I hope that was ok? " he asked.

"I can hardly describe it" replied David.

"Let's shower and go out and eat,"said Anubis.

David wanted to kiss and cuddle some more but it looked like this man was into sex only.

They showered quickly and left the room for a meal of lobster downstairs.

The restaurant was nearly empty. I was far too expensive for most people. They were able to speak freely when the waiters were not close.

"Do you like it?" said Anubis

"It was exotic" replied David blushing

Anubis liked this boy. Not love he thought but he was fond of the way he walked and talked and blushed. He may not have to terminate him after all. He also began to think that he may be able to use David in the distribution of the free energy device.

They ate a fantastic meal. David began to look down at his watch.

"Going somewhere?" said Anubis

"Well my train goes at 9pm to London and I can't miss it"

"You are staying here with me tonight. I will pay for a new ticket for you tomorrow. I want you in my bed again"

"I am not sure I can take any more tonight" said David

"I can give you some cream to help that," replied Anubis. Actually it was just an ordinary cream but Anubis should apply sonic repair on the flesh. David would not know the difference.

David did not feel like he could say no and he agreed. He was more than a little worried about the hammering his arse was going to get.

David told about his college. He was a loner and spent time either studying or training. His parents did not care since he told them he was gay. He had little money and had to work tables to make up the rent and food.

"Well" said Anubis "that's all over. I think I can find you something to do in my company"

Anubis thought that he had found a perfect boy. He was a loner, a physics student, parents who did not care and he could fuck him whenever he chose. He really wasn't a fan of terminating his sex partners but it had happened in the past.

David looked up worried "Can we take it a little slower this time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well some kisses and cuddles and stroking and maybe some massage, you know, just slower?"

"Sure thing kid" said Anubis.

They went back to the room. Anubis said "take you clothes off and lie face down on the bed"

David was worried he was going to be fucked hard there and then but Anubis showed him the cream and told him to close his eyes.

Anubis got down between David's legs and moved his tongue to David's hole. He began to vibrate his tongue and began to expand it into the whole. David was moaning with pleasure. The tongue went deeper and deeper. David could not know it but he went 20cm deep into his rectum. David was sweating and shivering with pleasure. Eventually he pulled out and Daviid relaxed.

David got up smiling. Why don't we watch some football and get on the sofa and cuddle a bit. Anubis did as he was asked. David moved forward to take his master's clothes off and Anubis helped. After that David snuggled in to him and Anubis wrapped his arms around the boy, his arms falling naturally on David's cock.

After a few minutes David began to grind his hips backwards and massaged the cock of Anubis. The horse cock began to grow and David could feel it pushing into his cheeks.

"Do you want it?" said Anubis

"Yes, yes - but please let me work it in"

With that David ensured the cock was at his entrance and he pushed backwards. The cock pushed slowly in and began its way into David's rectum. 5cm, 7cm, 10cm, 15cxm. David held still. He could still feel at least 10 cm more outside his hole.

Anubis massaged David's cock whilst they watched the TV. David gently bobbed back and forward on the massive cock.

"Do you want more" asked Anubis

"Yes, yes fuck me some more" said David

Anubis picked up the boy as though he was a feather, his cock never falling out. He turned David to face him and held the boy off the ground under his legs. With that Anubis pushed upwards and the last 10cm moved into David.

David squealed. He was held tight and could not move in any way to ease the pressure. Anubis lifted him up and down. David had no control, Anubis had all the control.

Anubis kept this up for 15 minutes with David almost passing out with pleasure, not pain.

David's prostate was under so much pressure he came not once but twice. The second time Anubis came deeply into his arse with the usual half litre of cum. After a few minutes Anubis let him down and laid him on the sofa to recover.

David could not speak for 10 minutes. He has some experience with sex before but this was like having sex with an animal. Actually it was not so far from the truth. Anubis was closer to a reptilian in his natural form.

"I don't understand how you do that?" said David "I mean its fantastic but it seems more than human"

Anubis smiled. "I have my secrets young man. If you are willing there is a lot more we can find to do"

David blushed once more. Anubis went out to get some shorts and by the time he came back David was asleep with exhaustion. Anubis turned to his planning for human termination.

