The Eternity Chapter

By John Bromfield

Published on Apr 22, 2020



The Eternity Chapter By

I live not far from the beach and because it's not far it is rarely visited by me unless a visitor or family come to stay. In that case I play happy families and glad to see them go back to their places in the country or the big cities.

The bikers come to town (In summer) every Thursday. Sometimes the police will give an escort just for the joy of being with fellow bikers. In ten years there has been some smacked wrists for doing wheelies along the promenade.

This warm summer evening I decide to go for a walk and hear the roar of motorbike engines.

Thinking to myself mmm all that skin tight black leather that looks oh so sexy on a man.

Suddenly my walking pace increases at that thought.

On arrival to the seafont many bikers had already parked up. Down the strait comes ten bikes all identical including their black leather. My cock starts to swell and I have to adjust its position. The lead biker as he comes to stop his front brakes lock solid and is thrown over the handlebars as it happen I noticed an oval hole in the leathers exposing his ass for all to see.(Nice) Running forward I help the man up "Thanks mate. Those fucking new brake pads just seized up on me" The bikers soon picked up the bike and parked it next to all the others. No damage done just someone's pride dented.

The leader of the bikers was tall blond with green eyes. It was a time before I realised he had said something to me. "Sorry what did say?" Still looking into his eyes he smiled. "My name is Clinton and leader of "The Eternity Chapter" would you like to come for a drink". Now he knew something of his plan was finally falling into place. I said barely above a whisper "Yes, yes please" "Come on then" as he placed his arms around my shoulders I felt safe and maybe loved too.

The bar was the sort that had seen much trouble in the past but since the Navy Base closed its doors, it had become a backwater with very few customers. Ten bikers and myself brought a smile to the landlords face as glasses of beer filled the bar. One placed before me "Drink" Clinton asked me if I wanted to join the club with no fees and by the way was I Gay? As I swallowed a large gulp of lager I said yes to both. "I wont tell you everything but you get more satisfying sex than you have ever had before. There is a test all my men have been through and none have complained but to gain your leathers and become a member you will obey and trust me." He grabs my chin and make me look into those eyes "Understand!!!" "Yes leader" He downs his beer while I notice every biker's leathers sitting at the bar had a oval hole exposing their ass and most probably every one was much available.

"What is your name? I need it for the ledger" There was no sign of a book so I assumed it was to be filled in later. "David Cross born 28th September 2000 at Bishop's Cove. I am single. Any other information required" another pint arrived for Clinton and takes a long gulp. "Good that's all. Right from now on you obey me. Do you understand? I was late in a reply. "I said do you understand?" showing his teeth "Sorry Sir please forgive me" I look at the floor and he takes my chin look at him again "Trust me all will be fine soon. There are things to be done that I am not going to explain here. Now follow me" He leads me to the toilets and two men in leather come with us as guards or helpers. Clinton downs the last of his drink and orders one of them to get him another drink. "End trap and take off clothes and sit on the pan" I obey and sit on the pan "Right open your mouth and drink" He pushes his cock into my mouth and a very slow stream of piss enters my mouth so I am able to drink it all. Now I have tasted my own piss but this was like apple juice. The steady stream continued until my stomach could hold no more. My head was buzzing. There was a knock on the door and another pint of beer appeared and Clint downed in less than a minute.

"Now present your ass to me this will be uncomfortable but necessary" I turn and Clint's cock finds my rosebud his is cock to look at has a very small bell-end and then very thick at the base. Because of this it slips inside with very little resistance. I moan "Oh yes" "Its time to give you a good clean inside David" Clint starts to fill my ass with his piss with a constant pressure. There is pain but he starts to rub my belly allowing he piss to do its work. "Now sit on the pan and get rid of my piss" shit and piss fills the pan oh the relief. I wipe my ass clean and flush. "Again I need to wash your insides again" I turn and he starts filling me again but this time it seem easier. I was getting a little drunk from the recycled beer but also something in me felt there were changes going on. A minute later he says "Time to discharge my cleaning fluids" willingly I sit on the pan Oh that feels a lot better and flush. "Now its time to make you a queen your majesty. Present your ass to me this will cause you a little pain but will soon be over." I turn and Clint re-enters my ass and starts to fuck in gentle strokes and its not long before I hear the "Oh fuck yes Oh yes Aaaaah " and he holds me tight. "That's your starters the main delivery next" Now he had been using only half his cock to fuck me. This time the full 8 inches comes into play with that huge base of his cock. Fucking like the rut hard and deep then I heard him say "Oh no No oh fuck, fuck yes yes aaaah Mmmmm Yes my Queen aaaaaah" his cock rams home and pulls me tight to get every glorious inch in. The bell-end expands and pump pump as Clint cock gushes forth again and again deep inside of me. He was a heavy cummer and realised the need to be flush so he could fill me with his seed. We were locked together for half an hour before his cock would disengage. He rocked me backwards and forwards in a gentle embrace. "Oh my sweet lady thankyou for joining us" as his cock finally released from my sore ass Clint replaced it with a but-plug that fitted perfectly. "It takes 2 hours for my seed to work and you are not going to waste any of it" indeed I felt full of his cum but also an itch around my rosebud but the plug was there. While Clint had been fucking me into tomorrow a one piece black leather outfit with ass access built in. He kisses me in gently "Your inform is ready for you to wear. You need to wear it now because we are leaving soon" He leaves while I put the one piece leathers on. Well they are skin tight as though they were made to measure. A pair of motorcycle light boots that were my size and a pair of light leather gloves. The mirror above the wash basins showed me as sex on legs. Wow you look fucking wonderful I said to myself. I don't know why but my clothes in the trap were all forgotten and even my wallet and creditcards. I was in the afterglow of sex and carrying Clinton's gift deep inside Mmmmmmmm