Actually he was quite clear in his task. He would terminate all humans over 60 and also all those in jail or in hospital. This was a little harsh for some but for the most part if they were in jail then they were not a benefit to society. He would begin with the prisons next week. It would only create minor panic. Nobody would care about them and the governments surely would not !

The next morning they woke and David felt himself beginsucked by Anubis. It felt like he was having his sperm extracted! He readily came on instruction and was glad his arse was not violated once more. They ate a hearty breakfast after which Anubis called a taxi to take them to the station.

Actually Anubis did not need to travel by such simple methods but he wanted the time to talk to Daivd about being the front-end of his energy company. Anubis really only wanted to be a silent controlling partner.

Anubis offered him one thousand pounds per day. David thought he was just joking but Anubis told him to create an empty bank account and then to come to him a week later at his factory in Brighton. David could for the most part work from home in London and make it join in with his studies.

David only realised he was telling the truth when the money started ticking in. David worried if it was some sort of illegal action such as drug dealing but after a tour of the factory David realised the incredible project he had got involved with.

At the end of the day they sat down to summarise the activities. He was to make some TV ads and handle the press. He could use his physics background to good benefit to explain the technology. He would also get 10% of the proffit which would be billions!

It was about time for David to get back on the train. He had wondered if Anubis was going to require his body once more but the approach did not come.

As if Anubis could read his mind, which he could, he said "and yes I do want your body again but not on this visit. I want you here every Friday at noon and we will stay in this hotel each Friday evening where we will have sex. You must be naked at all times in the hotel room. You may not have sex with anybody else during the week. You may not masturbate either. You are mine. And yes you will get fucked in ways you cannot believe.."

David blushed furiously. His cock was hard but he understood he was not going to get fucked that day.

As David left to turn away to get his taxi to the station he heard Anubis say "and don't be concerned if you hear of dramatic events in the news."

David wondered what he meant.

The next week started and on Wednesday there was panic as it seemed as if all the prison population went down with a virus which killed within a day. Much like the Spanish flu of the 1920's. There was no total lockdown but people around the world became very distant from each other.

It did not click in David's mind that this had been the event Anubis was referring to. What he did notice was the thousand pounds which ticked into his bank account each day!

David got busy with ad campaigns and getting layers arranged to make contracts for the energy bubble. He arranged for 2 layers to be present at Brighton on Friday at 2pm. Also he went to see 2 ad companies to see what they could do. It was going to be a little difficult without telling them about the actual product. Anubis has just told him to get them down to Brighton for a briefing.

He had not had sex for over a week now. His arse had recovered but he was horny as most 20 years were. He kept himself to studying and training to make it pass over. He could feel his cum building up in his scrotum and he hoped he could hold out until Friday.

He took the train from Victoria at 10.45 which got him to Brighton at 11.45 and then a taxi ride got him to be at the factory at 12 noon. The layers would arrive at 12.30 and the ad companies at 2pm and 3pm respectively.

Anubis greeted him with a big smile and a good hug but no kiss. David said it was all arranged. Anubis led David to the conference room which was all laid out by the secretary Anne - a rather older plan woman.

Anubis whispered to David "I want to kiss you now but Anne is rather old fashioned and the world is not really ready for our form of relationship yet". David nodded with understanding.

The layers arrived and they were asked to sign a non disclosure agreement. Anubis briefed them and it was agreed they would look after the contracts with the selling agents. There would be no patent since governments would simply steal them. It was safer since if the energy bubble was opened then no early scientist could find out how the thing was built! They would also deal with a firm of accountants to pay tax and other monetary matters. It was all rather boring.

The ad firms came and went. They got told about an energy bubble to give electricity to a whole household which simply plugged into the existing grid. It seemed so simple and when the significance of the product sank in their brains went off in all sorts of directions. Anubis simply told them to come back in exactly two weeks time with their presentations.

It was 4pm and Anubis looked over to David. Well done young man. Let's get back to the hotel. With nobody else in the room Anubis held David close to him and gave him a keep tongue kiss with and sucked the air out of David. David was immediately hard. Anubis reached down and felt the boy.

"I can see you are ready. Lets go"

A taxi arrived and within 5 minutes they were in the penthouse flat. Remember what Anubis had told him David took off all his clothes.

"Good boy," said Anubis. "You remembered. Now get yourself into the shower whilst I make us a cocktail. Lets sit on the veranda for a while"

David came out naked once more a few minutes later and sat on the sofa next to Anubis.

"I can't quite believe this," said David. "I find one thousand pounds per day in my account and now myself here naked with a hunk like you. Why me?"

Anubis looked over to him and said "because I feel your heart is pure and clean and good"

Anubis pushed him back into the sofa and kissed David deeply.

"I need you now" said Anubis. He stood up whilst David was still sitting.

"Suck me" said Anubis "We need to train your mouth. Breath through your nose and lets see how deep you can take it"

"Please be careful" said David

"Ok said Anubis "I will not move, it's all up to you"

With that David gently pulled the Shorts and underwear of Anubis down and moved his lips over the erect cock. It was massive. How could he possibly get it down him. Not once but 20 times David gagged and pulled off but he discovered that indeed Anubis did not move.

"How would you cope with my sperm in your mouth David?"

"I would probably choke," David replied. "I may be able to manage it one day but I don't think I am good enough yet"

Anubis let David by the hand over to bed. He had been thinking about feelings and love and he wanted to try and fele what humans did or at least try.

"Ok David, let's take this at your pace. What do you want to do?"

David raised hi chin and offered his mouth to Anubis

"Kiss me" said David

Of course this started a rage of sexual positions. Mouth to mouth, mouth to cock and mouth to arse. Lastly Daivd knew he was going to get fucked. David could feel that Anubis was just going about lifting his legs over his shoulders when David said "Can I drive?"

Anubis let go and David said "Lie on your back"

With that David applied the lube and slowly sat on the tool. He slowly went down on it. After the fifth try and five minutes he managed to get to the root. Anubis had never felt so much pleasure and even a strange twinge of affection for this boy.

David bobbed up and down for 20 minutes. Anubis never tried to plunge into him. This position had the added benefit that Anubis had access to David rock hard cock which was dripping pre-cum continuously.

Anubis could feel that David was about to cum. The pressure on his prostate was too much to bear.

"I am going to cum" said David

"That's lovely David lets see it"

No longer than 10 seconds later he shot into the air and it landed on the chest of Anubis.

"My turn" said Anubis

With that his cock enlarged and the journey of his sperm began. The half litre spewed into David's arse deep into his rectum. David had got to love the feel of it. It was warm and sticky and filled him completely. Anubis held him in place for a further 5 minutes. Reluctantly he let David off and the sperm flowed out between them. They both fell asleep in a sea of cum for 30 minutes.

Sixty minutes later they had showered and went out to eat. Anubis had found a different but secluded restaurant. In the taxi Anubis held David's hand. Anubis was indeed getting feelings for this human but he was content and he hoped the boy was content.

David had a big steak and Anubis had two lobsters. With money in the bank David no longer had to be careful. He had not realised how rich he was soon to be.

After eating Anubis looked up and was serious

"I want to talk you "

"Yes" said David

"I need to talk to you about trust. Your world is about to go crazy. As long as you do what I tell you and trust in me completely then nothing bad will happen to you. However, you can no longer live in London. It will soo be too dangerous for you."

David looked confused

"You must move into my factory space. I have built a secure housing into which you should move. You can carry on your studies but very soon it will become impossible to travel for a while."

Anubis continued

"This device's marketing will change the world. Governments will want it and will try and take it. They may try to get to you to get to me. I need to protect you. You will come back here next Friday and stay here"

They went back to the hotel room and sat on the terrace with a coffee.

David cuddled back into David's chest like last time and they watched football. Anubis massaged David's cock and brought him to the verge 20 times before letting him shoot over the floor. David fell asleep and Anubis carried him to bed. Without knowing it Anubis shot a small GPS location finder into his neck. It was simply a security measure.

David awoke next morning and rushed into the lounge saying how sorry he was to have fallen asleep last night.

He discovered that Anubis did not seem to mind.

"It's Saturday," said Anubis. "Let's go and see the sights of Brighton.

With that they went out for breakfast, The Brighton pier and the Pavilion.