On entering the bar area all the men stood in line each giving hugs and kisses to welcome me into the Eternity Motorcycle Chapter. Clinton above the chatter shouted to all to drink up we leave in 15 minutes. On that warm summer evening we stroll back to the bikes. The sea gently breaking on the sandy shore the full moon casting reflections on a smooth sea . Oh I am going to remember this day.

Clinton started his machine and I climbed on behind him putting my arms around him holding are bodies as close as possible. There was a pain in my ass like a burning feeling and like having a stomach upset but the vibration of the bike seemed to ease the pain. Note: Bikers often for no good reason travel miles just for the joy and feeling of being on a bike.

Clinton was on a time schedule he had to be somewhere and timing was critical. He had waited years for this moment. At last the final 10 were complete and his mission was a success meant he could go home for a well earned rest.

The bikers had been staying at a camping site but Clinton went past that down along straight roads onto the heathlands with single track roads turn right turn right and there it was a picnic area in the middle of nowhere but views were spectacular and the reason a carpark. It was empty except for ten men in a circle facing inwards. The boys park their bikes at the top and waited for instructions from Clinton as each knew something was going to happen but Clint was the boss. "Each of you has been selected a consort. He will look after all your needs. I repeat all your needs. He will love you like no other has. He has been trained as a soldier to defend you and if necessary die for you. Now David step forward and follow me." as I walk toward the cycle of men I start to worry. Clinton puts his hands on the shoulder of a tall blond guy. Oh yes this my kind of man. "Solaris this is your queen David and you will honour and obey him and supply all his needs" Solaris kneels and takes my hand and kisses it "To this I make my promise to serve my queen" his cock is stiff and mmmm right size for me too. The reason for all men turned inwards was that their leathers had a neat hole in the crutch area revealing their stiff cocks and large balls. Clint matched all the men to the bikers. All the bikers had broad smiles on their faces on seeing their new mates. Solaris was holding me firmly around the waist.

"You have 30 minutes to service your queen's needs and then we have to leave before sunrise. Reason is we need to hide our departure amongst the commercial air traffic. Well !!! what are you waiting for?"

Solaris picks me up and runs to the trees and lays me down gently on soft leaf litter. "Oh my queen I have waited years for this moment and the joy of even been selected to be your consort. Your majesty may I have access to your body?" His face screwed up with the urgency of need. "Sol remove the plug in my ass and then you can plant that cum you have stored for so long with that stiff piston of joy I see between your legs" I roll over onto my knees giving the view he wants to see under the light of a full moon and the first traces of dawn in the east.

Sol removed the plug but it was dry and no liquid leaked out. Sol places his cock in my entrance waiting for the signal I pull his ass checks closer and his cock easily slips in. At this point I notice something is different. There are rows of muscles roll up and down sending waves of pleasure to the brain my whole body tingles with joy. Oh so much mmmmm

Breathless I tell or order Sol "Give it you me I want it, fuck me harder " streams of joy fill my brain. Sol says "My queen I am nearly there ohhh please no please please Aaaaaah" his thrusts get harder as I feel his orgasm rising and it happens he ram home and stays there I feel the pump pump of joy filling my insides. Sol has tears rolling down his cheeks locked in the moment of joy. "Oh my queen I had no idea I will make love to you forever" his bell-end had swollen just like Clint's had. "Now be good enough to replace the plug as I don't want to make a mess" he cleans the plug and lift me up for a kiss and reinserts the plug making me moan in his mouth. "Thankyou your majesty"

Clint's breaks the magic moment "Men return to me now your time is up. Transport is ready to leave. Stop what you are doing Now!!" Sol takes my hand and we run to Clint. Men are appearing from all directions and running to him. Clint counts them in. One pair left now. "Boradear here now!!! or we leave you behind" from the left comes a pair running as fast as they can. "Sorry leader it wont happen again" not wanting to look at Clint.