At 4pm Anubis said "I know you train is at 7pm so lets go and fuck until then"

David did not complain.

Instead of going to the hotel they went to the factory where he found that Anubis showed him the housing section. David had his own room. It was luxurious and very very secure.

"Take your clothes off," said Anubis. "I need you now"

Anubis bent him over the table and explored David's arse with his tongue. David was being warmed up. He knew he was about to cum. Anubis lifted one leg and David was spread at nearly 180 degrees. He felt the tongue withdraw and a hard object pressed against him. Anubis was gentle, David trusted him.

Anubis pushed forward a dozen times until the whole of his cock was deep inside David. There was a mirror on the wall and David could see how long it was. He was shocked that he could take so much. Anubis fucked him for 30 minutes. In that time David had cum three times and eventually Anubis shot his load into David. David nearly fainted with the feeling of warmth and pressure.

A few minutes later Anubis pulled out. David was weak and used. Anubis carried him to the bed.

"Are you ok?" said Anubis

"Totally fucked" said David.

David reached over to kiss Anubis. Anubis was still not quite used to after sex affection but we accepted it and enjoyed it.

Anubis put him on the train. Anubis whispered "dont worry if you hear about people in hospitals dying. You will not be harmed. See you here next Friday with you suitcases"

Once again this little warning went straight over David's head but he would be back next Friday.

Sure enough on the Wednesday he heard that everybody in hospitals had the same illness and those in the prisons. They all died the same day. There was much panic in society but David was healthy it seemed.

David arrived at Brighton at noon. The roads and trains were very empty. Many people were staying at home.

David had his own area in which Anubis would not follow and the common area. In the common area David was to be naked and at risk of being fucked at any time.

During the first week The ad company and the layers initiated the sale of the energy bubble. It was little less than panic with the phone always ringing and government organisations requesting meetings. oiF course they were worried about a loss of tax revenue and looked for loopholes , but there were none.

Anubis simply said "buy one and find out".

The sale was handled by 10 distributors around Europe.

Within two months Anubis had shut down both gas and oil as source. The current stock would last for a while but very soon the knowledge of the shutdown would reach the ordinary person and his sales would rocket even further. He was not concerned about income, only the effect on the planet. He transferred 40% of the business to David. David was worth billions but did not know it yet.

Anubis had agreed that David's arse was to delicate to get fucked every evening but he did insist it would be at least once a week on Friday. Otherwise David could come and ask at any time for good fucking. It worked for both of them. David liked it best when he sat on Anubis making him cum several times and then feel the half litre deep into his arse. David was now able to deep throat. David would lie on his back on the edge of the bed so that his throat was straight. Anubis could then slowly put his cock deeply into his mouth until the cock was half down his throat. He was able to breathe through his nose. It was very exotic and scary. He could not yet risk taking sperm at the same time.

Anubis had one more action to carry out. That was the termination of all those over 60.

"How old are your parents?" asked Anubis.

"62 and 63" replied David

Anubis thought about this. He did not want David to become unhappy. He decided to make the termination age at 65 and then to find other candidates such as drug dealers, sex pests and those not in useful employment. Anubis decided not to tell David.

The next week Anubis had his plans ready. Millions died all round the world. Society broke down for 6 months and few travelled out of their homes. However with time it would blow over.

Governments tried to pull Anubis into court to say his device was a weapon and they needed control over it. They tried to kidnap both Anubis and David. Kidnap was not a problem to Anubis, He simply killed them on the stop at the first sign of trouble.

David stayed loyal to Anubis and they were happy with the factory accommodation and their agreement.

Anubis thought of how and when to tell him that he was not of this planet. That he was not human. He had come to like and even love David. He did not want things to change. Anubis put off telling David as it was Friday. - sex day. He wanted a good night of sex with David with the new sling he had set up in the cellar. Roll on 4pm he thought!!

David was waiting for him at 4pm. He was naked with his cock already hard.

"I passed my final exams" said David.

"Fantastic, let's celebrate darling" said Anubis." Let's get into the pool with a drink and then I have a present for you in the cellar"

David noted that Anubis called him "darling" and smiled.

Anubis had learned love and affection - but he still wanted to fuck David and soon!

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