To the north lies a vast hole in the shape of a dish and in a place like that ideal to hide a spaceship. It had risen slightly so now visible. Beneath the rim a walkway is lowered to the road. "Quick men time is short" each consort holds the hand of their man and disappears into the craft as the last enters the gantry is raised. Consorts have their accommodation with an added feature a secure place for their Queens. Sol straps me to a bed and explains space travel can get rough specially if you are trying to leave earth without too many people noticing. He straps himself into a seat beside me and holds my hand. "Attention lift-off programmed for 30 seconds all personnel to be set in lift-off mode, Warning lift-off immanent" There is a huge lurch to one side and a roar and vibration. My hand grips Sol hand tighter as now my eyes see three Sols sitting beside me. "Hyper-speed in ten seconds." I close my eyes and I sleep. I awake and Sol is not with me. I cry out to him no answer a few moments later he enters. "Where have you been?" "I went to check with the other consorts to see how their queens were doing and to bring you this special drink" he places on the side within reach.

"Question oh spaceman. Why do you call me and the others Queens?" Sol looks awkward "Ah well on our planet all the women died but Clinton managed to isolate their DNA and put that into his own body so Clinton is a carrier of the female profile. For years he has sort to find a race similar to ours to impregnate those genes. Earthlings were perfect but the females their genes were not a match but Gay men were an exact match. Clinton's piss contain those genes and cleaned your insides. Next Clinton double fucked yes? That put enough of our female DNA to change other areas and a plug was used so none would be lost. Your diet is a liquid one form then onward. You have a man-cunt now and you are carrying our babies. That's why you are called Queens. The consorts were selected as best heavy cummers and willing to fuck you whenever wherever you request it."

"So the deed has been done now and can't be reversed it. When are our children to be born?"

"Sooner than you think they are growing fast. This drink will make you strong and it feeds the babies too" I drink the sweet tasting liquid and drift of to sleep.

I wake all my body is in pain I have a mega headache, chest pains and sore nipples are exposed while my ass feels as though some bastard has given me an oversized but-plug. "Sol what the fucks going on. I am in pain Sol, Sol please" He stands there with Clinton. "My queen it is time for our babies to be born" He lifts my legs and that eases the pain a little. Sol says "Come on little one come to Daddy" quickly the first comes out and washed and placed of my nipple and begins to suck. Soon the second baby joins the other and the pain in my chest stops. Sol kisses me and I am given lots of liquid nectar to drink. When I drink I drift of to sleep when I awake no babies. "Sol where are my babies" I look left and right "Relax they were sent to the nursery and are now attending school" "School?" "Yes they grow superfast then the ageing slows down. Clinton is 500 years old and is still not an old person."

"Sol am I ready for to have sex again?" A broad smile appeared across his face "Then super stud can we have lots sex before the children arrive again. I want that stiff cock inside blowing my mind in joy. "My queen my cock is ready to serve you" "Good can we start like now I really have the need for a man's cock inside my man-cunt right like NOW!" Sol smiles

Already his cock is rock hard and ready to serve

Notes: Yes all the Eternity Chapter had been converted to having man-cunts. All have children and love the idea of a consort who must fuck them when they need it (Wouldn't we all and dress in skin tight leather)

As the DNA had converted the club members to being Queens the gift also meant they lived to 1500 years (That's plenty of fucking time for anyone)

Yes the bikers do come the town in the summer

In the back streets there is a bar with a rough reputation where a blackman got me drunk and fucked me senseless 

To the north are camping sites, heathland and the biggest swallow hole in Europe that formed a huge dish shape. Ideal place to hide a flying saucer

Babies in the womb near to the time of birth send a hormone messenger to a woman's brain. That triggers a gland at the base of the brain that produces another hormone that makes breasts to produce milk. On rare occasions men can produce milk too.

In the story the motorcycles were found abandoned on the heathland. The motorbike club abandoned tents were found at the camp site. Police evidence collected at the scene and next of kin informed of a missing person report. At a bar at a local seaside town found the clothes and wallet of David Cross found by bar staff. Presumed missing with the other members of the motorbike gang. Rumours abound that they were abducted by aliens????? The mystery remains unsolved.

Will Clinton return to earth for some more breeding stock? Probably

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